Math Place Value

Place Value in Maths describes the position of a digit in the number. If we represent a number in general form position of the digit will be expanded. Positions begin from one’s place and call it one’s position. Place Value of a digit from right to left indicates tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, hundred thousand, and so on. In this article, we have explained the Number Names, Place Value of Numbers from 0 to 100.

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Place Value Chart

Place Value Chart helps us to align the digits as per their correct places. To identify the place value of different digits in a number accurately make a note of the digits in the place value chart and write down the numbers in usual and standard form. The 10 digits we use to denote the numbers are

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In the above chart, you can see that the place value of numbers increases by 10 times to the previous one while moving successively towards the left. In a similar way, if you move towards the right the place value becomes  1/10th of the previous one.

There are two types of charts based on the numeral system the charts follow namely the International Place-Value Chart and Indian Place Value Chart. To know in detail about these topics check out our further articles on this.

Place Value of Numbers from 0 to 10

Number Number Name Tens Ones
0 Zero 0
1 One 1
2 Two 2
3 Three 3
4 Four 4
5 Five 5
6 Six 6
7 Seven 7
8 Eight 8
9 Nine 9
10 Ten 1 0

Place Value of Numbers from 11 to 20

Number Number Name Tens Ones
11 Eleven 1 1
12 Twelve 1 2
13 Thirteen 1 3
14 Fourteen 1 4
15 Fifteen 1 5
16 Sixteen 1 6
17 Seventeen 1 7
18 Eighteen 1 8
19 Nineteen 1 9
20 Twenty 2 0

Place Value of Numbers from 21 to 30

Number Number Name Tens Ones
21 Twenty One 2 1
22 Twenty Two 2 2
23 Twenty Three 2 3
24 Twenty Four 2 4
25 Twenty Five 2 5
26 Twenty Six 2 6
27 Twenty Seven 2 7
28 Twenty Eight 2 8
29 Twenty Nine 2 9
30 Thirty 3 0

Place Value of Numbers from 31 to 40

Number Number Name Tens Ones
31 Thirty One 3 1
32 Thirty Two 3 2
33 Thirty Three 3 3
34 Thirty Four 3 4
35 Thirty Five 3 5
36 Thirty Six 3 6
37 Thirty Seven 3 7
38 Thirty Eight 3 8
39 Thirty Nine 3 9
40 Forty 4 0

Place Value of Numbers from 41 to 50

Number Number Name Tens Ones
41 Forty One 4 1
42 Forty Two 4 2
43 Forty Three 4 3
44 Forty Four 4 4
45 Forty Five 4 5
46 Forty Six 4 6
47 Forty Seven 4 7
48 Forty Eight 4 8
49 Forty Nine 4 9
50 Fifty 5 0

Place Value of Numbers from 51 to 60

Number Number Name Tens Ones
51 Fifty One 5 1
52 Fifty Two 5 2
53 Fifty Three 5 3
54 Fifty Four 5 4
55 Fifty Five 5 5
56 Fifty Six 5 6
57 Fifty Seven 5 7
58 Fifty Eight 5 8
59 Fifty Nine 5 9
60 Sixty 6 0

Place Value of Numbers from 61 to 70

Number Number Name Tens Ones
61 Sixty One 6 1
62 Sixty Two 6 2
63 Sixty Three 6 3
64 Sixty Four 6 4
65 Sixty Five 6 5
66 Sixty Six 6 6
67 Sixty Seven 6 7
68 Sixty Eight 6 8
69 Sixty Nine 6 9
70 Seventy 7 0

Place Value of Numbers from 71 to 80

Number Number Name Tens Ones
71 Seventy One 7 1
72 Seventy Two 7 2
73 Seventy Three 7 3
74 Seventy Four 7 4
75 Seventy Five 7 5
76 Seventy Six 7 6
77 Seventy Seven 7 7
78 Seventy Eight 7 8
79 Seventy Nine 7 9
80 Eighty 8 0

Place Value of Numbers from 81 to 90

Number Number Name Tens Ones
81 Eighty One 8 1
82 Eighty Two 8 2
83 Eighty Three 8 3
84 Eighty Four 8 4
85 Eighty Five 8 5
86 Eighty Six 8 6
87 Eighty Seven 8 7
88 Eighty Eight 8 8
89 Eighty Nine 8 9
90 Ninety 9 0

Place Value of Numbers from 91 to 100

Number Number Name Tens Ones
91 Ninety One 9 1
92 Ninety Two 9 2
93 Ninety Three 9 3
94 Ninety Four 9 4
95 Ninety Five 9 5
96 Ninety Six 9 6
97 Ninety Seven 9 7
98 Ninety Eight 9 8
99 Ninety Nine 9 9
100 Hundred 10 0

Solved Examples on Place Value

Example 1.
Write down the place value of each digit in the number 32?
The Correct Place Value of each of the digit is expressed as

Example 2.
Write down the place value of each digit in number 452?
The Correct Place Value of each of the digit is given as

Example 3.
What is the place value of 4 in 1490?
Place Value of 4 in 1490 is 4*100

Example 4.
Expand the numbers representing the place value of each digit?
(i) 756
(ii) 52743
(i) 756 – 7*100+5*10+6*1
(ii) 52743 – 5*10000+2*1000+7*100+4*10+3*1

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