Go through the enVision Math Common Core Kindergarten Answer Key Topic 12 Identify and Describe Shapes and finish your homework or assignments.
enVision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Key Topic 12 Identify and Describe Shapes
Essential Question:
How can two- and three-dimensional shapes be identified and described?
A two-dimensional (2D) shape has only two measurements, such as length and height.
A square, triangle, and circle are all examples of a 2D shape.
However, a three-dimensional (3D) shape has three measurements, such as length, width, and height.
A cube, prism and cylinder are example of 3D shapes.
enVision STEM project: Pushing and Pulling Objects
Directions Read the character speech bubbles to students. Find Out! Have students investigate different kinds of wheels. Say: Not all wheels look alike, but they are all the same shape. Talk to your friends and relatives about the shape of a wheel and ask them how it can help when you need to push and pull objects. Journal: Make a Poster Have students make a poster that shows various objects with wheels. Have them draw up to 5 different kinds of objects that have wheels.
Yes, students can investigate different kinds of wheels by recollecting means of transport like bus, car, bike and so on., while travelling.
Not all wheels look alike, but they are all the same shape.
With this we can bring the concept of circle shape to the students
Wheels are everywhere in our world today, in very obvious places like car, bus trucks etc., but also hidden inside everything from computer hard drives, dishwashers. Six thousand years ago, there weren’t any wheels at all. The rise of the wheel, from a basic turntable that helped people mold clay pots to a key component in hundreds of important invention owes everything to the simple and effective way it helps us capture and harness energy and transform forces. So we need wheels to push and pull the objects.
Review What You Know
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Directions Have students: 1 draw a circle around the set of numbers that shows a pattern of counting by tens; 2 draw a circle around the hundred chart; 3 draw a circle around the numbers fifty-five and ninety-nine; 4 count the objects, write the numbers, and then draw a circle around the number that is greater than the other number; 5 count the objects, and then write the number; 6 draw a circle around the number that tells how many counters.
Pick a Project
Project A:
Bone is specific to vertebrates, and originated as mineralization around the basal membrane of the throat or skin, giving rise to tooth-like structures and protective shields in animals with a soft cartilage-like endoskeleton. The bones gives the shape and posture to the body.
Steps to be followed for Dinosaur puzzles:
The primary material that you need for this project is corrugated cardboard or double layered cardboard.
The first thing that you need to do is find a template or draw the picture of Dinosaur.
Now that you have a template, you need to print it out in the size that you want.
Then attach the templates to the cardboard, you can use tape or a removable glue.
Then you need to mark the outline of each piece on the cardboard. You can do this by tracing each piece with a dark pen. You could also use a sharp object such as a knife or a needle to pierce through the template and into the cardboard.
Cut out the puzzle pieces and now comes the fun part i.e., putting the puzzle together.
Directions Say: You will choose one of these projects. Look at picture A. Think about this question: Where did all those bones come from? If you choose Project A, you will create dinosaur puzzles. Look at picture B. Think about this question: Would you rather design buildings or build them? If you choose Project B, you will design and build a structure.
Project C
Depending on its size, it could be a pyramid, a clown’s hat, a slice of pie, a bird’s beak.
Depending on how they’re placed, they might suggest a mountain range or a tent encampment, a pine tree farm, or a schooner’s etc.,
Project D
Preparation of cookies
- Cookies are baked or cooked items that are small, flat and sweet. It is prepared using flour, sugar and some type of oil or fat.
- Maida : 2½ cups.
- Butter : 1 cup.
- Sugar : 1 cup.
- Egg : 1.
- Milk : 2 table spoons.
- Vanilla essence : 1 teaspoon.
- Salt : a pinch.
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, and baking powder.
- In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in egg and vanilla.
- Bake 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden.
Its a pleasant evening Leena is siting outside and watching the surroundings, suddenly she started to smell the baking fragrance of cookies. Then she also wanted to prepare cookies and give a surprise party to her family members as it was discussed above she prepared cookies accordingly and plated decorative cookies in front of the family members. All ate delicious cookies and praised Leena for her cookies.Directions Say: You will choose one of these projects. Look at picture C. Think about this question: What can you draw using only triangles? If you choose Project C, you will make a shape picture. Look at picture D. Think about this question: How are all those cookies made? If you choose Project D, you will act out a party.
