Long Division Without Regrouping And With Remainder is an easy method. It is similar to Long Division Without Regrouping And Without Remainder except it has a remainder. This will include Long Division definition, how to do Long Division Without Regrouping And With Remainder. By going through this article completely you can also check the solved examples for a better understanding of the concept.
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Long Division – Definition
How to do Long Division Without Regrouping and With Remainder?
Consider the following steps for doing long division without Regrouping and with the remainder.
- Start with the first digit of the dividend. Divide the digit with a divisor.
- Write the answer as a quotient and subtract the number from the dividend.
- Bring down the next digit
- Repeat the process.
Here you can have a look at the solved examples of the long division method without regrouping and without remainder.
Long Division Method Without Regrouping and With Remainder Examples
Example 1:
1. Divide the numbers 265,2 by long division method without regrouping and with the remainder?
1. Begin with a hundred digit 2, Divide the hundred digit by 2.
2 Hundred÷2 ones=1Hundred.
2. Write the 1 as quotient and subtract the hundred digit from the number i.e. 2-2=0.
3. Bring down the tens digit 6. Divide it by 2.
6 Tens÷2 ones=3Ten.
4. Write the 3 as quotient and subtract 6 from the number i.e. 6-6=0.
5. Bring down the one’s digit 5. Divide it by 2.
5 ones÷2 ones=2 ones
6. Write the 2 as quotient and subtract 4 from the number i.e. 5-4=1.
7. Therefore, the division of 265,2 is 132 with the remainder as 1..
Example 2:
Divide 3968, 3?
1. Begin with the thousand’s digit 3. Divide it by 3.
3 thousands÷3ones=1thousand.
2.write 1 as Quotient and subtract 3 from 3 i.e. 3-3=0.
3. Bring down a Hundred digit 9. Divide it by 3.
9Hundred÷3 ones=3Hundred.
4. Write 3 as Quotient and subtract 9 from 9 i.e. 9-9=0.
5. Bring down tens digit 6. Divide it by 3.
6 Tens÷3 ones=2Tens.
6. Write 2 as Quotient and subtract 6 from 6 i.e. 6-6=0.
7. Bring down One’s digit 8. Divide it by 3.
8 Ones÷3 ones=2 ones.
8. Write 2 as Quotient and 2 as the Remainder.
Therefore, the division of 3968÷3 is 1322 with the remainder as 2.
Example 3:
Find the division of 3938 by 3?
1. Begin with the thousand’s digit 3. Divide it by 3.
3 thousands÷3ones=1thousand.
2. Write 1 as Quotient and subtract 3 from 3 i.e. 3-3=0.
3. Bring down a Hundred digit 9. Divide it by 3.
9 Hundred÷3 ones=3Hundred.
4. Write 3 as Quotient and subtract 9 from 9 i.e. 9-9=0.
5. Bring down tens digit 3. Divide it by 3.
3 Tens÷3 ones=1 Tens.
6. Write 1 as Quotient and subtract 3 from 3 i.e. 3-3=0.
7. Bring down One’s digit 8. Divide it by 3.
8 Ones÷3 ones=2 ones.
8. Write 2 as Quotient and 2 as the Remainder.
Therefore, the division of 3938÷3 is 1312 with the remainder as 2.
Example 4:
Find the division of 8645, 2?
1. Begin with the thousand’s digit 8. Divide it by 2.
8 thousands÷2ones=4thousand.
2. Write 4 as Quotient and subtract 8 from 8 i.e. 8-8=0.
3. Bring down a Hundred digit 6. Divide it by 2.
6 Hundred÷2 ones=3Hundred.
4. Write 3 as Quotient and subtract 6 from 6 i.e. 6-6=0.
5. Bring down tens digit 4. Divide it by 2.
4 Tens÷2 ones=2 Tens.
6. Write 2 as Quotient and subtract 4 from 4 i.e. 4-4=0.
7. Bring down One’s digit 5. Divide it by 2.
5 Ones÷2 ones=2 ones.
8. Write 2 as Quotient and 1 as the Remainder.
Therefore, the division of 8645÷2 is 4322 with the remainder as 1.
Example 5:
Find the long division of 2689,2 without regrouping and without remainder?
1. Begin with the thousand’s digit 2. Divide it by 2.
2 thousands÷2ones=1thousand.
2. Write 1 as Quotient and subtract 2 from 2 i.e. 2-2=0.
3. Bring down a Hundred digit 6. Divide it by 2.
6 Hundred÷2 ones=3Hundred.
4. Write 3 as Quotient and subtract 6 from 6 i.e. 6-6=0.
5. Bring down tens digit 8. Divide it by 2.
8 Tens÷2 ones=4 Tens.
6. Write 4 as Quotient and subtract 8 from 8 i.e. 8-8=0.
7. Bring down One’s digit 9. Divide it by 2.
9 Ones÷2 ones=4 ones.
8. Write 4 as Quotient and 1 as the Remainder.
Therefore, the division of 2689÷2 is 1344 with the remainder as 1.