Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction

Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Subtraction

Subtraction Show What You Know

DIRECTIONS 1–2. Count and tell how many. Draw a set with one fewer counter. Write how many in each set. 3. Write the number of cubes in each set. Circle the number that is less than the other number.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 1.1

The number of counters in the first set are two and the number of counters in the second set are one.

In the first image, we can see that the number of counters is two. As there are two counters in the first image, given that to draw fewer counters than the first set. So we will take only one counter in the second set.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 1.2
The number of counters in the first set is 4 and the number of counters in the second set is 3.

In the first image we can see that the number of counters is 4. As there are four counters in the first image, given that to draw fewer counters than the first set. So we will take only three counters in the second image.

Compare Numbers to 10
Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 1.3
The number of cubes in first set is 7 and the number of cubes in second set is 4.

In the above image, we can see two types of sets. The first set contains seven cubes which are in blue color and the second set contains four cubes which are in red color. So we have to circle it for less number which is four.

Subtraction Vocabulary Builder

DIRECTIONS Add the set of bees and the set of butterflies. Write how many insects altogether.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 1.4

The sum of the set of bees and the set of butterflies is 10.

The set of bees are five and the set of butterflies are five. Here we performed addition to know the insects altogether and the sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the set of bees and the set of butterflies is
5 + 5 is 10.

Subtraction Game Spin for More

DIRECTIONS Play with a partner. Decide who goes first. Take turns spinning to get a number from each spinner. Use cubes to model a cube train with the number from the first spin. Say the number. Add the cubes from the second spin. Compare your number with your partner’s. Mark an X on the table for the player who has the greater number. The first player to have five Xs wins the game.

MATERIALS two paper clips, connecting cubes
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 1.5

Subtraction Vocabulary Game

DIRECTIONS Players take turns. A player chooses a secret word from the Word Box and then sets the timer. The player draws pictures to give hints about the secret word. If the other player guesses the secret word before time runs out, he or she puts a counter in the chart. The first player who has counters in all his or her boxes is the winner.

MATERIALS timer, drawing paper, two-color counters for each player
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 1.6

The Write Way
DIRECTIONS Draw to show how to solve a subtraction problem. Write a subtraction sentence. Reflect Be ready to tell about your drawing.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 1.7

Lesson 6.1 Subtraction: Take From

Essential Question How can you show subtraction as taking from?

Share and Show

DIRECTIONS 1. Listen to the subtraction word problem. Trace the number that shows how many children in all. Write the number that shows how many children are leaving. Write the number that shows how many children are left.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.1 1
In the above image, we can see that there are four children and two children are leaving. So here we will subtraction
The number that shows how many children in all are four by observing the above image.  The number that shows how many children are leaving are two. The number that shows how many children left are two.

DIRECTIONS 2. Listen to the subtraction word problem. Write the number that shows how many children in all. Write the number that shows how many children are leaving. Write the number that shows how many children are left.
Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.1 2
The total number of children is five by observing the above image.  The number that shows how many children are leaving is one. The number that shows how many children left are four.

Problem Solving • Applications

DIRECTIONS 3. Blair has two marbles. His friend takes one marble from him. Draw to show the subtraction. Write the numbers. 4. Write the number that shows how many marbles Blair has now.
Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.1 3
Go-Math-Answer-Key-Grade-K-Chapter-6-Subtraction-6.1-3.1            Go-Math-Answer-Key-Grade-K-Chapter-6-Subtraction-6.1-3
Blair has two marbles by observing the above image. His friend takes one marble from him. Subtract one marble from total number of marbles. So number of marbles left over are one.

Question 4.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Blair has one marble as his friend has one marble from the two marbles he has.

HOME ACTIVITY • Show your child a set of four small objects. Have him or her tell how many objects there are. Take one of the objects from the set. Have him or her tell you how many objects there are now.

Subtraction: Take From Homework & Practice 6.1

DIRECTIONS 1. Tell a subtraction word problem about the children. Write the number that shows how many children in all. Write the number that shows how many children are leaving. Write the number that shows how many children are left.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.1 4
The number that shows how many children in all are three by observing the above image.  The number that shows how many children are leaving is one. The number that shows how many children left are two.

DIRECTIONS 1. Tell a subtraction word problem about the frogs. Write the number that shows how many frogs are left. 2. Tell an addition word problem about the birds. Write and trace to complete the addition sentence. 3. How many more counters would you place to model a way to make 8? Draw the counters.
Lesson Check
Question 1.

Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.1 5
The total number of frogs are three and one is taken away. The number that shows how many frogs left are two by observing the above image.  So leftover frogs are two.

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.1 6
In the above image, we can see two boxes. The first box contains five birds and the second box contains three birds. By adding birds in these two boxes results in the total number of birds. The total number of birds is eight.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.1 7
In the given image, we can see five counters are present.
In order to model a way to make counters eight, three more counters need to be added. So, we have to place three more counters to model a way to make eight counters.

Lesson 6.2 Subtraction: Take Apart

Essential Question How can you show subtraction as taking apart?

Listen and Draw

DIRECTIONS Listen to the subtraction word problem. Place seven counters in the ten frame as shown. Trace the counters. Trace the number that shows how many in all. Trace the number that shows how many are red. Write the number that shows how many are yellow.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.2 1
We have to place seven counters in the ten frames as shown in the above image. The number that shows the total number of counters in all is seven. The number that shows the number of counters in red is two. The number of yellow counters is obtained by subtracting red counters from the total number of counters. Thus, we have five yellow counters.

Share and Show

DIRECTIONS 1. Listen to the subtraction word problem. Place eight counters in the ten frame. Draw and color the counters. Trace the number that shows how many in all. Write the number that shows how many are yellow. Write the number that shows how many are red.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.2 2
Place eight counters in the ten frames as shown in the above figure. The number of red counters is one. By subtracting the number of red counters from the total number of counters, we will get the number of yellow counters as seven.

DIRECTIONS 2. Listen to the subtraction word problem. Place ten counters in the ten frame. Draw and color the counters. Write the number that shows how many in all. Write the number that shows how many are red. Write the number that shows how many are yellow.
Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.2 3
Place ten counters in the ten frames as shown in the above figure. The total number of yellow counters is four. By subtracting the number of yellow counters from the total number of counters will give us the number of red counters as six.

Problem Solving • Applications

DIRECTIONS 3. Juanita has nine apples. One apple is red. The rest of the apples are yellow. Draw the apples. Write the numbers and trace the symbol. 4. Write the number that shows how many apples are yellow.
Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.2 4
Go-Math-Grade-K-Answer-Key-Chapter-6-Subtraction-6.2-4.1              Go-Math-Grade-K-Answer-Key-Chapter-6-Subtraction-6.2-4
Juanita has nine apples. One apple is red. If we subtract one red apple from the total number of apples, then we will get the rest of the apples which are yellow in color are 8.

Question 4.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
The total number of yellow apples are eight.

HOME ACTIVITY • Show your child a set of seven small objects. Now take away four objects. Have him or her tell a subtraction word problem about the objects.

Subtraction: Take Apart Homework & Practice 6.2

DIRECTIONS 1. Listen to the subtraction word problem. Jane has nine counters. Three of her counters are red. The rest of her counters are yellow. How many are yellow? Place nine counters in the ten frame. Draw and color the counters. Write the number that shows how many in all. Write the number that shows how many are red. Write the number that shows how many are yellow.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.2 5
Jane has nine counters as shown in the above image. Three of her counters are red. The rest of her counters are yellow. We placed nine counters in the ten frames and colored the counters. The number that shows how many in all are nine. The number that shows how many are red is three. Subtract three red counters from the total number of counters to get the number of yellow counters. The number of yellow counters is six.

DIRECTIONS 1. Clyde has eight counters. Two of his counters are yellow. The rest of his counters are red. How many are red? Draw and color the counters. Write the number that shows how many are red. 2. Count the number of leaves in each set. Circle the set that has the greater number of leaves. 3. Compare the cube trains. Write how many. Circle the number that is greater.
Lesson Check
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.2 6
Clyde has eight counters by observing the above image. Two of his counters are yellow. The rest of his counters are red. In order to get the number of red counters,  we have to subtract yellow counters from the total number of counters. So, the number of red counters is six.

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.2 7
In the above image, we can see the number of leaves in the first set is four. The number of leaves in the second set is five. So circle the set that has the greater number of leaves. The second set contains a greater number of leaves. So, circle for the second set.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.2 8
In the above image, we can see two cube trains. The total number of cubes in the first train is six and the total number of cubes in the second train is four. By Comparing these two cube trains, circle for the number that is greater. So we have to circle for the first train which has a greater number of cubes in it.

Lesson 6.3 Problem Solving • Act Out Subtraction Problems

Essential Question How can you solve problems using the strategy act it out?

Try Another Problem

DIRECTIONS 1. Listen to and act out the subtraction word problem. Trace the numbers and the symbols. Write the number that shows how many children are left.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 1
Explanation :
Total two children are there in the above image. One child left the place and another child remains there in the same place.  Subtract total number of child left from total number of child. So, only one child leftover at that place.

Share and Show

DIRECTIONS 2. Listen to and act out the subtraction word problem. Trace the numbers and the symbols. Write the number that shows how many children are left.
Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 2
The total number of children in the above image is four. Two children left the place and two children remain in the same place. So, the number of children leftover is two.

On Your Own

DIRECTIONS 3. Tell a subtraction word problem about the kittens. Trace the numbers and the symbols. Write the number that shows how many kittens are left. 4. Draw to show what you know about the subtraction sentence. Write how many are left. Tell a friend a subtraction word problem to match.
Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 3
In the above image, we can see four kittens. One kitten left the place and some kittens remain in the same place. Subtract number of kitten left from the total number of kittens .So, the number of kittens leftover is three.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 4

The total number of flowers in the above image is four. Three flowers are taken away from the place and one flower remains in the same place. In order to get the left over flowers we have subtract total number of flowers taken away from the total number of flowers. So the number of flowers leftover is one.

HOME ACTIVITY • Tell your child a short subtraction word problem. Have him or her use objects to act out the word problem.

Problem Solving • Act Out Subtraction Problems Homework & Practice 6.3

DIRECTIONS 1. Tell a subtraction word problem about the beavers. Trace the numbers and the symbols. Write the number that shows how many beavers are left. 2. Draw to tell a story about the subtraction sentence. Write how many are left. Tell a friend about your drawing.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 5
Subtraction is an arithmetic operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection. In the above image we can see the total number of beavers are three. One beaver left the place and two beavers remains in the same place. So, the number of beavers leftover are two.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 6

Subtraction is an arithmetic operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection. The result of a subtraction is called a difference. In the above image we can see four penguins. Three penguins left the place and one penguin remains in the same place.

DIRECTIONS 1. Tell a subtraction word problem about the birds. Trace the numbers and the symbols. Write the number that shows how many birds are left. 2. Count and tell how many bees. Write the number. 3. How many more counters would you place to model a way to make 7? Draw the counters.
Lesson Check
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 7
The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. In the above image we can observe the total number of birds are five. Four birds left the place and one bird remains in the same place.

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 8
In the above image, we can see a group of bees. The addition is taking two or more numbers and adding them together. The total number of bees are nine.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.3 9
Four more counters are needed to place the model in a way to make seven. The addition is taking two or more numbers and adding them together. In the above image we can observe Four counters are added.

Lesson 6.4 Algebra • Model and Draw Subtraction Problems

Essential Question How can you use objects and drawings to solve subtraction word problems?

Share and Show

DIRECTIONS 1. Model a four-cube train. One cube is blue and the rest are green. Take apart the train to show how many cubes are green. Draw and color the cube trains. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence. 2. Model a three-cube train. Two cubes are orange and the rest are blue. Take apart the train to show how many cubes are blue. Draw and color the cube trains. Trace and write to complete the
Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 1
In the above image we can see a four-cube train. One cube is blue and the rest are green. The number of green cubes are three. Subtraction is an arithmetic operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection.  Here the collections has four cubes and we are removing one object(blue cube). So the remaining green cubes are three.

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 2
In the above image, we can see a three-cube train. Two cubes are orange and the rest are blue.  In order to get the number of blue cubes we have to subtract two orange cubes from total number of cubes. So we got the total number of blue cubes are one.

DIRECTIONS 3. Model a four-cube train. Three cubes are red and the rest are blue. Take apart the train to show how many cubes are blue. Draw and color the cube trains. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence. 4. Model a five-cube train. Three cubes are yellow and the rest are green. Take apart the train to show how many cubes are green. Draw and color the cube trains. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 3
In the above image, we can see a four-cube train. Three cubes are red and the rest are blue. In order to get the number of blue cubes we have to subtract three red cubes from total number of cubes. So we got the total number of blue cubes are one.

Question 4.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 4
In the above image, we can see a five-cube train. Three cubes are yellow and the rest are green. In order to get the number of green cubes we have to subtract three yellow cubes from total number of cubes. So we got the total number of green cubes are two.

HOME ACTIVITY • Show your child two small objects. Take apart the set of objects. Have him or her tell a word problem to match the subtraction.

Algebra • Model and Draw Subtraction Problems Homework & Practice 6.4

DIRECTIONS 1. Model a three-cube train. Two cubes are red and the rest are blue. Take apart the cube train to show how many cubes are blue. Draw and color the cube trains. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence. 2. Model a five-cube train. One cube is yellow and the rest are green. Take apart the train to show how many cubes are green. Draw and color the cube trains. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 5
In the above image, we can observe a three-cube train. Two cubes are red and the rest are blue. In order to get the number of blue cubes we have to subtract two red cubes from total number of cubes. So we got the total number of blue cubes are one.

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 6
In the above image, we can observe a five-cube train. One cube is yellow and the rest are green. In order to get the number of green cubes we have to subtract one yellow cube from total number of cubes. So we got the total number of green cubes are four.

DIRECTIONS 1. Ellie makes the cube train shown. She takes the cube train apart to show how many cubes are gray. Trace and write to show the subtraction sentence for Ellie’s cube train. 2. Count the dots in the ten frames. Begin with 5. Write the numbers in order as you count forward. 3. Complete the addition sentence to show the numbers that match the cube train.
Lesson Check
Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 7
There are total five cubes in the train shown. In those some are colored gray. We need to separate total cube train into two parts to know how many cubes are gray. Substract the number of non-gray colored cubes from the total number of cubes to get the number of gray colored cubes. So, if we substract three from total five cubes, then the total number of gray colored cubes are two.

  • Spiral Review
    Question 2.
    Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 8
  • In the first frame, we can see that there are total ten number of counters and five are not colored grey. If we substract the number of non-colored counters from total number of counters, then we will get the total number of grey colored counters. So, substracting five from the total ten counters gives us five grey colored counters.
  • Similar to the first frame, if we see in the second frame, there are total ten number of counters and four are not colored grey. If we substract the number of non-colored counters from total number of counters, then we will get the total number of grey colored counters. So, substracting four from the total ten counters gives us six grey colored counters.
  • For the third frame, the same logic will apply here as well an substracting three from ten gives us seven grey colored counters.
  • For the fourth frame, substracting two from the total ten counters will give us eight grey colored counters.
  • For the fifth frame, substracting one from the total ten counters will give us nine grey colored counters.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 9
In the above image we can see five grey cubes and three white cubes .Perform addition to get total number of cubes. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. ADD five black cubes with three white cubes then we get total number of cubes. The total number of cubes are eight.

Subtraction Mid-Chapter Checkpoint

Concepts and Skills

DIRECTIONS 1. Listen to the subtraction word problem. Draw and color the six circles in the ten frame. Write the number that shows how many in all. Write the number that shows how many are yellow. (K.OA.A.1) 2. Model a five-cube train. Four cubes are blue and the rest are orange. Take apart the cube train to show how many are orange. Draw and color the cube trains. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence. (K.OA.A.5) 3. Choose Yes or No. Does the subtraction sentence match the model? (K.OA.A.5)
Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 10


Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 11
In the above image, we can observe a five-cube train. In that four cubes are blue and the rest are orange. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. We have subtract total number of blue cubes from a five cube train .Then we get total number of orange cubes. The total number of orange cube is one.
Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.4 12
In the above image, we can see a four cube train. In that, one is red cube and three are blue cubes. We have to choose the correct answer for number of red cubes by subtracting the number of blue cubes from total number of cubes. If the answer matches with the number of red cubes, then the answer is ‘Yes’ or else ‘No’.

  • In the first number sentence, subtracting two blue cubes from the total four cubes will not give the correct number of red cubes. The answer doesn’t match with the number of red cubes and so the answer is ‘No’.
  • In the second number sentence, substracting three blue cubes from the total four cubes equals to one red cube. So, the answer is ‘Yes’.
  • In the third number sentence, substracting one blue cube from three cubes will not give correct number of red cubes. So the answer is ‘No’.

Lesson 6.5 Algebra • Write Subtraction Sentences

Essential Question How can you solve subtraction word problems and complete the equation?

Share and Show

DIRECTIONS 1. Listen to the subtraction word problem. Trace the circle and X to show how many are being taken from the set. Trace to complete the subtraction sentence. 2–3. Listen to the subtraction word problem. How many are being taken from the set? Circle and mark an X to show how many are being taken from the set. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 1
In the above image we can see five scorpions. In that two scorpions are taken away from the set. Circle the scorpions that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over scorpions we have to subtract two scorpions from four scorpions. Then we will get the number of scorpions left over. The left over scorpion is one.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 2
In the above image we can see four tortoises. In that one tortoise is taken away from the set. Circle the tortoises that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over tortoises we have to subtract one tortoise from four tortoises. Then we will get the number of tortoises left over. The left over tortoises are three.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 3
In the above image we can see four scorpions. In that three scorpions are taken away from the set. Circle the scorpions that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over scorpions we have to subtract three scorpions from four scorpions. Then we will get the number of scorpions left over. The left over scorpion is one.

DIRECTIONS 4–6. Listen to the subtraction word problem. How many are being taken from the set? Circle and mark an X to show how many are being taken from the set. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 4
In the above image we can see five fish. In that three fish are taken away from the set. Circle the fish that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over fish we have to subtract three fish from five fish that we have, and we will get the number of fish left over. The left over fish are two as shown in the above image.
Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 5
In the above image we can see three fish. In that two fish are taken away from the set. Circle the fish that are taken away from the set  and marked with X. In order to get the left over fish we have to subtract two fish from three fish that we have, and we will get the number of fish left over. The left over fish is one.

Question 6.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 6
In the above image we can see five fish. In that four fish are taken away from the set.  Circle the fish that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over fish we have to subtract four fish from five fish that we have, and we will get the number of fish left over. The left over fish are one as shown in the above image.

Problem Solving • Applications

DIRECTIONS 7. Kristen has four flowers. She gives her friend some flowers. Now Kristen has two flowers. How many did Kristen give her friend? Draw to solve the problem. Complete the subtraction sentence. 8. Tell a different subtraction word problem about the flowers. Draw to solve the problem. Tell a friend about your drawing. Complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 7.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 7
Go-Math-Answer-Key-Grade-K-Chapter-6-Subtraction-6.5-7             Go-Math-Answer-Key-Grade-K-Chapter-6-Subtraction-6.5-7.(1)

Kristen has four flowers as shown in the above image. She gave some flowers to her friend. Subtract two flowers from total number of flowers which are four. Now Kristen has two flowers. Kristen gave two flowers to her friend.
Question 8.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 8

The total number of flowers in the above image are four. Three flowers are taken away from the place and one flower remains in the same place. In order to get the left over flowers we have subtract total number of flowers taken away from the total number of flowers. So the number of flowers leftover is one.

HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child draw a set of five or fewer balloons. Have him or her circle and mark an X on some balloons to show that they have popped. Then have your child tell a word problem to match the subtraction.

Algebra • Write Subtraction Sentences Homework & Practice 6.5

DIRECTIONS 1–3. Listen to the subtraction word problem about the animals. There are _____ _____. _____ are taken from the set. Now there are ____. How many are taken from the set? Circle and mark an X to show how many are being taken from the set. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 9
In the above image we can see four animals. In that three animals are taken away from the set. Circle the animals that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over animals we have to subtract three animals from total number of animals. Then we will get the number of animals left over. The left over animal is one.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 10
In the above image we can see three animals. In that one animal is taken away from the set. Circle the animals that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over animals we have to subtract one animal from total number of animals. Then we will get the number of animals left over. The left over animals are two.
Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 11
In the above image we can see five animals. In that four animals are taken away from the set. Circle the animals that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over animals we have to subtract four animals from total number of animals. Then we will get the number of animals left over. The left over animal is one.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace and write to show the subtraction sentence for the set. 2. Count the number of counters in each set. Circle the set that has the greater number of counters. 3. How many more counters would you place to model a way to make 9? Draw the counters.
Lesson Check
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 12
In the above image we can observe some tortoise. Three tortoise are taken away from the set .The left over tortoise is one. Total number of tortoise are four. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of tortoise taken away from the set from total number of tortoise. Then we get left over tortoise. So subtract three tortoise from four tortoise. The total number of tortoise left over is one.

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 13
In the above image, we can see the number of counters in the first set are three. The number of counters in the second set are four. So circle the set that has the greater number of counters. The second set contains a greater number of counters. So, circle for the second set.
Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.5 14
Three more counters are needed to place the model in a way to make nine. The addition is taking two or more numbers and adding them together. In the above image we can observe three counters are added.

Lesson 6.6 Algebra • Write More Subtraction Sentences

Essential Question How can you solve subtraction word problems and complete the equation?

Share and Show

DIRECTIONS 1–3. Listen to the subtraction word problem. How many birds are taken from the set? Trace the circle and X. How many birds are left? How many birds were there in all to begin with? Write and trace to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 1
Subtract six from eight in order to get the difference. The difference is two.
In the above image we can observe some birds. Six birds are taken away from the set .The left over birds are two. Total number of birds are eight. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. So subtract six birds from eight birds. The total number of birds left over are two.
Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 2
In the above image we can observe some birds. Three birds are taken away from the set .The left over birds are three. Total number of birds are six. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. So subtract three birds from six birds. The total number of birds left over are three.
Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 3
In the above image we can observe some birds. Four birds are taken away from the set .The left over birds are five. Total number of birds are nine. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. So subtract four birds from nine birds. The total number of birds left over are five.

DIRECTIONS 4–6. Listen to the subtraction word problem. How many birds are taken from the set? Trace the circle and X. How many birds are left? How many birds were there in all to begin with? Write and trace to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 4
In the above image we can observe some birds. Five birds are taken away from the set .The left over bird is one. Total number of birds are six. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. So subtract five birds from six birds. The total number of birds left over are five.

Question 5.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 5
In the above image we can observe some birds. six birds are taken away from the set .Now there are three birds. Total number of birds are nine. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. So subtract six birds from nine birds. The total number of birds left over are three.

Question 6.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 6
In the above image we can observe some birds. Three birds are taken away from the set .Now there are five birds. Total number of birds are eight. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. So subtract three birds from eight birds. The total number of birds left over are five.

Problem Solving • Applications

DIRECTIONS 7. Complete the subtraction sentence. Draw a picture of real objects to show what you know about this subtraction sentence. Tell a friend about your drawing.
Question 7.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 7
In the above image we can see eight oranges. In that six oranges are taken away from the set. Circle the animals that are taken away from the set and marked with X. In order to get the left over oranges we have to subtract six oranges from total number of oranges. Then we will get the number of oranges left over. The left over oranges are two.

HOME ACTIVITY • Tell your child you have some small objects in your hand. Tell him or her that you are taking two objects from the set and now there are five objects left. Ask him or her to tell you how many objects were in the set to start with.

Algebra • Write More Subtraction Sentences Homework & Practice 6.6

DIRECTIONS 1–3. Listen to a subtraction word problem about the birds. There are some birds. _____ birds are taken from the set. Now there are _____ birds. How many birds in all did you start with? Write the number to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 8
In the above image we can observe some birds. Four birds are taken from the set .Now there are three birds. Total number of birds are seven. We have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So subtract four birds from seven birds. The total number of birds left over are three.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 9
In the above image we can observe some birds. Three birds are taken away from the set .Now there are six birds. Total number of birds are nine. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. So subtract three birds from nine birds. The total number of birds left over are six.
Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 10
In the above image we can observe some birds. One bird is taken away from the set .Now there are five birds. Total number of birds are six. The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. So we have to subtract number of birds taken away from the set from total number of birds. Then we get left over birds. So subtract one bird from six birds. The total number of birds left over are five.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace and write to show the subtraction sentence for the buses. 2. How many lunch boxes are there? Write the number. 3. Count the dots in the ten frames. Begin with 1. Write the numbers in order as you count forward.
Lesson Check
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 11
In the above image we can see the total number of buses are seven. In that four buses are taken away .We have to find how many buses left over there.  Number of buses taken away are four and the total number of buses are six. So we have to subtract total number of buses taken away from total number of buses . Subtract four buses from six buses.  So we got the left over buses. The left over buses are two.

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 12
In the above image we can observe some lunch boxes. We have to perform addition operation to calculate the total number of lunch boxes. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. Total number of lunch boxes are seven

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction 6.6 13


  • In the first frame, we can see that there are total ten number of counters and nine are not colored grey. If we substract the number of non-colored counters from total number of counters, then we will get the total number of grey colored counters. So, substracting nine from the total ten counters gives us one grey colored counters.
  • Similar to the first frame, if we see in the second frame, there are total ten number of counters and eight are not colored grey. If we substract the number of non-colored counters from total number of counters, then we will get the total number of grey colored counters. So, substracting eight from the total ten counters gives us two grey colored counters.
  • For the third frame, the same logic will apply here as well an substracting seven from ten gives us three grey colored counters.
  • For the fourth frame, substracting four from the total ten counters will give us four grey colored counters.
  • For the fifth frame, substracting five from the total ten counters will give us five grey colored counters.

Lesson 6.7 Algebra • Addition and Subtraction

Essential Question How can you solve word problems using addition and subtraction?

Share and Show

DIRECTIONS Tell addition and subtraction word problems. Use cubes to add and to subtract. 1. Trace the number sentences. 2. Complete the number sentences.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 1
The first cube train contains five red cubes and two blue cubes. ADD five red cubes with two blue cubes .The total number of cubes are seven.
Total number of cubes in the second cube train are seven. Subtract two blue cubes from total number of cubes are seven. Total number of red cubes are five.
In the first image we can see five red cubes and two blue cubes. We have to find total number of cubes. In order to get the total number of cubes we have to perform addition operation. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. ADD five red cubes with two blue cubes then we get total number of cubes. So the total number of cubes are seven.
In the second image we can see the total number of cubes are seven. In that two blue cubes are taken away .We have to find how many red cubes are left over there.  Number of cubes taken away are two and the total number of cubes are seven. So we have to subtract total number of  blue cubes taken away from total number of cubes . Subtract two blue cubes from seven cubes.  So we got the left over red cubes. The left over red cubes are five.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 2
In the first image we can see six red cubes and four blue cubes. We have to find total number of cubes. In order to get the total number of cubes we have to perform addition operation. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. ADD six red cubes with four blue cubes then we got total number of cubes. So the total number of cubes are ten.
In the second image we can see the total number of cubes are ten. In that four blue cubes are taken away .We have to find how many red cubes are left over there.  Number of cubes taken away are four and the total number of cubes are ten. So we have to subtract total number of  blue cubes taken away from total number of cubes . Subtract four blue cubes from ten cubes.  So we got the left over red cubes. The left over red cubes are six.

DIRECTIONS 3–4. Tell addition and subtraction word problems. Use cubes to add and subtract. Complete the number sentences.
Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 3
In the first image we can see six red cubes and two blue cubes. We have to find total number of cubes. In order to get the total number of cubes we have to perform addition operation. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. ADD six red cubes with two blue cubes then we get total number of cubes. So the total number of cubes are eight.
In the second image we can see the total number of cubes are eight. In that two blue cubes are taken away .We have to find how many red cubes are left over there.  Number of cubes taken away are two and the total number of cubes are eight. So we have to subtract total number of  blue cubes taken away from total number of cubes . Subtract two blue cubes from eight cubes.  So we got the left over red cubes. The left over red cubes are six.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 4
In the first image we can see eight red cubes and one blue cube. We have to find total number of cubes. In order to get the total number of cubes we have to perform addition operation. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. ADD eight red cubes with one blue cube then we get total number of cubes. So the total number of cubes are nine.
In the second image we can see the total number of cubes are nine . In that one blue cube is taken away .We have to find how many red cubes are left over there.  Number of cubes taken away are one and total number of cubes are nine .So we have to subtract total number of  blue cubes taken away from total number of cubes . Subtract one blue cube from nine cubes. The left over red cubes are eight .

Problem Solving • Applications

Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 5
DIRECTIONS Look at the addition sentence at the top of the page. 5–6. Tell a related subtraction word problem. Complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 5.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 6
The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. The result of a subtraction is called a difference. Subtraction is signified by the minus sign. For example, there are nine birds on a tree. If three birds flew away, then the number of birds left on the tree will be calculated by substracting the number of birds flew away from the total number of birds on the tree. If we substract three from six, then we get the answer as three.

Question 6.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 7
The process of taking one number or amount away from another number is called as subtraction. The result of a subtraction is called a difference. Subtraction is signified by the minus sign. For example, there are nine birds on a tree. If three birds flew away, then the number of birds left on the tree will be calculated by substracting the number of birds flew away from the total number of birds on the tree. If we substract three from nine, then we get the answer as six.

HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to use objects to model a simple addition problem. Then have him or her explain how to make it into a subtraction problem.

Algebra • Addition and Subtraction Homework & Practice 6.7

DIRECTIONS 1–2. Tell an addition or subtraction word problem. Use cubes to add or subtract. Complete the number sentence.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 8.1
In the above image we can see five grey cubes and three white cubes .Perform addition to get total number of cubes. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. ADD five black cubes with three white cubes then we get total number of cubes. The total number of cubes are eight.
Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 8
In the above image we can see the total number of cubes are eight .Three cubes are taken away .We have to find how many cubes are left over there.  Number of cubes taken away are three and total number of cubes are eight .So we have to substract total number of cubes taken away from total number of cubes . The left over cubes are five .

DIRECTIONS 1. Tell a subtraction word problem. Use cubes to subtract. Complete the number sentence. 2. Complete the addition sentence to show the numbers that match the cube train. 3. Compare the numbers. Circle the number that is greater.
Lesson Check
Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 9
In the above image we can see the total number of cubes are eight .Three cubes are taken away .We have to find how many cubes are left over there.  Number of cubes taken away are three and total number of cubes are eight .So we have to substract total number of cubes taken away from total number of cubes . The left over cubes are five .

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 10
In the above image the total number of cubes are ten. In that image we can see four black cubes and six white cubes .Perform addition to get total number of cubes. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. ADD four black cubes with six white cubes then we get total number of cubes are ten.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 6 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction 6.7 11
In the above image we can see two numbers. First one is eight and second one is nine. By comparing these two numbers nine is greater than eight .So circle it for nine.

Subtraction Review/Test

DIRECTIONS 1. Write how many owls are flying away. Write how many owls are left. 2. Which answers show how many counters are red? Choose Yes or No. 3. Model a five-cube train. Two cubes are yellow and the rest are blue. Take apart the cube train to show how many are blue. Draw the cube trains. Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 1
In the above image total number of owls on the tree are four. One owl is flying away. The number of owls left on the tree are calculated by the subtraction method. Subtract number of owls flying away from the total number of owls present on the tree which means subtract one owl from four owls. Owls left on a tree are three.

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 2
In the above image, we can see there are total nine counters. In that, four are red counters and five are yellow counters. We have to choose the correct answer for number of red counters by subtracting the number of yellow counters from total umber of counters. If the answer matches with the number of red counters, then the answer is ‘Yes’ or else ‘No’.

  • In the first number sentence, subtracting one yellow counter from the total nine counters will not give the correct number of red counters. The answer doesn’t match with the number of red counters and so the answer is ‘No’.
  • In the second number sentence, substracting five yellow counters from the total nine counters equals four red counters. So, the answer is ‘Yes’.
  • In the third number sentence, substracting three yellow counters from eight counters will not give correct number of red counters. So the answer is ‘No’.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 3

In the above image we can see a five-cube train. Two cubes are yellow and the rest are blue. In order to find how many cubes are blue, we have to substract the yellow cubes from total number of cubes.

  • Total number of cubes are five.
  • Number of Yellow color cubes are two.
  • Substracting two yellow cubes from the total five cubes will give us the total number of blue cubes which are three.

DIRECTIONS 4. There are 4 penguins. Two penguins are taken from the set. How many penguins are left? Trace and write to complete the subtraction sentence. 5. There are some birds. Three birds are taken from the set. How many birds are left? How many birds were there in all to start? Write and trace to complete the subtraction sentence. 6. Does the number sentence match the picture? Circle Yes or No. 7. Mark under all the number sentences that match the cubes.
Question 4.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 4
In the above image there are four penguins. Two penguins are taken from the set. Substract two penguins from the total four penguins and so we get left over penguins. The left over penguins are two.

Question 5.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 5

In the above image, the total number of birds are seven. In that, three birds are taken from the set. So, substract three birds which are taken away from the set from the total seven birds  and we will get the number of birds left over in the set and they are four.

Question 6.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 6
In the above picture, we can see a five cube train. In that, three are red cubes and two are blue cubes . The picture says that all the blue cubes are taken apart from the train and only the red cubes are remaining there.

  • The first number sentence doesn’t match with the five cube train. Because in the above picture two blue cubes are taken away , So substracting four from five is not relevant here. So answer is ‘No’ for first number sentence.
  • In the second sentence we can observe addition process takes place , which is irrelevant to the cube train as we are taking apart the blue cubes from the train actually. .So answer is ‘No’ for second number sentence also.
  • In third number sentence, we can see total number of cubes are 5 and taken away blue cubes are two by substracting these we can get three red cubes . So answer is ‘Yes’ for third sentence.

Question 7.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 7
In the above image we can see a ten cube train and three number sentences. In that image we have to match the cube train with number sentence. A ten cube train contains three red cubes and seven blue cubes. Add three red cubes with seven blue cubes to get ten cube train which matches with the third number sentence. Mark for third number sentence.

DIRECTIONS 8. Model a four-cube train. Three cubes are red and the rest are blue. Take apart the train to show how many cubes are blue. Draw the cube trains. Complete the subtraction sentence. 9–10. Complete the subtraction sentence to match the picture.
Question 8.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 8

In the above image we can see a four-cube train. In that three cubes are red and rest are blue. In order to get how many cubes are blue ,subtract three red cubes from the total four cubes so as to get one blue cube .
Question 9.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 9

In the above image we can see an eight cube train . In that, one cube is blue and remaining are red. Blue cube is taken apart from the train, so substract one blue cube from the total eight cube train and then we will get the number of red cubes present in the train .The number of red cubes in the above image are seven.

Question 10.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 10
In the above image we can see four fish are there. In that two fish are taken away which represents to subtract two fish from four fish that we have and we will get the number of fish left over. The left over fish are two in the image.

DIRECTIONS 11. There were some apples on a tree. Some were taken away. Now there are zero apples left. Draw to show how many apples there could have been to start. Cross out apples to show how many were taken away. Complete the subtraction sentence. 12. There are some birds. Two birds are taken from the set. How many birds are left? How many birds were there in all to begin with? Write the number to complete the subtraction sentence. 13. Erica has 6 balloons. She gives some of her balloons to a friend. Now Erica has 4 balloons. How many did Erica give to her friend? Draw to solve the problem. Complete the subtraction sentence.
Question 11.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 11



In the first image, we can see there are five apples on a tree and in the second image five apples are taken away. Now the apples on the tree are zero as we have taken away all the five apples.

Question 12.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 12


In the above image we can see five birds are there in total and two birds were taken away from the set. So, substract two birds from the set of five birds and then the remaining birds are three.

Question 13.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 6 Subtraction rt 13

In the above image we can see Erica has six balloons and She gave two of her balloons to her friend.  Subtract two balloons from total number of balloons are two. Now Erica has four balloons with her.

Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry

Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Two-Dimensional Geometry

Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Two-Dimensional Geometry is here to provide you the help to have your kids a fun way of learning. It helps children to improve their practical skills by recognizing the real life geometrical shapes and here we concentrated on the two dimensional shapes with colorful methods and answers will be an extra point to the children to gain the knowledge easily with playful learning.

Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Two-Dimensional Geometry

Now parents have an easy way to teach their kids about shapes. Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Two-Dimensional Geometry has all the answers for the kids who are learning the concepts of two dimensional shapes. In this chapter each and every question is answered in a colorful and fun way to help your kids to have a happy learning. The difficulty level of this chapter is very easy as other kids also seem to be enjoying to learn together . This chapter highlights the concepts of shapes , sizes, equal shares, by visualizing them practically.

Two-Dimensional Geometry Show What You Know

Two-Dimensional Geometry Vocabulary Builder

Two-Dimensional Geometry Game Rocket Shapes

Two-Dimensional Geometry Vocabulary Game

Lesson 1 Sort Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 2 Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 3 Combine Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 4 Combine More Shapes

Lesson 5 Problem Solving • Make New Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 6 Find Shapes in Shapes

Lesson 7 Take Apart Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 8 Equal or Unequal Parts

Lesson 9 Halves

Lesson 10 Fourths

Two-Dimensional Geometry Review/Test

Two-Dimensional Geometry Show What You Know

Sort by Shape
Circle the shape that belongs in each group.
Question 1.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 1.1

Given, in the question above,
All the figures in the picture are triangles,
The odd one in the second picture is triangle
So, triangle shape is circled.

Question 2.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 1.2

Given, in the question above,
All the figures in the picture are rectangle ,
The odd one in the second picture is rectangle,
So, rectangle shape is circled.

Sort Shapes
Circle the shapes with 4 sides.
Question 3.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 1.3

The shapes having four sides are square and rectangle,
and shapes having three sides are triangles.

Identify Two-Dimensional Shapes
Color each square blue. Color each rectangle yellow.
Color each circle red.
Question 4.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 1.4

There are totally 8 circles in the picture,
All of them are colored in red.

Two-Dimensional Geometry Vocabulary Builder

1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 1.5
Visualize It
Complete the chart.
Mark each row with a ✓.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 1.6

Understand Vocabulary
Write the number of each shape.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 1.7
Question 1.
_____ circles
Answer: 2

There are 9 shapes in the picture,
And there are 2 circles in the picture.

Question 2.
_____ squares
Answer: 4

There are 9 shapes in the picture,
And there are 4 squares in the picture.

Question 3.
_____ triangles
Answer: 3

There are 9 shapes in the picture,
And there are 3 triangles in the picture.

Two-Dimensional Geometry Game Rocket Shapes

1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 2.1
Play with a partner.
Take turns.

  1. Spin the 1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 2.2.
  2. Name the shape you spin.
  3. Place that shape on the rocket if you can.
  4. If you cannot place the shape, your turn is over.
  5. The first player to cover a whole rocket wins.
    1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 2.3


who ever wins the points between the player1 and player2,
The picture with the colors is the output.

Two-Dimensional Geometry Vocabulary Game

Guess the Word
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 2.4
How to Play
Play with a partner.

  1. Choose a math word from the Word Box. Do not tell your partner.
  2. Set the timer.
  3. Give a one-word clue.
  4. Your partner tries to guess the secret word.
  5. Repeat with a new one-word clue until your partner guesses correctly or time runs out.
  6. Take turns.
  7. The first player to correctly guess 5 words wins.
    1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 2.5

Answer:  Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Square, Trapezoid.

From the picture we have the 5 words,
That is Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Square, Trapezoid.
circles and trapezoid are in the cycle  from the picture,
Rectangle is from fencing of the play ground in the picture,
Square is from the sandbox in the picture,
Triangle is from the support of the swings in the frame.

The Write Way
Choose one idea. Draw and write about it.

  • Tell about two of your favorite shapes.
  • Explain how you can combine shapes to make a new shape.
    1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 2.6

Answer: we can use circle and triangle to form a Cone.

From the shapes Circle and Triangle, combined together,
Thus forming a Cone.

Lesson 12.1 Sort Two-Dimensional Shapes

Essential Question How can you use attributes to classify and sort two-dimensional shapes?

Listen and Draw

Draw to sort the shapes.
Write the sorting rule.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 1

Answer: Sorting rule is defined as the method to identify the patterns by sort of size, color and shapes for two-dimensional objects and also helpful to recognizing the shapes which are similar and different.

The different ways to sort out the two-dimensional shapes are given below

shapes with 3 vertices are:

shapes with 4 vertices are:

shapes with open figures are:

Explain Are there shapes that did not go in your groups?
Answer: No, There are no shapes that did not go in your group , because here we are dealing with two dimensional shapes and we have triangle, square, circle, rectangle and so on. from the above questions so all  of them are grouped.

Model and Draw

Here are some ways to sort two-dimensional shapes.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 2
Answer: By sorting rule we have , circles, triangles, rectangles

From the question, we know that
curved and closed shapes here are circles,
closed shapes with 3 sides here are triangles,
closed shapes with 4 sides here are rectangles.

Share and Show

1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 3
Read the sorting rule. Circle the shapes that follow the rule.
Question 1.
4 vertices (corners)
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 4
Answer: There are 3 figures following the given sorting rule.


Here we have rectangle and 2 squares.

Question 2.
not curved
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 5
Answer: There are 4 figures following the given sorting rule.


Here we have shapes with out curved end are triangle, square and rectangle.

Question 3.
only 3 sides
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 6
Answer: There are 2 figures following the given sorting rule.


Here we have shapes with 3 sides are triangle

Question 4.
more than 3 sides
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 7
Answer: There are 3 figures following the given sorting rule.


Here we have shapes with more than 3 sides are 2 squares and  a rectangle.

On Your Own

1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 8
Circle the shapes that follow the rule.
Question 5.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 9
Answer: shape with round and curved surface

The shape that follow the given rule is shape with curved and round surface is

Question 6.
only 3 vertices (corners)
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 10
Answer:  shape with only 3 equal sides

The shape that follow the given rule is shape with only 3 equal sides is

Question 7.
4 sides
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 11
Answer: shape with only 4 sides

The shape that follow the given rule is shape with only 4 sides is

Question 8.
4 sides are the same length
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 12
Answer: shape with 4 sides are the same length

The shape that follow the given rule is shape with 4 sides are the same length is

THINK SMARTER Draw 2 different two-dimensional shapes that follow both parts of the sorting rule.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 13
Question 9.
3 sides and 3 vertices (corners)
Answer: Triangle


By sorting rule given in the question,
A Triangle has 3 sides and 3 vertices (corners)

Question 10.
2 sides are long and 2 sides are short
Answer: Rectangle


By sorting rule given in the question,
A Rectangle has 2 sides are long and 2 sides are short

Problem Solving • Applications

Ted sorted these shapes three different ways. Write sorting rules to tell how Ted sorted.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 14
Question 11.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 15
Answer: He sorted out by using 3 sides and 3 vertices

Because only triangle has 3 sides and 3 vertices

Question 12.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 16
Answer: He sorted out by using 4 vertices and 4 sides

Because rectangles and squares have 4 vertices and 4 sides

Question 13.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 17
Answer: He sorted out by using shapes having 3 or more sides and 3 vertices

The shapes with having 3 or more sides and 3 vertices  are triangle, square, rectangle. are given in the picture.

Question 14.
Which shapes have more than 3 sides? Choose all that apply.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 18
Answer:  The shapes have more than 3 sides are square, rectangle, parallelogram and pentagon.


The shapes have more than 3 sides are square has 4 sides,
rectangle has 4 sides,
parallelogram has 4 sides,
pentagon has 5 sides.

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Gather some household objects such as photos, buttons, and napkins. Ask your child to sort them by shape.

Sort Two-Dimensional Shapes Homework & Practice 12.1

Read the sorting rule. Circle the shapes that follow the rule.
Question 1.
not curved
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 19
Answer: The shapes having are 4 figures following the given sorting rule.


The shapes having are 4 figures following the given sorting rule,
They are triangle, square.

Question 2.
4 vertices
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 20
Answer: The shapes having are 3 figures following the given sorting rule.


The shapes having are 3 figures following the given sorting rule,
They are rectangle, square.

Problem Solving
Question 3.
Katie sorted these shapes. Write a sorting rule to tell how Katie sorted.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 21
Answer: shapes having 3 vertices

Katie sorted these shapes by choosing 3 vertices ,
Because all triangles have 3 vertices irrespective of their length of the sides

Question 4.
Explain how you would name a sorting rule for 1 square, 1 rectangle, and 1 triangle.
Answer: shapes having 3 or more sides


Here we have 1 square, 1 rectangle, and 1 triangle,
shapes having 3 or more sides.

Lesson Check
Question 1.
Circle the shape that would not be sorted into this group.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 22
Answer: triangle and circle.


From the first group , we have all of them with 4 sides except triangle,
So, triangle does not belong to the group.
From the second group, we have sides and corners except circle
So, circle does not belong to the group.

Question 2.
Circle the shape that has fewer than 4 sides.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 23
Answer: Triangle


From the group we have all of them having 4 sides Except triangle,
So, triangle does not belong to the group.

Spiral Review
Solve. Draw or write to explain.
Question 3.
Clue 1: A black line is shorter than a white line.
Clue 2: The white line is shorter than a gray line. Is the black line longer or shorter than the gray line?
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.1 24
Answer: The black line is shorter than the gray line.


Given, A black line is shorter than a white line.
The white line is shorter than a gray line,
So, from the picture we have, The black line is shorter than the gray line.

Lesson 12.2 Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes

Essential Question What attributes can you use to describe two-dimensional shapes?

Listen and Draw

Use two-dimensional shapes. Sort them into two groups. Draw to show your work.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 1

Look for Structure How did you sort the shapes into two groups? Name the shapes in each group.
Answer: shapes with 3 vertices and shapes with 4 vertices


Table shows , shapes with 3 vertices and shapes with 4 vertices

Share and Show

Use two-dimensional shapes.
Draw and write to complete the chart.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 2

On Your Own

Use Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 3 to trace each straight side.
Use Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 4 to circle each vertex (corner).
Write the number of sides and vertices (corners).
Question 6.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 5
_____ sides
_____ vertices
Answer: 4 sides and 4 vertices.


There are 4 sides and 4 vertices in the given figure.

Question 7.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 6
_____ sides
_____ vertices
Answer: 4 sides and 4 vertices


There are 4 sides and 4 vertices in the given figure.

Question 8.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 7
_____ sides
_____ vertices
Answer: 3 sides and 3 vertices


There are 3 sides and 3 vertices in the given figure.

Question 9.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 8
_____ sides
_____ vertices
Answer:  3 sides and 3 vertices


There are 3 sides and 3 vertices in the given figure.

Question 10.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 9
_____ sides
_____ vertices
Answer: 6 sides and 6 vertices


There are 6 sides and 6 vertices in the given figure.

Question 11.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 10
_____ sides
_____ vertices
Answer: 4 sides and 4 vertices


There are 4 sides and 4 vertices in the given figure.

THINK SMARTER Draw a picture to solve.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 11
Question 12.
I am a shape with 3 straight sides and 3 vertices.
Answer: Triangle


A Triangle has 3 straight sides and 3 vertices.

Question 13.
I am a shape with 4 straight sides that are the same length and 4 vertices.
Answer: Square


A Square has 4 straight sides that are the same length and 4 vertices.

Problem Solving • Applications

Draw shapes to match the clues.
Question 14.
Jake draws a shape that has fewer than 5 sides. It has 3 vertices.
Answer: Triangle


A Triangle has 3 straight sides and 3 vertices.

Question 15.
Meg draws a shape with 4 sides. She labels it as a trapezoid.
Answer: yes, Trapezoid


A Trapezoid has 4 sides

Question 16.
Ben draws two different shapes. They each have only 4 vertices.
Answer: Rectangle and Square.

Both of them have 4 vertices

Question 17.
Circle the number that makes the sentence true.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 12
Answer: A triangle has 3 vertices.


TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child draw a square, a trapezoid, and a triangle. For each shape, have him or her show you the sides and vertices and tell how many of each.

Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes Homework & Practice 12.2

Use Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 13 to trace each straight side.
Use Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 14 to circle each vertex. Write the number of sides and vertices.
Question 1.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 15
______ sides
______ vertices
Answer: 6 sides and 6 vertices


There are 6 sides and 6 vertices in the given figure.

Question 2.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 16
______ sides
______ vertices
Answer: 4 sides and 4 vertices


There are 4 sides and 4 vertices in the given figure.

Question 3.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 17
______ sides
______ vertices
Answer: 4 sides and 4 vertices


There are 4 sides and 4 vertices in the given figure.

Question 4.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 18
______ sides
______ vertices
Answer: 3 sides and 3 vertices


There are 3 sides and 3 vertices in the given figure.

Problem Solving
Draw a shape to match the clues.
Question 5.
Ying draws a shape with 4 sides. She labels it as a rectangle.
Answer: Yes, rectangle


Rectangle has 4 sides.

Question 6.
Use pictures and words to show the attributes of a hexagon.

Characteristics of hexagon are,
All the sides are equal in length.
All the interior angles measure 120°.
The sum of all the interior angles of a regular hexagon is 720°.

Lesson Check
Question 1.
How many vertices does a triangle have?
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 19
______ vertices
Answer:  A Triangle has 3 vertices


A Triangle has 3 vertices

Question 2.
How many vertices does a ☐ have?
______ vertices
Answer: A Square has 4 vertices


A Square has 4 vertices

Spiral Review
Question 3.
Circle the greater addend.
Count on to find the sum.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 20
Answer: 9 + 2 = 11


9 + 2 = 11

Question 4.
Corey measures a crayon box with his paper clip ruler. About how long is the box?
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.2 21
Answer: The box is about 5 inches

He used  4 paper clips in the figure,
So, crayon box is about 5 inches in length.

Lesson 12.3 Combine Two-Dimensional Shapes

Essential Question How can you put two-dimensional shapes together to make new two-dimensional shapes?

Listen and Draw

Use pattern blocks. Draw to show your work.
Answer: we can use 2squares to form a rectangle.


we need 2 squares to form 1 rectangle,
Each square has 4 sides ,
And combined to form a Rectangle having four sides

Use Tools Describe the new shape Karen made.
Answer: we can use 2 triangles to form a rhombus


we need 2 triangles to make 1 rhombus
Each triangle has 3 vertices,
And combined to form a Rhombus which has 4 sides.

Share and Show

Use pattern blocks. Draw to show the blocks. Write how many blocks you used.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 1
Answer: we need 3 Rhombus to form a Hexagon.


We need 3 Rhombus to form a Hexagon.
Each rhombus have 4 sides,
and combined forming a hexagon having 6 sides

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 2
Answer: we need 3 triangles to form a trapezoid.


we need 3 triangles to form a trapezoid.
Each triangle has 3 sides
And combined to form a Trapezoid having 4 sides.

On Your Own

Use pattern blocks. Draw to show the blocks.
Write how many blocks you used.
Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 3
Answer: we need 6 triangles to make a Hexagon.


we need 6 triangles to make a Hexagon.
Each triangle has 3 sides,
And combined to form a Hexagon having 6 sides.

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 4
Answer: we need 2 triangles to make 1 rhombus


we need 2 triangles to make 1 rhombus
Each triangle has 3 vertices,
And combined to form a Rhombus which has 4 sides.

Question 5.
Use me two times to make this shape. Which block am I? Circle a block to show your answer.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 5
Answer: we need 2 Rhombus to get the given shape.


we need 2 Rhombus to get the given shape.
Each rhombus has 4 sides,
And combined to form the given shape which also has 4 sides.

Question 6.
Use these pattern blocks to make the shape. Write how many times you used each block.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 6
Answer: we used 6 triangles to make a hexagon,
we used 3 rhombus to make a hexagon,


We need 3 Rhombus to form a Hexagon.
Each rhombus have 4 sides,
and combined forming a hexagon having 6 sides

we need 6 triangles to make a Hexagon.
Each triangle has 3 sides,
And combined to form a Hexagon having 6 sides.

we need 2 trapezoids to make a Hexagon.
Each trapezoid has 4 sides,
And combined to form a Hexagon having 6 sides.

Problem Solving • Applications

GO DEEPER Use pattern blocks. Draw to show your answer.
Question 7.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 7
Answer: we need 2 triangles to make 1 rhombus, for 3 rhombus we need 6 triangles .


we need 2 triangles to make 1 rhombus
So, for 3 rhombus we need 6 triangles .

Question 8.
How many Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 8.1 make a Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 8? Use pattern blocks. Draw to show the blocks you used.
Answer: we need 3 triangles to form a trapezoid.


we need 3 triangles to form a trapezoid.
Each triangle has 3 sides
And combined to form a Trapezoid having 4 sides.

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child explain how he or she solved Exercise 7.

Combine Two-Dimensional Shapes Homework & Practice 12.3

Use pattern blocks. Draw to show the blocks. Write how many blocks you used.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 9
Answer: we need 3 triangles to form a trapezoid.


we need 3 triangles to form a trapezoid.
Each triangle has 3 sides
And combined to form a Trapezoid having 4 sides.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 10
Answer: we can use 2 triangles to form a rhombus


we need 2 triangles to make 1 rhombus
Each triangle has 3 vertices,
And combined to form a Rhombus which has 4 sides.

Problem Solving
Use pattern blocks. Draw to show your answer.
Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 11
Answer:  we need 6 trapezoids for 4 hexagons


we need 2 trapezoids to make a Hexagon.
Each trapezoid has 4 sides,
And combined to form a Hexagon having 6 sides.
So, we need 6 trapezoids for 4 hexagons

Question 4.
Draw the shapes you could put together to make a rectangle.
Answer: we can use 2squares to form a rectangle.


we need 2 squares to form 1 rectangle,
Each square has 4 sides ,
And combined to form a Rectangle having four sides

Lesson Check
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 12
Answer: we need 6 triangles to make a Hexagon.


we need 6 triangles to make a Hexagon.
Each triangle has 3 sides,
And combined to form a Hexagon having 6 sides.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 13
Answer: we need 3 Rhombus to form a Hexagon.


We need 3 Rhombus to form a Hexagon.
Each rhombus have 4 sides,
and combined forming a hexagon having 6 sides

Spiral Review
Question 3.
Use Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 14. Which string is about 5 Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 14 long?
Circle the string that is about 5 Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 14 long.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 15
Answer: First string has minimum length of 6 inches that is 5 paper clips.


So, First string has minimum length of 6 inches that is 5 paper clips.

Question 4.
Look at the hour hand. Write the time.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.3 16
Answer: 5 O’clock

Because in the clock ,
short hand is the hour hand and long hand is the minutes hand .
So, it is 5 O’clock , in the watch.

Lesson 12.4 Combine More Shapes

Essential Question How can you combine two-dimensional shapes to make new shapes?

Listen and Draw

Use shapes to fill each outline.
Draw to show your work.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 1
Answer: we can use right angle triangle and square for the the first shape,
we can use triangle and rectangle for the second shape.


we can use right angle triangle and square for the the first shape,
we can use triangle and rectangle for the second shape.

Represent Use the outline on the left to describe how two shapes can make another shape.
Answer:  we are representing the above figures by outline to make another shape


we are representing the above figures by outline to make another shape
By, using two shapes to fill the outline on the left, and drawing a line to show the two shapes. Then using three shapes to fill the outline on the right,

Share and Show

Circle two shapes that can combine to make the shape on the left.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 2
Answer:  two semi circles give one full circle


So, Two semi circles give one full circle.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 3
Answer: Two squares will form a new rectangle


So, Two squares will form a new rectangle

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 4
Answer: Two Quarter circles form a new shape


So, Two Quarter circles form a new shape

On Your Own

MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE Use Diagrams Circle two shapes that can combine to make the shape on the left.
Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 5
Answer: One rectangle and one quarter circle form a new shape


Thus , One rectangle and one quarter circle form a new shape

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 6
Answer: one triangle and one square form a new shape


Thus, one triangle and one square form a new shape

THINK SMARTER Draw lines to show two different ways to combine the shapes on the left to make new shapes on the right.
Question 6.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 7
Answer: we are using the shapes given  on left to identify the shapes on the right to by drawing lines


Here, we have Two squares and one Rectangle

Question 7.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 8
Answer: we are using the shapes given  on left to identify the shapes on the right to by drawing lines


Here, we have Two Squares and Two Triangles

Problem Solving • Applications

THINK SMARTER Draw lines to show how the shapes on the left combine to make the new shape.
Question 8.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 9
Answer: we are using the shapes given  on left to identify the shapes on the right to by drawing lines


Here, we have one Rectangle and one Triangle.

Question 9.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 10
Answer: we are using the shapes given  on left to identify the shapes on the right to by drawing lines


Here, we have  a semi circle and a quarter circle.

Question 10.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 11
Answer: we are using the shapes given  on left to identify the shapes on the right to by drawing lines


Here, we have Two squares and a Rectangle .

Question 11.
Circle the two shapes that can combine to make this new shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 12
Answer: A Triangle and a Hexagon forma a new shape.


Thus, A Triangle and a Hexagon forma a new shape.

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to draw a new shape he or she can make by combining two triangles.

Combine More Shapes Homework & Practice 12.4

Circle two shapes that can combine to make the shape on the left.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 13
Answer: A Rectangle and a Quarter circle forms a new shape,


Hence, A Rectangle and a Quarter circle forms a new shape.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 14
Answer: A Triangle and a Square forms a new shape.


Hence, A Triangle and a Square forms a new shape.

Problem Solving
Question 3.
Draw lines to show how the shapes on the left combine to make the new shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 15
Answer: we are representing the above figures by outline to make another shape


we are using the shapes given  on left to identify the shapes on the right to by drawing lines

Question 4.
Draw two shapes. Then draw what they would look like if you put them together to make a new shape.
Answer:  we have one Rectangle and one Triangle.


Hence, we have one Rectangle and one Triangle.

Lesson Check
Question 1.
Circle the shapes that can combine to make this new shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 16
Answer: Two circles can form a full  circle.


Thus, Two circles can form a full  circle.

Spiral Review
Use the picture graph to answer each question.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 17
Question 2.
How many more children chose Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 18 than Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 19?
______ more children
Answer: 3 more children.

From given , data we have,
3 more children in drawing  than swimming.

Question 3.
How many children chose Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 20 and Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.4 19?
______ children
Answer: 6 children chose both of them.

From given , data we have,
Totally 6 children chose Dancing and Swimming.

Lesson 12.5 Problem Solving • Make New Two-Dimensional Shapes

Essential Question How can acting it out help you make new shapes from combined shapes?

Cora wants to combine shapes to make a circle. She has Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 1. How can Cora make a circle?

Unlock the Problem
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 2

Show how to solve the problem.
Step 1 Use shapes. Combine to make a new shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 3
Step 2 Then use the new shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 4

Answer: we can make a new circle by using given shape.

step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

HOME CONNECTION • Recognizing how shapes can be put together and taken apart provides a foundation for future work with fractions.

Try Another Problem

Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 5
Use shapes to solve.
Draw to show your work.
Question 1.
Use ☐ to make a larger ☐.
Step 1 Combine shapes to make a new shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 6.1
Step 2 Then use the new shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 6
Answer: we can make a new shape by using given shape.

step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 7.1
Answer:  we can make a new shape by using given shape.

step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

Model How did you make the rectangle in Exercise 2?
Answer: we used the new blocks of  squares from the set of triangles,
And the two squares are formed as rectangle.


Share and Show

MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE Analyze Relationships Use shapes to solve. Draw to show your work.
Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 7
Answer: we can make a new shape by using given shape.

step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 8
Answer: we can make a new shape by using given shape.

step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child explain how he or she solved Exercise 3.

Problem Solving • Make New Two-Dimensional Shapes Homework & Practice 12.5

Use shapes to solve.
Draw to show your work.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 9
Answer: we can make a new shape by using given shape.

step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

Question 2.
Use pictures to show how you can make a new shape using a combined shape made from two trapezoids.
Answer: we can make a new shape using a combined shape made from two trapezoids.

step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

Lesson Check
Follow the steps.
Question 1.
Which new shape could you make? Circle your answer.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 10
Answer: we can make a new shape by using given shape.

step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Circle the shape that has no flat surfaces.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 11
Answer:  A circle has no flat surface


Because, A circle has no flat surface

Question 3.
Which flat surface does a cylinder have? Circle your answer.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 12
Answer: The flat surface which a cylinder have is rectangle.


The flat surface which a cylinder have is rectangle.

Two-Dimensional Geometry Mid-Chapter Checkpoint

Concepts and Skills

Write the number of sides and vertices (corners).
Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 13
_____ sides
______ vertices
Answer: the shape has 4 corners and 4 sides.


So, the shape has 4 corners and 4 sides.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 14
_____ sides
______ vertices
Answer: the shape has 6 corners and 6 sides


So, the shape has 6 corners and 6 sides

Circle the shapes that can combine to make the new shape.
Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 15
Answer: we have a rectangle and a quarter circle


To form a new shape, we have a rectangle and a quarter circle

Question 4.
Which new shape can you make?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.5 16

we can make a new shape by using given shape.
step 1 : use the given shape, combine to make a new shape

step2 : Then use the new shape.

Lesson 12.6 Find Shapes in Shapes

Essential Question How can you find shapes in other shapes?

Listen and Draw

Use pattern blocks. What shape can you make with 1 1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 1 and 2 1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 2?
Draw to show your shape.
Answer: we can make a new shape by using given shape.


We can forma new shape from a hexagon and a triangle.

Use Tools Can you use the same pattern blocks to make a different shape?
Answer: yes, we can use the same pattern blocks to make a different shape

Here we used same pattern blocks to make a different shape

Share and Show

Use two pattern blocks to make the shape.
Draw a line to show your model.
Circle the blocks you use.
Question 1.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 3


We can form a new shape from a hexagon and a triangle.

Question 2.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 4


We can form a new shape from a hexagon and a rhombus.

On Your Own

MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE Use a Concrete Model Use two pattern blocks to make the shape. Draw a line to show your model. Circle the blocks you use.
Question 3.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 5


we can form a new shape with a rhombus and a triangle.

Question 4.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 6


we can form a new shape with a rhombus and a triangle.

Question 5.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 7


Just rotate the give triangle

Question 6.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 8


we can form a new shape with a rhombus and a triangle.

Question 7.
Use three pattern blocks to make the shape. Draw lines to show your model. Circle the blocks you use.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 9
Answer: we use three figures to form a new shape.


Here, we are using trapezoid, rhombus and triangle.

Problem Solving • Applications

Make this shape. Use the number of pattern blocks listed in the exercise. Write how many of each block you use.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 10
Question 8.
Use 3 blocks.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 11

Here, we used one hexagon and two triangles

Question 9.
Use 5 blocks.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 12


Here, we used 3 triangles, 1 rhombus, 1 trapezoid to form a new shape.

Question 10.
Use 7 blocks.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 13


Here, we used 6 triangles, 1 rhombus, to form a new shape.

Question 11.
Use 8 blocks.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 14


Here, we used 8 triangles to form a new shape.

Question 12.
Use 4 pattern blocks to fill the shape. Draw to show the blocks you used.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 15


Here, we used 1 triangle, 1 rhombus, 2 trapezoids to form a new shape.

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child use this page to explain how to find shapes within the given shape.

Find Shapes in Shapes Homework & Practice 12.6

Use two pattern blocks to make the shape. Draw a line to show your model. Circle the blocks you use.
Question 1.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 16


Here, we used two pattern blocks to form a new shape.

Question 2.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 17


Here, we used two pattern blocks to form a new shape.

Problem Solving
Make the shape to the right. Use the number of pattern blocks listed in the exercise. Write how many of each block you use.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 18
Question 3.
Use 3 blocks.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 19


Here, we used two pattern blocks to form a new shape.

Question 4.
Use pictures or words to explain what shapes can be put together to make a hexagon shape.
Answer: I put together 2 trapezoids to make a hexagon. It has 6 sides and 6 vertices.
It has 2 equal parts. My new shape has 2 trapezoids and 4 triangles.

Lesson Check
Question 1.
Circle the pair of pattern blocks that can make this shape.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 20


Here, we used two pattern blocks to form a new shape.

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Write the time.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.6 21
Answer: It is 2 hours and 30 minutes in the clock.

Because, the hours hand is in between 2 and 3,
And minutes hand is on 6 , that implies an half an hour or 30 minutes.
So, It is 2 hours and 30 minutes in the clock.

Question 3.
Write tally marks to show the number 8.

It is a form of numeral used for counting. The general way of writing tally marks is as a group or set of five lines. The first four lines are drawn vertically and each of the fifth line runs diagonally over the previous four vertical lines, i.e. from the top of the first line to the bottom of the fourth line.

Question 4.
How many vertices does a ☐ have?
_____ vertices
Answer: 4 vertices.


A square has 4 vertices and 4 sides.

Lesson 12.7 Take Apart Two-Dimensional Shapes

Essential Question How can you take apart two dimensional shapes?

Listen and Draw

Color rectangles orange.
Color triangles purple.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 1

In the picture there are 4 triangles and are colored in purple,
And 2 rectangles and are colored in orange

Look for Structure What shapes did Angelina make?

Angelina put some triangles and rectangles together.
She drew pictures to show what she made.
We have Colored them to show how Angelina put the shapes together.

Share and Show

Draw a line to show the parts.
Question 1.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 2

Question 2.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 3

Question 3.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 4

Question 4.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 5

On Your Own

MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE Identify Relationships Draw a line to show the parts.
Question 5.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 6

Question 6.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 7

Question 7.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 8

Question 8.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 9

Draw two lines to show the parts.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 10
Question 9.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 11

Question 10.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 12

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 11.
How many squares are there?
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 13
________ squares
There 4 squares in the given figure.

Question 12.
Draw a line to show the parts.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 14

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to explain how he or she solved Exercise 11.

Take Apart Two-Dimensional Shapes Homework & Practice 12.7

Draw a line to show the parts.
Question 1.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 15

Question 2.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 16

Problem Solving
Question 3.
How many triangles are there?
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 17
_______ triangles
There are 4 triangles in the given picture.

Question 4.
Draw a shape. Then draw one or two lines to show parts of the shape.
We used a triangle and a rectangle to have a new shape.

Lesson Check
Question 1.
Look at the picture.
Circle the pair that shows the parts.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 18


Spiral Review
Question 2.
Use the graph.
How many children chose
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 19
______ children
Answer: 2 children chose soccer.

Question 3.
Which new shape can you make?
Circle your answer.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.7 20

Lesson 12.8 Equal or Unequal Parts

Essential Question How can you identify equal and unequal parts in two-dimensional shapes?

Listen and Draw

Draw to show the parts.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 1
Answer:  and

Explain how the triangles shown in each square compare.
Answer: For the first square we have 2 equal triangles,
For the second square we have 3 unequal triangles.

Share and Show

Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 2
Circle the shape that shows equal parts.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 3
Here we have 2 equal rectangles.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 4
Here we have 4 equal triangles

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 5
Here we have 2 equal semi circles.

Circle the shape that shows unequal parts.
Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 6
Here we have 4 equal quarters of a circle.

Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 7
Here we have 2 equal parts of rectangles.

Question 6.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 8
Here we have 4 equal parts of the given shape.

On Your Own

Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 9
MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE Use Math Vocabulary Color the shapes that show unequal shares.
Question 7.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 10

Question 8.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 11

Color the shapes that show equal shares.
Question 9.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 12

Question 10.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 13

THINK SMARTER Write the number of equal shares.
Question 11.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 14
______ equal shares
Answer: 2 equal shares


Question 12.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 15
_______ equal shares
Answer: 4 equal shares.


Problem Solving • Applications

THINK SMARTER Draw lines to show the parts.
Question 13.
2 equal parts
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 16

Question 14.
2 unequal parts
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 17

Question 15.
4 equal shares
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 18

Question 16.
4 unequal shares
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 19

Question 17.
Does the shape show equal shares? Choose Yes or No.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 20

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY• Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Ask your child to draw a line so the circle shows 2 equal shares

Equal or Unequal Parts Homework & Practice 12.8

Color the shapes that show unequal shares.
Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 21

Color the shapes that show equal shares.
Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 22

Problem Solving
Draw lines to show the parts.
Question 3.
4 equal shares
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 23

Question 4.
Draw two rectangles. Draw lines on one rectangle to show equal parts. Draw lines on the other rectangle to show unequal parts.
Answer: First rectangle is
second rectangle is 

Lesson Check
Question 1.
Color the shape that shows unequal shares.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 24

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Which food did the most children choose?
Circle your answer.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 25
Answer: Most of the children chose Pancakes, Because it has the highest number of 6 children

Question 3.
Use the graph. How many children chose
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.8 26
__________ children
Answer: The number of children whos chose stuffed animals are 4 members .

Lesson 12.9 Halves

Essential Question How can a shape be separated into two equal shares?

Listen and Draw

Draw to solve
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 1
Answer: First equal share =
second equal share = 

Analyze Will all four friends get the same amount of sandwich?
Answer: Yes all of them get the same amount of sandwich.

Two friends share the sandwich on the left, they cut the sandwich so each gets an equal share.

Two other friends share the sandwich on the right, this sandwich be cut a different way so each friend gets an equal share.

Share and Show

Draw a line to show halves.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 2

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 3

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 4

Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 5

On Your Own

Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 6
MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE Analyze Relationships Circle the shapes that show halves.
Question 5.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 7.1
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 6.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 7
Answer: This shape has  unequal shares

Question 7.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 8
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 8.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 9
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 9.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 10
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 10.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 11
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 11.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 12
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 12.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 13
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 13.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 14
Answer: This shape has  unequal shares

Question 14.
Use the picture.
Write numbers to solve
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 15
The picture shows ______ halves.
The _____ equal shares make _____ whole.
Answer:  The picture shows 2 halves.
The 2 equal shares make 1 whole.

Problem Solving • Applications

Draw or write to solve.
Question 15.
Color half of each shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 16

Question 16.
Linus cut a circle into equal shares. He traced one of the parts. Write half of or halves to name the part.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 17

Question 17.
Draw three different ways to show halves.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 18

Question 18.
Circle the shapes that show halves.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 19

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Draw a rectangle on a piece of paper. Ask your child to draw a line to show halves.

Halves Homework & Practice 12.9

Circle the shapes that show halves.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 20
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 21
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 22
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 23
Answer: This shape has  unequal shares

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 24
Answer: This shape has  equal shares

Question 6.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 25
Answer: This shape has  unequal shares

Problem Solving
Draw or write to solve.
Question 7.
Kate cut a square into equal shares. She traced one of the parts. Write half of or halves to name the part.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 26

Question 8.
Draw a circle and separate it into halves. Color each half a different color.

Lesson Check
Question 1.
Circle the shape that shows halves.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 27

Spiral Review
Question 2.
Circle the new shape you can make.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 28

Question 3.
Circle the shape that has both flat and curved surfaces.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 29
Answer: A Cylinder shape has both flat and curved surfaces.

Question 4.
How many ∆ do you use to make a Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 30.1?
Draw to show your answer.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 12 Two-Dimensional Geometry 12.9 30
3 triangles make a 1 trapezoid.

6 triangles make 1 Hexagon.

Lesson 12.10 Fourths

Essential Question How can a shape be separated into four equal shares?

Listen and Draw

Use what you know about halves.
Draw to solve. Write how many.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 1
There are _____ equal shares.
Answer: There are 2 equal share.

Explain How did you decide how to cut the pizza?
Answer: There are 4 equal shares.

Two friends will share a pizza, Then two more friends come. Now four friends will share the pizza.
The pizza can be cut into 4 equal pieces so each friend gets an equal share.

Share and Show

Color a fourth of the shape.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 2

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 3

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 4

Color a quarter of the shape.
Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 5

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 6

Question 6.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 7

On Your Own

MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE Use Diagrams Circle the shapes that show fourths.
Question 7.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 8

Question 8.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 9

Question 9.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 10
Answer: There are no fourths in this shape because, it is divided in to two equal shares.

Question 10.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 11
Answer: There are no fourths in this shape because, it is divided in to two equal shares.

Question 11.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 12

Question 12.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 13

Question 13.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 14

Question 14.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 15
Answer: There are no fourths in this shape because, it is divided in to unequal shares.

Question 15.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 16
Answer: There are no fourths in this shape because, it is divided in to unequal shares.

Question 16.
Draw three different ways to show fourths.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 17

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 17.
Write halves, fourths, or quarters to name the equal shares.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 18

Question 18.
Circle the shape that shows quarters.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 19


Question 19.
Alano has a small pizza.
He wants to share the pizza with friends.
He cuts the pizza into fourths.
Draw lines to show how he cuts the pizza.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 20
How many equal shares did you draw? ______
How many halves can you show in a circle? _______
Tell how you can solve this problem in a different way.
Answer: He has 4 equal shares
and we can show 2 halves in a circle.

He has 4 equal shares

and we can show 2 halves in a circle.

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Ask your child to draw lines to show fourths.

Fourths Homework & Practice 12.10

Circle the shapes that show fourths.
Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 21
Answer: There are no fourths in this shape because, it is divided in to unequal shares.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 22

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 23

Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 24

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 25
Answer: There are no fourths in this shape because, it is divided in to unequal shares.

Question 6.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 26

Problem Solving
Question 7.
Chad drew a picture to show a quarter of a circle. Which shape did Chad draw? Circle it.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 27


Question 8.
Draw two squares. Draw lines to show fourths. Color a fourth of the first square. Color the second square to show a whole.

Lesson Check
Question 1.
Circle the shape that shows fourths.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 28

Spiral Review
Question 2.
What shapes did Leila use to build the wall? Circle the shapes she used.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 29

Question 3.
Use the graph to answer the question. How many fewer children answered yes than no?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts 12.10 30
________ fewer children
Answer: 2 fewer children answered yes than no

Two-Dimensional Geometry Review/Test

Question 1.
Which shapes have only 3 sides?
Choose all that apply.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 1

Question 2.
Circle the number that makes the sentence true.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 2

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 3
Use pattern blocks. Draw to show the blocks you used.
Here we used 2 trapezoids to form a Hexagon.

Question 4.
Circle two shapes that can combine to make this new shape.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 4

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 5
Answer: No.


We need four quarters to form a whole circle.

Question 6.
Use 4 pattern blocks to fill the shape.
Draw to show the blocks you used.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 6

Question 7.
Draw a line to show the parts.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 7

Question 8.
Does the shape show equal shares? Choose Yes or No.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 8

Question 9.
Circle the shapes that show halves.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 9

Question 10.
Draw lines to show fourths.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 12 Answer Key Pdf Two-Dimensional Geometry Concepts rt 10
How many equal shares did you draw?

How many halves can you show in a rectangle?

Tell how you can solve this problem in a different way.
Answer: we have 4 equal shares.

we can have 2 halves in a rectangle.

Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction

Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction answer key is useful for students who are preparing for their examinations and can download this pdf for free of cost. In this chapter, each and every question was explained in detail which helps students to understand easily. Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction explains different types of questions on 2 Digit Subtraction.

Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction

In this chapter, we can see different topics on Break Apart Ones to Subtract, Break Apart Numbers to Subtract, Model Regrouping for Subtraction, Model and Record 2-Digit Subtraction, 2-Digit Subtraction, etc. Those topics were being set up by the mathematical professionals as indicated by the most recent release. Look down this page to get the answers to all the inquiries. Click on the links to look at the subjects shrouded in this chapter 2-Digit Subtraction.

Chapter: 9-  2-Digit Subtraction

2-Digit Subtraction Show What You Know
2-Digit Subtraction Vocabulary Builder
2-Digit Subtraction Game: Subtraction Search
2-Digit Subtraction Vocabulary Game

Lesson 1: Algebra • Break Apart Ones to Subtract

Lesson 5.1 Algebra • Break Apart Ones to Subtract
Algebra • Break Apart Ones to Subtract Homework & Practice 5.1

Lesson 2: Algebra • Break Apart Numbers to Subtract

Lesson 5.2 Algebra • Break Apart Numbers to Subtract
Algebra • Break Apart Numbers to Subtract Homework & practice 5.2

Lesson 3: Model Regrouping for Subtraction

Lesson 5.3 Model Regrouping for Subtraction
Model Regrouping for Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.3

Lesson 4: Model and Record 2-Digit Subtraction

Lesson 5.4 Model and Record 2-Digit Subtraction
Model and Record 2-Digit Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.4

Lesson 5: 2-Digit Subtraction

Lesson 5.5 2-Digit Subtraction
2-Digit Subtraction Homework & practice 5.5

Lesson 6: Practice 2-Digit Subtraction

Lesson 5.6 Practice 2-Digit Subtraction
Practice 2-Digit Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.6

Mid-Chapter Checkpoint

2-Digit Subtraction Mid-Chapter Checkpoint

Lesson 7: Rewrite 2-Digit Subtraction

Lesson 5.7 Rewrite 2-Digit Subtraction
Rewrite 2-Digit Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.7

Lesson 8: Add to Find Differences

Lesson 5.8 Add to Find Differences
Add to Find Differences Homework & practice 5.8

Lesson 9: Problem Solving • Subtraction

Lesson 5.9 Problem Solving • Subtraction
Problem Solving • Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.9

Lesson 10: Algebra • Write Equations to Represent Subtraction

Lesson 5.10 Algebra • Write Equations to Represent Subtraction
Algebra • Write Equations to Represent Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.10

Lesson 11: Solve Multistep problems

Lesson 5.11 Solve Multistep Problems
Solve Multistep Problems Homework & Practice 5.11

Chapter 5 Review/Test

2-Digit Subtraction Chapter 5 Review Test

Curious about Math

There are hundreds of different kinds of dragonflies. If 52 dragonflies are in a garden and 10 fly away, how many dragonflies are left? How many are left if 10 more fly away?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 0.1

The total number of files left is 32 files.

As there are hundreds of different kinds of dragonflies and if 52 dragonflies are in a garden and 10 flies away, so the number of files left is 52 – 10= 42 files and again there are 10 more flies away. So there will be 42 – 10= 32 files left.

2-Digit Subtraction Show What You Know

Subtraction Patterns
Subtract 2. Complete each subtraction sentence.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 1

Question 2.
6 – __ = ___

On subtracting 6 – 2 we will get the result as 4.

By subtracting 2 with 6 we will get the result as 6 – 2= 4.

Question 3.
5 – __ = __

On subtracting 5 – 2 we will get the result as 3.

By subtracting 2 with 5 we will get the result as 5 – 2= 3.

Question 4.
4 – ___ = __

On subtracting 4 – 2 we will get the result as 2.

By subtracting 2 with 4 we will get the result as 4 – 2= 2.

Question 5.
3 – __ = __

On subtracting 3 – 2 we will get the result as 1.

By subtracting 2 with 3 we will get the result as 3 – 2= 1.

Question 6.
2 – _ = __

On subtracting 2 – 2 we will get the result as 0.

By subtracting 2 with 2 we will get the result as 2 – 2= 0.

Subtraction Facts
Write the difference.

Question 7.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 2

On subtracting 8 – 5 we will get the result as 3.

By subtracting 5 with 8 we will get the result as 8 – 5= 3.

Question 8.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 3

On subtracting 14 – 6 we will get the result as 8.

By subtracting 6 with 14 we will get the result as 14 – 6= 8.

Question 9.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 4

On subtracting 9 – 6 we will get the result as 3.

By subtracting 6 with 9 we will get the result as 9 – 6= 3.

Question 10.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 5

On subtracting 16 – 7 we will get the result as 9.

By subtracting 7 with 16 we will get the result as 16 – 7= 9.

Question 11.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 6

On subtracting 12 – 6 we will get the result as 6.

By subtracting 6 with 12 we will get the result as 12 – 6= 6.

Question 12.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 7

On subtracting 10 – 8 we will get the result as 2.

By subtracting 8 with 10 we will get the result as 10 – 8= 2.

Tens and Ones
Write how many tens and ones are in each model.

Question 13.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 8
__ tens __ ones

The number of tens is 5 and the number of ones is 4.

In the above image, we can see 10 blocks with 5 rows. Which are 10 × 5= 50 blocks, so there are 5 tens and we can see 4 blocks which are 4 ones. So the total number of blocks is 50 + 4= 54 blocks.

Question 14.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 9
__ tens __ ones

The number of tens is 4 and the number of ones is 5.

In the above image, we can see 10 blocks with 4 rows. Which are 10 × 4= 40 blocks, so there are 4 tens and we can see 5 blocks which are 5 ones. So the total number of blocks is 40 + 5= 45 blocks.

2-Digit Subtraction Vocabulary Builder

Visualize It
Fill in the boxes of the graphic organizer.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 10

Understand Vocabulary
Draw a line to complete the sentence.

Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 11

1. A digit can be 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9.
2. You can regroup to trade 10 ones for 1 ten.
3. 20 ones are the same as 2 tens.


1.  A digit is a single symbol that is used to make numerals, so the digits can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 are the ten digits which we will use every day.
2. Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with two-digit numbers or larger than the two-digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. We can regroup to trade 10 ones for 1 ten. And we can regroup to trade 10 ones for 1 ten.
3. 20 ones are the same as 2 tens. As two tens mean 2 × 10= 20 and 20 × 1= 20, so 20 ones are the same as 2 tens.

2-Digit Subtraction Game: Subtraction Search

Materials Search
• 3 sets of number cards 4 – 9 • 18 Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 0.2
Play with a partner.
1. Shuffle all the cards. Place them face down in one stack.
2. Take one card. Find a square with a subtraction problem with this number as the difference. Your partner checks your answer.
3. If you are correct, place a Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 0.3 on that square. If there is no match, skip your turn.
4. Take turns. The first player to have Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 0.4 on all the squares wins.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 0.5
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 0.6

2-Digit Subtraction Vocabulary Game

Going Places with GOMATH! Words


For 3 to 6 players


  • 1 set of word cards
  • 1 Bingo board for each player
  • game markers

How to Play

  1. The caller chooses a word card and reads the word. Then the caller puts the word card in a second pile.
  2. Players put a marker on the word each time they find it on their Bingo boards.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until a player marks 5 boxes in a line going down, across, or on a slant and calls “Bingo.”
  4. Check the answers. Have the player who said “Bingo” read the words aloud while the caller checks the word cards in the second pile.

The Write Way

Choose one idea. Write about it in the space below.

  • Explain how drawing quick pictures helps you add 2-digit numbers.
  • Tell about all the different ways you can add 2-digit numbers.
  • Write about a time that you helped explain something to a classmate. What was your classmate having trouble with? How did you help him or her?

Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 12

Lesson 5.1 Algebra • Break Apart Ones to Subtract

Essential Question
How does breaking apart a number make subtracting easier?

Listen and Draw

Write two addends for each sum.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 13
The two addends for the first image are 3 and 4.
The two addends for the second image are 4 and 5.
The two addends for the third image are 2 and 3.
The two addends for the fourth image are 3 and 3.
The two addends for the fifth image are 2 and 2.
The two addends for the sixth image are 4 and 4.

As addend can be defined as the numbers are added together to get the sum. Here the given sum is 7, so to get the sum 7 we will take the two addends as 3 + 4 so we can get the sum as 7. The given sum is 9, so to get the sum 9 we will take the two addends 4 + 5 so we can get the sum as 9. The given sum is 5, so to get the sum 5 we will take the two addends 2 + 3 so we can get the sum as 5. The given sum is 6, so to get the sum 6 we will take the two addends 3 + 3 so we can get the sum as 6. the given sum is 4, so to get the sum 4 we will take the two addends 2 + 2 so we can get the sum as 4. The given sum is 8, so to get the sum 8 we will take the two addends
4 + 4 so we can get the sum as 8.