Lesson 12.1 Two-Dimensional(2-D) and Three-Dimensional (3-D) Shapes
Solid figures are identified according to the features that are unique to each type of solid. Specifically, one can observe the numbers of faces, edges, and vertices, as well as the shape of the base.
A plane horizontal surface with no depths is called the flat surface.
The following groups are different based upon their shape and structure.
Classified into 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes.
Flat and Solid shapes.
Directions Say: Pick 6 shapes from a bag. Put the shapes into two groups. Tell how the groups are different. Then draw a picture of the shapes you put on each table.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
Directions 1 Have students draw a circle around the objects that are flat, and mark an X on the objects that are solid.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Question 4.
4 marked on X on the objects that are NOT flat
Question 5.
5 marked on X on the objects that are NOT Solid.
Directions Have students 2 and 3 draw a circle around the objects that are flat, and mark an X on the objects that are solid. 4 mark on X on the objects that are NOT flat; 5 mark on X on the objects that are NOT Solid.
Independent Practice
Question 6.
X marked on the objects that are solid. circled around the objects that are flat
Question 7.
Marked an X on the objects that are NOT solid
Question 8.
Yes, students can draw the Picture of an objects that are solid based upon previous concept of 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes.
Directions Have students: 6 mark an X on the objects that are solid. Then have them draw a circle around the objects that are flat; 7 mark an X on the objects that are NOT solid 8 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw a picture of an object that is solid.
Lesson 12.2 Circles and Triangles
Directions Say: Go on a shape hunt. Find shapes and objects in the classroom or outside that look like the shapes shown on the page. Draw the shapes. Use your own words to tell where you found them. Then say: Tell how the shapes are different.
Answer may vary according to the visualization of students.
The shapes and objects that are found in the classroom or outside are:
Football, cricket ball, basket ball, flying disc, pyramid etc., are found outside the classroom.
Clock, birthday caps etc., are found in classroom.
Both circle and triangle are different from each other as circle is round in shape and triangle has 3 sides.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions 1 and 2 Have students color the circle in each raw, and then mark an X on each triangle.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Directions 3 Have students color the circle and mark an X on the triangle. 4 Number Sense Have students mark an X on the shape that has 3 sides. 5 Have students mark an X on the objects that look like a triangle, and then draw a box around the objects that look like a circle.
Independent Practice
Question 6.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Question 10.
Yes, by understanding the concept of shapes students can able to draw a picture of an object that is shaped like a triangle.
Picture of an object may vary from student to student.
Directions 6-9 Have students color the circles and mark an X on the triangles in each row. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw a picture of an object that is shaped like a triangle.
Lesson 12.3 Squares and Other Rectangles
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Emily has a large quilt on her bed. The shape outlined with black lines is a rectangle. The rectangular quilt is made up of square rectangles of different colors. How many other rectangles can you find in the picture? How many of the rectangles are squares? Count the shapes and tell where you see them.
only 1 rectangle
6 squares are rectangle
6 square shapes on the quilt
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions 1 and 2 Have students color the rectangles in each row, and then mark an X on each rectangle that is also a square.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Have students tell how they know which objects to mark with an X.
Yes, know the students can identify the shapes of rectangle and square.
Rectangles and squares are the same?
How are they different?
They differ in Lengths of sides are not same as in Square( where all sides are of same length)
Directions Have students: 3 and 4 color the rectangles in each row, and then mark an X on each rectangle that is also a square; 5 draw a circle around the objects that look like a rectangle, and then mark an X on each object that also looks like a square. Have students tell how they know which objects to mark with an X. Say: How are rectangles and squares the same? How are they different?
Independent Practice
Question 6.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Question 10.
6-9 Have students color the rectangles in each row, and then mark an X on each rectangle that is also a square. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw a green rectangle, and then draw a yellow square.
Lesson 12.4 Hexagons
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Emily wants to buy art that has six-sided shapes in it like the yellow pattern block. Draw a circle around all the pieces of art that she can buy.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions 1 and 2 Have students color the hexagon in each row.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
By understanding the concept of hexagon and counting the number of sides of an object students can able to draw a circle around the hexagon.
