Comparison of Numbers

Do you know numbers play a crucial role in our routine? In every aspect of our life, we use numbers in different ways like measuring quantities, buying things, etc. Mostly we compare the numbers with other numbers or things while purchasing.

If you are feeling difficulty comparing the numbers, this is the perfect guide to learn how to compare the numbers with plenty of examples to understand easily. Let’s have a look at the definition of comparison of numbers, rules to follow when comparing, signs that indicate from comparing one number to another number in the below modules.

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Comparison of Numbers – Definition

First and foremost, students should know what is compare? Compare is nothing but a word to view something or observing similar properties from one to another in an object or things. In Mathematics, mostly we compare the numbers to examine the differences between numbers, to decide which number is greater or smaller, and in quantities for measuring with exact quantity given. Numbers that can be identified as greater than, or smaller than, or equal to from another number known as Comparison of Numbers.

Signs for Comparing the Numbers

In Maths, there are six signs to compare the numbers while we solve the problems. So, here we have represented the signs in a tabular form for easy understanding to students in knowing when to use and where to use the signs.

Symbols Use of Symbol Example
> When one value is bigger than another, we use the “greater than” sign 10 > 8 
< When one value is smaller than another, we use the “less than” sign. 2 < 6
= When two values are equal, we use the “equals” sign. 8 = 8
When two values are greater than or equal, we use this sign. It can be the same number or greater than the number. 9 ≥ 4
When two values are less than or equal, we use this sign. It can be the same number or less than the number. 3 ≤ 5
When two values are not equal, we use this sign. Both numbers should not be the same. 6 ≠ 3

Laws for Comparison of Numbers

The following are some of the rules to compare numbers from one to another and get correct results. Let’s see a Comparison of Numbers Laws from below:

  • The numerals or digits of a number having more digits are greater than with less number of digits.
  • If two numbers have the same digits, we compare the numbers from left to right extremes of digits. The number which is greater from the left extreme is a greater number than another number given.
  • A number with 2 digits is greater than the number of one digit. Example: 20 > 8, 45 > 6.
  • A number with 3 digits is greater than the number having two-digit or 1 digit. Example: 235 > 78, 321 > 9, 842 > 64.
  • A number with 4 digits is greater than the three digits or two digits or one digit. Example: 5621 > 652, 2468 > 94.
  • Symbolically, we can say like this 5-digit number > 4-digit number > 3-digit number ………… etc.

Benefits for Comparing Numbers

Below points are a few benefits while comparing the numbers:

  • Helps the kids in classifying objects namely, in size, value, and weight.
  • Mainly, it helps to develop the number sense where it uses them to build mathematical concepts.
  • Increases the aptitude and reasoning knowledge for students.
  • Helps the children to understand daily routine problems faced during the choice of items through shopping.
  • Enables the qualitative sorting among children.

Comparing Numbers Examples

Example 1:

Compare the numbers 543, 571.


The given numbers contain the same digits (3-digits numbers).

Now, we apply the second law, to compare the digits from left to right. The digit which is greater than from left is greater than the other number.

In number 543, 5 is in the hundreds place, 4 is in the tens place, and 3 is in one’s place.

In number 571, 5 is in the hundreds place, 7 is in the tens place, and 1 is in one’s place.

Let’s compare the numbers from left to right

The number in the hundreds place of both the numbers are same and next, we’ll go to the tens place of both the numbers.

The number in the tens place is different from one another. Thus, 4 < 7.

So, 571 is greater than 543 ( 571>543 ).

Example 2:

Compare the numbers 5621, 843.


The given numbers are 5621, 843.

5621 is a 4-digits number.

843 is a 3-digits  number.

By first law, the 4-digits number is greater than the 3-digits number (4-digit > 3-digit ).

Thus, 5621 is greater than 843 ( 5621>843 ).

Example 3:

Compare the decimal numbers 0.5 and 1.3.

The given decimal numbers are 0.5 and 1.3.

First, we compare the whole number part of the numbers.

From given numbers 0 < 1.

Thus, 0.5<1.3

FAQs for Comparison of Numbers

1. How will you do comparisons in mathematics?

The quick way to compare the numbers is to draw a number line and point the numbers you want for comparison on that number line. The value increases from the left to right side on the number line. If the number is placed to the right of the number, then the number is greater than the other number.

2. Why comparing the numbers is important?

Comparing Numbers in maths is important to build student’s number sense. It helps the kids to identify the numbers easily and it’s relation with other numbers. By comparing the numbers students can think in a logical way to frame the numbers for comparison.

3. How do you compare the whole numbers?

We compare the whole numbers by drawing a number line and placing the numbers on that line.

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