Math Talk

Describe how you chose addends for each sum.

The addends are chosen by the given sum. As addend can be defined as the numbers are added to together to get the sum. So we have chosen the two addends by the given sum.

Model and Draw

Break apart ones. Subtract in two steps.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 14
So, 63 − 7 = ___.

The subtraction of 63 – 7 is 56.

Here, we have started at 63 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 63 to 60 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 60. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 60 on the number line jump makes a jump from 60 to 56 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 56. So the subtraction of 63 – 7 is 56.

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Break apart ones to subtract. Write the difference.

Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 15

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 16

The subtraction of 55 – 8 is 47.

Here, we have started at 55 and subtracted 5, to subtract 5 on the number line jump makes a jump from 55 to 50 and the size of the jump is 5 and we will get 50. Then we have to subtract 3, so we will start from 50 on the number line jump makes a jump from 50 to 47 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 47. So the subtraction of 55 – 8 is 47.


Question 2.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 17

The subtraction of 42 – 5 is 37.

Here, we have started at 42 and subtracted 2, to subtract 2 on the number line jump makes a jump from 42 to 40 and the size of the jump is 2 and we will get 40. Then we have to subtract 3, so we will start from 40 on the number line jump makes a jump from 40 to 37 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 37. So the subtraction of 42 – 5 is 37.


Question 3.
41 – 9 = __

The subtraction of 41 – 9 is 32.

Here, we have started at 41 and subtracted 4, to subtract 4 on the number line jump makes a jump from 41 to 37 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 37. Then we have to subtract 5, so we will start from 37 on the number line jump makes a jump from 37 to 32 and the size of the jump is 5 and we will get 32. So the subtraction of 41 – 9 is 32.


Question 4.
53 – 6 = __

The subtraction of 53 – 6 is 47.

Here, we have started at 53 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 53 to 50 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 50. Then we have to subtract 3, so we will start from 50 on the number line jump makes a jump from 50 to 47 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 47. So the subtraction of 53 – 6 is 47.


Question 5.
44 – 7 = __

The subtraction of 44 – 7 is 37.

Here, we have started at 44 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 44 to 41 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 41. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 41 on the number line jump makes a jump from 41 to 37 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 37. So the subtraction of 44 – 7 is 37.


Question 6.
52 – 8 = __

The subtraction of 52 – 8 is 44.

Here, we have started at 52 and subtracted 4, to subtract 4 on the number line jump makes a jump from 52 to 48 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 48. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 48 on the number line jump makes a jump from 48 to 44 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 44. So the subtraction of 52 – 8 is 44.


On Your Own

Break apart ones to subtract. Write the difference.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 18

Question 7.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 19

The subtraction of 75 – 7 is 68.

Here, we have started at 75 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 75 to 72 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 72. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 72 on the number line jump makes a jump from 72 to 68 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 68. So the subtraction of 75 – 7 is 68.

Question 8.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 20

The subtraction of 86 – 8 is 78.

Here, we have started at 86 and subtracted 4, to subtract 4 on the number line jump makes a jump from 86 to 82 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 82. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 82 on the number line jump makes a jump from 82 to 78 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 78. So the subtraction of 86 – 8 is 78.


Question 9.
82 – 5 = __

The subtraction of 82 – 5 is 77.

Here, we have started at 82 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 82 to 79 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 79. Then we have to subtract 2, so we will start from 79 on the number line jump makes a jump from 79 to 77 and the size of the jump is 2 and we will get 77. So the subtraction of 82 – 5 is 77.


Question 10.
83 – 7 = __

The subtraction of 83 – 7 is 76.

Here, we have started at 83 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 83 to 80 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 80. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 80 on the number line jump makes a jump from 80 to 76 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 76. So the subtraction of 83 – 7 is 76.


Question 11.
72 – 7 = __

The subtraction of 72 – 7 is 65.

Here, we have started at 72 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 72 to 69 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 69. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 69 on the number line jump makes a jump from 69 to 65 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 65. So the subtraction of 72 – 7 is 65.


Question 12.
76 – 9 = __

The subtraction of 76 – 9 is 67.

Here, we have started at 76 and subtracted 5, to subtract 5 on the number line jump makes a jump from 76 to 71 and the size of the jump is 5 and we will get 71. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 71 on the number line jump makes a jump from 71 to 67 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 67. So the subtraction of 76 – 9 is 67.


Question 13.
85 – 8 = __

The subtraction of 85 – 8 is 77.

Here, we have started at 85 and subtracted 4, to subtract 4 on the number line jump makes a jump from 85 to 81 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 81. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 81 on the number line jump makes a jump from 81 to 77 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 77. So the subtraction of 85 – 8 is 77.


Question 14.
71 – 6 = __

The subtraction of 71 – 6 is 65.

Here, we have started at 71 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 71 to 68 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 68. Then we have to subtract 3, so we will start from 68 on the number line jump makes a jump from 68 to 65 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 65. So the subtraction of 71 – 6 is 65.


Question 15.
Cheryl brought 27 bagels for the bake sale. Mike brought 24 bagels. They sold all but 9 of them. How many bagels did they sell?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 21
__ bagels

The total number of bagels sold is 42 bagels.

Cheryl brought 27 bagels for the bake sale and Mike brought 24 bagels, so the total number of bagels did Mike and Cheryl bought is 27 + 24= 51 bagels. And they sold all but 9 bagels are left with them, so the number of bagels sold is 51 – 9= 42 bagels. So the total number of bagels sold is 42 bagels.

Question 16.
Analyze Lexi has 8 fewer crayons than Ken. Ken has 45 crayons. How many crayons does Lexi have?
__ crayons

The number of crayons Lexi had is 37 crayons.

As Lexi has 8 fewer crayons than Ken and Ken has 45 crayons, so Lexi has 45 – 8= 37 crayons.

Problem Solving • Applications

Write or draw to explain.

Question 17.
Cheryl built a toy train with 27 train cars. Then she added 18 more train cars. How many train cars are on the toy train now?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 22
__ train cars

The number of train cars is on the toy train is 9 train cars.

Cheryl built a toy train with 27 train cars and then she added 18 more train cars, so the number of train cars are on the toy train is 27 – 18= 9 train cars.

Question 18.
Samuel had 46 marbles. He gave some marbles to a friend and has 9 marbles left. How many marbles did Samuel give to his friend?
__ marbles

The number of marbles did Samuel gave to his friend is 37 marbles.

Samuel had 46 marbles and he gave some marbles to a friend and has 9 marbles left, so the number of marbles did Samuel gave to his friend is 46 – 9= 37 marbles. So the number of marbles did Samuel gave to his friend is 37 marbles.

Question 19.
Matthew had 73 blocks. He gave 8 blocks to his sister. How many blocks does Matthew have now? Draw or write to show how to solve the problem.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 23
Matthew has __ blocks now.

The total number of blocks Matthew had is 65 blocks.

Matthew had 73 blocks and he gave 8 blocks to his sister, so the number of blocks did Matthew had is 73 – 8= 65 blocks. So after giving 8 blocks to his sister Matthew had 65 blocks. By subtracting the number of blocks did Matthew had and the number of blocks did he gave to his sister we had solved the problem.

• Ask your child to describe how to find 34 − 6.

The subtraction of 6 from 34 is 28. And there are two tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 6 from 34, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 6 from 34 is 34 – 6= 28 and there are two tens and eight ones.

Algebra • Break Apart Ones to Subtract Homework & Practice 5.1

Break apart ones to subtract. Write the difference.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 24

Question 1.
36 – 7 = __

The subtraction of 36 – 7 is 29.

Here, we have started at 36 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 36 to 33 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 33. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 33 on the number line jump makes a jump from 33 to 29 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 29. So the subtraction of 36 – 7 is 56.


Question 2.
35 – 8 = __

The subtraction of 35 – 8 is 27.

Here, we have started at 35 and subtracted 4, to subtract 4 on the number line jump makes a jump from 35 to 31 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 31. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 31 on the number line jump makes a jump from 31 to 27 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 27. So the subtraction of 35 – 8 is 27.


Question 3.
37 – 9 = __

The subtraction of 37 – 9 is 28.

Here, we have started at 37 and subtracted 4, to subtract 4 on the number line jump makes a jump from 37 to 33 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 33. Then we have to subtract 5, so we will start from 33 on the number line jump makes a jump from 33 to 28 and the size of the jump is 5 and we will get 28. So the subtraction of 37 – 9 is 28.


Question 4.
41 – 6 = __

The subtraction of 41 – 6 is 35.

Here, we have started at 41 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 41 to 38 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 38. Then we have to subtract 3, so we will start from 35 on the number line jump makes a jump from 38 to 35 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 35. So the subtraction of 41 – 6 is 35.


Question 5.
44 – 5 = __

The subtraction of 44 – 5 is 39.

Here, we have started at 44 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 44 to 41 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 41. Then we have to subtract 2, so we will start from 41 on the number line jump makes a jump from 41 to 39 and the size of the jump is 2 and we will get 39. So the subtraction of 44 – 5 is 39.


Question 6.
33 – 7 = __

The subtraction of 33 – 7 is 26.

Here, we have started at 33 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 33 to 30 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 30. Then we have to subtract 4, so we will start from 30 on the number line jump makes a jump from 30 to 26 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 26. So the subtraction of 33 – 7 is 26.


Question 7.
32 – 4 = __

The subtraction of 32 – 4 is 28.

Here, we have started at 32 and subtracted 2, to subtract 2 on the number line jump makes a jump from 32 to 30 and the size of the jump is 2 and we will get 30. Then we have to subtract 2, so we will start from 30 on the number line jump makes a jump from 30 to 28 and the size of the jump is 2 and we will get 28. So the subtraction of 32 – 4 is 28.


Question 8.
31 – 6 = __

The subtraction of 31 – 6 is 25.

Here, we have started at 31 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 31 to 28 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 28. Then we have to subtract 3, so we will start from 28 on the number line jump makes a jump from 28 to 25 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 25. So the subtraction of 31 – 6 is 25.


Problem Solving

Choose a way to solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 9.
Beth had 44 marbles. She gave 9 marbles to her brother. How many marbles does Beth have now?
__ marbles.

The total number of marbles does Beth had is 35 marbles.

Beth had 44 marbles and she gave 9 marbles to her brother and the remaining marbles do Beth had are 44 – 9= 35 marbles.

Question 10.
Draw a number line and show how to find the difference for 24 – 6 using the break apart method in this lesson.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 25

Lesson Check

Question 1.
What is the difference?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 26
58 – 9 = __

The difference of 58 – 9 is 49.

Here, we have started at 58 and subtracted 4, to subtract 4 on the number line jump makes a jump from 58 to 54 and the size of the jump is 4 and we will get 54. Then we have to subtract 5, so we will start from 54 on the number line jump makes a jump from 54 to 49 and the size of the jump is 5 and we will get 49. So the subtraction of 58 – 9 is 49.


Spiral Review

Question 2.
What is the difference?
14 – 6 = __

The difference of 14 – 6 is 8.

Here, we have started at 14 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 14 to 11 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 11. Then we have to subtract 3, so we will start from 11 on the number line jump makes a jump from 11 to 3 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 8. So the subtraction of 14 – 6 is 8.

Question 3.
What is the sum?
3 + 6 + 2 = ___

The sum of the three numbers is 11.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the three numbers
3 + 6 + 2 is 11.

Question 4.
What is the sum?
64 + 7 = __

The sum of the two numbers is 71.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 64 + 7 is 71.

Question 5.
What is the sum?
56 + 18 = __

The sum of the two numbers is 74.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 56 + 18  is 74.

Lesson 5.2 Algebra • Break Apart Numbers to Subtract

Essential Question
How does breaking apart a number make subtracting easier?

Listen and Draw

Draw jumps on the number line to show how to break apart the number to subtract.

Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 27

Math Talk
Describe a Method
For one of the problems, describe what you did.

Model and Draw

Break apart the number you are subtracting into tens and ones.
Subtract 10.
Next, subtract 2 to get to 60.
Then subtract 5 more.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 28
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 29
So, 72 – 12 = ___

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Break apart the number you are subtracting.
Write the difference.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 30

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 31

The subtraction of 43 – 18 is 25.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 18 as 10 and 8 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 33. Then we will start from 33 and subtract 3 to get to 30 and then subtract 5 more. So we will get the result as 25, and we will place it on the number line. So the subtraction of 43 – 18 is 25.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 32

The subtraction of 45 – 14 is 31.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 14 as 10 and 4 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 35. Then we will start from 35 and subtract 2 to get to 33 and then subtract 2 more. So we will get the result as 31, and we will place it on the number line. So the subtraction of 45 – 14 is 31.

Question 3.
46 – 17 = __

The subtraction of 46 – 17 is 29.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 17 as 10 and 7 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 36. Then we will start from 33 and subtract 3 to get to 30 and then subtract 5 more. So we will get the result as 25, and we will place it on the number line. So the subtraction of 46 – 17 is 29.

Question 4.
44 – 16 = __

The subtraction of 44 – 16 is 28.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 18 as 10 and 6 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 34. Then we will start from 34 and subtract 4 to get to 30 and then subtract 2 more. So we will get the result as 28, and we will place it on the number line. So the subtraction of 44 – 16 is 28.

On Your Own

Break apart the number you are subtracting. Write the difference.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 33

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 34

The subtraction of 57 – 15 is 42.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 15 as 10 and 5 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 47. Then we will start from 47 and subtract 3 to get to 44 and then subtract 2 more. So we will get the result as 42, and we will place it on the number line. So the subtraction of 57 – 15 is 42.

Question 6.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 35

The subtraction of 63 – 17 is 46.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 17 as 10 and 7 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 53. Then we will start from 53 and subtract 3 to get to 50 and then subtract 4 more. So we will get the result as 46, and we will place it on the number line. So the subtraction of 63 – 17 is 46.

Question 7.
68 – 19 = __

The subtraction of 68 – 19 is 49.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 19 as 10 and 9 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 58. Then we will start from 58 and subtract 8 to get to 50 and then subtract 1 more. So we will get the result as 49, and we will place it on the number line. So the subtraction of 68 – 19 is 49.

Question 8.
61 – 18 = __

The subtraction of 61 – 18 is 43.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 18 as 10 and 8 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 51. Then we will start from 51 and subtract 1 to get to 50 and then subtract 7 more. So we will get the result as 43, and we will place it on the number line. So the subtraction of 61 – 18 is 43.

Question 9.
Jane has 53 toys in a box. She takes some toys out. Now there are 36 toys in the box. How many toys did Jane take out of the box?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 36

The number of toys did Jane take out of the box is 17 toys.

As Jane has 53 toys in a box and she takes some toys out, so Now there are 36 toys in the box. So to find how many toys did Jane take out of the box we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So The subtraction of 36 from 53 is 53 – 36= 17. So the number of toys did Jane take out of the box is 17 toys.

Question 10.
Look at Tom’s steps to solve a problem. Solve this problem in the same way.
42 – 15 = ?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 37

The subtraction of 42 – 15 is 27.

As we can see in the above image that the subtraction is done by the break apart number process, so the given problem is 42 – 15, so here we will break the 15 into 10 and 5, and then we will break 5 apart into 3 and 2. So first we will subtract 10 then the result will be 42 – 10 is 32 and then we will 2 then the result will be 32 – 2= 30. Now we will subtract 3 then the result will be 30 – 3= 27. So the subtraction of 42 – 15 is 27.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 11.
38 people are in the library. Then 33 more people go into the library. How many people are in the library now?
__ people

The total number of people in the library is 71 people.

As there are 38 people in the library and then 33 more people go into the library, so to find the number of people in the library we will perform addition. So we will add 38 + 33 is 71. The total number of people in the library is 71 people.

Question 12.
Analyze Alex has 24 toys in a chest. He takes some toys out of the chest. Then there are 16 toys in the chest. How many toys did he take out of the chest?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 38
__ toys

There are 8 toys did Alex take out of the chest.

As Alex has 24 toys in a chest and he takes some toys out of the chest. Then there are 16 toys in the chest, so to find the number of toys did Alex has to take out of the chest we will perform subtraction. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 16 from 24 is 24 – 16= 8 and there are 8 toys did Alex take out of the chest.

Question 13.
Gail has two piles of newspapers. There are 32 papers in the first pile. There are 19 papers in the second pile. How many more papers are in the first pile than in the second pile?
__ more papers
Write or draw to explain how you solved the problem.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 39

The number of papers more in the first pile than the second pile is 13 more papers.

As Gail has two piles of newspapers and there are 32 papers in the first pile and there are 19 papers in the second pile. So to know how many papers are in the first pile than the second pile we will perform subtraction which is 32 – 19= 13 more papers.

• Ask your child to write a subtraction story that uses 2-digit numbers.

We will perform subtraction by breaking the two-digit number into tens place digit and ones place digit. Then the other number will be placed below the number. If the minuend number is less than the subtrahend number then we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So by this, we will perform the subtraction.

Algebra • Break Apart Numbers to Subtract Homework & practice 5.2

Break apart the number you are subtracting. Write the difference.

Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 40

Question 1.
81 – 14 = __

The subtraction of 81 – 14 is 67.

Here, we have started at 81 and subtracted 7, to subtract 7 on the number line jump makes a jump from 81 to 74 and the size of the jump is 7 and we will get 74. Then we have to subtract 7, so we will start from 74 on the number line jump makes a jump from 74 to 67 and the size of the jump is 7 and we will get 67. So the subtraction of 81 – 14 is 67.

Question 2.
84 – 16 = __

The subtraction of 84 – 16 is 68.

Here, we have started at 84 and subtracted 8, to subtract 8 on the number line jump makes a jump from 84 to 76 and the size of the jump is 8 and we will get 76. Then we have to subtract 8, so we will start from 76 on the number line jump makes a jump from 76 to 68 and the size of the jump is 8 and we will get 68. So the subtraction of 84 – 16 is 68.

Question 3.
77 – 14 = __

The subtraction of 77 – 14 is 63.

Here, we have started at 77 and subtracted 7, to subtract 7 on the number line jump makes a jump from 77 to 70 and the size of the jump is 7 and we will get 70. Then we have to subtract 7, so we will start from 70 on the number line jump makes a jump from 70 to 63 and the size of the jump is 7 and we will get 63. So the subtraction of 77 – 14 is 63.

Question 4.
83 – 19 = __

The subtraction of 83 – 19 is 64.

Here, we have started at 83 and subtracted 10, to subtract 10 on the number line jump makes a jump from 83 to 73 and the size of the jump is 10 and we will get 73. Then we have to subtract 9, so we will start from 73 on the number line jump makes a jump from 73 to 64 and the size of the jump is 9 and we will get 64. So the subtraction of 83 – 19 is 64.

Question 5.
81 – 17 = __

The subtraction of 81 – 17 is 64.

Here, we have started at 81 and subtracted 10, to subtract 10 on the number line jump makes a jump from 81 to 71 and the size of the jump is 10 and we will get 71. Then we have to subtract 7, so we will start from 71 on the number line jump makes a jump from 71 to 64 and the size of the jump is 7 and we will get 64. So the subtraction of 81 – 17 is 64.

Question 6.
88 – 13 = __

The subtraction of 88 – 13 is 75.

Here, we have started at 88 and subtracted 3, to subtract 3 on the number line jump makes a jump from 83 to 80 and the size of the jump is 3 and we will get 80. Then we have to subtract 10, so we will start from 80 on the number line jump makes a jump from 80 to 75 and the size of the jump is 10 and we will get 75. So the subtraction of 88 – 13 is 75.

Question 7.
84 – 19 = __

The subtraction of 84 – 19 is 65.

Here, we have started at 84 and subtracted 10, to subtract 10 on the number line jump makes a jump from 84 to 74 and the size of the jump is 10 and we will get 74. Then we have to subtract 9, so we will start from 74 on the number line jump makes a jump from 74 to 65 and the size of the jump is 9 and we will get 65. So the subtraction of 84 – 19 is 65.

Question 8.
86 – 13 = __

The subtraction of 86 – 13 is 73.

Here, we have started at 86 and subtracted 7, to subtract 7 on the number line jump makes a jump from 86 to 79 and the size of the jump is 7 and we will get 79. Then we have to subtract 6, so we will start from 79 on the number line jump makes a jump from 79 to 73 and the size of the jump is 6 and we will get 73. So the subtraction of 86 – 13 is 73.

Question 7.
84 – 19 = __

The subtraction of 84 – 19 is 65.

Here, we have started at 84 and subtracted 10, to subtract 10 on the number line jump makes a jump from 84 to 74 and the size of the jump is 10 and we will get 74. Then we have to subtract 9, so we will start from 74 on the number line jump makes a jump from 74 to 65 and the size of the jump is 9 and we will get 65. So the subtraction of 84 – 19 is 65.

Question 8.
86 – 18 = __

The subtraction of 86 – 18 is 68.

Here, we have started at 84 and subtracted 9, to subtract 9 on the number line jump makes a jump from 86 to 77 and the size of the jump is 9 and we will get 77. Then we have to subtract 9, so we will start from 77 on the number line jump makes a jump from 77 to 68 and the size of the jump is 9 and we will get 68. So the subtraction of 86 – 18 is 68.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 9.
Mr. Pearce bought 43 plants. He gave 14 plants to his sister. How many plants does Mr. Pearce have now?
__ plants

The number of plants does Mr. Pearce had is 29 plants.

Mr. Pearce bought 43 plants and he gave 14 plants to his sister. So the number of plants does Mr. Pearce has now is 43 – 14. Here, we have started at 43 and subtracted 7, to subtract 7 on the number line jump makes a jump from 43 to 36 and the size of the jump is 7 and we will get 36. Then we have to subtract 7, so we will start from 36 on the number line jump makes a jump from 7 to 29 and the size of the jump is 7 and we will get 29. So the subtraction of 43 – 14 is 29. So the number of plants does Mr. Pearce had is 29 plants.

Question 10.
Draw a number line and show how to find the difference for 36 – 17 using the break apart method in this lesson.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 41

Lesson Check

Question 1.
What is the difference?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 42
63 – 19 = __

The subtraction of 63 – 19 is 44.

Here, we have started at 63 and subtracted 10, to subtract 10 on the number line jump makes a jump from 63 to 53 and the size of the jump is 10 and we will get 53. Then we have to subtract 9, so we will start from 53 on the number line jump makes a jump from 53 to 44 and the size of the jump is 9 and we will get 44. So the subtraction of 63 – 19 is 44.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
What is the sum?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 43

The sum of the two numbers is 37.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 14 + 23 is 37.

Question 3.
What is the sum?
8 + 7 = _

The sum of the two numbers is 15.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 8 + 7 is 15.

Question 4.
Write a related subtraction fact for 6 + 8 = 14.

Question 5.
John has 7 kites. Annie has 4 kites. How many kites do they have altogether?
__ kites

The number of kites does they together have is 7 + 4= 11 kites.

John has 7 kites and Annie has 4 kites, so the number of kites do they together have is 7 + 4= 11 kites.

Lesson 5.3 Model Regrouping for Subtraction

Essential Question
When do you regroup in subtraction?

We will regroup in subtraction when the minuend digit is less than the subtrahend digit. Then we will take carry forward to the lesser digit and then we will perform subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.

Listen and Draw

Use Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 44 to model the problem. Draw quick pictures to show your model.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 45

Math Talk

Describe why you traded a tens block for 10 ones blocks.

Model and Draw

How do you subtract 26 from 53?

The subtraction of 53 and 26 is 27.

To perform subtraction for 26 from 53 we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So The subtraction of 26 from 53 is 27.

Step 1
Show 53. Are there enough ones to subtract 26?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 46
Step 2
If there are not enough ones, regroup 1 ten as 10 ones.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 46.1
Step 3
Subtract 6 ones from 13 ones.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 46.2
Step 4
Subtract the tens. Write the tens and ones. Write the difference.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 46.3

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Draw to show the regrouping. Write the difference two ways. Write the tens and ones. Write the number.

Question 1.
Subtract 13 from 41.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 47
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 13 from 41 is 28. And there are two tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens blocks and one one’s block. So here we need to subtract 13 from 41, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 41 is 41 – 13= 28 and there are two tens and eight ones.


Question 2.
Subtract 9 from 48.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 48
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 9 from 48 is 39. And there are three tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there is four tens blocks and eight one’s block. So here we need to subtract 9 from 48, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 9 from 48 is 48 – 9= 39 and there are three tens and nine ones.



Question 3.
Subtract 28 from 52.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 49
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 28 from 52 is 24. And there are two tens and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there is five tens blocks and two one’s block. So here we need to subtract 28 from 48, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 28 from 52 is 52 – 28= 24 and there are two tens and four ones.


On Your Own

Draw to show the regrouping. Write the difference two ways. Write the tens and ones. Write the number.

Question 4.
Subtract 8 from 23
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 50
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 8 from 23 is 15. And there are one ten and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there is one tens block and five ones block. So here we need to subtract 8 from 23, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 8 from 23 is 23 – 8= 15 and there are one ten and five ones.


Question 5.
Subtract 36 from 45.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 51
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 36 from 45 is 9. And there are no tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there is five tens blocks and two one’s block. So here we need to subtract 36 from 45, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 36 from 45 is 45 – 36= 9 and there are no tens and nine ones.


Question 6.
Subtract 6 from 43.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 52
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 6 from 43 is 37. And there are three tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there is four tens blocks and three one’s block. So here we need to subtract 6 from 43, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 6 from 43 is 43 – 6= 37 and there are three tens and seven ones.


Question 7.
Subtract 39 from 67
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 53
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 39 from 67 is 28. And there are two tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there is six tens blocks and seven ones block. So here we need to subtract 28 from 48, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 39 from 67 is 67 – 39= 28 and there are two tens and eight ones.

Question 8.
Subtract 21 from 50.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 54
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 21 from 50 is 29. And there are two tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there is five tens blocks and zero ones in ones block. So here we need to subtract 21 from 50, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 21 from 50 is 50 – 21= 29 and there are two tens and nine ones.


Question 9.
Subtract 29 from 56
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 55
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 29 from 56 is 27. And there are two tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens blocks and two one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 28 from 48, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 29 from 56 is 56 – 29= 27 and there are two tens and seven ones.

Question 10.
Draw to find what number was subtracted from 53.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 56
Subtract __ from 53.
3 tens 4 ones

Problem Solving • Applications

Write or draw to explain.

Question 11.
Billy has 18 fewer marbles than Sara. Sara has 34 marbles. How many marbles does Billy have?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 57
__ marbles

The total number of marbles does Billy had is 16 marbles.

As Billy has 18 fewer marbles than Sara and Sara has 34 marbles, so here fewer marbles means we will do subtraction. So the number of marbles do Billy had is 34 – 18= 16 marbles. Here we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the total number of marbles does Billy had is 16 marbles.

Question 12.
There are 67 toy animals in the store. Then the clerk sells 19 toy animals. How many toy animals are in the store now?
Draw to show how to find the answer.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 58
__ toy animals

The number of toys in the store is 48 toys.

As there are 67 toy animals in the store and then the clerk sells 19 toy animals, so to find how many toys in the store is we will perform subtraction. Here we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of toys in the store is 67 – 19= 48 toys.

Describe how you solved the problem.

The problem is solved by using regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.

• Ask your child to write a subtraction story and then explain how to solve it.

We will perform subtraction by breaking the two-digit number into tens place digit and ones place digit. Then the other number will be placed below the number. If the minuend number is less than the subtrahend number then we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So by this, we will perform the subtraction.

Model Regrouping for Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.3

Draw to show the regrouping. Write the difference two ways. Write the tens and ones. Write the number.

Question 1.
Subtract 9 from 35
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 59
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 9 from 35 is 26. And there are two tens and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens blocks and five one’s block. So here we need to subtract 9 from 35, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 9 from 35 is 35 – 9= 26 and there are two tens and six ones.

Question 2.
Subtract 14 from 52.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 60
__ tens __ ones __

The subtraction of 9 from 35 is 26. And there are two tens and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens blocks and five one’s block. So here we need to subtract 9 from 35, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 9 from 35 is 35 – 9= 26 and there are two tens and six ones.

Problem Solving

Choose a way to solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 3.
Mr. Ortega made 51 cookies. He gave 14 cookies away. How many cookies does he have now?
__ cookies

The cookies that Mr. Ortega had now are 37 cookies.

As Mr. Ortega made 51 cookies and he gave 14 cookies away. So to find the number of cookies does Ortega had we will do regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 51 – 14 is 37 cookies. The cookies that
Mr. Orteg had now is 37 cookies.

Question 4.
Draw a quick picture for 37. Draw to show how you would subtract 19 from 37. Write to explain what you did.
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 61

The subtraction of 37 – 19 is 18. The subtraction is done by the regrouping of subtraction.

The subtraction of 37 – 19 is 18. The subtraction is done by the regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 37 – 19 is 18.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Subtract 9 from 36. What is the difference?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 62

The subtraction of 9 from 36 is 27. And there are two tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens blocks and six one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 9 from 36, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 9 from 36 is 36 – 9= 27 and there are two tens and seven ones.

Question 2.
Subtract 28 from 45. What is the difference?
Go Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 63

The subtraction of 28 from 45 is 17. And there are one ten and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens blocks and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 28 from 45, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 28 from 45 is 45 – 28= 17 and there are one ten and seven ones.

Spiral Review

Question 3.
What is the difference?
51 – 8 = __
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 64

The subtraction of 8 from 51 is 43. And there are four tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens blocks and six one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 8 from 51, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 8 from 51 is 51 – 8= 43 and there are four tens and three ones.

Question 4.
What is the sum?
38 + 35 = __

The sum of the two numbers is 73.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 38 + 35 is 73.

Question 5.
What is the sum?
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 65

The sum of the three numbers is 90.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the three numbers 63 + 18 + 9 is 90.

Lesson 5.4 Model and Record 2-Digit Subtraction

Essential Question
How do you record 2-digit subtraction?

We will perform subtraction by breaking the two-digit number into tens place digit and ones place digit. Then the other number will be placed below the number. If the minuend number is less than the subtrahend number then we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So by this, we will perform the subtraction.

Listen and Draw
Use Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 66 to model the problem. Draw quick pictures to show your model.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 67

Math Talk

Explain a Method
Did you trade blocks in your model? Explain why or why not.

Model and Draw

Trace over the quick pictures in the steps. Subtract.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 68

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Draw a quick picture to solve. Write the difference.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 69

The subtraction of 15 from 47 is 32. And there are three ten and two ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and seven ones. So here we need to subtract 15 from 47, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 15 from 47 is 47 – 15= 32 and there are three ten and two ones.


Question 2.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 70

The subtraction of 18 from 32 is 14. And there are one ten and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 18 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 18 from 32 is 32 – 18= 14 and there are one ten and four ones.


On Your Own

Draw a quick picture to solve. Write the difference.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 71

The subtraction of 29 from 35 is 6. And there are zero tens and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 29 from 35, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 29 from 35 is 35 – 29= 6 and there are zero tens and six ones.


Question 4.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 72

The subtraction of 5 from 28 is 23. And there are two tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are two tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 5 from 28, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 5 from 28 is 28 – 5= 23 and there are two ten and three ones.


Question 5.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 73

The subtraction of 26 from 53 is 27. And there are two tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 26 from 53, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 26 from 53 is 53 – 26= 27 and there are two tens and seven ones.


Question 6.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 74

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.


Question 7.
There are 16 robins in the trees. 24 more fly in. Then 28 robins fly away. How many robins are still in the trees?
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 75
__ robbins

The total number of robins are still on the trees is 12 robins.

As there are 16 robins on the tree and 24 more fly-ins. So the number of robins is 24 + 16= 40. Now 28 robins fly away, so the total number of robins are still on the trees is 40 – 28= 12 robins.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 8.
Claire’s puzzle has 85 pieces. She has used 46 pieces so far. How many puzzle pieces have not been used yet?
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 76
__ puzzle pieces

The number of puzzle pieces that have not been used is 39 puzzle pieces.

As Claire’s puzzle has 85 pieces and she has used 46 pieces so far. So the number of puzzle pieces that have not been used is
85 – 46= 39 puzzle pieces.

Question 9.
Analyze There were some people at the park. 24 people went home. Then there were 19 people at the park. How many people were at the park before?
__ people

The total number of people at the park before is 43 people.

As there were some people at the park and 24 people went home. Then there were 19 people at the park, so the total number of people at the park before is 24 + 19= 43 people.

Question 10.
Mr. Sims has a box of 44 erasers. He gives 28 erasers to his students. How many erasers does Mr. Sims have now? Show how you solved the problem.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 77
__ erasers

The number of erasers does Mr. Sims has now is 16 erasers.

As Mr. Sims has a box of 44 erasers and he gives 28 erasers to his students. So the number of erasers does Mr. Sims has now is
44 – 28= 16 erasers. Here we have solved by using regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 28 from 44 is 44 – 28= 16 erasers. The number of erasers does Mr. Sims has now is 16 erasers.

• Write 73 − 28 on a sheet of paper. Ask your child if he or she would regroup to find the difference.

The subtraction of 73 – 28 is 45.

The subtraction of 73 – 28 is 45. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 73 – 28 is 45.

Model and Record 2-Digit Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.4

Draw a quick picture to solve. Write the difference.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 78

The subtraction of 17 from 43 is 26. And there are two tens and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 17 from 43, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 17 from 43 is 43 – 17= 26 and there are two tens and six ones.


Question 2.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 79

The subtraction of 29 from 38 is 9. And there are zero tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 29 from 38, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 29 from 38 is 38 – 29= 9 and there are zero tens and nine ones.


Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 3.
Kendall has 63 stickers. Her sister has 57 stickers. How many more stickers does Kendall have than her sister?
__ more stickers.

The number of stickers does Kendall has than her sister is 6 more stickers.

As Kendall has 63 stickers and her sister has 57 stickers, so the number of stickers does Kendall has than her sister is 63 – 57= 6 more stickers. Here we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 57 from 63 is 63 – 57= 9 stickers.

Question 4.
Draw a quick picture to show the number 24. Then draw a quick picture to show 24 after you have regrouped 1 ten as 1-ones. Explain how both pictures show the same number, 24.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 80

Lesson Check

Question 1.
What is the difference?
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 81

The subtraction of 18 from 47 is 29. And there are two tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and seven ones. So here we need to subtract 18 from 47, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 18 from 47 is 47 – 18= 29 and there are two tens and nine ones.


Question 2.
What is the difference?
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 82

The subtraction of 29 from 33 is 4. And there are zero tens and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 29 from 33, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 29 from 33 is 33 – 29= 4 and there are zero tens and four ones.


Spiral Review

Question 3.
What is the difference?
10 – 6 = __

The difference is 4.

The difference between 10 and 6 is 4.

Question 4.
What is the sum?
16 + 49 = __

The sum of the two numbers is 65.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 16 + 49  is 65.

Question 5.
What is the sum?
28 + 8 = __

The sum of the two numbers is 36.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 28 + 8  is 36.

Question 6.
What is the difference?
52 – 6 = __

The difference is 46.

The difference between 52 and 6 is 46.

Lesson 5.5 2-Digit Subtraction

Essential Question
How do you record the steps when subtracting 2-digit numbers?

We will perform subtraction by breaking the two-digit number into tens place digit and ones place digit. Then the other number will be placed below the number. If the minuend number is less than the subtrahend number then we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So by this, we will perform the subtraction.

Listen and Draw

Draw a quick picture to model each problem.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 83

Math Talk
Use Reasoning Explain how you know when to regroup.

We will perform regrouping when the minuend number is less than the subtrahend number then we will perform regrouping of subtraction. And Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones.

Model and Draw
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 84

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Regroup if you need to. Write the difference.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 84.1

The subtraction of 14 from 31 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and one in ones place. So here we need to subtract 14 from 31, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 14 from 31 is 31 – 14= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.


Question 2.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 85

The subtraction of 21 from 56 is 35. And there are three tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 21 from 56, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 21 from 56 is 56 – 21= 35 and there are three tens and five ones.


Question 3.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 86

The subtraction of 35 from 72 is 37. And there are three tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are seven tens and two ones. So here we need to subtract 35 from 72, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 35 from 72 is 72 – 35= 37 and there are three tens and seven ones.


On Your Own
Regroup if you need to. Write the difference.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 87

The subtraction of 14 from 23 is 9. And there are zero tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are two tens and three one’s. So here we need to subtract 14 from 23, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 14 from 23 is 23 – 14= 9 and there are zero tens and nine ones.


Question 5.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 88

The subtraction of 57 from 87 is 30. And there are three ten and zero ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and seven one’s. So here we need to subtract 57 from 87, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 57 from 87 is 87 – 57= 30 and there are three ten and zero ones.


Question 6.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 89

The subtraction of 18 from 34 is 16. And there are one ten and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and four one’s. So here we need to subtract 18 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 18 from 34 is 34 – 18= 16 and there are one ten and six ones.


Question 7.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 90

The subtraction of 13 from 61 is 48. And there are four ten and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and one ones. So here we need to subtract 13 from 61, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 61 is 61 – 13= 48 and there are four ten and eight ones.


Question 8.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 91

The subtraction of 18 from 45 is 27. And there are two tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 18 from 45 is 45 – 18= 27 and there are two ten and nine ones.

Question 9.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 92

The subtraction of 36 from 52 is 16. And there are one ten and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 36 from 52, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 36 from 52 is 52 – 36= 16 and there are one ten and six ones.

Question 10.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 93

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 11.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 94

The subtraction of 43 from 75 is 32. And there are three tens and two ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are seven tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 43 from 75, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 43 from 75 is 75 – 43= 32 and there are three tens and two ones.

Question 12.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 95

The subtraction of 27 from 56 is 29. And there are two tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and six ones. So here we need to subtract 27 from 56, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 27 from 56 is 56 – 27= 29 and there are two tens and nine ones.

Question 13.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 96

The subtraction of 29 from 94 is 65. And there are six tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are nine tens and four one’s. So here we need to subtract 29 from 94, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 29 from 94 is 94 – 29= 65 and there are six tens and five ones.

Question 14.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 97

The subtraction of 39 from 87 is 48. And there are four tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and seven one’s. So here we need to subtract 39 from 87, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 39 from 87 is 87 – 39= 48 and there are four tens and eight ones.

Question 15.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 98

The subtraction of 46 from 83 is 37. And there are three tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and three one’s. So here we need to subtract 46 from 83, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 46 from 83 is 83 – 46= 37 and there are three tens and seven ones.

Question 16.
Spencer wrote 5 fewer stories than Katie. Spencer wrote 18 stories. How many stories did Katie write?
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 99
__ stories

The number of stories written by Katie is 13 stories.

As Spencer wrote 5 fewer stories than Katie and Spencer wrote 18 stories. As Spencer wrote 5 fewer stories than Katie so we will perform subtraction. So the number of stories written by Katie is 18 – 5= 13 stories.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 17.
Explain a Method Circle the problems below that you could use mental math to solve.
54 – 10 = __
63 – 27 = __
93 – 20 = __
39 – 2 = __
41 – 18 = __
82 – 26 = __
Explain your choices



Question 18.
There are 34 chickens in the barn. If 16 chickens go outside into the yard, how many chickens will still be in the barn?
Circle the number from the box to make the sentence true.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 100

The number of chickens will be in the barn will be 18 chickens.

As there are 34 chickens in the barn and if 16 chickens go outside into the yard then the number of chickens will be in the barn will be 34 – 16= 18 chickens. Here we have performed regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of chickens will be in the barn will be 34 – 16= 18 chickens.

• Ask your child to write a 2-digit subtraction problem with no regrouping needed. Have your child explain why he or she chose those numbers.

The subtraction of 56 – 23 is 33.

Given that we need to perform the subtraction without regrouping, so we need to take the minuend number greater than the subtrahend. Then we need not perform the regrouping, so we will take the numbers to be subtracted be 56 – 23= 33.

2-Digit Subtraction Homework & practice 5.5

Regroup if you need to. Write the difference.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 101

The subtraction of 28 from 47 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 28 from 47, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 28 from 47 is 47 – 28= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 102

The subtraction of 18 from 33 is 15. And there are one ten and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 18 from 33, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 18 from 33 is 33 – 18= 15 and there are one ten and five ones.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 103

The subtraction of 14 from 28 is 19. And there are one ten and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are two tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 14 from 28, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 14 from 28 is 28 – 14= 14 and there are one ten and four ones.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 104

The subtraction of 19 from 66 is 47. And there are four ten and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and six ones. So here we need to subtract 19 from 66, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 19 from 66 is 66 – 19= 47 and there are four ten and seven ones.

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 105

The subtraction of 26 from 77 is 51. And there are five tens and one in one’s place.

In the above image, we can see that there are seven tens and seven ones. So here we need to subtract 26 from 77, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 26 from 77 is 77 – 26= 51 and there are five tens and nine one in one’s place.

Question 6.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 106

The subtraction of 34 from 58 is 24. And there are two tens and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 34 from 58, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 34 from 58 is 58 – 34= 24 and there are two tens and four ones.

Question 7.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 107

The subtraction of 25 from 52 is 27. And there are two tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 25 from 52, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 25 from 52 is 52 – 25= 27 and there are two tens and seven ones.

Question 8.
Go Math Grade 2 Chapter 5 Answer Key Pdf 2-Digit Subtraction 108

The subtraction of 49 from 87 is 38. And there are three tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 49 from 87, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 49 from 87 is 87 – 49= 38 and there are three tens and eight ones.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 9.
Mrs. Paul bought 32 erasers. She gave 19 erasers to students. How many erasers does she still have?

The number of erasers Mrs. Paul had is 13 erasers.

As Mrs. Paul bought 32 erasers and she gave 19 erasers to students. So to find how many erasers does she still has is we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of erasers Mrs. Paul had is
32 – 9= 13 erasers.

Question 10.
Write a few sentences about different ways to show subtraction for a problem like 32 – 15.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
What is the difference?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 109

The subtraction of 39 from 48 is 9. And there are zero tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 39 from 48, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 39 from 48 is 48 – 39= 9 and there are zero tens and nine ones.

Question 2.
What is the difference?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 110

The subtraction of 66 from 84 is 18. And there are one ten and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and four ones. So here we need to subtract 66 from 84, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 66 from 84 is 84 – 66= 18 and there are one ten and eight ones.

Spiral Review

Question 3.
What is the difference?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 111

The subtraction of 19 from 32 is 13. And there are one ten and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 19 from 32 is 32 – 19= 13 and there are one ten and three ones.

Question 4.
Write an addition fact that will give the same sum as 8 + 7.
10 + __

The number to get the sum as 15 is we should add 5 to the number 10.

The sum of 8 + 7 is 15. So to get the 15 as a result of the given number, we will add 5 to the number 10. So we will get the result as 15.

Question 5.
27 boys and 23 girls go on a field trip to the museum. How many children go to the museum?
__ children

The number of children who went to the museum is 50 children.

As there are 27 boys 23 girls on the field trip to the museum, so the number of children who went to the museum is 27 + 23= 50 children

Question 6.
There were 17 berries in the basket. Then 9 berries are eaten. How many berries are there now?
__ berries

The number of berries will be 8 berries.

As there are 17 berries in the basket and 9 berries are eaten, then the number of berries will be 17 – 9= 8 berries. Here we have performed regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of berries will be 17 – 9= 8 berries

Lesson 5.6 Practice 2-Digit Subtraction

Essential Question
How do you record the steps when subtracting 2-digit numbers?

We will perform subtraction by breaking the two-digit number into tens place digit and ones place digit. Then the other number will be placed below the number. If the minuend number is less than the subtrahend number then we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So by this, we will perform the subtraction.

Listen and Draw

Choose one way to solve the problem.
Draw or write to show what you did.

Math Talk
Describe a different way that you could have solved the problem.

Model and Draw

Carmen had 50 game cards. Then she gave 16 game cards to Theo. How many game cards does Carmen have now?

The number of game cards will be 50 – 16= 34 game cards.

As the Carmen had 50 game cards and she gave 16 game cards to Theo, then the number of game cards will be 50 – 16= 34 game cards. Here we have performed regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of game cards will be 50 – 16= 34 game cards.
Step 1
Look at the ones. There are not enough ones to subtract 6 from 0. So, regroup
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 112
Step 2
Subtract the ones.
10 – 6 = 4
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 113
Step 3
Subtract the tens.
4 – 1 = 3
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 114

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Write the difference.

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 115

The subtraction of 19 from 38 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 19 from 38, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 19 from 38 is 38 – 19= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 116

The subtraction of 32 from 65 is 33. And there are three tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 32 from 65, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 32 from 65 is 65 – 32= 33 and there are three tens and three ones.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 117

The subtraction of 12 from 50 is 38. And there are three tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 12 from 50, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 12 from 50 is 50 – 12= 38 and there are three tens and eight ones.

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 118

The subtraction of 4 from 23 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are two tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 4 from 23, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 4 from 23 is 23 – 4= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 119

The subtraction of 38 from 70 is 32. And there are three tens and two ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are seven tens and zero one. So here we need to subtract 38 from 70, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 38 from 70 is 70 – 38= 32 and there are three tens and two ones.

Question 6.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 120

The subtraction of 17 from 52 is 35. And there are three tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and two one. So here we need to subtract 17 from 52, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 17 from 52 is 52 – 17= 35 and there are three tens and five ones.

On Your Own

Write the difference.

Question 7.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 121

The subtraction of 24 from 41 is 17. And there are one ten and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and one in ones place. So here we need to subtract 24 from 41, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 24 from 41 is 41 – 24= 17 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 8.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 122

The subtraction of 16 from 58 is 42. And there are four tens and two ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 16 from 58, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 16 from 58 is 58 – 16= 42 and there are four tens and two ones.

Question 9.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 123

The subtraction of 13 from 60 is 47. And there are four tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 13 from 60, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 60 is 60 – 13= 47 and there are four tens and seven ones.

Question 10.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 124

The subtraction of 47 from 52 is 5. And there are zero tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and two ones. So here we need to subtract 47 from 52, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 47 from 52 is 52 – 47= 5 and there are zero tens and five ones.

Question 11.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 125

The subtraction of 46 from 72 is 26. And there are two tens and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are seven tens and two ones So here we need to subtract 46 from 72, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 46 from 72 is 72 – 46= 26 and there are two tens and six ones.

Question 12.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 126

The subtraction of 6 from 37 is 31. And there are three tens and one in ones place.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 6 from 37, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 6 from 37 is 37 – 6= 31 and there are three tens and one in ones place.

Question 13.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 127

The subtraction of 46 from 74 is 28. And there are two tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 46 from 74, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 46 from 74 is 74 – 46= 28 and there are two tens and eight ones.

Question 14.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 128

The subtraction of 18 from 90 is 72. And there are seven tens and two ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 18 from 90, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 18 from 90 is 90 – 18= 72 and there are seven tens and two ones.

Question 15.
Write the missing numbers in the subtraction problems. The regrouping for each problem is shown.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 129

The missing values is 75 and 28 and 83 and 58.

Here, to find the missing values we will find with the help of the carry forward numbers. As the carry forward are 6 and 15 so the minuend is 75 as the result is 47, so the other number will be 75 – 47= 28. As the carry forward are 7 and 13 so the minuend is 83 as the result is 25, so the other number will be 83 – 58= 25.

Question 16.
Adam takes 38 rocks out of a box. There are 23 rocks left in the box. How many rocks were in the box to start?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 130
__ rocks

The number of rocks were in the box to start is 61 rocks.

Adam takes 38 rocks out of a box and there are 23 rocks left in the box. So to find the number of rocks were in the box we will add the rocks that adam had took and the number of rocks left in the box. So the number of rocks were in the box to start is
38 + 28= 61 rocks.

• Ask your child to show you one way to find 80 − 34.

The subtraction of 34 from 80 is 46. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 34 from 80, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 34 from 80 is 80 – 34= 46 and there are four tens and six ones.

Practice 2-Digit Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.6

Write the difference.

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 131

The subtraction of 18 from 50 is 32. And there are three tens and two ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 18 from 50, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 18 from 50 is 50 – 18= 32 and there are three tens and two ones.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 132

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 133

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 134

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 135

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 6.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 136

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 7.
Julie has 42 sheets of paper. She gives 17 sheets to Kari. How many sheets of paper does Julie have now?
__ sheets of paper

Question 8.
Draw and write to explain how these two problems are different: 35 – 15 = ________ and 43 – 26 = _______
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 137

Lesson Check

Question 1.
What is the difference?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 138

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Question 2.
What is the difference?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 139

The subtraction of 13 from 32 is 19. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 32 is 32 – 13= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones.

Spiral Review

Question 3.
What is the sum?
9 + 9 = __

The sum of the two numbers is 18.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 9 + 9 is 18.

Question 4.
What is the difference?
14 – 7 = __

The subtraction of 7 from 14 is 7. And there are zero tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are one ten and four ones. So here we need to subtract 7 from 14, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 7 from 14 is 14 – 7= 7 and there are zero tens and seven ones.

Question 5.
What is the sum?
36 + 25 = __

The sum of the two numbers is 61.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 36 + 25 is 61.

Question 6.
What is the sum?
7 + 2 + 3 = __

The sum of the three numbers is 12.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the three numbers 7 + 2 + 3 is 12.

2-Digit Subtraction Mid-Chapter Checkpoint

Concepts and Skills

Break apart the number you are subtracting. Use the number line to help. Write the difference.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 140

Question 1.
34 – 8 = __

The subtraction of 8 from 34 is 26. And there are two tens and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and four ones. So here we need to subtract 8 from 34, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 8 from 34 is 34 – 8= 26 and there are two tens and six ones.

Question 2.
45 – 17 = __

The subtraction of 17 from 45 is 28. And there are two tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 17 from 45, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 17 from 45 is 45 – 17= 28 and there are two tens and eight ones.

Draw a quick picture to solve. Write the difference.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 141

The subtraction of 29 from 42 is 13. And there are one ten and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and two ones. So here we need to subtract 29 from 42, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 29 from 42 is 42 – 29= 13 and there are one ten and three ones.

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 142

The subtraction of 23 from 54 is 31. And there are three tens and one in ones place.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and four ones. So here we need to subtract 23 from 54, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 23 from 54 is 54 – 23= 31 and there are three tens and one in ones place

Write the difference.

Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 143

The subtraction of 43 from 78 is 35. And there are three tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are seven tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 43 from 78, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 43 from 78 is 78 – 43= 35 and there are three tens and five ones.

Question 6.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 144

The subtraction of 26 from 60 is 34. And there are three tens and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 26 from 60, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 26 from 60 is 60 – 26= 34 and there are three tens and four ones.

Question 7.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 145

The subtraction of 37 from 85 is 48. And there are four tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 37 from 85, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 37 from 85 is 85 – 37= 48 and there are four tens and eight ones.

Question 8.
Marissa had 51 toy dinosaurs. She gave 14 toy dinosaurs to her brother. How many toy dinosaurs does she have now?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 146
__ toy dinosaurs

The number of dinosaurs does Marissa has is 37 dinosaurs.

Marissa had 51 toy dinosaurs and she gave 14 toy dinosaurs to her brother. So to how many toy dinosaurs does she have we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here we have solved by using regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of dinosaurs does Marissa has is 51 – 14= 37 dinosaurs.

Lesson 5.7 Rewrite 2-Digit Subtraction

Essential Question
What are two different ways to write subtraction problems?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 147

Math Talk
Explain why it is important to line up the digits of the numbers in columns.

Model and Draw

What is 81 – 36?
Rewrite the subtraction problem.
Then find the difference.

Step 1
For 81, write the tens digit in the tens column. Write the ones digit in the ones column.
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Step 2
Look at the ones. Regroup if you need to.
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Share and Show MATH BOARD

Rewrite the subtraction problem. Then find the difference.

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 150

The subtraction of 37 from 4 is 33. And there are three tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and four ones. So here we need to subtract 4 from 37, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 4 from 37 is 37 – 4= 33 and there are three tens and three ones.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 151

The subtraction of 24 from 48 is 24. And there are two tens and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 24 from 48, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 24 from 48 is 48 – 24= 24 and there are two tens and four ones.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 152

The subtraction of 37 from 85 is 48. And there are four tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 37 from 85, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 37 from 85 is 85 – 37= 48 and there are four tens and eight ones.

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 153

The subtraction of 19 from 63 is 44. And there are four tens and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 19 from 63, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 19 from 63 is 63 – 19= 44 and there are four tens and four ones.

Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 154

The subtraction of 37 from 62 is 25. And there are two tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and two ones. So here we need to subtract 37 from 62, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 37 from 62 is 62 – 37= 25 and there are two tens and five ones.

Question 6.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 155

The subtraction of 27 from 51 is 24. And there are two tens and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 27 from 51, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 27 from 51 is 51 – 27= 24 and there are two tens and four ones.

Question 7.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 156

The subtraction of 3 from 76 is 73. And there are seven tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are seven tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 3 from 76, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 3 from 76 is 76 – 3= 73 and there are seven tens and three ones.

Question 8.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 157

The subtraction of 48 from 95 is 47. And there are four tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are nine tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 48 from 95, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 48 from 95 is 95 – 48= 47 and there are four tens and seven ones.

On Your Own

Rewrite the subtraction problem. Then find the difference.

Question 9.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 158

The subtraction of 8 from 49 is 41. And there are four tens and one in one’s place.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and nine ones. So here we need to subtract 8 from 49, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 8 from 49 is 49 – 8= 41 and there are four tens and one in one’s place.

Question 10.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 159

The subtraction of 47 from 85 is 38. And there are three tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 47 from 85, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 47 from 85 is 85 – 47= 38 and there are three tens and eight ones.

Question 11.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 160

The subtraction of 23 from 63 is 40. And there are four tens and zero ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 23 from 63, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 23 from 63 is 63 – 23= 40 and there are four tens and zero ones.

Question 12.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 161

The subtraction of 23 from 51 is 28. And there are two tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and one in one’s place. So here we need to subtract 23 from 51, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 23 from 51 is 51 – 23= 28 and there are two tens and eight ones.

Question 13.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 162

The subtraction of 15 from 60 is 45. And there are four tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are six tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 15 from 60, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 15 from 60 is 60 – 15= 45 and there are four tens and four ones.

Question 14.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 163

The subtraction of 58 from 94 is 36. And there are three tens and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are nine tens and four ones. So here we need to subtract 58 from 94, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 58 from 94 is 94 – 58= 36 and there are three tens and six ones.

Question 15.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 164

The subtraction of 20 from 47 is 27. And there are two tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and seven ones. So here we need to subtract 20 from 47, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 20 from 47 is 47 – 20= 27 and there are two tens and seven ones.

Question 16.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 165

The subtraction of 9 from 35 is 26. And there are two tens and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 9 from 35, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 9 from 35 is 35 – 9= 26 and there are two tens and six ones.

Question 17.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 166

The subtraction of 10 from 78 is 68. And there are six tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are seven tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 10 from 78, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 10 from 78 is 78 – 10= 68 and there are six tens and eight ones.

Question 18.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 167

The subtraction of 38 from 54 is 16. And there are one ten and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and four one. So here we need to subtract 38 from 54, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 38 from 54 is 54 – 38= 16 and there are one ten and six ones.

Question 19.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 168

The subtraction of 39 from 92 is 53. And there are five tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are nine tens and two ones. So here we need to subtract 39 from 92, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 39 from 92 is 92 – 39= 53 and there are five tens and three ones.

Question 20.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 169

The subtraction of 28 from 87 is 59. And there are five tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and seven ones. So here we need to subtract 28 from 87, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 28 from 87 is 87 – 28= 59 and there are eight tens and nine ones.

Question 21.
For which of the problems above could you find the difference without rewriting it? Explain.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 170

Problem Solving • Applications

Read about the class trip. Then answer the questions.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 171

Question 22.
How many more paintings were done by adults than by children?
__ more paintings

The number of paints which were more by adults than the children is 53 – 26= 27 paintings.

As Pablo’s class went to the art museum, and they saw 26 paintings done by the children. After that, they saw 53 paintings done by the adults. So the number of paints which were more by adults than the children is 53 – 26= 27 paintings.

Question 23.
How many more paintings than sculptures did they see?
__ more paintings

The number of paints that were more than the sculptures is 61 more paintings.

As Pablo’s class went to the art museum, and they saw 26 paintings done by the children. After that they saw 53 paintings done by the adults. So the total number of paintings is 53 + 26 = 79 paintings. And they saw 18 sculptures, so the number of paints which were more than the sculptures is 79 – 18= 61 more paintings.

Question 24.
Tom drew 23 pictures last year. Beth drew 14 pictures. How many more pictures did Tom draw than Beth?
Fill in the bubble next to all the ways to show the problem.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 172

The number of more pictures did Tom draw than Beth is 23 – 14= 9 pictures.

As Tom draw 23 pictures last year and Beth draw 14 pictures, so the number of more pictures did Tom draw than Beth is 23 – 14= 9 pictures.

• Ask your child to write and solve a subtraction problem about a family trip.

Rewrite 2-Digit Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.7

Rewrite the subtraction problem. Then find the difference.

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 173

The subtraction of 19 from 35 is 16. And there are one ten and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 19 from 35, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 19 from 35 is 35 – 19= 16 and there are one ten and six ones.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 174

The subtraction of 23 from 47 is 24. And there are two tens and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and seven ones. So here we need to subtract 23 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 23 from 47 is 47 – 23= 24 and there are two tens and four ones.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 175

The subtraction of 28 from 58 is 30. And there are three tens and zero ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and five one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 28 from 58, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 28 from 58 is 58 – 28= 30 and there are three tens and zero ones.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 4.
Jimmy went to the toy store. He saw 23 wooden trains and 41 plastic trains. How many more plastic trains than wooden trains did he see?
___ more plastic trains

There are 18 more plastic trains than wooden trains.

Jimmy went to the toy store and he saw 23 wooden trains and 41 plastic trains, so to find how many more plastic trains than wooden trains did he see is we will perform subtraction. So there will be 41 – 23= 18 more plastic trains than wooden trains.

Question 5.
Is it easier to subtract when the numbers are written above and below each other? Explain your answer

Yes, it is easier to subtract the numbers that are written above and below each other. As we can easily borrow from the place in front of the number and we can rewrite without a problem. It also helps to keep the math problems more organized so by writing the numbers above and below we will be confused.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
What is the difference for 43 − 17?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 176

The subtraction of 17 from 43 is 26. And there are one ten and nine ones.

In the above, we can see that there are four tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 13 from 32, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 17 from 43 is 43 – 16= 26 and there are two tens and six ones.

Question 2.
What is the difference for 50 − 16?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 177

The subtraction of 16 from 50 is 34. And there are three tens and four ones.

In the above, we can see that there are five tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 16 from 50, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 16 from 50 is 50 – 16= 34 and there are three tens and four ones.

Spiral Review

Question 3.
What is the sum?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 178

The sum of the given numbers is 74.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the given numbers
29 + 4 + 25 + 16  is 74.

Question 4.
What is the sum of 41 + 19?

The sum of the given numbers is 60.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the given numbers
41 + 19 is 60.

Question 5.
Write an addition fact that will give the same sum as 5 + 9?
10 + ___

The sum of the two numbers is 14.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 5 + 9 is 14. So to get the same sum we need to add 4, so the sum of the 10 + 4= 14, which is same as 5 + 9 sum.

Question 6.
What is the difference?
45 – 13 = ___

The subtraction of 13 from 45 is 32. And there are three tens and two ones.

In the above, we can see that there are four tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 13 from 45, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 13 from 45 is 45 – 13= 32 and there are three tens and two ones.

Lesson 5.8 Add to Find Differences

Essential Question
How can you use addition to solve subtraction problems?
_______ ____ markers

Now draw pictures to show the next part of the problem. Write a number sentence for your drawing.
_______ ____ markers

Math Talk

Describe what happens when you add back the number that you had subtracted.

Model and Draw

Count up from the number you are subtracting to find the difference.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 179
Start at 38. Count up to 40.
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Then count up 5 more to 45.
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So, 45 − 38 = __.

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Use the number line. Count up to find the difference.

Question 1.
36 – 27 = ___
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 182

The subtraction of 27 from 36 is 9. And there are zero tens and nine ones.

Here we need to subtract 27 from 36, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 27 from 36 is 36 – 27= 9 and there are zero tens and nine ones.

Question 2.
56 – 49 = __
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 183

The subtraction of 49 from 56 is 7. And there are zero tens and seven ones.

Here we need to subtract 49 from 56, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 49 from 56 is 56 – 49= 7 and there are zero tens and seven ones.

Question 3.
64 – 58 = __
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The subtraction of 58 from 64 is 6. And there are zero tens and six ones.

Here we need to subtract 58 from 64, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 58 from 64 is 64 – 58= 6 and there are zero tens and six ones.

On Your Own

Use the number line. Count up to find the difference.

Question 4.
33 – 28 = __
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 185

The subtraction of 28 from 33 is 5. And there are zero tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 28 from 33, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 28 from 33 is 33 – 28= 5 and there are zero tens and five ones.

Question 5.
45 – 37 = __
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 186

The subtraction of 37 from 45 is 8. And there are zero tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and five ones. So here we need to subtract 37 from 45, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 37 from 45 is 45 – 37= 8 and there are zero tens and eight ones.

Question 6.
58 – 49 = __
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 187

The subtraction of 49 from 58 is 9. And there are zero tens and nine ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are five tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 49 from 58, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 49 from 58 is 58 – 49= 49 and there are zero tens and nine ones.

Question 7.
There were 55 books on the table. Sandra picked up some of the books. Now there are 49 books on the table. How many books did Sandra pick up?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 188
__ books

The number of books picked up by the Sandra is 6 books.

As there were 55 books on the table and Sandra picked up some of the books. And Now there are 49 books on the table, so to find how many books did Sandra pick up is we will perform subtraction. So the number of books picked up by the Sandra is 55 – 49= 6 books.

Problem Solving • Applications

Solve. You may wish to use the number line to help.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 189

Question 8.
There are 46 game pieces in a box. Adam takes 38 game pieces out of the box. How many game pieces are still in the box?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 190
__ game pieces

The number of game pieces is still in the box is 8 game pieces.

As there are 46 game pieces in a box and Adam takes 38 game pieces out of the box. So there will be 46 – 38= 8 game pieces.

Question 9.
Rachel had 27 craft sticks. Then she gave 19 craft sticks to Theo. How many craft sticks does Rachel have now?
Circle the number from the box to make the sentence true.
Rachel has Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 191 craft sticks now.
Explain how you can use addition to solve the problem.

The number of craft sticks Rachel has now is 27 – 19 = 8 craft sticks.

As Rachel had 27 craft sticks and then she gave 19 craft sticks to Theo. So the number of craft sticks Rachel has now is 27 – 19 = 8 craft sticks.

• Have your child describe how he or she used a number line to solve one problem in this lesson.

The number line is used by performing we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. Then we will make the number of jumps by the difference what we had got and we will make jump from minuend number to the subtrahend and will count the number of jumps.

Add to Find Differences Homework & practice 5.8

Use the number line. Count up to find the difference.

Question 1.
36 – 29 = __
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 191.1

The subtraction of 29 from 36 is 7. And there are zero tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and six ones. So here we need to subtract 29 from 36, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 29 from 36 is 36 – 29= 7 and there are zero tens and seven ones.

Question 2.
43 – 38 = __
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 192

The subtraction of 38 from 43 is 5. And there are zero tens and five ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens blocks and six one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 8 from 51, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 38 from 43 is 43 – 38= 5 and there are zero tens and five ones.

Problem Solving

Solve. You may wish to use the number line.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 193

Question 3.
Jill has 63 index cards. She uses 57 of them for a project. How many index cards does Jill have now?
__ index cards

The number of index cards does Jill has now is 6 index cards.

As Jill has 63 index cards and she uses 57 of them for a project, so the number of index cards does Jill have now is 63 – 57 = 6 index cards.

Question 4.
Explain how a number line can be used to find the difference for 34 – 28.


Lesson Check

Use the number line. Count up to find the difference.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 194

Question 1.
82 − 75 = __

The subtraction of 75 from 82 is 7. And there are zero tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are eight tens and two ones. So here we need to subtract 75 from 82, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 75 from 82 is 82 – 75= 7 and there are zero tens and seven ones.

Question 2.
90 − 82 = __

The subtraction of 82 from 90 is 8. And there are zero tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are nine tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 82 from 90, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 82 from 90 is 90 – 82= 8and there are zero tens and eight ones.

Spiral Review

Question 3.
Jordan has 41 toy cars at home. He brings 24 cars to school. How many cars are at home?
__ cars

The number of cars is at home is 17 cars.

As Jordan has 41 toy cars at home and he brings 24 cars to school, so the number of cars are at home is 41 – 24= 17 cars.

Question 4.
Pam has 15 fish. 9 are goldfish and the rest are guppies. How many fish are guppies?
__ guppies

The number of fishes is guppies is 6 guppies.

As Pam has 15 fishes and 9 are gold fishes and the rest are guppies, so the number of fishes are guppies is 15 – 9= 6 guppies.

Question 5.
What is the sum?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 195

The sum of the two numbers is 54.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 35 + 19 is 54.

Question 6.
Each table has 5 pencils. There are 3 tables. How many pencils are there altogether?
__ pencils.

The total number of pencils will be 15 pencils are there altogether.

As each table has 5 pencils and there are 3 tables, so the total number of pencils will be 5 × 3= 15 pencils are there altogether.

Lesson 5.9 Problem Solving • Subtraction

Essential Question
How can drawing a diagram help when solving subtraction problems?

Jane and her mom made 33 puppets for the craft fair. They sold 14 puppets. How many puppets do they still have?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 196

The total number of puppets do they left is 19 puppets.

As Jane and her mom made 33 puppets for the craft fair and they sold 14 puppets, so they still have 33 – 14= 19 puppets. Here we need to subtract 14 from 33, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 14 from 33 is 33 – 14= 19 and there are one ten and nine ones. So they will have 19 puppets left.

Unlock the Problem

What do I need to find?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 197 they still have

What information do I need to use?

They made __ puppets.
They sold __ puppets.

Show how to solve the problem.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 198

• Your child used a bar model and a number sentence to represent the problem. Using a bar model helps show what is known and what is needed to solve the problem.

Try Another Problem

Label the bar model. Write a number sentence with a Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 199 for the missing number. Solve.

Question 1.
Carlette had a box of 46 craft sticks. She used 28 craft sticks to make a sailboat. How many craft sticks were not used?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 199.1

They will have 18 craft sticks left.

As Carlette had a box of 46 craft sticks and she used 28 craft sticks to make a sailboat. So the number of craft sticks that are not used is 46 – 28= 18 craft sticks. Here we need to subtract 28 from 46, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 28 from 46 is 46 – 28= 18 and there are one ten and eight ones. So they will have 18 craft sticks left.

Question 2.
Rob’s class made 31 clay bowls. Sarah’s class made 15 clay bowls. How many more clay bowls did Rob’s class make than Sarah’s class?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 200
______ ___ more clay bowls

The number of more clay bowls did Rob’s class make than Sarah’s class is 31 – 15= 16 clay bowls.

As Rob’s class made 31 clay bowls and Sarah’s class made 15 clay bowls. So the number of more clay bowls did Rob’s class make than Sarah’s class is 31 – 15= 16 clay bowls. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of more clay bowls did Rob’s class make than Sarah’s class is 16 clay bowls.

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Label the bar model. Write a number sentence with a Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 201 for the missing number. Solve.

Question 3.
Mr. Hayes makes 32 wooden frames. He gives away 15 frames as gifts. How many frames does he still have?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 201.1
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 202

The number of many frames does he still have now is 32 – 15= 17 frames.

As Mr. Hayes makes 32 wooden frames and he gives away 15 frames as gifts. So the number of many frames does he still have now is 32 – 15= 17 frames. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of many frames does he still have now is 17 frames.

Question 4.
Wesley has 21 ribbons in a box. He has 15 ribbons on the wall. How many more ribbons does he have in the box than on the wall?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 203
__ more ribbons
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 204

The number of many more ribbons does he have in the box than on the wall is 6 more ribbons.

As Wesley has 21 ribbons in a box and he has 15 ribbons on the wall. So the number of many more ribbons does he have in the box than on the wall is 21 – 15= 6 more ribbons. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of many more ribbons does he have in the box than on the wall is 6 more ribbons.

Question 5.
Jennifer wrote 9 poems at school and 11 poems at home. She wrote 5 more poems than Nell. How many poems did Nell write?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 205
__ poems



On Your Own

Question 6.
There are 70 children. 28 children are hiking and 16 are at a picnic. The rest of the children are playing soccer. How many children are playing soccer?
Draw a model with bars for the problem. Describe how your drawing shows the problem. Then solve the problem.

Question 7.
There are 48 crackers in a bag. The children eat 25 crackers. How many crackers are still in the bag? Circle the bar model that can be used to solve the problem.
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 206
Write a number sentence with a Go Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 207 for the missing number. Solve.
___ crackers

• Ask your child to explain how he or she solved one of the problems on this page.

We will perform subtraction by breaking the two-digit number into tens place digit and ones place digit. Then the other number will be placed below the number. If the minuend number is less than the subtrahend number then we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So by this, we will perform the subtraction.

Problem Solving • Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.9

Label the bar model. Write a number sentence with a Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 208 for the missing number. Solve.

Question 1.
Megan picked 34 flowers. Some of the flowers are yellow and 18 flowers are pink. How many of the flowers are yellow?
___ yellow flowers
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 209

Question 2.
Alex had 45 toy cars. He put 26 toy cars in a box. How many toy cars are not in the box?
___ toy cars
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 210

Question 3.
Explain how bar models show a problem in a different way.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
There were 39 pumpkins at the store. Then 17 of the pumpkins were sold. How many pumpkins are still at the store?
__ pumpkins

Question 2.
There were 48 ants on a hill. Then 13 of the ants marched away. How many ants are still on the hill?
__ ants

Spiral Review

Question 3.
Ashley had 26 markers. Her friend gave her 17 more markers. How many markers does Ashley have now?
__ markers

Question 4.
What is the sum?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 211

Question 5.
Write a subtraction fact that will give the same difference as 15 − 7.
10 – __

Question 6.
What is the sum?
34 + 5 = __

Lesson 5.10 Algebra • Write Equations to Represent Subtraction

Essential Question
How do you write a number sentence to represent a problem?

Listen and Draw

Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 212
Draw to show the problem. Write a number sentence. Then solve.

Math Talk
Describe how your drawing shows the problem.

Model and Draw

You can write a number sentence to
show a problem.
Liza has 65 postcards. She gives 24 postcards to Wesley. How many postcards does Liza have now?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 213
Liza has __ postcards now.

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Write a number sentence for the problem. Use a Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 214 for the missing number. Then solve.

Question 1.
There were 32 birds in the trees. Then 18 birds flew away. How many birds are in the trees now?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 214.1
__ birds

Question 2.
Carla read 43 pages in her book. Joe read 32 pages in his book. How many more pages did Carla read than Joe?
__ more pages

On Your Own

Write a number sentence for the problem. Use a Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 215 for the missing number. Then solve.

Question 3.
There were 40 ants on a rock. Some ants moved to the grass. Now there are 26 ants on the rock. How many ants moved to the grass?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 215.1 ___
__ ants

Question 4.
Keisha had a bag of ribbons. She took 29 ribbons out of the bag. Then there were 17 ribbons still in the bag. How many ribbons were in the bag to start?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 216
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 217 _______
__ ribbons

Question 5.
There are 50 bees in a hive. Some bees fly out. If fewer than 20 bees are still in the hive, how many bees could have flown out?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 218 __ bees
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 219

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 6.
Make Connections Brendan made this number line to find a difference. What was he subtracting from 100? Explain your answer.
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 220

Question 7.
There are 52 pictures on the wall. 37 are wild cats and the rest are birds. How many of the pictures are birds? Use the numbers and symbols on the tiles to complete the number sentence for the problem.
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 221
___ birds

• Have your child explain how he or she solved one problem in this lesson.

Algebra • Write Equations to Represent Subtraction Homework & Practice 5.10

Write a number sentence for the problem. Use a Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 222 for the missing number. Then solve.

Question 1.
29 children rode their bikes to school. After some of the children rode home, there were 8 children with bikes still at school. How many children rode their bikes home?
__ children

The number of students who rode their bikes home is 29 – 8= 21 children rode their bike home.

As 29 children rode their bikes to school and after that some of the children rode home, there were 8 children with bikes still at school. So the number of students who rode their bikes home is 29 – 8= 21 children rode their bike home. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of students who rode their bikes home is 21 children rode their bike home.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 2.
There were 21 children in the library. After 7 children left the library, how many children were still in the library?
__ children

Question 3.
Describe different ways that you can show a story problem. Use one of the problems in this lesson as your example.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Cindy had 42 beads. She used some beads for a bracelet. She has 14 beads left. How many beads did she use for the bracelet?
__ beads

Question 2.
Jake had 36 baseball cards. He gave 17 cards to his sister. How many baseball cards does Jake have now?
__ cards

Spiral Review

Question 3.
What is the sum?
6 + 7 = __

Question 4.
What is the difference?
16 – 9 = __

The subtraction of 9 from 16 is 7. And there are zero tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are nine tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 9 from 16, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 9 from 16 is 16 – 9= 7 and there are zero tens and seven ones.

Question 5.
What is the difference?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 222.1

The subtraction of 39 from 46 is 7. And there are zero tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are four tens and six ones. So here we need to subtract 39 from 46, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 39 from 46 is 46 – 39= 7 and there are zero tens and seven ones.

Question 6.
Write an addition fact that will give the same sum as 6 + 8.
10 + ___

The sum of the two numbers is 14.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 6 + 8 is 14. So to get the same sum we need to add 4, so the sum of the 10 + 4= 14, which is same as 6 + 8 sum.

Lesson 5.11 Solve Multistep Problems

Essential Question
How do you decide what steps to do to solve a problem?

Listen and Draw

Label the bar model to show each problem. Then solve.
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 223

Math Talk

Describe how the two bar models are different.

Model and Draw

Bar models help you know what to do to solve a problem.
Ali has 27 stamps. Matt has 38 stamps. How many more stamps are needed so they will have 91 stamps?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 224
They need __ more stamps

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Complete the bar models for the steps you do to solve the problem.
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 226

Question 1.
Jen has 93 beads. Ana has 46 red beads and 29 blue beads. How many more beads does Ana need to have 93 beads also?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 227
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 228
__ more beads

Ana needs 18 beads to have 93 beads.

As Jen has 93 beads and Ana has 46 red beads and 29 blue beads, so the total number of beads does Ana had is 46 + 29= 75 beads. So the number of many more beads does Ana need to have 93 beads is 93 – 75= 18 beads. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So Ana needs 18 beads to have 93 beads.

On Your Own

Complete the bar models for the steps you do to solve the problem.

Question 2.
Max has 35 trading cards. He buys 22 more cards. Then he gives 14 cards to Rudy. How many cards does Max have now?
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 229
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 230

The number of many cards does Max have now is 43 trading cards.

As Max has 35 trading cards and he buys 22 more cards, so the total number of cards will be 35 + 22= 57 trading cards. Then he gives 14 cards to Rudy. So the number of trading cards will be 57 – 14= 43 trading cards. So the number of many cards does Max have now is 43 trading cards.

Question 3.
Drew has 32 toy cars. He trades 7 of those cars for 11 other toy cars. How many toy cars does Drew have now?
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 231
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 232

Question 4.
Marta and Debbie each have 17 ribbons. They buy 1 package with 8 ribbons in it. How many ribbons do they have now?
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 233
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 234

The total number of ribbons do they had now is 42 ribbons.

As Marta and Debbie each have 17 ribbons, so the total number of ribbons did Marta and Debbie had together is 17 + 17= 34 ribbons. And they bought 1 package with 8 ribbons in it. So the total number of ribbons do they had now is 34 + 8= 42 ribbons.

Problem Solving • Applications WRITE Math

Question 5.
Shelby had 32 rocks. She finds 33 more rocks at the park and gives 28 rocks to George. How many rocks does she have now?
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 235
Go Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 236
__ rocks

So the number of many rocks does she have now is 37 rocks.

As Shelby had 32 rocks and she finds 33 more rocks at the park, so the total number of rocks did Shelby had now is 32 + 33= 65 rocks. And Shelby gives 28 rocks to George. So the number of many rocks does she have now is 65 – 28= 37 rocks. so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of many rocks does she have now is 37 rocks.

Question 6.
Benjamin finds 31 pinecones at the park. Together, Jenna and Ellen find the same number of pinecones as Benjamin. How many pinecones could each girl have found?
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 237
Jenna: __ pinecones
Ellen: __ pinecones


As Benjamin finds 31 pinecones at the park and Jenna and Ellen together finds the same number of pinecones as Benjamin. How many pinecones could each girl have found

Question 7.
Tanya finds 22 leaves. Maurice finds 5 more leaves than Tanya finds. How many leaves do the children find? Draw to show how you solve the problem.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 238
__ leaves

The number of many leaves do the children finds together is 22 + 5=  27 leaves.

As Tanya finds 22 leaves and Maurice finds 5 more leaves than Tanya finds. So the number of many leaves do the children finds together is 22 + 5=  27 leaves.

• Have your child explain how he or she would solve Exercise 6 if the number 31 was changed to 42.

Solve Multistep Problems Homework & Practice 5.11

Complete the bar models for the steps you do to solve the problem

Question 1.
Greg has 60 building blocks. His sister gives him 17 more blocks. He uses 38 blocks to make a tower. How many blocks are not used in the tower?
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 239
__ blocks

The number of many blocks are not used in the tower is 5 blocks.

As Greg has 60 building blocks and his sister gives him 17 more blocks, so the number of blocks did Greg had now is 60 – 17= 43 blocks and he uses 38 blocks to make a tower so the number of many blocks are not used in the tower is 43 – 38= 5 blocks. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of many blocks are not used in the tower is 5 blocks.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

Question 2.
Ava has 25 books. She gives away 7 books. Then Tom gives her 12 books. How many books does Ava have now?
__ books

The number of many books does Ava have now is 6 books.

As Ava has 25 books and she gives away 7 books, then Ava will have 25 – 7= 18 books and then Tom gives her 12 books, so the number of books did Ava have now is 18 – 12= 6 books. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the number of many books does Ava have now is 6 books.

Question 3.
Choose one of the problems on this page. Describe how you decided what steps were needed to solve the problem.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Sara has 18 crayons. Max has 19 crayons. How many more crayons do they need to have 50 crayons altogether?
__ crayons

They need 13 crayons more do they need to have 50 crayons altogether.

As Sara has 18 crayons and Max has 19 crayons, so the total number of crayons do they have together is 18 + 19= 37 crayons. So to get 50 crayons altogether we need to perform subtraction. So we need 50 – 37= 13 crayons more do they need to have 50 crayons altogether. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So They need 13 crayons more do they need to have 50 crayons altogether.

Question 2.
Jon has 12 pennies. Lucy has 17 pennies. How many more pennies do they need to have 75 pennies altogether?
__ pennies

They need 46 pennies more to have 75 pennies altogether.

As Jon has 12 pennies and Lucy has 17 pennies, so the total number of pennies together they have is 29 pennies. So to 75 pennies together we need to perform subtraction 75 – 29= 46 pennies. So the number of many frames does he still have now is 32 – 15= 17 frames. So we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the total number of pennies together they have is 29 pennies. So to 75 pennies together we need to perform subtraction 75 – 29= 46 pennies.

Spiral Review

Question 3.
What is the difference?
58 – 13 = __
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 240

The subtraction of 8 from 51 is 43. And there are four tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens blocks and six one’s blocks. So here we need to subtract 8 from 51, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 8 from 51 is 51 – 8= 43 and there are four tens and three ones.

Question 4.
What is the sum?
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 241

The sum of the two numbers is 62.

The sum can be defined as the resulting of two or more numbers by adding. So here the sum of the two numbers 47 + 15 is 62.

Question 5.
There are 26 cards in a box. Bryan takes 12 cards. How many cards are still in the box?
__ cards

The number of cards still in the box is 14 cards.

As there are 26 cards in a box and Bryan takes 12 cards, so the number of cards still in the box is 26 – 12= 14 cards. we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 12 from 26 is 26 – 12= 14 and there are zero tens and four ones.

2-Digit Subtraction Chapter 5 Review Test

Question 1.
Do you need to regroup to subtract? Choose Yes or No.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 242

Question 2.
Use the number line. Count up to find the difference.
52 – 48 = __
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 243

The subtraction of 48 from 52 is 4. And there are zero tens and four ones.

Here we need to subtract 48 from 52, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 48 from 52 is 52 – 48= 4 and there are zero tens and four ones.

Question 3.
Ed has 28 blocks. Sue has 34 blocks. Who has more blocks? How many more? Label the bar model. Solve.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 244
Circle the word and number from each box to make the sentence true.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 245

Break apart the number you are subtracting. Write the difference?

Sue has more number of blocks tha Ed. And had 6 more blocks than Ed.

Ed has 28 blocks and Sue has 34 blocks. As 34 is greater than 28, so Sue has more number of blocks and has 34 – 28= 6 more blocks than the Ed. So to perform Break apart the number subratction for 34 – 28 first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 28 as 20 and 8 and we will subtract 20 and we will get the result as 14. Then we will start from 14 and subtract 8 to get to 6. So we will get the result as 6. The subtraction of 34 – 28 is 6.

Question 4.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 246

The subtraction of 42 – 8 is 34.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 8 as 2 and 6 and we will subtract 2 and we will get the result as 42. Then we will start from 42 and subtract 6 to get to 34 and then. So we will get the result as 34. The subtraction of 42 – 8 is 34.

Question 5.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 247

The subtraction of 53 – 16 is 37.

Here, we will break apart the number that we are subtracting. So first we will break into tens and ones. So here we will break 10 as 6 and we will subtract 10 and we will get the result as 43. Then we will start from 43 and subtract 6 to get to 37 and then. So we will get the result as 37. The subtraction of 53 – 16 is 37.

Question 6.
What is 33 − 19? Use the numbers on the tiles to rewrite the subtraction problem. Then find the difference.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 248

The subtraction of 19 from 33 is 14. And there are one ten and four ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are three tens and three ones. So here we need to subtract 19 from 33, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 19 from 33 is 33 – 19= 14 and there are one ten and four ones.

Question 7.
Jacob’s puzzle has 84 pieces. Jacob puts together 27 pieces in the morning. He puts together 38 more pieces in the afternoon. How many pieces does Jacob need to put together to finish the puzzle?
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 249
Complete the bar models for the steps you do to solve the problem.
__ more pieces

Jacob needs 19 pieces to complete the puzzle.

Jacob’s puzzle has 84 pieces and Jacob puts together 27 pieces in the morning and he puts together 38 more pieces in the afternoon. So the total number of puzzles kept by Jacob together in the morning and the afternoon is 27 + 38= 65 pieces. So Jacob needs 84 – 65= 19 pieces to complete the puzzle.

Regroup if you need to. Write the difference.

Question 8.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 250

The subtraction of 5 from 28 is 23. And there are two tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are two tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 5 from 28, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 5 from 28 is 28 – 5= 23 and there are two ten and three ones.

Question 9.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 251

The subtraction of 12 from 32 is 23. And there are two tens and three ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are two tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 5 from 28, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 5 from 28 is 28 – 5= 23 and there are two ten and three ones.

Question 10.
Find the difference.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 252

The subtraction of 62 from 90 is 28. And there are two tens and eight ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are nine tens and zero ones. So here we need to subtract 62 from 90, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 62 from 90 is 90 – 62= 28 and there are two tens and eight ones.

