13 Times Table Multiplication Chart

Students do you want to know that the number 13 is a prime number or not? Also, learn more about the 13 Times Table Multiplication Chart from this article. Here, you will find various options to understand, learn and remember the multiplication table of thirteen. So, read this complete page and gather the useful information that helps to learn the Math Tables from 0 to 25. These tables are mandatory at the time of prime classes. Hence have a look at the tips and tricks to memorize the 13 Times Table and the solved example questions.

Multiplication Table of 13 | Table of Thirteen

In the below sections, we have provided the 13 Times Table Multiplication Chart both in the image and tabular format. Students can download it from here and prepare offline too whenever they need it. By downloading Multiplication Table of 13 you can revise it regularly and remember it easily. You can get it free of cost from our site which is useful to make your math calculations quickly.

13 times table 1

13 Times Multiplication Table up to 25

It is very easy to learn the Thirteen Times Table Multiplication Chart. Just we need to add 13 to the first multiple and get the next multiple. It is a process of repeated addition where 13 x 0 = 0 and then add 13 to get the next multiple results. So, go through the table and learn the writing the Multiplication Table of 13 up to 25 whole numbers. Also, you will find the section to learn how to read 13 times Multiplication Table on this page.

13 x 0 = 0
13 x 1 = 13
13 x 2 = 26
13 x 3 = 39
13 x 4 = 52
13 x 5 = 65
13 x 6 = 78
13 x 7 = 91
13 x 8 = 104
13 x 9 = 117
13 x 10 = 130
13 x 11 = 143
13 x 12 = 156
13 x 13 = 169
13 x 14 = 182
13 x 15 = 195
13 x 16 = 208
13 x 17 = 221
13 x 18 = 234
13 x 19 = 247
13 x 20 = 260
13 x 21 = 273
13 x 22 = 286
13 x 23 = 299
13 x 24 = 312
13 x 25 = 325

How to Read Thirteen Times Table

Zero time thirteen is 0

One time thirteen is 13

Two times thirteen is 26

Three times thirteen is 39

Four times thirteen is 52

Five times thirteen is 65

Six times thirteen is 78

Seven times thirteen is 91

Eight times thirteen is 104

Nine times thirteen is 117

Ten times thirteen is 130.

Get More Multiplication Tables

0 Times Table Multiplication Chart 1 Times Table Multiplication Chart 2 Times Table Multiplication Chart
3 Times Table Multiplication Chart 4 Times Table Multiplication Chart 5 Times Table Multiplication Chart
6 Times Table Multiplication Chart 7 Times Table Multiplication Chart 8 Times Table Multiplication Chart
9 Times Table Multiplication Chart 10 Times Table Multiplication Chart 11 Times Table Multiplication Chart
12 Times Table Multiplication Chart 14 Times Table Multiplication Chart 15 Times Table Multiplication Chart
16 Times Table Multiplication Chart 17 Times Table Multiplication Chart 18 Times Table Multiplication Chart
19 Times Table Multiplication Chart 20 Times Table Multiplication Chart 21 Times Table Multiplication Chart
22 Times Table Multiplication Chart 23 Times Table Multiplication Chart 24 Times Table Multiplication Chart
25 Times Table Multiplication Chart

Why One Should Read 13 Times Table Multiplication Chart?

Learning 13 times Multiplication table is very important and it has several advantages for solving mathematical problems. There are many aspects of mathematics that require multiplication tables to spend less amount of time.

  • Math Tables saves your time while doing arithmetical operations like multiplications, divisions, and reducing fractions, finding LCM, GCF, etc
  • In this way, learning tables are helpful to solve math problems easily and quickly.
  • 13 Times Table makes you perfect in performing the quick calculations.

Tips & Tricks to Remember 13th Table

We have 2 simple techniques to remember and memorize the Multiplication table of 13. So, interested students must check out these tips to learn the table quickly.

  • To memorize the 13 Times Table Multiplication Chart, first, you need to remember the 3rd Table. The multiples of three are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, . . .
  • And then add natural numbers to the ten’s digit of the 3 multiples. The obtaines 13 multiples are (1 + 0)3 = 13, (2 + 0)6 = 26, (3 + 0)9 = 39, (4 + 1)2 = 52, (5 + 1)5 = 65, (6 + 1)8 = 78, (7 + 2)1 = 91, (8 + 2)4 = 104, (9 + 2)7 = 117, (10 + 3)0 = 130, (11 + 3)3 = 143, . .
  • Thirteen does not have any rules that make the multiplication table easier to memorize. Them here is a structure for every 10 multiples of 13. They are 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 117, 130. In all these multiples, the last digit i.e units place digit is repeating. So, one can remember this logic to memorize the table.

Solved Examples on 13 Times Multiplication Table

Example 1:

Calculate the value of 3 plus 13 times of 7 minus 4, using the 13 Times Table.


Given, calculate the value using 13 Times Table

First, we have to write down the given statement plus 13 times of 7 minus 4

Now, solving the above expression by using 13 Times Table Multiplication Chart,

3 plus 13 times 7 minus 4 = 3 + 13 x 7 – 4

= 3 + 91 – 4

= 3 + 87

= 90

Therefore, the value of 3 plus 13 times 7 minus is 90.

Example 2:

Check using the table of 13 whether 8 times 13 minus 4 is 100?


Given, calculate the value using 13 Times Table

First, we have to write down the given statement 8 times 13 minus 4

8 times 13 minus 4 = 8 x 13 – 4

= 104 – 4

= 100

Therefore, the given statement is true.

Example 3:

Use the 13 times table multiplication chart, and evaluate the value of 6 plus 13 times 5 minus 9.


Given, calculate the value using 13 Times Table

First, we have to write down the given statement 6 plus 13 times 5 minus 9

6 plus 13 times 5 minus 9 = 6 + 13 x 5 – 9

= 6 + 65 – 9

= 6 + 56

= 62

Therefore, 6 plus 13 times 5 minus 9 is 62.

Example 4:

Using the Multiplication Table of 13, evaluate 13 times 15 plus 25 minus 4.


Given, calculate the value using 13 Times Table

First, we have to write down the given statement 13 times 15 plus 25 minus 4

Now, solving the above expression by using 13 Times Table

13 times 15 plus 25 minus 4 = 13 x 15 + 25 – 4

= 195 + 25 – 4

= 195 + 21

= 216

Therefore, 13 times 15 plus 25 minus 4 is 216.

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