Engage NY Eureka Math 2nd Grade Module 6 End of Module Assessment Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 6 End of Module Assessment Answer Key

Question 1.
a. Does the picture below show an even or an odd number of teddy bears? Explain your thinking using pictures, numbers, or words in the box on the right.
Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 6 End of Module Assessment Answer Key 1
By observing the picture above carefully here the number of bears is even because we can pair them up with none of them leftover.

First of all, we need to know what is even number. A number that is divisible by 2 and generates a remainder of 0 is called an even number. So from observing the above diagram there are a total of 12 teddy bears also it is divisible by 12 and the remainder is 0. Therefore the number of teddy bears is even.

b. Explain how you know if a number is even.
A number that is divisible by 2 and generates a remainder of 0 is called an even number. Hence by observing the given diagram carefully there are a total of 12 teddy bears which are divisible by 2 and also generates the remainder zero. Hence we could know the number is even.

Question 2.
a. Complete the array.
Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 6 End of Module Assessment Answer Key 2

For the above question, I have completed drawing an array.

b. Using the entire rectangle, draw 3 rows of 5 squares. The first row is done for you. Then, write a repeated addition sentence that describes your array.
Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 6 End of Module Assessment Answer Key 3

By using the entire rectangle I have drawn 3 rows of 5 squares. Here we have 3 rows and each row has 5 boxes i.e 5+5+5=15. So there is a total of 15 boxes.

c. Henry drew the rectangle below using 12 squares. Draw a different rectangle using 12 squares.

Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 6 End of Module Assessment Answer Key 4

As given in the question I have drawn a rectangle using 12 squares.

Question 3.
Complete each sentence. Explain your thinking using pictures, numbers, or words.

a.    2 groups of 4 make __________. b.    __________ groups of 2 make 6.

a. 2 groups of 4 make 8.
b. 3 groups of 2 make 6.

For the above question, I have explained it clearly by using pictures and numbers.

Question 4.
a. Alex says that 14 is an even number. Do you agree with him? Explain your thinking using pictures, numbers, or words.
I agree 14 is an even number.

Yes, 14 is an even number because it has a 4 in the one’s place. Even Numbers always end with 2, 4, 6, 8, 0. Also 7+7=14, so it’s double. Here doubles are even.

b. Draw an array using 14 squares in 2 rows. The rows have been drawn for you.
Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 6 End of Module Assessment Answer Key 5

As asked in the question I have drawn an array using 14 squares in 2 rows.

c. Alex has 14 pencils. He gives all of his pencils to his two friends. Each friend gets the same number of pencils. How many pencils did each friend get? Explain your thinking using pictures, numbers, or words.
As Alex has 14 pencils, each friend got 7 pencils. The array shows how he put the pencils in 2 equal groups. So when I counted i found he put 7 pencils in each group.

Here Alex distributes all of his 14 pencils to his two friends. So each friend has got 7 pencils 7+7 =14.

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