Fill in the bubble next to one number from each column to show the difference.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 253

Question 11.
There are 22 children at the park. 5 children are on the swings. The rest of the children are playing ball. How many children are playing ball?
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 254

The number of children is playing ball is 17 children.

As there are 22 children at the park and 5 children are on swings and the rest of the children are playing ball. So the number of children are playing ball is 22 – 15= 17 children.

Question 12.
Subtract 27 from 43. Draw to show the regrouping.
Fill in the bubble next to all the ways to write the difference.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 255

The subtraction of 27 from 43 is 16. And there are one ten and six ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are two tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 27 from 43, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 27 from 43 is 43 – 27= 43 and there are one ten and six ones.

Question 13.
Jill collects stamps. Her stamp book has space for 64 stamps. She needs 18 more stamps to fill the book. How many stamps does Jill have now?
Write a number sentence for the problem.
Use a 2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 256 for the missing number. Then solve.
Jill has __ stamps.

The number of does Jill have now is 46 stamps.

Jill collects stamps and her stamp book has space for 64 stamps then she needs 18 more stamps to fill the book. So the number of does Jill have now is 64 – 18= 46 stamps.

Question 14.
Draw a quick picture to solve. Write the difference.
2nd Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 5 2-Digit Subtraction 256.1
Explain what you did to find the difference.

The subtraction of 25 from 62 is 37. And there are three tens and seven ones.

In the above image, we can see that there are two tens and eight ones. So here we need to subtract 25 from 62, so we will perform regrouping of subtraction. Here Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So the subtraction of 25 from 62 is 62 – 25= 37 and there are three tens and seven ones.


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Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions

Big Ideas Math Book 8th Grade Answer Key Chapter 7 Functions is here to provide you the help to get into the race of the examinations as well as the knowledge on the daily life examples. This chapter has conceptualized lessons on functions, relations, linear and non linear equations for better use in practical skills. The chapter functions is provided with all the possible methods of explanation of each question in a detailed way. So sort out all of your doubts and get clarified with the Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions.

Big Ideas Math Book 8th Grade Answer Key Chapter 7 Functions

Having difficulty on finding the solutions for your math problems? Then you have come to the right place, Big Ideas Math Book 8th Grade Answer Key Chapter 7 Functions have all the solutions that you are looking for. The quick way of solving problems will help the students to save time. This chapter gives the most accurate answers for each and every problem in Functions. Hence, This chapter is providing all answers to the problems.

STEAM Video/Performance Task

Getting Ready for Chapter 7

Lesson 1 Relations and Functions

Lesson 2 Representations of Functions 

Lesson 3 Linear Functions

Lesson 4 Comparing Linear and Non Linear Functions

Lesson 5 Analyzing and Sketching Graphs

Functions Connecting Concepts

Functions STEAM Video/Performance Task


Apparent Temperature
Sometimes it feels hotter or colder outside than the actual apparent temperature. How hot or cold it feels is called the temperature. What weather factors might contribute to the apparent temperature?
Watch the STEAM Video “Apparent Temperature.” Then answer the following questions.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 1
1. Robert says that the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT)index is used as a measure of apparent temperature.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 2
In the formula, TW is the natural wet-bulb temperature, TG is the black-globe temperature, TD and is the dry-bulb temperature. Find WBGT when TW = 75ºF, TG = 100ºF, and TD = 84ºF.
2. Different categories of Wet-Bulb Globe Temperatures are shown in the chart. Each category can be represented by a different-colored flag. Which flag color is displayed when WGBT = 87.5ºF?

Performance Task

Heat Index
After completing this chapter, you will be able to use the STEAM concepts you learned to answer the questions in the Video Performance Task. You will be given information about heat index.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 3
You will be asked to create a graph of the temperatures and heat indices. Why is it useful to know the heat index?

Functions Getting Ready for Chapter 7

Chapter Exploration

Work with a partner. Copy and complete the diagram.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 4

1.  Answer: ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 2 , 4 ) , ( 3 , 6 ) , ( 4 , 8 ) .

Given , Width w = 2 , Length l = x  where x = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .
To find Area A of a rectangle we have , A = w × l
for x = 1 , A = 2 × 1 = 2 ,
for x = 2 , A = 2 × 2 = 4 ,
for x = 3 , A = 2 × 3 = 6 ,
for x = 4 , A = 2 × 4 = 8 ,
So, for every value of Input x = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 we have Output A = 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , respectively .
That is ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 2 , 4 ) , ( 3 , 6 ) , ( 4 , 8 ) .

2. Answer: ( 1 , 6 ) , ( 2 , 8 ) , ( 3 , 10 ) , ( 4 , 12 ).

Given , Width w = 2 , Length l = x  where x = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .
To find Perimeter of a rectangle we have , P = 2( l + w )
for x = 1 ,P = 2( 1 + 2 ) = 2 × 3 = 6 ,
for x = 2 , P = 2( 2 + 2 ) = 2 × 4 = 8  ,
for x = 3 , P = 2( 3 + 2 ) = 2 × 5 = 10  ,
for x = 4 , P = 2( 4 + 2 ) = 2 × 6 = 12  ,
So, for every value of Input x = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 we have Output P = 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , respectively .
That is ( 1 , 6 ) , ( 2 , 8 ) , ( 3 , 10 ) , ( 4 , 12 ) .

3. Answer : ( 1 , 6 ) , ( 2 , 12 ) , ( 3 , 18 ) , ( 4 , 24 ) .

Given , Radius of a circle , where as  r = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
To find the circumference of a circle , we have C = 2Òr , Ò = 3.14 , or we can write it as 3 .
for r = 1 , C = 2 × 3 × 1 = 6 ,
for r = 2 , C = 2 × 3 × 2 = 12 ,
for r = 3 , C = 2 × 3 × 3 = 18 ,
for r = 4 , C = 2 × 3 × 4 = 24 ,
So, for every value of Input r = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 we have Output C = 6 , 12 , 18 , 24 , respectively .
That is ( 1 , 6 ) , ( 2 , 12 ) , ( 3 , 18 ) , ( 4 , 24 ) .

4. Answer: ( 1 , 9 ) , ( 2 , 18 ) , ( 3 , 27 ) , ( 4 , 36 )

Given , Two Edges of a cube = 3 , h = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
To find the Volume of the cube we have , V = a³
for h = 1 , V = 3 × 3 × 1 = 9 ,
for h = 2 , V = 3 × 3 × 2 = 12 ,
for h = 3 , V = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 ,
for h = 4 , V = 3 × 3 × 4 = 36 ,
So, for every value of Input h = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 we have Output V = 9 , 18 , 27 , 36 , respectively .
That is ( 1 , 9 ) , ( 2 , 18 ) , ( 3 , 27 ) , ( 4 , 36 ) .

The following vocabulary terms are defined in this chapter. Think about what each term might mean and record your thoughts.
mapping diagram
nonlinear function
linear function

Answer : Input : The ordered pairs can be used to show inputs and outputs of a function ,The input is the number you feed into the expression, and the output is what you get after the calculations are finished.

mapping diagram : A relation pairs inputs with outputs , A relation can be represented by ordered pairs or a mapping diagram .

nonlinear function : nonlinear functions are functions which are not linear. Quadratic functions are one type of nonlinear function. It is a relation between two variables , function that does not form a line when graphed.

output ; The ordered pairs can be used to show inputs and outputs of a function ,The input is the number you feed into the expression, and the output is what you get after the calculations are finished.

linear function : A linear function is a relation between two variables that produces a straight line when graphed. And it has one dependent variable and one independent variable .

Lesson 7.1 Relations and Functions


Interpreting Diagrams
Work with a partner. Describe the relationship between the inputs and outputs in each diagram. Then complete each diagram. Is there more than one possible answer? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 1
Answer: a. The relation between the inputs and outputs is outputs are the result of twice as many times the inputs.
b. The relation between the inputs and outputs is outputs are the result of colors of inputs . In this case we can notice that , for any one input we can have more than one output .

a. As shown in the diagrams , The relation between the inputs and outputs is outputs are the result of twice as many times the inputs , so for input 1 = 1 × 1 = 1 as output ,
for input 2 = 2 × 2 = 4  ,
for input 3 = 3 × 3 = 9  ,
for input 5 = 5 × 5 = 25 ,
for input 8 = 8 × 8 = 64 ,
for input 9 = 9 × 9 = 81 ,

So, for every value of Input = 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 9 , we have Output = 1 , 4 , 9 , 25 , 64 , 81 , respectively .
That is ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 2 , 4 ) , ( 3 , 9 ) , ( 5 , 25 ) , ( 8 , 64 ) , ( 9 , 81 ) .

b. The relation between the inputs and outputs is outputs are the result of colors of inputs . 
for input Blueberry = color is blue as output
for  input lemon = color is yellow as output
for input Apple = color is yellow , red and green as output
for input Grape = color is green as output.

In this case we can notice that , for any one input we can have more than one output .


Describing Relationships Between Quantities
Work with a partner. The diagrams show the numbers of tickets bought by customers for two different plays and the total costs (in dollars).
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 2
a. For each diagram, how many outputs does each input have?
b. Describe the prices of tickets for each play.
c. A person buys 4 tickets for each play. Can you determine the total cost of all 8 tickets? Explain.
a. For Play A ,The number of inputs are equal to number of outputs ,
For Play B , The number of inputs are not equal to number of outputs .
So, input 1 = 2 outputs , input 2 = 3 outputs , input 3 = 4 outputs .

b. For Play A , The price of the each ticket is $8 .
For Play B , The price of each ticket is $4 or $8 .

c. For Play A , each ticket is $8 , Then for 4 tickets = 4 × $8 = $32 .
For Play B , each ticket is $4 or $8 , Then for 4 tickets = 4 × $8 = $32 . or 4 × $4 = $16 .

a. For Play A ,
The number of inputs are equal to number of outputs , 4 inputs = 4 outputs
That is ( 1 , 8 ) , ( 2 , 16 ) , ( 3 , 24 ) , ( 4 , 32 ) .
For Play B ,
The number of inputs are not equal to number of outputs , 3 inputs are not equal to 7 outputs
That is , for input 1 = 4 , 8 as outputs ,
for input 2 = 8 , 12 , 16 as outputs ,
for input 3 = 12 , 16 , 20 , 24 as outputs ,
So, input 1 = 2 outputs , input 2 = 3 outputs , input 3 = 4 outputs .

b. For Play A ,
The price of the each ticket is $8 .
For Play B ,
The price of each ticket is $4 or $8 .

c. Given , A person buys 4 tickets for each play.
For Play A , each ticket is $8 , Then for 4 tickets = 4 × $8 = $32 .
And for 8 tickets = 8 × $8 = $64 .
For Play B , each ticket is $4 or $8 , Then for 4 tickets = 4 × $8 = $32 . or 4 × $4 = $16 .
And for 8 tickets =8 × $4 =$32  or 8 × $8 = $64 .

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 3

Try It

List the ordered pairs shown in the mapping diagram.
Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 4
Answer: Ordered pairs are ( 0 , 12 ) , ( 2 , 10 ) , ( 4 , 8 ) , ( 6 , 6 ) .

As shown , Ordered pairs are the combinations of input and output
So , Ordered pairs are ( 0 , 12 ) , ( 2 , 10 ) , ( 4 , 8 ) , ( 6 , 6 ) .

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 5
Answer: Ordered pairs are ( 1 , -1 ) , ( 1 , -2 ) , ( 2 , -3 ) , ( 2 , -4 ) .

As shown , Ordered pairs are the combinations of input and output
So , Ordered pairs are ( 1 , -1 ) , ( 1 , -2 ) , ( 2 , -3 ) , ( 2 , -4 ) .

Determine whether the relation is a function.
Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 6
Answer: The relation is not a function

The each input has  more than two outputs , Even one of those inputs are unclear of outputs
So , The relation is not a function .

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 7
Answer: The relation is a function .

Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function .

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 5.
Describe how relations and functions are different.
Answer: Relations are nothing but the ordered pairs with Inputs and Outputs . On the other hand , Functions are The relation that pairs with one input with exactly one output  are called Functions.

IDENTIFYING FUNCTIONS List the ordered pairs shown in the mapping diagram. Then determine whether the relation is a function.
Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 8
Answer: The ordered pairs are ( 10 , 1 ) , ( 15 , 1 ) , ( 20 , 13 ) , ( 25 , 7 ) and The relation is a function .

As shown , The ordered pairs are ( 10 , 1 ) , ( 15 , 1 ) , ( 20 , 13 ) , ( 25 , 7 ) .
Each input has exactly one output ,
So, The relation is a function .

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 9
Answer: The ordered pairs are ( 0 , -5 ) , ( 0 , -4 ) , ( 1 , -4 ) , ( 2 , -3 ) , ( 3 , -2 ) and relation is not a function .

As shown , The ordered pairs are ( 0 , -5 ) , ( 0 , -4 ) , ( 1 , -4 ) , ( 2 , -3 ) , ( 3 , -2 ) .
The input 0 has more than one output ,
So, The relation is not a function .

Question 8.
Copy and complete the mapping diagram at the left to represent a relation that is a function. Then describe how you can not modify the mapping diagram so that the relation is a function.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 10
Answer: ordered pairs are ( -8 , -4 ) , ( 0 , -2 ) , ( 8 , 0 ) , ( 16 , 2 ) . To have the relation as a function we must have only one output for one input.

The ordered pairs of the diagram are ( -8 , -4 ) , ( 0 , -2 ) , ( 8 , 0 ) , ( 16 , 2 ) .
Each Input must have only one output in order to be the relation is a function ,
If ,The mapping diagram has the right to left representation or each input has more than one output , then the relation is not a function .
So , To have the relation as a function we must have only one output for one input.

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 9.
The mapping diagram represents the costs of reserving a hotel room for different numbers of nights.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 11
a. Is the cost a function of the number of nights reserved?
b. Describe the relationship between the cost and the number of nights reserved.
Answer: a. Yes , The cost is a function of the number of nights reserved .
b. The relationship between the cost and the number of nights reserved is , For every night reservation of the room is increasing by $85 with increase in the next reservation ,

a. From the diagram we have ,
Ordered pairs are ( 1 , -$85 ) , ( 2 , $170 ) , ( 3 , $255 ) , ( 4 , $340 ) . each input has exactly one output ,
So , the relation is a function and ,
Yes , The cost is a function of the number of nights reserved .

b. The relationship between the cost and the number of nights reserved is ,
For every night reservation of the room is increasing by $85 with increase in the next reservation,
that is , input 1 = $85 as output
Input 2 = $85 + $85 = $170 as output
Input 3 = $170 + $85 = $255 as output
Input 2 = $255 + $85 = $340 as output

So, The relationship between the cost and the number of nights reserved is ,
For every night reservation of the room is increasing by $85 with increase in the next reservation.

Question 10.
The graph represents the number of contestants in each round of a talent competition.
a. Is the number of contestants a function of the round number?
b. Predict the number of contestants in the talent competition during Round 7. Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 12
Answer: a. The number of contestants is a function of the round number.
b. The number of contestants in the talent competition during Round 7  are 2.

a. From the given graph , The ordered pairs are ( 1 , 128 ) , ( 2 , 64 ) , ( 3 , 32 ) , ( 4 , 16 ) .
Each input has only one output , The relation is a function .
So , the number of contestants is a function of the round number.

b. Firstly , The relation between the input and output is,
With every increase in the round number the number of contestants are decreasing by half the number of the previous round , That is, for  input 1 = 128 as output
For input 2 = 128 – 64 = 64  as output
For input 3 = 64 – 32 = 32  as output
For input 4 = 32 – 16 = 16  as output
For input 5 = 16 – 8 = 8  as output
For input 6 = 8 – 4 = 4  as output
For input 7 = 4 – 2 = 2  as output,
So, The number of contestants in the talent competition during Round 7  are 2 .

Relations and Functions Homework & Practice 7.1

Review & Refresh

Choose an appropriate data display for the situation. Explain your reasoning.
Question 1.
the number of runners in each
age group at a marathon
Answer: In a marathon ,the people of all age group are participating for a promotion on healthy lifestyle, The number of runners in each  group has kids, adults and old people to spread the awareness of leading a healthy life by running daily in the morning . Running or jogging in the morning can help us to maintain our body mass index at an optimal level which is good for heart. The Marathon is conducted by the government of health ministry to be example for the future generations.

Question 2.
the high temperature and the
attendance at a water park each day
Answer:  Generally, The water park is normally crowded depending on the season and the temperature, In summer the attendance in the waterpark is at the utmost point because of the high temperature and the seasonal vacation. Going to the water park in summer is super fun due to the number of  water slides , water rides will be a nice place to the whole family trip and as well as friends . In order to be there at a less crowded time spring is also a nice time to visit the water park .

Graph the linear equation.
Question 3.
y = 2x – 3
Given , y = 2x – 3 , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 1 , then y = 2(1) – 3 = 2 – 3 = -1 . co-ordinates are (1 , -1)
if x = 2 , then y = 2(2) – 3 = 4 – 3 = 1 , co-ordinates are (2 , 1)
The co-ordinates (1 , -1) , (2 , 1) form a straight line .
So, y = 2x – 3 is a linear equation.

Question 4.
y = – 0.5x
Given , y = -0.5x , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = -0.5(0) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 2 , then y = -0.5(2) = -1 , co-ordinates are (2 , -1)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (2 , -1) form a straight line .
So, y = -0.5x is a linear equation.

Question 5.
y = – 3x + 4
Given , y = – 3x + 4 , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = – 3(0) + 4 = 4 . co-ordinates are (0 , 4)
if x = 1 , then y = – 3(1) + 4 = -3 + 4 = 1 , co-ordinates are (1 , 1)
if x = 2 , then y = – 3(2) + 4 = -6 + 4 = -2 , co-ordinates are (2 , -2)
The co-ordinates (0 , 4) , (1 , 1) , (2 , -2) form a straight line .
So, y = – 3x + 4 is a linear equation.

Question 6.
Which word best describes two figures that have the same size and the same shape?
A. congruent
B. adjacent
C. parallel
D. similar
Answer:  A. congruent

Two figures which have the same size and shape are congruent.

Concepts, Skills, &Problem Solving

INTERPRETING DIAGRAMS Describe the relationship between the inputs and outputs in the diagram. Then complete the diagram. Is there more than one possible answer? Explain your reasoning. (See Exploration 1, p. 275.)
Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 13
Answer: The relationship between the inputs and outputs in the diagram is ,
For every increase in number of input is having the output of adding -4 to the previous output.

The relationship between the inputs and outputs in the diagram is ,
For every increase in number of input is having the output of adding -4 to the previous output ,
for input 1 = -1 as output
for input 2 = -1 + (-4) = -5 as output
for input 3 = -5 + (-4) = -9 as output
for input 4 = -9 + (-4) = -13 as output
for input 5 = -13 + (-4) = -17 as output
for input 6 = -17 + (-4) = -21 as output.
So, The relationship between the inputs and outputs in the diagram is ,
For every increase in number of input is having the output of adding -4 to the previous output .

In this case , we are witnessing only one output for one input.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 14
Answer: The relationship between the inputs and outputs in the diagram is,
Each input has the sports name and the output has the Starting letter of sports name.

The relationship between the inputs and outputs in the diagram is,
Each input has the sports name and the output has the Starting letter of sports name.
For input basketball = b as output
For input baseball = b as output
For input football = f as output
For input soccer = s as output
For input swimming = s as output,
So, The relationship between the inputs and outputs in the diagram is,
Each input has the sports name and the output has the Starting letter of sports name.

In this case we have more than one output for input.

LISTING ORDERED PAIRS List the ordered pairs shown in the mapping diagram.
Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 15
Answer: Ordered pairs are ( 0 , 4 ) , ( 3 , 5 ) , ( 6 , 6 ) , ( 9 , 7 ) .

As shown , Ordered pairs are the combinations of input and output
So , Ordered pairs are ( 0 , 4 ) , ( 3 , 5 ) , ( 6 , 6 ) , ( 9 , 7 ) .

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 16
Answer: Ordered pairs are ( 1 , 8 ) , ( 3 , 8 ) , ( 3 , 4 ) , ( 5 , 6 ) , ( 7 , 2 ).

As shown , Ordered pairs are the combinations of input and output
So , Ordered pairs are ( 1 , 8 ) , ( 3 , 8 ) , ( 3 , 4 ) , ( 5 , 6 ) , ( 7 , 2 ).

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 17
Answer: Ordered pairs are ( 6 , -5 ) , ( 7 , -5 ) , ( 8 , -10 ) , ( 9 , -10 ).

As shown , Ordered pairs are the combinations of input and output
So , Ordered pairs are ( 6 , -5 ) , ( 7 , -5 ) , ( 8 , -10 ) , ( 9 , -10 ).

IDENTIFYING FUNCTIONS Determine whether the relation is a function.
Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 18
Answer: The relation is not a function .

The each input has  more than two outputs , That is one input has multiple number of outputs.
Here , input 0 has two outputs which are 10 and 20 .
So , The relation is not a function .

Question 13.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 19
Answer: The relation is a function .

Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function .

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 20
Answer: The relation is a function .

Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function .

Question 15.
Your friend determines whether the relation shown in the mapping diagram is a function. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 21
Answer: The relation is not a function .

The each input has  more than two outputs , That is one input has multiple number of outputs.
Here , input 4 has four outputs which are 5, 6 , 7 and 8.
So , The relation is not a function .

REASONING Draw a mapping diagram that represents the relation. Then determine whether the relation is a function. Explain.
Question 16.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 22
Answer:  The mapping diagram representing the relation is

From the given graph , co-ordinates of the ordering pairs are( 1 , 1 ), ( 3 , 3 ), ( -1 , -1 ), ( -3 , -3 ).
Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function .

Question 17.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 23
Answer: The mapping diagram representing the relation is

From the given graph , co-ordinates of the ordering pairs are( 0 , 8 ),( 2 , 8 ),( 4 , 8 ),( 6 , 8 ),( 8 , 8 ),( -2 , 8 ),( -4 , 8 ). Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function.

Question 18.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 24
Answer: The mapping diagram representing the relation is

From the given graph , co-ordinates of the ordering pairs are( -2 , 1 ),( -2 , 2 ),( -2 , 3 ),( -2 , 4 ),( -2 , 5 ),( -2 , 6 ).
Each input has more than one output ,
So , The relation is not a function.

Question 19.
The normal pressure at sea level is 1 atmosphere of pressure(1 ATM). As you dive below sea level, the pressure changes. The mapping diagram represents the pressures at different depths.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 25
a. Complete the mapping diagram.
b. Is pressure a function of depth?
c. Describe the relationship between pressure and depth.
d. List the ordered pairs. Then plot the ordered pairs in a coordinate plane. What do you notice about the points?
e. RESEARCH What are common depths for beginner scuba divers? What are common depths for experienced scuba divers?
Answer: The detailed explanation of  all the answers are given below .

a. The mapping diagram is
b. Yes , the pressure is a function of depth, Because depth is related to pressure in the given mapping diagram.

c. The relationship between pressure and depth is,
for every 10m increase in Depth of input there is an increase in 1 ATM pressure .

d. The ordered pairs are ( 0 , 1 ) , ( 10 , 2 ) , (20 , 3 ) , ( 30 , 4 ) , ( 40 , 5 ), ( 50 , 6 ).
The plot of the ordered pairs in a coordinate plane is

From the graph, we have seen that, if the depth of the diving of scuba drivers increases then the water pressure increases with increase in depth. So, the graph have straight line .

e. The common depths for beginner scuba divers is 30 feet to 60 feet or 9 to 18 meters ,
The common depths for experienced scuba divers is more than 60 feet or more than 18 meters .

Question 20.
The table shows the cost of purchasing 1, 2, 3, or 4 T-shirts from a souvenir shop.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 26
a. Is the cost a function of the number of T-shirts purchased?
b. Describe the relationship between the cost and the number cost per T-shirt of T-shirts purchased. How does the change as you purchase more T-shirts?
Answer: The detailed explanation of  all the answers are given below .

a. Yes , The cost is a function of the number of T-shirts purchased, Because the cost of the purchased T-shirts is varying with the number of T-shirts purchased.

b. The relationship between the cost and the number cost per T-shirt of T-shirts purchased is,
Input is the cost of 1 T-shirt is $10 as output , Then for 2 T-shirts cost will be $20
If 2 T-shirts will be purchased at same time, cost will be decreased by $2 so it will be $10 + 8 = $18 for 2 T-shirts.
As per the single T-shirt cost , For 3 T-shirts will be $30,
So in the table given that 3 T-shirts will cost $24 , because it cost $18 + 6 = $24 for 3 T-shirts.
It goes same for 4 T-shirts , For 4 T-shirts will be $40, because it cost $24 + 4 = $28 for 4 T-shirts.

The change as you purchase more T-shirts is For every increase in purchase of the number of T-shirts is decrease in the cost of total T-shirts purchased.

Question 21.
The table shows the outputs for several inputs. Use two methods to predict the output for an input of 200.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.1 27
Answer: The output for an input of 200 is 1025.

Method 1. The relation between inputs and outputs is as follows,
y = 25 + 5x
As input increases by 1 , output increases by 5 units,
To find output of 200 as input ,
put x = 200 in the equation,
y = 25 + 5(200)
= 25 + 1000
= 1025.
So , y = 1025.

Method 2.  As the table shown, for every increase in input there is an increase in 5 numbers in output,
So , For 1 input = 25 + 5 = 30 as output
For 2 input = 30 + 5 = 35 as out put
For 3 input = 35 + 5 = 40 as out put
For 4 input = 40 + 5 = 45 as out put
By doing this for number 200 as input we have , 1025 as output.

Lesson 7.2 Representations of Functions


Using a Table to Describe Relationships
Work with a partner. Make a table that shows the relationship  between the figure number x and the area A of each figure. Then use an equation to find which figure has an area of 81 square units when the pattern continues.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 1

Answer: a. The equation is y = 2x – 1, For figure has an area of 81 square units is 41.
b. The equation is y = x²,  For figure has an area of 81 square units is 9.

a. figure shows the 1 square unit of each box  for and it has a pattern of  2x – 1
figure 1 = 1 square unit
figure 2 =3 square units
figure 3 = 5 square unit and so on
So, the equation is y = 2x – 1 , it is in the form of y = mx + c,
Given to which figure has an area of 81 square units
substitute y  = 81, we have
y = 2x – 1
81 = 2x – 1
2x = 82
x = 41
So, For figure has an area of 81 square units is 41.

b. As shown above , we know that ,
figure 1 = 1 square unit
figure 2 =4 square units
figure 3 = 9 square unit and so on
Here we have a pattern of power of its own number,
So, the Equation  will be y = x²
Given to which figure has an area of 81 square units
substitute y  = 81, we have
x  = 9
So, For figure has an area of 81 square units is 9.


Using a Graph
Work with a partner. Use a graph to test the truth of each statement. If the statement is true, write an equation that shows how to obtain one measurement from the other.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 2
a. “You can find the horsepower of a race-car car engine if you know its volume in cubic inches”
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 3
b. “You can find the volume of a race-car engine in cubic centimeters if you know its volume in cubic inches.”
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 4

Answer: a. Given ordered pairs are (200 , 375) , (350 , 650) , (350 , 250) , (500 , 600)
We can not find the horsepower of a race-car car engine if you know its volume in cubic inches
b. Given ordered pairs are (100 , 1640) , (200 , 3280) , (300 , 4920) ,
Yes, You can find the volume of a race-car engine in cubic centimeters if you know its volume in cubic inches

a. Given ordered pairs are (200 , 375) , (350 , 650) , (350 , 250) , (500 , 600)
We can not find the horsepower of a race-car car engine if you know its volume in cubic inches

b. Given ordered pairs are (100 , 1640) , (200 , 3280) , (300 , 4920) ,
Yes, You can find the volume of a race-car engine in cubic centimeters if you know its volume in cubic inches

Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 5

Try It

Question 1.
Write a function rule for “The output is one-fourth of the input.”
Answer:  y = \(\frac{x}{4}\)

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is one-fourth of the input, will be ,
y = \(\frac{x}{4}\).

Find the value of y when x = 5.
Question 2.
y = 4x – 1
Answer: y = 19.

Given, y = 4x – 1
substitute x = 5 , we get
y = 4(5) – 1
y = 20 – 1 = 19
So, y = 19.

Question 3.
y = 10x
Answer: y = 50

Given, y =10x
substitute x = 5 , we get
y = 10(5)
y = 50
So, y = 50.

Question 4.
y = 7 – 3x
Answer: y = -8.

Given, y = 7 – 3x
substitute x = 5 , we get
y = 7 – 3(5)
y = 7 – 15 = -8
So, y = -8.

Graph the function.
Question 5.
y = x + 1

Given , y = x + 1  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 0 + 1 = 1 . co-ordinates are (0 , 1)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 + 1 = 2 . co-ordinates are (1 , 2)
if x = 2 , then y = 2 + 1 = 3 , co-ordinates are (2 , 3)
The co-ordinates (0 , 1) , (1 , 2) , (2 , 3) form a straight line .

Question 6.
y = – 3x

Given , y = – 3x  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = -3(0) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = -3(1) = -3 . co-ordinates are (1 , -3)
if x = 2 , then y = -3(2) = -6 , co-ordinates are (2 , -6)
if x = 3 , then y = -3(3) = -9 , co-ordinates are (3 , -9)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , -3) , (2 , -6) ,(3 , -9) form a straight line .

Question 7.
y = 3x + 2

Given , y = 3x + 2  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =3(0) + 2 = 2 . co-ordinates are (0 , 2)
if x = 1 , then y = 3(1) + 2= 5 . co-ordinates are (1 , 5)
if x = 2 , then y =3(2) + 2 = 7 , co-ordinates are (2 , 7)
The co-ordinates (0 , 2) , (1 , 5) , (2 , 7) form a straight line .

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

WRITING FUNCTION RULES Write a function rule for the statement.
Question 8.
The output is three times the input.
Answer: y = 3x

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is three times the input. will be ,
So , y = 3x .

Question 9.
The output is eight more than one-seventh of the input.
Answer: y = 8 + \(\frac{x}{7}\) .

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is eight more than one-seventh of the input., will be ,
So, y = 8 + \(\frac{x}{7}\) .

EVALUATING A FUNCTION Find the value of y when x = 5.
Question 10.
y = 6x
Answer: y = 30

Given, y = 6x
substitute x = 5 , we get
y = 6(5) =30
So, y = 30

Question 11.
y = 11 – x
Answer: y = 6

Given, y = 11 – x
substitute x = 5 , we get
y = 11 – 5 = 6
So, y = 6.

Question 12.
y = \(\frac{1}{5}\)x + 1
Answer:  y = 2.

Given, y = \(\frac{1}{5}\)x + 1
substitute x = 5 , we get
y = \(\frac{x}{5}\) + 1
y= \(\frac{5}{5}\) + 1
y = 1 + 1 = 2
So, y = 2 .

GRAPHING A FUNCTION Graph the function.
Question 13.
y = – 2x

Given , y = – 2x  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = – 2(0) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = – 2(1)= -2 . co-ordinates are (1 , -2)
if x = 2 , then y =- 2(2) = -4 , co-ordinates are (2 , -4)
if x = 3 , then y =- 2(3) = -6 , co-ordinates are (3 , -6)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , -2) , (2 , -4) , (3 , -6) form a straight line .

Question 14.
y = x – 3

Given , y = x – 3 , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 0 – 3 = -3 . co-ordinates are (0 , -3)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 – 3= -2 . co-ordinates are (1 , -2)
if x = 2 , then y = 2 – 3 = -1 , co-ordinates are (2 , -1)
if x = 3 , then y = 3 – 3 = 0 , co-ordinates are (3 , 0)
The co-ordinates (0 , -3) , (1 , -2) , (2 , -1) , (3 , 0) form a straight line .

Question 15.
y = 9 – 3x

Given , y = 9 – 3x , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 9 – 3(0) = 9 . co-ordinates are (0 , 9)
if x = 1 , then y = 9 – 3(1) = 6 . co-ordinates are (1 , 6)
if x = 2 , then y = 9 – 3(2) = 3 , co-ordinates are (2 , 3)
if x = 3 , then y = 9 – 3(3) = 0 , co-ordinates are (3 , 0)
The co-ordinates (0 , 9) , (1 , 6) , (2 , 3) , (3 , 0) form a straight line .

Question 16.
Which is different? Find “both” answers.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 6
Answer: As mentioned in the explanation below  a & d , b & c are different .

Given ,
a. what output is 4 more than twice the input 3?
Let us say that , y is output and x is input and given as 3 ,
then, we have y = 4 + 2(3) = 10.
b. What output is twice the sum of the input 3 and 4?
Let us say that , y is output and x is input and given as 3 ,
then, we have y = 2( 3 + 4 ) = 14.
c. what output is the sum of 2 times the input 3 and 4?
Let us say that , y is output and x is input and given as 3 ,
then, we have y = 2( 3 + 4 ) = 14.
d. what output is 4 increased by twice the input 3?
Let us say that , y is output and x is input and given as 3 ,
then, we have y = 4 + 2(3) = 10.

So, a & d , b & c are different .

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 17.
The World Health Organization(WHO) suggests having 23 health-care workers for every 10,000 people. How many health-care workers are needed to meet the WHO suggestion for a population of 250,000 people? Justify your answer using a graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 7
Answer: So, 575 health-care workers are needed to meet the WHO suggestion for a population of 250,000 people

Given, The World Health Organization(WHO) suggests having 23 health-care workers for every 10,000 people.
we need to find how many health-care workers are needed to meet the WHO suggestion for a population of 250,000 people,
For every 10,000 people we have 23 care takers
Then for 250,000 people we have
\(\frac{23 × 250,000}{10,000}\)
= 23 × 25
= 575
So, 575 health-care workers are needed to meet the WHO suggestion for a population of 250,000 people

Question 18.
A truck produces 22 pounds of carbon dioxide for every gallon of diesel fuel burned. The fuel economy of the truck is 18 miles per gallon. Write and graph a function that describes the relationship between carbon dioxide produced and distance traveled.
Answer: y = 22x + 18  is the linear equation

Given, A truck produces 22 pounds of carbon dioxide for every gallon of diesel fuel burned.
The fuel economy of the truck is 18 miles per gallon.
So, we have y = 22x + 18 is in the form of y = mx +c
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 22(0) + 18 = 18 . co-ordinates are (0 , 18)
if x = 1 , then y =22(1) + 18= 40  . co-ordinates are (1 , 40)
if x = 2 , then y =22(2) + 18 = 62 , co-ordinates are (2 , 62)
if x = 3 , then y =22(3) + 18 = 84  , co-ordinates are (3 , 84)
The co-ordinates (0 , 18) , (1 , 40) , (2 , 62) , (3 , 84) form a straight line .
The graph is

Representations of Functions Homework & Practice 7.2

Review & Refresh

Determine whether the relation is a function. 
Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 8
Answer:  The relation is a function .

Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function .

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 9
Answer:  The relation is a function .

Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function .

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 10
Answer: The relation is not a function .

The each input has  more than two outputs , That is one input has multiple number of outputs.
Here , input 2 has two outputs which are 0 and -4 .
So , The relation is not a function .

Find the slope of the line.
Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 11
Answer: slope = 1.

By using the slope equation , we know that
Slope = \(\frac{change in y}{change in x}\) or
slope = \(\frac{▲y}{▲x}\)
From the graph we know that change in y or ▲y is change from -2 to -4 =2
change in x or ▲x is change from 1 to 3 = 2 ,
So, slope = \(\frac{▲y}{▲x}\)
slope = \(\frac{2}{2}\)
slope = 1.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 12
Answer: slope = \(\frac{5}{2}\) .

By using the slope equation , we know that
Slope = \(\frac{change in y}{change in x}\) or
slope = \(\frac{▲y}{▲x}\)
From the graph we know that change in y or ▲y is change from -4 to 1 = 5
change in x or ▲x is change from -1 to -3 = 2 ,
So, slope = \(\frac{▲y}{▲x}\)
slope = \(\frac{5}{2}\) .

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 13
Answer:  slope = \(\frac{1}{3}\) .

By using the slope equation , we know that
Slope = \(\frac{change in y}{change in x}\) or
slope = \(\frac{▲y}{▲x}\)
From the graph we know that change in y or ▲y is change from -4 to -3 = 1
change in x or ▲x is change from 1 to 4 = 3 ,
So, slope = \(\frac{▲y}{▲x}\)
slope = \(\frac{1}{3}\) .

Concepts, Skills, & Problem Solving

USING A GRAPH Use a graph to test the truth of the statement. If the statement is true, write an equation that shows how to obtain one measurement from the other measurement. (See Exploration 2, p. 281.)

Question 7.
“You can find the weight of a cell phone in ounces if you know its screen size in inches.”
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 14
Answer: we can does not find the weight of a cell phone in ounces if you know its screen size in inches.

From the given table , Ordered pairs are (4 , 4) , (4.7 , 4.8) , (5 , 4.8) , (5.5 , 6.4)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (4, 4) and (4.7, 4.8)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (4.8 – 4) / (4.7 – 4)
m = 0.8/0.7 .
So, we can does not find the weight of a cell phone in ounces if you know its screen size in inches.

Question 8.
“You can find the age of a child in years if you know the age of the child in months.”
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 15
Answer: YES, y = 0.08x + 0.04 is a linear equations

From the given table , Ordered pairs are (9 , 0.75) , (12 , 1) , (15 , 1.25) , (24 , 2)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (12 ,1) and (24, 2)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (2 – 1) / (24 – 12)
m = 1/12
m = 0.08.
substitute the slope in the (12 ,1) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 1 = 0.08(x – 12)
y –1 = 0.08x – 0.96
y = 0.08x –0.96 + 1
y =0.08 x + 0.04
So, y = 0.08x + 0.04 is a linear equation

WRITING FUNCTION RULES Write a function rule for the statement.
Question 9.
The output is half of the input.
Answer: y = \(\frac{x}{2}\).

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is half of the input, will be ,
y = \(\frac{x}{2}\).

Question 10.
The output is eleven more than the input.
Answer: y = x + 11

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is eleven more than the input, will be ,
y = x + 11

Question 11.
The output is three less than the input.
Answer: y = x – 3

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is three less than the input, will be ,
y = x – 3

Question 12.
The output is the cube of the input.
Answer: y = x³

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is the cube of the input, will be ,
y = x³

Question 13.
The output is six times the input.
Answer: y = 6x

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is six times the input, will be ,
y = 6x

Question 14.
The output is one more than twice the input.
Answer: y = 2x + 1

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is one more than twice the input, will be ,
y = 2x + 1

EVALUATING A FUNCTION Find the value of y for the given value of x.
Question 15.
y = x + 5; x = 3
Answer: y = 8

Given, y = x + 5
substitute x = 3 , we get
y = 3 + 5
So, y = 8.

Question 16.
y = 7x; x = – 5
Answer:  y = -35.

Given, y = 7x
substitute x = -5 , we get
y = 7(-5)
So, y = -35.

Question 17.
y = 1 – 2x; x = 9
Answer: y = -17

Given, y = 1 – 2x
substitute x = 9 , we get
y = 1 – 2(9)
y = 1 – 18
So, y = -17.

Question 18.
y = 3x + 2; x = 0.5
Answer: y = 5.5

Given, y = 3x + 2
substitute x = 0.5 , we get
y = 3(0.5) + 2
y = 3.5 + 2
So, y = 5.5 .

Question 19.
y = 2x3; x = 3
Answer: y = 54

Given, y = 2x3
substitute x = 3 , we get
y = 2(3)³
y = 2 × 27 = 54
So, y = 54.

Question 20.
y = \(\frac{x}{2}\) + 9; x = – 12
Answer: y = 3

Given, y = \(\frac{x}{2}\) + 9
substitute x = -12 , we get
y = \(\frac{-12}{2}\) + 9
y = -6 + 9
So, y = 3 .

GRAPHING A FUNCTION Graph the function.
Question 21.
y = x + 4

Given , y = x + 4  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 0 + 4 = 4 . co-ordinates are (0 , 4)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 + 4 = 5 . co-ordinates are (1 , 5)
if x = 2 , then y = 2 + 4 = 6 , co-ordinates are (2 , 6)
if x = 3 , then y = 3 + 4 = 7 , co-ordinates are (3 , 7)
The co-ordinates (0 , 4) , (1 , 5) , (2 , 6) , (3 , 7) form a straight line .

Question 22.
y = 2x

Given , y = 2x  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 2(0) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = 2(1) = 2 . co-ordinates are (1 , 2)
if x = 2 , then y = 2(2) = 4 , co-ordinates are (2 , 4)
if x = 3 , then y = 2(3) = 6 , co-ordinates are (3 , 6)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , 2) , (2 , 4) , (3 , 6) form a straight line .

Question 23.
y = – 5x + 3

Given , y = – 5x + 3  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =- 5(0) + 3 = 3 . co-ordinates are (0 , 3)
if x = 1 , then y = – 5(1) + 3 = -2 . co-ordinates are (1 , -2)
if x = 2 , then y = – 5(2) + 3 = -7 , co-ordinates are (2 , -7)
if x = 3 , then y = – 5(3) + 3 = -12 , co-ordinates are (3 , -12)
The co-ordinates (0 , 3) , (1 , -2) , (2 , -7) , (3 , -12) form a straight line .

Question 24.
y = \(\frac{x}{4}\)

Given , y = \(\frac{x}{4}\) , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = \(\frac{0}{4}\) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = \(\frac{1}{4}\) = 0.25 . co-ordinates are (1 , 0.25)
if x = 2 , then y = \(\frac{2}{4}\) = 0.5 , co-ordinates are (2 , 0.5)
if x = 3 , then y = \(\frac{3}{4}\) = 0.75 , co-ordinates are (3 , 0.75)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , 0.25) , (2 , 0.5) , (3 , 0.75) form a straight line .

Question 25.
y = \(\frac{3}{2}\)x + 1

Given , y = \(\frac{3}{2}\)x + 1  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =\(\frac{3}{2}\)(0) + 1 = 1 . co-ordinates are (0 , 1)
if x = 1 , then y = \(\frac{3}{2}\)(1) + 1= 2.5 . co-ordinates are (1 , 2.5)
if x = 2 , then y = \(\frac{3}{2}\)(2) + 1 = 4 , co-ordinates are (2 , 4)
if x = 3 , then y = \(\frac{3}{2}\)(3) + 1 = 5.5 , co-ordinates are (3 , 5.5)
The co-ordinates (0 , 1) , (1 , 2.5) , (2 , 4) , (3 , 5.5) form a straight line .

Question 26.
y = 1 + 0.5x

Given , y = 1 + 0.5x  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =1 + 0.5(0) = 1 . co-ordinates are (0 , 1)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 + 0.5(1) = 1.5 . co-ordinates are (1 , 1.5)
if x = 2 , then y = 1 + 0.5(2) = 2 , co-ordinates are (2 , 2)
if x = 3 , then y = 1 + 0.5(3) = 2.5 , co-ordinates are (3 , 2.5)
The co-ordinates (0 , 1) , (1 , 1.5) , (2 , 2) , (3 , 2.5)  form a straight line .

MATCHING Match the graph with the function it represents.
A. y = \(\frac{x}{3}\)
B. y = x + 1
C. y = – 2x + 6
Question 27.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 16
Answer:  B. y = x + 1.

Given , y = x + 1  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 0 + 1 = 1 . co-ordinates are (0 , 1)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 + 1 = 2 . co-ordinates are (1 , 2)
if x = 2 , then y = 2 + 1 = 3 , co-ordinates are (2 , 3)
The co-ordinates (0 , 1) , (1 , 2) , (2 , 3) form a straight line .

Question 28.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 17
Answer: c. y = – 2x + 6

Given , y = – 2x + 6  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = – 2(0) + 6 = 6 . co-ordinates are (0 , 6)
if x = 1 , then y = – 2(1) + 6 = 4 . co-ordinates are (1 , 4)
if x = 2 , then y = – 2(2) + 6 = 2 , co-ordinates are (2 , 2)
if x = 3 , then y = – 2(3) + 6 = 0 , co-ordinates are (3 , 0)
The co-ordinates (0 , 6) , (1 , 4) , (2 , 2) , (3 , 0) form a straight line .

Question 29.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 18
Answer: A. y = \(\frac{x}{3}\)

Given , y =  \(\frac{x}{3}\) , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =\(\frac{0}{3}\) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = \(\frac{1}{3}\)= 0.3 . co-ordinates are (1 , 0.3)
if x = 2 , then y = \(\frac{2}{3}\)= 0.6 , co-ordinates are (2 , 0.6)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , 0.3) , (2 , 0.6) form a straight line .

Question 30.
Your friend graphs the function represented by the input-output table. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 19
Answer: Yes , He is correct


Ordered pairs are (-1 , -4) , (1 , -2) , (3 ,0) , (5 , 2)
these points form a straight line when graphed.
Yes , He is correct

Question 31.
A dolphin eats 30 pounds of fish per day.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 20
a. Write and graph a function that relates the number p of pounds of fish that a dolphin eats in d days.
b. How many total pounds of fish does a dolphin eat in 30 days?

a. Given , A dolphin eats 30 pounds of fish per day.
by each passing day eating fish is increased by the day passes .
So, y = 30x is the function,
The graph represents the function as

b. Given , A dolphin eats 30 pounds of fish per day.
then for 30 days ,
30 × 30 = 900 pounds
So, A dolphin eats 900 pounds of fish in 30 days

Question 32.
You fill a fish tank with 55 gallons of water on Saturday. The water evaporates at a rate of 1.5 gallons per day. You plan to add water when the tank reaches 49 gallons. When will you add water? Justify your answer.
Answer: As the action starts on Saturday , the tank will reach 49 gallons after 4 days , That is on Wednesday.

Given data ,, implies that slope of the function m = -1.5
The y intercept b= 55,
Then the equation  will be y = 55 – 1.5x
Given , You plan to add water when the tank reaches 49 gallons.
determine x for y = 49 ,
So, 49 = 55 – 1.5x ,
1.5x = 55 – 49
1.5x = 6
x = \(\frac{6}{1.5}\)
x = 4.

As the action starts on Saturday , the tank will reach 49 gallons after 4 days , That is on Wednesday.

USING AN EQUATION Find the value of x for the given value of y.
Question 33.
y = 5x – 7; y = – 22
Answer: x = -3

Given, y = 5x – 7
x = \(\frac{y + 7}{5}\)
substitute y = -22 , we get
x = \(\frac{-22 + 7}{5}\)
x = \(\frac{- 15}{5}\)
x = -3
So, x = -3 .

Question 34.
y = 9 – 7x; y = 37
Answer: x = -4

Given, y = 9 – 7x
x = \(\frac{9 – y}{7}\)
substitute y = 37 , we get
x = \(\frac{9 – 37}{7}\)
x = \(\frac{- 28}{7}\)
x = -4
So, x = -4 .

Question 35.
y = \(\frac{x}{4}\) – 7; y = 2
Answer: x = 36

Given, y = \(\frac{x}{4}\) – 7
x = 4( y + 7)
substitute y = 2 , we get
x = 4( 2 + 7)
x = 4(9)
x = 36
So, x = 36 .

Question 36.
You decide to make and sell bracelets. The cost of your materials is $84.00. You charge $3.50 for each bracelet.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 21
a. P Write a function that represents the profit for selling b bracelets.
b. Which variable is independent? dependent? Explain.
c. You will break even when the cost of your materials equals your income. How many bracelets must you sell to break even?
Answer: a. A function that represents the profit for selling b bracelets is p = 3.5b – 84.
b. Here , the profit depends on the number of bracelets sold , b is the independent variable and p is the dependent variable.
c. To break even you must sell 24  bracelets.

a. Given , The cost of your materials is $84.00. You charge $3.50 for each bracelet,
Let p be the profit , b be the number of bracelets sold,
So, profit = income – cost .
p = 3.5b – 84.
Thus , A function that represents the profit for selling b bracelets is p = 3.5b – 84.

b. Here , the profit depends on the number of bracelets sold , b is the independent variable and p is the dependent variable.

c. set the income expression from part a equal to the cost of 84 and solve for b ,
So, income = cost .
3.5b = 84 ,
b = \(\frac{84}{3.5}\)
b = 24.

To break even you must sell 24  bracelets.

Question 37.
A furniture store is having a sale where everything is 40% off.
a. Write and graph a function that represents the amount of discount on an item at regular price.
b. You buy a bookshelf that has a regular price of $85. What is the sale price of the bookshelf?
Answer: a. The function is y = 0.4x and the graph is given below.
b. The sale price of the bookshelf s $51.

a. A function that represents the amount of discount on an item at regular price is ,
Given , 40% = 0.4 ,
To find the percent of the number , we should multiply the number by the percent in the decimal form ,
so, the equation is d = 0.4p ,
let us convert it in to a function form , y = 0.4x
we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 0.4(0) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = 0.4(1)= 0.4 . co-ordinates are (1 , 0.4)
if x = 2 , then y =0.4(2) = 0.8 , co-ordinates are (2 , 0.8)
if x = 3 , then y = 0.4(3) = 1.2 , co-ordinates are (3 , 1.2)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , 0.4) , (2 , 0.8) , (3 , 1.2) form a straight line .
The graph is
b. Given , You buy a bookshelf that has a regular price of $85.
The sale price of the bookshelf is ,
substituting the given price in p = 85 ,
it will be the discount d = 0.4 (85) = 34
Then the sale price is $85 – $34 = $51.

So, The sale price of the bookshelf s $51.

Question 38.
You want to take a two-hour air boat tour. Which is a better deal, Snake Tours or Gator Tours? Use functions to justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 22
Answer: By using functions , $50 > $40 , So, Gator tours are cheaper than the snake tours .

Given , You want to take a two-hour air boat tour.
Let x be the hours of  air boat tour and y be the cost of air boat tour ,
Snake tours , y = 25x
putt x = 2 ,
So , y = 25 (2) = 50 .
y = 50.

Gator tour , y = 35 + \(\frac{5}{2}\)x
Put x = 2 ,
So, y = 35 + \(\frac{5}{2}\) x
y = 35 + 2.5x
y = 35 + 2.5 (2)
y = 35 + 5
y = 40 .

Finally $50 > $40 , So, Gator tours are cheaper than the snake tours

Question 39.
The graph of a function is a line that passes through the points (3, 2), (5, 8), and (8, y). What is the value of y?
Answer: The value of y is 17 , so, The third given point is (8, 17)

First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (3,2) and (5,8)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (8 – 2) / (5 – 3)
m = 6 / 2
m = 3
Then use the slope and one of the given points (3,2) to find the y-intercept
y = mx +
2 = 3(3) + b
2 = 9 + b
-7 = b
The equation is   y = 3x -7
Then find the third point (8, y) by replacing x by 8
y = 3x -7
y = 3(8) -7
y = 24 -7
y = 17

so the third given point is (8, 17)

Question 40.
Make a table where the independent variable is the side length of a square and the dependent variable is the perimeter. Make a second table where the independent variable is the side length of a square and the dependent variable is the area. Graph both functions in the same coordinate plane. Compare the functions.
Answer: The graph for the perimeter is linear , The graph for the Area is Quadratic .

Let us say , s be the side length of the square ,
Then the perimeter is P = 4s ,
The function will be y= 4x,
we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 4(0) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = 4(1) = 4 . co-ordinates are (1 , 4)
if x = 2 , then y = 4(2) =8 , co-ordinates are (2 , 8)
if x = 3 , then y = 4(3) = 0 , co-ordinates are (3 , 12)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , 4) , (2 ,8) , (3 , 12) form a straight line .

Table will be ,

Let us say , s be the side length of the square ,
Then the Area is A = s² ,
The function will be y=x²,
we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 0² = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = 1² = 1 . co-ordinates are (1 , 1)
if x = 2 , then y = 2² =4 , co-ordinates are (2 , 4)
if x = 3 , then y = 3² = 9 , co-ordinates are (3 , 9)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , 1) , (2 ,4) , (3 , 9) form a straight line .

Second table is
Then the graph is 
The graph for the perimeter is linear , The graph for the Area is Quadratic .

Question 41.
The blocks that form the diagonals of each square are shaded. Each block has an area of one square unit. Find the “green area” of Square 20. Find the “green area” of Square 21. Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions 7.2 23
Answer:  The green area of the Square 20 is 46 square units and The green area of the Square 21 is 48 square units.

Given , Each block has an area of one square unit,
Square 1 has  the diagonals of each square are shaded. the “green area” is 3 + 3 = 6 square units ,
Square 2 has  the diagonals of each square are shaded. the “green area” is 4 + 4 = 8 square units ,
Square 3 has  the diagonals of each square are shaded. the “green area” is 5 + 5 = 10 square units ,
Square 4 has  the diagonals of each square are shaded. the “green area” is 6 + 6 = 12 square units,
Square 5 has  the diagonals of each square are shaded. the “green area” is 7 + 7 = 14 square units ,
Here , The number of squares are increasing by one block with the square numbers.
So for the , Square 20 has  the diagonals of each square are shaded. the “green area” is 23 + 23 = 46 square units,
And Square 21 has  the diagonals of each square are shaded. the “green area” is 24 + 24 = 48 square units.

Lesson 7.3 Linear Functions


Writing and Graphing Functions
Work with a partner. Each table shows a familiar pattern from geometry.

  • Determine what the variables x and y represent. Then write a function rule that relates y to x.
  • Is the function a linear function? Explain your reasoning.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 1
Answer: All of them are explained below

The variables x and y represents a rectangle
a. From the given table , Ordered pairs are (1 , 10) , (2 , 12) , (3 , 14) , (4 , 16)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1 ,-1) and (2, -2)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (-2 – (-1)) / (2 – 0)
m = -1 / 2 .
substitute the slope in the (1 , 10) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 10 = -1/2 ( x –1)
2(y – 10) = -x  + 1
2y – 20 = -x+ 1
2y = -x  + 21
y = \(\frac{-1}{2}\) (x – 21)
So ,  y = \(\frac{-1}{2}\) (x – 21) is linear function.

b. The variables x and y represent a circle
Ordered pairs are (1 , 3.14 ) , (2 , 6.28) , (3 , 9.42) , (4 , 12.5 )
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1 , 3.14 ) , (2 , 6.28)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (6.28 –3.14) / (2– 1)
m = 3.14/1
m = 3.14
substitute the slope in the (8 , 4) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 3.14 =3.14 ( x –1)
y – 3.14 = 3.14x – 3.14
y = 3.14x – 3.14 + 3.14
y = 3.14x
So ,  y = 3.14x  is linear function.
Where x is the diameter of the circle.

c. The variables x and y represents a trapezoid
a. From the given table , Ordered pairs are (1 , 5) , (2 , 6) , (3 , 7) , (4 , 8)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1 ,5) and (2, 6)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (6 – 5) / (2 – 1)
m = 1 .
substitute the slope in the (1 ,5) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 5 = 1(x – 1)
y – 5 = x – 1
y = x – 1 + 5
y = x + 4
So, y = x + 4 is a linear equation

d. The variables x and y represents a cube
a. From the given table , Ordered pairs are (1 , 28) , (2 , 40) , (3 , 52) , (4 , 64)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1 ,28) and (2, 40)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (40 – 28) / (2 – 1)
m = 12 .
substitute the slope in the (1 ,28) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 28 = 12(x – 1)
y – 28 = 12x – 12
y = 12x – 12 + 28
y = 12x + 16
So, y = 12x + 16 is a linear equation.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 2

Try It

Question 1.
Use the graph to write a linear function that relates y to x.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 3
Answer: the linear function is y = \(\frac{-1}{2}\)x -1.

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (-4 , 1) , (-2 , 0 ) , (0 , -1) , ( 2, -2 )
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 ,-1) and (2, -2)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (-2 – (-1)) / (2 – 0)
m = -1 / 2 .
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, -1 ) , The y intercept is -1.
So , the linear function is y = \(\frac{-1}{2}\)x -1.

Question 2.
Use the table to write a linear function that relates y to x.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 4
Answer: the linear function is y = (0)x + 2.

Ordered pairs are (-2 , 2) , (-1 , 2) , (0 , 2) , (1 , 2)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 ,2) and (1, 2)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (2 – 2) / (1 – 0)
m = 0
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 2 ) , The y intercept is 2.
So , the linear function is y = (0)x + 2.

Question 3.
The rate of descent doubles. Repeat parts (a) and (b).
Answer: a. the linear function is y = -1x + 65.
b. The slope indicates that the height decreases 1000 feet per minute.
The y intercept indicates that the descent begins at a cruising altitude of 65,000 feet.

a. From the Given table , The rate of descents is 5
If it doubles , then The rate of descents is 10.
The the ordered pairs will be (0 , 65) , (10 ,55) , (20 , 45) .
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 ,65) and (10, 55)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (55 – 65) / (10 – 0)
m = -10 / 10
m = -1
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 65 ) , The y intercept is 65.
So , the linear function is y = -1x + 65.

b. The slope indicates that the height decreases 1000 feet per minute.
The y intercept indicates that the descent begins at a cruising altitude of 65,000 feet.

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 4.
Use the graph to write a linear function that relates y to x.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 5
Answer:  The linear function is y = -4x -2 .

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (-2 , 6) , (-1 , 2 ) , (0 , -2) , ( 1, -6 )
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 ,-2) and (1, -6)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (-6 – (-2)) / (1 – 0)
m = -4 .
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, -2) , The y intercept is -2.
So , the linear function is y = -4x -2 .

Question 5.
The table shows the revenue R (in millions of dollars) of a company when it spends A (in millions of dollars) on advertising.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 6
a. Write and graph a linear function that relates R to A.
b. Interpret the slope and the y-intercept.
Answer:  a. The linear function is y = 2x + 2. and the graph is shown below
b. The slope indicates that the increasing in the amount of spending on advertising by 2 million dollars
The y intercept indicates that the Revenue begins to increasing from the 2 million dollars.

a. From the given table ,
The the ordered pairs will be (0 , 2) , (2 ,6) , (4 , 10) , (6 , 14) , (8 ,18) .
The graph is
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 ,2) and (2, 6)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (6 – 2) / (2 – 0)
m = 4 / 2
m = 2
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 2 ) , The y intercept is 2.
So , the linear function is y = 2x + 2.

b. The slope indicates that the increasing in the amount of spending on advertising by 2 million dollars
The y intercept indicates that the Revenue begins to increasing from the 2 million dollars.

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 6.
Manager A earns $15 per hour and receives a $50 bonus. The graph shows the earnings of Manager B. (a) Which manager has a greater hourly wage? (b) After how many hours does Manager B earn more money than Manager A?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 7
Answer: a. Manager B has the greater hourly wage than Manager A .
b. As manager A receives a $50 bonus , Manager B has to work an hour extra to earn more money than Manager A .

a. Manager A earns $15 per hour and receives a $50 bonus.
The ordered pairs will be  (0 , 0) , (1 , 15) , (2 , 30) , (3 , 45)
The graph shows the earnings of Manager B.
Ordered pairs from the graph are  (0 , 0) , (1 , 25) , (2 , 50) , (3 , 75)
So, Manager B has the greater hourly wage than Manager A .

b. As manager A receives a $50 bonus , Manager B has to work an hour extra to earn more money than Manager A .

Question 7.
Each month, you start with 2 gigabytes of data and use 0.08 gigabyte per day. The table shows the amount (in gigabytes) of data that your friend has left days after the start of each month. Who runs out of data first? Justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 8
Answer:  you will be run out of data first

a. Given , Each month, you start with 2 gigabytes of data and use 0.08 gigabyte per day.
Let x be the number of days and y be the total data in gigabytes.
So, y = -0.08x + 2 ,
You will be out of data if , -0.08x + 2 = 0 ,
-0.08x + 2 = 0
2 = 0.08x
x = \(\frac{2}{0.08}\)
x = 25.
Hence ,you will be run out of data in 25 days.
b. Daily data usage for the friend will be given by the slope of the graph.
The the ordered pairs will be (0 , 3) , (7 ,2.3) , (14 , 1.6) .
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (7 ,2.3) and (14, 1.6)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (1.6 – 2.3) / (14 – 7)
m = -0.7 / 7
m = -0.1
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 3 ) , The y intercept is 3.
So , the linear function is y = -0.1x + 3.
Your friend will be out of data if ,
-0.1x + 3 = 0
3 = 0.1x
x = \(\frac{3}{0.1}\)
x = 30 .
Hence ,Friend will be run out of data in 30 days

So , you will be run out of data first

Linear Functions Homework & Practice 7.3

Review & Refresh

Write a function rule for the statement. Then graph the function.
Question 1.
The output is ten less than the input.
Answer: y = x – 10.

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is ten less than the input, will be ,
y = x – 10.

Question 2.
The output is one-third of the input.
Answer: y = \(\frac{x}{3}\)

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is one-third of the input, will be ,
y = \(\frac{x}{3}\) .

Solve the system.
Question 3.
y = x + 5
y = – 3x + 1
Answer: X = 0 , Y = 5

Y=3X+5 ——————-(1)
Y=X+5 ——————(2)
Substitute Y=X+5 in equation (1)
Solve it for X
X = 0
Substitute X=0 in equation (1)

Question 4.
x + y = – 4
6x + 2y = 4
Answer:  X = 3 , Y= -7 .

2Y=−6X+4 ——————-(1)
Y= –X-4 ——————(2)
Substitute Y= –X-4 in equation (1)
2Y = −6X+4
2 ( X – 4 ) = −6X + 4
-2X – 8 = -6X + 4
6X -2X = 8 + 4
4X = 12
X = 3
Substitute X=3 in equation (2)
Y=– 3 – 4
Y= -7 .

Question 5.
– 4x + 3y = 14
y = 2x + 8
Answer:  X = -5 , Y = -2 .

3Y = 4X+14 ——————-(1)
Y = 2X + 8 ——————(2)
Substitute Y= 2X + 8 in equation (1)
3Y = 4X+14
3(2X + 8) = 4X+14
6X + 24 = 4X + 14
6X – 4X = 14 – 24
2X = -10
X = -5
Substitute X= -5 in equation (2)
Y= 2(-5) + 8
Y= -10 + 8
Y = -2.

Concepts, Skills, &Problem Solving

WRITING AND GRAPHING FUNCTIONS The table shows a familiar pattern from geometry. (a) Determine what the variables x and y represent. Then write a function rule that relates y to x. (b) Is the function a linear function? Explain your reasoning. (See Exploration 1, p. 289.)
Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 9
Answer: a. The variables x and y represent a right angle triangle
b. y = 2x  is linear function.

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs
Ordered pairs are  (1 , 2) , (2 , 4) ,  (3 , 6 ) , (4 , 8), (5 , 10 ) .
a. the variables x and y represent a right angle triangle
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1 , 2) , (2 , 4)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (4 – 2) / (2– 1)
m = 2/1
m = 2
b. substitute the slope in the (2 , 4) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 4 = 2 ( x – 2)
y – 4 = 2x – 4
y = 2x – 4 + 4
y = 2x
So ,  y = 2x  is linear function.

Given side of triangle is 4 then x= 4/2 = 2
x = 2 and y = 4.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 10
Answer: y = 3.14x  is linear function. and The variables x and y represent a circle

Ordered pairs are (1 , 3.14 ) , (2 , 6.28) , (3 , 9.42) , (4 , 12.5 )
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1 , 3.14 ) , (2 , 6.28)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (6.28 –3.14) / (2– 1)
m = 3.14/1
m = 3.14
substitute the slope in the (8 , 4) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 3.14 =3.14 ( x –1)
y – 3.14 = 3.14x – 3.14
y = 3.14x – 3.14 + 3.14
y = 3.14x
So ,  y = 3.14x  is linear function.
Where x is the diameter of the circle.

WRITING LINEAR FUNCTIONS Use the graph or table to write a linear function that relates y to x.
Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 11
Answer: The linear function is y = \(\frac{4}{3}\)x +2

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (-3 , -2) , (0 , 2 ) , (3 , 6) , ( 6, 10 )
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (3 ,6) and (6, 10)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (10 – 6) / (6 – 3)
m = 4/3 .
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 2) , The y intercept is 2.
So , the linear function is y = \(\frac{4}{3}\)x +2 .

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 12
Answer: The linear function is y = (0)x +3 .

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (-2 , 3) , (-1 , 3 ) , (0 , 3) , ( 1, 3 ) , (2 , 3)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1 ,3) and (2, 3)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (3 – 3) / (2 – 1)
m = 0 .
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 3) , The y intercept is 3.
So , the linear function is y = (0)x +3 .

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 13
Answer: The linear function is y = \(\frac{-1}{4}\)x + 0.

Ordered pairs are (-8 , 2) , (-4 , 1) , (0 , 0) , (4 , -1)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (-8 ,2) and (-4, 1)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (1 – 2) / (-4 – (-8))
m = -1/4
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 0 ) , The y intercept is 0.
So , the linear function is y = \(\frac{-1}{4}\)x + 0.

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 14
Answer: The linear function is y = \(\frac{2}{3}\)x + 5.

Ordered pairs are (-3 , 3) , (0 , 5) , (3 , 7) , (6 , 9)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (3 ,7) and (6, 9)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (9 – 7) / (6 – 3)
m = 2/3
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 5 ) , The y intercept is 5.
So , the linear function is y = \(\frac{2}{3}\)x + 5.

Question 12.
The table shows the length y (in inches) of a person’s hair after x months.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 15
a. Write and graph a linear function that relates y to x.
b. Interpret the slope and the y-intercept.
Answer: a. The linear function is y = 0.5x + 11.
b. The slope indicates that the increasing in the hair length
The y intercept indicates that the increasing in hair length by time.

a. Given ,
The ordered pairs will be (0 , 11) , (3 ,12.5) , (6 , 14) .
The graph is
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (3 ,12.5) and (6 , 14)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (14 – 12.5) / (6 – 3)
m = 1.5 / 3
m = 0.5
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 11 ) , The y intercept is 11.
So , the linear function is y = 0.5x + 11.

b. The slope indicates that the increasing in the hair length
The y intercept indicates that the increasing in hair length by time.

Question 13.
The table shows the percent (in decimal form) of battery power remaining x hours after you turn on a laptop computer.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 16
a. Write and graph a linear function that relates y to x.
b. Interpret the slope, the x-intercept, and the y-intercept.
c. After how many hours is the battery power at75%?
Answer: a. The linear function is y = -0.2x + 1.
b. given below the explanation.
c. Battery will be 75% after 1.25 hours.

a. Given ,
The ordered pairs will be (0 , 1) , (2 ,0.6) , (4 , 0.2) .
The graph is
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (2 ,0.6) and (4 , 0.2)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (0.2 – 0.6) / (4 – 2)
m = -0.4 / 2
m = -0.2
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 1 ) , The y intercept is 1.
So , the linear function is y = -0.2x + 1.

b. Slope is -0.2 which means that as time increases by 1 hour, Battery power remaining decreases by 20% .
y intercept is 1, which means initially the battery power remaining before usage was 100%.
x intercept is 5 which means the battery remaining will be 0 after 5 hours.

c. battery percent will be 75% of 0.75 if ,
-0.2x + 1 = 0.75
0.2x = 1 – 0.75
x = 0.25/0.2
x = 1.25
Battery will be 75% after 1.25 hours.

Question 14.
The number y of calories burned after x minutes of kayaking is represented by the linear function y = 4.5x. The graph shows the number of calories burned by hiking.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 17
a. Which activity burns more calories per minute?
b. You perform each activity for 45 minutes. How many total calories do you burn? Justify your answer.
Answer: a. hiking burns more calories than kayaking .
b. In kayaking, 202.5 calories are burnt per minute. and In hiking , 225 calories are burnt per minute.

a. The number y of calories burned after x minutes of kayaking is represented by the linear function y = 4.5x.
So, The ordered pairs of the graph are (0 , 0) , (1 , 4.5) , (2 , 9) , (3, 13.5)
Here , In kayaking burns 4.5 calories per minute .
For hiking ,
The ordered pairs of the graph are (0 , 0) , (1 , 5) , (2 , 10) , (3, 15)
Here , In hiking burns 5 calories per minute.
Thus , hiking burns more calories than kayaking .

b. Given , perform each activity for 45 minutes.
Liner function of the kayaking is y = 4.5x
substitute x = 45 in equation
y = 4.5 (45)
y = 202.5
In kayaking, 202.5 calories are burnt per minute.
Linear function of the hiking is y = 5x
substitute x = 45 in equation
y = 5 (45)
y = 225
In hiking , 225 calories are burnt per minute.

Question 15.
You and a friend race each other. You give your friend a 50-foot head start. The distance y (in feet) your friend runs after x seconds is represented by the linear function y = 14x + 50. The table shows your distance at various times throughout the race. For what distances will you win the race? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 18
Answer: you will win the race for distances greater than 190 feet

The distance y (in feet) your friend runs after x seconds is represented by the linear function y = 14x + 50.
The slope of the line is 14 so , your friend runs at the rate of 14 ft per second
To find your rate , the ordered pairs are (2 , 38) , (4 , 76) , (6 , 114) , (8 , 152)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (2 ,38) and (4 , 76)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (76 – 38) / (4 – 2)
m = 38 / 2
m = 19
You are running at the rate of 19 ft per second.
To get the linear equation , substitute the slope in the (2 , 38) to get point slope to form a line.
Then we have , y = 19x
Now if x = 10 , to run faster then ,
y = 19(10)
y = 190 .
Your friend linear equation is y = 14x + 50 .
if x = 10 ,then
y = 14(10) + 50
y = 140 + 50
y = 190.
So , for x > 10 , means you will run farther than your friend which means you would win the race .
Therefore, you will win the race for distances greater than 190 feet.

Question 16.
You and your friend are saving money to buy bicycles that cost $175 each. You have $45 to start and save an additional $5 each week. The graph shows the amount y(in dollars) that your friend has after x weeks. Who can buy a bicycle first? Justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 19
Answer:  your friend will but the bicycle first.

Given , your friend savings are
the ordered pairs are (0,15) and (3,39)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0,15) and (3,39)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (39 – 15) / (3 – 0)
m = 24 / 3
m = 8
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 15 ) , The y intercept is 15.
So , the linear function is y = 8x + 15.
to buy bicycles that cost $175 each
if y = 175 , then
175 = 8x + 15
8x = 175 – 15
x = 160/8
x = 20
So, your friend need 20 weeks to buy the bicycle
Given, You have $45 to start and save an additional $5 each week
So , the linear function will be y = 5x + 45.
to buy bicycles that cost $175 each
if y = 175 , then
175 = 5x + 45
5x = 175 – 45
x = 130/5
x = 26
So, you need 26 weeks to buy the bicycle.
Hence, your friend will but the bicycle first.

Question 17.
Is every linear equation a linear function? Explain your reasoning.
Answer: All linear equations produce straight lines when graphed, not all linear equations produce linear functions. In order to be a linear function, a graph must be both linear (a straight line) and a function (matching each x-value to only one y-value).

Question 18.
The heat index is calculated using the relative humidity and the temperature. For every 1 degree increase in the temperature from 94°F to 97°F at 75% relative humidity, the heat index rises 4°F. On a summer day, the relative humidity is 75%, the temperature is 94°F, and the heat index is 124°F. Estimate the heat index when the relative humidity is 75% and the temperature is 100°F. Use a function to justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.3 20
Answer:  Heat index is 148°F

The form of linear equation is y = mx + c
and the slope of the function is given by m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
Let y be the heat index and x be the temperature
Given , (94, 124)
For every 1 degree increase in the temperature from 94°F to 97°F at 75% relative humidity, the heat index rises 4°F
that is m = 4
Since the line passes through (94, 124) means
124 = 4x + c
124 = 4(94) + c
124 = 376 + c
c = 124 – 376
c = -252
Linear function for the heat index is y = 4x – 252
put x = 100
So, y = 4(100) – 252
y = 400 – 252
y = 148.
Finally, Heat index is 148°F.

Lesson 7.4 Comparing Linear and Non Linear Functions


Comparing Functions
Work with a partner. Each equation represents the height h (in feet) of a falling object after t seconds.

  • Graph each equation. Explain your method.
  • Decide whether each graph represents a or function.
  • Compare the falling objects.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 1
Answer: Explained below

a. Given, h = 300 – 15t can be written as y = 300 – 15x
h = 300 – 15t  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =300 – 15(0) = 300 . co-ordinates are (0 , 300)
if x = 1 , then y = 300 – 15(1) = 285 . co-ordinates are (1 , 285)
if x = 2 , then y = 300 – 15(2) = 270  , co-ordinates are (2 , 270)
if x = 3 , then y = 300 – 15(3) = 255  , co-ordinates are (3 , 255)
The co-ordinates (0 , 300) , (1 , 285) , (2 , 270) , (3 , 255) form a straight line .

The graph is

Given , h = 300- 16t2  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =300- 16(0)2  = 300 . co-ordinates are (0 , 300)
if x = 1 , then y =300- 16(1)2 = 284 . co-ordinates are (1 , 284)
if x = 2 , then y = 300- 16(2)2 = 236 , co-ordinates are (2 , 236)
if x = 3 , then y = 300- 16(3)2 = 252  , co-ordinates are (3 , 252)
The co-ordinates (0 , 300) , (1 , 284) , (2 , 236) , (3 , 252) does not form a straight line .

The graph is

b. For, h = 300 – 15t , The graph is linear so the so it is a function,
For h = 300- 16t2 , The graph is linear so the so it is a function.

c. Sky diver has the slow fall while compared to the bowling ball , because parachute can be controlled with the wind and can be divert the destination point, and bowling ball cannot be controlled while falling.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 2

Try It

Does the table represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 3
Answer: y = 2x – 12 is linear function.

Ordered pairs are (2 , -8) , (4 , -4) , (6 , 0) , (8 , 4)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (6 ,0) and (8, 4)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (4 – 0) / (8– 6)
m = 4/2
m = 2
substitute the slope in the (8 , 4) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 4 = 2 ( x – 8)
y – 4 = 2x – 16
y = 2x – 16 + 4
y = 2x – 12
So ,  y = 2x – 12 is linear function.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 4
Answer: y = –\(\frac{5}{3}\)x + 25 is linear function.

Ordered pairs are (0 , 25) , (3 , 20) , (7 , 15) , (12 , 10)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 ,25) and (3, 20)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (20 – 25) / (3– 0)
m = -5/3
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 25 ) , The y intercept is 25.
So , the linear function is y = –\(\frac{5}{3}\)x + 25.
So , y = –\(\frac{5}{3}\)x + 25 is linear function.

Does the equation represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 3.
y = x + 5
Answer: y = x + 5 is a linear function

Given , y = x + 5  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 0 + 5 = 5 . co-ordinates are (0 , 5)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 + 5 = 6 . co-ordinates are (1 , 6)
if x = 2 , then y = 2 + 5 = 7 , co-ordinates are (2 , 7)
The co-ordinates (0 , 5) , (1 , 6) , (2 , 7) form a straight line .
Each x input has only one y output so it is a function .
And it  forms a straight line when graphed .
So, y = x + 5 is a linear function.

Question 4.
y = \(\frac{4x}{3}\)
Answer: y = \(\frac{4x}{3}\) is a linear function.

Given , y = \(\frac{4x}{3}\) , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = \(\frac{4(0)}{3}\) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = \(\frac{4(1)}{3}\) = \(\frac{4}{3}\)  = 1.3. co-ordinates are (1 , 1.3)
if x = 2 , then y = \(\frac{4(2)}{3}\) = \(\frac{8}{3}\) = 2.6 , co-ordinates are (2 , 2.6)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 ,1.3 ) , (2 , 2.6) form a straight line .
Each x input has only one y output so it is a function .
And it forms a straight line when graphed .
So, y = \(\frac{4x}{3}\) is a linear function.

Question 5.
y = 1 – x2
Answer: y = 1 – x2 is not a linear function.

Given , y = 1 – x2  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 1 – 02 = 1 . co-ordinates are (0 , 1)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 – 12 = 0 . co-ordinates are (1 , 0)
if x = 2 , then y = 1 – 22 = -3 , co-ordinates are (2 , -3)
The co-ordinates (0 , 5) , (1 , 6) , (2 , 7) form a straight line .
Each x input has only one y output so it is a function .
And it does not forms a straight line when graphed .
So, y = 1 – x2 is not a linear function.

Does the graph represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 5
Answer: The graph represents a nonlinear function.

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (0 , 2) , (-1 , 0) ,  (-2 , -2 ) , (-3 , -4), (0 , 1 ) , (2 , -2) , ( 3, -4 )
The inputs have more than one output ,
And points form a straight line
So , the graph is non linear function

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 6
Answer: The graph is a linear function

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (0 , 0) , (-1 , -1) ,  (-2 , -2 ) , (-3 , -3), (1 , 1 ) , (2 , 2) , ( 3, 3 )
The inputs have exactly one output ,
And points form a straight line
So , the graph is a linear function.

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

IDENTIFYING FUNCTIONS Does the table or graph represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 7
Answer: It is not a linear function

Ordered pairs are (3 , 0) , (-1 , 2) , (-5 , 4) , (-9 , 6)
Each input has exactly one output
and it does not form a straight line when graphed
So, it is not a linear function .

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 8
Answer: The graph is non linear function

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (0 , -1) , (-1 , 0) ,  (-2 , 3 ) , (1 , 0 ) , (2 , 3) .
The inputs have exactly one output ,
And points does not form a straight line
So , the graph is non linear function

Question 10.
Which equation does not belong with the other three? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 9
Answer: 5xy = -2 does not belong with the other three.

15y = 6x , y = \(\frac{2}{5}\)x , 10y = 4x .
These are evaluated as 5y = 2x
5xy = -2 , is different from 5y = 2x.

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 11.
The loudness of sound is measured in (dB). The graph shows the loudness y of a sound (in decibels) x meters from the source of the sound. Is the relationship between loudness and distance linear or nonlinear? Approximate the loudness of the sound 12 meters from the source.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 10
Answer: The relationship between loudness and distance  is nonlinear Function. And the loudness of the sound 12 meters from the source is approximately 85dB as shown in the graph.

As shown in the graph , the plot of the points does not form a straight line ,
Its a parabolic decay , The amount of loudness decreases with the increase in distance,
So, The relationship between loudness and distance  is nonlinear Function.

And the loudness of the sound 12 meters from the source is approximately 85dB as shown in the graph.

Question 12.
A video blogger is someone who records a video diary. A new website currently hosts 90 video bloggers and projects a gain of 10 video bloggers per month. The table below shows the actual numbers of video bloggers. How does the projection differ from the actual change?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 11
Answer: Projections are more than the actual values


So, Projections are more than the actual values

Comparing Linear and Non Linear Functions Homework & Practice 7.4

Review & Refresh

Write a linear function that relates y to x.
Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 12
Answer: The linear function is y = x – 2

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (0 , -2) , (1 , -1 ) , (-1 , -3) , ( 2, 0), (3 , 1) , (4 , 2) , ( 5, 3)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (2 ,0) and (3, 1)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (1 – 0) / (3 – 2)
m = 1 .
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, -2 ) , The y intercept is -2.
So , the linear function is y = x – 2 .

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 13
Answer: The linear function is y =\(\frac{-1}{1.5}\)x + 5.

Ordered pairs are (0 , 5) , (1.5 , 4) , (3 , 3) , (4.5 , 2)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1.5 ,4) and (3, 3)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (3 – 4) / (3 – 1.5)
m = -1 /1.5
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 5 ) , The y intercept is 5.
So , the linear function is y =\(\frac{-1}{1.5}\)x + 5.

The vertices of a figure are given. Draw the figure and its image after a dilation with the given scale factor. Identify the type of dilation.
Question 3.
A (- 3, 1), B (- 1, 3), C (- 1, 1); k = 3
Answer: The New right angle triangle is larger than the original one So , its a increase .

Given , (- 3, 1),  (- 1, 3),  (- 1, 1) these pairs form a right angle triangle
K = 3 , For the dilation figure multiply the 3 with the given ordered pairs , then
(- 3, 1) × 3 = ( -9 , 3)
(- 1, 3) × 3 = ( -3 , 9)
(- 1, 1) × 3 = (-3 , 3)
From these new ordered pairs we form a new  right angle triangle
The figure is
The New right angle triangle is larger than the original one So , its a increase .

Question 4.
J (2, 4), K (6, 10), L (8, 10), M (8, 4); k = \(\frac{1}{4}\)
Answer: It is a reduction

Given , (2, 4),  (6, 10),  (8, 10) ,(8,4) these pairs forms a figure
K = 0.25 , For the dilation figure multiply the 3 with the given ordered pairs , then
(2, 4) × 0.25 = (0.5, 1)
(6, 10) × 0.25 = (1.5, 2.5)
(8, 10) × 0.25 = (2, 2.5)
(8, 4) × 0.25 = (2 , 1)
From these new ordered pairs we form a new figure
The figure is
The New figure is smaller than the original , So, It is a reduction .

Concepts, Skills, & Problem Solving

COMPARING FUNCTIONS Graph each equation. Decide whether each graph represents a linear or nonlinear function. (See Exploration 1, p. 295.)
Question 5.
h = 5 + 6t Equation 1
h = 5 + 6t2 Equation 2
Answer: h = 5 + 6t Equation 1 is a linear function
h = 5 + 6t2 Equation 2 is a non linear function .

Given , h = 5 + 6t  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 5 + 6(0) = 5 . co-ordinates are (0 , 5)
if x = 1 , then y = 5 + 6(1) = 11 . co-ordinates are (1 , 11)
if x = 2 , then y = 5 + 6(2) = 17 , co-ordinates are (2 , 17)
if x = 3 , then y = 5 + 6(3) = 23 , co-ordinates are (3 , 23)
The co-ordinates (0 , 5) , (1 , 11) , (2 , 17) , (3 , 23) form a straight line .

Given , h = 5 + 6t2  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 5 + 6(0)² = 5 . co-ordinates are (0 , 5)
if x = 1 , then y = 5 + 6(1)² = 11 . co-ordinates are (1 , 11)
if x = 2 , then y = 5 + 6(2)² = 26 , co-ordinates are (2 , 26)
if x = 3 , then y = 5 + 6(3)² = 59 , co-ordinates are (3 , 59)
The co-ordinates (0 , 5) , (1 , 11) , (2 , 26) , (3 , 59) does not form a straight line .

The graph of both equations is
So, h = 5 + 6t Equation 1 is a linear function
h = 5 + 6t2 Equation 2 is a non linear function .

Question 6.
y = – \(\frac{x}{3}\) Equation 1
y = – \(\frac{3}{x}\) Equation 2
Answer:  y = – \(\frac{x}{3}\) Equation 1 is a linear function
y = – \(\frac{3}{x}\) Equation 2 is a non linear function.

Given , y =- \(\frac{x}{3}\) , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =- \(\frac{0}{3}\) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = – \(\frac{1}{3}\) = – 0.3 . co-ordinates are (1 , – 0.3 )
if x = 2 , then y = – \(\frac{2}{3}\) = – 0.6 , co-ordinates are (2 ,-0.6)
if x = 3 , then y = – \(\frac{3}{3}\) = -1 , co-ordinates are (3 , -1)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , -0.3) , (2 , -0.6) , (3 , -1) form a straight line .