Question 6.
By understanding the concept of hexagon and counting the number of sides of an object students can able to draw a circle around the hexagon.
Directions Have students: 3 and 4 color the hexagon; 5 and 6 draw a circle around the object that looks like a hexagon. Then have students tell how they decided which object to circle.
Independent Practice
Question 7.
Question 8.
Directions 7 Have students draw a circle around the objects that look like a hexagon, 8 Higher Order Thinking picture using at least I hexagon.
Lesson 12.5 Solid Figures
Directions Say: Jackson wants to find objects that have the same shape as the solid figures. How can he find objects that have the some shape? Draw objects below each solid figure that have the same shape.
Solid figures are identified according to the features that are unique to each type of solid. Specifically, one can observe the numbers of faces, edges, and vertices, as well as the shape of the base. He can find by seeing the shape and pattern of an object whether they are cone, cylinder, sphere or circle and cube.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions 1 and 2 Have students name the solid figure on the left, and then draw a circle around the solid figure on the right that is the same shape.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Students can find objects like chalk piece in the shape of cylinder, sharped pencil tip as cone, clock as sphere.
Directions 3 and 4 Have students name the solid figure on the left, and then draw a circle around the solid figure on the right that is the same shape, 5-8 Have students name the solid figure on the left, and then draw a circle around the object on the right that looks like that shape. Then have students see if they can find objects in the classroom that look like a cone, a cylinder, or a sphere.
Question 9.
Question 10.
Question 11.
Question 12.
Directions Have students: 9 and 10 look at the object on the left, and then draw a circle around the solid fig are on the right that looks like that shape; 11 name the solid figure on the left, and then draw a circle around the objects on the right that look like that shape 12 Higher Order Thinking Have students name the solid figure on the left, and then draw 2 mare objects that look like that shape.
Lesson 12.6 Describe Shapes in the Environment
Directions Say: Draw a circle around two of the shapes on the work mat. Name the shapes. Can you find the shapes you circled in your classroom? Use your own words to tell where you found them. Draw a picture of the objects and their surroundings.
Yes – classroom board is in the shape of Rectangle and the clock is in the shape of circle
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Question 1.
Directions 1 Have students mark an X on the object next to the pencil that looks like a rectangle. Have students draw on object that looks like a square in front of the mug. Then have them draw an object that looks like a cone next to the table.
Question 2.
Directions 2 Vocabulary Have students name the shape of the objects in the picture and use position words to describe their location. Then have them draw an X on the object in front of the sand castle that looks like a cylinder. Have students draw an object that looks like o sphere beside Jackson, and then an object that looks like a rectangle next to the sandbox.
Cylinder shaped hat and Sphere shaped ball is located on the sand and in side the rectangular box
Independent Practice
Question 3.
Question 4.
Circle above the tree and a triangle behind the fence
Directions 3 Have students point to objects in the picture and name each shape. Then have them draw a circle around the objects that look like a cylinder, and mark an X on the objects that look like a cone. 4 Higher Order Thinking Have students: mark an X on the object below the tree that looks like a rectangle; draw an object that looks like a circle above the tree; and draw an object that looks like a triangle behind the fence. Then have them name the shape of objects in the picture and use position words to describe their locations
Lesson 12.7 Precision
Problem Solving
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Emily’s teacher teaches her class a game. She uses I blue cube, I red cube, I yellow counter, and I red counter and puts each of them somewhere on the farm picture. Play this game with a partner. Place the fools on the page, and then describe where one of them is located. Do NOT tell your partner which one you are talking about. How can your partner tell which one you are describing? Change places and play again.
Guided Practice
Question 1.
Directions 1 Have students mark an X on the object above the bed that looks like a cube. Then have them explain how they know they are correct. Then have them draw a shape that looks like a rectangle next to the bed.
As the students learnt the concept of solid shapes in 12.5 solid figures one easily identify cube.
Independent Practice
Question 2.
Rectangle has 4 sides and 6 faces , cylinder has 2 faces, sphere shaped ball is behind the Shuttle cock of cone shaped
Question 3.
