Engage NY Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 2 Lesson 7 Problem Set Answer Key

Work with a partner. Use the corresponding weights to estimate the weight of objects in the classroom. Then, check your estimate by weighing on a scale.

Objects that Weigh About 1 Kilogram

Actual Weight

               A Water bottle                       980g
               A Dictionary                      1100g
               My shoes                       1250g


Objects that Weigh About 100 grams

Actual Weight

                  A Notebook                          110g
                  An Apple                           95g
                 A Pencil box                           108g


Objects that Weigh About 10 grams

Actual Weight

                      An   Eraser                              8g
                      A Marker                              12g
                      My Bracelet                              9g


Objects that Weigh About 1 gram

Actual Weight

                      A Coin                               2g
                      A Pencil                               4g
                     A Sharpener                               3g

E. Circle the correct unit of weight for each estimation.

Question 1.
A box of cereal weighs about 350 (grams / kilograms).

Question 2.
A watermelon weighs about 3 (grams / kilograms).

Question 3.
A postcard weighs about 6 (grams / kilograms).

Question 4.
A cat weighs about 4 (grams / kilograms).

Question 5.
A bicycle weighs about 15 (grams / kilograms).

Question 6.
A lemon weighs about 58 (grams / kilograms).

F. During the exploration, Derrick finds that his bottle of water weighs the same as a 1-kilogram bag of rice. He then exclaims, “Our class laptop weighs the same as 2 bottles of water!” How much does the laptop weigh in kilograms? Explain your reasoning.

The laptop weighs 2kg.

Derrick finds that his bottle of water weighs the same as a 1-kilogram bag of rice and he says that class laptop weighs the same as 2 bottles of water.So, If 1 bottle of water weighs 1 kg then 2 bottles of water weighs 2 kg.Therefore laptop weighs 2kg.

G. Nessa tells her brother that 1 kilogram of rice weighs the same as 10 bags containing 100 grams of beans each. Do you agree with her? Explain why or why not.

Yes, 1 kilogram of rice weighs the same as 10 bags containing 100 grams of beans each.

Yes, because 10 X 100g=1000g and as we know 1000g is equal to 1 kilogram.

Engage NY Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Question 1.
Read and write the weights below. Write the word kilogram or gram with the measurement.
Engage NY Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Exit Ticket Answer Key 1

Engage NY Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Exit Ticket Answer Key 1.1

Question 2.
Circle the correct unit of weight for each estimation.
a. An orange weighs about 200 (grams / kilograms).

b. A basketball weighs about 624 (grams / kilograms).

c. A brick weighs about 2 (grams / kilograms).

d. A small packet of sugar weighs about 4 (grams / kilograms).

e. A tiger weighs about 190 (grams / kilograms).

Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Homework Answer Key

Question 1.
Match each object with its approximate weight.
Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Homework Answer Key 2

Question 2.
Alicia and Jeremy weigh a cell phone on a digital scale. They write down 113 but forget to record the unit. Which unit of measurement is correct, grams or kilograms? How do you know?

Question 3.
Read and write the weights below. Write the word kilogram or gram with the measurement.
Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Homework Answer Key 3

Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Homework Answer Key 4

Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Homework Answer Key 5

Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Homework Answer Key 6

Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 2 Lesson 7 Homework Answer Key 7

Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 2 Answer Key

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