Given , y =- \(\frac{3}{x}\) , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =- \(\frac{3}{0}\) = no number
if x = 1 , then y = – \(\frac{3}{1}\) = – 3 . co-ordinates are (1 , – 1 )
if x = 2 , then y = – \(\frac{3}{2}\) = – 1.5 , co-ordinates are (2 ,-1.5)
if x = 3 , then y = – \(\frac{3}{3}\) = -1 , co-ordinates are (3 , -1)
The co-ordinates (1 , -1) , (2 , -1.5) , (3 , -1) form a straight line .

The graph of both the equations is
So,  y = – \(\frac{x}{3}\) Equation 1 is a linear function
y = – \(\frac{3}{x}\) Equation 2 is a non linear function.

IDENTIFYING FUNCTIONS FROM TABLES Does the table represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 14
Answer:  linear function is y = 4x + 4.

Ordered pairs are (0 , 4) , (1 , 8) , (2 , 12) , (3 , 16)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (2 , 12) and (3 , 16)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (16 – 12) / (3– 2)
m = 4/1
m = 4
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 4 ) , The y intercept is 4.
So , the linear equation is y = 4x + 4.
And it is a linear function.

The graph is

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 15
Answer: y = 4x – 6 is linear function.

Ordered pairs are (6 , 21) , (5 , 15) , (4 , 10) , (3 , 6)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (4 , 10) and (3 , 6)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (6 – 10) / (3– 4)
m = -4/-1
m = 4
substitute the slope in the(4 , 10) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 10 = 4 ( x – 4)
y – 10 = 4x – 16
y = 4x – 16 + 10
y = 4x – 6
So ,  y = 4x – 6 is linear function.

The graph is

IDENTIFYING FUNCTIONS FROM EQUATIONS Does the equation represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 9.
2x + 3y = 7
Answer: The function is linear when m = \(\frac{-2}{3}\) and c = \(\frac{7}{3}\)

Given ,2x + 3y = 7
3y = 7 – 2x
y = \(\frac{-2}{3}\)x+ \(\frac{7}{3}\)
So, The function is linear when m = \(\frac{-2}{3}\) and c = \(\frac{7}{3}\)

Question 10.
y + x = 4x + 5
Answer: The function is linear when m = 3 and c = 5 .

Given , y + x = 4x + 5
y = 4x – x + 5
y = 3x + 5
So, The function is linear when m = 3 and c = 5 .

Question 11.
y = \(\frac{8}{x^{2}}\)
Answer: The function is linear when m = 8 and c = 0 .

Given , y = \(\frac{8}{x^{2}}\)
slope m = 8
c = 0
So, The function is linear when m = 8 and c = 0 .

IDENTIFYING FUNCTIONS FROM GRAPHS Does the graph represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 16
Answer: The graph is linear function

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (0 , 1) , (2 , 0) ,  (4 , -1 ) , (-2 , 2), ( -4, 3 )
The inputs have exactly one output ,
And points form a straight line
So , the graph is linear function

Question 13.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 17
Answer: The graph is non linear function.

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (0 , 0) , (-1 , -1) ,  (-4 , -2 ) , (1 , 1), ( 4, 2 )
The inputs have exactly one output ,
And points does not form a straight line
So , the graph is non linear function

Question 14.
The graph shows the volume V (in cubic feet) of a cube with an edge length of x feet. Does linear nonlinear the graph represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 18
Answer: The graph is non linear function

n order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (1 , 1) , (2 , 8) ,  (3 , 27 ) , (4 , 64)
The inputs have exactly one output ,
And points does not form a straight line
So , the graph is non linear function

Question 15.
The frequency y (in terahertz) of a light wave is a function of its wavelength x (in nanometers). Is the function relating the wavelength of light to its frequency linear or nonlinear?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 19
Answer: The function is a non linear function

table is as follows
change in x is constant but change in y is not constant , it is increasing
So, the function is a non linear function .

Question 16.
The table shows the cost (in dollars) of pounds of sun flower seeds.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 20
a. What is the missing -value that makes the table represent a linear function?
b. Write a linear function that represents the cost of x pounds of seeds. Interpret the slope.
c. Does the function have a maximum value? Explain your reasoning.
Answer:  a. 3 pounds = $4.2
b. y = 1.4x  is linear function.
c.  If y has maximum value then the x also has maximum value.

a. As per the table 1 pound = $1.4
2 pounds = $2.8
3pounds = $4.2
4 pounds = $5.6
So, the price is increasing with weight of the seeds.

b. Ordered pairs are (2 , 2.8) , (3 , 4.2) , (4 , 5.6)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (3 , 4.2) and (4 , 5.6)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (5.6 – 4.2) / (4 – 3)
m = 1.4
substitute the slope in the (3 , 4.2) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 4.2 = 1.4 ( x – 3)
y – 4.2 = 1.4x – 4.2
y = 1.4x – 4.2 + 4.2
y = 1.4x
So ,  y = 1.4x  is linear function.

c. As shown in the table , and the function if y increases then x also increases with respect to the y
So, if y has maximum value then the x also has maximum value.

Question 17.
A birch tree is 9 feet tall and grows at a rate of 2 feet per year. The table shows the height h (in feet) of a willow tree after x years.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.4 21
a. Does the table represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
b. Which tree is taller after 10 years? Explain.
Answer: There is no linear relationship between x and y .

Table is as follows
Change in y is constant but change in x is increasing , not a constant
Hence, there is no linear relationship between x and y .

Question 18.
In their first year, Show A has 7 million viewers and Show B has 5 million viewers. Each year, Show A has 90% of the viewers it had in the previous year. Show B loses 200,000 viewers each year.
a. Determine whether the function relating the year to the number of viewers is linear or nonlinear for each show.
b. Which show has more viewers in its sixth year?
Answer: a. The function relating the year to the number of viewers is linear
b. Both shows  has same number of viewers in the sixth year .

a. Given, In their first year, Show A has 7 million viewers and Show B has 5 million viewers. Each year, Show A has 90% of the viewers it had in the previous year. Show B loses 200,000 viewers each year.
For show A
So , In first year = 7
2 year = 90% of 7 = 6.3
3 year = 90% of 6.3 = 5.6
4 year = 90% of 5.6 = 5.04
5 year = 90% of 5 = 4.5
6 year = 90% of 4.5 = 4.05
So the ordered pairs are (1 , 7) , (2 , 6.3) , (3 , 5.6) , (4 , 5), (5 , 4.5) , (6 , 4)

For show B
In first year = 5 , As the viewers reduces by 2,00,000 in 5M
2 year = 5 – 0.2 = 4.8
3 year = 4.8 – 0.2 = 4.6
4 year = 4.6 – 0.2 = 4.4
5 year = 4.4 – 0.2 = 4.2
6 year = 54.2 – 0.2 = 4
So the ordered pairs are (1 , 5) , (2 , 4.8) , (3 , 4.6) , (4 , 4.4), (5 , 4.2) , (6 , 4)
As the year increases the viewers are also decreasing constantly as per the individual shows
So, The function relating the year to the number of viewers is linear .

b. As shown in part a , the ordered pairs having (6,4) represents the number of viewers to the year
So, Both shows  has same number of viewers in the sixth year .

Question 19.
The ordered pairs represent a function. (0,- 1), (1, 0), (2, 3), (3, 8), and (4, 15)
a. Graph the ordered pairs and describe the pattern. Is the function linear or nonlinear?
b. Write an equation that represents the function.
Answer: a. The graph is shown below and function is linear
b. The linear equation is y = 7x – 1.

Given, ordered pairs represent a function. (0,- 1), (1, 0), (2, 3), (3, 8), and (4, 15)
a. the graph is 
Each input has exactly one output and it forms a straight line So, the graph is linear
b. First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (3 ,8) and (4, 15)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (15 – 8) / (4– 3)
m = 7/1
m = 7
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, -1 ) , The y intercept is -1.
So , the linear equation is y = 7x – 1.

Lesson 7.5 Analyzing and Sketching Graphs


Matching Situations to Graphs
Work with a partner. Each graph shows your speed during a bike ride. Match each situation with its graph. Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 1
a. You increase your speed, then ride at a constant speed along a bike path. You then slow down until you reach your friend’s house. Analyze Relationships
b. You increase your speed, then go down a hill. You then quickly come to a stop at an intersection.
c. You increase your speed, then stop at a store for a couple of minutes. You then continue to ride, increasing your speed.
d. You ride at a constant speed, then go up a hill. Once on top of the hill, you increase your speed.
Answer: a – C ,
b – A ,
c – D ,
d – B ,

a. You increase your speed, then ride at a constant speed along a bike path. You then slow down until you reach your friend’s house. The graph C has the perfect graph representing the situation of given question.
b. You increase your speed, then go down a hill. You then quickly come to a stop at an intersection.
Because The graph A has the bike speed representing the situation for the time .
c. You increase your speed, then stop at a store for a couple of minutes. You then continue to ride, increasing your speed. Thus, The graph D is the final answer for the question
d. You ride at a constant speed, then go up a hill. Once on top of the hill, you increase your speed.
Because of the speed with respect to time the graph B is the correct answer for the question.


Interpreting a Graph
Work with a partner. Write a short paragraph that describe show the height changes over time in the graph shown. What situation can this graph represent?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 2
Answer: The Graph can be representing a situation for low and high tides of the Ocean

As shown in the figure, The graph is plotted between the height and time,
We can take an example of an Ocean for its waves , As the time passes at the morning of a normal day, The waves of the ocean start rising higher at a period of time, and for the time being maintaining a peak height then drops to a lower height at a particular intervals of time , this process takes place for a while and vise versa.
Thus, the Graph can be representing a situation for low and high tides of the Ocean

Try It

Question 1.
The graph shows the location of a pelican relative to your location.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 3
a. Describe the path of the pelican.
b. Write an explanation for the decrease in the vertical distance of the pelican.
Answer: Both of them are explained below.

a. The path of the pelican is flying in the air , As they always fly in line and the amazing thing is the deeper the prey the higher they dive.
The graph shows the relationship between the horizontal distance that is the height from the land, vertical distance is the point from where its destination point is located, so at the starting point of the flight it has more distance from the ground means flying at a higher level , as the time passes it reaches to the closer point of its destination point so the altitude of the flight decreases with the decrease in the vertical distance and at a particular distance reaches its point of destination.

b. The decrease in the vertical distance of the pelican. is due to its flight to the destination point as it requires to stop flying to reach it, so in order to have a smooth landing on the ground , the bird gradually decreases its speed by decreasing its altitude.

Question 2.
A fully-charged battery loses its charge at a constant rate until it has no charge left. You plug it in, and it fully recharges at a constant rate. Then it loses its charge at a constant rate until it has no charge left. Sketch a graph that represents this situation.
Answer:  The graph is

In the graph , let the x-axis be time and y-axis be the battery charge ,
A fully-charged battery loses its charge at a constant rate until it has no charge left. So, line segment starts from 100 and decreases until it touches the x-axis.
You plug it in, and it fully recharges at a constant rate. Thus, line segment increases at a constant rate until it reaches 100
Then it loses its charge at a constant rate until it has no charge left. line segment decreases again at a constant rate until it again touches the x-axis .

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 3.
The graph shows the growth rate of a plant over time.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 4
a. Describe the change in growth rate.
b. Write an explanation for the decrease in growth rate and the increase in growth rate.
Answer: the answers are given below

a. the change in growth rate of a plant over the time is given by its size and height , So as the time passes the growth rate is constant from the the start and from a particular time the growth rate has been dropping slightly due to external or internal reasons of a plant and again at some time the growth rate is increasing at a constant rate until it reaches to its perfect growth of a plant.

b. The decrease in growth rate of the plant is due to some external causes like weather, rain, sunlight , watering, and the soil may effect its growth rate and the increase in growth rate is probably due to its soil fertility and sufficient sunlight providing sufficient chlorophyll.

Question 4.
As you snowboard down a hill, you gain speed at a constant rate. You come to a steep section of the hill and gain speed at a greater constant rate. You then slow down at a constant rate until you come to a stop. Sketch a graph that represents this situation.
Answer: The graph is

In the graph , let the x-axis be time and y-axis be the speed ,
As you snowboard down a hill, you gain speed at a constant rate, line segment decreases at a constant rate
You come to a steep section of the hill and gain speed at a greater constant rate, line segment becomes steeper i.e., the line segment decreases at a high constant rate.
You then slow down at a constant rate until you come to a stop, line segment becomes flatter i.e., the constant rate of decrease becomes less until it touches its x-axis

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 5.
Two rowing teams are in a race. The graph shows their distances from the finish line over time. Describe the speed of each team throughout the race. Then determine which team finishes first.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 5
Answer: Team B will finishes race first.

Team A , The relationship between the time and distance from the finish line is given in the graph,
At starting point Team A has maintained a fair speed at the Beginning of the race and has been a little slow while reaching out to the destination point, and for a while they have been balancing the speed with the distance representing a curving point in the graph and directly dropping to the finish line drastically creating a slope, until it reaches in the x-axis line.
Team B , The relationship between the time and distance from the finish line is given in the graph,
As same as the Team A , Team B has a perfect start but it has been a way different them Team A because Team B has a game plan to win the race, as shown in the graph they have maintained a constant speed while reaching out to the destination and also having a smooth drift at a level of decreasing their distance from the finish line.

Team B will  finishes the race first because they are having a constant and smooth decreasing speed which comes to an end gradually at the finishing line.

Question 6.
The graphs show the movements of two airplanes over time. Describe the movement of each airplane.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 6
Answer: Detailed explanation is given below.

As shown in the graph , x-axis is time and y-axis be the height above ground
Airplane A, the line segment at a constant rate at the time of starting of the takeoff and then drops to a point while decreasing in the height to the ground for landing and for a constant time it is at the ground level until again it takes off  having an increase in the height from the ground level , at last it maintains a constant speed.

Airplane B, the line segment at a constant rate at the time of starting of the takeoff and then drops to a point while decreasing in the height to the ground for landing and for a constant time it is at the ground level until again it takes off  having an increase in the height from the ground level , at last it maintains a constant speed.
It is as same as the airplane A.

Analyzing and Sketching Graphs Homework & Practice 7.5

Review & Refresh

Does the table or equation represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 7
Answer: y = -0.5x + 11.5 is a linear function.

Ordered pairs are (-5 , 14) , (-1 , 12) , (3 , 10) , (7 , 8)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (3 , 10) and (7 , 8)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (8 – 10) / (7 – 3)
m = -2/4
m = -0.5
substitute the slope in the(3 , 10) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 10 = -0.5 ( x – 3)
y – 10 = -0.5x + 1.5
y = -0.5x + 1.5 + 10
y = -0.5x + 11.5
So , the linear equation is y = -0.5x + 11.5
And it is a linear function.

The graph is

Question 2.
y = x2 + 8
Answer: The function is linear  when m= 1 and c = 8.

Given , y = x2 + 8 ,
slope m = 1
c = 8
So, the function is linear when m = 1 and c= 8.

Graph the linear equation.
Question 3.
– 4x + y = – 1
Answer: The graph is

we can write – 4x + y = – 1 as y = 4x – 1
Given , y = 4x – 1  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 4(0) – 1 = -1 . co-ordinates are (0 , -1)
if x = 1 , then y = 4(1) – 1 = 3 . co-ordinates are (1 , 3)
if x = 2 , then y = 4(2) – 1 = 7 , co-ordinates are (2 , 7)
if x = 3 , then y = 4(3) – 1= 11 , co-ordinates are (3 , 11)
The co-ordinates (0 , -1) , (1 , 3) , (2 , 7) , (3 , 11) form a straight line .

Question 4.
2x – 3y = 12
Answer: The graph is

we can write  2x – 3y = 12 as y = \(\frac{2x-12}{3}\) or y = \(\frac{2}{3}\)x – 4
Given , y =\(\frac{2}{3}\)x – 4 , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = \(\frac{2}{3}\)0 – 4= – 4 . co-ordinates are (0 , -4)
if x = 1 , then y = \(\frac{2}{3}\)1 – 4 = 0.66 – 4 = -3.3 . co-ordinates are (1 , -3.3)
if x = 2 , then y = \(\frac{2}{3}\)2 – 4 =0.66(2) – 4 =1.3 – 4 = -2.6, co-ordinates are (2 , -2.6)
if x = 3 , then y = \(\frac{2}{3}\)3 – 4 = 0.66(3) – 4 = 1.98 – 4 = -2.0  , co-ordinates are (3 , -2.0)
The co-ordinates (0 , -4) , (1 , -3.3) , (2 , -2.6) , (3 , -2) form a straight line .

Question 5.
5x + 10y = 30
Answer: The graph is

5x + 10y = 30 can be written as y = -0.5x + 3
take 5 common on both sides we get
x + 2y = 6
y = \(\frac{-x + 6}{2}\)
y = \(\frac{-x}{2}\) + 6
y = -0.5x + 3
Given , y =-0.5x + 3 , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = -0.5(0) + 3 = 3 . co-ordinates are (0 , 3)
if x = 1 , then y = -0.5(1) + 3= 2.5 . co-ordinates are (1 , 2.5)
if x = 2 , then y = -0.5(2) + 3 = 4 , co-ordinates are (2 , 4)
if x = 3 , then y = -0.5(3) + 3 = 4.5  , co-ordinates are (3 , 4.5)
The co-ordinates (0 , 3) , (1 , 2.5) , (2 , 4) , (3 , 4.5)does not form a straight line .

Concepts, Skills, &Problem Solving

MATCHING DESCRIPTIONS WITH GRAPHS The graph shows your speed during a run. Match the verbal description with the part of the graph it describes. (See Exploration 1, p. 301.)
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 8
Question 6.
You run at a constant speed.
Answer: C

Because the line segment of the graph at point C show that the running speed is constant for a particular time ,
Thus forming a straight horizontal line.

Question 7.
You slow down at a constant rate.
Answer: D

Because the line segment of the graph at point D show that the running speed is decreasing at a constant rate for a particular time ,
Thus forming a straight steep line down the time axis.

Question 8.
You increase your speed at a constant rate.
Answer: A

Because the line segment of the graph at point A show that the running speed is increasing at a constant rate at a starting point of the race on time ,
Thus forming a slope in the graph.

Question 9.
You increase your speed at a faster and faster rate.
Answer: B

Because the line segment of the graph at point B show that the running speed is increasing at a faster rate after starting the race and maintaining a gradual growth of the speed and after reaching the next point speed is doubled from before ,
Thus forming a slope with a curve in the graph.

ANALYZING GRAPHS Describe the relationship between the two quantities.
Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 9
Answer: As the Time passes there will be increase in the volume.

The graph shows the relation between the volume and time of a Balloon , To fill up the balloon with air, with the inlet of air increases in volume and the time taken to fill the balloon with air is shown ,
The line segment starts at initial point stating the balloon at a no air state, then gradually increases with constant halts having constant volume at a particular time and vice versa.

So, As the Time passes there will be increase in the volume.

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 10
Answer: As the times passes Dollars are maintaining imbalance.

The relationship between the time and dollars is given in the graph, As we all know money is never ever constant with time , As if it only increases or decreases or having both simultaneously , in this graph the line segment is having a steep and at some point of time it is maintaining a slight growth constantly with the time.

So, As the times passes Dollars are maintaining imbalance.

Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 11
Answer: An engine power is directly proportional to the engine speed and its horse power

The relationship between the engine speed and horse power is given in the graph, Generally every automobile is is defined as the best for its horse power which is the heart of the engine and it highlights the speed of the vehicle, Here engine power is defined by the horse power and the engine speed the line segment is having a curve increment in the horse power due to the increase in engine speed.

So, An engine power is directly proportional to the engine speed and its horse power

Question 13.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 12
Answer: As time increases the process of grams decaying will be faster.

The relationship between grams and time is given in the graph, its obvious that every product has its own expiry date, and if it crosses that its starts to decay, the graph implies that with the increase time the quality of the gram decreases or grams start to decay . The line segment in the graph shows that the gradually decrease indicating the spoiling rate of the grams  with rate of change of time.

So, As time increases the process of grams decaying will be faster.

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 13
Answer: At the particular intervals of time hair growth has stopped and at regular intervals again starts growing with respect to the time.

The graph shows the relationship between the length of the hair and time taken to the growth of the hair, of course hair growth is not constant every time, here we have the graph with the line segment  not constant and having breaks at the times of interval.

So, At the particular intervals of time hair growth has stopped and at regular intervals again starts growing with respect to the time.

Question 15.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 14
Answer: In a period of time the balance will be reduced gradually at regular intervals maintaining a constant balance to clear the loan.

The relationship between the balance of the loan with the time period of the loan to be cleared, The loan should be cleared in the time limit and should maintain a neat balance, every increase in time period the balance is debited from the loan , there will be decrease in the balance and gaps are occurred in the graph.

so, In a period of time the balance will be reduced gradually at regular intervals maintaining a constant balance to clear the loan.

Question 16.
Write an explanation for the relationship shown in the graph in Exercise 10.
Answer: The graph shows the relation between the volume and time of a Balloon , To fill up the balloon with air, with the inlet of air increases in volume and the time taken to fill the balloon with air is shown ,
The line segment starts at initial point stating the balloon at a no air state, then gradually increases with constant halts having constant volume at a particular time and vice versa.

Question 17.
The graph shows the natural gas usage for a house.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 15
a. Describe the change in usage from January to March.
b. Describe the change in usage from March to May.
Answer: a. The change in usage from January to March, As shown in the graph the usage is at peaks in the month of January and started to decrease after that month and continuing to decrease in the month of March.
b.  The change in usage from March to May, As shown in the graph the usage is continuing to decrease in the month of March and started to increase again in the month of May and maintaining to use highly from the month of May.

a. The change in usage from January to March, As shown in the graph the usage is at peaks in the month of January and started to decrease after that month and continuing to decrease in the month of March.

b.  The change in usage from March to May, As shown in the graph the usage is continuing to decrease in the month of March and started to increase again in the month of May and maintaining to use highly from the month of May.

SKETCHING GRAPHS Sketch a graph that represents the situation.
Question 18.
The value of a television decreases at a constant rate, and then remains constant.
Answer: The graph is

Draw the axis and label the x- axis as time and y- axis as value, then sketch the graph,
The value of the television decreases at a constant rate: line segment starts to decrease at a constant rate,
And then remains constant, after reaching a certain value : line segment becomes parallel to horizontal axis.

Question 19.
The distance from the ground changes as your friend swings on a swing.
Answer: The graph is

Your friend starts close to the ground and then swings up. Then she falls back down close to the ground again and swings back . When she swings back, she gets higher than when she was swinging forward, she then starts to swing forward again getting close to the ground and then going up even higher than when she was swinging backward, she continues to getting higher and higher every time she swings forwards and backwards,

Question 20.
The value of a rare coin increases at a faster and faster rate.
Answer: The graph is

Draw the Axis and label them as x-axis as time and y – axis as distance,
The value of a rare coin increases at a faster and faster rate , so the curve moves upwards at an increasing rate.

Question 21.
You are typing at a constant rate. You pause to think about your next paragraph and then you resume typing at the same constant rate.
Answer: The graph is

A constant rate means that portion of the graph is linear , pausing means the number of words stays constant, typing again at the same constant rate means the last piece of the graph is linear again with the same slope as the first portion of the graph.

Question 22.
The graph shows the speed of an object over time.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 16
a. Sketch a graph that shows the distance traveled by the object over time.
b. Describe a possible situation represented by the graphs.
Answer: a. The distance and time are directly proportional to each other.
b. As time passes the speed and time are relatively balancing each other in the graph.

a. The graph is 
In this graph the relationship between distance and time is shown, for example , let the object be a bike, the time taken to reach the destination for the bike is directly proportional to the distance travelled , So as time passes the distance is gradually increasing from the starting point.

So, the distance and time are directly proportional to each other.

b. Th graph shown , is the relationship between the speed and the time , let the object moving be Train,
it is running between the station so it has to be halted in the stations to be listed in the stoppings , So the line segment is started with a constant speed with the time and again at the time interval dropping the speed with respect to time it has maintaining the same speed .

So, As time passes the speed and time are relatively balancing each other in the graph.

Question 23.
The graph shows the average scores of two bowlers from the start of a season to the end of the season.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 17
a. Describe each bowler’s performance.
b. Who had a greater average score most of the season? Who had a greater average score at the end of the season?
c. Write an explanation for the change in each bowler’s average score throughout the bowling season.
Answer: All the answers are explained below

a.  Bowler A : As the graph represent the relationship between the score and the week, bowler A has started with the good take off and having able to grasp the same energy his performance on the goals are increasing rapidly over the week and had the good score than Bowler B.

Bowler B : As the graph represent the relationship between the score and the week, bowler B has started with the good take off but as the time passes the performance of the  bowler is has been intended to decrease his scores gradually over the week.

b.  Bowler A and Bowler B had a greater average score most of the season, but Bowler A had a greater average score at the end of the season

c. Bowler A has the same energy his performance on the goals are increasing rapidly over the week and had the good score than Bowler B. so it has a smaller change in average’s score in the bowling season .
While Bowler B has good take off but as the time passes the performance of the  bowler is has been intended to decrease his scores gradually over the week. so he has a drastic change in average’s score in the bowling season .

Question 24.
You can use a supply and demand model to understand how the price of a product changes in a market. The supply curve of a particular product represents the quantity suppliers will produce at various prices. The demand curve for the product represents the quantity consumers are willing to buy at various prices.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions 7.5 18

a. Describe and interpret each curve.
b. Which part of the graph represents a surplus? Explain your reasoning.
c. The curves intersect at the equilibrium point, which is where the quantity produced equals the quantity demanded. Suppose that demand for a product suddenly increases, causing the entire demand curve to shift to the right. What happens to the equilibrium point?
Answer:  All of them are explained below .

a. The supply curve of a particular product represents the quantity suppliers will produce at various prices, As shown in the graph, the relationship between the price and quantity is given , so if prices increases gradually Quantity increases .
The demand curve for the product represents the quantity consumers are willing to buy at various prices, As shown in the graph, the relationship between the price and quantity is given , so if prices decreases with increase in Quantity .

b. The graph does not implies any surplus because each demand and supply is given by their respective curve over the prices and quantity

c. As shown in the graph, The curves intersect at the equilibrium point, which is where the quantity produced equals the quantity demanded. Given, that demand for a product suddenly increases, causing the entire demand curve to shift to the right. Then the equilibrium point will be pointed where the two curves meet after the change in the demand graph so change in the supply graph is also possible.

Functions Connecting Concepts

Using the Problem-Solving Plan
Question 1.
The table shows the lengths x (in inches) and weights y(in pounds) of several infants born at a hospital. Determine whether weight is a function of length. Then estimate the weight of an infant that is 20 inches long.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cc 1
Understand the problem.
You know the lengths and weights of several infants. You are asked to determine whether weight is a function of length and to estimate the weight of a 20-inch-long infant.

Make a plan.
Determine whether any of the lengths are paired with more than one weight. Then use a graphing calculator to find an equation that represents the data. Evaluate the equation when x = 20 to estimate the weight of a 20-inch-long infant.

Solve and check.
Use the plan to solve the problem. Then check your solution.
Answer: Weight is the function of the length

From the table we have , Each length has only one weight , so weight is a function of length.
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (19.3 , 7.3) and (18.9 , 6.5)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (6.5 – 7.3) / (18.9 – 19.3)
m = 0.2
substitute the slope in the (19.3 , 7.3) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 7.3 = 0.2 ( x – 19.3)
y – 7.3 = 0.2x – 3.86
y = 0.2x – 3.86 + 7.3
y = 0.2x + 3.4
So ,  y = 0.2x + 3.4 is linear function.

For x = 20 ,
y = 0.2 (20) + 3.4
y = 4 + 3.4
y = 7.4

So, The weight of an infant that is 20 inches long. is 7.4.

Question 2.
Each mapping diagram represents a linear function. At what point do the graphs of the functions intersect? Justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cc 2
Answer:  The point of intersection is (-1, -4)

Function 1 – Ordered pairs are ( -8 , 24 ) , ( -3 , 4 ) , ( -1 , -4 ) , ( 1 , -12) .
Function 2 – Ordered pairs are ( 6 , 17 ) , ( 10 , 29 ) , ( 13 , 38 ) , ( 15 , 44 ) .
Graph the points we get, So, The point of intersection is (-1,-4).

Performance Task

Heat Index
At the beginning of this chapter, you watched a STEAM Video called “Apparent Temperature.” You are now ready to complete the performance task related to this video, available at BigIdeasMath.com. Be sure to use the problem-solving plan as you work through the performance task.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cc 3

Functions Chapter Review

Review Vocabulary

Write the definition and give an example of each vocabulary term.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 1
Input: Ordered pairs can be used to show inputs and outputs , inputs are represented by x

Output: Ordered pairs can be used to show inputs and outputs , Outputs are represented by y

Relation: A relation pairs inputs with outputs

Mapping diagram: A relation can be represented by ordered pairs or mapping diagrams.

Function: The relation that pairs each input with exactly one output is a function.

Function rule: it is an equation, that describes the relationship between inputs(independent variables) and outputs(dependent variables).

Linear function: A linear function is a function whose graph is a straight line i.e., non vertical line . A linear can be written in the form y = mx + c , where m is the slope and c is the y intercept

Non linear function: The graph of a linear function shows a constant rate of change, A non linear function does not have a constant rate of change, So its graph is a not a line.

Graphic Organizers
You can use an Example and Non-Example Chart to list examples and non-examples of a concept. Here is an Example and Non-Example Chart for functions.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 2

Choose and complete a graphic organizer to help you study the concept.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 3
1. linear functions
2. nonlinear functions
3. linear functions with positive slope
4. linear functions with negative slope

Answer: 1. linear functions

Chapter Self-Assessment

As you complete the exercises, use the scale below to rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 4

7.1 Relations and Functions (pp. 275–280)
Learning Target: Understand the concept of a function.

List the ordered pairs shown in the mapping diagram. Then determine whether the relation is a function.
Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 5
Answer: The ordered pairs are ( 1 , -4 ) , ( 3 , 6 ) , ( 5 , 0 ) , ( 7 , 6 ) , ( 7 , 8 ) and The relation is not a function .

As shown , The ordered pairs are ( 1 , -4 ) , ( 3 , 6 ) , ( 5 , 0 ) , ( 7 , 6 ) , ( 7 , 8 ) .
The input 7 has more than one output,
So, The relation is not a function .

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 6
Answer: ordered pairs are ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 1 , 10 ) , ( 2 , 5 ) , ( 3 , 15 ) and The relation is a function .

As shown , The ordered pairs are ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 1 , 10 ) , ( 2 , 5 ) , ( 3 , 15 ).
Each input has exactly one output ,
So, The relation is a function .

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 7
Answer: The ordered pairs are ( -1 , 0 ) , ( -1 , 1 ) , ( 0 , 1 ) , ( 1 , 2 ), ( 3 ,3 ) and The relation is not a function

As shown , The ordered pairs are ( -1 , 0 ) , ( -1 , 1 ) , ( 0 , 1 ) , ( 1 , 2 ), ( 3 ,3 ) .
The input -1 has more than one output ,
So, The relation is not a function .

Question 4.
For ordered pairs that represent relations, which coordinate represents the input? the output?
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 8
Answer: x coordinate is the input and y coordinate is the output

Ordered pairs from the given graph are ( 2 , 7 ) , ( 3 , 7 ) , ( 4 , 5 ) , ( 5 , 5 ) , ( 6 , 3 ) .
So , x coordinate is the input and y coordinate is the output

Question 5.
Draw a mapping diagram that represents the relation shown in the graph. Then determine whether the relation is a function. Explain.

The mapping diagram is
each input has more than one output
So, relation is not a function.

Question 6.
The mapping diagram represents the lengths (in centimeters) of a rubber band when different amounts of force (in Newtons) are applied.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 9
a. Is the length of a rubber band a function of the force applied to the rubber band?
b. Describe the relationship between the length of a rubber band and the force applied to the rubber band.
Answer:  a. Yes
b. For every increase in 0.7 in input there is an increment of 2 in output.

a. The ordered pairs are  ( 0 , 5 ) , ( 0.7 , 7 ) , ( 1.4 , 9 ) , ( 2.1 , 11 )
Each input has exactly one output
So, the length of a rubber band a function of the force applied to the rubber band.

b. For every increase in 0.7 in input there is an increment of 2 in output.

7.2 Representations of Functions (pp. 281–288)
Learning Target: Represent functions in a variety of ways.

Write a function rule for the statement.
Question 7.
The output is two less than the input.
Answer: y = x – 2

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is two less than the input, will be
y = x – 2

Question 8.
The output is two more than one-fourth of the input.
Answer: y = \(\frac{x}{4}\) + 2

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is two more than one-fourth of the input, will be
y = \(\frac{x}{4}\) + 2

Find the value of y for the given value of x.
Question 9.
y = 2x – 3; x = – 4
Answer: y = -8

Given, y = 2x
substitute x = -4 , we get
y = 2(-4)
y = -8.

Question 10.
y = 2 – 9x ; x = \(\frac{2}{3}\)
Answer: y = – 3.4

Given , y = 2 – 9x
substitute x = \(\frac{2}{3}\) , we get
y = 2 – 9 (0.6)
y = 2 – 5.4
y = – 3.4

Question 11.
y = \(\frac{x}{3}\) + 5; x = 6
Answer: y = 7.

Given, y = \(\frac{x}{3}\) + 5
substitute x = 6 , we get
y = \(\frac{6}{3}\) + 5
y = 2 + 5
y = 7.

Graph the function.
Question 12.
y = x + 3
Answer: The graph is

Given , y = x + 3  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 0 + 3 = 3 . co-ordinates are (0 , 4)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 + 3  = 4 . co-ordinates are (1 , 5)
if x = 2 , then y = 2 + 3 = 5 , co-ordinates are (2 , 6)
if x = 3 , then y = 3 + 3 = 6 , co-ordinates are (3 , 7)
The co-ordinates (0 , 3) , (1 , 4) , (2 , 5) , (3 , 6) form a straight line .

Question 13.
y = – 5x
Answer: The graph is

Given , y = – 5x  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =- 5(0) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = – 5(1)  = – 5 . co-ordinates are (1 , – 5)
if x = 2 , then y = – 5(2) = -10 , co-ordinates are (2 , -10)
if x = 3 , then y =- 5(3) = -15 , co-ordinates are (3 , -15)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , -5) , (2 , -10) , (3 , -15) form a straight line .

Question 14.
y = 3 – 3x
Answer: The graph is

Given , y =3 – 3x , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 3 – 3(0) = 3 . co-ordinates are (0 , 3)
if x = 1 , then y = 3 – 3(1)  = 0 . co-ordinates are (1 , 0)
if x = 2 , then y = 3 – 3(2) = – 3 , co-ordinates are (2 , – 3)
if x = 3 , then y =3 – 3(3) = – 6 , co-ordinates are (3 , – 6)
The co-ordinates (0 , 3) , (1 , 0) , (2 , – 3) , (3 , – 6) form a straight line .

Question 15.
An online music store sells songs for $0.90 each.
a. Write a function that you can use to find the cost of buying songs.
b. What is the cost of buying 5 songs?
Answer: a. C = 0.90s
b. $4.5

a. The total cost is equal to the cost of each song times the number of songs, if each song is $0.90,
Then the total cost C of s songs is C = 0.90s.

b. Substituting s= 5 in C = 0.90s we get,
C = 0.90(5) = 4.5.
So, cost of 5 songs is $4.5.

7.3 Linear Functions (pp. 289–294)
Learning Target: Use functions to model linear relationships.

Use the graph or table to write a linear function that relates y to x.
Question 16.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 16
Answer: The linear function is y = \(\frac{1}{3}\)x + 3.

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (3 , 4) , (0 , 3 ) , (-3 , 2) , ( -6, 1 )
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 ,3) and (-3, 2)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (2 – 3) / (-3 – 0)
m = -1 / -3 .
m = 1/3 .
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 3 ) , The y intercept is 3.
So , the linear function is y = \(\frac{1}{3}\)x + 3.

Question 17.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 17
Answer: The linear function is y = −(0)x -7.

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (-2 , -7) , (0 , -7 ) , (2 , -7) , ( 4 , -7 )
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 ,-7) and (2, -7)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (-7 – (-7)) / (2 – 0)
m = 0 .
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, -7 ) , The y intercept is -7.
So , the linear function is y = −(0)x -7.

Question 18.
The table shows the age x (in weeks) of a puppy and its weight y (in pounds).
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 18
a. Write and graph a linear function that relates y to x.
b. Interpret the slope and the y-intercept.
c. After how many weeks will the puppy weigh 33 pounds?
Answer: a. y = \(\frac{3}{2}\)x + 3
b. 3 pounds
c. Age is 20 weeks

a. In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (6 , 12) , (8 , 15 ) , (10 , 18) , ( 12 , 21 )
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points ((6 ,12) and (8 , 15)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (15 – 12) / (8 – 6)
m = 3/2 .
substitute the slope in the (6 ,12) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 12 = 3/2 ( x – 6)
2(y – 12) = 3(x – 6)
2y – 24 = 3x – 18
2y = 3x – 18 + 24
2y  = 3x + 6
So ,  2y  = 3x + 6 or y = \(\frac{3}{2}\)x + 3 is linear function.

b. The slope measures the rate of change of weight due to change in weeks, Here the slope of 3/2 means that as one week passes, weight of the puppy increases by 3/2 pounds.
y intercept measures the weight of the puppy, when it was born which is 3 pounds in this case measured by c.

c. put y = 33,
33 = \(\frac3}{2}\)x + 3
30 = \(\frac{3}{2}\)x
30 × 2 = 3x
x = 60/3
x = 20.
So, Age is 20 weeks.

7.4 Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Functions (pp. 295–300)
Learning Target: Understand differences between linear and nonlinear functions.

Does the table represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Question 19.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 19
Answer: y = 3x – 8 is linear function.

Ordered pairs are (3 , 1 ) , (6 , 10) , (9 , 19) , (12 , 28)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (3 , 1 ) and (6 , 10)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (10 – 1) / (6– 3)
m = 9/3
m = 3
substitute the slope in the (3 , 1) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 1 = 3 ( x – 3)
y – 1 = 3x – 9
y = 3x – 9 + 1
y = 3x – 8
So ,  y = 3x – 8 is linear function.

Question 20.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 20
Answer: y = -x + 4 is linear function.

Ordered pairs are (1 , 3 ) , (3 , 1) , (5 , 1) , (7 , 3)
Plot the points in the table , Draw a line through the points
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (1 , 3 ) and (3 , 1)
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (1 – 3) / (3– 1)
m = -2/2
m = -1
substitute the slope in the (1 , 3) to get point slope to form a line.
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 3 = -1 ( x – 1)
y – 3 = -x + 1
y = -x + 1 + 3
y = -x + 4
So ,  y = -x + 4 is linear function.

Question 21.
Does the graph represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 21
Answer: The graph represent a non linear function.

As shown in the graph linear function represents a  straight line to which not happened here,
So , the graph is non linear function

Question 22.
Does the equation y = 2.3x represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Answer: y = 2.3x is a linear function.

Given , y = 2.3x  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y = 2.3(0) = 0 . co-ordinates are (0 , 0)
if x = 1 , then y = 2.3(1) = 2.3 . co-ordinates are (1 , 2.3)
if x = 2 , then y = 2.3(2) = 4.6 , co-ordinates are (2 , 4.6)
The co-ordinates (0 , 0) , (1 , 2.3) , (2 , 4.6) form a straight line .
Each x input has only one y output so it is a function .
And it  forms a straight line when graphed .
So, y = 2.3x is a linear function.

7.5 Analyzing and Sketching Graphs (pp. 301–306)
Learning Target: Use graphs of functions to describe relationships between quantities.

Question 23.
Describe the relationship between the two quantities in the graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 23
Answer: At certain point of time, line segment is increased with respect to time and maintained a constant change and again dropped gradually with the increase in time.

The relationship between the graph is population and time ,
At certain point of time, line segment is increased with respect to time and maintained a constant change and again dropped gradually with the increase in time.
So, the city population is not constant at all the time.

Sketch a graph that represents the situation.
Question 24.
You climb a climbing wall. You climb halfway up the wall at a constant rate, then stop and take a break. You then climb to the top of the wall at a greater constant rate.
Answer: The graph is 

You start climbing a wall at a constant rate so the first portion of the graph needs to be linear with a positive slope, you then take a break which means your height is constant so the second part of the graph needs to be a horizontal line, you then start climbing again at a constant rate, so the last part of the graph needs to be linear with a positive slope.

Question 25.
The price of a stock increases at a constant rate for several months before the stock market crashes. The price then quickly decreases at a constant rate.
Answer: The graph is

The stock price is increasing at a constant rate so the first part of the graph needs to be linear with positive slope, Then price begins to drop quickly so the second part of the graph needs to be linear with a steep negative slope.

Question 26.
The graph shows the sales of two companies during a particular year.
Big Ideas Math Answers 8th Grade Chapter 7 Functions cr 26
a. Describe the sales of each company.
b. Which company has greater total sales for the year?
c. Give a possible explanation for the change in each company’s sales throughout the year.
Answer: All The explanation is given below

a. Company A – The sales of the company is increasing at a constant rate so the first part of the graph needs to be linear with positive slope, and decreasing with a slight negative steep and again increasing at a constant rate increasing the sales of the company

Company B – The sales of the company is increasing at a constant rate so the first part of the graph needs to be increase in curve with a slight decrease in the graph leading to decrease in sales and vise versa.

b. Company A has the greater total sales for the year compared to Company B, with maintaining the sales up to the mark without losses.

c. The change in each company’s sales throughout the year,  Company A – The sales of the company is increasing at a constant rate so the first part of the graph needs to be linear with positive slope,
Company B – The sales of the company is increasing at a constant rate so the first part of the graph needs to be increase in curve with a slight decrease in the graph leading to decrease in sales

Functions Practice Test

Question 1.
List the ordered pairs shown in the mapping diagram. Then determine whether the relation is a function.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions pt 1
Answer: The relation is a function

As shown , Ordered pairs are the combinations of input and output
So , Ordered pairs are ( 2 , 9 ) , ( 4 , 9 ) , ( 6 , 10 ) , ( 8 , 11 ) .
Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function .

Question 2.
Draw a mapping diagram that represents the relation. Then determine whether the relation is a function. Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions pt 2
Answer: The mapping diagram is

Ordered pairs from the given graph are ( -3 , 5 ) , ( -1 , 1 ) , ( -1 , 3 ) , ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 3 , 4 ) .
Each input has exactly one output ,
So , The relation is a function .

Question 3.
Write a function rule for “The output is twice the input.”
Answer: y = 2x

Let us say x is input and y is output , then
The output is twice the input. will be
y = 2x

Question 4.
Graph the function y = 1 – 3x.
Answer: The graph is

Given , y = 1 – 3x  , we know y = mx + c , where m = slope , c = constant
To obtain the graph , we should have ordered pairs ,
So , if x = 0 , then y =1 – 3(0) = 1 . co-ordinates are (0 , 1)
if x = 1 , then y = 1 – 3(1)  = -2 . co-ordinates are (1 , -2)
if x = 2 , then y = 1 – 3(2) = -5 , co-ordinates are (2 , -5)
if x = 3 , then y =1 – 3(3) = -8 , co-ordinates are (3 , -8)
The co-ordinates (0 , 1) , (1 , -2) , (2 , -5) , (3 , -8) form a straight line .

Question 5.
Use the graph to write a linear function that relates y to x.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions pt 5
Answer: The linear function is y = 0.5x – 1

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (-4 , -3) , (-2 , -2 ) , (0 , -1) , ( 2 , 0 )
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 , -1) and ( 2 , 0 )
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (0 – (-1)) / (2 – 0)
m = 1 / 2 .
m = 0.5 .
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, -1 ) , The y intercept is -1.
So , the linear function is y = 0.5x – 1 .

Question 6.
Does the table represent a linear or nonlinear function? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions pt 6
Answer: The linear function is y = −4x + 8

In order to write the function we have to write the ordered pairs of the graph ,
Ordered pairs are  (0 , 8) , (2 , 0 ) , (4 , -8) , ( 6 , -16 )
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (0 , 8) and (2 , 0 )
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (0 – 8) / (2 – 0)
m = -4
Because the line crosses the y axis at ( 0, 8 ) , The y intercept is 8.
So , the linear function is y = −4x + 8.

Question 7.
The table shows the number of y meters a water-skier travels in x minutes.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions pt 7
a. Write a function that relates y to x.
b. Graph the linear function.
c. At this rate, how many kilometers will the water-skier travel in 12 minutes?
d. Another water-skier travels at the same rate but starts a minute after the first water-skier. Will this water-skier catch up to the first water-skier? Explain.
Answer: All the answers are given below

Ordered pairs are  (1 , 600) , (2 , 1200 ) , (3 , 1800) , ( 4 , 2400 ) , (5 , 3000)
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points(1 , 600) and (2 , 1200 )
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (1200 – 600) / (2 – 1)
m = 600
So, the line is of the form y = 600x + c
put x= 3 and y = 1800 in the above equation we get,
1800 = 600(3) + c
c = 1800 – 1800
c = 0.
So, The line is y = 600x.

b. The graph is

c. put x = 12 in y = 600x
y = 600(12)
y = 7200
7200 meters, i.e., 7.2km

d. Another water skier travels at the same rate but starts a minute after the first water skier, Since both are travelling at the same rate , the water skier who was late will always be behind the first water skier.

Question 8.
The graph shows the prices of two stocks during one day.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions pt 8
a. Describe the changes in the price of each stock.
b. Which stock has a greater price at the end of the day?
c. Give a possible explanation for the change in the price of Stock B throughout the day.
Answer: Detailed Explanation is given below.

a. The changes in the price of each stock is Stock A has the constant increase in stock for a particular time and maintains a constant price forming a straight line in the graph, and again decreasing with a negative slope and vise versa, while Stock B is having steep negative slope that is decreasing in the prices with the time and having a constant horizontal line. and having a positive increase in the slope and same repeats again.

b. stock B has a greater price at the end of the day, having a positive increase in the slope

c. The change in the price of Stock B throughout the day, is having steep negative slope that is decreasing in the prices with the time and having a constant horizontal line. and having a positive increase in the slope and same repeats again, compared to stock A .

Question 9.
You are competing in a footrace. You begin the race by increasing your speed at a constant rate. You then run at a constant speed until you get a cramp and have to stop. You wait until your cramp goes away before you start increasing your speed again at a constant rate. Sketch a graph that represents the situation.
Answer: The graph is

You begin the race by increasing your speed at a constant rate so the first portion of the graph needs to be linear with a positive slope , you then run at a constant speed so the next portion of the graph needs to be horizontal line , you then stop and take a break , so your speed is zero, which means the next portion of the line needs to be
horizontal line on the x axis , you then increase your speed again at a constant rate sop that the last portion of the graph needs to be linear with a positive slope

Functions Cumulative Practice

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 1
Question 1.
What is the slope of the line?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 2
Answer: Not in the options but the answer is m = -4/3

Ordered pairs are  (-4 , 5) , (1 , -3 ),
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (-3 – 5) / (2 – (-4))
m = -8/6
m = -4/3.

Question 2.
Which value of a makes the equation 24 = \(\frac{a}{3}\) – 9 true?
F. 5
G. 11
H. 45
I. 99
Answer: I. 99

Substitute a = 99 , in the given equation we get,
24 = \(\frac{a}{3}\) – 9
24 = \(\frac{99}{3}\) – 9
24 = 33 – 9
24 = 24.
So, last option is the correct answer.

Question 3.
A mapping diagram is shown.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 3
What number belongs in the box so that the equation describes the function represented by the mapping diagram?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 5
Answer: m = 7 , y = 7x + 5

Ordered pairs are  (4 , 33) , (7 , 54 ), (10 , 75) , (13 , 96 ),
First find the slope m of the line containing the two given points (4 , 33) and (7 , 54 )
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
m= (54 – 33) / (7 – 4)
m = 21/3
m = 7.
So, y = 7x + 5

Question 4.
What is the solution of the system of linear equations?
3x + 2y = 5
x = y + 5
A. (3, – 2)
B. (- 2, 3)
C. (- 1, 4)
D. (1, – 4)
Answer: A. (3, – 2)

Given 3x + 2y = 5
Then substitute , x = y + 5 in the above equation
3( y + 5) + 2y = 5
3y + 15 + 2y = 5
5y + 15 = 5
5( y + 3) = 5
y + 3 = 1
y = 1 – 3
y = -2,
substitute y = -2 in x = y + 5 then
x = 3
So, (3 , -2)

Question 5.
The director of a research lab wants to present data to donors. The data show how the lab uses a large amount of donated money for research and only a small amount of money for other expenses. Which type of display best represents these data?
F. box-and-whisker plot
G. circle graph
H. line graph
I. scatter plot
Answer: I. scatter plot

Scatter plot is the best graph for this type of data where vertical axis will show the amount of money and Horizontal axis will show research and other expenses.

Question 6.
Which graph shows a nonlinear function?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 6
Answer: option B

As all the other options are representing the linear function that is forming a straight line  expect for option B , it is representing a non linear equation.

Question 7.
Which equation of a line passes through the point (—2, 3) and has a slope of \(\frac{3}{4}\)?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 7
Answer:  F. y – 3 = \(\frac{3}{4}\)(x + 2)

Given, y – 3 = \(\frac{3}{4}\)(x + 2)
it is in the form of y = mx + c
so, slope m = \(\frac{3}{4}\)
Substitute the given points in this equation that is x = -2 and y = 3
3 – 3 = \(\frac{3}{4}\)(-2 + 2)
0 = 0.
So, F is the correct option.

Question 8.
The tables show the sales (in millions of dollars) for two companies over a five-year period.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 8
Part A Does the first table show a linear function? Explain your reasoning.
Part B Does the second table show a linear function? Explain your reasoning.
Answer: Part A, the first table shows a linear function,
Part B the second table shows a linear function.

Part A – ordered pairs are (1 , 2) , (2 , 4) , (3 , 6) , (4 , 8) , (5 , 10)
Each input has exactly one output and forms a straight line when graphed
So, it is a linear function.

Part B – ordered pairs are (1 , 1) , (2 , 1) , (3 , 2) , (4 , 3) , (5 , 5)
Each input has exactly one output and does not form a straight line when graphed
So, it is a linear function.

Question 9.
The equations y = – x + 4 and y = \(\frac{1}{2}\)x – 8 form a system of linear equations. The table shows the values of y for given values of x.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 9
What can you conclude from the table?
A. The system has one solution, when x = 0.
B. The system has one solution, when x = 4.
C. The system has one solution, when x = 8.
D. The system has no solution.
Answer: C. The system has one solution, when x = 8.

Given , y = – x + 4 and y = \(\frac{1}{2}\)x – 8
for x = 8 we have
y = -8 + 4 = -4
y = 0.5(8) – 8 = 4 – 8 = -4
Both the equations have one solution for x = 8
So, The system has one solution, when x = 8.

Question 10.
The vertices of a triangle are A (- 1, 3), B (1, 2), and C (- 1, – 1). Dilate the triangle using a scale factor of 2. What is the y-coordinate of the image of B?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 8 Chapter 7 Functions cp 10
Answer: The New right angle triangle is larger than the original one So , its a increase .

Given , (- 1, 3),  ( 1, 2 ),  (- 1, -1) these pairs form a right angle triangle
K = 2 , For the dilation figure multiply the 3 with the given ordered pairs , then
(- 1, 3) × 2 = ( -2 , 6)
( 1, 2) × 2 = ( 2 , 4)
(- 1, -1) × 2 = (-2 , -2)
From these new ordered pairs we form a new  right angle triangle

The New right angle triangle is larger than the original one So , its a increase .


Improve your performance in maths with the help of Big Ideas Math Book 8th Grade Answer Key Chapter 7 Functions. Test yourself by solving the questions given at the end of the chapter. It also helps the students to have the real life calculation go very smoothly and neat defining their quick responses to daily life tasks. Students who are facing issues with math can be at ease now.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents

Big Ideas Math Book 7th Grade Answer Key Chapter 6 Percents is on the line to help students who are willing to be perfect in their Math skills and also to the parents guiding their children to have a best score in examinations. This chapter Percent have conceptualized lessons on Discounts , Simple interest , all along with the subject knowledge, which will also be useful to check whether their Practical skills are intact . Get started to stop those hurdling times to studying hard to grasping the solutions by learning these methods of solving modern math problem in an effective way from Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents.

Big Ideas Math Book 7th Grade Answer Key Chapter 6 Percents

Students who are facing difficulties in solving Math problems can at ease now! Big ideas Math Book 7th Grade Answer key  Chapter 6 percents  gives the most accurate answers to all the questions you have related to this chapter . It contains different methods of solving each question in a easy way to perform in their exams .This chapter deals with percents , decimals and fractions , It also helps the students to have the real life calculation to go very smooth and neat defining their quick responses to daily life tasks .

STEAM Video/Performance Task

Getting Ready for Chapter 6

Lesson 1 : Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Lesson 2 : The Percent Proportion

Lesson 3 : The Percent Equation

Lesson 4 : Percents of Increase and Decrease

Lesson 5 : Discounts and Markups

Lesson 6 : Simple Interest

Percents Connecting Concepts

STEAM Video/Performance Task


More tornadoes occur each year in the United States than in any other country. How can you use a percent to describe the portion of tornadoes in the United States that occur in your state?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 1
Watch the STEAM Video “Tornado!” Then answer the following questions.
1. The map below shows the average annual number of tornadoes in each state. Which regions have the most tornadoes? the fewest tornadoes?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 2
2. Robert says that only Alaska, Hawaii, and Rhode Island average less than 1 tornado per year. What percent of states average more than 1 tornado per year?

Performance Task

Tornado Alley
After completing this chapter, you will be able to use the concepts you learned to answer the questions in the STEAM Video Performance Task. You will be given information about the average annual numbers of tornadoes in several states over a 25-year period. For example:
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 3
You will be asked to solve various percent problems about tornadoes. Why is it helpful to know the percent of tornadoes that occur in each state?

Getting Ready for Chapter 6

Chapter Exploration
Work with a partner. Write the percent of the model that is shaded. Then write the percent as a decimal.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 4

Answer : The Percent and decimal for the given models are
1. percent = 30%, decimal = 0.3
2. percent = 100%, decimal = 1
3. percent = 33%, decimal = 0.33
4. percent = 50%, decimal = 0.5
5. percent = 40%, decimal = 0.4
6. percent = 64%, decimal = 0.64
7. percent = 60%, decimal = 0.6

All the models given here are 10 by 10 grid forming a Square of 100 equal sections.
This entire square represents a whole and the shaded part is fraction.
Each of these shaded squares represents 1/100. So by using this data we have ,
1.    =
From the shaded part and the whole, we have the fraction of \(\frac{30}{100}\),
Then the percent will be \(\frac{30}{100}\) = 30%,
By rewriting it in decimal form we have 0.3

2.  =
From the shaded part and the whole, we have the fraction of \(\frac{100}{100}\),
Then the percent will be \(\frac{100}{100}\) = 100%,
By rewriting it in decimal form we have 1

3.  =
From the shaded part and the whole, we have the fraction of \(\frac{33}{100}\),
Then the percent will be \(\frac{33}{100}\) = 33%,
By rewriting it in decimal form we have 0.33

4.  =
From the shaded part and the whole, we have the fraction of \(\frac{50}{100}\),
Then the percent will be \(\frac{50}{100}\) = 50%,
By rewriting it in decimal form we have 0.5

5.  =
From the shaded part and the whole, we have the fraction of \(\frac{40}{100}\),
Then the percent will be \(\frac{40}{100}\) = 40%,
By rewriting it in decimal form we have 0.4

6.  =
From the shaded part and the whole, we have the fraction of \(\frac{64}{100}\),
Then the percent will be \(\frac{64}{100}\) = 64%,
By rewriting it in decimal form we have 0.64

7.  =
From the shaded part and the whole, we have the fraction of \(\frac{60}{100}\),
Then the percent will be \(\frac{60}{100}\) = 60%,
By rewriting it in decimal form we have 0.6

8. WRITE A PROCEDURE Work with a partner. Write a procedure for rewriting a percent as a decimal. Use examples to justify your procedure.

Let us say that the fraction be \(\frac{44}{100}\),
Then its percentage will be 44%,
To rewrite it as decimal, we divide 44 by 100 we get 0.44 (a decimal number). So, to convert from percent to decimal divide by 100 and remove the “%” sign.
We get 0.44 as decimal of 44%.

The following vocabulary terms are defined in this chapter. Think about what each term might mean and record your thoughts.
percent of change
percent of decrease
percent of increase
percent error

percent of change:
Percentage Change is all about comparing old values to new values.

percent of decrease:
percent of decrease is a measure of percent change, which is the extent to which something loses value. or
A negative percent of change indicates a decrease from the original value to the second value.

discount: A reduction of price  is known as discount .Sometimes discounts are in percent, such as a 10% discount, and then you need to do a calculation to find the price reduction.

percent of increase :
Percent increase is a measure of percent change, which is the extent to which something gains value. or
A positive percent of change indicates an increase from the original value to the second value.

percent error :
Percent error is the difference between estimated value and the actual value in comparison to the actual value and is expressed as a percentage.

Markup is all about how much a retailer increases the price over what they paid for it to buy the product or item in order to which is how they make money to pay for all their costs and hopefully make a profit.

Lesson 6.1 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents


Comparing Numbers in Different Forms
Work with a partner. Determine which number is greater. Explain your method.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 1
a. 7% sales tax is greater than 5% sales tax
b. 0.37 cup of flour is greater than 0.33 cup of flour
c. 0.625 inch wrench is greater than 0.375 inch wrench
d. 12.6 dollars are greater than 12.56 dollars
e. 5.83 fluid ounces is greater than 5.6 fluid ounces

a. 7% sales tax or \(\frac{1}{20}\) sales tax
By using the method of converting fraction into Percent and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{1}{20}\) as  0.05 in decimal form,
To get get the percent , multiply 100 to 0.05, then we get 5%.
So, \(\frac{1}{20}\) can be write as 5%,
Finally, by comparing two values 7% sales tax is greater than 5% sales tax

b. 0.37 cup of flour or \(\frac{1}{3}\) cup for flour
By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{1}{3}\) as  0.33 in decimal form
Finally, by comparing two values 0.37 cup of flour is greater than 0.33 cup of flour.

c. \(\frac{5}{8}\) inch wrench or 0.375 inch wrench
By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{5}{8}\) by dividing 5 by 8, we have  0.625 in decimal form
Finally, by comparing two values 0.625 inch wrench is greater than 0.375 inch wrench.

d. \(12\) \({\Large\frac{3}{5}}\) dollars or 12.56 dollars
By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite fraction\(\frac{63}{5}\) by dividing 63 by 5, we have 12.6 in decimal form
Finally, by comparing two values 12.6 dollars are greater than 12.56 dollars

e.  \(5\) \({\Large\frac{5}{6}}\) fluid ounces or 5.6 fluid ounces
By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite fraction \(\frac{35}{6}\)  by dividing 35 by 6, we have 5.83 in decimal form
Finally, by comparing two values 5.83 fluid ounces is greater than 5.6 fluid ounces



Work with a partner and follow the steps below.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 2

  • Write five different numbers on individual slips of paper. Include at least one decimal, one fraction, and one percent.
  • On a separate sheet of paper, create an answer key that shows your numbers written from least to greatest.
  • Exchange slips of paper with another group and race to order the numbers from least to greatest. Then exchange answer keys to check your orders.

Answer: 78%, 0.95, \(\frac{83}{45}\), 6, 21

Let the numbers be 6,  21, 0.95, \(\frac{83}{45}\), 78%
In order to put them in an ascending order we have to calculate the fraction, percent, decimal in their respective form, So Fraction \(\frac{83}{45}\) can be rewrite as 1.84 in decimal form
Then 78% can be rewrite as 0.78 in decimal form,
As we can see 0.78 is less than 0.95 , 0.95 is less than \(\frac{83}{45}\),\(\frac{83}{45}\) is less than 6, 6 is less than 21,
Finally, we have the ascending order as 78%, 0.95, \(\frac{83}{45}\), 6, 21.

Try It

Write the percent as a decimal or the decimal as a percent. Use a model to represent the number.
Question 1.
Answer: 0.39

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 39% in decimal form is 0.39

Question 2.
12. 6 %
Answer: 0.126

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 12.6% in decimal form is 0.126

Question 3.
Answer: 5%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.05 can be rewrite as 5%

Question 4.
Answer:  125%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 1.25 can be rewrite as 125%

Write the fraction as a decimal and a percent.
Question 5.
Answer: 0.625 or 62.5%

To get the percent or decimal from  fraction \(\frac{5}{8}\) we have to divide 5 by 8 ,
Then, we get 0.625,
To get the percent of 0.625 multiply by 100 , it will be 62.5%
So, \(\frac{5}{8}\) can be written as  0.625 or 62.5%

Question 6.
Answer: 0.166 or 16.6%

To get the percent or decimal from  fraction \(\frac{1}{6}\) we have to divide 1 by 6 ,
Then, we get 0.166,
To get the percent of 0.166 multiply by 100 , it will be 16.6%
So, \(\frac{1}{6}\) can be written as  0.166 or 16.6%

Question 7.
Answer:  3.66 or 366%

To get the percent or decimal from  fraction \(\frac{11}{3}\) we have to divide 11 by 3 ,
Then, we get 3.66,
To get the percent of 3.66 multiply by 100 , it will be 366%
So, \(\frac{11}{3}\) can be written as  3.66 or 366%

Question 8.
Answer: 0.003 or 0.3%

To get the percent or decimal from  fraction \(\frac{3}{1000}\) we have to divide 3 by 1000 ,
Then, we get 0.003,
To get the percent of 0.003 multiply by 100 , it will be 0.3%
So, \(\frac{3}{1000}\) can be written as  0.003 or 0.3%

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

CONVERTING BETWEEN PERCENTS AND DECIMALS Write the percent as a decimal or the decimal as a percent. Use a model to represent the number.
Question 9.
Answer: 0.46

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 46% in decimal form is 0.46

Question 10.
\(66 . \overline{6} \%\)
Answer: \(0 .66 \overline{6}\)

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, \(66 . \overline{6} \%\) in decimal form is \(0 .66 \overline{6}\)

Question 11.
Answer: 18%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.18 can be rewrite as 18%

Question 12.
\(2 . \overline{3}\)
Answer: \(233 . \overline{3} \%\)

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, \(2 . \overline{3}\) can be rewrite as \(233 . \overline{3} \%\)

WRITING FRACTIONS AS DECIMALS AND PERCENTS Write the fraction as a decimal and a percent.
Question 13.
Answer: decimal = 0.7, percent = 70%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{7}{10}\) as  0.7 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.7 can be rewrite as 70%
So, \(\frac{7}{10}\) in decimal = 0.7, percent = 70%

Question 14.
Answer: decimal = \(0 .\overline{5}\), percent = \(55 . \overline{5} \%\)

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{5}{9}\) as  \(0 .\overline{5}\) in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then \(0 .\overline{5}\) can be rewrite as \(55 . \overline{5} \%\)
So, \(\frac{5}{9}\) in decimal = \(0 .\overline{5}\), percent = \(55 . \overline{5} \%\)

Question 15.
Answer: decimal = 0.0035, percent = 0.35%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{7}{2000}\) as  0.0035 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.0035 can be rewrite as 0.35%
So, \(\frac{7}{2000}\) in decimal = 0.0035, percent = 0.35%

Question 16.
Answer: decimal = \(1.1 \overline{3}\) , percent = \(113 . \overline{3} \%\)

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{17}{15}\) as \(1.1 \overline{3}\) in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then \(1.1 \overline{3}\) can be rewrite as \(113 . \overline{3} \%\)
So, \(\frac{17}{15}\) in decimal = \(1.1 \overline{3}\), percent = \(113 . \overline{3} \%\)

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 17.
An astronaut spends 53% of the day working, 0.1 of the day eating, \(\frac{3}{10}\) of the day sleeping, and the rest of the day exercising. Order the events by duration from least to greatest. Justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 3
Answer:  An astronaut spends the day 7% by exercising, 10% by eating, 30% by sleeping, 53% by working.

An astronaut spends 53% of the day working,
0.1 of the day eating, in terms of percent we can write it as 10%,
\(\frac{3}{10}\) of the day sleeping, in decimals we ca rewrite as 0.3 and in percent it will be 30%,
Let us say that the whole day be 100% , The sum of the works he is doing in percent we get,
53% + 10% + 30% = 93%, and
Given that the rest of the day exercising, so 100% – 93% = 7%, A whole day is completed with these works.
To put them in Order the events by duration from least to greatest, we have , 7%, 10%, 30%, 53%.
An astronaut spends the day 7% by exercising, 10% by eating, 30% by sleeping, 53% by working.

Question 18.
A band plays one concert in Arizona, one concert in California, and one concert in Georgia. In California, the band earned \(\frac{3}{2}\) the profit that they earned in Arizona. Of the total profit earned by the band, 32% is earned in Arizona. How many times more money did the band earn at the most profitable concert than at the least profitable concert? Justify your answer.


Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Homework & Practice 6.1

Review & Refresh

Find the missing dimension. Use the scale 1 : 15.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 4
Answer: The model height of the Figure skater is 4.5inches and The Actual length of pipe is 75 feet .

Given , to use the scale oof 1 : 15 , Let the model height  be x
The model height of Figure skater is \(\frac{1}{15}\) = \(\frac{x}{67.5}\)
15x = 67.5
x = \(\frac{67.5}{15}\)
x = 4.5
So , The model height of the Figure skater is 4.5inches

Let the Actual length is y
The Actual length of pipe is \(\frac{1}{15}\) = \(\frac{5}{y}\)
y = 15 × 5 = 75
So , The Actual length of pipe is 75 feet .

Simplify the expression.
Question 3.
2(3p – 6) + 4p
Answer: p = 1.2

Let us say that whole expression is equal to 0
2(3p – 6) + 4p = 0
[2(3p) – 2(6)] + 4p = 0
6p – 12 + 4p = 0
10p – 12 = 0
p = 12/10 = 1.2
So, p = 1.2

Question 4.
5n – 3(4n + 1)
Answer: n = -0.42

Let us say that whole expression is equal to 0
5n – 3(4n + 1) = 0
5n – [ 3(4n) + 3(1) ] = 0
5n – 12n – 3 = 0
– 3 – 7n = 0
7n = – 3
n = -3/7 = -0.42
So, n = -0.42

Question 5.
What is the solution of 2n – 4 > – 12?
A. n < – 10
B. n < – 4
C. n > – 2
D. n > – 4
Answer:  D . n > -4

Given, 2n – 4 > – 12
add 4 in both sides,
2n – 4 + 4 > – 12 + 4
2n > – 8
divide both sides by 2
2n/2 > -8/2
n > – 4 .

Concepts, Skills, & Problem Solving
COMPARING NUMBERS IN DIFFERENT FORMS Determine which number is greater. Explain your method. (See Exploration 1, p. 235.)
Question 6.
4\(\frac{2}{5}\) tons or 4.3 tons
Answer: 4\(\frac{2}{5}\) tons is greater than 4.3 tons

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite fraction \(\frac{22}{5}\)  by dividing 22 by 5, we have 4.4 in decimal form
Finally, by comparing two values 4\(\frac{2}{5}\) tons is greater than 4.3 tons

Question 7.
82% success rate or \(\frac{5}{6}\) success rate
Answer: \(\frac{5}{6}\) success rate is greater than 82% success rate

By using the method of converting fraction into Percent and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{5}{6}\)  as  0.833 in decimal form,
To get get the percent , multiply 100 to 0.833, then we get 83.3%.
So, \(\frac{5}{6}\)  can be write as 83.3%,
Finally, by comparing two values \(\frac{5}{6}\) success rate is greater than 82% success rate

CONVERTING BETWEEN PERCENTS AND DECIMALS Write the percent as a decimal or the decimal as a percent. Use a model to represent the number.
Question 8.
Answer: 0.26

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 26% in decimal form is 0.26

Question 9.
Answer: 63%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.63 can be rewrite as 63%

Question 10.
Answer: 0.09

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 9% in decimal form is 0.09

Question 11.
Answer: 60%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.6 can be rewrite as 60%

Question 12.
Answer: 0.447

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 44.7% in decimal form is 0.447

Question 13.
Answer: 0.55

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 55% in decimal form is 0.55

Question 14.
\(39 . \overline{2} \%\)
Answer: \(0.39 \overline{2}\)

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, \(39 . \overline{2} \%\) in decimal form is \(0.39 \overline{2}\)

Question 15.
Answer: 355.4%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 3.554  can be rewrite as 355.4%

Question 16.
Answer: 1.23

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 123% in decimal form is 1.23

Question 17.
Answer: 4.1%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.041 can be rewrite as 4.1%

Question 18.
Answer: 12.2%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.122 can be rewrite as 12.2%

Question 19.
\(49 . \overline{92} \%\)
Answer: \(0.49 \overline{92}\)

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, \(49 . \overline{92} \%\) in decimal form is \(0.49 \overline{92}\)

Question 20.
Your friend writes \(49 . \overline{8} \%\) as a decimal. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 5
Answer: He wrote the decimal for \(4. \overline{8} \%\) instead of \(49 . \overline{8} \%\)

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, \(49 . \overline{8} \%\)  in decimal form is \(0.49 \overline{8}\)

WRITING FRACTIONS AS DECIMALS AND PERCENTS Write the fraction as a decimal and a percent.
Question 21.
Answer: decimal = 0.29, percent = 29%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{29}{100}\) as  0.29 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.29 can be rewrite as 29%
So, \(\frac{29}{100}\) in decimal = 0.29, percent = 29%

Question 22.
Answer: decimal = 0.75, percent = 75%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite\(\frac{3}{4}\) as  0.75 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.75 can be rewrite as 75%
So, \(\frac{3}{4}\) in decimal = 0.75, percent = 75%

Question 23.
Answer: decimal = 0.875, percent = 87.5%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{7}{8}\) as  0.875 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.875 can be rewrite as 87.5%
So, \(\frac{7}{8}\) in decimal = 0.875, percent = 87.5%

Question 24.
Answer: decimal = \(0. \overline{6}\), percent = \(66. \overline{6} \%\)

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{2}{3}\) as \(0. \overline{6}\) in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then\(0. \overline{6}\) can be rewrite as \(66. \overline{6} \%\)
So, \(\frac{2}{3}\) in decimal =\(0. \overline{6}\), percent = \(66. \overline{6} \%\)

Question 25.
Answer: decimal = 0.77, percent = 77.7%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite\(\frac{7}{9}\) as  0.77 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.77 can be rewrite as 77.7%
So, \(\frac{7}{9}\) in decimal = 0.77, percent = 77.7%

Question 26.
Answer: decimal = 2.4, percent = 240%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{12}{5}\) as  2.4 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 2.4 can be rewrite as 240%
So, \(\frac{12}{5}\) in decimal =2.4, percent = 240%

Question 27.
Answer: decimal = 4.5, percent = 450%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite\(\frac{9}{2}\) as 4.5 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 4.5 can be rewrite as 450%
So, \(\frac{9}{2}\) in decimal = 4.5, percent = 450%

Question 28.
Answer: decimal = 0.0010, percent = 0.10%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{1}{1000}\) as  0.0010 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.0010 can be rewrite as 0.10%
So, \(\frac{1}{1000}\) in decimal = 0.0010, percent = 0.10%

Question 29.
Answer: decimal = \(2.8 \overline{3}\), percent = \(283 . \overline{3} \%\)

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{17}{6}\) as \(2.8 \overline{3}\) in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then\(2.8 \overline{3}\) can be rewrite as \(283 . \overline{3} \%\)
So, \(\frac{17}{6}\) in decimal = \(2.8 \overline{3}\), percent = \(283 . \overline{3} \%\)

Question 30.
Answer: decimal = 0.27, percent = 27%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{3}{11}\) as  0.27 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.27 can be rewrite as 27%
So, \(\frac{3}{11}\) in decimal = 0.27, percent = 27%

Question 31.
Answer: decimal = \(0.001 \overline{3}\), percent =\(0.1 \overline{3} \%\)

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{1}{750}\) as  \(0.001 \overline{3}\) in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then \(0.001 \overline{3}\) can be rewrite as \(0.1 \overline{3} \%\)
So, \(\frac{1}{750}\) in decimal = \(0.001 \overline{3}\), percent = \(0.1 \overline{3} \%\)

Question 32.
Answer: decimal = \(2. \overline{4}\), percent = \(244 . \overline{4} \%\)

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{22}{9}\) as  \(2. \overline{4}\) in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then \(2. \overline{4}\) can be rewrite as \(244 . \overline{4} \%\)
So, \(\frac{22}{9}\) in decimal = \(2. \overline{4}\), percent = \(244 . \overline{4} \%\)

PRECISION Order the numbers from least to greatest.
Question 33.
66.1%, 0.66, \(\frac{2}{3}\), 0.667
Answer: 0.66, 66.1%, \(\frac{2}{3}\), 0.667

In order to put them in an ascending order we have to calculate the fraction, percent, decimal in their respective form, So Fraction \(\frac{2}{3}\) can be rewrite as \(0. \overline{6}\) in decimal form
Then 66.1% can be rewrite as 0.661 in decimal form,
As we can see 0.66 is less than 66.1% , 66.1% is less than \(\frac{2}{3}\), \(\frac{2}{3}\)  is less than 0.667,
Finally, we have the ascending order as 0.66, 66.1%, \(\frac{2}{3}\), 0.667.

Question 34.
\(\frac{2}{9}\), 21%, \(0.2 \overline{1}\), \(\frac{11}{50}\)
Answer: 21%, \(0.2 \overline{1}\), \(\frac{11}{50}\), \(\frac{2}{9}\)

In order to put them in an ascending order we have to calculate the fraction, percent, decimal in their respective form, So Fraction \(\frac{11}{50}\) can be rewrite as 0.22 in decimal form,
\(\frac{2}{9}\) can be rewrite as \(0.22 \overline{2}\)in decimal form,
Then 21% can be rewrite as 0.21 in decimal form,
As we can see 21%  is less than \(0.2 \overline{1}\) ,\(0.2 \overline{1}\) is less than \(\frac{11}{50}\),  \(\frac{11}{50}\)  is less than \(\frac{2}{9}\),
Finally, we have the ascending order as 21%, \(0.2 \overline{1}\), \(\frac{11}{50}\), \(\frac{2}{9}\)

MATCHING Tell which letter shows the graph of the number.
Question 35.
Answer: decimal = 0.777 , it is in the graph at the point A

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{7}{9}\) as 0.777 in decimal form,
So, looking at the graph given, it is at point A.

Question 36.
Answer:  it is at the point C in the given graph.

Question 37.
Answer: decimal = 0.833 , it is in the graph at the point D

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{5}{6}\) as 0.833 in decimal form,
So, looking at the graph given, it is at point D.

Question 38.
Answer: 0.795, it is in the graph at the point B

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 79.5% in decimal form is 0.795
0.795 is in the graph given , at the point B vb

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 6

Question 39.
The table shows the portion of students in each grade that participate in School Spirit Week. Order the grades by portion of participation from least to greatest.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 7
Answer: The grades by portion of participation from least to greatest are 7 , 6 , 8.

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left. So, 65% in decimal form is 0.65.
By using the method of converting fraction into Percent  ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{5}{6}\) as 0.6 in decimal form,
Then grade 6 = 0.64 , grade 7 = 0.6 , grade 8 = 0.65 ,
So, The grades by portion of participation from least to greatest are 7 , 6 , 8.

Question 40.
The table shows the portion of gold medals that were won by the United States in five summer Olympic games. In what year did the United States win the least portion of gold medals? the greatest portion? Justify your answers.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 8
Answer: The United States win the least portion of gold medals in the year 2004 and the greatest portion of gold medals won in the year 2012

By using the method of converting fraction into Percent and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{36}{301}\)  as  0.119 in decimal form,
\(\frac{23}{150}\) as 0.153 in decimal form,
\(\frac{46}{307}\) as 0.149 in decimal form,
To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
\(12. \overline{3} \%\) as \(0.12 \overline{3}\) in decimal form.
So, according to their years and portions of gold medals we have ,
year 2000 – \(0.12 \overline{3}\),
year 2004 – 0.119,
year 2008 – \(0. \overline{12}\),
year 2012 – 0.153,
year 2016 – 0.149,
Finally, The United States win the least portion of gold medals in the year 2004 and the greatest portion of gold medals won in the year 2012.

Question 41.
You, your friend, and your cousin have a basketball competition where each person attempts the same number of shots. You make 70% of your shots, your friend makes of her shots, \(\frac{7}{9}\) and your cousin makes \(0.7 \overline{2}\) of his shots. How many times more shots are made by the first place finisher than the third place finisher?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 9
Answer: The first place finisher made 0.077 more shorts than the third place finisher.

The shorts made by 1st person are 70%, that is 0.7 in decimal,
The shorts made by 2nd person are \(\frac{7}{9}\) rewriting as 0.777 in decimal,
The shorts made by 3rd person are \(0.7 \overline{2}\)
The shorts made by  the first place finisher is  0.777 and by the Third place finisher is 0.7,
To know how many more shorts are made by first place finisher than third place finisher is the difference between 0.777 and 0.7 , that is 0.777 – 0.7 = 0.077.
So, the first place finisher made 0.077 more shorts than the third place finisher.

Question 42.
Three different mixtures contain small amounts of acetic acid. Mixture A is 0.036 acetic acid, Mixture B is 4.2% acetic acid, and Mixture C is \(\frac{1}{22}\) acetic acid. Explain how to use this information to determine which mixture contains the greatest amount of acetic acid.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 10
Answer: 0.045 , Mixture C has more amount of acetic acid as compared to Mixture A and Mixture B.

Mixture A is 0.036 acetic acid,
Mixture B is 4.2% acetic acid, in decimal we can write it as 0.042,
Mixture C is \(\frac{1}{22}\) acetic acid, rewriting as 0.045 in decimal form,
So, 0.036 is less than 0.042 , 0.042 is less than 0.045,
Finally,  0.045 Mixture c has the more amount of acetic acid as compared to Mixture A and Mixture B.

Question 43.
Over 44% of the 30 students in a class read a book last month. What are the possible numbers of students in the class who read a book last month? Justify your answer.
Answer: 13 number of students in the class read the book last month.

Given, 44% of 30 students
=(44%) × 30
= \(\frac{44}{100}\) × 30
= \(\frac{44 × 30}{100}\)
= \(\frac{1320}{100}\)
So, 13 number of students in the class read the book last month.

Question 44.
Fill in the blanks using each of the numbers 0 – 7 exactly once, so that the percent, decimal, and fraction below are ordered from least to greatest. Justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.1 11
Answer:  The percent, decimal, and fraction are ordered from least to greatest are 12.3%, 0.57, \(\frac{4}{6}\) by using 0 – 7 numbers only once .

Given , using each of the numbers 0 – 7 exactly once,
Estimating on the numbes
Using numbers 1 , 2 , 3 for percent gives 12.3% as shown and can be writen as 0.123
Using numbers 0 , 5 , 7 for decimal gives 0.57 as shown
Using numbers 4 and 6 for fraction gives \(\frac{4}{6}\) and can be writen as 0.66
The order from least to greatest is 0.123 , 0.57 , 0.66 .
So , The percent, decimal, and fraction are ordered from least to greatest are 12.3%, 0.57, \(\frac{4}{6}\)

Lesson 6.2 The Percent Proportion


Using Percent Models
Work with a partner.
a. Complete each model. Explain what each model represents.
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 1
b. Use the models in part (a) to answer each question.

  • What number is 50% of 30?
  • 15 is what percent of 75?
  • 96 is 133\(\frac{1}{3}\)% of what number?

c. How can you use ratio tables to check your answers in part(b)? How can you use proportions? Provide examples to support your reasoning.
d. Write a question different from those in part (b) that can be answered using one of the models in part(a). Trade questions with another group and find the solution.
Answer: All the answers are given below the explanation.

This model represents the number 30 which is divided in to two equal halves ,which can be represented in percent and numbers,
that is 50% of 30 is 15.
50 percent × 30 =
(50:100) × 30 =
(50 × 30):100 =
1500:100 = 15

This model represents the number 75 which is divided in to five equal halves, which can be represented in percent and numbers ,That is
20% of 75 is 15,
40% of 75 is 30,
60% of 75 is 45,
80% of 75 is 60.

This model represents the number 96 which is divided in to four equal halves, which can be represented in percent and numbers ,That is
33\(\frac{1}{3}\%\) of 96 is 24,
66\(\frac{2}{3}\%\) of 96 is 48,
100% of 96 is 72.

b. As shown in the models in part (a) 15 is the number which is 50% of 30,
From the figure 2 of part (a) we know, 15 is the number which is 20% of 75,
From the figure 3 of part (a) we know, 96 is the number which is 133\(\frac{1}{3}\%\) of 96.

c. The models provided in the part (a) are representing the each of the number individually which are divided in to equal number of parts in respective of their numbers , Also the divided parts can be represented as percent and number form
Since the divided equal parts are equally represents the whole number given ,So that the ratios of the parts can be easily combined in to the whole number .
Thus, the proportion can be used to calculate the percent of each ratio and have the unchanged output .
For example,

In the picture shown The number 30 is divided into 1:1 ratio equally which is exactly the half of the number and percent that is 15 is 50% of 30.

d. From the figure 2 of part (a), we can assume the question as
What number is 80% of 75?

Answer: 60 is the number which is 80% of 75 , as shown in the model above.

Try It

Write and solve a proportion to answer the question.
Question 1.
What percent of 5 is 3?
Answer: 60%

3 : 5 × 100 =
(3 × 100): 5
300 : 5 = 60
So, 5 is 60% of 3.

Question 2.
24 is what percent of 20?
Answer: 120%

24 : 20 × 100 =
(24 × 100) : 20 =
2400 : 20 = 120
So, 24 is the 120% of 20.

Write and solve a proportion to answer the question.
Question 3.
What number is 80% of 60?
Answer:  48

80 % × 60 =
(80 :100) × 60 =
(80 × 60) :100 =
4800 : 100 = 48
So, 48 is 80% of 60.

Question 4.
10% of 40.5 is what number?
Answer: 4.05

10 % × 40.5 =
(10 : 100) × 40.5 =
(10 × 40.5) : 100 =
4.05 : 100 = 4.05
So, 4.05 is the 10% of 40.5

Write and solve a proportion to answer the question.
Question 5.
0.1% of what number is 4?
Answer: 4,000

Let the number be X
0.1% × X = 4
X = 4 ÷ 0.1%
= 4 ÷ (0.1 ÷ 100)
= (100 × 4 ) ÷ 0.1
= 400 ÷ 0.1
So, 4 is the 0.1% of 4,000.

Question 6.
\(\frac{1}{2}\) is 25% of what number?
Answer:  2

To make calculation easier we can rewrite \(\frac{1}{2}\) as 0.5
let the number be X
25% × X = 0.5
X = 0.5 ÷ 25%
= 0.5 ÷ (25 ÷ 100)
= (100 × 0.5 ) ÷ 25
= 50 ÷ 25
So, 0.5 is the 25% of 2.

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 7.
Write and solve a proportion to determine what percent of 120 is 54.
Answer:  45%

By using percent proportion, we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{54}{120}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{54 × 100}{120}\) = p
p = \(\frac{5400}{120}\)
p = 45%
so, 54 is the 45% of 120.