Cone dose not exist in the Solid pictures, Sphere is given in the left side which is looks like water melon of shaped sphere
Directions 2 Have students name the shapes of the objects in the picture. Then have them mark an X on the object that is behind another object, and is next to the object that looks like a cylinder. Have them explain how they decided which shape to mark. 3 Have students find the object in the picture that is NOT beside the box of tissues, and then mark an X on the solid it looks like on the left. Have them explain why a sphere is NOT the right answer Then have them name the shapes of the objects in the picture.
Problem Solving
Performance Task
Directions Read the problem to students. Then have them use multiple problem-solving methods to solve the problem. Say: Carlos wants to tell a friend about different things in the locker room and where they are located. What words can he use? 4 Be Precise Mark an X on the object that looks like a cylinder that is beside the object that looks like a cube. What words helped you find the correct object?
cube is used to mark the cylinder X
5 Reason Carlos says the soccer ball is behind the water bottle. What is another way to explain where the water bottle is?
The water bottle is under the Rectangular table
6 Explain Carlos describes the rectangle poster as being above the circle clock. Do you agree or disagree? Explain how you know you are correct.
No, below the circle clock
The circle clock is above the rectangle poster
Topic 12 Fluency Practice Activity
Question 1.
In this activity if you add or subtract any set of numbers to get 2, finally we can find an alphabet ‘H’.
Question 2.
Directions Have students: 1 color each box that has a sum or difference that is equal to 2; 2 write the letter that they see.
Topic 12 Vocabulary Review
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 1 draw a circle around the two-dimensional shape; 2 draw a circle around the three-dimensional shape; 3 draw a circle around the vertices of the triangle; 4 draw a circle; 5 draw a shape that is NOT a square.
Topic 12 Reteaching
Set A
Question 1.
Set B
Question 2.
Directions Have students: 1 draw a circle around the objects that are flat, and then mark an X on the objects that are solid; 2 draw c circle around the objects that look like a circle, and then mark an X on the objects that look like a triangle.
Set C
Question 3.
Set D
Question 4.
Directions Have students: 3 color the rectangles, and then mark on X on the rectangle that is a square; 4 color the hexagons.
Set E
Question 5.
Set F
Question 6.
Directions Have students: 5 name the solid figure on the left, and then draw a circle around the solid figure that looks like that shape on the right; 6 point to each object in the picture and tell what shape each looks like. Then have them draw a circle around the objects that are solid, and mark an X on objects that are flat.
Question 7.
Set G
Question 8.
Directions Have students: 7 mark an X on the object that is next to the blue book, end then draw a circle around the object that is below the object that is shaped like a sphere; 8 mark an X on the objects that look like a circle that are behind the abject that is shaped like a sphere.
Topic 12 Assessment Practice
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Directions Have students mark the best answer. 1 Which object is NOT solid? 2 Which object is NOT a triangle? 3 Choose two objects that look like a hexagon, 4 Which object looks like a square?
Question 5.
Question 6.
Question 7.
Directions Have students: 5 mark an X on the objects that do NOT look like a circle; 6 name the shapes, color the rectangles, and then mark on X on the rectangle that is a square; 7 look at the solid figure an the left, and then draw a circle around the object that looks like that shape.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Directions Have students: 8 draw an object that looks like a cylinder in front of the vase. Then mark on X on the object that looks like a square next to the cat; 9 choose flat or solid for each image.
Question 10.
Question 11.
Question 12.
Directions Have students: 10 draw a picture of an object that looks like a sphere below a book and next to a cup; 11 draw a picture of an object that is flat. Then have them draw on object that is solid; 12 draw a circle around the objects that look like a circle, and then mark an X on the objects that look like a rectangle.
Topic 12 Performance Task
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions Play Time! Say: Supna and her friends are playing with toys. Have students: 1 draw a circle Ground the toys that look like a cube. Have students mark an X on the toys that look like a cylinder; 2 draw a circle around the toys that look like a rectangle. Then have them mark an X on the rectangles that are squares.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Directions Have students: 3 mark an X on the object in the playroom that looks like a hexagon; 4 draw an object next to the shelves that looks like a cone; 5 listen to the clues, and then draw a circle around the object the clues describe. Say: The object is above the blocks. It looks like a sphere. It is next to a green ball. The object is NOT yellow.