Terms Used in Division

Wondering what are the Terms used in Division mathematical operation? Then, this page will explain to you all about Division Terms along with some solved examples. Students and Teachers who are searching for a clear explanation about the Terms of Division can make their look at this guide and understand the Division operation so easily. Let’s start with the definition of Division and then we will discuss the Terms used in Division with a brief explanation and worked-out problems.

Also Check: Properties of Division of Integers

Definition of Division

In maths, Division is a process of distributing a group of things into equal parts. Also, the division is one of the basic arithmetic operations that provides a fair output of sharing. In other words, the division is also a repeated subtraction.

However, the division is an operation inverse of multiplication. Mathematical Notation for Division is ÷, /. For example 13 ÷ 5 or 5/7.

Each and every part concerned in the Division Equation has special names.

Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient & Remainder

Let’s see the explanation of each part involved in the division equation from the below module.

Terms Used in Division – Explanation

There are four terms that represent the four numbers in a division sum. They are as such,

Dividend: Number that is being divided in the division method.
Divisor: Number that divides the dividend exactly.
Quotient: Number that results after the completion of the division process.
Remainder: “Left Over Number” after the division of the given number.

Facts About Division

  • Division by zero (0) is undefined.
  • The division of the same numerator and denominator is always One (1). For instance: 5/5 = 1.
  • If you divide any number by one then the answer will be the original number. It means, when the divisor is 1 then the quotient will be equal to the dividend. For example: 20 ÷ 1= 20.

Solved Examples of Division Terms

1. Divide 65 by 5 & identify the Terms used in Division


Here, the division process is shown in an image along with the division terms. So check out the image and get to know the terms of division:

terms of division in 65 divided by 5

Here, the final values of division terms are:

Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder ⇒ 65 = 5 × 13 + 0.

2. 20 Divided by 5


First, divide 20 by 5 and then know which value is referred to which division term,

20 ÷ 5 = 4 ,

Here, 20 is Dividend

5 is Divisor

4 is Quotient

0 is Remainder ( Because there is no leftover number after the division process).

3. Divide 49474 by 7


Given division expression is \(\frac { 49474 }{ 7 } \)

Now, we have to divide the 49474 by 7 and get the result.

After the division process, we get the outcome as \(\frac { 49474 }{ 7 } \) = 7067 R 5.

Here, the terms used in the division of \(\frac { 49474 }{ 7 } \) are 49474 is the dividend, 7 is the divisor, 7067 is the quotient and 5 is the remainder of the division.

For more division problems click on the Examples on Division of Integers and solve all the problems easily.

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