Question 8.
Use a model to find 60% of 30.
Answer: 18

60% × 30
= (60 : 100) × 30
= (60 × 30) : 100
= 1800 : 100
= 18
So, 60% of 30 is 18.

Question 9.
Which proportion at the left does not belong with the other three? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 2
Answer: second proportion doesn’t belong to other three

second proportion: 15/50 = p /100
p = (15 × 100) ÷50
p = 150 ÷ 5
p = 30
Here we got 30% , as the p values of the other three proportions are 50%
So, second proportion does not fit in to the other three proportions.

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 10.
An arctic woolly-bear caterpillar lives for 7 years and spends 90% of its life frozen. How many days of its life is the arctic woolly-bear frozen?
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 3
Answer: The arctic woolly-bear frozen for 6.3 years in their life time.

Given, An arctic woolly-bear caterpillar lives for 7 years and spends 90% of its life frozen
We have, 90% × 7
= (90 : 100 ) × 7
= (90 × 7) : 100
= 630 : 100
= 6.3 years
So, The arctic woolly-bear frozen for 6.3 years in their life time.

Question 11.
The table shows the numbers of pictures you upload to a social media website for 5 days in a row. How many total pictures do you upload during the week when 32% of the total pictures are uploaded on Saturday and Sunday?
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 4
Answer: The total pictures uploaded during the week are 53.

Given,  32% of the total pictures are uploaded on Saturday and Sunday
And adding the photos that we uploaded during the 5 days are 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 8 = 17
Let the number we should find be X
32% × X = 17
X = 17 ÷ 32%
= 17 ÷ (32 ÷ 100)
= (100 × 17 ) ÷ 32
= 1700 ÷ 32
= 53.12
So, 17 is the 32% of 53.
Finally we have, The total pictures uploaded during the week are 53.

The Percent Proportion Homework & Practice 6.2

Review & Refresh

Write the fraction as a decimal and a percent.
Question 1.
Answer: decimal = 0.42 , percent = 42%

To get the percent or decimal from fraction \(\frac{42}{100}\) we have to divide 42 by 100 ,
Then, we get 0.42,
To get the percent of 0.42 multiply by 100 , it will be 42%
So, \(\frac{42}{100}\) can be written as  0.42 or 42%

Question 2.
Answer: decimal = 0.007 , percent = 0.7%

To get the percent or decimal from  fraction \(\frac{7}{1000}\) we have to divide 7 by 1000 ,
Then, we get 0.007,
To get the percent of 0.007 multiply by 100 , it will be 0.7%
So, \(\frac{7}{1000}\) can be written as  0.007 or 0.7%

Question 3.
Answer: decimal = 1.444 , percent = 144.4%

To get the percent or decimal from \(\frac{13}{9}\)  fraction we have to divide 13 by 9 ,
Then, we get 1.444,
To get the percent of 1.444 multiply by 100 , it will be 144.4%
So, \(\frac{13}{9}\) can be written as  1.444 or 144.4%

Question 4.
Answer: decimal = \(0.62 \overline{12}\) , percent = \(62. \overline{12} \%\)

To get the percent or decimal from  fraction \(\frac{41}{66}\) we have to divide 41 by 66 ,
Then, we get \(0.62 \overline{12}\),
To get the percent of \(0.62 \overline{12}\) multiply by 100 , it will be \(62. \overline{12} \%\)
So, \(\frac{41}{66}\) can be written as  \(0.62 \overline{12}\) or \(62. \overline{12} \%\)

Evaluate the expression when a = – 15 and b = – 5.
Question 5.
a ÷ 5
Answer: -3

Given , a = – 15
Then , – 15 ÷ 5
= \(\frac{-15}{5}\)
= – 3.
so, a ÷ 5 = – 3.

Question 6.
Answer: \(\frac{9}{-15}\)

Given , a = -15 , b = -5 , by substituting the given values in the expression, we get
= \(\frac{(- 5)+14}{-15}\)
= \(\frac{9}{-15}\)
So, \(\frac{b+14}{a}\) = \(\frac{9}{-15}\)

Question 7.
Answer: \(\frac{25}{-10}\)

Given , a = -15 , b = -5, by substituting the given values in the expression, we get
= \(\frac{(-5)^{2}}{(-15)+5}\)
= \(\frac{25}{-10}\)
So, \(\frac{b^{2}}{a+5}\) = \(\frac{25}{-10}\)

What is the solution of 9x = 1.8?
A. x = – 5
B. x = – 0.2
C. x = 0.2
D. x = 5
Answer: C . x = 0.2

Given, 9x = 1.8
x = \(\frac{1.8}{9}\)
x = 0.2.

Concepts, Skills, &Problem Solving

CHOOSE TOOLS Use a model to answer the question. Use a proportion to check your answer. (See Exploration 1, p. 241.)
Question 9.
What number is 20% of 80?
Answer: 16

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{80}\) = \(\frac{20}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{80}\) = \(\frac{1}{5}\)
a = \(\frac{80}{5}\)
a = 16.
So, 16 is 20% of 80.

Question 10.
10 is what percent of 40?
Answer: 25%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{10}{40}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{1}{4}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{100}{4}\)
p = 25
So, 10 is 25% of 40.

Question 11.
15 is 30% of what number?
Answer: 50

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{15}{w}\)  = \(\frac{30}{100}\)
by cross multiplication we get,
30 × w = 15 × 100
w  = \(\frac{1500}{30}\)
w = \(\frac{150}{30}\)
w = 50.
So, 15 is 30% of 50.

Question 12.
What number is 120% of 70?
Answer: 84

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{70}\)  = \(\frac{120}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{70}\)  = \(\frac{6}{5}\)
a = \(\frac{70 × 6}{5}\)
a = \(\frac{420}{5}\)
a = 84
So, 84 is 120% of 70.

Question 13.
20 is what percent of 50?
Answer: 40%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{20}{50}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{20 × 100}{50}\)
p = \(\frac{200}{5}\)
p = 40
So, 20 is 40% of 50.

Question 14.
48 is 75% of what number?
Answer: 64

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{48}{w}\)  = \(\frac{75}{100}\)
w =\(\frac{48 × 100}{75}\)
w = \(\frac{4800}{75}\)
w = 64
So, 48 is 75% of 64.

USING THE PERCENT PROPORTION Write and solve a proportion to answer the question.
Question 15.
What percent of 25 is 12?
Answer: 48%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{12}{25}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{12 × 100}{25}\)
p = \(\frac{1200}{25}\)
p = 48
So, 12 is 48% of 25.

Question 16.
14 is what percent of 56?
Answer: 25%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{14}{56}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{14 × 100}{56}\)
p = \(\frac{1400}{56}\)
p = 25
So, 14 is 25% of 56.

Question 17.
25% of what number is 9?
Answer: 36

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{9}{w}\) = \(\frac{25}{100}\)
\(\frac{9}{w}\) = \(\frac{1}{4}\)
w = 9 × 4
w = 36.
So, 9 is 25% of 36.

Question 18.
36 is 0.9% of what number?
Answer: 4,000

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{36}{w}\) = \(\frac{0.9}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{36 × 100}{0.9}\)
w = \(\frac{3600}{0.9}\)
w = \(\frac{36,000}{9}\)
w = 4,000
So, 36 is 0.9% of 4,000.

Question 19.
75% of 124 is what number?
Answer: 93

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{124}\) = \(\frac{75}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{75 × 124}{100}\)
a  = \(\frac{9,300}{100}\)
a = 93
So, 93 is 75% of 124.

Question 20.
110% of 90 is what number?
Answer: 99

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{90}\)  = \(\frac{110}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{110 × 90}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{9900}{100}\)
a = 99
So, 99 is 110% of 90.

Question 21.
What number is 0.4% of 40?
Answer: 0.16

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\)  = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{40}\)  = \(\frac{0.4}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{0.4 × 40}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{16}{100}\)
a = 0.16
So, 0.16 is 0.4% of 40.

Question 22.
72 is what percent of 45?
Answer:  160%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{72}{45}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{72 × 100}{45}\)
p = \(\frac{7200}{45}\)
p = 160
So, 72 is 160% of 45.

Question 23.
Your friend uses the percent proportion to answer the question below. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.
“40%of what number is 34?”
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 5
Answer:  yes, he used the correct percent proportion.

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{34}{w}\) = \(\frac{40}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{34 × 100}{40}\)
w = \(\frac{3400}{40}\)
w = 85
So, 34 is 40% of 85.

Question 24.
Of 140 seventh-grade students, 15% earn the Presidential Youth Fitness Award. How many students earn the award?
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 6
Answer: 21 students earn the Presidential Youth Fitness Award.

Given, Of 140 seventh-grade students, 15% earn the Presidential Youth Fitness Award.
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{140}\) = \(\frac{15}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{15 × 140}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{2100}{100}\)
a = 21
So, 21 is 15% of 140.
Totally ,21 students earn the Presidential Youth Fitness Award.

Question 25.
A salesperson receives a 3% commission on sales. The salesperson receives $180 in commission. What is the amount of sales?
Answer: The total amount of sale is $6,000.

Given, A salesperson receives a 3% commission on sales, The salesperson receives $180 in commission.
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{180}{w}\) = \(\frac{3}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{180 × 100}{3}\)
w = \(\frac{18,000}{3}\)
w = 6,000
So, $180 is 3% of $6,000.
Total amount of sale is $6,000.

USING THE PERCENT PROPORTION Write and solve a proportion to answer the question.
Question 26.
0.5 is what percent of 20?
Answer: 2.5%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{0.5}{20}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{0.5 × 100}{20}\)
p = 0.5 × 5
p = 2.5
So, 0.5 is 2.5% of 20.

Question 27.
14.2 is 35.5% of what number?
Answer: 40

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{14.2}{w}\) = \(\frac{35.5}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{14.2 × 100}{35.5}\)
w = \(\frac{142 × 10}{35.5}\)
w = 40
So, 14.2 is 35.5% of 40.

Question 28.
\(\frac{3}{4}\) is 60% of what number?
Answer: 1.25

\(\frac{3}{4}\) can be rewrite as 0.75 in decimal,
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{0.75}{w}\) = \(\frac{60}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{0.75 × 100}{60}\)
w = \(\frac{75}{60}\)
w = 1.25
So, 0.75 is 60% of 1.25.

Question 29.
What number is 25% of \(\frac{7}{8}\)?
Answer: 0.218

\(\frac{7}{8}\) can be rewrite as 0.875 in decimal,
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{0.875}\) = \(\frac{25}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{0.875 × 25}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{21.87}{100}\)
a = 0.218
So, 0.218 is 25% of 0.875.

Question 30.
You are assigned 32 math exercises for homework. You complete 75% of the exercises before dinner. How many exercises do you have left to do after dinner?
Answer: 24 exercises are left .

You are assigned 32 math exercises for homework. You complete 75% of the exercises before dinner.
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{32}\) = \(\frac{75}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{32 × 75}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{2,400}{100}\)
a = 24
So, 24 is 75% of 32.
Totally, 24 exercise are left .

Question 31.
Your friend earns $10.50 per hour, which is 125% of her hourly wage last year. How much did your friend earn per hour last year?
Answer: Friend earned $8.4 per hour last year

Your friend earns $10.50 per hour, which is 125% of her hourly wage last year,
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{10.5}{w}\) = \(\frac{125}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{10.5 × 100}{125}\)
w = \(\frac{1050}{125}\)
w = 8.4
So, 8.4 is 125% of 10.5.

Question 32.
The bar graph shows the numbers of reserved campsites at a campground for one week. What percent of the reservations were for Friday or Saturday?
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 7
Answer: The percent of reservations For Friday is 74.2% and for Saturday is  85%

As per the graph shown, The reservations made for the week are 35 ,
Friday reservations are 26, so
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{26}{35}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{26 × 100}{35}\)
p = \(\frac{2600}{35}\)
p = 74.2
So, 26 is 74.2% of 35.

Saturday reservations are 30, so
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{30}{35}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{30 × 100}{35}\)
p = \(\frac{3,000}{35}\)
p = 85
So, 30 is 85% of 35.

Totally, The percent of reservations For Friday is 74.2% and for Saturday is  85%.

Question 33.
Your friend displays the results of a survey that asks several people to vote on a new school mascot.
a. What is missing from the bar graph?
b. What percent of the votes does the least popular mascot receive? Explain your reasoning.
c. There are 124 votes total. How many votes does tiger receive?
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 8
Answer: a. The numerical values for the votes are missing from the graph

b. In order to calculate the percent of the votes does the least popular mascot received will be halted due to lack of clear mentioning of of the proportion of the votes or the ratio of the votes.

c. The votes acquired by the tiger are cannot be determined because of figure which does not contain proper information.

Question 34.
A quarterback completes 18 of 33 passes during the first three quarters of a football game. He completes every pass in the fourth quarter and 62.5% of his passes for the entire game. How many passes does the quarterback throw in the fourth quarter? Justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.2 9
Answer: Quarterback throw 20.6 passes in the fourth quarter

A quarterback completes 18 of 33 passes during the first three quarters of a football game,
He completes every pass in the fourth quarter and 62.5% of his passes for the entire game.
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{33}\) = \(\frac{62.5}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{33 × 62.5}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{2,062.5}{100}\)
a = 20.6
So, 20.6 is 62.5% of 33.

Hence, Quarterback thrown 20.6 passes in the fourth quarter

Question 35.
20% of a number is x. What is 100% of the number? Assume x > 0.
Answer: 5x

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
substitute a = x and p = 20
\(\frac{x}{w}\) = \(\frac{20}{100}\)
by cross multiplication , we get
w × 20 = x × 100
20w = 100x
Divide both sides by 20,
\(\frac{20w}{20}\) = \(\frac{100x}{20}\)
w = 5x
So, 100% of the number is 5x.

Question 36.
Answer each question. Assume x > 0.
a. What percent of 8x is 5x?
b. What is 65% of 80x?
Answer: a. 62.5% , b. 52x

a. percent of 8x is 5x
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{5x}{8x}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{5}{8}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
by cross multiplying
8p = 500
p = \(\frac{500}{8}\)
p = 62.5
So, 5x is 62.5% of 8x.

b. By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{8x}\) = \(\frac{65}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{8x × 65}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{520x}{100}\)
a = 52x
So, 52x is 65% of 80x.

Lesson 6.3 The Percent Equation


Using Percent Equations
Work with a partner.
a. The circle graph shows the number of votes received by each candidate during a school election. So far, only half of the students have voted. Find the percent of students who voted for each candidate. Explain your method.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 1
c. The circle graph shows the final results of the election after every student voted. Use the equation you wrote in part(b) to find the number of students who voted for each candidate.
d. Use a different method to check your answers in part(c). Which method do you prefer? Explain.
a. The percent of students who voted for each candidate are
For Person A = 20% ,
For Person B = 25%
For Person C = 15%
For Person D = 40%

b. The equation is a = \(\frac{w × p}{100}\)

c. The number of students who voted for each candidate are
For Person A = 30
For Person B = 24
For Person C = 24
For Person D = 42

d. ratio proportion is used as another method.

a. Given, The circle graph shows the number of votes received by each candidate during a school election. So far, only half of the students have voted.
The number of votes received till now are 12 + 15 + 9 + 24 = 60,
To know the percent of students who voted for each candidate we have ,
For person A, w = 60 , a = 12 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{12}{60}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{12 × 100}{60}\)
p = \(\frac{1200}{60}\)
p = 20
So, 12 is 20% of 60.
The percent of  students who voted for person A is 20%

For person B , w = 60 , a = 15 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{15}{60}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{15 × 100}{60}\)
p = \(\frac{1500}{60}\)
p = 25
So, 15 is 25% of 60.
The percent of  students who voted for person B is 25%

For person C , w = 60 , a = 9 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{9}{60}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{9 × 100}{60}\)
p = \(\frac{900}{60}\)
p = 15
So, 9 is 15% of 60.
The percent of  students who voted for person C is 15%

For person D , w = 60 , a = 24 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{24}{60}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{24 × 100}{60}\)
p = \(\frac{2400}{60}\)
p = 40
So, 24 is 40% of 60.
The percent of  students who voted for person D is 40%

b. we know that percent proportion is \(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
where as a = part , w= whole , p = percent ,
To solve for a , we can write it as a = \(\frac{w × p}{100}\)

c. The figure showing the percent of all the candidates individually are after the final results ,
as shown in part (a)  half of the students are 60 ,
The half of the students voted in all the students are 60 and total strength of students are 60 + 60 = 120
To calculate the number of voting acquired by each candidate we have,
For person A , w  = 120 , p = 25 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{120}\) = \(\frac{25}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{120 × 25}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{120}{4}\)
a = 30
So, 30 is 25% of 120.
The number of students who voted for person A after final results are 30

For person B , w  = 120 , p = 20 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{120}\) = \(\frac{20}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{120 × 20}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{120}{5}\)
a = 24
So, 24 is 20% of 120.
The number of students who voted for person B after final results are 24

For person C , w  = 120 , p = 20 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
same as for person B ,
So, 24 is 20% of 120.
The number of students who voted for person C after final results are 24

For person D , w  = 120 , p = 35 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{120}\) = \(\frac{35}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{120 × 35}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{4,200}{100}\)
a = 42
So, 42 is 35% of 120.
The number of students who voted for person D after final results are 42.

d. We are using ratio proportion method , To check the answers of  part (c),
For person A , 25 % × 120 =
(25 : 100) × 120 =
(25 × 120) : 100 =
3,000 : 100 = 30
So, 30 is the 25% of 120.

For person B , 20 % × 120 =
(20 : 100) × 120 =
(20 × 120) : 100 =
2,400 : 100 = 24
So, 24 is the 20% of 120.

For person C , 20% × 120 is same as person B
So, 24 is the 20% of 120.

For person D , 35 % × 120 =
(35 : 100) × 120 =
(35 × 120) : 100 =
4,200 : 100 = 42
So, 42 is the 35% of 120.
All the answers are verified with ratio proportion method.

Try It

Write and solve an equation to answer the question.
Question 1.
What number is 10% of 20?
Answer:  2

10 % × 20 =
(10 : 100) × 20 =
(10 × 20) : 100 =
200 : 100 = 2
So, 2 is the 10% of 20.

Question 2.
What number is 150% of 40?
Answer: 60

150 % × 40 =
(150 : 100) × 40 =
(150 × 40) : 100 =
6,000 : 100 = 60
So, 60 is the 150% of 40.

Write and solve an equation to answer the question.
Question 3.
3 is what percent of 600?
Answer: 0.5%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{3}{600}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{3 × 100}{600}\)
p = \(\frac{300}{600}\)
p = \(\frac{1}{2}\)
p = 0.5
So, 3 is 0.5% of 600.

Question 4.
18 is what percent of 20?

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{18}{20}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{18 × 100}{20}\)
p = \(\frac{1800}{20}\)
p = \(\frac{180}{2}\)
p = 90
So, 18 is 90% of 20.

Write and solve an equation to answer the question.
Question 5.
8 is 80% of what number?
Answer: 10

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{8}{w}\) = \(\frac{80}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{8 × 100}{80}\)
w = \(\frac{800}{80}\)
w = 10
So, 8 is 80% of 10.

Question 6.
90 is 180% of what number?
Answer: 50

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{90}{w}\) = \(\frac{180}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{90 × 100}{180}\)
w = \(\frac{9,000}{180}\)
w = 50
So, 90 is 180% of 50.

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 7.
Write the percent equation in words.
Percent Equation:
In this equation, the whole is the number of which we are taking a percentage and the part is the value that results from taking the percent of the whole. This means that in any percent problem, there are three basic values to be concerned about: the percent, the whole, and the resulting part.
we can represent percent = p , whole = w , part = a
So, we have the percent equation as,
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\).

USING THE PERCENT EQUATION Write and solve an equation to answer the question.
Question 8.
14 is what percent of 70?
Answer: 20%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{14}{70}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{14 × 100}{70}\)
p = \(\frac{1400}{70}\)
p = 20
So, 14 is 20% of 70.

Question 9.
What number is 36% of 85?
Answer: 30.6

By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{85}\) = \(\frac{36}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{85 × 36}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{3,060}{100}\)
a = 30.6
So, 30.6 is 36% of 85.

Question 10.
9 is 12% of what number?
Answer: 75

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{9}{w}\) = \(\frac{12}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{9 × 100}{12}\)
w = \(\frac{900}{12}\)
w = 75
So, 9 is 12% of 75.

Question 11.
108 is what percent of 72?
Answer: 150%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{108}{72}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{108 × 100}{72}\)
p = \(\frac{10,800}{72}\)
p = 150
So, 108 is 150% of 72.

Question 12.
Which is different? Find “both” answers.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 2
Answer: 55 is 20% of what number ? , is different  from other three questions.

Given , 20% of 55 , we have to find the part of whole number
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{55}\) = \(\frac{20}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{55 × 20}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{1,100}{100}\)
a = 11
So, 11 is 20% of 55.

But this 55 is 20% of what number ? is different  from other three, because here we have to find out the whole number
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{55}{w}\) = \(\frac{20}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{55 × 100}{20}\)
w = \(\frac{5500}{20}\)
w = 275
So, 55 is 20% of 275.
Hence , 55 is 20% of what number ? , is different  from other three questions.

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 13.
A school offers band and chorus classes. The table shows the percents of the 1200 students in the school who are enrolled in band, chorus, or neither class. How many students are enrolled in both classes? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 3
Answer: The total number of students enrolled for both classes  are 744.

Given, The table shows the percent of the 1200 students in the school who are enrolled in band, chorus, or neither class.
For Band , w = 1200 , p = 34 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{1200}\) = \(\frac{34}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{1200 × 34}{100}\)
a = 12 × 34
a = 408
So, 408 is 34% of 1200.
The number of students enrolled for the Band are 408.

For Band , w = 1200 , p = 28 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{1200}\) = \(\frac{28}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{1200 × 28}{100}\)
a = 12 × 28
a = 336
So, 336 is 28% of 1200.
The number of students enrolled for the chorus are 336.

The total number of students enrolled for both classes  are 408 + 336 = 744.

Question 14.
Water Tank A has a capacity of 550 gallons and is 66% full. Water Tank B is 53% full. The ratio of the capacity of Water Tank A to Water Tank B is 11:15.
a. How much water is in each tank?
b. What percent of the total volume of both tanks is filled with water?
a. The water tank A is filled with 363 gallons of water.
The water tank B is filled with 397.5 gallons of water.

b. The percent of the total volume of both tanks is filled with water is 58.5%.

a.  Given , Water Tank A has a capacity of 550 gallons and is 66% full.
w = 550 gallons , p = 66% , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{550}\) = \(\frac{66}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{550 × 66}{100}\)
a = 550 × 0.66
a = 363
So, 363 is 66% of 550.
The water tank A is filled with 363 gallons of water.

Given, Water Tank B is 53% full.
The ratio of the capacity of Water Tank A to Water Tank B is 11:15.
The capacity of Water Tank A is 550 gallons
Let the capacity of tank B is x gallons
\(\frac{550}{x}\) = \(\frac{11}{15}\)
x = \(\frac{550 × 15}{11}\)
x =  \(\frac{8,250}{11}\)
x = 750.
The capacity of the water Tank B is 750 gallons,
To know the amount of water filled in the tank we have,
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{750}\) = \(\frac{53}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{750 × 53}{100}\)
a = 7.5 × 53
a = 397.5
So, 397.5 is 53% of 750.
The water tank B is filled with 397.5 gallons of water.

b. To know the percent of the total volume of both tanks is filled with water, we have
The total capacity of Water tank A and Water tank B = 550 + 750 = 1,300 gallons
The total amount of water filled in both tanks are 363 + 397.5 =  760.5 gallons
So, w = 1,300 , a = 760.5 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{760.5}{1,300}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{760.5 × 100}{1,300}\)
p = \(\frac{760.5}{13}\)
p = 58.5
So, 760.5 is 58.5% of 1,300.
The percent of the total volume of both tanks is filled with water is 58.5%.

The Percent Equation Homework & Practice 6.3

Review & Refresh

Write and solve a proportion to answer the question.
Question 1.
30% of what number is 9?
Answer: 30

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{9}{w}\) = \(\frac{30}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{9 × 100}{30}\)
w = \(\frac{900}{30}\)
w = 30
So, 9 is 30% of 30.

Question 2.
42 is what percent of 80?
Answer:  52.5%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{42}{80}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{42 × 100}{80}\)
p = \(\frac{420}{8}\)
p = 52.5
So, 42 is 52.5% of 80.

Question 3.
What percent of 36 is 20?

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{20}{36}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{20 × 100}{36}\)
p = \(\frac{2,000}{36}\)
p = 5.55
So, 20 is55.5% of 36.

Question 4.
What number is 120% of 80?
Answer: 96

By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{80}\) = \(\frac{120}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{80 × 120}{100}\)
a =  8 × 12
a = 96
So, 96 is 120% of 80.

Find the distance between the two numbers on a number line.
Question 5.
– 4 and 10
Answer: The distance between the two numbers  – 4 and 10  on a number line is 14 .

For the number line above we have divided each segment in to equal parts ,
So, The distance between the two numbers  – 4 and 10  on a number line is 14 .

Question 6.
–\(\frac{2}{3}\) and \(\frac{4}{3}\)
Answer: The distance between the two numbers –\(\frac{2}{3}\) and \(\frac{4}{3}\) on a number line is 6 .

For the number line above we have divided each segment in to equal parts ,
So, The distance between the two numbers –\(\frac{2}{3}\) and \(\frac{4}{3}\) on a number line is 6 .

Question 7.
– 5\(\frac{2}{3}\) and – 1 \(\frac{3}{10}\)
Answer: The distance between the two numbers  – 5\(\frac{2}{3}\) and – 1 \(\frac{3}{10}\) on a number line is 6.

Given , – 5\(\frac{2}{3}\) and – 1 \(\frac{3}{10}\)
can be written as \(\frac{-13}{3}\) and  \(\frac{-7}{10}\)
converting into decimal form we get , -4.3 and -0.7
For the number line above we have divided each segment in to equal parts ,
So, The distance between the two numbers  – 5\(\frac{2}{3}\) and – 1 \(\frac{3}{10}\) on a number line is 6.

Question 8.
– 4.3 and 7.5
Answer: The distance between the two numbers  – 4.3 and 7.5  on a number line is 8 .

For the number line above we have divided each segment in to equal parts ,
So, The distance between the two numbers  – 4.3 and 7.5  on a number line is 8 .

Question 9.
There are 160 people in a grade. The ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 5. Which proportion can you use to find the number x of boys?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 4
Answer:  A. \(\frac{3}{8}\) = \(\frac{x}{160}\)

Given, The ratio of boys to girls is\(\frac{3}{5}\)
The ratio of boys to the grade is \(\frac{3}{8}\)
to find the number of x boys, we have to
\(\frac{3}{8}\) = \(\frac{x}{160}\)
x = \(\frac{3 × 160}{8}\)
x = \(\frac{480}{8}\)
x = 60.
So, A =  \(\frac{3}{8}\) = \(\frac{x}{160}\) is the correct answer.

Concepts, Skills, & Problem Solving

USING PERCENT EQUATIONS The circle graph shows the number of votes received by each candidate during a school election. Find the percent of students who voted for the indicated candidate. Each Candidate(See Exploration 1, p. 247.)
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 5
Question 10.
Candidate A
Answer: The percent of students who voted for the candidate A is  36%

Given, the circle graph shows the number of votes received by each candidate during a school election.
The total number of students voted are 54 + 60 + 36 = 150
For candidate A we have , w = 150 , a = 54 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{54}{150}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{54 × 100}{150}\)
p = \(\frac{540}{15}\)
p = 36
So, 54 is 36% of 150.
The percent of students who voted for the candidate A is 36%.

Question 11.
Candidate B
Answer: The percent of students who voted for the candidate B is 40%.

For candidate B we have , w = 150 , a = 60 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{60}{150}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{60 × 100}{150}\)
p = \(\frac{600}{15}\)
p = 40
So, 60 is 40% of 150.
The percent of students who voted for the candidate B is 40%.

Question 12.
Candidate C
Answer: The percent of students who voted for the candidate C is 24%.

For candidate C we have , w = 150 , a = 36 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{36}{150}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{36 × 100}{150}\)
p = \(\frac{360}{15}\)
p = 24
So, 36 is 24% of 150.
The percent of students who voted for the candidate C is 24%.

USING THE PERCENT EQUATION Write and solve an equation to answer the question.
Question 13.
20% of 150 is what number?
Answer:  30

By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{150}\) = \(\frac{20}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{150 × 20}{100}\)
a = 15 × 2
a = 30
So, 30 is 20% of 150.

Question 14.
45 is what percent of 60?
Answer: 75%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{45}{60}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{45 × 100}{60}\)
p = \(\frac{4,500}{60}\)
p = 75
So, 45 is 75% of 60.

Question 15.
35% of what number is 35?
Answer: 35 is 35% of 100.

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{35}{w}\) = \(\frac{35}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{35 × 100}{35}\)
w = \(\frac{3500}{35}\)
w = 100
So, 35 is 35% of 100.

Question 16.
0.8% of 150 is what number?
Answer: 1.2 .

By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{150}\) = \(\frac{0.8}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{150 × 0.8}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{120}{100}\)
a = 1.2
So, 1.2 is 0.8% of 150.

Question 17.
29 is what percent of 20?
Answer: 145%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{29}{20}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{29 × 100}{20}\)
p = \(\frac{2,900}{20}\)
p = \(\frac{2,90}{2}\)
p = 145
So, 29 is 145% of 20.

Question 18.
0.5% of what number is 12?

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{12}{w}\) = \(\frac{0.5}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{12 × 100}{0.5}\)
w = \(\frac{1200}{0.5}\)
w = 2,400.
So, 12 is 0.5% of 2,400.

Question 19.
What percent of 300 is 51?
Answer: 17%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{51}{300}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{51 × 100}{300}\)
p = \(\frac{51}{3}\)
p = 17
So, 51 is 17% of 300.

Question 20.
120% of what number is 102?
Answer: 85

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{102}{w}\) = \(\frac{120}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{102 × 100}{120}\)
w = \(\frac{1020}{12}\)
w = 85
So, 102 is 120% of 85.

YOU BE THE TEACHER Your friend uses the percent equation to answer the question. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.
Question 21.
What number is 35% of 20?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 6
Answer: yes , He is correct .

By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{20}\) = \(\frac{35}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{20 × 35}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{700}{100}\)
a = 7
So, 7 is 35% of 20.

Question 22.
30 is 60% of what number?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 7
Answer: 30 is 60% of 50.

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{30}{w}\) = \(\frac{60}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{30 × 100}{60}\)
w = \(\frac{300}{6}\)
w = 50
So, 30 is 60% of 50.

Question 23.
A salesperson receives a 2.5% commission on sales. What commission does the salesperson receive for $8000 in sales?
Answer: He receives $200 for commission of the sale.

By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{8000}\) = \(\frac{2.5}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{8000 × 2.5}{100}\)
a = 80 × 2.5
a = $200
So, $200 is 2.5% of $8000.
He receives $200 for commission of the sale.

Question 24.
Your school raised 125% of its fundraising goal. The school raised $6750. What was the goal?
Answer: The fundraising goal of the school is $5,400.

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{6750}{w}\) = \(\frac{125}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{6750 × 100}{125}\)
w =54 × 100
w = $5,400
So, $6750 is 125% of $5,400.
The fundraising goal of the school is $5,400.

Question 25.
The sales tax on the model rocket shown is $1.92. What is the percent of sales tax?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 8
Answer: The percent of sales tax on the rocket model  is 8%.

Given, The sales tax on the model rocket shown is $1.92.
The tax on the rocket is $24 , we have ,
w = 24 , a = 1.92 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{1.92}{24}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{1.92 × 100}{24}\)
p = \(\frac{192}{24}\)
p = 8
So, $1.92 is 8% of $24.
The percent of sales tax on the rocket model  is 8%.

PUZZLE There were n signers of the Declaration of Independence. The youngest was Edward Rutledge, who was x years old. The oldest was Benjamin Franklin, who was y years old.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 9
Question 26.
x is 25% of 104. What was Rutledge’s age?
Answer: The age of Rutledge is 26.

By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{104}\) = \(\frac{25}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{104 × 25}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{104}{4}\)
a = 26
x = 26.
So, 26 is 25% of 104.

Question 27.
7 is 10% of y. What was Franklin’s age?
Answer: The Franklin’s age is 70.

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{7}{w}\) = \(\frac{10}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{7 × 100}{10}\)
w = \(\frac{700}{10}\)
w = 70
y = 70.
So, 7 is 10% of 70.
The Franklin’s age is 70.

Question 28.
n is 80% of y. How many signers were there?
Answer: There are n = 56 members signers.

y = 70 , p = 80 ,
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{70}\) = \(\frac{80}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{70 × 80}{100}\)
a = 7 × 8
a =56
n = 56
So, 56 is 80% of 70.
There are n = 56 members signers.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 10

Question 29.
How can you tell whether a percent of a number will be greater than, less than, or equal to the number? Give examples to support your answer.
Answer: The percent of a number is less than 100% , Then the percent of the number will be less than the number.
The percent of a number is 100% , Then the percent of the number will be equal the number.
The percent of a number is greater than 100% , Then the percent of the number will be greater than the number.

If the percent of a number is less than 100% , Then the percent of the number will be less than the number.
For example , 80% of 50
= 0.8 × 50
= 40
80% < 100% ,  so 40 < 50.

If the percent of a number is 100% , Then the percent of the number will be equal the number.
For example , 100% of 50
= 1 × 50
= 50.
100% = 100% , So, 50 = 50.

If the percent of a number is greater than 100% , Then the percent of the number will be greater than the number.
For example , 120% of 50
= 1.2 × 50
= 60.
120% > 100% , So, 60 > 50.

Question 30.
In a survey, a group of students is asked their favorite sport. Eighteen students choose “other” sports.
a. How many students participate in the survey?
b. How many choose football?
Answer:  a. The number of students participated  are 80.
b. The number of students chose football are 30.

a. 18 students chose ” other” sports So, a = 18 ,
The percent of the “other” sport = 100% – (40% + 37.5%) = 22.5%
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{18}{w}\) = \(\frac{22.5}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{18 × 100}{22.5}\)
w = \(\frac{1800}{22.5}\)
w =  80
So, 18 is 22.5% of 80.
The number of students participated  are 80.

b. 80 students are participated , so w = 80
The percent of the students who chose football is 37.5%
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{80}\) = \(\frac{37.5}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{80 × 37.5}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{3,000}{100}\)
a = 30
So, 30 is 37.5% of 80.
The number of students chose football are 30.

Question 31.
Tell whether the statement is true or false. Explain your reasoning.
If W is 25% of Z, then Z : W is 75 : 25.
Answer: The statement is False.

Given , W is 25% of Z
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{W}{Z}\) = \(\frac{25}{100}\)
So, \(\frac{Z}{W}\) = \(\frac{100}{25}\)
But given that Z : W is 75 : 25
So, The statement is False.

Question 32.
At a restaurant, the amount of your bill before taxes and tip is $19.83. A 6% sales tax is applied to your bill, and you leave a tip equal to 19% of the original amount. Use mental math to estimate the total amount of money you pay. Explain your reasoning. (Hint: Use 10% of the original amount.)
Answer: The total amount of the money to be paid is $22.18.

Given ,The amount of your bill before taxes and tip is $19.83.
A 6% sales tax is applied to your bill, and you leave a tip equal to 19% of the original amount.
bill before the tax = $19.83
sales tax = 6%
So, $19.83 – 6%
= $19.83 – 0.06
= $18.64
Tip = 19%
So, $18.64 + 19%
= $18.64 + 0.19
= $22.18
The total amount of the money to be paid is $22.18.

Question 33
The table shows your test results in a math class. What score do you need on the last test to earn 90% of the total points on the tests?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.3 11
Answer: Of all the total test points you need 720 points to earn 90%

Total point value = 100 + 250 + 150 + 300 = 800
Given p = 90% , w = 800 , a= ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{800}\) = \(\frac{90}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{800 × 90}{100}\)
a = 8 × 90
a = 720
So, 720 is 90% of 800.
Finally, of all the total test points you need 720 points to earn 90%

Lesson 6.4 Percents of Increase and Decrease


Exploring Percent of Change
Work with a partner. Each year in the Columbia River Basin, adult salmon swim upriver to streams to lay eggs.
To go up the river, the adult salmon use fish ladders. But to go down the river, the young salmon must pass through several dams.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 1
At one time, there were electric turbines at each of the eight dams on the main stem of the Columbia and Snake Rivers. About 88% of the young salmon pass through a single dam unharmed.
a. One thousand young salmon pass through a dam. How many pass through unharmed?
b. One thousand young salmon pass through the river basin. How many pass through all 8 dams unharmed?
c. By what percent does the number of young salmon decrease when passing through a single dam?
d. Describe a similar real-life situation in which a quantity increases by a constant percent each time an event occurs.
Answer: a. 880 salmon passed through single dam unharmed.
b. Totally , 358 salmon pass through all 8 dams unharmed.
c. The percent of the number of young salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 12%
d. An example for, real-life situation in which a quantity increases by a constant percent each time an event occurs. is given below in explanation.

a. Given , One thousand young salmon pass through a dam. 88% of the young salmon pass through a single dam unharmed.
To know the number of salmon passed through unharmed we have,
88% of 1,000
= 88% × 1,000
= 0.88 × 1,000
= 880.
So, 880 salmon passed through single dam unharmed.

b. Given , One thousand young salmon pass through a dam. 88% of the young salmon pass through a single dam unharmed. To calculate number of salmon pass through all 8 dams unharmed are
number of  salmon passed through dam 1 , unharmed are 880 (as shown in part a)
number of  salmon passed through dam 2 , unharmed =  88%  of  880
= 0.88 × 880
= 774
number of  salmon passed through dam 3 , unharmed =  88%  of  774
= 0.88 × 774
= 681
number of  salmon passed through dam 4 , unharmed =  88%  of  681
= 0.88 × 681
= 599
number of  salmon passed through dam 5 , unharmed =  88%  of  599
= 0.88 × 599
= 527
number of  salmon passed through dam 6 , unharmed =  88%  of  527
= 0.88 × 527
= 463
number of  salmon passed through dam 7 , unharmed =  88%  of  463
= 0.88 × 463
= 407
number of  salmon passed through dam 8 , unharmed =  88%  of  407
= 0.88 × 407
= 358
Totally , 358 salmon pass through all 8 dams unharmed.

c. To calculate The percent of the number of young salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is
The total percent of salmon is 100%, The percent of salmon pass through a single dam is 88%
So, 100% – 88% = 12%
Finally , The percent of the number of young salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 12%

d.  An Example of real-life situation in which a quantity increases by a constant percent each time an event occurs.  is ,  while we are filling the tank with water , The amount of water ingoing increases constantly with the speed of the motor power running the water , water levels in the tank increases by a constant percent each time until the tank is filled up with the water fully.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 2

Try It

Find the percent of change. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.
Question 1.
10 inches to 25 inches
Answer:  percent of change is 150%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 25 and old value = 10 , because a change of 10 to 25 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{25 – 10}{10}\)
= \(\frac{15}{10}\)
= \(\frac{15}{10}\) × 100
= 150%
So, percent of change is 150%

Question 2.
57 people to 65 people
Answer:  percent of change is 14%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 65 and old value = 57 , because a change of 57 to 65 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{65 – 57}{57}\)
= \(\frac{8}{57}\)
= \(\frac{8}{57}\) × 100
= 14.03 %
Approximately We can write it as 14 %
So, percent of change is 14%

Question 3.
In Example 2, what was the percent of change from 2014 to 2015?
Answer: percent of change is  – 44%

In Example 2, change from 2014 to 2015 , that is 18 to 10
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New  value – old  value}{old  value}\)
where New value = 10 and old value = 18 , because a change of 18 to 10 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{10 – 18}{18}\)
= \(\frac{-8}{18}\)
= – 0.444
=  – 0.444 × 100
=  – 44.4 %
Approximately We can write it as  – 44 %
So, percent of change is  – 44%

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 4.
What does it mean for a quantity to change by n%?
Answer: The meaning of a quantity to change is given by, which the amount of quantity increases or decreases of its original value to new value is called percent of change,
Then percent of change can be in positive or negative depending on the value of change , if it is for n% then it can be increase or decrease in the quantity of change.

Question 5.
Without calculating, determine which situation has a greater percent of change. Explain.

  • 5 bonus points added to 50 points
  • 5 bonus points added to 100 points

Answer: 5 bonus points added to 50 points has the greater percent of change.

5 bonus points added to 50 points
Then 50 points to 55 points
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 55 and old value = 50 , because a change of 50 to 55 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{55 – 50}{50}\)
= \(\frac{5}{50}\)
= \(\frac{1}{10}\) × 100
= 10%
So, percent of change is 10%

5 bonus points added to 100 points
Then 100 points to 105 points
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 105 and old value = 100 , because a change of 100 to 105 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{105 – 100}{100}\)
= \(\frac{5}{100}\)
= \(\frac{1}{20}\) × 100
= 5%
So, percent of change is 5%

Percent of change of 5 bonus points added to 50 points is 10%
Percent of change of 5 bonus points added to 100 points is 5%
So, 5 bonus points added to 50 points has the greater percent of change.

FINDING A PERCENT OF CHANGE Identify the percent of change as an increase or a decrease. Then find the percent of change.
Question 6.
8 feet to 24 feet
Answer: percent of change is increased that is 200%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 24 and old value = 8 , because a change of 8 to 24 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{24 -8}{8}\)
= \(\frac{16}{8}\)
= 2 × 100
= 200%
So, percent of change is 200%

Question 7.
300 miles to 210 miles
Answer: percent of change is decreased that is -30%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 210 and old value = 300 , because a change of300 to 210 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{210 – 300}{300}\)
= \(\frac{-90}{300}\)
= \(\frac{-9}{30}\) × 100
= -0.3 × 100
= -30%
So, percent of change is -30%

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 8.
In one round of a game, you are asked how many bones are in a human body. If the percent error of your answer is at most 5%, you earn two points. If the percent error is at most 10%, but greater than 5%, you earn one point. You guess 195 bones. The correct answer is 206 bones. How many points do you earn?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 3
Answer: The percent Error we calculated  is at most of 5% so points we earned is 2 points

Given, You guess 195 bones. The correct answer is 206 bones.
The amount of error is 206 – 195 = 11
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 11 and Actual value = 206 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{11}{206}\)
= 0.053
= 0.053 × 100
=  5.3%
Approximately we can write as 5%
So, percent Error is 5%
Then , the percent Error we calculated  is at most of 5% so points we earned is 2 points

Question 9.
The manager of a restaurant offers a 20% decrease in price to tennis teams. A cashier applies a 10% decrease and then another 10% decrease. Is this the same as applying a 20% decrease? Justify your answer.
Answer: There is slight difference between these two methods but are approximately equal.

Given, The manager of a restaurant offers a 20% decrease in price to tennis teams.
Let the total price be 100
So, 100 decrease 20%
= 100 × (1 – 20%)
= 100 × (1 – 0.2)
= 80.

Given, A cashier applies a 10% decrease and then another 10% decrease.
Let the total price be 100
So, 100 decrease 10%
= 100 × (1 – 10%)
= 100 × (1 – 0.1)
= 90.

Again applying 10% decrease
90 decrease 10%
= 90 × (1 – 10%)
= 90 × (1 – 0.1)
= 81.

So, There is slight difference between these two methods but are approximately equal

Percents of Increase and Decrease Homework & Practice 6.4

Review & Refresh

Write and solve an equation to answer the question.
Question 1.
What number is 25% of 64?
Answer:  16

By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{64}\) = \(\frac{25}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{64 × 25}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{64}{4}\)
a = 16
So, 16 is 25% of 64.

Question 2.
39.2 is what percent of 112?
Answer: 35%

By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{39.2}{112}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{39.2 × 100}{112}\)
p = \(\frac{3,920}{112}\)
p = 35
So, 39.2 is 35% of 112.

Find the sum. Write fractions in simplest form.
Question 5.
\(\frac{4}{7}\) + (- \(\frac{6}{7}\))
Answer:  – \(\frac{2}{7}\)

To find the sum of the fractions given, we have to do addition, that is
\(\frac{4}{7}\) + (- \(\frac{6}{7}\))
= \(\frac{4 – 6}{7}\)
= – \(\frac{2}{7}\)
So, The sum of \(\frac{4}{7}\) + (- \(\frac{6}{7}\)) is – \(\frac{2}{7}\)

Question 6.
– 4.621 + 3.925
Answer: – 0.696

To find the sum we have to add the given numbers , that is
– 4.621 + 3.925
=  3.925 – 4.621
= – 0.696
So, the sum of – 4.621 + 3.925 is – 0.696.

Question 7.
–\(\frac{5}{12}\) + \(\frac{3}{4}\)
Answer: \(\frac{1}{3}\)

To find the sum of the fractions given, we have to do addition, that is
Given , –\(\frac{5}{12}\) + \(\frac{3}{4}\)
\(\frac{3}{4}\) – \(\frac{5}{12}\)
Expand the fraction , multilpy the numerator and denominator by 3
We get , \(\frac{3 × 3}{3 × 4}\)
= \(\frac{3 × 3}{3 × 4}\) – \(\frac{5}{12}\)
= \(\frac{9}{12}\) – \(\frac{5}{12}\)
= \(\frac{9 – 5}{12}\)
= \(\frac{4}{12}\)
The simplest form of \(\frac{4}{12}\) is \(\frac{1}{3}\)
So, The sum of –\(\frac{5}{12}\) + \(\frac{3}{4}\) is \(\frac{1}{3}\)

Concepts, Skills, & Problem Solving

EXPLORING PERCENT CHANGE You are given the percent of salmon that pass through a single dam unharmed. By what percent does the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam? (See Exploration 1, p. 253.)
Question 8.
Answer:  The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 25%

The percent of salmon that pass through a single dam unharmed is 75%
Let the percent of salmon coming to the dam are 100%
The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is
100% – 75% = 25%
So, The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 25%

Question 9.
Answer: The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 20%

The percent of salmon that pass through a single dam unharmed is 80%
Let the percent of salmon coming to the dam are 100%
The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is
100% – 80% = 20%
So, The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 20%

Question 10.
Answer: The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 38%

The percent of salmon that pass through a single dam unharmed is 62%
Let the percent of salmon coming to the dam are 100%
The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is
100% – 62% = 38%
So, The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 38%

Question 11.
Answer: The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 6%

The percent of salmon that pass through a single dam unharmed is 94%
Let the percent of salmon coming to the dam are 100%
The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is
100% – 94% = 6%
So, The percent of the number of salmon decrease when passing through a single dam is 6%

FINDING A PERCENT OF CHANGE Identify the percent of change as an increase or a decrease. Then find the percent of change. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.
Question 12.
12 inches to 36 inches
Answer: percent of change is 200%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 36 and old value = 12 , because a change of 12 to 36 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{36 – 12}{12}\)
= \(\frac{24}{12}\)
= 2 × 100
= 200%
So, percent of change is 200%

Question 13.
75 people to 25 people
Answer: percent of change is 66%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 25 and old value = 75 , because a change of 75 to 25 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{25 – 75}{75}\)
= \(\frac{- 50}{75}\)
=  – 0.666
= – 0.666 × 100
= – 66.6%
Approximately we can write it as – 66%
So, percent of change is – 66%

Question 14.
50 pounds to 35 pounds
Answer: percent of change is – 30%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 35 and old value = 50 , because a change of 35 to 50 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{35 – 50}{50}\)
= \(\frac{- 15}{50}\)
= – 0.3
= – 0.3 × 100
= – 30%
So, percent of change is – 30%

Question 15.
24 songs to 78 songs
Answer: percent of change is 225%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 78 and old value = 24 , because a change of 24 to 78 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{78 – 24}{24}\)
= \(\frac{54}{24}\)
= 2.25 × 100
= 225%
So, percent of change is 225%

Question 16.
10 gallons to 24 gallons
Answer: percent of change is 140%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 24 and old value = 10 , because a change of 10 to 24 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{24 – 10}{10}\)
= \(\frac{14}{10}\)
= 1.4
= 1.4 × 100
= 140%
So, percent of change is 140%

Question 17.
72 paper clips to 63 paper clips
Answer: percent of change is – 12.5%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 63 and old value = 72 , because a change of 72 to 63 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{63 – 72}{72}\)
= \(\frac{- 9}{72}\)
= \(\frac{- 1}{8}\)
= – 0.125
= – 0.125 × 100
= – 12.5%
So, percent of change is – 12.5%

Question 18.
16 centimeters to 44.2 centimeters
Answer: percent of change is 176%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 44.2 and old value = 16 , because a change of 16 to 44.2 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{44.2 – 16}{16}\)
= \(\frac{28.2}{16}\)
= 1.76
= 1.76 × 100
= 176%
So, percent of change is 176%

Question 19.
68 miles to 42.5 miles
Answer: percent of change is – 37.5%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 42.5 and old value = 68 , because a change of 68 to 42.5 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{42.5 – 68}{68}\)
= \(\frac{- 25.5}{68}\)
= – 0.375
= – 0.375 × 100
= – 37.5%
So, percent of change is – 37.5%

Question 20.
Your friend finds the percent increase from 18 to 26. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 4
Answer: No , The percent of change of 18 to 26 is positive (increase) that is 44.4%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 26 and old value = 18 , because a change of 18 to 26 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{26 – 18}{18}\)
= \(\frac{8}{18}\)
= 0.444
= 0.444 × 100
= 44.4%
So, percent of change is 44.4%

Question 21.
Last week, you finished Level 2 of a video game in 32 minutes. Today, you finish Level 2 in 28 minutes. What is the percent of change?
Answer: The percent of change from last week to today is – 12.5%

Given, you finished Level 2 of a video game in 32 minutes. Today, you finish Level 2 in 28 minutes.
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 28 and old value = 32 , because a change of 32 to 28 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{28 – 32}{32}\)
= \(\frac{- 4}{32}\)
= \(\frac{- 1}{8}\)
= – 0.125
= – 0.125 × 100
= – 12.5%
So, percent of change is – 12.5%

Question 22.
You estimate that a baby pig weighs 20 pounds. The actual weight of the baby pig is 16 pounds. Find the percent error.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 5
Answer: The percent Error is 20%.

Given , You estimate that a baby pig weighs 20 pounds. The actual weight of the baby pig is 16 pounds.
The amount of error is 20 – 16 = 4
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 4 and Actual value = 20 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{4}{20}\)
= \(\frac{1}{5}\)
= 0.2
= 0.2 × 100
=  20%
So, percent Error is 20% .

Question 23.
A researcher estimates that a fossil is 3200 years old. Using carbon-14 dating, a procedure used to determine the age of an object, the researcher discovers that the fossil is 3600 years old.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 6.1
a. Find the percent error.
b. What other estimate gives the same percent error? Explain your reasoning.
Answer: a. The percent Error is 11.1%
b. The other estimate that gives the same percent error is 3,199 years old.

a. Given, A researcher estimates that a fossil is 3200 years old  the researcher discovers that the fossil is 3600 years old.
The amount of error is 3600 – 3200 = 400
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 400 and Actual value = 3600 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{400}{3600}\)
= \(\frac{1}{9}\)
= 0.111
= 0.111 × 100
=  11.1%
So, percent Error is 11.1% .

b. If The other estimate that gives the same percent error is 3,199 years old.
The amount of error is 3600 – 3199 = 401
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 401 and Actual value = 3600 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{401}{3600}\)
= 0.111
= 0.111 × 100
=  11.1%
So, percent Error is 11.1% .
So , The other estimate that gives the same percent error is 3,199 years old.

FINDING A PERCENT OF CHANGE Identify the percent of change as an increase or a decrease. Then find the percent of change. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.
Question 24.
\(\frac{1}{4}\) to \(\frac{1}{2}\)
Answer: percent of change is 100%

The given fractions can be written in decimal form then we have,
\(\frac{1}{4}\) as 0.25
\(\frac{1}{2}\) as  0.5 , so , 0.25 to 0.5
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 0.5 and old value = 0.25 , because a change of 0.25 to 0.5 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{0.5 – 0.25}{0.25}\)
= \(\frac{0.25}{0.25}\)
= 1 × 100
= 100%
So, percent of change is 100%

Question 25.
\(\frac{4}{5}\) to \(\frac{3}{5}\)
Answer: percent of change is – 25%

The given fractions can be written in decimal form then we have,
\(\frac{4}{5}\) as 0.8
\(\frac{3}{5}\) as 0.6 , so , 0.8 to 0.6
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 0.6 and old value = 0.8 , because a change of 0.8 to 0.6 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{0.6 – 0.8}{0.8}\)
= \(\frac{-0.2}{0.8}\)
= – 0.25
= – 0.25 × 100
= – 25%
So, percent of change is – 25%

Question 26.
\(\frac{3}{8}\) to \(\frac{7}{8}\)
Answer: percent of change is 135%

The given fractions can be written in decimal form then we have,
\(\frac{3}{8}\) as 0.37
\(\frac{7}{8}\) as 0.87 , So 0.37 to 0.87
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 0.87 and old value = 0.37 , because a change of 0.37 to 0.87 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{0.87 – 0.37}{0.37}\)
= \(\frac{0.5}{0.37}\)
= 1.35
= 1.35 × 100
= 135%
So, percent of change is 135%

Question 27.
\(\frac{5}{4}\) to \(\frac{3}{8}\)
Answer: percent of change is – 70.4%

The given fractions can be written in decimal form then we have,
\(\frac{5}{4}\) as 1.25
\(\frac{3}{8}\) as 0.37 , So, 1.25 to 0.37
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 0.37 and old value = 1.25 , because a change of 1.25 to 0.37 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{0.37 – 1.25}{1.25}\)
= \(\frac{- 0.88}{1.25}\)
= – 0.704
= – 0.704 × 100
= – 70.4%
So, percent of change is – 70.4%

Question 28.
Explain why a change from 20 to 40 is a 100% increase, but a change from 40 to 20 is a 50% decrease.
Answer: From 20 to 40 is a 100% increase because of increase in number value and from 40 to 20 is a 50% decrease because of decrease in number value.

Given , 20 to 40
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 40 and old value = 20 , because a change of 20 to 40 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{40 – 20}{20}\)
= \(\frac{20}{20}\)
= 1 × 100
= 100%
Then , percent of change is 100%
So, The percent of change from 20 to 40 is a 100% increase

Given , 40 to 20
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 20 and old value = 40 , because a change of 40 to 20 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{20 – 40}{40}\)
= \(\frac{- 20}{40}\)
= \(\frac{- 1}{2}\)
= – 0.5
= – 0.5 × 100
= – 50%
Then , percent of change is – 50%
So , The percent of  change from 40 to 20 is a 50% decrease.

Finally , From 20 to 40 is a 100% increase because of increase in number value and from 40 to 20 is a 50% decrease because of decrease in number value.

Question 29.
The table shows population data for a community.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 6
a. What is the percent of change from 2011 to 2017?
b. Predict the population in 2023. Explain your reasoning.
Answer: a.  The percent of change from 2011 to 2017  is 169%
b. The estimated population of 2023 will be 158,000.

a. Given 2011 to 2017 , so from the table we know it as , 118,000 to 138,000
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 138,000  and old value = 118,000 , because a change of 118,000 to 138,000 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{138,000 – 118,000}{118,000}\)
= \(\frac{20,000}{118,000\)
= 0.169
=0.169 × 100
= 169%
So, percent of change is 169%

b. The population from 2011 to 2017 increased from 118,000 to 138,000,
The difference between 2011 to 2017 is 6 years ,So the population increase in numbers are
138,000 – 118,000 = 20,000.
If the population in 6 years is increased by 20,000.
Then from 2017 to 2023 is 6 years , So increase in population is 20,000
Then for 2023 The population will be 138,000 + 20,000 = 158,000
finally, The estimated population of 2023 will be 158,000.

Question 30.
Suppose the length and the width of the sandbox are doubled.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 7
a. Find the percent of change in the perimeter.
b. Find the percent of change in the area.
Answer: a. the percent of change in the perimeter of sandbox is 100%
b. the percent of change in the area of sandbox is

a. Given , length of sandbox = 10 ft , width of sandbox = 6 ft
The sandbox is in the form of a rectangle , So the perimeter of a rectangle is P = 2 ( l + w) , where l = length of the rectangle and  w = width of the rectangle,
Then P = 2( l + w )
= 2 ( 10 + 6 )
= 2 × 16
So, the perimeter of sandbox is 32 ft

Given that , the length and the width of the sandbox are doubled.
Then l = 20 ft and w = 12 ft ,
P = 2( l + w )
= 2 ( 20 + 12 )
= 2 × 32
= 64
So, the perimeter of sandbox after the length and the width are doubled. is 64 ft .
The perimeter of sandbox changed  from 32 ft to 64 ft , Then
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 64 and old value = 32 , because a change of 32 to 64 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{64 – 32}{32}\)
= \(\frac{32}{32}\)
= 1 × 100
= 100%
So, percent of change is 100%
Finally , the percent of change in the perimeter of sandbox is 100%

b. Given , length of sandbox = 10 ft , width of sandbox = 6 ft
The sandbox is in the form of a rectangle , So the area of a rectangle is A = l × w ,
Then A = l × w
= 10 × 6 = 60
So , The Area of Sandbox is 60 ft

Given that , the length and the width of the sandbox are doubled.
Then , l = 20 ft and w = 12 ft ,
Then A = l × w
= 20 × 12 = 240
So , The Area of Sandbox after the length and the width are doubled is 240 ft
The area of sandbox changed from 60 ft to 240 ft
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 240 and old value = 60 , because a change of 60 to 240 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{240 – 60}{60}\)
= \(\frac{180}{60}\)
= 3
= 3 × 100
= 300%
So, percent of change is 300%
Finally , the percent of change in the area of sandbox is 300%.

Question 31.
A company fills boxes with about 21 ounces of cereal. The acceptable percent error in filling a box is 2.5%. Box A contains 20.4 ounces of cereal and Box B contains 21.5 ounces of cereal. Tell whether each box is an acceptable weight.
Answer: The percent error of Box A is greater than acceptable percent error that is 2.8% and The percent error of Box B is less than acceptable percent error that is 2.3%.

For Box A , Given , A company fills boxes with about 21 ounces of cereal and Box A contains 20.4 ounces of cereal
The amount of error is 21 – 20.4 = 0.6
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 0.6 and Actual value = 21 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{0.6}{21}\)
= 0.028
= 0.028 × 100
=  2.8%
So, percent Error is 2.8%
The percent error of Box A is greater than acceptable percent error that is 2.8%

For Box B A company fills boxes with about 21 ounces of cereal and  Box B contains 21.5 ounces of cereal.
The amount of error is 21.5 – 21 = 0.5
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 0.5 and Actual value = 21 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{0.5}{21}\)
= 0.023
= 0.023 × 100
=  2.3%
So, percent Error is 2.3%
The percent error of Box B is less than acceptable percent error that is 2.3%

Question 32.
Find the percent of change from June to September in the mile-run times shown.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.4 8
Answer: The percent of change from June to September in the mile-run times is -26%.

Given , change from 7.45 to 5.51
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 5.51 and old value = 7.45 , because a change of 7.45 to 5.51 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{5.51 – 7.45}{7.45}\)
= \(\frac{- 1.94}{7.45}\)
= – 0.26
= – 0.26 × 100
= – 26%
So, percent of change is – 26%
Finally , The percent of change from June to September in the mile-run times is -26%.

Question 33.
A number increases by 10% and then decreases by 10%. Will the result be greater than, less than or equal to, the original number? Explain.
Answer: A number increases by 10% and then decreases by 10% , the result will be less than the original number.

Let original number is 100
Given ,The original number increases by 10%
The new number = original number + The original number increases by 10%
= 100 + ( 100 × 10%)
= 100 + ( 100 × 0.1)
= 100 + 10
= 110
So, The new number is 110.

Let the original number is 110
Given ,The original number decreases by 10%
The new number = original number – The original number decreases by 10%
= 110 – ( 110 × 10%)
= 110 – ( 110 × 0.1)
= 110 – 11
= 99
So, The new number is 99

99 < 100 .
So , A number increases by 10% and then decreases by 10% , the result will be less than the original number.

Question 34.
You want to reduce your daily calorie consumption by about 9%. You currently consume about 2100 calories per day. Use mental math to estimate the number of calories you should consume in one week to meet your goal. Explain.
Answer: The estimated calories you should consume per week is 13,377.

Given ,You currently consume about 2100 calories per day, reduce your daily calorie consumption by about 9%.
so, The calories you have to consume after reduction of 9% is
The new number = original number – The original number decreases by 9%
= 2100 – ( 2100 × 9%)
= 2100 – (2100 × 0.09)
= 2100 – 189
= 1,911 .
The calories you have to consume after reduction of 9% is 1,911

The calories you should consume per day is 1,911.
The calories you should consume per week (7 days) = 1,911 × 7 = 13,377.

Finally , The estimated calories you should consume per week is 13,377.

Question 35.
Donations to an annual fundraiser are 15% greater this year than last year. Last year, donations were10% greater than the year before. The amount raised this year is $10,120. How much was raised two years ago?
Answer: The amount raised 2 years ago is $7,741.8.

Given , The amount raised this year is $10,120.
Let the amount raised last year = x
Donations are 15% greater than last year
The amount raised last year = The amount raised this year – ((The amount raised this year .15%)
x = 10,120 – ( 10,120 × 0.15)
x = 10,120 – 1,518
x = 8,602
The amount raised last year = $8,602.

We know that , The amount raised last year = $8,602.
Let the amount raised the year before = x
Donations are 10% greater than the year before
The amount raised the year before = The amount raised last year – ((The amount raised last year .10%)
x = 8,602 – ( 8,602 × 0.1)
x = 8,602 – 860.2
x = 7,741.8
The amount raised the year before = $7,741.8.

So, The amount raised 2 years ago is $7,741.8.

Question 36.
Forty students are in the science club. Of those, 45% are girls. This percent increases to 56% after more girls join the club. How many more girls join?
Answer:  The number of new girls join the club is 10.

Let the number of new girls = x
The number of girls = x + 18
The number of students = x + 40
So, the number of girls = 56% The number of students
x + 18 = 0.56( x + 40 )
x + 18  = 0.56x + 22.4
0.56x – x = 22.4 – 18
0.44x = 4.4
x = \(\frac{4.4}{0.44}\)
x = 10.
So , The number of new girls is 10.

Lesson 6.5 Discounts and Markups


Comparing Discounts
Work with a partner.
a. The same pair of earrings is on sale at three stores. Which store has the best price? Use the percent models to justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 1
b. You buy the earrings on sale for 30% off at a different store. You pay $22.40. What was the original price of the earrings? Use the percent model to justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 2
c. You sell the earrings in part(b) to a friend for 60% more than what you paid. What is the selling price? Use a percent model to justify your answer.
a. For store A ,The sales price is $27
For store B  ,The sales price is $24.5
For store C ,The sales price is $31.2

b. the original price  of the earrings is $32

c. the selling price is $35.84.

a. Given store A = $45 with 40% off

We know , The sales price be 100% – 40% = 60% of the original price
sales price = 60% of 45
= 0.6 × 45 = 27
So, The sales price is $27

For store B = $49 with 50% off

We know , The sales price be 100% – 50% = 50% of the original price
sales price = 50% of 49
= 0.5 × 49 = 24.5
So, The sales price is $24.5

For store c = $39 with 20% off

We know , The sales price be 100% – 20% = 80% of the original price
sales price = 80% of 39
= 0.8 × 39 = 31.2
So, The sales price is $31.2

b. Given , You buy the earrings on sale for 30% off at a different store. You pay $22.40
The saples price = 100% – 30% = 70%

we know  a = 22.4 , p = 70% , w = ?
a  =  p% × w
22.4 = 0.7 × w
w = \(\frac{22.4}{0.7}\)
w = 32.
So , the original price of the earrings is $32

c. Given , You sell the earrings in part(b) to a friend for 60% more than what you paid.
If the selling price is more than the buying price then it is called markup

Here , the markup is 60% of $22.4
a = p% × w
a = 0.6 × 22.4
a = 13.44
So, the markup is  $13.44
We know that selling price = cost of buying + markup
= 22.4 + 13.44
= 35.84
So , the selling price is $35.84.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 3

Try It

Question 1.
The original price of a skateboard is $50. The skateboard is on sale for 20% off. What is the sale price?
Answer: The sales price of skateboard is $40

Given , skateboard is $50 with 20% off
We know , The sales price be 100% – 20% = 80% of the original price
sales price = 80% of 50
= 0.8 × 50 = 40
So, The sales price is $40

Question 2.
The discount on a DVD is 50%. It is on sale for $10. What is the original price of the DVD?
Answer: The original price of DVD is $20.

Given , discount on a DVD is 50%. , It is on sale for $10
We know , The sales price be 100% – 50% = 50%
a = p% × w
10 = 0.5 × w
w = \(\frac{10}{0.5}\)
w = 20
So, The original price is $20.

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 3.
Describe how to find the sale price of an item that has a 15% discount.
Answer: To get the sales price , The discount percent must be cleared from the total percent of sales price , it gives the sales percentage of the original price , which is used to find the sales price.
So, The sales price = original price minus discount.

Let the original price be $50 with 15% off
We know , The sales price be 100% – 15% = 85% of the original price
sales price = 85% of 50
= 0.85 × 50 = 42.5
So, The sales price is $42.5

FINDING A SALE PRICE Find the sale price. Use a percent model to check your answer.
Question 4.
A portable table tennis set costs $30 before a 30% discount.
Answer: The sales price of portable table tennis set is $21.

Given , tennis set is $30 with 30% off
We know , The sales price be 100% – 30% = 70% of the original price
sales price = 70% of 30
= 0.7 × 30 = 21
So, The sales price is $21.

Question 5.
The original price of an easel is $70. The easel is on sale for 20% off.
Answer: The sales price  of an easel is $56.

Given , easel is $70 with 20% off
We know , The sales price be 100% – 20% = 80% of the original price
sales price = 80% of 70
= 0.8 × 70 = 56
So, The sales price is $56.

FINDING AN ORIGINAL PRICE Find the original price. Use a percent model to check your answer.
Question 6.
A bracelet costs $36 after a 25% discount.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 4
Answer: The original price of bracelet is $48.

Given , discount on a bracelet is 25%. , It is cost  $36  after discount
We know , The sales price be 100% – 25% = 75%
a = p% × w
36 = 0.75 × w
w = \(\frac{36}{0.75}\)
w = 48
So, The original price is $48.

Question 7.
The discount on a toy robot is 40%. The toy robot is on sale for $54.
Answer: The sale price toy robot is $32.4 .

Given , discount on a toy robot is 40%. The toy robot is on sale for $54.
We know , The sales price be 100% – 40% = 60%
a = p% × w
a = 0.6 × 54
a = 32.4
So, The sale price is $32.4 .

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 8.
You have two coupons for a store. The first coupon applies a $15 discount to a single purchase, and the second coupon applies a 10% discount to a single purchase. You can only use one coupon on a purchase. When should you use each coupon? Explain.
Answer: The first coupon of $15 discount is to be used on your highest cost of purchase  and the second coupon with 10% off is to be used on your least cost of purchase .

Given , The first coupon applies a $15 discount to a single purchase,
Let the purchase be $50
Then the first coupon applies = $50 – $15 = $35.
So, when the first coupon applies price will be $35.

Given , the second coupon applies a 10% discount to a single purchase
Let the original price be $50 and with 10% off
We know , The sales price be 100% – 10% = 90% of the original price
sales price = 90% of 50
= 0.9 × 50 = 45
So, The sales price is $45.
Here , we can see that $15 discount is offering the reduction of the original price and  discount with 10% of is offering to pay the 90% of its original price.

Finally , The first coupon of $15 discount is to be used on your highest cost of purchase  and the second coupon with 10% off is to be used on your least cost of purchase .

Question 9.
A store sells memory cards for $25 each.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 5
a. The markup for each memory card is 25%. How much did the store pay for 50 memory cards?
b. The store offers a discount when a customer buys two or more memory cards. A customer pays $47.50 for two memory cards. What is the percent of discount?
c. How much does a customer pay for three memory cards if the store increases the percent of discount in part (b) by 2%?
Answer: a. The store pay $937.5 for 50 memory cards
b. The discount offered by the store is 5%
c. The customer paid $69.75 for 3 memory cards.

a. The markup is 25% of $25
a = p% × w
= 25% × 25
= 0.25 × 25
= 6.25
So , the markup is $6.25.
To , find the cost to store , we have
cost to store = selling price – markup
= $25 – $6.25
= $18.75.
The cost to store for each memory card is $18.75.
Then for 50 memory cards = 50 × $18.75 = $937.5

b. A customer pays $47.50 for two memory cards.
Then for one memory card \(\frac{47.5}{2}\) = $23.75
we have , a = $23.75 , w = $25 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{23.75}{25}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{23.75 × 100}{25}\)
p = \(\frac{2375}{25}\)
p = 95
So, 23.75 is 95% of 25.
To find the discount , = The percent of original price – the percent of selling price
=  100% – 95% = 5%
So, The discount offered by the store is 5%

c. If the discount is increased by 2% , Then the discount offered by store is 5% + 2% = 7%
The amount of selling price = 100% – 7% = 93%
So , 93% of $25
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{25}\) = \(\frac{93}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{25 × 93}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{2325}{100}\)
a = 23.25
So, The amount after  the discount is $23.25
Then for 3 memory cards = $23.25 × 3 = $69.75

The customer paid $69.75 for 3 memory cards.

Discounts and Markups Homework & Practice 6.5

Review & Refresh

Identify the percent of change as an increase or decrease. Then find the percent of change. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.
Question 1.
16 meters to 20 meters
Answer: The percent of change is 25%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 20 and old value = 16 , because a change of 16 to 20 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{20 – 16}{16}\)
= \(\frac{4}{16}\)
= \(\frac{1}{4}\)
= 0.25
= 0.25 × 100
= 25%
So, percent of change is 25%

Question 2.
9 points to 4 points
Answer: The percent of change is – 55.5%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 4 and old value = 9 , because a change of 9 to 4 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{4 – 9}{9}\)
= \(\frac{- 5}{9}\)
= – 0.555
= – 0.555 × 100
= – 55.5%
So, percent of change is – 55.5%

Question 3.
15 ounces to 5 ounces
Answer: The percent of change is – 66.6%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 5 and old value = 15 , because a change of 15 to 5 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{5 – 15}{15}\)
= \(\frac{- 10}{15}\)
= – 0.666
= – 0.666 × 100
= – 66.6%
So, percent of change is – 66.6%

Question 4.
38 staples to 55 staples

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 55 and old value = 38 , because a change of 38 to 55 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{55 – 38}{38}\)
= \(\frac{17}{38}\)
= 0.447
= 0.447 × 100
= 44.7%
So, percent of change is 44.7%

Find the product. Write fractions in simplest form.
Question 5.
Answer: The product of  \(\frac{4}{7}\left(-\frac{1}{6}\right)\) is 0.094.

The given fractions can be written in decimal form then we have,
\(\frac{4}{7}\left(-\frac{1}{6}\right)\) as 0.571 ( – 0.166)
To find the product we have to multiply the two numbers
= 0.571 × ( – 0.166)
= 0.094
So, The product of  \(\frac{4}{7}\left(-\frac{1}{6}\right)\) is 0.094.

Question 6.
– 1.58(6.02)
Answer: The product of – 1.58(6.02) is  – 9.51.

To find the product we have to multiply the two numbers
= – 1.58 × (6.02)
=  – 9.51
So, The product of – 1.58(6.02) is  – 9.51.

Question 7.
– 3(- 2\(\frac{1}{8}\))

The given fractions can be written in decimal form then we have,
– 3(- 2\(\frac{1}{8}\)) as – 3 ( – 2.12)
To find the product we have to multiply the two numbers
= – 3 × ( – 2.12)
=  6.36
So, The product of  – 3 ( – 2.12) is 6.36

Concepts, Skills, & Problem Solving

COMPARING DISCOUNTS The same item is on sale at two stores. Which one is the better price? Use percent models to justify your answer. (See Exploration 1, p. 259.)
Question 8.
60% off $60 or 55% off $50
Answer: The item has better price at 55% off $50 .

a. Given , 60% off $60.
We know , The sales price be 100% – 60% = 40% of the original price
sales price = 40% of 60
= 0.4 × 60 = 24
So, The sales price is $24

b. Given , 55% off $50

We know , The sales price be 100% – 55% = 45% of the original price
sales price = 45% of 50
= 0.45 × 50 = 22.5
So, The sales price is $22.5

Question 9.
85% off $90 or 70% off $65
Answer: The item has better price at 85% off $90 .


a. Given , 85% off $90
We know , The sales price be 100% –85% = 15% of the original price
sales price = 15% of 90
= 0.15 × 90 = 13.5
So, The sales price is $13.5 .

b. Given , 70% off $65

We know , The sales price be 100% –70% = 30% of the original price
sales price = 30% of 65
= 0.3 × 65 = 19.5
So, The sales price is $19.5.

USING TOOLS Copy and complete the table.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 6
10. Given , Original price of the item is $ 80 , percent of discount is 20% , Find sales price ?
Answer: The sales price of the is $64.

We know , The sales price be 100% – 20% = 80% of the original price
sales price = 80% of 80
= 0.8 × 80 = 64
So, The sales price is $64.

11. Given , Original price of the item is $42 , percent of discount is 15% , Find sales price ?
Answer: The sales price of the is $35.7.

We know , The sales price be 100% – 15% = 85% of the original price
sales price = 85% of 42
= 0.85 × 42 = 35.7
So, The sales price is $35.7.

12. Given , Original price of the item is $120 , percent of discount is 80% , Find sales price ?
Answer: The sales price of the is $24.

We know , The sales price be 100% – 80% = 20% of the original price
sales price = 20% of 120
= 0.2 × 120 = 24
So, The sales price is $24.

13. Given , Original price of the item is $112 , percent of discount is 32% , Find sales price ?
Answer: The sales price of the is $76.16.

We know , The sales price be 100% – 32% = 68% of the original price
sales price = 68% of 112
= 0.68 × 112 = 76.16
So, The sales price is $76.16.

14. Given , Original price of the item is $69.8 , percent of discount is 60% , Find sales price ?
Answer: The sales price of the is $27.92.

We know , The sales price be 100% – 60% = 40% of the original price
sales price = 40% of 69.8
= 0.4 × 69.8 = 27.92
So, The sales price is $27.92.

15. Given , sales price of the item is $40 , percent of discount is 25% , Find original price ?
Answer: The Original price of the is $53.

The sales price be 100% – 25% = 75%
we know  a = 40 , p = 75% , w = ?
a  =  p% × w
a = 75% × w
40 = 0.75 × w
w = \(\frac{40}{0.75}\)
w = 53
So , the original price of the earrings is $53.

16. Given , sales price of the item is $57 , percent of discount is 5% , Find original price ?
Answer: The Original price of the is $60.

The sales price be 100% – 5% = 95%
we know  a = 57 , p = 95% , w = ?
a  =  p% × w
a = 95% × w
57 = 0.95 × w
w = \(\frac{57}{0.95}\)
w = 60
So , the original price of the earrings is $60.

17. Given , sales price of the item is $90 , percent of discount is 80% , Find original price ?
Answer: The Original price of the is $450.

The sales price be 100% – 80% = 20%
we know  a = 90 , p = 20% , w = ?
a  =  p% × w
a = 20% × w
90 = 0.2 × w
w = \(\frac{90}{0.2}\)
w = 450
So , the original price of the earrings is $450.

18. Given , sales price of the item is $72 , percent of discount is 64% , Find original price ?
Answer: The Original price of the is $200.

The sales price be 100% – 64% = 36%
we know  a = 72 , p = 36% , w = ?
a  =  p% × w
a = 36% × w
72 = 0.36 × w
w = \(\frac{72}{0.36}\)
w = 200
So , the original price of the earrings is $200.

19. Given , sales price of the item is $146.54 , percent of discount is 15% , Find original price ?
Answer: The Original price of the is $172.4.

The sales price be 100% – 15% = 85%
we know  a = 146.54 , p = 85% , w = ?
a  =  p% × w
a = 85% × w
146.54 = 0.85 × w
w = \(\frac{146.54}{0.85}\)
w = 172.4
So , the original price of the earrings is $172.4.

20. Given , original price  of the item is $60 , sales price of the item is $45 , Find percent of discount ?
Answer: The percent of discount is 25% .

We have a = 45 , w = 60 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{45}{60}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{45 × 100}{60}\)
p = \(\frac{4,500}{60}\)
p = 75
So, 45 is 75% of 60.
To get the percent of discount we have ,
The percent of discount = The percent of original price – the percent of sales price
= 100% – 75%
= 25%.
So, The percent of discount is 25% .

21. Given , original price  of the item is $82 , sales price of the item is $65.6 , Find percent of discount ?
Answer: The percent of discount is 20% .

We have a = 65.6 , w = 82 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{65.6}{82}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{65.6 × 100}{82}\)
p = \(\frac{6,560}{82}\)
p = 80
So, 65.6 is 80% of 82.
To get the percent of discount we have ,
The percent of discount = The percent of original price – the percent of sales price
= 100% – 80%
= 20%.
So, The percent of discount is 20% .

22. Given , original price  of the item is $95 , sales price of the item is $61.75 , Find percent of discount ?
Answer: The percent of discount is 35% .

We have a = 61.75 , w = 95 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{61.75}{95}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{61.75 × 100}{95}\)
p = \(\frac{6,175}{95}\)
p = 65
So, 61.75 is 65% of 90.
To get the percent of discount we have ,
The percent of discount = The percent of original price – the percent of sales price
= 100% – 65%
= 35%.
So, The percent of discount is 35% .


Question 23.
Cost to store: $50
Markup: 10%
Answer:  The selling price is $55.

The markup is 10% of $50
a = p% × w
= 10% × 50
= 0.1 × 50
= 5
So , the markup is $5.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $50 + $5
= $55.
The selling price is $55.

Question 24.
Cost to store: $80
Markup: 60%
Answer: The selling price is $128.

The markup is 60% of $80
a = p% × w
= 60% × 80
= 0.6 × 80
= 48
So , the markup is $48.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $80 + $48
= $128.
The selling price is $128.

Question 25.
Cost to store: $140
Markup: 25%
Answer: The selling price is $175.

The markup is 25% of $140
a = p% × w
= 25% × 140
= 0.25 × 140
= 35
So , the markup is $35.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $140 + $35
= $175.
The selling price is $175.

Question 26.
A store pays $60 for an item. Your friend finds the selling price when the markup is 20%. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 7
Answer: No , The selling price is $72.

Given , The markup is 20% of $60
a = p% × w
= 20% × 60
= 0.2 × 60
= 12
So , the markup is $12.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $60 + $12
= $72.
The selling price is $72.

Question 27.
The scooter is being sold at a 10% discount. The original price is shown. Which methods can you use to find the new sale price? Which method do you prefer? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 8
Answer: The sales price is $37.8. Used the method of Multiplying $42 by 0.9.

By Using the method of Multiplying $42 by 0.9
We know , The sales price be 100% – 10% = 90% of the original price
sales price = 90% of 42
= 0.9 × 42 = 37.8
So, The sales price is $37.8.

Question 28.
The original price of an item is P dollars. Is the price of the item with an 18% markup the same as multiplying the original price by 1.18? Use two expressions to justify your answer.
Answer: The selling price is $1.18P and it is same as multiplying the original price by 1.18 .

Given , The original price of an item is P dollars.
The markup is 18% of $P
a = p% × w
= 18% × P
= 0.18 × P
= $0.18P
So , the markup is $0.18P.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $P + $0.18P
= $P ( 1 + 0.18 )
= $1.18P.
The selling price is $1.18P.

The given method is multiplying the original price by 1.18,
The original price is $P = $P × 1018.
So , The selling price is $1.18P.

Finally , The selling price is $1.18P and it is same as multiplying the original price by 1.18 .

Question 29.
You are shopping for a video game system.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 9
a. At which store should you buy the system?
b. Store A has a weekend sale. What discount must Store A offer for you to buy the system there?
Answer: a. you should buy the system at store C has The selling price is $200.
b. To buy the system at store A  , it should have the discount of  28.6%.

a. Given , For store A cost to store is $162 , Markup is 40%
Then , The markup is 40% of $162
a = p% × w
= 40% × 162
= 0.4 × 162
= 64.8
So , the markup is $64.8.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $162 + $64.8
= $226.8.
So , For store A , The selling price is $226.8.

Given , For store B cost to store is $155 , Markup is 30%
Then , The markup is 30% of $155
a = p% × w
= 30% × 155
= 0.3 × 155
= 46.5
So , the markup is $46.5.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $155 + $46.5
= $201.5.
So , For store B , The selling price is $201.5.

Given , For store C cost to store is $160 , Markup is 25%
Then , The markup is 25% of $160
a = p% × w
= 25% × 160
= 0.25 × 160
= 40
So , the markup is $40.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $160 + $40
= $200.
So , For store C , The selling price is $200.

you should buy the system at store C has The selling price is $200.

b. Given , Store A has a weekend sale, to buy the system there , it should have the discount of ,
For store A , The selling price is $226.8 , cost to store is $162
We know a = $162 , w = $226.8
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{162}{226.8}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{162 × 100}{226.8}\)
p = \(\frac{16,200}{226.8}\)
p = 71.4%
So, 162 is 71.4% of 226.8.
To get the percent of discount we have ,
The percent of discount = The percent of original price – the percent of sales price
= 100% – 71.4%
= 28.6%.
So, The percent of discount is 28.6% .
Hence , To buy the system at store A  , it should have the discount of  28.6%.

Question 30.
A pool manager balances the pH level of a pool. The price of a bucket of chlorine tablets is $90, and the price of a pH test kit is $11. The manager uses a coupon that applies a 40% discount to the total cost of the two items. How much money does the pool manager pay for each item?
Answer: The pool manager pays for each item $60.6.

Now, to find the money the pool manager pay for each item
The price of a bucket of  chlorine tablets is = $90.
The price of a pH test kit = $11.
So, to get the total price of both items we add both prices:
$90 + $11 = $101.
Total cost of two items = $101.
As, given a coupon that applies a 40% discount to the total cost of the two items.
Now, to get the total cost by applying discount:
101 – (40%  of 101)
= 101 – (0.4 × 101)
= 101 – 40.4
= 60.6
So, The pool manager pays for each item $60.6



Question 31.
You buy a pair of jeans at a department store.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents 6.5 10
a. What is the percent of discount to the nearest percent?
b. What is the percent of sales tax to the nearest tenth of a percent?
c. The price of the jeans includes a 60% markup. After the discount, what is the percent of markup to the nearest percent?
Answer: a. The percent of discount is to the nearest percent 25% .
b. The percent of sales tax to the nearest percent is 7%.
c. The percent of markup to the nearest percent is 54%

a. To find the percent of discount to the nearest percent , we have
a = 29.99 , w = 39.99 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{29.99}{39.99}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{29.99 × 100}{39.99}\)
p = 0.749 × 100
p = 74.9
So, 29.99 is 74.9% of 39.99.
To get the percent of discount we have ,
The percent of discount = The percent of original price – the percent of sales price
= 100% – 74.9%
= 24.9%.
So, The percent of discount is 25% .

b. To find the percent of sales tax to the nearest tenth of a percent we have
sales tax = 1.95 , price = 29.99 , so , a = 1.95 , w = 29.99 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{1.95}{29.99}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{1.95 × 100}{29.99}\)
p = 0.065 × 100
p = 6.5
So, 1.95 is 6.5% of 29.99.
Thus , The percent of sales tax is 7%

c. Given , The price of the jeans includes a 60% markup.
The markup is 60% of $39.99
a = p% × w
= 60% × 39.99
= 0.6 × 39.99
= 23.99
So , the markup is $23.99.
To , find the original price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
cost to store = selling price – markup
= $39.99 – $23.99
= $15.99.
The selling price is $15.99.
After the discount, The amount is $29.99
To know the mark up we have , a = 15.99 , w = 29.99
a = p% × w
p% = \(\frac{a}{w}\)
p% = \(\frac{15.99}{29.99}\)
p% = 0.533
p = 0.533 × 100
p = 53.3 .%
So , The percent of markup to the nearest percent is 54%

Question 32.
You buy a bicycle helmet for $22.26, which includes 6% sales tax. The helmet is discounted 30% off the selling price. What is the original price?
Answer: The original price of the helmet is $30.

