Engage NY Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 5 Lesson 2 Answer Key
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key
Question 1.
Circle the strips that are folded to make equal parts.
Question 2.
a. There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ are shaded.
b. There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ are shaded.
c. There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ are shaded.
d. There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ are shaded.
a. There are 4 equal parts in all. 2 are shaded.
b. There are 6 equal parts in all. 5 are shaded.
c. There are 7 equal parts in all. 3 are shaded.
d. There are 7 equal parts in all. 0 are shaded.
Use your fraction strips as tools to help you solve the following problems.
Question 3.
Noah, Pedro, and Sharon share a whole candy bar Equally. Which of your fraction strips shows how they each get an equal part? Draw the candy bar below. Then, label Sharon’s fraction of the candy bar.
Explanation :
Noah , Pedro and Sharon Divide the whole candy equally that means 3 equal parts.
Each get 1 third part . Sharon’s fraction of the candy bar is shaded .
Sharon gets 1 third of the candy .
Question 4.
To make a garage for his toy truck, Zeno bends a rectangular piece of cardboard in half. He then bends each half in half again. Which of your fraction strips best matches this story?
a. What fraction of the original cardboard is each part? Draw and label the matching fraction strip below.
b. Zeno bends a different piece of cardboard in thirds. He then bends each third in half again. Which of your fraction strips best matches this story? Draw and label the matching fraction strip in the space below.
Answer a :
Explanation :
Zeno bends the rectangular piece into half that means fraction of the part = 1 ÷ 2
Again the half is bends into half again
So, The fraction of each part = ( 1/2) ( 1/2) = 1 ÷ 4 part
Answer b :
Explanation :
Zeno bends the rectangular piece into thirds means it is divided into 3 equal parts = 1 ÷ 3
Again each third is divided into half
So, The Fraction of each part = (1 ÷ 3 ) × (1 ÷ 2 ) = 1 ÷ 6 part .
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 2 Exit Ticket Answer Key
Question 1.
Circle the model that correctly shows 1 third shaded.
Explanation :
In figure 1 and 3 the rectangular is not divided into equal parts . whereas in figure 2 each part is divided into 3 parts and shaded part is 1 thirds .
Question 2.
There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ are shaded.
There are 10 equal parts in all. 7 are shaded.
Question 3.
Michael bakes a piece of garlic bread for dinner. He shares it equally with his 3 sisters. Show how Michael and his 3 sisters can each get an equal share of the garlic bread.
Explanation :
The garlic bread is divided into 3 parts that means each part = 1 ÷ 3
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 2 Homework Answer Key
Question 1.
Circle the strips that are cut into equal parts.
Explanation :
Only in the circled figure each part is equally divided where as in other figure one part is bigger another part is smaller .
Question 2.
a. There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ is shaded.
b. There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ is shaded.
c. There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ is shaded.
d. There are _______ equal parts in all. _______ are shaded.
a. There are 2 equal parts in all. 1 is shaded.
b. There are 3 equal parts in all. 1 is shaded.
c. There are 5 equal parts in all. 1 is shaded.
d. There are 14 equal parts in all. 7 are shaded.
Question 3.
Dylan plans to eat 1 fifth of his candy bar. His 4 friends want him to share the rest equally. Show how Dylan and his friends can each get an equal share of the candy bar.
Explanation :
Dylans eats 1 fifth of his candy bar = 1 ÷ 5
Remaining part of the candy = 1 – (1 ÷ 5 ) = 4 ÷ 5
this 4/5 part is divided into 4 friends that means each friend get 1/5 part .
Question 4.
Nasir baked a pie and cut it in fourths. He then cut each piece in half.
a. What fraction of the original pie does each piece represent?
b. Nasir ate 1 piece of pie on Tuesday and 2 pieces on Wednesday. What fraction of the original pie was not eaten?
Answer a :
1/ 8 part
Explanation :
Nasir cuts the pie into fourths that means each part = 1 Fourths
Then Each part of 1 fourths is divided into halves that means each part = (1 ÷ 4) × ( 1 ÷ 2) = 1÷ 8
Answer b :
5 / 8 part was not eaten
Explanation :
Each part = 1 /8 part that means the pie has been divided into 8 parts .
Number of parts eaten on Tuesday = 1
Number of parts eaten on Wednesday = 2
Total parts eaten = 1 + 2 = 3
Remaining parts = 8 – 3 = 5
Fraction of the original pie was not eaten = 5 / 8