Worksheet on Circumference and Area of Circle

Worksheets on finding Circumference and Area of Circle have problems on diameter, radius, and chord of a circle, circumference of a circle, area of a circle, circumference, and area of a circle, distinguishing between circumference and area of a circle, and so on. Area and Circumference of a Circle Worksheet include step-by-step solutions and formulas for all the problems.

Math Worksheet on Circumference and Area of Circle helps students to develop a strong knowledge of geometry and related concepts. Download the PDF Format of easily accessible Area and Circumference of Circle Worksheets and solve the questions for free.

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Circumference and Area of Circle Worksheets

I. If the circumference of a circular sheet is 321 m, find its area.


Given that,
The circumference of a circular sheet is =321 m
we know that circumference of the circle=2πr
2×22/7×r=321 m
r=321 m×7/22×1/2
=51 m
We know that area=πr2
A=22/7 × 51 × 51
=8174 sq m
Therefore, the Area of the circle is 8174 sq m.

II. The area of a circle is 748 cm². Find its circumference.


Given that,
The area of a circle is =748 cm²
we know that Area of the circle=πr2
r2=748/22 × 7
r=\(\sqrt{ 238 }\)
=15.42 cm
=2×22/7×15.42 cm
=96.92 cm
Therefore, the Circumference of the circle is 96.92 cm.

III. Find the area of a circle whose circumference is the same as the perimeter of the square of the side 11 cm.


Given that,
side of the square=11 cm
The circumference of the circle is the same as the perimeter of the square.
we know that the perimeter of the square is 4× side of a square.
=4(11)=44 cm.
2πr=44 cm
2×22/7×r=44 cm
r=7 cm
Area of the circle=πr2
=22/7 × 7 × 7
=154 sq cm
Therefore, the Area of the circle=154 sq cm.

IV. A circular sheet of radius 5 units is cut out from a circle of radius 10 units. Find the area of the remaining sheet?


Given that,
The area of the circular sheet with a 5cm radius is,
The area of the circular sheet with a 10cm radius is,
A=π×10 × 10
Since the circle with a radius of 5cm is removed, then the remaining area is,
A= 100π-25π
A=75 × 3.14
Therefore, The remaining area is 235.5 sq cm.

V. A thin wire is bent to form a circle. If the length of the wire is 484 meters. What is the area of the circle?


Given that,
Length of the wire=484 meters
2πr=484 m
r=77 m
Area of the circle=πr2
=18634 m
Therefore, the Area of the circle is 18634 m.

VI. The ratio of the radii of two circles is 3:7. Find the ratio of their circumferences?


Given that,
The ratio of the radii of two circles is =3:7
Let the radius of the first circle be r₁ and the radius of the second circle be r₂.
Circumference of a circle = 2πr
r₁ = 3x
r₂ = 7x
Circumference of the 1st wheel= 2πr₁
= 2π3x
= 6πx
Circumference of the 2nd wheel
= 2πr₂
= 2π7x
= 14πx
Now, the ratio of their circumference
= 6πx/14πx
= 6/14
= 3/7
= 3:7
Hence, the ratio of their circumference is 3:7.

VII. From a rectangular metal sheet of size 20 cm by 40 cm, a circular sheet as big as possible is cut. Find the area of the remaining sheet?


Given that,
Size of the rectangular metal sheet=20 cm by 40 cm
Area of rectangle=l×b=20 cm×40 cm=800 sq cm
Area of circle=πr2
we know that DiameterD=2r
Diameter of largest circle=length of the smallest side of the rectangle.
Here length of smaller side=20
=314.16 sq cm
Remaining Area=800 sq cm – 314.16 sq cm
= 485.84 sq cm.
Therefore, the Area of the remaining sheet is 485.84 sq cm.

VIII. The diameter of the circle is 4.9 cm. What is the circumference of the circle?


Given that,
The diameter of the circle is d =4.9 cm
we know that d=2r
=2 × 22/7 × 2.45
Therefore, The circumference of the circle is 15.4.

IX. The radius of a cycle wheel is 56 cm. Find the number of turns required to cover a distance of 1680 m?


Given that,
The radius of a cycle wheel is= 56 cm
We know that circumference of the circle=2πr
Circumference of the wheel=2 × 22/7 × 56 cm
=352 cm
=3.52 m
In one rotation, the cycle wheel covers a distance of 3.52 m,
So the number of rotations required to cover a distance of 1680 m is,
Hence, the number of rotations required is 477.

X. A well of diameter 180 cm has a stone parapet around it. If the length of the outer edge of the parapet is 840 cm, find the width of the parapet?


Given that,
Diameter=180 cm
radius=diameter/2=180/2=90 cm
The outer edge of parapet=840 cm
Let radius and diameter of the parapet is R respectively.
Since the length of the outer edge of the parapet =840 cm.
Therefore, 2πR=840cm
2R=840 cm/π
2R=840 cm × 7/22
Therefore, R=133 cm
Now, the width of the parapet=( Radius of parapet – Radius of the well)
=43 cm
Hence, the Width of the parapet is 43 cm.

XI. A storm is expected to hit 5 miles in every direction from a small town. What is the area that the storm will affect?


Given that,
Radius=5 miles
We know that A=πr2
A=3.14 ×5miles × 5 miles
=78.5 sq miles
Therefore, the area that the storm will affect is 78.5 sq miles.

XII. A semi-circle-shaped rug has a diameter of 4 ft. What is the area of the rug?


Given that,
d = 4 ft
radius=d/2=4 ft/2=2
r = 2 ft
Area of circle = 3.14(2 ft) (2 ft)
Area of Circle = 3.14 × 4 sq ft=12.56 sq ft
Area of semi-circle = 12.56 sq ft ÷ 2;
Area of semi-circle = 6.28 sq ft
Hence, Area of the semi circle is 6.28 sq ft.


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