Given , You buy a bicycle helmet for $22.26, which includes 6% sales tax.
Then , 6% of $22.26 is $1.33 , by decreasing the tax amount from the buying price  we get $20.93
The helmet is discounted 30% off the selling price.
The sales price be 100% – 30% = 70%
we know  a = 20.93 , p = 70% , w = ?
a  =  p% × w
a = 70% × w
20.93 = 0.7 × w
w = \(\frac{20.93}{0.7}\)
w = 29.9 , approximately equal to 30
So , the original price of the helmet is $30.

Question 33.
A drone that costs $129.50 is discounted 40%. The next month, the sale price is discounted an additional 60%. Is the drone now “free”? If so, explain. If not, find the sale price.
Answer: The sales price of the next month is $31.8 , The drone not for free.

Given , A drone that costs $129.50 is discounted 40%.
We know , The sales price be 100% – 40% = 60% of the original price
sales price = 60% of 129.50
= 0.6 × 129.5 = $77.7
So, The sales price is $77.7.

Given , The next month, the sale price is discounted an additional 60%.
The original price this time is $77.7
We know , The sales price be 100% – 60% = 40% of the original price
sales price = 40% of 77.7
= 0.4 × 77.7 = $31.8
So, The sales price of the next month is $31.8 .

Thus , The drone not for free.

Lesson 6.6 Simple Interest


Understanding Simple Interest
Work with a partner. You deposit $150 in an account that earns 6% simple interest per year. You do not make any other deposits or withdrawals. The table shows the balance of the account at the end of each year.
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 1
a. Describe any patterns you see in the account balance.
b. How is the amount of interest determined each year?
c. How can you find the amount of simple interest earned when you are given an initial amount, an interest rate, and a period of time?
d. You deposit $150 in a different account that earns simple interest. The table shows the balance of the account each year. What is the interest rate of the account? What is the balance after 10 years?
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 2
Answer: a. we observe the pattern of $9 increment in each year of the deposited amount.
b. the amount of interest each year is ,
For 0 years = $0
For 1 years  I = $9.54
For 2 years  I = $20.16
For 3 years  I = $31.86
For 4 years  I = $44.64
For 5 years  I = $58.5
For 6 years  I = $73.44
c. Formula for simple interest is I = Prt
d. The annual rate of interest is $ 2.60 .

a. As the table shows , we have a series of pattern among the years of amount deposited.
that is , For 0 years = $150
For 1 years = $150 + $9 = $159
For 2 years = $159 + $9 = $168
For 3 years = $168 + $9 = $177
For 4 years = $177 + $9 = $186
For 5 years = $186 + $9 = $195
For 6 years = $195 + $9 = $204 ,
Here, we observe the pattern of $9 increment in each year of the deposited amount.

b. From the table, we have , simple interest for each year as,
Principal = P , t = time in years , r = Annual interest rate
That is P = $150 , t = 0 years , r = 0.06
To find the simple interest  I  we know , I = Prt ,
For 0 years  I = 150 × 0 × 0.06 = $0 .
For 1 years , P = $159 , t = 1 year , r = 0.06
I = 159 × 1 × 0.06 = $9.54
For 2 years , P = $168 , t = 2 year , r = 0.06
I = 168 × 2 × 0.06 = $20.16
For 3 years , P = $177 , t = 3 year , r = 0.06
I = 177 × 3 × 0.06 = $31.86
For 4 years , P = $186 , t = 4 year , r = 0.06
I = 186 × 4 × 0.06 = $44.64
For 5 years , P = $195 , t = 5 year , r = 0.06
I = 195 × 5 × 0.06 = $58.5
For 6 years , P = $204 , t = 6 year , r = 0.06
I = 204 × 6 × 0.06 = $73.44

C. To find the simple interest , we have Principal = P , t = time in years , r = Annual interest rate ,
Formula for simple interest is I = Prt , So by using this formula we can find the simple interest of the deposit .

d. From the table given , we have the pattern of increment of $5 in each year ,
in this case the deposit in the 10 year will be $230 .
To find the interest rate of the account ,
r = \(\frac{I}{pt}\)
r = \(\frac{0.06}{230 × 10}\)
r = 2.60
So , the annual rate of interest is $ 2.60 .

Interest principal is money paid or earned for using or lending money. The is the amount of money borrowed or deposited.

Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 3

Try It

Question 1.
What is the balance of the account after 9 months?
Answer: The balance after 9 months = $500 + $1.66 = $501.66 .

From the example given , we know P = $500 , r = 0.03 , t =  9 months
I = prt
I = \(\frac{500 × 0.03}{9}\)
I = \(\frac{15}{9}\)
I = 1.66
The interest earned is $1.66 after 9 months ,
The balance after 9 months = $500 + $1.66 = $501.66 .

Question 2.
You deposit $350 in an account. The account earns $17.50 simple interest in 2.5 years. What is the annual interest rate?
Answer: The annual interest rate is 2%

Given , P = $350 , I = $17.5 , t = 2.5 ,
We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{17.5}{350 × 2.5}\)
= \(\frac{17.5}{875}\)
= 0.02
we can write in percent as 2%
So , The annual interest rate is 2% .

Question 3.
In Example 3, how long does it take an account with a principal of $10,000 to earn $750 in interest?
Answer: It takes 3.75years to an account with a principal of $10,000 to earn $750 in interest .

Given , P = $10,000 , I = $750 , r = 0.02 , t = ? ,
We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{750}{10,000 × 0.02}\)
= \(\frac{750}{200}\)
= 3.75
So, It takes 3.75years to an account with a principal of $10,000 to earn $750 in interest .

Self-Assessment for Concepts & Skills
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 4.
Explain the meaning of simple interest.
Simple interest is interest calculated on the principal portion of a loan or the original contribution to a savings account. Simple interest does not compound, meaning that an account holder will only gain interest on the principal, and a borrower will never have to pay interest on interest already accrued.
So , To put in simplest form we can say that ,  simple interest money paid or earned only on the principal .

USING THE SIMPLE INTEREST FORMULA Use the simple interest formula.
Question 5.
You deposit $20 in a savings account. The account earns 4% simple interest per year. What is the balance after 4 years?
Answer: The balance of after 4 years is $23.2 .

To fin the principal , Given , P = $20 , r = 0.04 , t = 4 ,
We know that  I = Prt
I = 20 × 0.04 × 4
= 3.2
Simple interest I = $3.2
To find the balance after 4 years we have to add the simple interest to principal amount = $20 + $3.2 = $23.2 .
The balance of after 4 years is $23.2 .

Question 6.
You deposit $800 in an account. The account earns $360 simple interest in 3 years. What is the annual interest rate?
Answer: The annual interest rate is 15% .

Given , P = $800 , I = $360 , t = 3 years ,
We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{360}{800 × 3}\)
= \(\frac{360}{2400}\)
= 0.15
we can write in percent as 15%
So , The annual interest rate is 15% .

Question 7.
You deposit $650 in a savings account. How long does it take an account with an annual interest rate of 5% to earn $178.25 in interest?
Answer: It takes 7.13 years an account with an annual interest rate of 5% to earn $178.25 in interest .

Given , P = $650 , I = $178.25 , r = 0.05 , t = ? ,
We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{178.25}{650 × 0.05}\)
= \(\frac{178.25}{32.5}\)
= 7.13
So, It takes 7.13 years an account with an annual interest rate of 5% to earn $178.25 in interest .

Self-Assessment for Problem Solving
Solve each exercise. Then rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.

Question 8.
You want to deposit $1000 in a savings account for 3 years. One bank adds a $100 bonus to your principal and offers a 2% simple annual interest rate. Another bank does not add a bonus, but offers 6% simple interest per year. Which bank should you choose? Explain.
Answer: Second bank offers the best deal .

Given , we know P = $1000 , t =  3 years ,
And one bank adds $100 bonus and offers  a 2% simple annual interest rate.
Then p = $1000 + $100 = $1100 , r = 0.02 ,
I = Prt
I = 1100 × 0.02 × 3
I = 11 × 2 × 3
I = 66
The simple interest of one bank = $66 .
The balance of the account will be = $1100 + $66 = $1166 .

Another bank offers no bonus, but  6% simple interest per year , r = 0.06  , p = $1000 , t = 3 years
I = prt
I = 1000 × 0.06 × 3
I = 10 × 6 × 3
I = 180
The simple interest of Another bank = $180 .
The balance of the account will be = $1000 + $180 = $1180 .

So, Second bank offers the best deal .

Question 9.
Your cousin borrows $1125 to repair her car. The simple annual interest rate is 10%. She makes equal monthly payments of $25. How many years will it take to pay off the loan?
Answer: It takes 2.2 years to pay off the loan.

Given , P = $1125 , r = 0.01 , I = $25 , t = ?
We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{25}{1125 × 0.01}\)
= \(\frac{25}{11.25}\)
= 2.2
So, It takes 2.2 years to pay off the loan.

Question 10.
You borrow$900 to buy a laptop. You plan to pay off the loan after 5 years of equal monthly payments. After 10 payments, you have $1200 left to pay. What is the simple annual interest rate of your loan?
Answer: The annual interest rate is 15% .

Given , P = $900 , I = $1200 , t = 5 years ,
We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{900}{1200 × 5}\)
= \(\frac{900}{6000}\)
= 0.15
we can write in percent as 15%
So , The annual interest rate is 15% .

Simple Interest Homework & Practice 6.6

Review & Refresh

Find the selling price.
Question 1.
A store pays $8 for a pool noodle. The markup is 20%.
Answer: The selling price is $9.6

Then , The markup is 20% of $8
a = p% × w
= 20% × 8
= 0.2 × 8
= 1.6
So , the markup is $1.6 .
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $8 + $1.6
= $9.6.
So ,The selling price is $9.6 .

Question 2.
A store pays $3 for a magazine. The markup is 5%.
Answer: The selling price is $3.15

Then , The markup is 5% of $3
a = p% × w
= 5% × 3
= 0.05 × 3
= 0.15
So , the markup is $0.15 .
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $3 + $0.15
= $3.15.
So ,The selling price is $3.15 .

Solve the inequality. Graph the solution.
Question 3.
x + 5 < 2
Answer:  x  < -3

Given , x + 5 < 2
add  – 5 on both sides ,
x + 5 – 5 < 2 – 5
x  < -3

Question 4.
b – 2 ≥ – 1
Answer: b  ≥ 1

Given , b – 2 ≥ – 1
add  2 on both sides
b – 2 + 2  ≥ – 1 + 2
b  ≥ 1

Question 5.
w + 6 ≤ – 3
Answer: w  ≤ – 9

Given , w + 6 ≤ – 3
add -6 on both sides
w + 6 – 6  ≤ – 3 – 6
w  ≤ – 9

Concepts, Skills, & Problem Solving

UNDERSTANDING SIMPLE INTEREST The table shows the balance of an account each year. What is the interest rate of the account? What is the balance after 10 years? (See Exploration 1, p. 265.)
Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 4
Answer: The annual interest rate is 3% .

Given , There is an increment of $2 each year , for 10 years it will be $60 .
Now we have , P = $60 , t = 10 years , I = $2 , r = ?
We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{2}{60 × 10}\)
= \(\frac{2}{60}\)
= 0.03
we can write in percent as 3%
So , The annual interest rate is 3% .

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 5
Answer: The annual interest rate is 0.4% .

Given , There is an increment of $14 each year , for 10 years it will be $315 .
Now we have , P = $315 , t = 10 years , I = $14 , r = ?
We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{14}{315 × 10}\)
= 0.004
we can write in percent as 0.4%
So , The annual interest rate is 0.4% .

FINDING INTEREST EARNED An account earns simple annual interest. (a) Find the interest earned. (b) Find the balance of the account.
Question 8.
$600 at 5% for 2 years
Answer: The simple interest of  bank is $60 .
The balance of the account will be $660 .

Given ,  P = $600 , t =  2 years , r = 0.05
I = prt
I = 600 × 0.05 × 2
I = 6 × 5 × 2
I = 60
The simple interest of bank is $60 .
The balance of the account will be = $600 + $60 = $660 .

Question 9.
$1500 at 4% for 5 years
Answer: The simple interest  is $300 .
The balance of the account will be  $1800 .

Given ,  P = $1500 , t =  5 years , r = 0.04
I = prt
I = 1500 × 0.04 × 5
I = 15 × 4 × 5
I = 300
The simple interest of  bank = $300 .
The balance of the account will be $1500 + $300 = $1800 .

Question 10.
$350 at 3 % for 10 years
Answer: The simple interest of  bank is $105 .
The balance of the account will be $455 .

Given , P = $350 , t =  10 years , r = 0.03
I = prt
I = 350 × 0.03 × 10
I = 35 × 3
I = 105
The simple interest of  bank is $105 .
The balance of the account will be $350 + $105 = $455 .

Question 11.
$1800 at 6.5% for 30 months
Answer:  The interest earned is $3.9 ,
The balance of the account will be $1,803.9 .

Given , P = $1800 , t =  30 months , r = 0.065
I = prt
I = \(\frac{1800 × 0.065}{30}\)
I = \(\frac{117}{30}\)
I = 3.9
The interest earned is $3.9 ,
The balance of the account will be $1800 + $3.9 = $1,803.9 .

Question 12.
$925 at2.3% for 2.4 years
Answer: The interest earned is $638.1 ,
The balance of the account will be $1,563.1 .

Given , P = $925 , t =  28 months , r = 0.023
I = prt
I = \(\frac{925 × 0.023}{28}\)
I = \(\frac{21.27}{30}\)
I = 638.1
The interest earned is $638.1 ,
The balance of the account will be $925 + $638.1 = $1,563.1 .

Question 13.
$5200 at 7.36% for 54 months
Answer: The interest earned is $7.08 ,
The balance of the account will be $5,207.

Given , P = $5200 , t = 54 months , r = 0.0736
I = prt
I = \(\frac{5200 × 0.0736}{54}\)
I = \(\frac{382.72}{54}\)
I = 7.08
The interest earned is $7.08 ,
The balance of the account will be $5200 + $7.08 = $5,207.

Question 14.
Your friend finds the simple interest earned on $500 at 6% for 18 months. Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 6
Answer: No , The simple interest is $1.6 .

Given , P = $500 , t =  18 months , r = 0.06
I = prt
I = \(\frac{500 × 0.06}{18}\)
I = \(\frac{30}{18}\)
I = 1.6
The simple interest is $1.6 .

FINDING AN ANNUAL INTEREST RATE Find the annual interest rate.
Question 15.
I = $24, P = $400, t = 2 years
Answer: The annual interest rate is 3% .

We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{24}{400 × 2}\)
= \(\frac{24}{800}\)
= 0.03
we can write in percent as 3%
So , The annual interest rate is 3% .

Question 16.
I = $562.50, P = $1500, t = 5 years
Answer: The annual interest rate is 7.5% .

We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{562.5}{1500 × 5}\)
= \(\frac{562.5}{7500}\)
= 0.075
we can write in percent as 7.5%
So , The annual interest rate is 7.5% .

Question 17.
I = $54, P = $900, t = 18 months
Answer: The annual interest rate is 108% .

We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{54 × 18 }{900 }\)
= \(\frac{972}{900}\)
= 1.08
we can write in percent as 108%
So , The annual interest rate is 108% .

Question 18.
I = $160, P = $2000, t = 8 months
Answer: The annual interest rate is 64% .

We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{160 × 8 }{2000 }\)
= \(\frac{1,280}{2,000}\)
= 0.64
we can write in percent as 64%
So , The annual interest rate is 64% .

FINDING AN AMOUNT OF TIME Find the amount of time.
Question 19.
I $30, P = $500, r = 3%
Answer: The amount of time is 1.6 years .

We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac30}{500 × 0.03}\)
= \(\frac{30}{18}\)
So , The amount of time is 1.6 years .

Question 20.
I = $720, P = $1000, r = 9%
Answer: The amount of time is 8 years .

We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{720}{1000 × 0.09}\)
= \(\frac{720}{90}\)
= 8
So , The amount of time is 8 years .

Question 21.
I = $54, P = $800, r = 4.5%
Answer: The amount of time is 1.5 years .

We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{54}{800 × 0.045}\)
= \(\frac{54}{36}\)
= 1.5
So , The amount of time is 1.5 years .

Question 22.
I = $450, P = $2400, r = 7.5%
Answer:  The amount of time is 2.5 years .

We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{450}{2400 × 0.075}\)
= \(\frac{450}{180}\)
= 2.5
So , The amount of time is 2.5 years .

Question 23.
A savings account earns 5% simple interest per year. The principal is $1200. What is the balance after 4 years?
Answer: The bank balance is $1440 .

Given , P = $1200 , t =  4 years , r = 0.05
I = prt
I = 1200 × 0.05 × 4
I = 12 × 5 × 4
I = 240
The simple interest of  bank is $240 .
The bank balance is $1200 + $240 = $1440 .

Question 24.
You deposit $400 in an account. The account earns $18 simple interest in 9 months. What is the annual interest rate?
Answer: The annual interest rate is 40.5% .

Given , P = $400 , I = $18 , t = 9 months ,
We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{18 × 9}{400}\)
= \(\frac{162}{400}\)
= 0.405
we can write in percent as 40.5%
So , The annual interest rate is 40.5% .

Question 25.
You deposit $3000 in a CD (certificate of deposit) that earns 5.6% simple annual interest. How long will it take to earn $336 in interest?
Answer: It takes 2 years to earn $336 in interest .

Given , P = $3000  , r = 0.056 , I = $336
We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{336}{3000 × 0.056}\)
= \(\frac{336}{168}\)
= 2
So , It takes 2 years to earn $336 in interest .

FINDING AN AMOUNT PAID Find the amount paid for the loan.
Question 26.
$1500 at 9% for 2 years
Answer: The amount paid for the loan is $270 .

Given , P = $1500 , t =  2 years , r = 0.09
I = prt
I = 1500 × 0.09 × 2
I = 15 × 9 × 2
I = 270
So , The amount paid for the loan is $270 .

Question 27.
$2000 at 12% for 3 years
Answer: The amount paid for the loan is $72 .

Given , P = $2000 , t =  3 years , r = 0.012
I = prt
I = 2000 × 0.012 × 3
I = 2 × 12 × 3
I = 72
So , The amount paid for the loan is $72 .

Question 28.
$2400 at 10.5% for 5 years
Answer: The amount paid for the loan is $1,260 .

Given , P = $2400 , t =  5 years , r = 0.105
I = prt
I = 2400 × 0.105 × 5
I = 252 × 5
I = 1,260
So , The amount paid for the loan is $1,260 .

Question 29.
$4800 at 9.9% for 4 years
Answer: The amount paid for the loan is $1,900 .

Given , P = $4800 , t =  4 years , r = 0.099
I = prt
I = 4800 × 0.099 × 4
I = 475.2 × 4
I = 1,900
So , The amount paid for the loan is $1,900 .

USING THE SIMPLE INTEREST FORMULA Copy and complete the table.
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 7
30. The simple interest  is $1,530 .
31. The principal amount is $2,29,491 .
32. The time required is 4 years .
33. The annual interest rate is 1,275% .

30.  Explanation:
Given , P = $12,000 , t =  5 years , r = 0.0425
I = prt
I = 12,000 × 0.0425 × 5
I = 510 ×
I = 1,530
So , The simple interest  is $1,530 .

31.  Explanation:
Given , I = $828.75 , t =  18 months , r = 0.065
I = Prt
P = \(\frac{I}{rt}\)
= \(\frac{828.75 × 18}{0.065}\)
= \(\frac{14,916.96}{0.065}\)
= 2,29,491
So , The principal amount is $2,29,491 .

32. Explanation:
Given , P = $15,500 , I = $5425 , r = 0.0875
We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{5425}{15,500 × 0.0875}\)
= \(\frac{5425}{1,356.25}\)
= 4
So , The time required is 4 years .

33. Explanation:
Given , P = $18,000 , I = $4252.5 , t = 54 months ,
We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{4252.5 × 54}{18,000}\)
= \(\frac{2,29,635}{18,000}\)
= 12.75
we can write in percent as 1,275%
So , The annual interest rate is 1,275% .

Question 34.
A family borrows money for a rainforest tour. The simple annual interest rate is 12%. The loan is paid after 3 months. What is the total amount paid for the tour?
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 8
Answer: The total amount paid for the tour will be $1,230 + $49.2 = $1,279.2 .

Given , P = $940 + $170 + $120 = 1,230
P = $1,230 , t =  3 months , r = 0.12
I = prt
I = \(\frac{1,230 × 0.12}{3}\)
I = \(\frac{147.6}{3}\)
I = 49.2
The simple interest  is $49.2 .
So , The total amount paid for the tour will be $1,230 + $49.2 = $1,279.2 .

Question 35.
You deposit $5000 in an account earning 7.5% simple interest per year. How long will it take for the balance of the account to be $6500?
Answer: It takes 4 years for the balance of the account to be $6500.

Given , the balance of the account  be $6500 ,  You deposit $5000
We know that . The total balance = deposit + simple interest
So, To get simple interest we have = The total balance – deposit = $6500 – $5000 = $1500 ,
P = $5000 , r = 0.075 , I = $1500 , t = ?
We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{1500}{5000 × 0.075}\)
= \(\frac{1500}{375}\)
= 4
So , It takes 4 years for the balance of the account to be $6500.

Question 36.
You borrow$1300 to buy a telescope. What is the monthly payment?
Big Ideas Math Answers 7th Grade Chapter 6 Percents 6.6 9
Answer: The monthly payment is $66.95 .

Given , P = $1300 , t =  2 years , r = 0.118
I = prt
I = 1300 × 0.118 × 2
I = 153.4 × 2
I = 306.8
The simple interest of  bank is $306.8 .
The balance of the account will be $1300 + $306.8 = $1,606.8 .
To get the monthly payment ,  convert 2 years into 24 months then , \(\frac{1,606.8}{24}\) = 66.95
So , The monthly payment is $66.95 .

Question 37.
How many years will it take for $2000 to double at a simple annual interest rate of 8%? Explain how you found your answer.
Answer: It will take 12.5 years to make the principal amount double .

Given , it take for $2000 to double  , so the total balance will be $2000 + $2000 = $4000
We know that . The total balance = deposit + simple interest
So, To get simple interest we have = The total balance – deposit = $4000 – $2000 = $2000
P = $2000 , r = 0.08 , I = $2000 , t = ?
We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{2000}{2000 × 0.08}\)
= \(\frac{2000}{160}\)
= 12.5
So , It will take 12.5 years to make the principal amount double .

Question 38.
You take out two loans. After 2 years, the total interest for the loans is $138. On the first loan, you pay 7.5% simple annual interest on a principal of $800. On the second loan, you pay 3% simple annual interest. What is the principal for the second loan?
Answer: The principal amount of the second loan is $300 .

Given , For first loan , P = $800 , t =  2 years , r = 0.075
I = prt
I = 800 × 0.075 × 2
I = 120
The simple interest of  bank is $120 .

For Second loan , Given , the total interest for the loans is $138
So , I = $138 – $120 = $18 ,
Given r = 0.03 , t = 2 years , I = $18
I = Prt
p = \(\frac{I}{rt}\)
= \(\frac{18}{0.03 × 2}\)
= \(\frac{18}{0.06}\)
= 300
So, The principal amount of the second loan is $300 .

Question 39.
You deposit $500 in an account that earns 4% simple annual interest. The interest earned each year is added to the principal to create a new principal. Find the total amount in your account after each year for 3 years.
Answer:  The balance of the account for the first year will be $500 + $20 = $520
The balance of the account for the 2 year will be $520 + $41.6 = $561.6 .
The balance of the account for the 3 year will be $561.6 + $67.3 = $5683.9.

Given , P = $500 , t =  1 years , r = 0.04
I = prt
I = 500 × 0.04 × 1
I = 5 × 4
I = 20
The simple interest of  bank is $20 .
The balance of the account for the first year will be $500 + $20 = $520 .

For 2 years , p = $520 , t = 2 , r = 0.04
I = prt
I = 520 × 0.04 × 2
I = 20.8 × 2
I = 41.6
The simple interest of  bank is $41.6 .
The balance of the account for the 2 year will be $520 + $41.6 = $561.6 .

For 3 years , p = $561.6 , t = 3 , r = 0.04
I = prt
I = 561.6 × 0.04 × 3
I = 22.46× 3
I = 67.3
The simple interest of  bank is $67.3 .
The balance of the account for the 3 year will be $561.6 + $67.3 = $5683.9.

Question 40.
An account earns r% simple interest per year. Does doubling the initial principal have the same effect on the total interest earned as doubling the amount of time? Justify your answer.
Answer: Yes ,Doubling the initial principal have the same effect on the total interest earned as doubling the amount of time

Given , An account earns r% simple interest per year. Does doubling the initial principal
Let us say P = 2P , t = t years , r = r%
we know I = Prt ,
I = 2P × t × r
I = 2Prt
The simple interest of the doubling initial principal is 2Prt .

Now , doubling the amount of time , t = 2t years
we know I = Prt ,
I = P × 2t × r
I = 2Prt
The simple interest of the doubling the amount  is 2Prt .
So, Doubling the initial principal have the same effect on the total interest earned as doubling the amount of time

Percents Connecting Concepts

Using the Problem-Solving Plan
Question 1.
The table shows the percent of successful shots for each team in a hockey game. A total of 55 shots are taken in the game. The ratio of shots taken by the Blazers to shots taken by the Hawks is 6 : 5. How many goals does each team score?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cc 1
Understand the problem.
You know that 55 shots are taken in a hockey game and that the Blazers take 6 shots for every 5 shots taken by the Hawks. You also know the percent of successful shots for each team.
Make a plan.
Use a ratio table to determine the number of shots taken by each team. Then use the percent equation to determine the number of successful shots for each team.
Solve and check.
Use the plan to solve the problem. Then check your solution.
Answer: The goals made by Hawks are 50. and The goals made by Blazers are 60

Given , The ratio of shots taken by the Blazers to shots taken by the Hawks is 6 : 5
the percent of successful shots for each team in a hockey game is  Blazers is 10% , Hawks is 16% ,
The goals made by Blazers are w = ? , a = 6 , p = 10%
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{6}{w}\) = \(\frac{10}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{6 × 100}{10}\)
w = \(\frac{600}{10}\)
w = 60
So, The goals made by Blazers are 60
The goals made by Hawks  are w= ? , a = 5 , p = 16%
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{5}{w}\) = \(\frac{10}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{5 × 100}{10}\)
w = \(\frac{500}{10}\)
w = 50
So , The goals made by Hawks are 50.

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks with positive numbers so that the sum of the fractions is 37.5% of the first fraction. Justify your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cc 2
Answer:  \(\frac{2}{5}\) + (- \(\frac{0.1}{4}\)) = 37.5%

Let us say that missing values be x and y
we have ,\(\frac{x}{5}\) + (- \(\frac{y}{4}\))
To get the simplified answer cross check the values of x and y
If x = 2 and y = 0.1 ,then
\(\frac{2}{5}\) + (- \(\frac{0.1}{4}\))
0.4 – 0.025 = 0.375
0.375 can be written as 37.5%
So ,  \(\frac{2}{5}\) + (- \(\frac{0.1}{4}\)) = 37.5%

Question 3.
The graph shows the distance traveled by a motorcycle on a dirt road. After turning onto a paved road, the motorcycle travels \(\frac{1}{5}\) mile every \(\frac{1}{4}\) minute. Find the percent of change in the speed of the motorcycle. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cc 3
Answer: The percent of change in the speed of the bike is 38%

speed of the bike on the dirty road  is  \(\frac{2.33}{4}\) = 0.58
speed of the bike on the paved road is \(\frac{0.2}{0.25}\) = 0.8
old value = 0.58 , new value = 0.8 ,
The amount of change = 0.8 – 0.58  = 0.22
So , percent of change is \(\frac{amount of change }{original amount}\)
= \(\frac{ 0.22}{0.58}\)
= 0.379
= 0.379 × 100
= 37.9 = 38%
So, the percent of change is 38%

Performance Task

Tornado Alley
At the beginning of this chapter, you watched a STEAM Video called “Tornado!” You are now ready to complete the performance task related to this video, available at BigIdeasMath.com. Be sure to use the problem-solving plan as you work through the performance task.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cc 4

Percents Chapter Review

Review Vocabulary

Write the definition and give an example of each vocabulary term.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 1
percent of change : It is the percent that a quantity changes from the original amount =  \(\frac{amount of change }{original amount}\)
2 feet to 6 feet
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 6 and old value = 2 , because a change of 2 to 6 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{6 – 2}{2}\)
= \(\frac{4}{2}\)
= 2 × 100
= 200%
So, percent of change is 200%

percent of increase: When the original amount increases then the percent of change is called percent of increase = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
5 cups to 10 cups
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 10 and old value = 5 , because a change of 5 to 10 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{10 – 5}{5}\)
= \(\frac{5}{5}\)
= 1 × 100
= 100%
So, percent of increase is 100%

percent of decrease:  When the original amount decrease then the percent of change is called percent of decrease =\(\frac{old value – New value}{old value}\)
15 inches to 12 inches
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{old value – new value}{old value}\)
where New value = 12 and old value = 15 , because a change of 15 to 12 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{15 – 12}{15}\)
= \(\frac{3}{15}\)
= 0.2 × 100
= 20%
So, percent of decrease is 20%

percent error: It is the percent that estimated value differs from Actual value \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
Estimated value = 40 , Actual value = 30
The amount of error is  40 – 30 = 10
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 10 and Actual value = 30 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{10}{30}\)
= 0.333
= 0.333 × 100
=  33.3%
So, percent Error is 33.3%

Discount:  It is a decrease in amount of original price of an item
A box is $5 with 20% off
We know , The sales price be 100% – 20% = 80% of the original price
sales price = 80% of 5
= 0.8 × 5 = 4
So, The sales price is $4.

Markup: The increase from what the stores pays to the selling price is called as Markup
The markup is 15% of $40
a = p% × w
= 15% × 40
= 0.15 × 40
= 6
So , the markup is $6.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $40 + $6
= $46.
The selling price is $46.

Interest: A money paid or earned for using or lending money is called interest
A bank offers a loan of $500 with an interest of $10 .
Here $10 is the interest amount to be paid for the loan

Principal: The amount of money borrowed or deposited
A bank offers a loan of $500 with an interest of $10 .
here the loan amount is the principal amount

Simple Interest: It is the money paid or earned only on the principal I = Prt , where I = simple interest , P = principal , r = rate of interest , t = time in years
A bank offers a loan of $500 with an interest rate of 3% for 2 years  . the simple interest is
p = $500 , r  = 0.03 , t = 2
I = 500 × 0.03 × 2
I = 30
So , The simple interest is $15 .

Graphic Organizers
You can use a Summary Triangle to explain a concept. Here is an example of writing a percent as a decimal a Summary Triangle for Writing a percent as a decimal.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 2

Answer: Summary triangle for writing a decimal into percent is 
Choose and complete a graphic organizer to help you study the concept.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 3
1. writing a decimal as a percent
2. comparing and ordering fractions, decimals, and percents
3. the percent proportion
4. the percent equation
5. percent of change
6. discount
7. markup

Writing a decimal as a percent

Chapter Self-Assessment

As you complete the exercises, use the scale below to rate your understanding of the success criteria in your journal.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 4

6.1 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (pp. 235–240)
Learning Target: Rewrite fractions, decimals, and percents using different representations.

Write the percent as a decimal or the decimal as a percent. Use a model to represent the number.
Question 1.
Answer: decimal form is 0.74

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 74% in decimal form is 0.74

Question 2.
Answer: decimal form is 0.02

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 2% in decimal form is 0.02

Question 3.
Answer: decimal form is 2.21

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 221% in decimal form is 2.21

Question 4.
Answer: 17%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.17 can be rewrite as 17%

Question 5.
\(4 . \overline{3}\)
Answer: \(433. \overline{3} \%\)

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, \(4 . \overline{3}\) can be rewrite as \(433. \overline{3} \%\)

Question 6.
Answer: 7.9%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.079  can be rewrite as 7.9%

Write the fraction as a decimal and a percent.
Question 7.
Answer: decimal = 0.85, percent = 85%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{17}{20}\) as  0.85 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.85 can be rewrite as 85%
So,\(\frac{17}{20}\) in decimal = 0.85, percent = 85%

Question 8.
Answer: decimal = 0.375, percent = 37.5%

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{3}{8}\) as  0.375 in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then 0.375 can be rewrite as 37.5%
So, \(\frac{3}{8}\) in decimal = 0.375, percent = 37.5%

Question 9.
Answer: decimal = \(1 . \overline{5}\), percent = \(155. \overline{5} \%\)

By using the method of converting fraction into decimal and comparing ,
We can rewrite \(\frac{14}{9}\) as  \(1. \overline{5}\) in decimal form,
To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol , then \(1 . \overline{5}\)can be rewrite as \(155. \overline{5} \%\)
So, \(\frac{14}{9}\) in decimal = \(1 . \overline{5}\), percent = \(155. \overline{5} \%\)

Question 10.
For school spirit day, 11.875% of your class wears orange shirts, \(\frac{5}{8}\) of your class wears blue shirts, 0.15625 of your class wears white shirts, and the rest of your class wears gold shirts. Order the portions of shirts of each color from least to greatest. Justify your answer.
Answer:  In ascending order we have 10.1% , 15.6% , 62.5% , 11.875%

Given , 11.875% of your class wears orange shirts,
\(\frac{5}{8}\) of your class wears blue shirts,
It can be written as 0.625 in decimals and 62.5% in percent
0.15625 of your class wears white shirts,
it can be written as 15.6%
And the rest of your class wears gold shirts.
Let the total be 100% , The percent in all colors is 11.875% + 62.5% +  15.6%  = 89.9%
So , the rest of the girls wears 100% – 89.9% = 10.1% ,
In ascending order we have 10.1% , 15.6% , 62.5% , 11.875%

6.2 The Percent Proportion (pp. 241–246)
Learning Target: Use the percent proportion to find missing quantities.

Write and solve a proportion to answer the question.
Question 11.
What percent of 60 is 18?
Answer: 18 is 30% of 60.

Given , a = 18 , w = 60 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{18}{60}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{18 × 100}{60}\)
p = \(\frac{1800}{60}\)
p = 30
So, 18 is 30% of 60.

Question 12.
40 is what percent of 32?
Answer: 40 is 125% of 32.

Given , a = 40 , w = 32 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{40}{32}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{40 × 100}{32}\)
p = \(\frac{4,000}{32}\)
p = 125
So, 40 is 125% of 32.

Question 13.
What number is 70% of 70?
Answer: 49 is 70% of 70.

Given , a = ? , w = 70 , p = 70%
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{70}\) = \(\frac{70}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{70 × 70}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{4900}{100}\)
a = 49
So, 49 is 70% of 70.

Question 14.
\(\frac{3}{4}\) is 75% of what number?
Answer: 0.75 is 755% of 1.

we can write \(\frac{3}{4}\) as 0.75 in decimal
Given , a = 0.75 , w = ? , p = 75%
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{0.75}{w}\) = \(\frac{75}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{0.75 × 100}{75}\)
w = \(\frac{75}{755}\)
w = 1
So, 0.75 is 755% of 1.

Question 15.
About 29% of the Earth’s surface is covered by land. The total surface area of the Earth is about 510 million square kilometers. What is the area of the Earth’s surface covered by land?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 15
Answer: The area of the Earth’s surface covered by land is 147.9 million square kilometers .

Given , p = 29% , w = 510 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{510}\) = \(\frac{29}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{510 × 29}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{14,790}{100}\)
a = 147.9
So, 147.9 is 29% of 510.
The area of the Earth’s surface covered by land is 147.9 million square kilometers .

6.3 The Percent Equation (pp. 247–252)
Learning Target: Use the percent equation to find missing quantities. Write and solve an equation to answer the question.
Question 16.
What number is 24% of 25?
Answer: 6 is 24% of 25.

Given p = 24% , w = 25 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{25}\) = \(\frac{24}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{25 × 24}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{600}{100}\)
a = 6
So, 6 is 24% of 25.

Question 17.
9 is what percent of 20?
Answer: 9 is 45% of 20.

Given p = ? , w = 20 , a = 9
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{9}{20}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{9 × 100}{20}\)
p = \(\frac{900}{20}\)
p = 45
So, 9 is 45% of 20.

Question 18.
60.8 is what percent of 32?
Answer: 60.8 is 190% of 32.

Given p = ? , w = 32, a = 60.8
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{60.8}{32}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{60.8 × 100}{32}\)
p = \(\frac{6080}{32}\)
p = 190
So, 60.8 is 190% of 32.

Question 19.
91 is 130% of what number?
Answer: 91 is 130% of 70.

Given p = 130% , w = ? , a = 91
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{91}{w}\) = \(\frac{130}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{91 × 100}{130}\)
w = \(\frac{9100{130}\)
w = 70
So, 91 is 130% of 70.

Question 20.
85% of what number is 10.2?
Answer: 10.2 is 85% of 12.

Given p = 85% , w = ? , a = 10.2
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{10.2}{w}\) = \(\frac{85}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{10.2 × 100}{85}\)
w = \(\frac{1020}{85}\)
w = 12
So, 10.2 is 85% of 12.

Question 21.
83% of 20 is what number?
Answer: 16.6 is 83% of 20.

Given p = 83% , w = 20 , a = ?
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{20}\) = \(\frac{83}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{20 × 83}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{1,660}{100}\)
a = 16.6
So, 16.6 is 83% of 20.

Question 22.
15% of the parking spaces at a school are handicap spaces. The school has 18 handicap spaces. How many parking spaces are there in total?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 22
Answer: Totally , there are 120 parking spaces .

Given , p = 15% , a = 18 , w = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{18}{w}\) = \(\frac{15}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{18 × 100}{15}\)
w = \(\frac{1800}{15}\)
w = 120
So, 18 is 15% of 120.
Totally , there are 120 parking spaces .

Question 23.
Of the 25 students on a field trip, 16 bring cameras. What percent of the students bring cameras?
Answer: 64% of students brought the cameras .

Given , a = 16 , w = 25 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{16}{25}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{16 × 100}{25}\)
p = \(\frac{1600}{25}\)
p = 64
So, 16 is 64% of 25.
Thus, 64% of students brought the cameras .

6.4 Percents of Increase and Decrease (pp. 253–258)
Learning Target: Find percents of change in quantities.

Identify the percent of change as an increase or a decrease. Then find the percent of change. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.
Question 24.
6 yards to 36 yards
Answer: percent of change is 500%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 36 and old value = 6 , because a change of 6 to 36 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{36 – 6}{6}\)
= \(\frac{30}{6}\)
= 5× 100
= 500%
So, percent of change is 500%

Question 25.
120 meals to 52 meals
Answer: percent of change is – 56.6%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 52 and old value = 120 , because a change of 120 to 52 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{52 – 120}{120}\)
= \(\frac{- 68}{120}\)
= – 0.566
= – 0.566 × 100
= – 56.6%
So, percent of change is – 56.6%

Question 26.
You estimate that a jar contains 68 marbles. The actual number of marbles is 60. Find the percent error.
Answer: percent Error is 13%

The amount of error is 68 – 60 = 8
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 8 and Actual value = 60 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{8}{60}\)
= 0.133
= 0.133 × 100
=  13.3%
Approximately we can write as 13%
So, percent Error is 13%

Question 27.
The table shows the numbers of skim boarders at a beach on Saturday and Sunday. What was the percent of change in boarders from Saturday to Sunday?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 27
Answer: percent of change is – 12.5%

Given , 12 to 9
We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 63 and old value = 72 , because a change of 72 to 63 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{63 – 72}{72}\)
= \(\frac{- 9}{72}\)
= \(\frac{- 1}{8}\)
= – 0.125
= – 0.125 × 100
= – 12.5%
So, percent of change is – 12.5%

6.5 Discounts and Markups (pp. 259–264)
Learning Target: Solve percent problems involving discounts and markups.

Find the sale price or original price.
Question 28.
Original price: $50
Discount: 15%
Sale price: ?
Answer: The sales price is $42.5

We know , The sales price be 100% – 15% = 85% of the original price
sales price = 85% of 50
= 0.85 × 50 = 42.5
So, The sales price is $42.5

Question 29.
Original price: ?
Discount: 20%
Sale price: $75
Answer: The original price is $93.75.

We know , The sales price be 100% – 20% = 80%
a = p% × w
75 = 0.8 × w
w = \(\frac{75}{0.8}\)
w = 93.75
So, The original price is $93.75.

Question 30.
What is the original price of the tennis racquet?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 30
Answer: The original price is $30.

We know , The sales price be 100% – 30% = 70%
a = p% × w
21 = 0.7 × w
w = \(\frac{21}{0.7}\)
w = 30
So, The original price is $30.

Question 31.
A store pays $50 for a pair of shoes. The markup is 25%.
a. What is the selling price for the shoes?
b. What is the total cost for a person to buy the shoes including a 6% sales tax?
Answer: a. The selling price is $62.5.
b. Total cost for a person is  $66.25 .

The markup is 25% of $50
a = p% × w
= 25% × 50
= 0.25 × 50
= 12.5
So , the markup is $12.5.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $50 + $12.5
= $62.5.
The selling price is $62.5.

b. with 6% sales tax we have ,
6% of $62.5
= 0.06 × 62.5
= 3.75 , it is the tax rate
So , total cost for a person is $62.5 + $3.75 = $66.25

6.6 Simple Interest (pp. 265–270)
Learning Target: Understand and apply the simple interest formula.

An account earns simple interest. (a) Find the interest earned. (b) Find the balance of the account.
Question 32.
$300 at 4% for 3 years
Answer: a. The interest earned is $36
b. The balance of the account is $336 .

we know P = $300 , r = 0.04 , t = 3 years
I = prt
I = 300 × 0.04 × 3
I = 3 × 4 × 3
I = $36
The interest earned is $36
The balance of the account  = $300 + $36 = $336 .

Question 33.
$2000 at 3.5% for 4 years
Answer: a. The interest earned is $280
b. The balance of the account  is $2,280 .

we know P = $2000 , r = 0.035 , t = 4 years
I = prt
I = 2000 × 0.035 × 4
I = 2 × 35 × 4
I = $280
The interest earned is $280
The balance of the account  = $2000 + $280 = $2,280 .

Find the annual interest rate.
Question 34.
I = $17, P = $500, t = 2 years
Answer: The annual interest rate is 1.7% .

We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{17}{500 × 2}\)
= \(\frac{17}{1000}\)
= 0.017
we can write in percent as 1.7%
So , The annual interest rate is 1.7% .

Question 35.
I = $426, P = $1200, t = 5 years
Answer: The annual interest rate is 7.1% .

We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{426}{1200 × 5}\)
= \(\frac{426}{6000}\)
= 0.071
we can write in percent as 7.1%
So , The annual interest rate is 7.1% .

Find the amount of time.
Question 36.
I = $60, P = $400, r = 5%
Answer: The amount of time is 3 years .

We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{60}{400 × 0.05}\)
= \(\frac{60}{20}\)
= 3
So, The amount of time is 3 years .

Question 37.
I = $237.90, P = $1525, r = 2.6%
Answer: The amount of time is 6 years .

We know that  I = Prt
t = \(\frac{I}{Pr}\)
= \(\frac{237.9}{1525 × 0.026}\)
= \(\frac{237.9}{39.65}\)
= 6
So, The amount of time is 6 years .

Question 38.
You deposit $100 in an account. The account earns $2 simple interest in 6 months. What is the annual interest rate?
Answer: The annual interest rate is 12%

Given , p = $100 , I = $2 , t = 6 months ,
We know that  I = Prt
So , r = \(\frac{I}{Pt}\)
r = \(\frac{2 × 6}{100}\)
= \(\frac{12}{100}\)
= 0.12
we can write in percent as 12%
So , The annual interest rate is 12%

Question 39.
Bank A is offering a loan with a simple interest rate of 8% for 2 years. Bank B is offering a loan with a simple interest rate of 6.5% for 3 years.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cr 39
a. Assuming the monthly payments are equal, what is the monthly payment for the four wheeler from Bank A? from Bank B?
b. Give reasons for why a person might choose Bank A and why a person might choose Bank B for a loan to buy the four wheeler. Explain your reasoning.
Answer: a. The monthly payment for bank A is $261 and for Bank B is $179.25 .
b. If a person chooses Bank A , it will be high in monthly payment but within 2 years loan will be cleared .
If a person chooses Bank B , it will be low monthly payment and can pay the loan a year extra in small amounts.

For bank A , Then p = $5400 , r = 0.08 , t = 2 years
I = Prt
I = 5400 × 0.08 × 2
I = 54 × 8 × 2
I = 864
The simple interest of one bank = $864 .
The balance of the account will be = $5400 + $864 = $6,264 .
The monthly payment = \(\frac{6,264}{24}\) = $261 .

For bank B,  Then p = $5400 , r = 0.065 , t = 3 years
I = Prt
I = 5400 × 0.065 × 3
I = 54 × 6.5 × 3
I = 1,053
The simple interest of one bank = $1,053 .
The balance of the account will be = $5400 + $1,053 = $6,453 .
The monthly payment = \(\frac{6,453}{36}\) = $179.25 .

b. If a person chooses Bank A , it will be high in monthly payment but within 2 years loan will be cleared .
If a person chooses Bank B , it will be low monthly payment and can pay the loan a year extra in small amounts.

Percents Practice Test

Write the percent as a decimal, or the decimal as a percent. Use a model to represent the number.
Question 1.
Answer: 0.0096

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 0.96% in decimal form is 0.0096

Question 2.
Answer: 0.03

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, 3% in decimal form is 0.03

Question 3.
\(25 . \overline{5} \%\)
Answer: \(0 .25 \overline{5}\)

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, \(25 . \overline{5} \%\) in decimal form is \(0 .25 \overline{5}\)

Question 4.
\(0 . \overline{6} \%\)
Answer: \(0 .006\overline{6}\)

To write percent into decimal we have to remove percent symbol and divide by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the left.
So, \(0 . \overline{6} \%\)  in decimal form is\(0 .006 \overline{6}\)

Question 5.
Answer: 788%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 7.88 can be rewrite as 788%

Question 6.
Answer: 58%

To write decimal into percent we should multiply the number by 100, which moves the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
So, 0.58 can be rewrite as 58%

Order the numbers from least to greatest.
Question 7.
86%, \(\frac{15}{18}\), 0.84, \(\frac{8}{9}\), \(0 . \overline{86} \%\)
Answer: The numbers from least to greatest are  \(0 .00 \overline{86}\) , \(0 .8 \overline{3}\) , 0.84 , 0.86 , \(0 .\overline{8}\)

86%,  in decimals as 0.86
\(\frac{15}{18}\), can be \(0 .8 \overline{3}\)
\(\frac{8}{9}\),  can be \(0 .\overline{8}\)
\(0 . \overline{86} \%\) can be written as \(0 .00 \overline{86}\)
So, The numbers from least to greatest are  \(0 .00 \overline{86}\) , \(0 .8 \overline{3}\) , 0.84 , 0.86 , \(0 .\overline{8}\)

Question 8.
91.6%, 0.91, \(\frac{11}{12}\), 0.917, 9.2%
Answer:  The numbers from least to greatest are 0.092 , 0.91 , 0.916 , \(0 .91\overline{6}\) , 0.917 .

91.6%, can be written as 0.916
\(\frac{11}{12}\), ca be written as \(0 .91\overline{6}\)
9.2% can be written as 0.092
So, The numbers from least to greatest are 0.092 , 0.91 , 0.916 , \(0 .91\overline{6}\) , 0.917 .

Write and solve a proportion or equation to answer the question.
Question 9.
What percent of 28 is 21?
Answer:  21 is 75% of 28.

Given , a = 21 , w = 28 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{21}{28}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{21 × 100}{28}\)
p = \(\frac{2100}{28}\)
p = 75
So, 21 is 75% of 28.

Question 10.
64 is what percent of 40?
Answer: 64 is 160% of 40.

Given , a = 64 , w = 40 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{64}{40}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{64 × 100}{40}\)
p = \(\frac{6400}{40}\)
p = 160
So, 64 is 160% of 40.

Question 11.
What number is 80% of 45?
Answer: 36 is 80% of 45.

Given , a = ? , w = 45 , p = 80%
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{45}\) = \(\frac{80}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{45 × 80}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{3600}{100}\)
a = 36
So, 36 is 80% of 45.

Question 12.
0.8% of what number is 6?
Answer: 6 is 0.8% of 750.

Given , a = 6 , w = ? , p = 0.8%
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{6}{w}\) = \(\frac{0.8}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{6 × 100}{0.8}\)
w = \(\frac{600}{0.8}\)
w = 750
So, 6 is 0.8% of 750.

Identify the percent of change as an increase or a decrease. Then find the percent of change. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary.
Question 13.
4 strikeouts to 10 strikeouts
Answer: percent of change is 150%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 10 and old value = 4 , because a change of 4 to 10 is a positive (increase) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{10 – 4}{4}\)
= \(\frac{6}{4}\)
= 1.5 × 100
= 150%
So, percent of change is 150%

Question 14.
$24 to $18
Answer: percent of change is – 25%

We know that , formula for percent change = \(\frac{New value – old value}{old value}\)
where New value = 18 and old value = 24 , because a change of 24 to 18 is a negative (decrease) change
So, percent change = \(\frac{18 – 24}{24}\)
= \(\frac{- 6}{24}\)
= – 0.25
= – 0.25 × 100
= – 25%
So, percent of change is – 25%

Find the sale price or selling price.
Question 15.
Original price: $15
Discount: 5%
Sale price: ?
Answer: The sales price is $14.25

We know , The sales price be 100% – 5% = 95% of the original price
sales price = 95% of 15
= 0.95 × 15 = 14.25
So, The sales price is $14.25

Question 16.
Cost to store: $5.50
Markup: 75%
Selling price: ?
Answer: The selling price is $9.625.

The markup is 75% of $5.50
a = p% × w
= 75% × 5.5
= 0.75 × 5.5
= 4.125
So , the markup is $4.125.
To , find the selling price , we have
selling price = cost to store + markup
= $5.5 + $4.125
= $9.625.
The selling price is $9.625.

An account earns simple interest. Find the interest earned or the principal.
Question 17.
Interest earned: ?
Principal: $450
Interest rate: 6%
Time: 8 years
Answer: The interest earned is $216 .

we know P = $450 , r = 0.06 , t = 8 years
I = prt
I = 450 × 0.06 × 8
I = 27 × 8
I = $216
The interest earned is $216 .

Question 18.
Interest earned: $27
Principal: ?
Interest rate: 1.5%
Time: 2 years
Answer: The principal is $900 .

Given , P = ? , I = $27 , t = 2 years , r = 0.015
We know that  I = Prt
So , p = \(\frac{I}{rt}\)
p = \(\frac{27}{0.015 × 2}\)
= \(\frac{27}{0.03}\)
= 900
So, The principal is $900 .

Question 19.
You spend 8 hours each weekday at school. (a) Write the portion of a weekday spent at school as a fraction, a decimal, and a percent. (b) What percent of a week is spent at school if you go to school 4 days that week? Round to the nearest tenth.
Answer: a. the portion of a weekday spent at school is 33% , It can be written as \(\frac{100}{3}\) and in decimal as 0.333
b . The 9% of a week is spent at school if you go to school 4 days that week.

Given , You spend 8 hours each weekday at school.
a. In a day we have 24 hours so , The percent of 8 hours in 24 hours is
a = 8 , w = 24 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{8}{24}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{8 × 100}{24}\)
p = \(\frac{800}{24}\)
p = 33.3 %
It can be written as \(\frac{100}{3}\) and in decimal as 0.333
So, 8 is 33% of 24.

b. The number of hours in a week  , that is 7 days are 168 hours
The number of hours in 4 days to school are 32
So , we have a = 32 , w = 168 , p = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{32}{168}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
p = \(\frac{32 × 100}{168}\)
p = \(\frac{3200}{168}\)
p = 9.04 %
p = 9%
So , The 9% of a week is spent at school if you go to school 4 days that week.

Question 20.
Research indicates that90% of the volume of an iceberg is below water. The volume of the iceberg above the water is 160,000 cubic feet. What is the volume of the iceberg below water?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents pt 20
Answer: The volume of the iceberg below water is  1,77,777 cubic feet

Given , p = 90% , a = 160,000 , w = ?
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{160,000}{w}\) = \(\frac{90}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{160,000 × 100}{90}\)
w = \(\frac{1050}{125}\)
w = 1,77,777.7
So, the volume of the iceberg below water is  1,77,777 cubic feet

Question 21.
You estimate that there are 66 cars in a parking lot. The actual number of cars is 75.
a. Find the percent error.
b. What other estimate gives the same percent error? Explain your reasoning.
Answer: a. percent Error is 12%
b, If the estimated number is 66.1 then percent error will be 12%

The amount of error is 75 – 66 = 9
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 9 and Actual value = 75 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{9}{75}\)
= 0.12
= 0.12 × 100
=  12%
So, percent Error is 12%

b. if the estimation is 66.1
The amount of error is 75 – 66.1 = 8.9
We know that , formula for percent error = \(\frac{Error value}{Actual value}\)
where Error value = 8.9 and Actual value = 75 ,
So, percent Error = \(\frac{8.9}{75}\)
= 0.1198
= 0.1198 × 100
=  11.9%
Apporximately 12%
So, percent Error is 12%

Percents Cumulative Practice

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 1
Question 1.
A movie theater offers 30% a movie ticket to students from your school. The regular price of a movie ticket is $8.50. What is the discounted price that you pay for a ticket?
A. $2.55
B. $5.50
C. $5.95
D. $8.20
Answer:  C. $5.95

Given , original price = $8.5 , with 30% off
We know , The sales price be 100% – 30% = 70% of the original price
sales price = 70% of 8.5
= 0.7 × 8.5 = 5.95
So, The sales price is $5.95.

Question 2.
What is the least value of x for which the inequality is true?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 2
16 ≥ – 2x
Answer: x = 1

Let us say X = 1
16 ≥ – 2(1)
16 ≥ – 2
So , x = 1 , for 16 ≥ – 2x

Question 3.
You are building a scale model of a park that is planned for a city. The model uses the scale 1 centimeter = 2 meters. The park will have a rectangular reflecting pool with a length of 20 meters and a width of 12 meters. In your scale model, what will be the area of the reflecting pool?
F. 60 cm2
G. 120 cm2
H. 480 cm2
I. 960 cm2
Answer:  F .  60 cm2

Given ,actual  l = 20 meters , The model uses the scale 1 centimeter = 2 meters.  let the model length be x
The model length x will be , \(\frac{1cm}{2m}\) = \(\frac{x cm}{20m}\)
2x = 20
x = 10 ,
Let the model width be y , The model width y will be \(\frac{1 cm}{2m}\) = \(\frac{y}{12}\)
y= 6 ,
So The model area of the reflecting pool , Area of rectangle = l × w
l = 10 , y = 6 , then A = 10 × 6 = 60 cm2
The model area of the reflecting pool is 60 cm2

Question 4.
Which proportion represents the problem?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 4
Answer: D . \(\frac{43}{n}\) = \(\frac{17}{100}\)

Given ,  p = 17% , a = 43
By using proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{43}{w}\) = \(\frac{17}{100}\)
w = \(\frac{43 × 100}{17}\)
w = \(\frac{4300}{17}\)
w = 252.9
So, 43 is 17% of 252.9.

Question 5.
Which list of numbers is in order from least to greatest?
F. 0.8, \(\frac{5}{8}\), 70%, 0.09
G. 0.09, \(\frac{5}{8}\), 0.8, 70%
H. \(\frac{5}{8}\), 70%, 0.8, 0.09
I. 0.09, \(\frac{5}{8}\), 70%, 0.8
Answer: H. \(\frac{5}{8}\), 70%, 0.8, 0.09

\(\frac{5}{8}\) can be written as 0.625 ,
70% can be written as 0.7
The order from least to greatest  is  \(\frac{5}{8}\) , 70% , 0.8 , 0.9

Question 6.
What is the value of \(\frac{9}{8}\) ÷ (-\(\frac{11}{4}\))?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 6
Answer: the value of \(\frac{9}{8}\) ÷ (-\(\frac{11}{4}\)) is – 0.413

\(\frac{9}{8}\)  can be written as  1.125
–\(\frac{11}{4}\) can be written as  – 2.75
then , \(\frac{1.125}{-2.75}\) = – 0.413

Question 7.
The number of calories you burn by playing basketball is proportional to the number of minutes you play. Which of the following is a valid interpretation of the graph?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 7
A. The unit rate is \(\frac{1}{9}\) calorie per minute.
B. You burn 5 calories by playing basketball for 45 minutes.
C. You do not burn any calories if you do not play basketball for at least 1 minute.
D. You burn an additional 9 calories for each minute of basketball you play.
Answer: C. You do not burn any calories if you do not play basketball for at least 1 minute.

As , the graph shows the coordinates of the minutes to calories by (0,0) at the initial stage of playing basketball for at least a minute .
So , the graph represents , You do not burn any calories if you do not play basketball for at least 1 minute.

Question 8.
A softball team is ordering uniforms. Each player receives one of each of the items shown in the table.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 8
Which expression represents the total cost (in dollars) when there are 15 players on the team?
F. x + 24.86
G. 15x + 372.90
H. x + 372.90
I. x + 387.90
Answer: G. 15x + 372.90

Given , jersey = x
So , the only option in the options with an x for 15 members is 15x ,
So, G. 15x + 372.90 is the correct option

Question 9.
Your friend solves the equation. What should your friend do to correct the error that he made?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 9
A. Multiply – 45 by – 3.
B. Add 3 to – 45.
C. Add 2 to – 15.
D. Divide – 45 by – 3.
Answer: A. Multiply – 45 by – 3.

Given , – 3(2 + w) = -45
By , Multiply – 45 by – 3.
we get 2 + w = 15
w = 15 – 2
w = 13.

Question 10.
You are comparing the costs of a certain model of ladder at a hardware store and at an online store.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 10
Part A What is the total cost of buying the ladder at each of the stores? Show your work and explain your reasoning.
Part B Suppose that the hardware store is offering 10% off the price of the ladder and that the online store is offering free shipping and handling. Which store offers the lower total cost for the ladder? by how much? Show your work and explain your reasoning.
Answer: Part A , The total cost at hardware store is $371 and The total cost at online store is $355.2
Part B ,The hardware store offers the best price $336 by $3.2 less than the online store $339.2

Part A , The ladder cost at hardware store is $350 , with 6% tax ,
So, 6% of 350
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{350}\) = \(\frac{6}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{350 × 6}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{2100}{100}\)
a = 21
So, 21 is 6% of 350.
The total cost at hardware store is $350 + $ 21 = $371

The ladder cost at online store is $320 , with 6% tax ,
So, 6% of 320
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{320}\) = \(\frac{6}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{320 × 6}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{1920}{100}\)
a = 19.2
So,19.2 is 6% of 320.
Additionally shipping cost is 5% of $320
By using percent proportion , we have
\(\frac{a}{w}\) = \(\frac{p}{100}\)
\(\frac{a}{320}\) = \(\frac{5}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{320 × 5}{100}\)
a = \(\frac{1600}{100}\)
a = 16
So,16 is 5% of 320.
The total cost at online store is $320 + $ 19.2 + $16 = $355.2

Part B, If the hardware store offers 10% off
Then , We know , The sales price be 100% – 10% = 90% of the original price
sales price = 90% of 350
= 0.9 × 350 = 315
So, The sales price is $315 .
The 6% of 320  is  $21
The total cost in hardware store after 10% off is $315 + $ 21 = $336

The online store offers free shipping and handling then the price will be $320 and 6% tax
So , 6% of 320  is $19.2
The total cost online store is $320 + $ 19.2 = $339.2

The hardware store offers the best price $336 by $3.2 less than the online store $339.2

Question 11.
Which graph represents the inequality – 5 – 3x ≥ – 11.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 7 Chapter 6 Percents cp 11

Option F represents the x value from -4 to 2
So , if x = -4 ,
Then – 5 – 3(-4) ≥ – 11
-5 + 12 ≥ – 11
7 ≥ – 11
if x = 2
– 5 – 3(2) ≥ – 11
-5 – 6 ≥ – 11
-11 ≥ – 11
So, option F represents the inequality – 5 – 3x ≥ – 11.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths

Big Ideas Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths answer key is useful for scholars who are preparing for various types of examinations and can download this pdf for free of cost. In this chapter, each and every question was explained in detail which helps students to understand easily. Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths explains different types of questions on Measuring and comparing lengths.

Big Ideas Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths

In this chapter, we can see different topics on Measuring and Comparing, Order Objects by Length, Compare Lengths Indirectly, Measure Lengths, Measure More Lengths, Solve Compare Problems Involving Length, etc. Those topics were being set up by the mathematical professionals as indicated by the most recent release. Look down this page to get the answers to all the inquiries. Click on the links to look at the subjects shrouded in this chapter Measuring and comparing lengths.

Lesson 1 Order Objects by Length

Lesson 2 Compare Lengths Indirectly

Lesson 3 Measure Lengths

Lesson 4 Measure More Lengths

Lesson 5 Solve Compare Problems Involving Length

Performance Task

Measure and Compare Lengths Vocabulary

Organize It

Review Words:

Use the review words to complete the graphic organizer.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 1
The first image longer and the second image is shorter.


Define It

Use your vocabulary cards to identify the words. Find each word in the word search.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 2

Lesson 10.1 Order Objects by Length

Explore and Grow

Draw an object that is shorter than the pencil and longer than the crayon.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 3

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 4
Chalk is smaller than crayon.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Order from longest to shortest.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 5
_____________, _____________, _____________
Purple, Pink, Blue.

In the above image, the purple color tube is the longest after that the pink color tube is the longest, and the blue color tube is the shortest.

Question 2.
Order from shortest to longest.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 6
_____________, _____________, _____________
Yellow, Green, Black.

In the above image, the yellow brush is the longest, and then the green brush is the longest. The black brush is the shortest.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 3.
Order from longest to shortest.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 7
_____________, _____________, _____________
Purple crayon, Red crayon, Green crayon.

In the above image, the Purple crayon is the longest, and then the red crayon is the longest. The green crayon is the shortest.

Question 4.
Order from shortest to longest.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 8
_____________, _____________, _____________
The order from shortest to longest is, Pink is the shortest, green is the largest, and blue is the longest.

In the above image, we can see that the order from shortest to longest is, Pink is the shortest, green is the largest, and blue is the longest.

Question 5.
Your friend ordered from shortest to longest. Is your friend correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 9
  Yellow   ,          green  ,           red   
No, my friend is not correct.

No, my friend is not correct. He represented the order from longest to shortest. In the above image, the red chill is the shortest, and the green chili is the longest. The black brush is the shortest.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Your yarn is longer than Newton’s. Descartes’s is longer than Newton’s and shorter than yours. Who has the longest yarn?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 10
Draw a picture:
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 11
Who has the longest yarn?
You             Newton      Descartes
My yarn is the longest yarn.

As my yarn is longer than Newton’s and Descartes’s is longer than Newton’s and shorter than mine. So the longest yarn is mine, and the largest yarn is Descartes. The shortest yarn is Newton’s.

Show and Grow

Question 6.
Descartes’s pencil is shorter than Newton’s. Yours is shorter than Newton’s and longer than Descartes’s. Who has the shortest pencil?
Draw a picture:
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 12
Who has the shortest pencil?
Descartes        Newton           You
Answer: Your pencil is shorted among the three.

Order Objects by Length Practice 10.1

Order from longest to shortest.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 13
_____________, _____________, _____________
The order of the bats from longest to the shortest is
Bat 2, Bat 1, Bat 3.

In the above image, we can see the longest bat is bat 2 and then the largest bat is bat 1. The shortest bat is bat 3.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 14
_____________, _____________, _____________
The order of the colors from longest to shortest is
Gold, Blue, Red.

In the above image, we can see that the longest color is gold and then the largest color is blue. The shortest color is red.

Question 3.
Order from shortest to longest.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 15
_____________, _____________, _____________
The order from shortest to longest is
Vine 3, Vine 1, Vine 2.

In the above image, we can see that the shortest vine is vine 3 after that the largest vine is vine 1 and the longest vine is Vine 2.

Question 4.
Use the clues to match. The red pencil is longer than the yellow pencil. The shortest pencil is blue.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 16
The order from shortest to longest is
Blue pencil, Yellow pencil, Red pencil.

As by the given clue, the Blue pencil is the shortest pencil, the Yellow pencil is the largest pencil, and the Red pencil is the longest pencil.

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
Your jump rope is longer than Newton’s. Descartes’s is longer than Newton’s and shorter than yours. Who has the longest jump rope?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 17
Who has the longest jump rope?
You           Newton        Descartes
My rope is the longest jump rope.

As my jump rope is longer than Newton’s and Descartes’s jump rope longer than Newton’s and Newton’s jump rope is shorter than yours. So my jump rope is Longer, Newton’s jump rope is the Largest, and the shortest rope is Descartes.

Review & Refresh


Question 6.
25 ○ 52
25 > 52.

Given that to compare 25 and 52. So we can see that 52 is greater than 25.

Question 7.
41 ○ 44
41 > 44.

Given that to compare 41 and 44. So we can see that 44 is greater than 41.

Lesson 10.2 Compare Lengths Indirectly

Explore and Grow

Use string to compare the keys. Which key is longer?
How do you know?

Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 18

Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 19
Key 1 is longer than Key 2.

In the above image, we can see that key 1 is longer than key 2.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Circle the longer object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 20
The Pen is longer than Eraser.

In the above image, we can see that the Pen is longer than the Easer.

Question 2.
Draw a line through the shorter object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 21


Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 3.
Draw a line through the shorter object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 22
Object 2 is shorter than object 1.

In the above image, we can see that object two is shorter than object 1.

Question 4.
Circle the longer object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 23
The spoon is longer than the brush.

We can see in the above image, that the spoon is longer than the brush. So we will round off the spoon.

Question 5.
Which object is longer? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 24
The book’s shelf is longer than the key.

As we can see in the above image, that the books shelf is longer than the key. So we will circle the books shelf.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

A green crayon is shorter than a blue crayon. The blue crayon is shorter than a yellow crayon. Is the green crayon longer than or shorter than the yellow crayon?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 25
Draw a picture:
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 26
Longer              Shorter
The green crayon is shorter than the yellow crayon.

Given that green crayon is shorter than blue crayon, and blue crayon is shorter than yellow crayon. So green crayon is shorter than yellow crayon.

Show and Grow

Question 6.
A yellow ribbon is longer than a pink ribbon. The pink ribbon is longer than a blue ribbon. Is the yellow ribbon longer than or shorter than the blue ribbon?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 27
Draw a picture:
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 28
Longer            Shorter
The Yellow ribbon is longer than the blue ribbon.

Big-Ideas-Math-Answers-1st-Grade-1-Chapter-10-Measure-and-Compare-Lengths- img 2
Given that yellow ribbon is longer than pink ribbon, and the pink ribbon is longer than a blue ribbon. So yellow ribbon is longer than the blue ribbon.

Compare Lengths Indirectly Practice 10.2

Question 1.
Circle the longer object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 29
Object 1 is longer than object 2.

In the above image, we can see that object one is longer than image two. So we will circle object one.

Question 2.
Draw a line through the shorter object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 30
Object two is shorter than object one.

In the above image, we can see that object two is shorter than object one. So we will circle object two.

Question 3.
Use the clues to match.
The blue string is longer than the orange string.
The purple string is shorter than the orange string.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 31
The order of the strings from longest to shortest is
Blue string, Orange string, Purple string.

Given that the blue string is longer than the orange string, and the purple string is shorter than the orange string.
So the order of the strings is the blue string is longer, the orange string is the largest and the purple string is the shortest.

Question 4.
Modeling Real Life
A kayak is shorter than a canoe. The canoe is shorter than a paddle board. Is the kayak longer than or shorter than the paddle board?

Longer             Shorter
The Kayak is shorter than the paddle board.

Given that the Kayak is shorter than a canoe, and the canoe is shorter than a paddle board. So the Kayak is shorter than the paddle board.

Review & Refresh

Question 5.
Circle the objects that have capacity as an attribute.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 32
The objects which have the capacity to store are circled in the below image.

The circled items have the capacity to store. As we can see that the lid jar is used to store any items, and chalk box is used to store chalk pieces, and glass is used to store water or any liquids, and a glue bottle is used to store glue. So these items have the capacity to store. And the remaining things do not have that much capacity to store.

Lesson 10.3 Measure Lengths

Explore and Grow

Find and measure the objects shown in your classroom.

Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 33

The length of the table is about two colored red tiles.

The table is measured by using the colored red tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the table is two colored red tiles, which means two units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 34

The length of the pencil is about one tile.

The pencil is measured by using the colored red tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the pencil is one colored red tile, which means one unit. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Show and Grow


Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 35

about ___________ color tile
The length of the object is about one tile.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is about one colored tile, which means one unit. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 36

about ___________ color tile

The length of the object is about five colored tiles.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is about five colored tiles, which means five units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Apply and Grow: Practice


Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 37

about ___________ color tile
The length of the object is about four colored tiles.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is about four colored tiles, which means four units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 38

about ___________ color tile
The length of the object is about three colored tiles.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is about three colored tiles, which means three units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Question 5.
MP Precision
Which picture shows the correct way to measure the straw?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 39
The red color tiles are the correct way to measure the straw.

In the above image, we can see that the correct way to measure the straw is the red color tiles.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Will the scissors fit inside a pencil case that is 7 color tiles long?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 40
Circle:      Yes     No
Tell how you know:
Yes, the scissors can fit inside a pencil case that is 7 color tiles long.

Yes, the scissors can fit inside a pencil case. As the length of the scissors is four colored tiles. As the scissors are measured by using the colored tile. And each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the scissors is about four colored tiles, which means four units. And the pencil case is 7 colored tiles long. So the scissors can fit. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Show and Grow

Question 6.
Will the cell phone fit inside a case that is 5 color tiles long?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 41
Circle:     Yes     No
Tell how you know:
No, the cell phone cannot fit inside a case of 5 color tiles long.

No, the cell phone cannot fit inside a case of 5 color tiles long. As the length of the cell phone is six colored tiles. And the cell phone is measured by using the colored tile. And each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the cell phone is about six colored tiles, which means six units. And cannot fit inside 5 colored tiles long. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Measure Lengths Practice 10.3


Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 42
about ___________ color tile
The length of the object is about four colored tiles.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is about four colored tiles, which means four units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 43
about ___________ color tile
The length of the object is about two colored tiles.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is about two colored tiles, which means two units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 44
about ___________ color tile
The length of the glue stick is about three colored tiles.

The glue stick is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the glue stick is about three colored tiles, which means three units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Question 4.
MP Reasoning
The green yarn is about 3 color tiles long. How long is the blue yarn?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 45
about ___________ color tile
The length of the blue yarn is about six color tiles.

Given that the length of the green yarn is three color tiles long, so we should find the length of the blue yarn. To measure the length of the blue yarn, we will take the colored tiles without gaps or any overlaps between them. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the blue yarn is about six colored tiles, which means six units.

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
Will the gift card fit inside an envelope that is 8 color tiles long?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 46
Circle:      Yes      No
Tell how you know:
Yes, the gift can fit inside an envelope that is 8 color tiles long.

Yes, the gif card can fit inside an envelope that is 8 color tiles long. As the length of the gift card is four colored tiles. And the gift card is measured by using the colored tile. And each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the gift is about four colored tiles, which means four units. And the envelope is 8 colored tiles long. So the gift card can fit. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Review & Refresh

Question 6.
Complete the fact family.
7 + 3 = _________                                     __________ – 3 = 7
_________ + _________ = _________             _________ – 7 = _________
7 + 3 is 10,
3 + 7 is 10
10 – 3 is 7,
10 –  7 is 3.

As a fact family represents a group of math facts, equations, which are created by using the same set of digits. This fact family defines the relation between the three numbers which are involved. In addition or subtraction in a fact family, there will be four addition and subtractions will be created using these three numbers. So
7 + 3 is 10,
3 + 7 is 10
10 – 3 is 7,
10 –  7 is 3.

Lesson 10.4 Measure More Lengths

Explore and Grow

Find and measure the objects shown in your classroom two ways. What do you notice?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 47

The length of the table is about two colored red tiles and the length of the table which is measured using a paper clip is one paper clip.

The table is measured by using the colored red tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the table is two colored red tiles, which means two units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them. And to measure the table with the paper clip, we will place the paper clip without gaps or overlaps between them. And each paper clip is equal to about one unit. So the length of the table using the paper clip is one paper clip, which means one unit. We have noticed that if we take a colored tile, then the length of the table will be two color tiles. And if we take a paper clip then the length of the table will be one paper clip. So the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 48
The length of the pencil is about two colored red tiles and the length of the pencil which is measured using a paper clip is one paper clip.

The pencil is measured by using the colored red tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the table is two colored red tiles, which means two units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them. And to measure the table with the paper clip, we will place the paper clip without gaps or overlaps between them. And each paper clip is equal to about one unit. So the length of the pencil using the paper clip is one paper clip, which means one unit. We have noticed that if we take a colored tile, then the length of the table will be two color tiles. And if we take a paper clip then the length of the pencil will be one paper clip. So the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip.

Show and Grow


Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 49
about __________ color tiles about __________ paper clips
The length of the brush is about four colored tiles and the length of the brush which is measured using a paper clip is two paper clips.

The brush is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the table is two colored tiles, which means two units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them. And to measure the brush with the paper clip, we will place the paper clip without gaps or overlaps between them. And each paper clip is equal to about one unit. So the length of the brush using the paper clip is one paper clip, which means one unit. We have noticed that if we take a colored tile, then the length of the table will be two color tiles. And if we take a paper clip then the length of the brush will be one paper clip. So the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 50
about __________ color tiles about __________ paper clips
The length of the skating board is about two colored tiles and the length of the pencil which is measured using a paper clip is one paper clip.

The skating board is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the table is two colored tiles, which means two units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them. And to measure the skating board with the paper clip, we will place the paper clip without gaps or overlaps between them. And each paper clip is equal to about one unit. So the length of the skating board using the paper clip is one paper clip, which means one unit. We have noticed that if we take a colored tile, then the length of the skating board will be two color tiles. And if we take a paper clip then the length of the pencil will be one paper clip. So the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip.

Apply and Grow: Practice


Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 51
about __________ color tiles about __________ paper clips
The length of the object is about six colored tiles and the length of the pencil which is measured using a paper clip is three paper clips.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is six colored tiles, which means six units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them. And to measure the table with the paper clip, we will place the paper clip without gaps or overlaps between them. And each paper clip is equal to about one unit. So the length of the object using the paper clip is three paper clips, which means three units. We have noticed that if we take a colored tile, then the length of the object will be six color tiles. And if we take a paper clip then the length of the pencil will be three paper clips. So the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 52
about __________ color tiles about __________ paper clips

The length of the sunscreen lotion bottle is about four colored tiles and the length of the sunscreen lotion bottle which is measured using a paper clip is two paper clips.

The sunscreen lotion bottle is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the sunscreen lotion bottle is four colored tiles, which means four units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them. And to measure the sunscreen lotion bottle with the paper clip, we will place the paper clip without gaps or overlaps between them. And each paper clip is equal to about one unit. So the length of the sunscreen lotion bottle using the paper clip is two paper clips, which means two units. We have noticed that if we take a colored tile, then the length of the sunscreen lotion bottle will be four color tiles. And if we take a paper clip then the length of the sunscreen lotion bottle will be two paper clips. So the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip.

Question 5.
Your friend says the pencil is more paper clips long than color tiles. Is your friend correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 53
No, my friend is not correct.

No, my friend is not correct. As we can see from the above problems that while measuring with the paper clip we need fewer paper clips than the color tiles. And the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip. So my friend is not correct.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Your guitar is 33 color tiles long. Is your guitar more than or less than 33 paper clips long?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 54
Circle:      more than 33         less than 33
Tell how you know:
My guitar will be less than 33 paper clips.

My guitar will be less than 33 paper clips. As we can see from the above problems that while measuring with the paper clip we need fewer paper clips than the color tiles. And the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip. So there will be fewer paper clips than the color tiles.

Show and Grow

Question 6.
Your mailbox is 11 paper clips long. Is your mailbox more than or less than 11 color tiles long?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 55
Circle:       more than 11         less than 11
Tell how you know:
My mailbox will have more than 11 color tiles long.

My mailbox will have more than 11 color tiles. As we can see from the above problems that while measuring with the paper clip we need fewer paper clips than the color tiles. And the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip. So there will be more color tiles than the paper clips.

Measure More Lengths Practice 10.4


Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 56
about __________ color tiles about __________ paper clips
The length of the rocket is about six colored tiles and the length of the pencil which is measured using a paper clip is three paper clips.

The rocket is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the rocket is six colored tiles, which means six units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them. And to measure the rocket with the paper clip, we will place the paper clip without gaps or overlaps between them. And each paper clip is equal to about one unit. So the length of the rocket using the paper clip is three paper clips, which means three units. We have noticed that if we take a colored tile, then the length of the rocket will be six color tiles. And if we take a paper clip then the length of the pencil will be three paper clips. So the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip.

Question 2.
Your friend says the marker is more color tiles long than paper clips. Is your friend correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 57
Yes, the marker has more color tiles long than paper clips. So my friend is correct.

Yes, the marker has more color tiles long than paper clips. As we can see from the above problems that while measuring with the paper clip we need fewer paper clips than the color tiles. And the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip. So there will be more color tiles than the paper clips for the marker. So my friend is correct.

Question 3.
Modeling Real Life
Your folder is 15 color tiles long. Is your folder more than or less than 15 paper clips long?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 58
Circle:       more than 15         less than 15
Tell how you know:

My folder will be less than 15 paper clips.

My folder will be less than 15 paper clips. As we can see from the above problems that while measuring with the paper clip we need fewer paper clips than the color tiles. And the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip. So there will be fewer than 15 paper clips than the color tiles for my folder.

Review & Refresh

Question 4.
8 tigers swim.
5 tigers leave.
How many tigers are left?
___________ – ___________ = ___________ tigers
the number of tigers left is
8 – 5= 3 tigers.

The number of tigers swim is 8 and the number of tigers which leave is 5 tigers. So the number of tigers left is
8 – 5= 3 tigers.

Question 5.
You have 6 pencils.
You lose 2 pencils.
How many pencils are left?
___________ – ___________ = ___________ pencils
the remaining pencils are
6 – 2= 4 pencils.

The number of pencils I have is 6 pencils, and the number of pencils lost is 2 pencils. So the remaining pencils are
6 – 2= 4 pencils.

Lesson 10.5 Solve Compare Problems Involving Length

Explore and Grow

Draw a line that is 2 color tiles longer than the pencil.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 59

Draw a line that is 2 color tiles shorter than the pencil.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 59

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Your lunch box is 6 paper clips long. Your friend’s is 3 paper clips long. How many paper clips longer is your lunch box?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 60
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 61
__________ paper clips
My lunch box is three paper clips longer than my friend’s and my friend’s lunch box is three times shorter than my friend’s lunch box.

Given that my lunch box is six paper clips long and my friend’s lunch box is three paper clips long. So there will be three paper clips longer than my friend’s. And my friend’s lunch box is three paper clips shorter than my lunch box.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
Your scarf is 10 paper clips long. Your friend’s is 7 paper clips long. How many paper clips longer is your scarf?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 62
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 63
Myscarf is three paper clips longer than my friend’s and my friend’s scarf is three times shorter than my friend’s scarf.

Given that my scarf is ten paper clips long and my friend’s scarf is seven paper clips long. So there will be three paper clips longer than my friend’s. And my friend’s scarf is three paper clips shorter than my scarf.

Question 3.
Your marker is 6 color tiles long. Your friend’s is 7 color tiles long. How many tiles shorter is your marker?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 64
My marker is one tile shorter than my friend’s marker.

Given that my marker is 6 color tiles long and my friend’s marker is 7 color tiles. So my marker is 7 – 6 which is one color tile shorter than my friend’s. And my friend’s marker is one color tile longer than mine.

Question 4.
MP Reasoning
Your pencil is 4 color tiles long. Your
friend’s is 2 color tiles long. Complete the sentences.

Your pencil is ________ color tiles ________ than your friend’s.
Your friend’s pencil is ________ color tiles ________ than yours.
Your pencil is two color tiles longer than your friend’s.
Your friend’s pencil is two color tiles shorter than yours.

Given that my pencil is 4 color tiles long and my friend’s pencil is 2 color tiles. So my pencil is 4 – 2 which is two color tiles longer than my friend’s. And my friend’s pencil is two color tiles shorter than mine.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Your friend’s paper chain is 6 paper clips shorter than yours. Your chain is 12 paper clips long. How long is your friend’s?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 65
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 66

____________ paper clips long
My paper chain is six color tiles longer than my friend’s.

Given that my paper chain is 12 color tiles long and my friend’s paper chain is 6 color tiles. So my paper chain is 12 – 6 which is six color tile shorter than my friend’s. And my friend’s paper chain is six color tile longer than mine.

Show and Grow

Question 5.
Your paper airplane is 9 color tiles shorter than your friend’s. Your friend’s paper airplane is 16 color tiles long. How long is yours?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 67
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 68

____________ color titles long
My airplane is seven color tiles longer than my friend.

Given that my airplane is 9 color tiles long and my friend’s airplane is 16 color tiles. So my marker is 16 – 9 which is seven color tile shorter than my friend’s. And my friend’s airplane is seven color tile longer than mine.

Solve Compare Problems Involving Length Practice 10.5

Question 1.
Your backpack is 15 paper clips long. Your friend’s is 12 paper clips long. How many paper clips longer is your backpack?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 69
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 70
Three paper clips longer than my friend’s

Given that my backpack is 15 paper clips long and my friend’s backpack is 12 paper clips long. So there will be three paper clips longer than my friend’s.

Question 2.
MP Reasoning
Your baseball miff is 8 paper clips long. Your friend’s is 7 paper clips long. Complete the sentences.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 71
Your friend’s baseball mitt is ________ paper clip _________ than yours.
Your baseball mitt is _________ paper clip _________ than your friends.
Your friend’s baseball mitt is 1 paper clip shorter than yours.
Your baseball mitt is 1 paper clip longer than your friends.

