Everyday Mathematics Grade K Answer Key Unit 1 Section 1

Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 1.3 Answers

Counting Steps

Family Note
Children enjoy counting things. Look for opportunities to practice this skill. You will be pleasantly surprised how counting things brings about many playful and productive mathematics activities. Counting hops, skips, jumps, and sidesteps helps children develop counting skills as well as coordination. When you count with your child, help him or her say one number word for each item counted and reinforce that the last number he or she says tells the total number of things counted.

Question 1.
Count the steps you need to walk from the sidewalk to the front door (or any two places). Try to walk the same distance with fewer steps or with more steps.
Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 1.3 Answers 1
Get into the counting habit! When you take a walk, try hopping, skipping, jumping, or sidestepping a certain number of times.
Explanation :
The Number of steps from Entrance Door to the Main door in the Second Way are 25 .
The Number of steps from Entrance Door to the Main door in the First Way are 13 .

Everyday Math Grade K Home Link 1.4 Answer Key

Numbers All Around

Family Note
In this activity, children become more aware of numbers all around them, as well as the varied uses of numbers. Encourage your child to notice numbers in your home. Talk with your child about what the numbers represent and how they are used.

Question 1.
Look for numbers around your home.
Where did you find the most? In your bedroom? In the kitchen? In another room?
Everyday Math Grade K Home Link 1.4 Answer Key 1
Where else did you find numbers?
Draw a picture below of some things you found that have numbers.
You can use the back of this page or a separate sheet of paper if you need more room.
In living room I find more objects with numbers
I found numbers even in my bed room .
Some of the objects with numbers are shown in the below image .

Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 1.7 Answers

Family Celebration Math

Family Note
In school today, we created a class graph to show the months of children’s birthdays. Family celebrations provide an excellent opportunity for your child to practice and use his or her developing mathematics skills at home! Try some of these activities with your child before and during family gatherings.

Question 1.
Practice your math when your family gets together for a celebration!

  • Count the number of people who are coming. How many are children? How many are adults?
  • Set the table with the right number of plates, cups, and napkins. Make sure there is just one of each item for each person.
  • Make some place cards, a banner, or other decorations using shapes, patterns, and numbers.
  • Help with the cooking. Notice how often you use numbers, counting, and measuring when you cook!
    Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 1.7 Answers 1

Answer :
Explanation :
Number of people entering party = 7
Number of people entering who are adults = 3
Number of people entering who are kids = 4
Number of people in the party = 14
Number of kids in the party = 6
Number of adults in the party = 8
Number of people leaving = 5
Number of kids leaving = 3
Number of adults leaving = 2 .
On the table we notice each one is served with glass , spoons and 1 plate and a napkin .
decoration is done with different shapes like balloons , cones , string with triangles shape , gifts etc as shown in above figure .

Everyday Math Grade K Home Link 1.8 Answer Key

Count and Seek

Family Note
Your child is learning that a quantity of objects is the same regardless of the type of object or the arrangement. For example, although they look very different, all of the following represent 5: 5 blocks stacked up, 5 blocks laying down, 5 big books, 5 little books, 5 fingers on one hand, and 2 fingers on one hand and 3 on the other. Counting out, grouping, and comparing sets of objects of a given number will deepen your child’s number sense. In this activity, children practice counting out sets of objects (such as shoes, spoons, stuffed animals, books, and so on) and arranging them in different ways.

Question 1.
Choose a number (1 to 10) as the target number.

One person collects the target number of objects and places them together in a room. The other person tries to find the collection and counts it.
Together rearrange the items in at least two different ways and count them again! You may want to draw a picture of your collection in different arrangements.

Switch roles and play again.

Don’t forget to put everything away!
Everyday Math Grade K Home Link 1.8 Answer Key 1
Target Number is 7
7 books are kept in other room arranged in different arrangements .
Number of books = 7
In first arrangement books are placed on each other .
In second arrangement books are placed vertically .

Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 1.13 Answers

Shape and Color Patterns

Family Note
Your child is learning to identify a pattern in a simple arrangement of objects and to predict how the pattern will continue or grow. The concept of predictable patterns is an important part of mathematics.

As your child creates patterns with food or familiar objects, encourage him or her to describe the objects in detail (round, straight, curvy, pointy, and so on) and to name their shapes. Being able to notice and describe these details will help your child learn about shapes and geometry throughout the year.

To make color patterns, dye uncooked pasta by placing the pasta in resealable bags and adding 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol and 3 to 4 drops of food coloring for each color you want to create. Shake the bags and then dry the pasta on newspaper.

Question 1.
You can make patterns with food. Use cereal and crackers that have different shapes and colors.

String cereal or pasta (or both) on yarn to make patterned jewelry, or glue them on paper.

Ask a family member to try to figure out your pattern. (Do not eat these patterns!)
Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 1.13 Answers 1
Different types of chains are made using string of yarn with different pasta of different color pasta as shown in above figure .
My family members made one guess correctly regarding the chain .

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