Estimate to Nearest Ten

Are you interested in knowing how to Estimate a Nearest Tens, this article will give you clear information on estimating the nearest tens. It includes the basic knowledge for an estimate to the nearest Tens, how to estimate, and so on. An estimate is a type of Roundoff and is used in subjects like mathematics and physics. Students will learn in detail about the concept of Estimation of Numbers to Nearest Tens Place.

Estimate to nearest 10 is nothing but making the unit digits of the number to zero and getting the estimated nearest 10 for that number. Furthermore, check out the detailed steps, solved examples, and understand how do you estimate nearest tens.  

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Estimate to Nearest Tens – Definition

Estimate to Nearest Tens is a process of making a number simpler to read and remember. It is done for the whole numbers, decimals for various places of tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. Estimate to Nearest 10 means writing the nearest 10 of the given number. By using this, you can easily estimate the answer quickly and easily.

Rules for Estimation of Numbers to Nearest Tens

For Estimate to Nearest Tens, we have two different rules. Rules are explained in the below section,

  • Rule 1: When we estimate the numbers to the nearest 10, if the digit in the unit’s place is less than 5 or between 0 and 4, then the unit’s place of the number is replaced by 0.
  • Rule 2: If the digit in the unit’s place is greater than 5 or equal to 5 or between 5 and 9, then the unit’s place is replaced by 0, and the ten’s place digit number is increased by 1.

How to Estimate Numbers to Nearest 10?

Follow the below procedure to learn Estimate to Nearest 10. They are along the lines

  • Get a whole number for rounding.
  • Identify the digit in the unit’s place.
  • If the digit is in between 0 and 4, then place zero in the units place of the given number.
  • If the digit is 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9, then place zero in the units place and add 1 to the tens place of the number.
  • Next, write the new number as a rounded or estimated number.

Examples on Estimation of Numbers to Nearest Tens Place

Problem 1:
Estimate the given numbers to Nearest Tens. The given numbers are,
(i) 31
(ii) 68
(iii) 45
Given in the question, the values are
Now, we have to round the Nearest Tens of given values.
(i) 31
The value is 31, 1 is less than 5. So, we have to replace zero units place.
So, the value is 31.
After replacing the value is 30.
(ii) 68
The given value is 68, 8 is greater than 5. Now, we have to replace zero in the unit’s place and increase 1 in one’s place.
So, the value is 68.
After replacing 0 and 1, the value is 70.
(iii) 45
The value 45 has 5 is equal to 5. So, replace 5 with zero in the unit’s place and increase by 1 in one’s place.
So, the value is 45.
After replacing units place and increasing one’s place, the value is 50.

Problem 2:
Estimate the following digits to the nearest tens, 0.346
Given the value is 0.346
Now, we have to find the nearest tens value.
The hundred’s digit is 3 and therefore the tenth digit will remain unchanged.
As the hundredth digit is less than 5, we have to drop off the remaining digits.
Hence, the final value is 0.3

Problem 3:
What is the Roundoff nearest tens value of 789 and 1265?

The values are given in the question,
Now, we have to find the nearest tens of that values.
(i) 789
In this value, the unit’s place 9 is greater than 5. So, we have to place zero in the unit’s place and increased one by ten’s place.
The value 789 after replacing the value will be 790.
Thus, the given number nearest tens value is 790.
(ii) 1265
The value in units 5 is equal to 5. So, we will replace the units place with 0 and tens place is increased by one.
Then the number after replacing it will be 1270.
Therefore, the nearest tens value of 1265 is 1270.

Problem 4:
The value 50014 is Estimated to nearest tens.
The given value is 50014,
The value in units place is less than 5, we need to replace the units place with 0.
So, after the value 50014 is replaced it will be 50010.
Thus, the given value nearest to tens is 50010.

Problem 5:
Round the number 518 to the nearest 10.
As given in the question, the value is 518
Now, we have to write the nearest Ten’s value.
The value in the unit’s place is greater than 8, so we need to replace the unit’s place with 0 and ten’s place digit is increased by 1.
Then, after the value 518 is replaced it will be 520.
Therefore, the 518 is rounded nearest to ten’s is 520.

FAQ’s on Estimation of Numbers to its Nearest Tens Place

1. What are the advantages of Estimating?
The following are the advantages of estimating as follows,
1. Estimating helps to improve mental math.
2. Your fluency in calculation will be improved.
3. You can understand the concept of roundoff numbers in the number system by learning the concept of estimation.

2. How do you estimate the sum?
We estimate the addition by rounding off to the nearest numbers.

3. How do you find the nearest estimate? 
The basic rule for estimating is to look at the digit to the right of the digit you want to estimate. Estimating to the nearest whole number means looking at the digit to the right of the decimal. If you see a digit greater than 5 is round up and if it’s less than 5 is round down.

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