Given that my baseball miff is 8 paper clips long and my friend’s baseball miff is 7 paper clips. So my baseball miff is 8 – 7 which is 1 paper clip longer than my friend’s. And my friend’s baseball miff is 1 paper clip shorter than mine.

Question 3.
Modeling Real Life
Your desk is 7 paper clips longer than your friend’s. Your friend’s desk is 14 paper clips long. How long is yours?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 72
___________ paper clips long
7 paper clips long.

As my desk is 7 paper clips longer than my friend’s and my friend’s desk is 14 paper clips long. So my desk will be 14 – 7= 7 paper clips long.

Review & Refresh

Use the picture to complete the number bond.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 73
By number bond, the total number of flowers is 5 + 3= 8 flowers.

This number bond explains to us how the numbers are joined together and how they break down into a certain number of parts. In the above image, we can see that there are five yellow flowers and three red flowers. By number bond, we will add all the flowers. So the total number of flowers is 5 + 3= 8 flowers. Now they break down by five yellow flowers in one circle and three red flowers in another circle.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 74
By number bond, the total number of cans is 3 + 3= 8 cans.


This number bond explains to us how the numbers are joined together and how they break down into a certain number of parts. In the above image, we can see that there are three green cans and three red cans. By number bond, we will add all the cans. So the total number of cans is 3 + 3= 6 flowers. Now they break down by three green cans in one circle and three red cans in another circle.

Measure and Compare Lengths Performance Task

Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 75

Question 1.
Use a piece of string to compare the routes from your house to the library, the post office, and the school.Order the routes from shortest to longest.
____________, ____________, ____________
The order from shortest to longest is the post office, the library, and the school.

The route from my house to the library is three meters and the route from my house to the post office is two meters and the route from my house to the school is four meters. So the order from shortest to longest is the post office, the library, and the school.

Question 2.
Use a piece of string to measure the different routes from your house to your friend’s house. Color the route you would use to ride your bike to your friend’s house.

Question 3.
a. The bakery is farther from your house than the pool. The park is closer to your house than the pool. Which place is closest to your house?
Park             Bakery              Pool

b. Label the park, bakery, and pool on the map.

Measure and Compare Lengths Chapter Practice

Order Objects by Length Homework & Practice 10.1

Question 1.
Order from longest to shortest.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 76
____________, _____________, ______________
The order from longest to shortest is
Shark, Lobster, Fish.

In the above image, the longest is the shark, the largest is the lobster and the shortest is the fish.

Question 2.
MP Problem Solving
A green snake is shorter than a black snake. A brown snake is shorter than a black snake. Which snake is the longest?
green        block         brown
The black snake is the longest.

Given that a green snake is shorter than a black snake and a brown snake is shorter than a black snake. So the longest snake is a black snake.

Compare Lengths Indirectly Homework & Practice 10.2

Question 3.
Circle the longer object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 77
We will circle the second image.

In the above image, the longest object is the second image. So we will circle the second image.

Question 4.
Circle the longer Object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 78
We will circle the second image.

In the above image, the longest object is the second image. So we will circle the second image.

Question 5.
Draw a line through the shorter object.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 79
The first image is the shorter image.

In the above image, the shorter object is the first image. So we will circle the first image.

Measure Lengths Homework & Practice 10.3


Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 80
about ___________ color tiles
The length of the object is about four colored tiles.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is about four colored tiles, which means four units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 81
about ___________ color tiles
The length of the object is about five colored tiles.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is about five colored tiles, which means five units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them.

Measure More Lengths Homework & Practice 10.4


Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 82
about ___________ color tiles
about ___________ paper clips
The length of the object is about four colored tiles and the length of the object which is measured using a paper clip is two paper clips.

The object is measured by using the colored tile. As each tile is equal to one unit. So the length of the object is four colored tiles, which means four units. We must take each tile without gaps or any overlaps between them. And to measure the object with the paper clip, we will place the paper clip without gaps or overlaps between them. And each paper clip is equal to about one unit. So the length of the object using the paper clip is two paper clips, which means two units. We have noticed that if we take a colored tile, then the length of the object will be four color tiles. And if we take a paper clip then the length of the pencil will be two paper clips. So the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip.

Question 9.
Modeling Real Life
Your hockey stick is 18 paper clips long. Is your hockey stick more than or less than 18 color tiles long?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 83
Circle: more than 18 less than 18
Tell how you know:
My hockey stick has more than 18 color tiles.

My hockey stick has more than 18 color tiles. As we can see from the above problems that while measuring with the paper clip we need fewer paper clips than the color tiles. And the length is doubled while measuring with color tile than the paper clip. So there will be more than 18 color tiles than the paper clips for the hockey stick.

Solve Compare Problems Involving Length Homework & Practice 10.5

Question 10.
Your water bottle is 5 paper clips long. Your Friend’s is 4 paper clips long. How many paper clips longer is your water bottle?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 84
One paper clip long.

Given that my water bottle is 5 paper clips long and my friend’s water bottle is 4 paper clips long. So there will be one paper clip longer than my friend’s.

Question 11.
Your bookshelf is 19 color tiles long. Your friend’s is 15 color tiles long. How many tiles longer is your bookshelf?
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 85
Big Ideas Math Answers 1st Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths 86
My bookshelf is four tiles longer.

Given that my bookshelf is 19 paper clips long and my friend’s bookshelf is 15 paper clips long. So there will be four paper clips longer than my friend’s.

Question 12.
MP Reasoning
Your pencil is 6 color tiles long. Your friend’s is 3 color tiles long. Complete the sentences.

Your pencil is ____________ color tiles ____________ than your friend’s.
Your friend’s pencil is ____________ color tiles ____________ than yours.
Your pencil is three color tiles longer than your friend’s.
Your friend’s pencil is three color tiles shorter than yours.

As my pencil is six color tiles long, and my friend’s pencil is three color tiles long. So my pencil will be three color tiles longer than my friend’s pencil. And my friend’s pencil is three color tiles shorter than my pencil.


Hope the information prevailed in the Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 1 Chapter 10 Measure and Compare Lengths is helpful for you. If you have any doubts regarding the solutions please post the comments in the below-mentioned comment box. Share this pdf link and help them to overcome the difficulties in maths.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000

Big Ideas Math Book 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 answer key is useful for students who are preparing for their examinations and can download this pdf for free of cost. In this chapter, each and every question was explained in detail which helps students to understand easily. Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 explains different types of questions on Subtract numbers within 1,000.

Big Ideas Math 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000

In this chapter we can see different topics on subtraction of 10 and 100, using a number line to subtract hundreds and tens, Use Compensation to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers, Use Models to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers, etc. Those topics were being set up by the mathematical professionals as indicated by the most recent release. Look down this page to get the answers to all the inquiries. Click on the links to look at the subjects shrouded in this chapter subtract numbers within 1,000.

Lesson 1 Subtract 10 and 100

Lesson 2 Use a Number Line to Subtract Hundreds and Tens

Lesson 3 Use a Number Line to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Lesson 4 Use Compensation to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Lesson 5 Use Models to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Lesson 6 Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Lesson 7 Subtract from Numbers That Contain Zeros

Lesson 8 Use Addition to Subtract

Lesson 9 Explain Subtraction Strategies

Performance Task

Big Ideas Math Book 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000

Subtract Numbers within 1,000 Vocabulary

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 v 1
Organize It
Use the review words to complete the graphic organizer
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 v 2

8 is the sum and 5 is the difference.

By adding 5+3 we will get the sum of those two digits which is 8 and, by subtracting 8-3 we will get the difference of those two digits which is 5.

Define It
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 v 3

Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems.
Compensation is a strategy used to make a ten to help add and subtract numbers.

Lesson 10.1 Subtract 10 and 100

Explore and Grow

Model 251. Make a quick sketch of your model.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 1
To model 251 which is 100+100+50+1.

To model 251 which is 100+100+50+1, we will take a table of 10×10 by which we can build 100 blocks. So for 251, we will take two 10×10 blocks and one 10×5 blocks for which we can build 50 blocks and a single block.Big-Ideas-Math-Answer-Key-Grade-2-Chapter-10-Subtract-Numbers-within-1000-v-4

Model 10 less than 251. Make a quick sketch of your model.
251 − 10 = _____

251-10= 241

To model 10 less than 251, we will subtract 251 – 10 which is 241. So to model 241, we will expand that 241 as
100 + 100 + 40 + 1 so we will take two 10×10 blocks for which we and one 10×4 block and a single block.

Model 100 less than 251. Make a quick sketch of your model.
251 – 100 = ______
251 – 100= 151.

To model 100 less than 251, we will subtract 251 – 100 which is 251. So to model 151, we will expand that 151 as
100 + 50 + 1 so we will take one 10×10 block for which we and one 10×5 block and a single block.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
278 − 10 = _____
278 − 100 = _____
The difference of 278 − 10 is 268.
The difference of 278 − 100 is 178.

To find the difference of 278-10, we will pick the tens digit number in 278 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
7 – 1= 6
therefore 278 – 10= 268.
And to find the difference of 278-100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 278 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
2-1= 1
therefore 278-100= 178.

Question 2.
451 − 10 = ______
451 − 100 = _____
The difference of 451 − 10 is 441.
The difference of 451 − 100 is 351.

To find the difference of 451-10, we will pick the tens digit number in 451 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
5 – 1= 4
therefore 451 – 10= 441.
And to find the difference of 451-100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 451 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
4-1= 3
therefore 451-100= 351.

Question 3.
623 − 10 = ______
623 − 100 = _____
The difference of 623 − 10 is 623.
The difference of 623 − 100 is 523.

To find the difference of 623-10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 623 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
2 – 1= 3
therefore 623 – 10= 613.
And to find the difference of 623-100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 623 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
6-1= 5
therefore 623-100= 523.

Question 4.
116 − 10 = _____
116 − 100 = ______
The difference of 116 − 10 is 106.
The difference of 116 − 100 is 16.

To find the difference of 116-10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 116 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
1 – 1= 0
therefore 116 – 10= 106.
And to find the difference of 116-100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 116 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
1-1= 0
therefore 116-100= 016.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 5.
100 – 10 = ______
The difference of 100 – 10 is 90.

To find the difference of 100-10, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 100 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
10 – 1= 9
therefore 100 – 10= 90.

Question 6.
599 – 100 = ______
The difference of 599-100 is 499.

To find the difference of 599 -100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 599 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
5-1= 4
therefore 599-100= 499.

Question 7.
614 − 10 = _____
The difference of 614 -10 is 604.

To find the difference of 614 -10, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 614 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
1-1= 0
therefore 614 -10= 604.

Question 8.
890 – 10 = ______
The difference of 890 -10 is 880.

To find the difference of 890 -10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 890 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
9-1= 8
therefore 890 -10= 880.

Question 9.
768 − 100 = _____
The difference of 768 -100 is 668.

To find the difference of 768 -100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 768 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
7-1= 0
therefore 768 -100= 668.

Question 10.
523 – 10 = _____
The difference of 523 -10 is 513.

To find the difference of 523 -10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 523 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
2-1= 1
therefore 523 -10= 513.

Question 11.
362 − 100 = _____
The difference of 362 -100 is 262.

To find the difference of 362 -100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 362 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
3 -1= 2
therefore 362 -100= 262 .

Question 12.
396 – 10 = _____
The difference of 396 -10 is 386.

To find the difference of 396 -10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 386 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
9-1= 8
therefore 396 -10= 386.

Question 13.
604 − 10 = _____
The difference of 604 -10 is 594.

To find the difference of 604 -10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 604 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
60 – 1= 59
therefore 604 -10= 594.

Question 14.
799 – 100 = _____
The difference of 614 -10 is 604.

To find the difference of 614 -10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 614 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
1-1= 0
therefore 614 -10= 604.

Question 15.
449 − _____ = 349
The difference of 449 – 100 is 349.

Let the blank be X,
so 449- X= 349,
Then X = 449-349
X = 100.
Let us cross-check that 100 is correct or not
449-100= 349.
So 100 is correct.

Question 16.
_____ – 10 = 227
The difference of 237-10 is 227.

Let the blank be X,
so X – 10 = 227,
Then X = 227 + 10
X = 237.
Let us cross-check that 237 is correct or not
237-10= 227.
So 237 is correct.

Question 17.
Number Sense
Use each number once to complete the equations.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 2
_____ – 10 = ______
_____ – _____ = 460
470 – 10 = 460
560 – 10= 550.
560 – 100 = 460.
100 – 10= 90.

Let’s take 470,
then 470 – 10 = 460
and 470 – 10 = 460.
Let’s take 560,
then 560 – 10= 550.
and 560 – 100 = 460.
Let’s take 100
100 – 10= 90.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

You have $106. You spend $10. How much money do you have left?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 3
Subtraction equation:
$ _____
Subtraction equation is
$106 – $10= $96.

As we have $106 and $10 was spend, so the remaining money left are
$106 – $10= $96.

Show and Grow

Question 18.
You have 334 tickets. You exchange 100 of them for a prize. How many tickets do you have left?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 4
_____ tickets
The number of tickets left is 234 tickets.

As we have 334 tickets and in that 100 of them are exchanged for a prize, so the remaining tickets are
334 – 100= 234 tickets are remaining.

Question 19.
You score 745 points in a video game. You lose some points. Now you have 645. How many points did you lose?
_____ points
The number of points lost is 100 points.

The score in a video game is 745 points and after losing some points, we have 645 points. So the number of points lost is 745 – 645= 100 points.

Question 20.
How can you mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a number?
We will perform pick the ten’s digit number or hundred digit number. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked with the given values. For example, if we take 452 – 10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 452 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
5 – 1= 4
therefore 452 -10=442.

Subtract 10 and 100 Homework & Practice 10.1

Question 1.
642 − 10 = ______
The difference of 642-10 is 632.

To find the difference of 642 -10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 642 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
4 – 1= 3
therefore 642 -10= 632.

Question 2.
416 − 100 = _____
The difference of 416 -100 is 316.

To find the difference of 416 -100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 416 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
4 – 1= 3
therefore 416 -100= 316.

Question 3.
890 − 100 = _____
The difference of 890 -100 is 790.

To find the difference of 890 -100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 890 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
8 – 1= 7
therefore 890 -100= 790.

Question 4.
371 − 10 = _____
The difference of 371 -10 is 361.

To find the difference of 371 -10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 371 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
7 – 1= 6
therefore 371-10= 361.

Question 5.
501 − 100 = _____
The difference of 501 -100 is 401.

To find the difference of 501 -100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 501 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
5 – 1= 4
therefore 501 -100= 401.

Question 6.
955 − 100 = _____
The difference of 955 -100 is 855.

To find the difference of 955 – 100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 955 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
9 – 1= 8
therefore 955 – 100= 855.

Question 7.
203 − 10 = ____
The difference of 203 – 10 is 193.

To find the difference of 203 – 10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 203 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
20 – 1= 19
therefore 203 -10= 193.

Question 8.
888 − 100 = _____
The difference of 888 -100 is 788.

To find the difference of 888 – 100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 888 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
8 – 1= 7
therefore 888 – 100= 788.

Question 9.
690 − 10 = ____
The difference of 690 – 10 is 680.

To find the difference of 690 – 10, we will pick the ten’s digit number in 690 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
9 – 1= 8
therefore 690 – 10= 680.

Question 10.
107 − 10 = ____
The difference of 107 – 10 is 97.

To find the difference of 107 -10, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 107 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
10 – 1= 9
therefore 107 – 10= 97.

Question 11.
723 − ____ = 713
The difference of 723 – 10 is 713.

Let the empty blank be X,
then 723 – X = 713
X = 723 – 713
= 10
Therefore X= 10.

Question 12.
____ − 100 = 433
The difference of 533 – 100 is 433.

Let the empty blank be X,
then X – 100 = 433
X = 433 + 100
= 533
Therefore X= 533.

Question 13.
Your friend says that 678 − 100 = 668. Is your friend correct? Explain.
No, my friend is not correct.

My friend is not correct, because to find the difference of 678 – 100, we will pick the hundred’s digit number in 678 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
6 – 1= 5
therefore 678 – 100= 578.
As 678 – 100= 578, my friend is not correct.

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 5
582 – 10 < 683 – 100.

As 582 – 10= 572 and 683 – 100 = 583, so 583 is greater than 572. Which is
582 – 10 < 683 – 100.

Question 15.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 6
985 – 100 = 895 – 10.


As 985 – 100= 885 and 895 – 10 = 885, and here 885 is equal to 885. Which is
985 – 100 = 895 – 10.

Question 16.
Modeling Real Life
Newton sends out 233 invitations. 100 people respond to the invitation. How many people have not responded yet?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 7
_______ people
The number of people who didn’t respond is 133 people.

As Newton sends 233 invitations and in that 233 invitations 100 people responded, so the number of people who didn’t respond is 233 – 100 = 133 people.

Question 17.
Modeling Real Life
648 runners sign up for a marathon. 638 runners finish the race. How many runners do not finish?
______ runners
10 runners.

The total number of runners sign up for a marathon is 648 and of that 638 runners finish the race. So the number of persons who didn’t finish the race is 648-638= 10 runners.

Review & Refresh

Question 18.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 8
____rows of ____
____ + ____ = ____
2 rows of 5 triangles

In the above image, we can see two rows of five triangles. And the total number of triangles in the above image is
5+5= 10.

Question 19.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.1 9
____rows of ____
____ + ____ = ____
3 rows of 3 circles.
3+3+3= 9.

In the above image, we can see three rows of three circles. And the total number of circles are
3+3+3= 9.

Lesson 10.2 Use a Number Line to Subtract Hundreds and Tens

Explore and Grow

Skip count back by tens five times on the number line.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 1
555 – _____ = ______

The difference between 555-50 is 505.

Let’s start at 555 and then count back tens five times which is 10×5= 50 on the number line. So the number line is

Skip count back by hundreds five times on the number line.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 2
555 – ____ = ______
555 – 500= 55.

Let’s start at 555 and then count back hundreds five times which is 100×5= 500 on the number line. So the number line is

Show and Grow

Question 1.
520 − 330 = ____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 3
The difference between 520 − 330 is 190.

Let’s start from 520 and count back a hundred three times which is 3×100= 300 and the value will be
520 – 300= 220 and then we will count back tens three times, which is 3×10= 30 and the value will be
220-30= 190.


Question 2.
259 − 170 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 4
The difference between 259 – 170 is 89.

Let’s start from 259 and count back a hundred one time which is 1×100= 100 and the value will be
259 – 100= 159 and then we will count back tens seven times, which is 7×10= 70 and the value will be
159 – 70= 89.


Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 3.
640 – 150 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 5
The difference between 640 – 150 is 490.

Let’s start from 640 and count back a hundred one time which is 1×100= 100 and the value will be
640 – 100= 540 and then we will count back tens five times, which is 5×10= 50 and the value will be
540 – 50= 490.


Question 4.
453 – 210 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 6
The difference between 453 – 210 is 243.

Let’s start from 453 and count back a hundred one time which is 2×100= 200 and the value will be
453 – 200= 253 and then we will count back ten one time, which is 1×10= 10, and the value will be
253 – 10= 243.


Question 5.
329 – 220 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 7
The difference between 329 – 220 is 109.

Let’s start from 329 and count back a hundred two times which is 2×100= 200 and the value will be
329 – 200= 129 and then we will count back tens two times, which is 2×10= 20 and the value will be
129 – 20= 109.


Question 6.
Complete the number line and the equation.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 8
_____ – _____ = _____
752 – 100= 652,
652 – 100= 552,
552 – 40= 512.

Given in the above image that 752 – 100= 652 and 652 – 100= 552, and in the next step we can see the result as 512. So the empty box be X and the equation is
552 – X= 512,
X= 552-512
= 40.
So the value of X is 40.


Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

A batting cage has 360 baseballs. There are 130 fewer softballs are there?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 9
Subtraction equation:
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 10
____ softballs
230 softballs.

The total number of baseballs in the batting cages is 360 baseballs and there are 130 fewer softballs. So the total number of softballs is 360 – 130= 230 softballs.


Show and Grow

Question 7.
A crocodile weighs 535 pounds. A kangaroo weighs 340 pounds less than the crocodile. How much does the kangaroo weigh?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 11
______ pounds
The weight of the kangaroo is 195 pounds.

The weight of the crocodile is 535 pounds and the weight of the kangaroo is 340 pounds less than the crocodile, which means
535 – 340= 195 pounds.
So the weight of the kangaroo is 195 pounds.

Question 8.
A train has 850 seats. A plane has 390 fewer seats than the train. A bus has 370 fewer seats than the plane. How many seats does the bus have?
_____ seats
The number of seats on the bus is 90 seats.

As the train has 850 seats, and a plane has 390 fewer seats than the train, which means 850 – 390= 460. So the total number of seats on the train is 460 seats. And a bus has 370 fewer seats than the plane, which means
460 – 370= 90 seats. So the number of seats on the bus is 90 seats.

Use a Number Line to Subtract Hundreds and Tens Homework & Practice 10.2

Question 1.
670 − 520 = ____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 12
The difference between 670 – 520= 150.

Let’s start from 670 and count back a hundred five times which is 5×100= 500 and the value will be
670 – 500= 170 and then we will count back tens two times, which is 2×10= 20 and the value will be
170 – 20= 150.


Question 2.
749 − 150 = ____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 13
The difference between 749 – 150 is 599.

Let’s start from 749 and count back a hundred one time which is 1×100= 100 and the value will be
749 – 100= 649 and then we will count back tens five times, which is 5×10= 50 and the value will be
649 – 50= 599.


Question 3.
583 − 320 = ____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 14
The difference between 583 – 320 is 263.

Let’s start from 583 and count back a hundred three times which is 3×100= 300 and the value will be
583 – 300= 283 and then we will count back tens two times, which is 2×10= 20 and the value will be
283 – 20= 263.


Question 4.
Number Sense
Write the equation shown by the number line.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 15
_____ – _____ = ______
The equation is 645 – 120= 525.

In the above image, we can see the starting point at 645 and it was counted back to 100 then the value will be 645 – 100= 545. Then from 545, it was counted back tens two times which is 10×2= 20. Then the value will be
545 – 20= 525.

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
A bee pollinates 955 flowers in a day. A second bee pollinates 150 fewer flowers. How many flowers does the second bee pollinate?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 16
_____ flowers
855 flowers.

The number of flowers pollinated by the bee is 955 flowers and the second bee pollinates 150 fewer flowers, which means 955 – 150= 805 flowers were pollinated by the second bee.

Question 6.
A library has 990 books. It has 250 fewer movies than books. It has 410 fewer magazines than movies. How many magazines does the library have?
______ magazines
330 magazines.

The number of books in a library is 990 books and 250 fewer movies than books, which is 990 – 250= 740 movies. And 410 fewer magazines than movies, which means 740 – 410= 330 magazines.

Review & Refresh

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.2 17
How many students chose computer?
_____ students
3 students.

In the given graph the number of students who choose computer is 3 students.

Lesson 10.3 Use a Number Line to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Use each difference as the starting number in the next equation.
425 − 200 = ____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 1

425 – 200= 225,
225 – 20= 205,
205 – 2= 203.

Given the equation is 425 – 200. To represent the given equation in the number line, we will start from 425 and then count back hundred two times which is 2×100= 200 and the value will be
425 – 200= 225 and then we will count back tens two times, which is 2×10= 20 and the value will be
225 – 20= 205 and count back one two times, which is 1×2= 2and the value will be 205 – 2= 203.

How does this help you find 425 − 222?


Show and Grow

Question 1.
674 − 236 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 2
674 – 236= 438.

Let’s start from 674 and count back hundred two times which is 2×100= 200 and the value will be
674 – 200= 474 and then we will count back tens three times, which is 3×10= 30 and the value will be
474 – 30= 444 and then we will count back one six times, which is 6×1= 6, and the value will be 444 – 6 = 438.

Question 2.
438 −162 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 3
The difference between 438 – 162 is 276.

Let’s start from 438 and count back a hundred one time which is 1×100= 100 and the value will be
438 – 100= 338 and then we will count back tens six times, which is 6×10= 60 and the value will be
338 – 60= 278 and then we will count back one two times, which is 2×1= 2, and the value will be 278 – 2 = 276. And the difference between 438 – 162 is 276.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 3.
534 − 311 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 4
Let’s start from 438 and count back a hundred one time which is 1×100= 100 and the value will be
438 – 100= 338 and then we will count back tens six times, which is 6×10= 60 and the value will be
338 – 60= 278 and then we will count back one two times, which is 2×1= 2, and the value will be 278 – 2 = 276. And the difference between 438 – 162 is 276.

Question 4.
745 − 109 = ____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 5

Question 5.
436 − 84 = ____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 6

Question 6.
Number Sense
Write the equation shown by the number line.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 7
____ – _____ = _____
678 – 354= 324.

In the above image, we can see the starting point at 678 and it was counted back to 300 then the value will be 678 – 300= 378. Then from 378, it was counted back 50 which is 378 – 50= 328. And then it was counted back to 4  then the value is 328 – 4= 324.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Your school recycles 762 bottles. 245 are glass. The rest are plastic. How many bottles are plastic?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 8
Subtraction equation:
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 9
_____ bottles
517 bottles.

The number of bottles recycled by the school is 762 bottles and in that 245 are glass. So the number of plastic bottles is 762 – 245= 517 bottles.

Show and Grow

Question 7.
A squirrel collects 619 nuts for the winter. 421 are acorns. The rest are walnuts. How many walnuts are there?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 10
_____ walnuts
198 walnuts.

The number of nuts was collected by the squirrel in the winter is 619 nuts and in that 421 are acorns, and the rest of all are walnuts, which means 619 – 421= 198 walnuts.

Question 8.
You have 384 photos. You put your photos into two photo albums. Each album can hold up to 208 photos. How many photos can you put in each album? Explain.
_____ photos in Album 1 _____ photos in Album 2
208 photos in Album 1 and 176 photos in album 2.

The number of photos we have is 384 photos and those photos were put into two albums and each album can hold 208 photos, which means we can put a total of 208+208= 416 photos. As we have 384 photos, so 208 photos we can put in one album and 384 – 208 = 176 photos in another album.

Use a Number Line to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 10.3

Question 1.
953 − 328 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 11

Let’s start from 953 and count back a hundred three times which is 3×100= 300 and the value will be
953 – 300= 653 and then we will count back tens three times, which is 3×10= 30 and the value will be
474 – 30= 444 and then we will count back one six times, which is 6×1= 6, and the value will be 444 – 6 = 438.

Question 2.
674 − 218 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 12
674 – 218= 456.

Let’s start from 674 and count back hundred two times which is 2×100= 200 and the value will be
674 – 200= 474 and then we will count back tens one time, which is 1×10= 10 and the value will be
474 – 10= 464 and then we will count back one eight times, which is 8×1= 8, and the value will be 474 – 8 = 456.

Question 3.
594 − 107 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 13
594 – 107= 487.

Let’s start from 594 and count back a hundred one time which is 1×100= 100 and the value will be
594 – 100= 494 and then we will count back one seven times, which is 7×1= 7, and the value will be 494 – 7 = 487.

Question 4.
Use the number lines to show 531 − 396 two ways.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 14
531 – 396 = ______


Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
You earn 631 points in a video game. You trade in 475 points for a special power. How many points do you have left?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 15
____ points
156 points.

The number of points earned in a video game is 631 points and in that, we trade in 475 points for a special power, and the remaining points left are 631 – 475 = 156 points.

Question 6.
You have 137 books. You put your books on two bookshelves. Each shelf can hold up to 72 books. How many books can you put on each shelf? Explain.
_______ books on Shelf 1 _____ books on Shelf 2
72 books on shelf 1 and 65 books on shelf 2.

The number of books we have is 137 books and we need to put those books in two bookshelves and each shelf can hold up to 72 books. So for two shelves, the number of books can hold is 72+72= 144 books. So 72 books can be put in one bookshelf and in the other bookshelf we can keep remaining books which is 137 – 72= 65 books in another bookshelf.

Review & Refresh

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.3 16
_____ hundreds, ______ tens, and _____ ones is _______.
7 hundreds, 6 tens and 3 ones which is 763.

In the above image, we can see seven hundred and six tens and three ones which is
7×100 + 6×10 + 3×1
= 700+60+3
= 763.

Lesson 10.4 Use Compensation to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Find 315 − 196.
315 – 196 = 119

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So here we will add 4 to 196, after adding we will get 196+4= 200. Now it is easy to subtract from 315,
so 315 – 200= 115 and we will add that 4 to the result 115. So 115+4= 119.

Find 319 − 200.
319 – 200= 119.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So here we will add 1 to 319, after adding we will get 319+1= 320. Now it is easy to subtract from 320,
so 320 – 200= 120 and we will subtract that 1 to the result 120. So 120 – 1= 119.

How are the problems the same? How are they different? Which problem can you solve using mental math?


Show and Grow

Use compensation to subtract.
Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 1
654 – 197= 457.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above it shows that to add 3 to 197, so 197+3= 200,
now 654 – 200= 454 and now we will add 3 to the result,
so 454+3= 457.
654 – 197= 457.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 2
835 – 309= 526.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above, it shows that to subtract 9 in 309, so 309 – 9= 300,
now 835 – 300= 535 and now we will subtract to the result,
so 835 – 309= 535 – 9
835 – 309= 526.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 3
571 – 212= 359.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
571 – 212, so we will subtract 2 in 212, then the number will be 212 – 2= 210,
then 571 – 210= 361,
And now we will subtract -2 to the result,
so 361 – 2= 359.
571 – 210= 359.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 4
611 – 392= 219.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
611 – 392, so we will subtract 92 in 392, then the number will be 392 – 92= 300,
then 611 – 300= 311,
And now we will subtract -92 to the result,
so 311 – 92= 219.
611 – 392= 219.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Use compensation to subtract.
Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 5
428 – 212= 216.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
428 – 212, so we will subtract 2 in 212, then the number will be 212 – 2= 210,
then 428 – 210= 218,
And now we will subtract 2 to the result,
so 218 – 2= 216.
428 – 212= 216.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 6
943 – 295= 648

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
943 – 295 so we will subtract 52 in 295,
then the number will be 295 – 52= 243,
then 943 – 243= 700,
And now we will subtract 52 to the result,
so 700 – 52= 648.
943 – 295= 648.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 7
489 – 196= 293.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
489 – 196, so we will subtract 7 in 196, then the number will be 196 – 7= 189,
then 489 – 189= 300,
And now we will subtract 7 to the result,
so 300 – 7= 293.
489 – 196= 293.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 8
709 – 503= 206.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
709 – 503, so we will subtract 3 in 503, then the number will be 503 – 3= 500,
then 709 – 500= 209,
And now we will subtract 3 to the result,
so 209 – 3= 206.
709 – 503= 206.

Question 9.
613 − 307 = _____
613 – 317= 306.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
The given numbers are
613 – 307, so we will subtract 7 in 307, then the number will be 307 – 7= 300,
then 613 – 307= 313,
And now we will subtract 7 to the result,
so 313 – 7= 306.
613 – 307= 306.

Question 10.
861 – 499 = _____
861 – 499= 362.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
The given numbers are
861 – 499, so we will subtract 99 in 499, then the number will be 499 – 99= 400,
then 861 – 400= 461,
And now we will subtract 99 to the result,
so 461 – 99= 362.
861 – 499= 362.

Question 11.
Should you add to or subtract from 194 to find the difference? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 9
387 – 194= 193.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
387 – 194, so we will subtract 7 in 194, then the number will be 194 – 7= 187,
then 387 – 187= 200,
And now we will subtract 3 to the result,
so 200 – 7= 193.
387 – 194= 193.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

A fish lays 861 eggs. A turtle lays 198 eggs. How many fewer eggs does the turtle lay than the fish?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 10
Subtraction equation:
______ fewer eggs
663 fewer eggs.

As fish lays 861 eggs and a turtle lays 198 eggs, so the number of fewer eggs does the turtle lay than the fish is
861 – 198= 663 fewer eggs.

Show and Grow

Question 12.
A print shop has 650 sheets of white paper and 295 sheets of colored paper. How many fewer sheets of colored paper are there than white paper?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 11
_____ fewer sheets of colored paper
355 fewer sheets of colored paper.

As a printer shop has 650 sheets of white paper and 295 sheets of colored paper. So the fewer sheets of colored paper are there than white paper is 650 – 295= 355 fewer sheets of colored paper.

Question 13.
A party store has 725 different cards and 506 different balloons. How many more cards are there than balloons?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 12
____ more cards
219 more cards.

As a party store has 725 different cards and 506 different balloons, so the will be 725 – 506= 219 more cards are there than balloons.

Question 14.
How are Exercises 12 and 13 similar? How are they different?

Use Compensation to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 10.4

Use compensation to subtract.
Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 13
972 – 415= 557

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
972 – 415, we will subtract 15 in 415, then the number will be 415 – 15= 400,
then 972 – 400= 572,
And now we will subtract 3 to the result,
so 572 – 15= 557.
972 – 415= 557.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 14
328 – 186= 142.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
328 – 186, we will add 14 to 186, then the number will be 186 + 14= 200,
then 328 – 200= 128,
And now we will add 14 to the result,
so 128 + 14= 142.
328 – 186= 142.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 15
703 – 598= 105

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
703 – 598, we will add 2 to 598, then the number will be 598 + 2= 600,
then 703 – 600= 103,
And now we will add 14 to the result,
so 103 + 2= 105.
703 – 598= 105.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 16
On compensation subtraction 841 – 603, we will get the result as 105.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
841 – 603, we will subtract 3 in 603, then the number will be 603 – 3= 600,
then 841 – 600= 541,
And now we will subtract -3 to the result,
so 541 – 3= 105 and on subtracting 841 – 603 we will get the result as 105.

Question 5.
439 – 210 = ______
On compensation subtraction 439 -210 we will get the result as 229.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
439 – 210, we will subtract 1 in 210, then the number will be 210 – 1= 209,
then 439 – 209= 230,
And now we will subtract -1 to the result,
so 230 – 1= 229. On compensation subtraction 439 -210 we will get the result as 229.

Question 6.
719 – 302 = ______
On compensation subtraction 719 -302 we will get the result as 417.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
In the above figure, the given numbers are
719 – 302, we will subtract 2 in 302, then the number will be 302 – 2= 300,
then 719 – 300= 419,
And now we will subtract -2 to the result,
so 419 – 2= 417. On compensation subtraction 719 -302 we will get the result as 417.

Question 7.
Your friend uses compensation to find 796 − 304. Is your friend correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 17
On compensation subtraction 796 -304 we will get the result as 492.

Yes, my friend is correct. As compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction. So in the above figure, the given numbers are
796 – 304, we will subtract 4 in 304, then the number will be 304 – 4= 300,
then 796 – 300= 496,
And now we will subtract 4 to the result,
so 496 – 4= 492. On compensation subtraction 796 -304 we will get the result as 492.

Question 8.
Modeling Real Life
You write a 225-word essay. Your friend writes a 598-word essay. How many fewer words do you write?
_______ fewer words
The number of fewer words written by me is 373 words.

The number of words written by me is 225 easy words and my friend writes 598 essay words. So the fewer words were written by me than my friend is 598 – 225= 373 words.

Question 9.
Modeling Real Life
How many more students like math than science?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 18
_____ more students
151 more students like math than science.

Given the number of students like math is 348 and the number of students like science is 197. So the number of students who like math more than science is 348 – 197= 151 students.

Review & Refresh

Find the missing digits.
Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 19
By adding 35 + 46 we will get the result as 81.

In the above image, we can see the result as 81. So to get 1 in one’s place we will take 6 in the empty box, so by adding 5 and 6 we will get 11. So we got 1 in one’s place. Now we know the one value, so to get the other value we will subtract the value which we got in the result. So 81 – 46= 35, and the other number 35. So 35 + 46= 81.

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 20
By adding 61 + 37 we will get the result of 81.

In the above image, we can see the result as 98. So to get 8 in one’s place we will take 7 in the empty box, so by adding 1 and 7 which is 7 + 1= 8, we will get 8. So we got 8 in one’s place. Now we know the one value which is 37, so to get the other value we will subtract the value which we got in the result. So 98 – 37= 61, and the other number 37. So 61 + 37= 98.

Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.4 21
By adding 27 + 17 we will get the result of 81.

In the above image, we can see the result as 44. So to get 4 in one’s place we will take 7 in the empty box, so by adding 7 and 7 which is 7 + 7= 14, we will get 14. So we got 4 in one’s place. Now we know the one value which is 17, so to get the other value we will subtract the value which we got in the result. So 44 – 17= 27, and the other number 27. So 27 + 17= 44.

Lesson 10.5 Use Models to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Model to solve. Make a quick sketch of your model.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 1

323 – 219 = _____
On subtracting 323 – 219 we will get the result as 104.

To model 323 – 219 which is 104, we will take square for hundred, the line for ten, and dot for ones. To subtract 323 – 219, we can see that 9 is greater than 1. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. And in the above image, we can see the model for 104.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
429 – 165 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 2
On subtracting 429 – 165 we will get the result as 264.

To model 429 – 165 which is 264, we will take square for hundred, the line for ten, and dot for ones. To subtract 429 – 165, we can see that 6 is greater than 2. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. And in the above image, we can see the model for 264.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
359 – 167 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 3
On subtracting 359 – 167 we will get the result as 192.

To model 359 – 167 which is 192, we will take square for hundred, the line for ten, and dot for ones. To subtract 359 – 167, we can see that 6 is greater than 5. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. And in the above image, we can see the model for 192.

Question 3.
527 – 384 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 4
On subtracting 527 – 384 we will get the result as 143.

To model 527 – 384 which is 143, we will take square for hundred, the line for ten, and dot for ones. To subtract 527 – 143, we can see that 4 is greater than 2. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. And in the above image, we can see the model for 143.

Question 4.
673 – 245 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 5
On subtracting 673 – 245 we will get the result as 428.

To model 673 – 245 which is 428, we will take square for hundred, the line for ten, and dot for ones. To subtract 673 – 245, we can see that 5 is greater than 3. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. And in the above image, we can see the model for 428.

Question 5.
Write and solve the next problem in the pattern.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 6
So on subtracting 629 – 141 we will get the result as 488.
So on subtracting 529 – 241 we will get the result as 288.
So on subtracting 429 – 341 we will get the result as 088.

As we can see in the above image that hundreds place was increasing by a hundred times in minuend and in hundreds place hundred was decreasing in subtrahend, so that the next problem will be 629 – 141. To subtract 629 – 141, we can see that 4 is greater than 2. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. So on subtracting 629 – 141 we will get the result as 488. To subtract 529 – 241, we can see that 4 is greater than 2. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. So on subtracting 529 – 241 we will get the result as 288. To subtract 429 – 341, we can see that 4 is greater than 2. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. So on subtracting 429 – 341 we will get the result as 088.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

There are 549 people in a parade. 158 of them are in the marching band. How many people are not in the marching band?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 7
_____ people
The number of people who are not in the marching band is 549 – 158= 391.

The number of people in a parade is 549 and in that 158 people are in the marching band. So the number of people who are not in the marching band is 549 – 158= 391.

Show and Grow

Question 6.
A school library has 784 books. 256 of them are checked out. How many books are not checked out?
_____ books
586 books are not checked.

The number of books in a school library is 784 books and in that 256 are checked out. So the number of books not checked out is 784 – 256= 586.

Question 7.
A horse weighs 371 pounds more than a pig. The horse weighs 914 pounds. How much does the pig weigh?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 8
_____ pounds
The weight of the pig is 543 pounds.

Given the weight of the horse is 371 pounds more than the pig and the weight of the horse is 914 pounds. So to find the weight of the pig we will subtract 914 – 371= 543. So the weight of the pig is 543 pounds.

Use Models to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 10.5

Question 1.
738 – 544 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 9

On subtracting 738 – 544 we will get the result as 194.

To model 738 – 544 which is 194, we will take square for hundred, the line for ten, and dot for ones. To subtract 738 – 544, we can see that 4 is greater than 3. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. And in the above image, on subtracting 738 – 544 we will get the result as 194.

Question 2.
519 – 248 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 10

On subtracting 519 – 248 we will get the result as 271.

To model 519 – 248 which is 194, we will take square for hundred, the line for ten, and dot for ones. To subtract 519 – 248, we can see that 4 is greater than 1. So we will need a little bit extra in order to subtract, and then we will use an amount from the column to the left. So in this subtraction, we will borrow when we are subtracting one number that is greater than another. And in the above image, on subtracting 519 – 248 we will get the result as 271.

Question 3.
Complete the subtraction problem so that you need to regroup to subtract.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 11
On subtracting 749 – 345 the result will be 404.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Let the blank be 5 and 749 – 345 will be 404.

Question 4.
Modeling Real Life
A clown makes 315 balloon animals. 156 are giraffes. How many balloon animals are not giraffes?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 12
_____ balloon animals
159 balloon animals are not giraffes.

As a clown makes 315 balloon animals and of that 156 are giraffes, so the number of balloons that are not giraffes is 315 – 156= 159 balloon animals.

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
Your friend has 102 more downloaded songs than you. Your friend has 213 downloaded songs. How many downloaded songs do you have?
_____ downloaded songs’
111 downloaded songs I have.

As my friend has 213 downloaded songs and 102 more downloaded songs than I. So the total number of downloaded songs I have is 213 – 102= 111 songs.

Review & Refresh

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 13
463 + 194= 657.

By subtracting 463 + 194 we will get the result of 657.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 14
186 + 567= 753.

By adding 186 + 567 we will get the result of 753.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.5 15
623 + 298= 921.

By adding 623 + 298 we will get the result of 921.

Lesson 10.6 Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Find each difference.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 1
The difference between 529 – 218 is 311.
The difference between 553 – 316 is 237.
The difference between 323 – 194 is 129.


Compare the problems. How are they the same? How are they different?

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 2
By regrouping in the subtraction of 423 – 174 we will get the result as 249.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 423- 174 we get 249.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 3
By regrouping in the subtraction of 542 – 367 we will get the result of 175.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 542- 367 we get 175

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 4
By regrouping in the subtraction of 315 – 151 we will get the result of 164.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 315- 151 we get 164

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 5
Answer: 292

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 568 – 276 we get 292

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 6
Answer: 475

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 821- 346 we get 475

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 7
Answer: 438

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 727- 289 we get 438

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 8
Answer: 246

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 434 – 188 we get 246

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 9
Answer: 628

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 963- 335 we get 628

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 10
Answer: 487

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 741- 254 we get 487

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 11
Answer: 160

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 345- 185 we get 160

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 12
Answer: 209

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 627 – 418 we get 209

Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 13
Answer: 193

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 916- 723 we get 193

Question 13.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 14
Answer: 462

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 829- 367 we get 462

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 15
Answer: 250

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 541- 291 we get 250

Question 15.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 16
Answer: 169

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 351- 182  we get 169

Question 16.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 17
Answer: 268

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 465- 197 we get 268

Question 17.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 18
Answer: 354

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 643 – 289  we get 354

Question 18.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 19
Answer: 175

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 673- 498 we get 175

Question 19.
Find the missing digits
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 20
The missing digit in the first image is 3.
The missing digit in the first image is 8.
The missing digit in the first image is 4.

To find the missing digits in the above figure, we will subtract the difference and minuend. So for the first image we can see that minuend is greater than subtrahend that i 5  is greater than 0, so there is no carry forward. And we can subtract the minuend and difference which is 4 – 1=3. So the missing digit is 3. We can find in another way also by subtracting minuend and the difference which is in the second image we will subtract 957 – 279 which is 678 and the missing digit is 8. For the third image we will add subtrahend and the difference which is
484 + 158 which is 642 and the missing digit is 4.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

A jeweler has 616 bracelets and 668 necklaces. He sells 269 bracelets. How many bracelets are left?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 21
Subtraction equation:
______ bracelets
Subtraction equation: 616 – 269= 347
347 bracelets left.

Aa a jeweler has 616 bracelets and 668 necklaces and he sells 269 bracelets. So the number of bracelets left is
616 – 269= 347 bracelets left.

Show and Grow

Question 20.
A vendor has 354 hats and 294 pairs of sunglasses. She sells 186 hats. How many hats are left?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 22
_____ hats
168 hats left.

As the vendor has 354 hats and 294 pairs of sunglasses and she sold 186 hats, the number of hats lefts are
354 – 186= 168 hats left.

Question 21.
There are 449 watercolor paintings and 373 oil paintings in a school art show. 238 paintings win a ribbon. How many do not win a ribbon?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 23
_____ paintings
584 paintings didn’t win the ribbon.

The total number of watercolor paintings are 449 and the number of oil paintings is 373 and of that 238 won a ribbon, so the number of paintings that didn’t win the ribbon is, first we will add watercolor paintings and oil painting and then we will subtract 238 from the result. So 449 +373= 822 paintings and in that 238 paintings win a ribbon. So the number of paintings that didn’t win the ribbon is 822 – 238= 584 paintings didn’t win the ribbon.

Question 22.
Explain how Exercises 20 and 21 are different.
In exercise 20 the given objects are hats and sunglasses and asked to find about hats only. But in exercise 21 asked about both water color paintings and oil paintings which didn’t win the ribbon.

Subtract Three-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 10.6

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 24
Answer: 435

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 873 – 438 we get 435

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 25
Answer: 63

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 341 – 278 we get 063

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 26
Answer:  757

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 913 – 156 we get 757

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 27
Answer: 269

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 456- 187 we get 269

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 28
Answer: 328

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 625 – 297 we get 328

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 29
Answer: 269

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 951 – 682 we get 269

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 30
Answer: 78

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 452 – 374 we get 078

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 31
Answer: 368

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 961 – 593  we get 368

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 32
Answer: 457

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. as shown in the above image
Hence 746 – 289 we get 457

Question 10.
Number Sense
Complete the subtraction problem so that you do not need to regroup to subtract.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 33
The difference without regrouping is 453 – 241 which is 212.

Let the blank be the any number which is less than 5. As given that we do not need to regroup to subtract, so we will pick any number from 0 to 5. So let the number be 4, then 453 – 241= 212.

Question 11.
Descartes finds 731 − 246. Is he correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 34
No, Descartes is not correct.

No, Descartes is not correct. In the above image we can see that 1 is less than 6. So we need to borrow from 3 to subtract the digit 6 from 1. Then 731 – 246 will be 485.

Question 12.
Modeling Real Life
453 bananas and 456 apples are shipped to a store. When they arrive, 268 of the bananas are rotten. How many bananas are not rotten?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.6 35
____ bananas
185 bananas are not rotten.

The total number of bananas is 453 and the number of apples in the store is 456. And in that 268 bananas are rotten, so the number of bananas not rotten is 453 – 268= 185 bananas are not rotten.

Question 13.
Modeling Real Life
There are 432 red shirts and 293 blue shirts in stock. 516 shirts are sold. How many shirts are left?
_____ shirts
209 shirts left.

The total number of red shirts is 432 and the number of blue shirts in stock is 293. So the total number of shirts is
432 + 293= 725 shirts. And in that 516 shirts are sold out, so the number of shirts left is 725 – 516= 209 shirts left.

Review & Refresh

Question 14.
Count by fives.
680, 685, ____, _____, _____, _____, ______
680, 685, 690, 695, 700, 705, 710, 715.

By adding five to the given numbers we will get the result as
680 + 5= 685,
685 + 5= 690,
690 + 5= 695,
695 + 5= 700,
700 + 5= 705,
705 + 5= 710,
710 + 5= 715.

Lesson 10.7 Subtract from Numbers That Contain Zeros

Explore and Grow

Find each difference.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.7 1
The difference between 400 – 178 is 222.
The difference between 399 – 177 is 222.

For the image 1 we should follow regrouping method, as the digits contains 0. So by regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend. So to subtract 400 – 178 we will borrow from 4 as the 0 is less than 7 and 8. Then 400 – 178 will be 222. For the image 2 we don’t need any regrouping as minuend is greater than subtrahend. So
399 – 177= 222.

How are the problems the same? How are they different? Which problem can you solve without regrouping?
The problems are same by their result and the problem is different as their minuend and subtrahend are different. The second problem can solve without using regrouping. As minuend is greater than subtrahend, so we don’t need regrouping.

Show and Grow

Use regrouping or compensation to subtract.
Question 1.
300 − 139 = _____
300 – 139= 161.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 1 for both the numbers. Then 300 – 1= 299 and 139 – 1= 138. Now we will subtract 299 – 138= 161.

Question 2.
402 − 265 = _____
402 – 265= 137.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 3 for both the numbers. Then 402 – 3= 399 and 265 – 3= 262. Now we will subtract 399 – 262= 137.

Question 3.
800 − 547 = _____
800 – 547= 253.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 1 for both the numbers. Then 800 – 1= 799 and 547 – 1= 546. Now we will subtract 799 – 546= 253.

Question 4.
910 − 252 = _____
910 – 252= 658.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 52 in 252 then 252 – 52= 200. Now we will subtract
910 – 200= 710. Now we will subtract 52 from the result 710, which is 710 – 52= 658. So 910 – 252= 658.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Use regrouping or compensation to subtract.
Question 5.
310 – 186 = ____
310 – 186= 124.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 86 in 186 then 186 – 86= 100. Now we will subtract
310 – 100= 210. Now we will subtract 86 from the result 210, which is 210 – 86= 124. So 310 – 186= 124.

Question 6.
620 – 458 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 620 – 458, the result will be 162.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 58 in 458 then 458 – 58= 400. Now we will subtract
620 – 400= 220. Now we will subtract 58 from the result 220, which is 220 – 58= 162. So 620 – 458= 162.

Question 7.
906 – 729 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 906 – 729, the result will be 177.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 29 in 729 then 729 – 29= 700. Now we will subtract
906 – 700= 206. Now we will subtract 29 from the result 206, which is 206 – 29= 177. So 906- 729= 177.

Question 8.
807 – 389 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 807 – 389, the result will be 418.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 89 in 389 then 389 – 89= 300. Now we will subtract
807 – 300= 507. Now we will subtract 89 from the result 507, which is 807 – 389= 418. So 807 – 389= 418.

Question 9.
503 – 296 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 503 – 296, the result will be 207.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 96 in 296 then 296 – 96= 200. Now we will subtract
503 – 200= 303. Now we will subtract 96 from the result 303, which is 303 – 96= 207. So 503 – 296= 207.

Question 10.
301 – 282 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 301 – 282, the result will be 19.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 82 in 282 then 282 – 82= 200. Now we will subtract
301 – 200= 101. Now we will subtract 82 from the result 101, which is 101 – 82= 19. So 301 – 282= 19.

Question 11.
400 – 197 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 400 – 197, the result will be 203.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 97 in 197 then 197 – 97= 100. Now we will subtract
400 – 100= 300. Now we will subtract 97 from the result 300, which is 300 – 97= 203. So 400 – 197= 203.

Question 12.
600 – 289 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 600 – 289, the result will be 311.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 89 in 289 then 289 – 89= 200. Now we will subtract
600 – 200= 400. Now we will subtract 89 from the result 400, which is 400 – 89= 311. So 600 – 289= 311.

Question 13.
Show two ways to find 500 −314.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

There are 400 paper lanterns. 279 of them are let go. How many paper lanterns are left?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.7 2
Subtraction equation:
_____ paper lanterns
The number of paper lanterns left is 121.

The number of paper lanterns is 400 and in that 279 of them are let go and the remaining left are
400 – 279= 121. So the number of paper lanterns left is 121.

Show and Grow

Question 14.
There are 803 fans at a stadium. 226 of them leave. How many fans are left?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.7 3
_____ fans
The number of fans left is 577.

The total number of fans in the stadium is 803 and in that 226 of them are left. So the remaining number of fans left is 803 – 226= 577. So the number of fans left is 577.

Question 15.
A florist plants 600 flowers. The table shows how many have bloomed. How many flowers have not bloomed yet?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.7 4
_____ flowers
The number of flowers not bloomed is 72.

The number of plants did the florist plant is 600 flowers. In the table given that the number of blooms in May is 296 and the number of blooms in June is 232. So the total number of blooms in the month of May and June is
296 + 232= 528. And the number of flowers not bloomed is 600 – 528= 72.

Subtract from Numbers That Contain Zeros Homework & Practice 10.7

Use regrouping or compensation to subtract
Question 1.
700 − 465 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 700 – 465, the result will be 235.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 65 in 465 then 465 – 65= 400. Now we will subtract
700 – 400= 300. Now we will subtract 65 from the result 300, which is 300 – 82= 19. So 301 – 282= 19.

Question 2.
302 − 176 = _____
On compensation subtraction of 302- 176, the result will be 126.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 76 in 176 then 176 – 76= 100. Now we will subtract
302 – 100= 202. Now we will subtract 76 from the result 202, which is 202 – 76= 126. So 302 – 176= 126.

Question 3.
910 − 186 = ______
By compensation subtraction of 910- 186, the result will be 724.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 86 in 186 then 186 – 86= 100. Now we will subtract
910 – 100= 810. Now we will subtract 86 from the result 810, which is 810 – 86= 724. So 910 – 186= 724.

Question 4.
800 − 691 = _____
By compensation subtraction of 800 – 691, the result will be 109.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will add 9 for 691 then 691 + 9= 700. Now we will subtract
800 – 700= 100. Now we will add 9 for the result 100, which is 100 + 9= 109. So 800 – 691= 109.

Question 5.
Explain why you might want to use compensation to subtract. Give an example.
Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction. So we will use compensation subtract. For example, if we take 420 – 326. So by the compensation method, we will subtract 26 in 326 then
326 – 26= 300. Now we will subtract 420 – 300= 120. Now we will subtract 26 for the result 120, which is
120 – 26= 109. So 420 – 326= 94.

Question 6.
Modeling Real Life
There are 300 coins on a desk. 178 fall off. How many coins are left on the desk?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.7 5
_____ coins
The number of coins left on the desk is 122.

The number of coins on a desk is 300 coins and in that 178 coins fall off. So the number of coins left on the desk is, here we will use compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 78 for 178 then 178 – 78= 100. Now we will subtract
300 – 100= 200. Now we will subtract 78 for the result 200, which is 200 – 78= 122. So 300 – 178= 122.

Question 7.
Modeling Real Life
There are 500 students in a school. How many students are absent?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.7 6
______ students
The number of students absent is 88 students.

The total number of students is 500 students and in that the attendance of boy students is 234 and the attendance of girl students is 178. So the total number of students who attended is 234 + 178= 412. And the number of students absent is 500 – 412= 88 students.

Review & Refresh

Question 8.
29 + 34 = _____
29 + 34= 63.

On adding 29 + 34, we will get the result as 63.

Question 9.
46 + 13 = _____
46 + 13= 29.

On adding 46 + 13, we will get the result of 59.

Lesson 10.8 Use Addition to Subtract

Explore and Grow

Use the number lines to solve.
445 – 220 = _____
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 1

How are the equations the same? How are they different?

Show and Grow

Add to find the difference. Check your answer.
Question 1.
488 − 137 = _____
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 2
The difference between 488 – 137 is 351.

Let’s start at 137 and add hundred three times which is 3×100= 300 and the value will be
137 + 300= 437 and then we will add fifty which is 437+50= 487 and then we will add one. The value will be
487 + 1=488. So the difference between 438 – 137 is 351.

Question 2.
792 − 446 = _____
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 3
The difference between 792 – 446 is 346.

Let’s start at 446 and add hundred three times which is 3×100= 300 and the value will be
446 + 300= 746 and then we will add four tens which is 746+40= 786 and then we will add six. The value will be
786 + 6=792. So the difference between 792 – 446 is 346.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Add to find the difference. Check your answer.
Question 3.
521 − 364 = _____
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 4
The difference between 521 – 364 is 157.

Let’s start at 364 and add hundred once which is 1×100= 100 and the value will be 364 + 100= 464 and then we will add five tens which is 464+50= 514 and then we will add seven. The value will be 514 + 7=521. So the difference between 521 – 364 is 157.

Question 4.
856 – 213 = ______
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 5
The difference between 856 – 213 is 643

Let’s start at 213 and add hundred six times which is 6×100= 600 and the value will be 213 + 600= 813 and then we will add four tens which is 813+40= 853 and then we will add three. The value will be 853 + 3=856. So the difference between 856 – 213 is 643.

Question 5.
492 − 137 = _____
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 6
The difference between 492 – 137 is 355.

Let’s start at 137 and add hundred three times which is 3×100= 300 and the value will be 137 + 300= 437 and then we will add eight tens which is 437+50= 487 and then we will add five. The value will be  487+ 5=492. So the difference between 492 – 137 is 355.

Question 6.
Number Sense
Write the equation shown by the number line.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 7
_____ – ______ = ______
The number line equation is 642 – 221= 421.

In the above figure, to find the number line equation we will add all the numbers which are counted back. So the counted back numbers are 1+10+10+100+100 which is 221. So the number line equation is 642 – 221= 421.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

A machine has some bouncy balls. 115 are sold. There are 227 left. How many bouncy balls were there to start?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 8
______ bouncy balls
The total number of bouncy balls is 342.

As there are 115 bouncy balls sold and 227 are sold. So the total number of bouncy balls is 115+227= 342 bouncy balls.

Show and Grow

Question 7.
There are some fans at a baseball game. 148 leave early. There are 182 left. How many fans were at the baseball game?
_____ fans
The total number of fans at the baseball game is 330.

The number of fans left early in the baseball game is 148 fans and after that 182 fans left. So the total number of fans at the baseball game is 148 + 182= 330.

Question 8.
Your school collects 518 cans for a food drive. Your class collects 142 cans. Another class collects 204. How many cans did the rest of the classes collect?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 9
_____ cans
The number of cans did the rest of the classes collected is 172 cans.

The number of food cans that the school collects for a food drive is 518 cans and my class collects 142 cans and another class collects 204 cans. The total number of food cans collected by both classes is 142 + 204 which is 346. And the total number of cans collected by the rest of the classes is 518 – 346. Here, we will use compensation subtraction as a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 46 in 346 then 346 – 46= 300. Now we will subtract
518 – 300= 218. Now we will subtract 46 from the result 218, which is 218 – 46= 172. So 518 – 346= 172 cans.

Use Addition to Subtract Homework & Practice 10.8

Add to find the difference. Check your answer.
Question 1.
721 − 314 = ____
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 10
The difference between 721 – 314= 407.

Let’s start at 314 and add hundred four times which is 4×100= 400 and the value will be
314 + 400= 714 and then we will add seven by dividing the seven into two parts by 5+2 tens, which is
714+7= 721 and the value will be 314 + 407= 721. So the difference between 721 – 314= 407.

Question 2.
654 − 334 = _____
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 11
The difference between 654 – 334 is 320.

Let’s start at 334 and add hundred three times which is 3×100= 300 and the value will be
334 + 300= 634 and then we will add twenty by dividing the twenty into two parts by 10+10, which is
634+20= 654 and the value will be 334 + 320= 654. So the difference between 654 – 334= 320.

Question 3.
Descartes adds to find 400 − 279. Is he correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 12
Yes, Descartes is correct.

Yes, Descartes is correct. By adding the number of jumps 1+20+100 we will get 121. So by adding 121+279 we will get 400. So Descartes is correct.

Question 4.
Modeling Real Life
There are some people in a national park. 124 of them leave. There are 535 people left. How many people were in the park to start?
______ people
The number of people in the park yet to start is 411 people.

The number of people leave is 124 and after that, there are 535 people left. So the total number of people were in the park to start is 535 – 124= 411 people.

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
You have 514 tickets. You spend 220 tickets on a mug and 156 on stickers. How many tickets do you have left?
______ tickets
The number of tickets left is 138 tickets.

The number of tickets we have is 514 and 220 tickets are spent on a mug and 156 tickets on stickers. So the total number of tickets left is, we will add both the tickets that were spent on mug and stickers, which is 220+156= 376 tickets. So the number of tickets left are 514-376= 138.

Review & Refresh

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 13
_____ flat surfaces
______ vertices
_____ edges
Two flat surfaces,
One vertex,
One edge.

The above image is a cone that has two flat surfaces, one vertex, and 1 edge.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.8 14
_____ flat surfaces
______ vertices
_____ edges
Six flat surfaces,
Twelve edges,
Eight vertices.

The above image is a cube that has six flat surfaces, twelve edges, and eight vertices.

Lesson 10.9 Explain Subtraction Strategies

Explore and Grow

Use two different strategies to find 474 − 119.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.9 1
The two different strategies used are Regrouping and Compensation.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.
So 474 – 119 we get 355.
Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 19 in 119 then 119 – 19= 100. Now we will subtract
474 – 100= 374. Now we will subtract 19 from the result 374, which is 374 – 19= 355. So 474 – 119= 355.

Explain why you chose one of your strategies.
Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So we will choose compensation subtraction.

Show and Grow

Choose any strategy to solve. Explain how you solved.
Question 1.
477 − 224 = _____
By regrouping subtraction 477 – 224= 253.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.
So we will subtract by regrouping the numbers 477 – 224= 253.

Question 2.
686 − 397 = _____
By regrouping subtraction 686 – 397= 289.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.
So we will subtract by regrouping the numbers 686 – 397= 289.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Choose any strategy to solve. Explain how you solved.
Question 3.
502 − 321 = _____
By regrouping subtraction 502 – 321= 181.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.
So we will subtract by regrouping the numbers 502 – 321= 181.

Question 4.
900 − 756 = _____
By regrouping subtraction 900 – 756= 144.

Regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.
So we will subtract by regrouping the numbers 900 – 756= 144.

Question 5.
Your friend solves a subtraction problem. Write the problem your friend solves. Explain what strategy was used to solve.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.9 2
______ – _____ = _____
The number line equation is 335 – 125= 210.

The strategy which was used by my friend to solve is using the number line. And the problem which was solved by my friend is, the count jump starts from 125 and the count is  100+100+10 which is 210, and the number line equation is 335 – 125= 210.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Choose any strategy to solve. Explain how you solved.
There are 941 songs in a music library. 365 of them are pop songs. 189 are rock songs. How many songs are not pop songs?
Subtraction equation:
______ songs
The number of songs that are not pop songs is 576 songs.

The total number of songs in a music library is 941 songs. And in that 365 of them are pop songs and 189 are rock songs. So the number of songs that are not pop songs is 941 – 365 which is 576 songs are not pop songs.

Show and Grow

Choose any strategy to solve. Explain how you solved.
Question 6.
There are 743 penguins in a colony. 235 are in the water. 159 are in caves. How many penguins are not in the water?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.9 3
_____ penguins
The number of penguins that are not in water is 508 penguins.

The total number of penguins in a colony is 743 penguins. And a number of penguins in the water is 235 penguins, and in caves, there are 159 penguins. So the number of penguins that are not in water is 743 – 235= 508 penguins.

Explain Subtraction Strategies Homework & Practice 10.9

Choose any strategy to solve. Explain how you solved.
Question 1.
408 − 196 = _____
By compensation subtraction 408 – 196= 212.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will add 4 to the number 196 then 196 + 4= 200. Now we will subtract
408 – 200= 208. Now we will add 4 to the result 208, which is 208 + 4= 212. So 408 – 196= 212.

Question 2.
723 − 515 = ____
By compensation subtraction 723 – 515= 208.

Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, we will subtract 15 from the number 515 then 515 – 15= 500. Now we will subtract 723 – 500= 223. Now we will subtract 15 to the result 223, which is 223 – 15= 208. So 723 – 515= 208.

Question 3.
Newton wants to use mental math to find 452 − 239. Is this a good strategy for him to use? Explain.
By compensation subtraction 452 – 239= 213.

Compensation subtraction is a good strategy because compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is quite an effective way of subtraction. So by the compensation method, we will subtract 39 from the number 239 then
239 – 39= 200. Now we will subtract 452 – 200= 252. Now we will subtract 39 to the result 252, which is
252 – 39= 213. So 452 – 239= 213.

Question 4.
Modeling Real Life
767 people work at a store. 205 are cashiers. 314 stock shelves. How many people are not cashiers? Explain.
______ people
The number of people who are not cashiers is 562 people.

The total number of people in the work at a store is 767. And the cashiers are 205 people, and the stock shelves are 314. So the people who are not cashiers is 767 – 205= 562 people are not cashiers.

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
You have a pack of 900 craft sticks. You use 638 for a project. Your friend uses 127. How many craft sticks were not used? Explain.
______ craft sticks
The number of sticks that are not used is 135 sticks.

The total number of craft sticks in a pack is 900 sticks. And in that 638 sticks are used for a project, and a friend uses 127 sticks. So the total number of sticks that are not used is 638 + 127= 765. And the number of craft sticks that are not used is 900 – 765= 135 sticks.

Review & Refresh

Question 6.
Circle the longer object.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 10.9 4
The pen is longer than the eraser.

In the above image, we can see that the pen is longer than the eraser. So we will round off the pen.

Subtract Numbers within 1,000 Performance Task

The table shows the number of laps that four cars complete in a racing season.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 1
Question 1.
How many fewer laps does the blue car complete than the yellow car?
_____ laps
57 fewer laps do the blue car complete than the yellow car.

The number of laps for the blue car is 217 laps and the laps of the yellow car is 274. So 274 – 217= 57 fewer laps does the blue car complete than the yellow car.

Question 2.
How many more laps does the red car complete than the green car?
_____ laps
66 more laps the red car complete than the green car.

The number of laps does the red car completes is 300, and the number of laps does the green car completes is 234. So 300 – 234= 66 many more laps does the red car complete than the green car.

Question 3.
The purple car completes 500 laps and the orange car completes 250 laps. Order the cars from the greatest number of laps to the least number of laps.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 2
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, ______
500, 300, 274, 250, 234, 217.

The number of laps completed by the red car is 300 laps,
The number of laps completed by the yellow car is 274 laps,
The number of laps completed by the green car is 234 laps,
The number of laps completed by the blue car is 217 laps,
The number of laps completed by the purple car is 500 laps,
The number of laps completed by the orange car is 250 laps.
So the order of the cars from the greatest number of laps to the least number of laps is
purple car, red car, yellow car, orange car, green car, and the blue car which is
500, 300, 274, 250, 234, 217.

Question 4.
How many cars complete an even number of laps?
_____ cars
The total number of cars that complete an even number of laps is 3 laps.

The number of cars that complete an even number of laps is a red car with 300 laps, yellow car with 274 laps, a green car with 234 laps. So the total number of cars that complete an even number of laps is 3 laps.

Question 5.
The red and yellow cars are on Team Go Fast. The green and blue cars are on Team Speed. Which team completes more laps? How many more laps?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 3
The team go fast completes more laps than the team speed. And the number of more laps is 123 laps.

The red car completes 300 laps and the yellow car completes 274 laps. As the red and yellow cars are the team, so the total number of laps that both cars completed is 300 + 274= 574 laps. And the green car completes 234 laps and the blue car completes 217 laps. So the total number of laps that both cars completed is 234 + 217=  451 laps. So the team go fast completes more laps than the team speed. And the number of more laps is
574 – 451= 123 laps.

Subtract Numbers within 1,000 Activity

Greatest and Least
To Play: Roll a die 3 times and record each number. Use the numbers to write the greatest and the least three-digit numbers. Find the difference and record your answer.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 4

Subtract Numbers within 1,000 Chapter Practice

10.1 Subtract 10 and 100

Question 1.
230 −10 = _____
The difference between 230 – 10 is 220.

To find the difference of 230-10, we will pick the tens digit number in 230 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
3 – 1= 2
therefore 230 – 10= 220.

Question 2.
956 − 10 = _____
The difference between 956 – 10 is 946.

To find the difference of 956 -10, we will pick the tens digit number in 956 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
5 – 1= 4
therefore 956 – 10= 946.

Question 3.
597 − 100 = _____
The difference between 597 – 100 is 497.

To find the difference of 597 – 100, we will pick the hundred digit number in 597 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
5 – 1= 4
therefore 597 – 100= 497.

Question 4.
384 − 100 = _____
The difference between 384 – 100 is 284.

To find the difference of 384-100, we will pick the hundred digit number in 384 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
3 – 1= 2
therefore 384 – 100= 284.

Question 5.
705 − 10 = _____
The difference between 705 – 10 is 695.

To find the difference of 705-10, we will pick the tens digit number in 705 and in 10. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
70 – 1= 69
therefore 705 – 10= 695.

Question 6.
157 − 100 = _____
The difference between 157 – 100 is 57.

To find the difference of 157-100, we will pick the hundred digit number in 157 and in 100. Then we will subtract both the numbers which we have picked. So the result will be
1 – 1= 0
therefore 157 – 100= 057.

10.2 Use a Number Line to Subtract Hundreds and Tens

Question 7.
481 − 250 = ______
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 7
The difference between 481 – 250 is 231.

Let’s start at 250 and add hundred two times which is 2×100= 200 and the value will be 250 + 200= 450 and then we will add three tens which is 450+30= 480 and then we will add one. The value will be 480 + 1=481. So the difference between 481 – 250 is 231.

Question 8.
Modeling Real Life
325 crackers come in a box. You set out 160 for a party. How many crackers are left in the box?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 8
_____ crackers
The number of crackers left is 165.

The total number of crackers in the box is 325, and in that 160 are set for a party. So the number of crackers left in the box is 325 – 160= 165 crackers left.

10.3 Use a Number Line to SubtractThree-Digit Numbers

Question 9.
604 −97 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 9
The difference between 604 – 97 is 507.

Let’s start from 604 and count back ninety once and the value will be 604 – 90= 514 and then we will count back seven, and the value will be 514 – 7=507. So the difference between 604 – 97= 507.

Question 10.
Number Sense
Write the equation shown by the number line.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 10
_____ – _____ = ______
The equation is 782 – 325= 457.

In the above image, given it is started from 782 and count back to 300 then the result is 782 – 300= 482, and then it was counted back to 20 then the value is 482 – 20= 462, then the value is counted back to 5 and the value is 462 – 5= 457.

10.4 Use Compensation to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Use compensation to subtract.
Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 11

Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 12

Question 13.
Descartes uses compensation to find 331 − 214. Is he correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 13
Yes, Descartes is correct.

Yes, Descartes is correct. As Compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is a quite effective way of subtraction.
So by the compensation method, Descartes subtracted 14 to the number 214 then 214 – 14= 200. Now Descartes subtracted 331 – 200= 131.

10.5 Use Models to Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Question 14.
992 – 645 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 14
Answer: 347

10.6 Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Question 15.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 15

Question 16.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 16

Question 17.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 17

Question 18.
Modeling Real Life
There are 420 T-shirts and120 pairs of shorts at a store. 135 T-shirts are sold. How many T-shirts are left?
_____ T-shirts
The number of t-shirts left is 285.

The number of t-shirts is 420 and there are 120 pairs of shorts at a store. And in that 135 tshits are sold out. The remaining t-shirts is 420 – 135= 285.

10.7 Subtract from Numbers that Contain Zeros

Question 19.
600 − 365 = _____
By regrouping the numbers 600 – 365= 235.

By regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.
So we will subtract by regrouping the numbers 600 – 365= 235.

Question 20.
402 − 195 = _____
By regrouping the numbers 402 – 195= 207.

By regrouping in subtraction is a process of exchanging one ten into ten ones. We use regrouping in subtraction when the minuend is smaller than the subtrahend.
So we will subtract by regrouping the numbers 402 – 195= 207.

10.8 Use Addition to Subtract

Add to find the difference. Check your answer.
Question 21.
213 − 102 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 21
The difference between 213 – 102 is 111.

Let’s start at 102 and add hundred once which is 1×100= 100 and the value will be 102 + 100= 202 and then we will add ten which is 202+10= 212 and then we will add one. The value will be 212 + 1=213. So the difference between 213 – 102 is 111.

Question 22.
564 − 317 = _____
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 10 Subtract Numbers within 1,000 chp 22
The difference between 564 – 317 is 247.

Let’s start at 317 and add hundred two time which is 2×100= 200 and the value will be 317 + 200= 517 and then we will add four tens which is 517+40= 557 and then we will add seven. The value will be 557 + 7=564. So the difference between 564 – 317 is 247.

10.9 Explain Subtraction Strategies

Choose any strategy to solve. Explain how you solved.
Question 23.
573 − 309 = ____
By compensation subtraction 573 – 309 is 264.

Compensation subtraction is a good strategy because compensation subtraction is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition which means taking away more than we need and then adding some back which is quite an effective way of subtraction. So by the compensation method, we will subtract 9 from the number 309 then
309 – 9= 300. Now we will subtract 573 – 300= 273. Now we will subtract 9 to the result 273, which is
273 – 9= 264. So 573 – 309 is 264.


The question and answers are prepared as per the latest edition. The detailed explanations are given by the math experts. Go through the solutions in BIM Grade 2 Answer Key and score good marks in the exams. If you have any queries please post your doubts in the below given comment section. All the Best guys!!

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100

Big Ideas Math Book 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 helps students who are willing to be perfect in their Math skills and also to the parents for guiding their children to have the best score in competitive examinations. This chapter Fluently Add within 100 have conceptualized lessons on Partial Sum and Regrouping of addition, all along with the subject knowledge, which will also be useful to check whether their Practical skills are intact. Get started to stop those hurdling times to studying hard to grasping the solutions by learning these methods from Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100.

Big Ideas Math Book 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100

Students who are facing difficulties Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100s in solving Math problems can at ease now! Big ideas Math Book 2nd Grade Answer Key Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 gives the most accurate answers to all the questions you have related to this chapter. It contains different methods of solving each question in an easy way to perform in their exams. This chapter consists of Use Partial Sums to Add, More Partial Sums, Regroup to Add, Add Two-Digit Numbers, Practice Adding Two-Digit Numbers, Add Up to 3 Two-Digit Numbers, Add Up to 3 Two-Digit Numbers. It also helps the students to have the real-life calculation go very smoothly and neat defining their quick responses to daily life tasks.


Lesson 1 Use Partial Sums to Add

Lesson 2 More Partial Sums

Lesson 3 Regroup to Add

Lesson 4 Add Two-Digit Numbers

Lesson 5 Practice Adding Two-Digit Numbers

Lesson 6 Add Up to 3 Two-Digit Numbers

Lesson 7 Add Up to 3 Two-Digit Numbers

Performance Task


Chapter Practice

Cumulative Practice

Fluently Add within 100 Vocabulary

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 1

Organize It
Use the review words to complete the graphic organizer.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 2

In the above image, the group of rows and columns is known as an array.
The horizontal dots are known as rows.
The vertical dots are known as columns.

An array means arranging the group rows and columns in a group. Mostly the data will be the same such as integers or strings and these are used to store the collected data. In the above image, the group of rows and columns is known as an array.
A column is a group of values that are represented vertically and will be in multiple rows and they run from top to bottom.
A row is a group of values that are represented horizontally which will be lying side by side in a horizontal line. These rows usually arranged in a straight line.

Define it

Use your vocabulary cards to match.

Question 1.
partial sums
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 3

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 4

Chapter 4 Vocabulary Cards

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 5

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 6

Lesson 4.1 Use Partial Sums to Add

Explore and Grow

Model the problem. Make a quick sketch to show how you solved.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 7

The sum f 32 + 27 is 59.

To model the given problem 32 + 27 we will model with 50 blocks and 9 blocks, as the sum of 32 + 27 is 59. So we will model with 50 blocks and 9 blocks.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 8

The partial sum of 73 + 12 will be 80 + 5= 85.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 73 + 12 which is 85. So here first we will add tens which are 70 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 3 and 2 will be 5. So the total value of 73 + 12 will be 80 + 5= 85.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 9

The partial sum of 32 + 24 will be 50 + 6= 56.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with a left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 32 + 24 which is 56. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 50 and now we will add ones which are 2 and 4 will be 6. So the total value of 32 + 24 will be 50 + 6= 56.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 10

The partial sum of 37 + 42 will be 70 + 9= 79.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with a left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 37 + 42 which is 79. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 40 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 2 will be 9. So the total value of 37 + 42 will be 70 + 9= 79.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 11

The partial sum of 63 + 5 will be 60 + 8= 68.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 63 + 5 which is 68. So here first we will add tens which are 60 and 0 we will add both the numbers which will be 60 and now we will add ones which are 3 and 5 will be 8. So the total value of 63 + 5 will be 60 + 8= 68.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 12

The partial sum of 16 + 72 will be 80 + 8= 88.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 16 + 72 which is 88. So here first we will add tens which are 70 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 6 and 2 will be 8. So the total value of 16 + 72 will be 80 + 8= 88.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 13

The partial sum of 33 + 43 will be 70 + 6= 76.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 33 + 43 which is 76. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 40 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 3 and 3 will be 6. So the total value of 33 + 43 will be 70 + 6= 76.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 14

The partial sum of 91 + 7 will be 90 + 8= 98.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 91 + 7 which is 98. So here first we will add tens which are 90 and 0 we will add both the numbers which will be 90 and now we will add ones which are 1 and 7 will be 8. So the total value of 91 + 7 will be 90 + 8= 98.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 15

The partial sum of 25 + 64 will be 80 + 9= 89.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 25 + 64 which is 89. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 60 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 5 and 4 will be 9. So the total value of 25 + 64 will be 80 + 9= 89.

Question 9.
Find the missing digits.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 16

The missing digits are 2, 4, 2.

Here, the missing digits are 2, 4, 2. We had found those values by subtracting the given sum and the addend. So we can get the missing value. In the first image, we can see that the addition of two addends. So here we can see that one number is missing in the second addend. So here we will subtract the addend with the sum which is
46 – 14 and the result will be 32. So we have found out the missing digit which is 2. And we can see in the second addition that one number is missing in the second addend. So here we will subtract the addend with the sum which is 69 – 45 and the result will be 24. So we have found out the missing digit which is 4. And we can see in the third addition that one number is missing in the second addend. So here we will subtract the addend with the sum which is 61 – 87 and the result will be 26. So we have found out the missing digit which is 2.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

You read 34 pages one day and 23 the next day. How many pages do you read in all?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 17

The number of pages that were read is 57 pages.

Given that 34 pages were read on one day and the other 23 pages were read on the next day. So to find the number of pages that were read, we will add the number of pages which was read on both days. So the number of pages that were read is 34 + 23 which is 57. And the number of pages that were read is 57 pages.

Show and Grow

Question 10.
You have 57 common trading cards and 11 rare trading cards. How many trading cards do you have in all?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 18

The total number of trading cards do we have in all is 57 + 11= 68 cards.

The number of common trading cards is 57 and there are 11 rare trading cards. And the number of trading cards do we have in all is 57 + 11= 68 cards. So the total number of trading cards do we have in all is 57 + 11= 68 cards.

Question 11.
A florist has 7 roses, 6 daisies, and 15 tulips. How many flowers are there in all?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 19

The total number of flowers are there in all is 28 flowers.

As the florist has 7 roses, 6 daisies, and 15 tulips. So the total number of flowers will be 7 + 6 + 15= 28 flowers. And the total number of flowers are there in all is 28 flowers.

Use Partial Sums to Add Homework & Practice 4.1

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 20

The partial sum of 55 + 14 will be 60 + 9= 69.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 55 + 14 which is 69. So here first we will add tens which are 50 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 60 and now we will add ones which are 5 and 4 will be 9. So the total value of 55 + 14 will be 60 + 9= 69.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 21

The partial sum of 62 + 13 will be 70 + 5= 75.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 62 + 13 which is 75. So here first we will add tens which are 60 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 2 and 3 will be 5. So the total value of 62 + 13 will be 70 + 5= 75.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 22

The partial sum of 71 + 8 will be 70 + 9= 79.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 71 + 8 which is 79. So here first we will add tens which are 70 and 0 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 1 and 8 will be 9. So the total value of 71 + 8 will be 70 + 9= 79.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 23

The partial sum of 22 + 26 will be 40 + 8= 48.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 22 + 26 which is 48. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 40 and now we will add ones which are 2 and 6 will be 8. So the total value of 22 + 26 will be 40 + 8= 48.

Question 5.
Find the missing digits. Then find the sum.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 24

The missing digits are 2, 5, and the sum of the given values is 39.

In the above image, we can see the missing values and we can see the tens and ones. So the missing values will be 2 in the tens place and 5 in the ones place. As the sum is 20 + 10 and 4 + 5, so the missing digits will be 2 and 5. Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 24 + 15 which is 39. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 30 and now we will add ones which are 4 and 5 will be 9. So the total value of 24 + 15 will be 30 + 9= 39. So the sum of the given values will be 30 + 9= 39

Question 6.
Modeling Real Life
You have 45 balloons. Your friend has 31. How many balloons do you and your friend have in all?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 25

The total number of balloons do my friend and mine will be 76 balloons.

As I have 45 balloons and my friend has 31 balloons and the total number of balloons will be 45+31= 76 balloons. So the total number of balloons do my friend and mine will be 76 balloons.

Question 7.
Modeling Real Life
You have 8 toy trains, 4 bouncy balls, and 36 toy soldiers. How many toys do you have in all?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 26

The total number of toys do we all have in all will be 48 toys.

As there are 8 toy trains and 4 bouncy balls and 36 toy soldiers. So the number of toys will be 8 + 4 + 36= 48 toys. So the total number of toys do we all have in all will be 48 toys.

Review & Refresh

Question 8.
16 + 10 = ___

The addition of 16 and 10 is 26.

On adding 16 and 10 we will get the result as 26.

Question 9.
45 – 10 = ___

The difference of 45 – 10 is 35.

On subtracting 10 with 45 we will get the result as 35.

Question 10.
50 – 10 = ___

The difference of 50 – 10 is 40.

On subtracting 10 with 50 we will get the result as 40.

Question 11.
63 + 10 = ___

The sum of 63 + 10 is 73.

On adding 63 and 10 we will get the result as 73.

Lesson 4.2 More Partial Sums

Make a quick sketch to find 38 + 19.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 27

The partial sum of 38 + 19 will be 40 +17= 57.


Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 38 + 19 which is 57. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 40 and now we will add ones which are 8 and 9 will be 17. So the total value of 38 + 19 will be 40 + 17= 57.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
25 + 19 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 28

The partial sum of 25 + 19 will be 30 +14= 44.


Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 25 + 19 which is 44. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 30 and now we will add ones which are 5 and 9 will be 14. So the total value of 25 + 19 will be 30 + 14= 44.

Question 2.
48 + 33 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 29

The partial sum of 48 + 33 will be 70 +11= 81.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 48 + 33 which is 81. So here first we will add tens which are 40 and 30 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 8 and 3 it will be 11. So the total value of 48 + 33 will be 70 + 11= 81.

Question 3.
57 + 35 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 30

The partial sum of 57 + 35 will be 80 +12= 92.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 57 + 35 which is 92. So here first we will add tens which are 50 and 30 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 5 it will be 12. So the total value of 57 + 35 will be 80 + 12= 92.

Question 4.
34 + 28 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 31

The partial sum of 34 + 28 will be 50 +12= 62.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 34 + 28 which is 62. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 50 and now we will add ones which are 4 and 8 it will be 12. So the total value of 34 + 28 will be 50 + 12= 62.

Question 5.
15 + 76 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 32

The partial sum of 15 + 76 will be 80 + 11= 91.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 15 + 76 which is 91. So here first we will add tens which are 10 and 70 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 5 and 6 it will be 11. So the total value of 15 + 76 will be 80 + 11= 91.

Question 6.
29 + 62 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 33

The partial sum of 29 + 62 will be 80 +11= 91.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 29 + 62 which is 91. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 60 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 9 and 2 it will be 11. So the total value of 29 + 62 will be 80 + 11= 91.

