Successive Discounts

A successive discount is a discount that is given on the selling price of the product that has already had the discount on the marked price. While you cross a garment store, you come across the offers like 20% or 30% in blocks. The percentage we find on it is the discount offered by the shopkeeper to their customers.

For example, Suppose that a shopkeeper bought a shirt from the retailer at $500 and he decided to sell it at $800 and again put the discount of 20% where the final selling price will be $640. The customer feels that he got it for 20% off, but the shopkeeper sells it for a profit of $140 even after offering the discount. In short, we can say that, if the discount is again applied to the selling price, then it is determined as successive discounts. Successive discount is the amount of discount which is offered on the discount.

Successive Discounts Formula

To find the total discount in successive discounts case, Suppose that the first discount is x% and the second discount is y%, then the formula can be written as:
Total discount = x + y – \(\frac {xy}{100} \)%
There is another scenario like, Consider the original price of the shirt as ‘x’ and the first discount offered as ‘y’ and again the discount offered as ‘z’ on the new price. Then the selling price of the shirt is calculated as:
x-(y + z – \(\frac {yz}{100} \)) * x

Suppose that the online shopping website sells a product and it offers a discount of 10% on that product and again it offers more than 20% on the discounted value. Know the final value of the product.

In this case, let us suppose that the initial value is 100.
Given that the shopkeeper offered a discount of 10%, therefore it is (100-10) = 90
Then the shopkeeper again offered a discount of 20%, therefore it is 90 – 2(9) = 72
Hence the final value of the product is 72.
We can also calculate the final value by using the formula
Total discount = (x + y – xy / 100)%
x = 10% and y = 20%
Total discount = (10 + 20 – (10)(20) / 100)%
= (30 – 200/100)% = 28%

Successive Discounts Examples

Example 1:
Store is offering a t-shirt at the price of Rs.950. Successive discounts offered by the store are 30% and 50%. Calculate the selling price and total discount offered by the store?

Given that, the price of the t-shirt = Rs. 950
Successive discounts are 30% and 50%
Total discounts = (x + y – xy / 100)%
= (30 + 50 – (30)(50) /100)% = 80 – 1500/100% = 65%
Discount = 65% of Rs. 950 = 65/100 * 950 = Rs. 617.5
Therefore, the selling price of the shirt = Rs. 950 – 617.5 = Rs. 332.5
Hence, the total discount offered is Rs. 617.5

The selling price is Rs. 332.5

Example 2:
Successive discounts on the product are 5%, 10%, and 15%. The price of the product in the store is $1000. Calculate the overall selling price and discount of the product?

Given that, the price of the product = $1000
Successive discounts are 5%, 10% and 15%
Total discount of 5% and 10% are (x + y – xy / 100)% = 5 + 10 – (5)(10) / 100% = 15 – (50)/100% = 14.5%
Overall discount due to 14.5% and 15% = 14.5 + 15 – (14.5) * (15) /100%
= 29.5 – (217.5)/100% = 27.325%
Discount = 27.325 of $1000 = $273. 25
Total selling price of the product = Store price – overall discount
= $1000 – 273.25 = $726.75
Hence, the total discount offered = $273.25

The total selling price of the product = $726.75

Example 3:
The price of the product is $2250. The successive discounts are 10% and 20%. Find the selling price?

Given that, the price of the product is $2250
The successive discounts are 10% and 20%
Total discount = (x + y – xy / 100)%
x = 10% and y = 20%
Total discount = 10 + 20 – (10)(20) 100% = (30 -200/100)%
Total discount = 28%
Discount = 28% of 2250 = (28/100) * 2250
Discount = 630
Therefore, the discount earned is 630
Selling Price = Marked Price – Discount = 2250 – 630 = 1620
Selling Price = 1620

Therefore, Selling Price = 1620
Discount = 630

Example 4:
Successive discounts of 30% and 20% are offered by the trader. Find the total discount offered?

Given that, the successive discounts are 30% and 20%
Suppose that MRP = 100
Discount 1 = 30% of 100
Discount = 30
Hence, the price is 100-30 = 70
Now, the discount amount is 20%
Discount = 20% of 70
Discount = 14
Hence, the final price is 70-14 = 56
Total discount offered by the trader = MRP – Selling Price
= 100 – 56 = 44

Hence, the total discount offered = Rs. 44

Example 5:
3 successive discounts of 50%, 20%, and 10% are offered by a trader. Find the total discount percent?

Suppose that MRP = 100
Given that, First discount = 50% of 100
Discount = 50
Hence, the price = 100-50 = 50
Second discount = 20% of 50 = 10
Hence, the price = 50 – 10 = 40
Final Discount = 10% of 40 = 4
Hence, the total price = 40 – 4 = 36
Therefore, total discount = MRP – Selling Price = 100 – 36 = 64
Total discount = 64/100 * 100 = 64%

Hence the total discount offered = 64%

We have mentioned all the tricks and tips to solve successive discount problems. Practice all the questions and improve your skills in solving the problems on successive discounts.

Frequently Asked Questions on Successive Discounts

1. How are successive discounts calculated?

Suppose that successive discounts are d1, d2 and d3, then the selling price is SP = (1-d1/100) * (1-d2/100) * (1-d3/100) * Marked Price

2. Is 30 or 40 successive discounts better?

The discount of 70% is better than the successive discounts of 30% and 40%.

3. How do you calculate two successive discount formulas?

The two discount formula is (x + y – xy / 100)%
Where x is the first discount and y is the second discount

4. What is the meaning of successive discounts?

Successive discount is the discounted price on the already given discount which is similar to compound interest.

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