Check for Subtraction and Addition

The addition is used to check the errors in subtraction by adding the answer. When we check our answer to a subtraction problem using addition, we add the answer to the bottom number. If your result is correct, the answer to your addition problem should be the same as the number at the top of your subtraction. Let us check for subtraction and addition with different examples.
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Do Read:

Using Subtraction to Check Addition Examples

Example 1.
Add 6 and 3 and check for subtraction.
6 + 3 = 9
Now check for subtraction and addition
First, we have to add 6 and 3, we get 9.
Next start with 9 and take away 3 from 9, we get 6.
9 – 3 = 6
By this, we can say that the solution is correct.

Example 2.
Add 76 and 14 and check for subtraction.
Now check for subtraction and addition
First, we have to subtract 76 and 14, we get 62.
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Now check the subtraction errors by adding the result with the bottom number.
62 + 14 = 76
The solution is correct.

Example 3.
Subtract 5 and 2 and check for addition.
Check for subtraction and addition
First, we have to subtract 5 and 2, we get 3
5 – 2 = 3
Now check the subtraction errors by adding the result with the bottom number.
3 + 2 = 5
Thus the solution is true.

Example 4.
Subtract 358 and 125 and check for addition
Check for subtraction and addition
First, we have to subtract 358 and 125 we get 233
Check for Subtraction and Addition img_3
To check the subtraction errors addition is used.
Add the result with the bottom number.
Add 233 and 125, we get 358.
Thus the solution is true.

Example 5.
Add 412 and 206 and check for subtraction.
Check for subtraction and addition
First, we have to add 412 and 206, we get 618
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To check the addition errors subtraction is used.
Subtract the result with the bottom number.
Now subtract 618 and 206, we get 412.
Thus the solution is true.

Example 6.
Subtract 43 and 31 and check for addition.
Check for subtraction and addition
First, we have to subtract 43 and 31, we get 12.
Check for Subtraction and Addition img_5
To check the subtraction errors addition is used.
Add the result with the bottom number.
Now add 12 and 31, we get 43.
Thus the solution is true.

Example 7.
Subtract 5624 and 3513 and check for addition.
Check for subtraction and addition
First, we have to subtract 5624 and 3513, we get 2111.
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To check the subtraction errors addition is used.
Add the result with the bottom number.
Now add 2111 and 3513, we get 5624.
Thus the solution is true.

Example 8.
Subtract 8685 and 5563 and check for addition.
Check for subtraction and addition
First, we have to subtract 8685 and 5563, we get 3122.
Check for Subtraction and Addition img_7
To check the subtraction errors addition is used.
Add the result with the bottom number.
Now add 3122 and 5563, we get 8685.
Thus the solution is true.

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