Question 7.
Number Sense
Which choices are equal to 35 + 27?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 34

The choices which are equal to 35 + 27 is 30 + 20 + 5 + 7 and 50 + 12 and 62.

The choices which are equal to 35 + 27 is 30 + 20 + 5 + 7 and 50 + 12 and 62.
As 35 + 27 was divided into tens and ones so the result will be 30 + 20 + 5 + 7 and after adding tens separately and ones separately we will get 50 + 12 by adding both the numbers we will get the result as 62. So the choices which are equal to 35 + 27 is 30 + 20 + 5 + 7 and 50 + 12 and 62.

Question 8.
A giraffe eats 37 pounds of food in the morning and 38 pounds of food in the afternoon. How many pounds of food does the giraffe eat in all?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 35

The total number of pounds did the giraffe ate in all is 75 pounds.

Given that the Giraffe eats 37 pounds of food in the morning and 38 pounds of food in the afternoon. So to find the total number of pounds did the giraffe ate in all we will add the food that the giraffe had in the morning and the evening. So here we will perform a partial sum which is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 37 + 38 which is 75. So here first we will add tens which are
30 and 30 we will add both the numbers which will be 60 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 8 it will be 15. So the total value of 37 + 38 will be 60 + 15= 75. So the total number of pounds did the giraffe ate in all is 75 pounds.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

You find 29 items on a scavenger hunt. Your friend finds 17 more than you. How many items does your friend find?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 36
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 37

The number of items does my friend finds is 46 items.

Given that there are 29 items on a scavenger hunt and my friend finds 17 more than me. So to find how many items my friend finds in the hunt, we will add those items which are 29 + 17= 46 items. So the number of items does my friend finds is 46 items.

Show and Grow

Question 9.
Your friend climbs 48 stairs. You climb 36 more than your friend. How many stairs do you climb?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 38

The number of stairs does I climb is 48 + 36= 84 stairs.

Given that my friend climbs 48 stairs and I climb 36 stairs more than my friend. So to find how many stairs did I climb we will add the stairs that my friend climbed and the stairs that I have climbed more stairs. So the number of stairs does I climb is 48 + 36= 84 stairs.

Question 10.
You write 13 fewer words than your friend. You write 39 words. How many words does your friend write?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 39

The number of words written by my friend is 26 words.

Given that the number of words written by me is 39 words and my friend wrote 13 fewer words than me so to find that how many words my friend wrote we will subtract the number of words written by me and the fewer words that my friend has written. So the number of words written by my friend is 39 – 13= 26 words.

More Partial Sums Homework & Practice 4.2

Question 1.
27 + 46 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 40

The partial sum of 27 + 46 will be 60 +13= 73.

Here we will perform partial sum, the partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 27 + 46 which is 73. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 40 we will add both the numbers which will be 60 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 6 it will be 13. So the total value of 27 + 46 will be 60 + 13= 73.

Question 2.
54 + 28 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 41

The partial sum of 54 + 28 will be 70 +12= 82.

Here we will perform partial sum, the partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 54 + 28 which is 82. So here first we will add tens which are 50 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 4 and 8 it will be 12. So the total value of 54 + 28 will be 70 + 12= 82.

Question 3.
18 + 72 = ?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 42

The partial sum of 18 + 72 will be 80 +10= 90.

Here we will perform partial sum, the partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 18 + 72 which is 90. So here first we will add tens which are 10 and 70 we will add both the numbers which will be 90 and now we will add ones which are 8 and 2 it will be 10. So the total value of 18 + 72 will be 80 + 10= 90.

Question 4.
Write the missing digits.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 43

The missing digits are 7,3,1 and 3,7,8.


As in the above image, we can see that some of the digits are missing. So to find the missing digits we will parallel check with the result. As we can see that 5 in ones place and 8 in the addend, so by adding 7 we can get the value as 15. So we have got the digit 5 in ones place of the result. Now as we know the value of the addend, we will subtract the addend with the result, so that we can get the other addend. So 75 – 37= 38. So the other missing digit is 3. And the missing value in ones place is 1. Now we will repeat the same process to find the other values. As we can see that 6 in ones place and 9 in the addend, so by adding 7 we can get the value as 16. So we have got the digit 7 in ones place of the result. Now as we know the value of the addend, we will subtract the addend with the result, so that we can get the other addend. So 96 – 57= 39. So the other missing digit is 3. And the missing value in tens place is 8.

Question 5.
You recycle 42 cans and 29 jars. How many items do you recycle in all?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 44

The total number of items recycled is 71 items.

Given that 42 cans and 29 jars are recycled and to know that how many items are recycled we will perform the addition, we will add both the cans and jars that are recycled. So 42 cans + 29 jars= 71 items. So the total number of items recycled is 71 items.

Question 6.
Modeling Real Life
Newton plants 63 seeds. Descartes plants 18 more than Newton. How many seeds does Descartes plant?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 45

Descartes has planted 81 seeds.

Given that Newton has planted 63 seeds and Descartes has planted 18 more trees than the Newton. That means Descartes has planted 63 + 18 which is 81 seeds. So Descartes has planted 81 seeds.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 46

The most favorite instrument is the Drum.

As each emoji represents one student,
so the Drum has six emojis which means 6 × 1= 6 students and
the Triangle has four emojis which means 4 × 1= 4 students.
So the most favorite instrument is the drum as the drum has more number of students which is 6.

Lesson 4.3 Regroup to Add

Explore and Grow

Model the problem. Make a quick sketch to show how you solved.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 47

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 48

The addition of regrouping of 46 + 26 is 72.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 46 and 26. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 46 + 26 is 72.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 49

The addition of regrouping of 15 + 37 is 52.


Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 15 and 37. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 15 + 37 is 52.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 50

The addition of regrouping of 39 + 32 is 71.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 39 and 32. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 39 + 32 is 71.

Question 4.
When do you need to regroup to add two numbers?

We need to regroup for the addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

You must spell 60 words correctly to win a spelling game. You spell 19 words correctly in Round 1 and36 in Round 2. Do you win?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 51

As I spell 55 words correctly, so didn’t win the game.


Given that to spell 60 words correctly to win in a spelling game. I spell out 19 words correctly in Round 1 and 36 words in Round 2. So to find that I had won in the spelling game we will perform regrouping addition. We need to regroup for the addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers.
So the regrouping addition of 19 and 36 is 55, as to win the game we should spell 60 words correctly. So I did not win the spelling game.

Show and Grow

Question 5.
You want to do 80 jumping jacks. You do 45 in the morning and 39 in the evening. Do you reach your goal?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 52

As the goal is to reach 80 jumping jacks and I have reached 84 jumping jacks, so I reach the goal.

As the goal is to reach 80 jumping jacks and I did 45 jumping jacks in the morning and 39 jumping jacks in the evening. So the total number of jumping jacks is 45 + 39= 84 jumping jacks. As the goal is to reach 80 jumping jacks and I have reached 84 jumping jacks, so I reach the goal.

Question 6.
You raise $38 selling ham sandwiches and $43 selling turkey sandwiches. Your friend raises $72. Who raises more money?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 53

I have raised more money.

As my friend raises $72  money and I raise $38 by selling ham sandwiches and $43 by selling turkey sandwiches, so the total money raised by me by selling the sandwiches is 43 + 38= 81. So I have raised more money.

Regroup to Add Homework & Practice 4.3

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 54

The addition of regrouping of 36 + 16 is 52.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 36 and 16. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 36 + 16 is 52.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 55

The addition of regrouping of 47 + 39 is 86.


Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 47 and 39. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 47 + 39 is 86.

Question 3.
Do you have to regroup to add?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 56

43 + 29= 72  yes, we have to regroup to add.
54 + 32= 86 no, we can add normally without performing regroup.
33 + 64= 97 no, we can add normally without performing regroup.
17 + 25= 42 yes, we have to regroup to add.

43 + 29= 72  yes, we have to regroup to add. Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 43 and 29. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 43 + 29 is 72.
54 + 32= 86 no, we can add normally without performing regroup. As the place value column is not greater than nine. So here we cannot perform regrouping of addition.
33 + 64= 97 no, we can add normally without performing regroup. As the place value column is not greater than nine. So here we cannot perform regrouping of addition.
17 + 25= 42 yes, we have to regroup to add. Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 43 and 29. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 43 + 29 is 72.

Question 4.
Modeling Real Life
There are 50 words in a word search. You find 25 words in rows and 18 words in columns. Did you find all of the words?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 57

No, I have not found all the 50 words.

As there are 50 words in the word search and I have found 25 words in rows and 18 words in columns, so the total number of words did I had found is 25 + 18 which is 43. So I have not found all the 50 words.

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
You find 15 white shells and 17 spotted shells. Your friend finds 34 shells. Who finds more shells?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 58

My friend finds more shells than me.

As I had found 15 white shells and 17 spotted shells, so the total number of shells did I have found is 15 + 17= 32 shells. And my friend finds 34 shells, so my friend finds more shells than me.

Review & Refresh


Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 59

We will use the “<” sign which is 34 < 80.

In the above image, we can see that 34 is less than 80. So we can represent with < sign as one value is smaller than another we will use < lesser than sign, so 34 < 80.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 60

We will use the “>” sign which is 15 > 8.

In the above image, we can see that 15 is less than 8. So we can represent with > sign as one value is greater than another we will use > greater than sign, so 15 > 8.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 61

We will use the “=” sign which is 67 = 67.

In the above image, we can see that 67 and the opposite number also 67 which are equal to each other. So we can represent with = sign as one value is equal to each other so we will use = equal to sign, so 67 = 67.

Lesson 4.4 Add Two-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Make a quick sketch to find 38 +24

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 62

By regrouping addition of 38 and 24 we will get the result as 62.


Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 38 and 24. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 38 + 24 is 62.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
69 + 22 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 63

By regrouping addition of 69 and 22 we will get the result as 91.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 69 and 22. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 69 + 22 is 91.

Question 2.
25 +37 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 64

By regrouping addition of 25 and 37 we will get the result as 62.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 25 and 37. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 25 + 37 is 62.

Question 3.
31 + 26 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 65

By regrouping addition of 31 and 26 we will get the result as 57.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 31 and 26. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 31 + 26 is 57.

Question 4.
15 + 38 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 66

By regrouping addition of 15 and 38 we will get the result as 53.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 15 and 38. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 15 + 38 is 53.

Question 5.
62 + 13 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 67

By regrouping addition of 62 and 13 we will get the result as 75.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 62 and 13. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 62 + 13 is 75.

Question 6.
46 + 49 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 68

By regrouping addition of 46 and 49 we will get the result as 95.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 46 and 49. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 46 + 49 is 95.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 7.
33 + 39 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 69

By regrouping addition of 33 and 39 we will get the result as 72.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 33 and 39. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 33 + 39 is 72.

Question 8.
23 + 71 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 70

By regrouping addition of 23 and 71 we will get the result as 94.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 23 and 71. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 23 + 71 is 94.

Question 9.
17 + 64 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 71

By regrouping addition of 17 and 64 we will get the result as 81.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 17 and 64. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 17 + 64 is 81.

Question 10.
54 + 25 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 72

By regrouping addition of 54 and 25 we will get the result as 79.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 54 and 25. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 54 + 25 is 79.

Question 11.
47 + 39 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 73

By regrouping addition of 47 and 39 we will get the result as 86.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 47 and 39. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 47 + 39 is 86.

Question 12.
28 + 26 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 74

By regrouping addition of 28 and 26 we will get the result as 54.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 28 and 26. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 28 + 26 is 54.

Question 13.
Newton finds 26 + 36. Is he correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 75

No, Newton is not correct.

No, Newton is not correct. Newton has performed only addition but he did not perform any regroup. So he got the wrong answer. If he perform regrouping, and regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 2 and 36. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 26 + 36 is 62.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

You have 24 gel pens and you buy 36 more. Your friend has 48 and buys 18 more. Who has more gel pens?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 76

I have more pens than my friend as 66 is greater than 60.

As I have 24 gel pens and I bought 36 more gel pens so the total number of pens I have bought is 24 + 36= 60 pens and my friend has 48 and buys 18 more, so the total number of pens my friend has bought is 48 + 18= 66 pens. So by comparing we can see that I have more pens than my friend as 66 is greater than 60.

Show and Grow

Question 14.
You have 32 stencils and you buy 16 more. Your friend has 14 and buys 28 more. Who has more stencils?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 77

I had more stencils than my friend.

As I have 32 stencils and bought 16 more stencils, so the total number of stencils I had is 32 + 16= 48 stencils. And my friend has 14 stencils and bought 28 stencils, so the total number of stencils my friend had is 14 + 28= 42 stencils. So I had more stencils than my friend.

Question 15.
You have 22 green stars and 17 orange stars. Your friend has 26 blue stars and 12 pink stars. How many stars do you and your friend have in all?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 78

The total number of stars I and my friend had is 77 stars.

As I have 22 green stars and 17 orange stars, so the total number of stars I had is 22 + 17= 39 stars. And my friend has 26 blue stars and 12 pink stars, so the total number of stars my friend had is 26 + 12= 38 stars. So the total number of stars I and my friend had is 39 +38= 77 stars.

Add Two-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 4.4

Question 1.
47 + 36 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 79

By regrouping addition of 28 and 26 we will get the result as 54.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 28 and 26. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 28 + 26 is 54.

Question 2.
51 + 28 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 80

By regrouping addition of 51 and 28 we will get the result as 79.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 51 and 28. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 51 + 28 is 79.

Question 3.
13 + 79 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 81

By regrouping addition of 13 and 79 we will get the result as 92.


Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 13 and 79. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 13 + 79 is 92.

Question 4.
54 + 42 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 82

By regrouping addition of 54 and 42 we will get the result as 96.


Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 54 and 42. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 54 + 42 is 96.

Question 5.
38 + 23 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 83

By regrouping addition of 38 and 23 we will get the result as 61.


Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 38 and 23. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 38 + 23 is 61.

Question 6.
45 + 44 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 84

By regrouping addition of 45 and 44 we will get the result as 89.


Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 45 and 44. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 45 + 44 is 89.

Question 7.
Find the sum. Write an addition story to match.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 85

By regrouping addition of 26 and 35 we will get the result as 89.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 26 and 35. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 26 + 35 is 89.

Question 8.
Modeling Real Life
You have 35 dimes and you find 17 more. Your friend has 42 and finds 11 more. Who has more dimes?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 86

My friend has more dimes than me

Given that I have 35 dimes and then I found 17 more, so the total number of I had is 52 dimes, and my friend has 42 dimes and then finds 11 more so the total number of dimes my friend had is 42 + 11= 53 dimes. So on comparing, my friend has more dimes than me.

Question 9.
Modeling Real Life
Newton plants 14 red flowers and 14 purple flowers. Descartes plants 26 pink flowers and 26 yellow flowers. How many flowers do Newton and Descartes plant in all?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 87

The total number of flowers planted by both Newton and Descartes is 80 flowers.

Given that Newton has planted 14 red flowers and 14 purple flowers, so the total number of plants that was planted by Newton is 14 + 14= 28 flowers. And Descartes has planted 26 pink flowers and 26 yellow flowers so the total number of plants that were planted by Descartes is 26 + 26= 52 flowers. So the total number of flowers planted by both Newton and Descartes is 52 + 28= 80 flowers.

Question 10.
Model 56 two ways.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 88

The two models of 56 is 5 tens and 6 six and the other model is 4 tens and 16 ones

To model 56 in two ways we will divide the 56 as 5 tens and 6 ones, and in another way, we will divide the 56 as 4 tens and 16 ones.

Lesson 4.5 Practice Adding Two-Digit Numbers

Use any strategy to find 17 + 23.

Compare your strategy to your partner’s strategy. Are they the same or different? Explain.

I have used the partial sum procedure and my friend has used the regrouping of addition procedure. So here the answer will be the same but the procedure is different.

To find 17 + 23 I have used partial sum, here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 17 + 23 which is 40. So here first we will add tens which are 10 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 30 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 3 it will be 10. So the total value of 17 + 23 will be 30 + 10= 40. And my friend used regrouping of addition, here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two-digit numbers or larger than the two-digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 17 and 23. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 17 + 23 is 40. So here the answer will be the same but the procedure is different.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 89

The partial sum of 43 and 17 is 60.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 43 + 17 which is 60. So here first we will add tens which are 40 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 50 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 3 it will be 10. So the total value of 43 + 17 will be 50 + 10= 60.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 90

The partial sum of 56 and 25 is 81.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 56 + 25 which is 81. So here first we will add tens which are 50 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 6 and 5 it will be 11. So the total value of 56 + 25 will be 70 + 11= 81.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 91

The partial sum of 19 and 55 is 74.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 19 + 55 which is 74. So here first we will add tens which are 10 and 50 we will add both the numbers which will be 60 and now we will add ones which are 9 and 5 it will be 14. So the total value of 19 + 55 will be 60 + 14= 74.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 92

The partial sum of 41 and 52 is 93.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 41 + 52 which is 93. So here first we will add tens which are 40 and 50 we will add both the numbers which will be 90 and now we will add ones which are 1 and 2 it will be 3. So the total value of 41 + 52 will be 90 + 3= 93.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 93

The partial sum of 47 and 26 is 73.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 47 + 26 which is 73. So here first we will add tens which are 40 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 60 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 6 it will be 13. So the total value of 47 + 26 will be 60 + 13= 73.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 94

The partial sum of 33 and 49 is 82.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 33 + 49 which is 82. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 40 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 3 and 9 it will be 12. So the total value of 33 + 49 will be 70 + 12= 82.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 95

The partial sum of 29 and 22 is 51.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 29 + 22 which is 51. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 40 and now we will add ones which are 9 and 2 it will be 11. So the total value of 29 + 22 will be 40 + 11= 51.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 96

The partial sum of 54 and 44 is 98.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 54 + 44 which is 98. So here first we will add tens which are 50 and 40 we will add both the numbers which will be 90 and now we will add ones which are 4 and 4 it will be 8. So the total value of 54 + 44 will be 90 + 8= 98.

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 97

The partial sum of 36 and 45 is 81.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 36 + 45 which is 81. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 40 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 6 and 5 it will be 11. So the total value of 36 + 45 will be 70 + 11= 81.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 98

The partial sum of 24 and 16 is 40.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 24 + 16 which is 40. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 30 and now we will add ones which are 4 and 6 it will be 10. So the total value of 30 + 10 will be 30 + 10= 40.

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 99

The partial sum of 37 and 46 is 83.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 37 + 46 which is 83. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 40 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 6 it will be 13. So the total value of 70 + 13 will be 70 + 13= 83.

Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 100

The partial sum of 18 and 59 is 77.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 18 + 59 which is 77. So here first we will add tens which are 10 and 50 we will add both the numbers which will be 60 and now we will add ones which are 8 and 9 it will be 17. So the total value of 18 + 59 will be 60 + 17= 77.

Question 13.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 101

The partial sum of 61 and 34 is 95.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 61 + 34 which is 95. So here first we will add tens which are 60 and 30 we will add both the numbers which will be 90 and now we will add ones which are 1 and 4 it will be 5. So the total value of 61 + 34 will be 90 + 5= 95.

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 102

The partial sum of 23 and 28 is 51.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 23 + 28 which is 51. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 40 and now we will add ones which are 3 and 8 it will be 11. So the total value of 23 + 28 will be 40 + 11= 51.

Question 15.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 103

The partial sum of 42 and 57 is 99.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 42 + 57 which is 99. So here first we will add tens which are 40 and 50 we will add both the numbers which will be 90 and now we will add ones which are 2 and 7 it will be 9. So the total value of 42 + 57 will be 90 + 9= 99.

Question 16.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 104

The partial sum of 73 and 17 is 90.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 73 + 17 which is 60. So here first we will add tens which are 70 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 7 and 3 it will be 10. So the total value of 73 + 17 will be 80 + 10= 90.

Question 17.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 105

The partial sum of 82 and 12 is 94.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 82 + 12 which is 94. So here first we will add tens which are 80 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 90 and now we will add ones which are 2 and 2 it will be 10. So the total value of 82 + 12 will be 90 + 4= 94.

Question 18.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 106

The partial sum of 15 and 77 is 92.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 15 + 77 which is 92. So here first we will add tens which are 10 and 70 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 5 and 7 it will be 12. So the total value of 15 + 77 will be 80 + 12= 92.

Question 19.
Descartes finds 38 + 53. Is he correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 107

No, Descartes is not correct.

No, Descartes is not correct. As Descartes just performed the addition and he placed the carry forward in the result. Descartes should not place the carry forward into the result, it should be added to the next addend. So Descartes was not correct.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Are there more state parks in North Carolina and Kentucky or in Kentucky and South Carolina?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 108
There are more state parks in ___ and ___.

There are more state parks in South Carolina and Kentucky.

Given that the state of North Carolina has 29 state parks and 38 state parks in the state of Kentucky, so the total number of state parks in both North Carlina and Kentucky is 29 + 38= 67 state parks. And the number of state parks in the state of South Carolina is 43, so the total number of state parks in both South Carlina and Kentucky is 43 + 38= 81 state parks. So there are more state parks in South Carolina and Kentucky. On comparing 81 is greater than 67.

Show and Grow

Question 20.
Are there more students in first and second grade or in first and third grade?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 109
There are more students in ___ and __ grade.

Given that the state first grade has 37 students and 53 students in the second grade, so the total number of students in both first grade and second grade is 37 + 53= 90 students. And the number of students in the third grade 49, so the total number of students in both first grade and third grade is 37 + 49= 86. So there are more students in first grade and second grade than first grade and third grade.

Practice Adding Two-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 4.5

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 110

The partial sum of 63 and 12 is 75.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 63 + 12 which is 75. So here first we will add tens which are 60 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 3 and 2 it will be 5. So the total value of 63 + 12 will be 60 + 5= 65.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 111

The partial sum of 32 and 58 is 90.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 32 + 58 which is 90. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 50 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 2 and 8 it will be 10. So the total value of 32 + 58 will be 32 + 58= 90.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 112

The partial sum of 53 and 38 is 91.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 53 + 38 which is 91. So here first we will add tens which are 50 and 30 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 3 and 8 it will be 11. So the total value of 53 + 38 will be 80 + 11= 91.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 114

The partial sum of 13 and 39 is 52.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 13 + 39 which is 52. So here first we will add tens which are 10 and 30 we will add both the numbers which will be 40 and now we will add ones which are 3 and 9 it will be 12. So the total value of 13 + 39 will be 40 + 12= 52.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 115

The partial sum of 62 and 18 is 80.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 62 + 18 which is 80. So here first we will add tens which are 60 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 2 and 8 it will be 10. So the total value of 62 + 18 will be 70 + 10= 80.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 116

The partial sum of 48 and 16 is 64.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 48 + 16 which is 64. So here first we will add tens which are 40 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 50 and now we will add ones which are 8 and 6 it will be 14. So the total value of 48 + 16 will be 50 + 14= 64.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 117

The partial sum of 11 and 66 is 77.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 11 + 66 which is 77. So here first we will add tens which are 10 and 60 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 1 and 6 it will be 77. So the total value of 11 + 66 will be 70 + 7= 77.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 118

The partial sum of 64 and 21 is 85.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 64 + 21 which is 85. So here first we will add tens which are 60 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 4 and 1 it will be 5. So the total value of 64 + 21 will be 80 + 5= 85.

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 119

The partial sum of 79 and 14 is 93.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 79 + 14 which is 93. So here first we will add tens which are 70 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 9 and 4 it will be 13. So the total value of 79 + 14 will be 80 + 13= 93.

Question 10.
Find the missing digits
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 120

The missing digits are 6, 8, 6, 2, 2, 2.

To find the missing digits, in the first image we can see that the sum is 1 and one of the addends is 5 so to get the sum as 1 we will place 6, so the sum will be 81 and the addend will be 36. And in the second image, we can see that the sum is 97, and the other addend is 5 so let’s take the other addend to be 2 so the missing digit is 2 and to find the other addend we will subtract the 32 with the sum 97 which is 97 – 32= 65. And in the third image, we can see that the addend is 48 and the other addend with digit 4 so by adding the sum will be 72 so to find the other addend we will subtract the addend 48 with the result 72 so the other addend will be 72 – 48= 24.

Question 11.
Modeling Real Life
Do more people attend the show on Monday and Tuesday or on Tuesday and Wednesday?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 121

More people attended the show on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Given that the number of people on Monday is 48 people and the number of people on Tuesday is 26 people, so the number of people on Monday and Tuesday is 48 + 26= 74 people. And the number of people on Wednesday is 56 people, so the number of people on Tuesday and Wednesday is 26 + 56= 82 people. So more people attended the show on Tuesday and Wednesday than Monday and Tuesday.

Review & Refresh

Question 12.
Order from shortest to longest.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 122

Purple is Shortest,
Red is Longer,
Purple is Longest.

In the above, we can see that the purple crayon is the shortest crayon and red crayon is a longer crayon and the green crayon is the longest crayon.

Lesson 4.6 Add Up to 3 Two-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Add the circled numbers first. Then find the sum of all three numbers.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 123

In the first image, the sum of the circled numbers is 60,
In the second image, the sum of the circled numbers is 50,
In the third image, the sum of the circled numbers is 58,

In the first image, we can see that 34 and 26 are circled, so the sum of circled numbers is 34 + 26= 60. And the number which is not circled is 24, so the sum of all three numbers is 60 + 24= 84.
In the second image, we can see that 26 and 24 are circled, so the sum of circled numbers is 24 + 26= 50. And the number which is not circled is 34, so the sum of all three numbers is 50 + 34= 84.
In the third image, we can see that 34 and 24 are circled, so the sum of circled numbers is 34 + 24= 58. And the number which is not circled is 26, so the sum of all three numbers is 58 + 26= 84.

What is the same? What is different?

In the above problem, the result is the same and the circled numbers are different and the sum of circles numbers is different.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 125

On adding 16 + 34 + 21 we will get the result as  71.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 6 + 4 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 1, so 10 + 1= 11. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 16 + 34 + 21= 71.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 126

On adding 33 + 15 + 17 we will get the result as  65.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 7 + 3 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 5, so 10 + 5= 15. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 33 + 15 + 17= 65.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 127

On adding 31 + 12 + 24 we will get the result as  67.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, so first, we will add 31 + 12 and the result is 43. Now we will perform the addition for all three numbers and the result will be 31 + 12 + 24= 67.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 128

On adding 25 + 15 + 13 we will get the result as  53.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 5 + 5 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 3, so 10 + 3= 13. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 25 + 15 + 13= 53.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 129

On adding 29 + 22 + 23 we will get the result as 74.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 11 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 + 2 which makes 11 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 3, so 11 + 3= 14. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 29 + 22 + 23= 74.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 130

On adding 19 + 32 + 11 we will get the result as 62.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 + 1 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 2, so 10 + 2= 12. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 19 + 32 + 11= 62.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 131

On adding 18 + 28 + 42 we will get the result as  88.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 + 2 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 8, so 10 + 8= 18. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 18 + 28 + 42= 88.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 132

On adding 53 + 13 + 19 we will get the result as  85.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 12 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 + 3 which makes 12 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 3, so 12 + 3= 15. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 53 + 13 + 19= 85.

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 133

On adding 27 + 27 + 25 we will get the result as 79.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 12 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 7 + 5 which makes 12 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 7, so 12 + 7= 19. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 27 + 27 + 25= 79.

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 134

On adding 23 + 42 + 17 we will get the result as 82.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 7 + 3 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 2, so 10 + 2= 12. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 23 + 42 + 17= 82.

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 135

On adding 18 + 34 + 26 we will get the result as 78.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 + 3 which makes 12 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 3, so 12 + 3= 15. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 53 + 13 + 19= 85.

Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 136

On adding 51 + 22 + 26 we will get the result as 99.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum by adding two addends which help us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 2 + 6 which makes 8 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 1, so 8 + 1= 9. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 51 + 22 + 26= 99.

Question 13.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 137

On adding 30 + 45 + 19 we will get the result as 94.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 14 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 + 5 which makes 14 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 0, so 14 + 0= 14. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 30 + 45 + 19= 94.

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 138

On adding 24 + 21 + 28 we will get the result as 73.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 12 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 + 4 which makes 12 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 1, so 12 + 1= 13. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 24 + 21 + 28= 73.

Question 15.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 139

On adding 39 + 12 + 31 we will get the result as 82.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 + 1 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 2, so 10 + 2= 13. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 39 + 12 + 31= 82.

Question 16.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 140

On adding 14 + 20 + 35 we will get the result as 69.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 9 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 4 + 5 which makes 9 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 0, so 9 + 0= 9. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 14 + 20 + 35= 69.

Question 17.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 141

On adding 46 + 11 +32 we will get the result as 89.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 8 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 6 + 2 which makes 8 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 1, so 8 + 1= 9. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 46 + 11 +32= 89.

Question 18.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 142

On adding 35 + 33 + 29 we will get the result as 97.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 11 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 +3 which makes 11 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 11, so 11 + 5= 16. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 35 + 33 + 29= 97.

Question 19.
You make a 10 to add 16, 38, and 24. Which digits do you add first? Explain.





Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Newton buys the items shown. How much money does he spend?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 143

The total amount spent by the Newton is $51.

Given the cost the items that Newton has bought is, the cost of the first item is $12, the cost of second item is $21 and the cost of third item is $18. So the total money spent by the Newton is 12 + 21 + 18= $51. The total amount spent by the Newton is $51.

Show and Grow

Question 20.
Descartes buys the items shown. How much money does he spend?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 144

The total amount spent by the Descartes is $47.

Given of the cost the items that Descartes has bought is, the cost of the first item is $19, the cost of second item is $15 and the cost of third item is $13. So the total money spent by the Descartes is 19 + 15 + 13= $47. The total amount spent by the Descartes is $47.

Question 21.
Newton sells 2 large candles and 1 small candle. How much money does he earn?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 145

The total amount earn by the Newton is $66.

Given the cost the large candle that Newton has bought is $26, and the cost of the small candle is $14, so Newton sells two large candles which is 2 × 26= $52 and one small candle which is 1 × 14= $14  . So the total money earn by the Newton is 52 + 14= $66. The total amount earn by the Newton is $66.

Add Up to 3 Two-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 4.6

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 146

On adding 11 + 23 + 47 we will get the result as 81.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 7 +3 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 10, so 10 + 1= 11. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 11 + 23 + 47= 81.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 147

On adding 32 + 14 + 28 we will get the result as 74.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 +2 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 10, so 10 + 4= 14. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 32 + 14 + 28= 74.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 148

On adding 16 + 37 + 33 we will get the result as 86.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 7 + 3 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 10, so 10 + 6= 16. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 16 + 37 + 33= 86.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 149

On adding 43 + 17 + 37 we will get the result as 97.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 7 + 3 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 10, so 10 + 7= 16. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 43 + 17 + 37= 97.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 150

On adding 15 + 44 + 11 we will get the result as 70.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 9 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 5 + 4 which makes 9 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 9, so 9 + 1= 10. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 15 + 44 + 11= 70.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 151

On adding 16 + 29 + 38 we will get the result as 83.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 15 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 + 6 which makes 15 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 8, so 15 + 8= 23. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 16 + 29 + 38= 83.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 152

On adding 31 + 28 + 12 we will get the result as 71.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 + 2 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 1, so 10 + 1= 11. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 31 + 28 + 12= 71.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 153

On adding 56 + 26 + 13 we will get the result as 95.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 12 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 6 + 6 which makes 12 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 3, so 12 + 3= 15. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 56 + 26 + 13= 95.

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 154

On adding 35 + 23 + 29 we will get the result as 87.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 12 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 9 + 3 which makes 12 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 5, so 12 + 3= 15. Now we will perform the addition and the result will be 35 + 23 + 29= 87.

Question 10.
Solve two different ways.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 155

The sum of the three numbers is 38 + 36 + 22= 96.

The two different ways to add the above problem is, the first method is we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 + 2 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 6, so 10 + 6= 16. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 38 + 36 + 22= 96. The other way to find the addition of the numbers is we will add the numbers in any order, first we will add 8 + 6 which is 14 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 14 + 2= 16 and the regrouping of addition and the result will be 38 + 36 + 22= 96.

Question 11.
Modeling Real Life
Descartes buys the items shown. How much money does he spend?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 156

The total amount spent by the Descartes is $81.

Given the cost the items that Descartes has bought is, the cost of the first item is $41, the cost of second item is $27 and the cost of third item is $13. So the total money spent by the Descartes is 41 + 27 + 13= $81. The total amount spent by the Descartes is $81.

Question 12.
Modeling Real Life
Your cousin buys the items shown. How much money does she spend?
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 157

The total amount spent by the my cousin is $67.

Given of the cost the items that my cousin has bought is, the cost of the first item is $24, the cost of second item is $7 and the cost of third item is $36. So the total money spent by my cousin is 24 + 7 + 36= $67. The total amount spent by mu cousin is $67.

Review & Refresh

Is the number even or odd?

Question 13.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 158

The number 18 is even number.

The number 18 is even number as the number 18 has two pairs of 9 and the number is divided by 2 and if the number is not divisible by 2 then it will be odd number. As 18 is divisible by 2 so the number 18 is a even number.

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Answers 2nd Grade Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 159

The number 17 is odd number.

The number 17 is even number as the number 17 is not divisible by 2 and if the number is not divisible by 2 then it will be odd number. As the number 17 is not divisible by 2 so the number 17 is odd number.

Lesson 4.7 More Problem Solving: Addition

Explore and Grow

Model the story.

There are 11 red ants and 14 black ants. 15 more black ants join them. How many ants are there now?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 160
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 160.1

The total number of ants is 40 ants.

Given that there are 11 red ants and 14 black ants and 15 more black ants join with them, so to find the number of ants in total we will add the given number of ants, so the total number of ants is 11 + 14 + 15= 40 ants.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
You have 66 marbles. You have 26 fewer marbles than your friend. How many marbles does your friend have?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 161

My friend has 40 marbles.

As I have 66 marbles and my friend has 26 fewer marbles than me, so to find how many marbles does my friend had we will subtract 66 – 26= 40 marbles. So my friend has 40 marbles.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
You collect 16 red leaves, 21 orange leaves, and 14 yellow leaves. How many leaves do you collect in all?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 162

The number of leaves collected by me is 16 + 21 + 14= 51 leaves.

As I have collected 16 red leaves, 21 orange leaves and 14 yellow leaves, so the number of leaves collected by me is 16 + 21 + 14= 51 leaves.

Question 3.
A dentist has 41 toothbrushes. She buys some more. Now she has 85. How many toothbrushes did the dentist buy?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 163

The number of toothbrushes did the dentist bought is 85 – 41= 44 toothbrushes.

As dentist has 41 toothbrushes and she bought some more, so now she had 85. So the number of toothbrushes did the dentist bought is 85 – 41= 44 toothbrushes.

Question 4.
You make 17 origami dogs and 13 origami fish. Your friend makes 12 more origami animals than you. How many origami animals does your friend make?
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Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 165

The number of origami animals does my friend make is 42 animals.

As I make 17 origami dogs and 13 origami fish so the total origami animals do I make is 17 + 13= 30 animals. And my friend makes 12 more origami animals than me, so the number of origami animals does my friend make is
30 + 12= 42 animals.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

You make a paper chain. Your friend adds 24 links to your chain. Now there are 57. How many links were there to start?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 166

The number of links is 33 links.

As I make a paper chain and my friend adds 24 links to my chain. Now there are 57 paper chains, so the number of links there to start is 57 – 24= 33 links.

Show and Grow

Question 5.
You have some stickers. Your friend gives you 32 more stickers. Now you have 58. How many stickers did you have to start? Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 167

The number of stickers I have to start is 58 – 32 = 26 stickers.

As I have some stickers and my friend gives me 32 more stickers. Now I have 58, so the number of stickers I have to start is 58 – 32 = 26 stickers.

Question 6.
There are 3 buses. There are 29 students on each of the first 2 buses. There are 88 students in all. How many students are on the third bus?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 168

The number of students are on the third bus is 30 students.

As there are 3 buses and there are 29 students on each of the first 2 buses so the students in the two buses is
2 × 29= 58 students and there are 88 students in all so the number of students are on the third bus is
88 – 58= 30 students.

More Problem Solving: Addition Homework & Practice 4.7

Question 1.
You study for 31 minutes. You study 11 fewer minutes than your friend. How long does your friend study?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 169

My friend studied 20 minutes longer.

As I have studied for 31 minutes and  studied 11 fewer minutes than my friend so how long does your friend studied is 31 – 11= 20 minutes.

Question 2.

You see 23 red cars, 25 black cars, and 15 blue cars. How many cars do you see in all?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 170

The number of cars I have seen is 63 cars.

As I saw 23 red cars, 25 black cars, and 15 blue cars, so the number of cars I have seen is 23 + 25 + 15= 63 cars. The number of cars I have seen is 63 cars.

Question 3.
Number Sense
Your friend scores 29 points. You score 16 more points than your friend. Use the given numbers to find how many points you and your friend score in all.
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Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 172

The total points I have scored is 45 points and the total points scored by me and my friend is 74 points.


As my friend scores 29 points and I score 16 more points than your friend. So the total points I have scored is
29 + 16= 45 points. And the total points scored by me and my friend is 74 points.

Question 4.
Modeling Real Life
You have some plastic bugs. Your friend gives you 37 more plastic bugs. Now you have 59. How many plastic bugs did you have to start?
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The number of plastic bugs I do have to start is 22 plastic bugs.

As I have some plastic bugs and my friend gives me 37 more plastic bugs. So now I have 59 plastic bugs, so the number of plastic bugs I do have to start is 59 – 37= 22 plastic bugs.

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
There are 3 subway cars. There are 36 people on each of the first 2 subway cars. There are 92 people in all. How many people are on the third subway car?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 174

The number of people in the third subway car is 20 people.

As there are 3 subway cars and there are 36 people on each of the first 2 subway cars, so the number of people in the 2 subway cars is 2 × 36= 72 people. There are 92 people in all and the number of people in the third subway car is 92 – 72= 20 people.

Review & Refresh

Question 6.
50 – 10 = ___

The difference between 50 and 10 is 40.

On subtracting 50 – 10 we will get the result as 40.

Question 7.
90 – 40 = ___

The difference between 90 and 40 is 50.

On subtracting 90 – 40 we will get the result as 50.

Fluently Add within 100 Performance Task 4

Question 1.
a. You swim for 37 minutes on Monday. You swim 12 more minutes on Tuesday than on Monday. How many minutes do you swim in all?
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Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 176

The total number of minutes do I swim in all is 86 minutes.

As I swim for 37 minutes on Monday and again swim for 12 more minutes on Tuesday than on Monday, so the number of minutes I have a swim on Tuesday is 37 + 12= 49 minutes. And the total number of minutes do I swim in all is 37 + 49= 86 minutes.

b. Do you swim an even or odd number of minutes in all?
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The number of minutes 86 is an even number.

As the total number of minutes do I swim in all is 86 minutes and 86 is divisible by 2 so the number of minutes 86 is an even number.

Question 2.
a. There are 35 girls and some boys signed up for swim lessons this year. There are 83 kids signed up in all. Then some more boys sign up. Now there are 56 boys signed up. How many more boys signed up for swim lessons?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 178

The number of more boys signed up is 8 more boys.

As there are 35 girls and some boys signed up for swim lessons this year. And there are 83 kids signed up in all, so the number of boys is 83 – 35= 48 boys and then some more boys sign up. Now there are 56 boys signed up, so the number of more boys signed up is 56 – 48= 8 more boys.

b. Last year there were 95 kids signed up for swim lessons. 45 were girls. Are there more boys signed up for swim lessons this year or last year?
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The more boys signed up for swimming is last year than this year.

As in the last year, there were 95 kids signed up for swim lessons and in that 45 were girls and the number of boys is 95 – 45= 50  boys. And the more boys signed up for swimming is last year as the total number of boys in the last year is 56 boys.

Fluently Add within 100 Activity

Solve and Cover: Addition

To Play: Place a Solve and Cover: Addition Sum Card on each box. Players take turns. On your turn, flip over a Solve and Cover: Addition Problem Card. Solve the problem. Place the problem card on the sum. Play until all sums are covered.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 180

Fluently Add within 100 Chapter Practice

4.1 Use Partial Sums to Add

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 181

The partial sum of 35 + 22 will be 50 + 7= 57.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 35 + 22 which is 57. So here first we will add tens which are 30 and 20 we will add both the numbers which will be 50 and now we will add ones which are 5 and 2 will be 7. So the total value of 35 + 22 will be 50 + 7= 57.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 182

The partial sum of 81 + 8 will be 80 + 9= 89.

Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 81 + 8 which is 89. So here first we will add tens which are 80 and 0 we will add both the numbers which will be 80 and now we will add ones which are 1 and 8 will be 9. So the total value of 81 + 8 will be 81 + 8= 89.

4.2 More Partial Sums

Question 3.
26 + 43 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 183

The partial sum of 26 + 43 will be 60 + 9= 69.


Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 26 + 43 which is 69. So here first we will add tens which are 20 and 40 we will add both the numbers which will be 60 and now we will add ones which are 6 and 3 will be 69. So the total value of 26 + 43 will be 26 + 43= 69.

Question 4.
64 + 19 = ?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 184

The partial sum of 64 + 19 will be 70 + 13= 83.


Here partial sum is the sum of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 64 + 19 which is 83. So here first we will add tens which are 60 and 10 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 4 and 9 will be 13. So the total value of 64 + 19 will be 70 + 13= 83.

4.3 Regroup to Add

Question 5.
Modeling Real Life
You want to complete 40 hours of volunteer work this year. You complete 28 hours during the school year and 13 during the summer. Do you reach your goal?
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Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 186

Yes, I have reached my goal.

As I want to complete 40 hours of volunteer work this year and I have complete 28 hours during the school year and 13 during the summer so the total number of hours I have completed is 28 + 13= 41 hours. And I have reached my goal.

4.4 Add Two-Digit Numbers

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 187

By regrouping the addition of 14 and 77 we will get the result as 91.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 14 and 77. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 14 + 77 is 91.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 188

By regrouping the addition of 35 and 35 we will get the result as 70.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 35 and 35. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 35 + 35 is 70.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 189

By regrouping the addition of 43 and 49 we will get the result as 92.

Here, regrouping is defined as the process of making and then carrying out the operation like addition with the two digit numbers or larger than the two digit numbers. And we use regrouping in addition when the sum of two digits in the place value column is greater than nine. And Regrouping in subtraction is a method of interchanging one ten into ten ones. This regrouping of subtraction is used to work out the different subtraction problems. Here in the above image, we can see that the addition of 43 and 49. So by regrouping, we will carry forward one and the sum of 43 + 49 is 92.

4.5 Practice Adding Two-Digit numbers

Question 9.
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The sum of 36 + 38 is 74.

The addition of the two numbers is 36 + 38 is 74.

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 191

The sum of 62 + 29 is 91.

The addition of the two numbers is 62 + 29 is 91.

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 192

The sum of 25 + 45 is 70.

The addition of the two numbers is 25 + 45 is 70.

Question 12.
Number Sense
Find the missing digits.
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The missing digits are 1, 4, 8, 7, 5, 0.

To find the missing digits, in the first image we can see that the sum is 9 and one of the addends is 5 so to get the sum as 9 we will place 4 and place the 1 to get the sum as 4, so the sum will be 49 and the addend will be 34 and 15. And in the second image, we can see that the sum is 6, and the other addend is 8 so let’s take the other addend to be 8 so the missing digit is 8 and by the regrouping of addition we will get the result as 76, so the missing digit is 7. And in the third image, we can see that the addend is 14 and the other addend with digit 6 so by placing the digit as 5 the sum will be 70 and the missing digits will be 5 and 0.

4.6 Add Up to 3 Two-Digit Numbers

Question 13.
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On adding 12 + 32+ 18 we will get the result as 62.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 + 2 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 2, so 10 + 2= 12. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 12 + 32+ 18= 62.

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 195

On adding 50 + 28 + 18 we will get the result as 96.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 16 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 + 8 which makes 16 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 0, so 16 + 0= 16. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 50 + 28 + 18= 96.

Question 15.
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On adding 50 + 28 + 18 we will get the result as 96.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 16 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 + 8 which makes 16 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 0, so 16 + 0= 16. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 50 + 28 + 18= 96.

Question 16.
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On adding 17 + 26 + 12 we will get the result as 55.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 9 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 7 + 2 which makes 9 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 6, so 9+ 6= 15. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 17 + 26 + 12= 55.

Question 17.
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On adding 27 + 33 + 18 we will get the result as 78.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 10 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 7+ 3 which makes 10 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 8, so 10 + 8= 18. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 27 + 33 + 18= 78.

Question 18.
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On adding 15 + 18 + 16 we will get the result as 49.

In the above image, given that three numbers for addition. Here we can add the three numbers by any order, and we can make the sum 14 by adding which helps us to perform the addition easily. So we will add the right side digits 8 + 6 which makes 14 and then we will add the remaining digit which is 5, so 14 + 0= 14. Now we will perform the regrouping of addition and the result will be 15 + 18 + 16= 49.

Question 19.
Modeling Real Life
You, Newton, and Descartes play paddle ball. You record how many times each of you hits the ball in a row. How many times is the ball hit in all?
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4.7 More Problem Solving: Addition

Question 20.
Modeling Real Life
You pick 11 berries and 23 apples. Your friend picks 18 more pieces of fruit than you. How many pieces does your friend pick?
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Step 1: How many pieces of fruit do you pick?
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The number of pieces of fruits does I have is 34 fruits.

As I pick 11 berries and 23 apples, so the number of fruits I have picked is 11 + 23= 34 fruits.
Step 2: How many pieces of fruit does your friend pick?
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The number of fruits that my friend picked is 52 fruits.

As I pick 11 berries and 23 apples and my friend picks 18 more pieces of fruit than me, so the number of fruits that my friend picked is 34 + 18= 52 fruits.


Fluently Add within 100 Cumulative Practice 1-4

Question 1.
Which equation represents the array?
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The equation that represents the array is 3 + 3 + 3 + 3= 12.

The equation that represents the array is 3 + 3 + 3 + 3= 12 as the array has three rows and four columns, so the equation is 3 + 3+ 3 +3 = 12.

Question 2.
Which expressions are equal to 62 + 24?
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The expressions which are equal to 62 + 24 is 60 + 20 + 2 + 4, 60 + 26, 80 + 6.

The expressions which are equal to 62 + 24 and the result is 86 so the expressions which are equal to the sum of 86 is 60 + 20 + 2 + 4 and the result is 86, 60 + 26 the result is 86, 80 + 6 the result is 6.

Question 3.
Is each sum equal to 7 + 4?
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The equation which is equal to 7 + 4 is 10 + 1.

The sum which is equal to 7 + 4 is 10 + 1 as the sum of both equations is 11 so they both are equal.

Question 4.
Write an equation that matches the number line.
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The number line equation is 10 + 40= 50.

The equation that matches the number line is 10 + 40 and the result is 50. As we start from 10 and then jump from 10 and the size of the jump is 10 and we will take up to 50 jumps. So the equation of the number line is
10 + 40= 50.

Question 5.
Which expressions do you need to regroup to solve?
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The expressions which we need to regroup is 54 + 38 and the result is 92 and the other expression is 62 + 28 and the result is 90.

The expressions do we need to regroup and is 54 + 38 as by adding 8 + 4 we will get the result as 12, so we will regroup and add 54 + 38 and the result will be 92. And the other expression is 62 + 88 as by adding 2 + 8 we will get the result as 10, so we will regroup and add 62 + 28 and the result will be 90.

Question 6.
Which equation has an even sum greater than 14?
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The equation that has an even sum whihc is greater than 14 is 8 + 8 which is 16.

In the above, we can see that even sum greater than 14 is 8 + 8 as the sum of 8 + 8 is 16 and 16 is divisible by 2 which is an even number and the number 16 is greater than 14.

Question 7.
There are 4 rows of trees. Each row has 5 trees. How many trees are there in all?
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The number of trees there in all is 20 trees.

As there are 4 rows of trees and each row has 5 trees, so the number of trees is 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4= 20 trees. So the number of trees is 20 trees.

Question 8.
You have 16 oranges. You give 7 away. How many oranges do you have left?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 212

The number of oranges does I have left is 11 oranges.

As I have 16 oranges and I gave 7 away, so the total number of oranges does I have left is 16 – 7= 11 oranges.

Question 9.
Find the sum.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 213

The result of the first image is 71 and the result of the second image is 87.

The sum of the first image is 24 + 12 + 35 and the result is 71 and the sum of the second image is 31 + 14 + 42 and the result is 87.

Question 10.
Find the sum. Write the double you used.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 215

The sum of the double of the addends is 30.

The sum of 7 + 8 is 15, so the double of the addends is 14 + 16, and the sum of the addends is 14 + 16= 30.

Question 11.
Break apart the addends to find 42 + 37.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 216

The Break apart of the addend is 42 + 37= 79.

Here to break apart the addends of part of the sequence and a sequence that sets the numbers in order. This partial sum calculates partial sum which will be working one place value column at a time and then add all the partial sums to find the total. And this partial sum can be added in any order but working with the left to right is the usual procedure. So here we will add tens and add the ones and then we will add the partial sum to find the whole sum of the 42 + 37 which is 79. So here first we will add tens which are 40 and 30 we will add both the numbers which will be 70 and now we will add ones which are 2 and 7 will be 9. So the total value of 70 + 9 will be 70 + 9= 79.

Question 12.
You have 64 craft sticks for a project. 22 are red. The rest are yellow. You buy 39 more yellow craft sticks. How many yellow craft sticks do you have now?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 217
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 2 Chapter 4 Fluently Add within 100 218

The total number of yellow craft sticks do I have is 81 sticks.

As I have 64 craft sticks for a project and there are 22 red sticks so the number of yellow sticks is 64 – 22= 42 yellow sticks and I bought 39 more yellow craft sticks, so the number of yellow sticks is 42 + 39= 81 yellow craft sticks.


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Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions

Big Ideas Math Book 5th Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions helps the students who are willing to be perfect in their Math skills and also to helps the parents guiding their children to get a good score in examinations. In this chapter numerical expressions, one can download this pdf for free of cost. And in this chapter, each and every question was explained in detail which helps students to understand easily. Get started to stop those hurdling times to studying hard to grasping the solutions by learning these methods of solving modern math problems in an effective way. This chapter Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions explains various types of questions.

Big Ideas Math Book 5th Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions

In this chapter, we can see different topics on Numerical Expressions, Number properties, Order of operations, Evaluating numerical expressions, and practice questions. Those topics were being set up by the mathematical professionals as indicated by the most recent release. Look down this page to get the answers to all the inquiries. Click on the links to look at the subjects shrouded in this chapter Numerical Expressions.

Lesson 1 Number Properties

Lesson 2 Order of Operations

Lesson 3 Write Numerical Expressions

Lesson 4 Evaluate Expressions with Grouping Symbols

Performance Task

Lesson 2.1 Number Properties

Explore and Grow

Use all four numbers on the game card below to write an expression that has a value of 24. You can use any number of the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 1

We will use addition, multiplication, and division to get the value as 24.

In the game card, we can see that the four numbers are 2, 3, 9, 1. So to get the value as 24 we will add 9 + 3 which is 12 and then we will multiply the value 12 with 2  which is 12 × 2 = 24 and then we will divide the value with 1 which is 24 ÷ 1= 24. So here the operations used are addition, multiplication, and division to get the value 24.

Write another expression that has a value of 24 using the game card above.
We will use addition and multiplication to get the value as 24.

In the game card, we can see that the four numbers are 2, 3, 9, 1. So to get the value as 24 we will add 9 + 3 which is 12 and then we will multiply the value 12 with 2  which is 12 × 2 = 24. So to use another expression we will multiply the value with 1 which is 24 × 1= 24. So here the operations used are addition and multiplication to get the value 24.

Think and Grow: Use Number Properties

Key Idea
Here are several number properties.
Commutative Properties: Changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product.
3 + 5 = 5 + 3
3 × 5 = 5 × 3
Associative Properties: Changing the grouping of addends or factors does not change the sum or product.
(2 + 4) + 1 = 2 + (4 + 1)
(2 × 4) × 1 = 2 × (4 × 1)
Addition Property of Zero: The sum of any number and 0 is that number.
8 + 0 = 8
Multiplication Properties of Zero and One:
The product of any number and 0 is 0. 5 × 0 = 0
The product of any number and 1 is that number. 7 × 1 = 7
Distributive Property: Multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 2
Complete the equation. Identify the property shown.
32 + 29 + 8 = 29 + ______ + 8
_______ Property of Addition
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 3

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Complete the equation. Identify the property shown.
9 × 15 = 15 × ______
The equation is 9 × 15 = 15 × 9. And the property which is used is the Commutative property.

The equation is 9 × 15 = 15 × 9. And the property which is used is the Commutative property.
Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the equation is 9 × 15 = 15  × 9.

Question 2.
Use the Distributive Property to find 8 × 49.
The equation is (8 × 40) + (8 × 9) and the property used is Distributive property.

Given that 8 × 49, by distributive property the equation will be
= 8 × (40 + 9)
= (8 × 40) + (8 × 9)
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Complete the equation. Identify the property shown.
Question 3.
1 × _____ = 17
The equation is 1 × 17= 17 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of One.

The equation is 1 × 17 = 17.
The property used to complete this equation is Multiplication Properties of One which means the product of any number and 1 is that number. So the equation will be 1 × 17 = 17.

Question 4.
248 + 0 = ______
The equation is 248 + 0= 248 and the property used is the Addition Property of Zero.

The equation is 248 + 0= 248.
The property used is the Addition Property of Zero which means the sum of any number and 0 is that number. So the equation will be 248 + 0= 248.

Question 5.
23 + 145 + 7 = 23 + 7 + _____
The equation is 23 + 145 + 7= 23 + 7 + 145. And the property which is used is the Commutative property.

The equation is 23 + 145 + 7= 23 + 7 + 145. And the property which is used is the Commutative property.
Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the equation is 23 + 145 + 7= 23 + 7 + 145.

Question 6.
3 × (10 + 2) = (3 × 10) + (3 × ______)
The equation is 3 × (10 + 2)= (3 × 10) + (3 × 2) and the property used is the Distributive Property.

The equation is 3 × (10 + 2)= (3 × 10) + (3 × 2)
The Distributive Property is a property in which Multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the equation is 3 × (10 + 2)= (3 × 10) + (3 × 2).

Use the Distributive Property to find the product.
Question 7.
5 × 97
The equation is
5 × 97 = 5 × (90 + 7)
= (5 × 90) + (5 × 7) and the property used is Distributive property.

Given that 5 × 97, by distributive property the equation will be
= 5 × (90 + 7)
= (5 × 90) + (5 × 7)
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the equation is
5 × 97 = 5 × (90 + 7)
= (5 × 90) + (5 × 7).

Question 8.
83 × 7
The equation is
83 × 7 = 7 × (80 + 3)
= (7 × 80) + (7 × 3) and the property used is Distributive property.

Given that 7 × 83, by distributive property the equation will be
= 7 × (80 + 3)
= (7× 80) + (7 × 3)
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the equation is
7 × 83 = 7 × (80 + 3)
= (7 × 80) + (7 × 3)

Use a property to find the sum or product. Identify the property you used.
Question 9.
4 + (6 + 27)
The sum of 4 + (6 + 27) is 37 and the property which is used is the Commutative property.

The sum of 4 + (6 + 27) is 37 and the property which is used is the Commutative property.
Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the sum is 37.

Question 10.
5 × 49 × 0
The product of 5 × 49 × 0 is 0 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of Zero.

The product of 5 × 49 × 0 is 0 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of Zero.
Multiplication Properties of Zero is the product of any number and 0 is 0. So 5 × 49 × 0 is 0.

Question 11.
11 + 16 + 89
The sum of 11 + 16 + 89 is 116 and the property which is used is the Commutative property.

The sum of 11 + 16 + 89 is 116 and the property which is used is the Commutative property.
Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the sum is 116.

Question 12.
Your friend uses the Distributive Property to find 4 × 46. Is your friend correct? Explain.
4 × 46 = 4 × (50 – 4)
= (4 × 50) – (4 × 4)
= 200 – 16
= 184
Yes, my friend is correct. He uses distributive property correctly.

Yes, my friend is correct. By distributive property, the equation will be
4 × 46 = 4 × (50 – 4)
= (4 × 50) – (4 × 4)
= 200 – 16
= 184.
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the equation is

Question 13.
Can you use the Associative Property with subtraction? Explain. Use an example to justify your answer.
No, we cannot use the Associative Property with subtraction.

No, we cannot use the Associative Property with subtraction. As Associative property means changing the grouping of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So Associative property can only be used for addition or multiplication. And the subtraction doesn’t have the associative property because for example if we take 20 and10 and subtract the first two numbers 20 minus 10 then the result will be 10. So changing the way of associating the numbers in subtraction can change the result. So the subtraction doesn’t have the associative property.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

There are three types of animals at a shelter. How many animals are there in all?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 4
Find the number of each type of animal at the shelter.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 5
Add the numbers of dogs, cats, and rabbits.
16 + 22 + 4 = ____ + ____ + ____ Commutative Property of Addition
= _____ + _____ Add.
= _____ Add.
There are _____ animals in all.

The total number of animals in the shelter is 42 animals.
Add the numbers of dogs, cats, and rabbits.
16 + 22 + 4 = 4 + 22 + 16 Commutative Property of Addition
= 26 + 16 Add.
= 42 Add.
There are 42 animals in all.

Given that each paw is equal to four pets. So the dog has four paws which means 4 × 4 = 16. The total number of dogs is 16 dogs. And cats have five paws and a half paw so the total number of cats is 5 × 4= 20 as one paw is equal to four so the half paw is two animals. So the total number of cats is 20 + 2= 22 cats. And rabbit has one paw so the total number of rabbits is 4 rabbits. So to find the total number of animals is we will add all the animals and add the numbers of dogs, cats, and rabbits. So
16 + 22 + 4 = 4 + 22 + 16 Commutative Property of Addition
= 26 + 16 Add.
= 42 Add.
There are 42 animals in all.

Show and Grow

Question 14.
You play three different video games in an evening. How many minutes do you play video games in all?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 6
The total number of minutes the video game is playing is 66 minutes.

Given that each clock is six minutes. And given that dancing has three clocks and a half clock. So the total number of minutes in playing dancing is 3 × 6= 18 minutes, as each clock is 6 minutes, so the half clock will be 3 minutes. So the total number of minutes in playing dancing is 18 + 3= 21 minutes. And given that puzzle has two clocks and a half clock, so the total number of minutes in playing puzzle is 1 × 6= 6 as each clock is 6 minutes, so the half clock will be 3 minutes. So the total number of minutes in playing dancing is 6 + 3= 9 minutes. And given that racing has six clocks. So the total number of minutes in playing racing is 6 × 6= 36 minutes. So the total number of minutes in playing dancing is 18 + 3= 21 minutes. So the total number of minutes the video game is playing is
21 minutes + 9 minutes + 36 minutes which is 66 minutes.

Question 15.
Tickets for a school play are sold out. The auditorium has 4 sections. Each section has 25 rows with 15 seats in each row. Each ticket costs $2. How much money is raised in ticket sales?
The total amount raised in the ticket sale is $3,000.

As there are four sections in the auditorium and each section has 25 rows with 15 seats in each row and each ticket costs $2. So first we need to find the total number of seats. For that, we should multiple numbers of rows and the seats which are 25 × 15= 375 seats. And there are four sections, so 4 × 375= 1,500. So there are 1500 total seats. And each ticket costs $2, for 1500 seats it will be 1500 × 2= 3,000. So the total amount raised in the ticket sale is $3,000.

Number Properties Homework & Practice 2.1

Complete the equation. Identify the property shown.
Question 1.
687 × ____ = 0
The equation is 687 × 0 = 0 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of Zero.

The equation is 687 × 0 = 0 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of Zero.
As Multiplication Properties of Zero is the product of any number and 0 is 0. So 687 × 0 is 0.

Question 2.
15 + 13 = 13 + _____
The equation is 15 + 13 = 13 + 15 and the property which is used is the Commutative property.

The equation is 15 + 13 = 13 + 15 and the property which is used is the Commutative property.
As the Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the equation will be 15 + 13 = 13 + 15.

Question 3.
4 × 7 × 25 = 4 × _____ × 7
The equation is 4 × 7 × 25 = 4 × 25 × 7 and the property used is Associative Property.

The equation is 4 × 7 × 25 = 4 × 25 × 7 and the property used is Associative Property.
As Associative Property means changing the grouping of addends or factors does not change the sum or product.
4 × 7 × 25 = 4 × 25 × 7

Question 4.
6 × (20 – 3) = (6 × 20) – (6 × _____)
The equation is 6 × (20 – 3) = (6 × 20) – (6 × 3) and the property used is Distributive property.

The equation is 6 × (20 – 3) = (6 × 20) – (6 × 3) and the property used is Distributive property.
Distributive Property is a property of Multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products.

Use the Distributive Property to find the product.
Question 5.
4 × 78
The product is
4 × 78 = 4 × (70 + 8)
= (4 × 70) + (4 × 8)
= 280 + 32
= 312
and the property used is the Distributive Property.

The product is
4 × 78 = 4 × (70 + 8)
= (4 × 70) + (4 × 8)
= 280 + 32
= 312
The Distributive Property is a property in which Multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the product of 4 × 78 is
= 4 × (70 + 8)
= (4 × 70) + (4 × 8)
= 280 + 32
= 312.

Question 6.
23 × 8
The product is
23 × 8 = 8 × (20 + 3)
= (8 × 20) + (8 × 3)
= 160 + 24
= 184
and the property used is the Distributive Property.

The product is
23 × 8 = 8 × (20 + 3)
= (8 × 20) + (8 × 3)
= 160 + 24
= 184
The Distributive Property is a property in which Multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the product of 23 × 8 is
= 8 × (20 + 3)
= (8 × 20) + (8 × 3)
= 160 + 24
= 184.

Use a property to find the sum or product. Identify the property you used.
Question 7.
6 × 43
The product is
6 × 43 = 6 × (40 + 3)
= (6 × 40) + (6 × 3)
= 240 + 18
= 258.
and the property used is the Distributive Property.

The product is
6 × 43 = 6 × (40 + 3)
= (6 × 40) + (6 × 3)
= 240 + 18
= 258.
The Distributive Property is a property in which Multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the product of 6 × 43 is
= 6 × (40 + 3)
= (6 × 40) + (6 × 3)
= 240 + 18
= 258.

Question 8.
339 + 0 + 54
The equation is 23 + 145 + 7= 23 + 7 + 145. And the property which is used is the Commutative property.

The sum is 339 + 0 + 54 = 393. And the property which is used is the Commutative property.
Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the equation is 339 + 0 + 54 = 54 + 339 + 0.

Question 9.
25 × 8 × 2
The equation is 25 × 8 × 2 = 400. And the property which is used is the Commutative property.

The product is 25 × 8 × 2 = 400. And the property which is used is the Commutative property.
Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the equation is 25 × 8 × 2 = 25 × 8 × 2.

Question 10.
Number Sense
To find 29 + (11 + 16), your friend adds 29 and 11. Then he adds 16 to the sum. Which property did he use and why?
The property which is used is the Commutative property. And the equation can be written as
29 + 11 + 16 = 29 + 11 + 16.

Given equation is 29 + (11 + 16) and my friend adds 29 and 11 after that he adds 16 to find the sum. And the property which is used is the Commutative property. And Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the equation can be written as
29 + 11 + 16 = 29 + 11 + 16.

Question 11.
Explain how using properties can help you mentally find answers to problems.
Using the properties like Commutative property, Distributive property, Associative Properties, Addition Property of Zero, Multiplication Properties of Zero & One helps us mentally in finding answers to problems by this process and we can solve the problems easily by these properties and everyone can identify this property. With these properties, we can write the equivalent expressions which help us to solve mental problems.

Question 12.
Number Sense
Newton uses two properties to rewrite the expression (4 × 23) × 25. Identify the properties he uses. Why would Newton use these properties?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 7
The property Newton used is the Commutative property.

The property Newton used is the Commutative property. Newton uses Commutative Property because by Commutative property changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the equation can be written as 4 × 23 × 25. = 25 × 4 × 23.

Question 13.
Modeling Real Life
Before performing an experiment, students are asked to predict which substance will melt an ice cube the fastest. How many students make a prediction? Identify the property you used.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 8
The total number of students who have participated in the prediction is 76 students and the property used is commutative property.

Given that each emoji is 8 students, so the salt has two emojis that mean 2 × 8= 16 students. So the students who have predicted the salt are 16 students. And the sugar has three emojis and a half emoji that means 3 × 8= 24 students and a half emoji means, as each emoji is 8 students, so half emoji is 4 students and the total number of students is 24 + 4= 28 students. So the students who have predicted the sugar are 28 students. And the water has four emojis that means 4 × 8= 32 students. So the students who have predicted the water are 32 students.
The total number of students who have participated in the prediction is
16 students + 28 students + 32 students = 76 students. So the total number of students who have participated in the prediction is 76 students. And the property used is commutative property. And Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the equation can be written as
16 + 28 + 32= 32 + 16 +28.

Question 14.
Modeling Real Life
An apartment building has 35 floors with 12 apartments on each floor. There are 300 apartments that have 2 bedrooms. The rest of the apartments have 1 bedroom. How many 1-bedroom apartments are in the building? How can you use the Distributive Property to help solve this problem mentally?

Review & Refresh

Find the sum. Check whether your answer is reasonable.
Question 15.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 9
By adding 8,968 and 4,683 we will get the sum of 13,651.

By adding 8,968 and 4,683 we will get the sum of 13,651. To check whether the answer is reasonable we will subtract 4,683 with 13,651 the difference will be 8,968. So the answer is reasonable.

Question 16.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 10
By adding 75,310 and 8,596 we will get the sum of 83,906.

By adding 75,310 and 8,596 we will get the sum of 83,906. To check whether the answer is reasonable we will subtract8,596 with 83,906 the difference will be 75,310. So the answer is reasonable.

Question 17.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.1 11
By adding 90,583 and 19,877 we will get the sum of 110,460.

By adding 90,583 and 19,877 we will get the sum of 110,460. To check whether the answer is reasonable we will subtract 19,877 with 110,460 the difference will be 90,583. So the answer is reasonable.

Lesson 2.2 Order of Operations

Explore and Grow

Two students were asked to find the value of the expression below and they got different answers. Only one student has the correct answer. The students did not make any mistakes in their calculations. How did they get different answers?
24 + 16 ÷ 4 – 2
The other student did not use the BODMAS rule so the other student calculation is not correct.

To find the value of the expression 24 + 16 ÷ 4 – 2 first we will divide 16 by 4 then the result will be 4. Now we will add result 4 with the number 24 which is 24 + 4= 28. And now we will subtract the number 2 with 28 which is
28 – 2= 26. This expression was done by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. And this was done by one student. Now the other student has done the same expression in a different way. The expression is 24 + 16 ÷ 4 – 2, so the other student solves the expression by first adding 24 and 16 which is 24 + 16= 40, and then we will divide 40 by 4, so the result will be 10. And now we will subtract 2 with 10 and the result will be 10 – 2= 8. So the other student’s answer will be 8 which is not correct because the other student did not use the BODMAS rule so the other student’s calculation is not correct.

Why is it important to have rules when finding values of expressions that contain more than one operation?
It is important to have the rules when finding the values of expressions that contain more than one operation because the rules tell that the right order in which we will solve different parts of a math problem. And the order of operations is very important because it guarantees that we can all read and solve the problem in the same way.

Think and Grow: Use Order of Operations

Key Idea
A numerical expression is an expression that contains numbers and operations. When you evaluate a numerical expression, you find the value of the expression.
When evaluating a numerical expression, use a set of rules called the order of operations. These rules tell you the order in which to perform the operations.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 1
Order of Operations
1. Perform operations in parentheses
2. Multiply and divide from left to right
3. Add and subtract from left to right

Evaluate 19 – 18 ÷ 6.
Using the order of operations, divide first. Then subtract.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 2
So, 19 – 18 ÷ 6 = _______.

Evaluate 30 ÷ (3 + 7) × 2.
Using the order of operations, perform the addition in the parentheses first. Then multiply and divide from left to right.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 3
So, 30 ÷ (3 + 7) × 2 = ______.

Show and Grow

Evaluate the expression.
Question 1.
24 + 4 ÷ 2
The value of the expression 24 + 4 ÷ 2 is 26.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right.  And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the division part of the expression which is 4 ÷ 2 = 2 and the result will be 2. Now we solve the addition part, we will add the result with 24 which is 24 + 2 = 26. So the value of the expression is 26.

Question 2.
12 + (10 – 3) × 8
The value of the expression 12 + (10 – 3) × 8 is 68.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the parentheses part which is (10 – 3)= 7 and the result will be 7. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is 7 × 8= 56 and the result will be 56. And now we will solve the addition part which is 12 + 56= 68. So the value of the expression is 68.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Evaluate the expression.
Question 3.
25 + (10 ÷ 5)
The value of the expression is 27.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the parentheses part which is (10 ÷ 5)= 2 and the result will be 2. Now we will add the result with 25 which is 25 + 2= 27. So the value of the expression is 27.

Question 4.
10 + 10 + 7
The sum of the expression 10 + 10 +7 is 27.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. As there are no other expressions rather than addition we will perform addition to the given expression 10 + 10 + 7 and the sum of the expression
10 + 10 +7 is 27.

Question 5.
48 ÷ (8 – 2)
The value of the expression 48 ÷ (8 – 2) is 8.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. So first we will solve the parentheses which is (8 – 2)= 6. Now we will perform division operation for 48 by 6 and the result will be 8. So the value of the expression 48 ÷ (8 – 2) is 8.

Question 6.
(45 + 25) ÷ 10
The value of the expression (45 + 25) ÷ 10 is 7.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. So first will solve the parentheses part which is (45 + 25)= 70 and now we will perform division 70 ÷ 10 and the result will be 7. So the value of the expression (45 + 25) ÷ 10 is 7.

Question 7.
63 – 54 ÷ 9
The value of the expression 63 – 54 ÷ 9 is 57.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the division part which is 54 ÷ 9= 6 and the result is 6. Now we will subtract the result with 63 which is 63 – 6= 57. So the value of the expression 63 – 54 ÷ 9 is 57.

Question 8.
\(\left(\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\right) \times 5\)
The value of the expression \(\left(\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\right) \times 5\) is 5.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the parentheses part which is \(\left(\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\right) so the value will be 1. And now we will perform the multiplication part which is 1 × 5= 5. So the value of the expression [latex]\left(\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\right) \times 5\) is 5.

Question 9.
15 + (16 – 6) × 1
The value of the expression 15 + (16 – 6) × 1 is 25.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (16 – 6)= 10 and the result will be 6. Now we will perform the multiplication part which is 10 × 1= 10 and the result will be 10. And now we will perform the addition which is 15 + 10 then the result will be 25. So the value of the expression 15 + (16 – 6) × 1 is 25.

Question 10.
(18 + 23 + 22) ÷ 9
The value of the expression (18 + 23 + 22) ÷ 9 is 7.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (18 + 23 + 22)= 63 and the result will be 63. Now we will perform division which is
63 ÷ 9= 7. So the value of the expression (18 + 23 + 22) ÷ 9 is 7.

Question 11.
80 – 6 × 5 × 2
The value of the expression 80 – 6 × 5 × 2 will be 20.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the multiplication part which is 6 × 5 × 2= 60 and the result will be 60. Now we will solve the subtraction part which is 80 – 60= 20. So the value of the expression 80 – 6 × 5 × 2 will be 20.

Insert parentheses to make the statement true.
Question 12.
6 + 2 × 7 = 56
The expression after inserting parentheses is (6 +2) × 7.

Given the expression is 6 + 2 × 7. So we will insert the parentheses for 6 + 2, then the expression will be
(6 +2) × 7. So we will solve the expression using the BODMAS rule, now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (6 +2)= 8. And now we will perform the multiplication part which is 8 × 7= 56. So the statement is true by inserting the parentheses for 6 + 2.

Question 13.
18 – 6 ÷ 2 + 5 = 11
The expression after inserting parentheses is (18 – 6) ÷ 2 + 5.

Given the expression is 18 – 6 ÷ 2 + 5. So we will insert the parentheses for 18 – 6, then the expression will be
(18 – 6) ÷ 2 + 5. So we will solve the expression using the BODMAS rule, now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (18 – 6)= 12. And now we will perform division which is 12 ÷ 2= 6. Now we will perform the addition part which is 6 + 5= 11. So the statement is true by inserting the parentheses for 18 – 6.

Question 14.
10 + 2 × 4 – 1 = 16
The statement is true by inserting parentheses for 4 – 1 and the expression is 10 + 2 ×(4 – 1).

Given the expression is 10 + 2 × 4 – 1. So we will insert the parentheses for 4 – 1, then the expression will be
10 + 2 ×(4 – 1). So we will solve the expression using the BODMAS rule, now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (4 – 1)= 3. And now we will perform the multiplication part which is 2 × 3= 6. And now we will add the result 6 with 10 which is 10 + 6= 16. So the statement is true by inserting parentheses for 4 – 1.

Question 15.
Is Newton correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 4
No, Newton is not correct.

No, Newton is not correct. Because Newton did not use the BODMAS rule to solve the expression. By using the BODMAS rule first Newton should solve the division part and then he should solve the addition part.

Question 16.
Describe how you can evaluate 9 × (40 + 5) two different ways.
The expression 9 × (40 + 5) can be solved by the BODMAS way and the other way to solve the expression is by Distributive property.

Given the expression is 9 × (40 + 5), so to solve the expression we will use the BODMAS rule. So by the BODMAS rule first we will solve the parentheses part which is (40 + 5)= 45 and then we will solve the multiplication part which s 9 × 45= 405. This process is one way to solve the given expression. Another way to solve the expression is by Distributive property and the equation can be solved as
9 × (40 + 5) = (9 × 40) + (9 + 5)
= 360 + 451
= 405.
and this property is called as Distributive property which means Distributive Property is a property of Multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

A robotics team orders 14 shirts. The order has a $9 shipping fee. Use the expression 14 × 12 + 9 to find how much the team spends on the order.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 5
Evaluate 14 × 12 + 9 using the order of operations.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 6
The team spends _____ on the order.

The team spends $177 on the order.

As robotic team orders, 14 shirts and the order has a $9 shipping fee and the given expression is 14 × 12 + 9. We can solve this expression by the BODMAS rule in which BODMAS stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the multiplication part which is stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the multiplication part which is 14 × 12= 168 and then we will solve the addition part which is 168 + 9= 177. So the team spends $177 on the order.

Show and Grow

Question 17.
A parking garage has 7 floors with 109 spaces on each floor. There are 486 spaces being used. Use the expression 7 × 109 – 486 to find how many spaces are not being used.
The number of spaces that are not being used is 1,367.

As a parking garage has 7 floors with 109 spaces on each floor and there are 486 spaces being used, so given expression is 7 × 109 – 486. So the given expression first we will solve the multiplication part by the BODMAS rule in which BODMAS stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So now first we will solve the multiplication part which is 7 × 109= 1,853 and then we will solve the subtraction part which is
1853 – 486= 1,367. So the number of spaces that are not being used is 1,367.

Question 18.
At a fair, you ride the swinging ship 3 times and the bumper cars 5 times. Use the expression (3 × 2) + (5 × 4) to find how many tickets you use in all.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 7
The number of tickets I have used is 26 tickets.

As a fair has a swinging ship and a bumper car and I rode the swinging ship 3 times and the bumper cars 5 times, so the given expression is (3 × 2) + (5 × 4). By the BODMAS rule first, we will solve the parentheses part and in which BODMAS stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So now first we will solve the parentheses part which is (3 × 2) + (5 × 4)= 6 + 20 and then we will solve the addition part which is 6 + 20= 26. So the number of tickets I have used is 26 tickets.

Question 19.
You download 128 songs and divide them into4 equal-sized playlists. You delete 1 playlist. Then you download 56 more songs. Use the expression 128 – (128 ÷ 4) + 56 to find how many songs you have now.
The number of songs we had is 40 songs.

As I have downloaded 128 songs and divide them into 4 equal-sized playlists and then deleted 1 playlist. Then I have downloaded 56 more songs, so the given expression is 128 – (128 ÷ 4) + 56. By the BODMAS rule first we will solve the parentheses part and in which BODMAS stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So now first we will solve the parentheses part which is (128 ÷ 4)= 32 and now we will solve the addition part which is 32 + 56= 88, and now we will solve the subtraction part which is 128 – 88= 40. So the number of songs we have is 40 songs.

Question 20.
A politician buys 3 boxes of campaign buttons. There are 60 buttons in each box. He divides the buttons into4 equal groups. How many buttons are in each group?
There will be 45 buttons in each group.

As a politician buys 3 boxes of campaign buttons and there are 60 buttons in each box. So the total number of buttons is 3 × 60= 180 buttons and then he divides the buttons into four equal groups. So the number of buttons in each group is 180 ÷ 4= 45. So there will be 45 buttons in each group.

Order of Operations Homework & Practice 2.2

Evaluate the expression.
Question 1.
(8 – 2) × 4
The value of the expression (8 – 2) × 4 will be 24.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the parentheses part which is (8 – 2)= 6 and the result will be 6. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is 6 × 4= 24. So the value of the expression (8 – 2) × 4 will be 24.

Question 2.
7 + (6 ÷ 3)
The value of the expression 7 + (6 ÷ 3) will be 10.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the parentheses part which is (6 ÷ 3)= 3 and the result will be 3. Now we will solve the addition part which is 7 + 3= 10. So the value of the expression 7 + (6 ÷ 3) will be 10.

Question 3.
5 × (6 + 2)
The value of the expression 5 × (6 + 2) will be 40.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the parentheses part which is (6 + 2)= 8 and the result will be 8. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is 5 × 8= 40. So the value of the expression 5 × (6 + 2) will be 40.

Question 4.
21 + 42 ÷ 7
The value of the expression 21 + 42 ÷ 7 will be 27.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the Division part which is 42 ÷ 7= 6 and the result will be 6. Now we will solve the addition part which is 21 + 6= 27. So the value of the expression 21 + 42 ÷ 7 will be 27.

Question 5.
\(\left(\frac{1}{4}+\frac{2}{4}+\frac{3}{4}\right)\) × 2
The value of the expression \(\left(\frac{1}{4}+\frac{2}{4}+\frac{3}{4}\right)\) × 2 will be 3.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve parentheses part which is \(\left(\frac{1}{4}+\frac{2}{4}+\frac{3}{4}\right)\)= 6/4 and the result will be 3/2. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is 3/2 × 2= 3. So the value of the expression
\(\left(\frac{1}{4}+\frac{2}{4}+\frac{3}{4}\right)\) × 2 will be 3.

Question 6.
86 – 9 × 6
The value of the expression 86 – 9 × 6 will be 32.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the multiplication part which is 9 × 6= 54 and the result will be 54. Now we will solve the subtraction part which is 86 – 54= 32. So the value of the expression 86 – 9 × 6 will be 32.

Question 7.
56 – 22 ÷ 2
The value of the expression 56 – 22 ÷ 2 will be 45.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the division part which is 22 ÷ 2= 11 and the result will be 11. Now we will solve the subtraction part which is 56 – 11= 45. So the value of the expression 56 – 22 ÷ 2 will be 45.

Question 8.
27 + 11 × 4
The value of the expression 27 + 11 × 4 will be 71.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the multiplication part which is 11 × 4= 44 and the result will be 44. Now we will solve the addition part which is 27 + 44= 71. So the value of the expression 27 + 11 × 4 will be 71.

Question 9.
21 – (12 + 6) ÷ 9
The value of the expression 21 – (12 + 6) ÷ 9 will be 19.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the parentheses part which is (12 + 6)= 18 and the result will be 18. Now we will solve the division part which is 18 ÷ 9= 2 and now we will solve the subtraction part which is 21 – 2= 19. So the value of the expression 21 – (12 + 6) ÷ 9 will be 19.

Evaluate the expression.
Question 10.
9 × (5 + 15) – 42
The value of the expression 9 × (5 + 15) – 42 will be 138.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the parentheses part which is (5 + 15)= 20 and the result will be 20. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is 9 × 20= 180 and now we will solve the subtraction part which is 180 – 42= 138. So the value of the expression 9 × (5 + 15) – 42 will be 138.

Question 11.
14 + 56 ÷ 7 – 6
The value of the expression 14 + 56 ÷ 7 – 6 will be 16.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the division part which is 56 ÷ 7= 8 and the result will be 8. Now we will solve the addition part which is 14 + 8= 22 and now we will solve the subtraction part which is 22- 6= 16. So the value of the expression 14 + 56 ÷ 7 – 6 will be 16.

Question 12.
(106 + 350 + 244) ÷ 10
The value of the expression (106 + 350 + 244) ÷ 10 will be 70.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will solve the parentheses part which is (106 + 350 + 244) and the result will be 700. Now we will solve the division part which is 700 ÷ 10= 70. So the value of the expression (106 + 350 + 244) ÷ 10 will be 70.

Insert parentheses to make the statement true.
Question 13.
36 – 9 ÷ 9 = 3
The statement is true by inserting parentheses for 36 – 9.

Given the expression is 36 – 9 ÷ 9 = 3. So we will insert the parentheses for 36 – 9, then the expression will be
(36 – 9) ÷ 9. So we will solve the expression using the BODMAS rule, now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (36 – 9)= 27. And now we will perform the division part which is 27 ÷ 9= 3. So the statement is true by inserting parentheses for 36 – 9.

Question 14.
12 + 8 ÷ 4 + 1 = 6
The statement is true by inserting parentheses for 12 + 8.

Given the expression is 12 + 8 ÷ 4 + 1 = 6. So we will insert the parentheses for 12 + 8, then the expression will be
(12 + 8) ÷ 4 + 1. So we will solve the expression using the BODMAS rule, now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (12 + 8)= 20. And now we will perform the division part which is 20 ÷ 4= 5, now we will solve the addition part which is 5 + 1=6. So the statement is true by inserting parentheses for 12 + 8.

Question 15.
10 + 4 × 12 – 6 = 34
The statement is true by inserting parentheses for 12 – 6.

Given the expression is 10 + 4 × 12 – 6 = 34. So we will insert the parentheses for 12 + 8, then the expression will be 10 + 4 × (12 – 6). So we will solve the expression using the BODMAS rule, now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (12 – 6)= 6. And now we will perform the multiplication part which is 4 × 6= 24, now we will solve the addition part which is 10 + 24=34. So the statement is true by inserting parentheses for 12 – 6.

Question 16.
Your friend says that because of the order of operations, the expressions are equivalent. Is your friend correct? Explain.
10 – (5 × 2) + 7    10 – 5 × 2 + 7
Yes, my friend is correct.

Yes, my friend is correct. The expressions are equivalent because of the order of operations. By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So if we solve the expression without parentheses we will get the same result. So my friend is correct.

Question 17.
Number Sense
Which expressions have a value of 9?
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 8
On solving all the expressions the expression 5 + 40 ÷ 5 – 4, 5 × (10 – 4) – 21 has got the value of 9.

To check which expression has a value of 9, we will follow the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So the first expression is
2 + 1 × 3= 2 + 3, here first we will solve the multiplication part by the order of operations and then we will solve the addition part.
on solving we will get the result as 5.
So the first expression didn’t get the value as 9.
The second expression is
3 × 4 – 1= 12 – 1, here first we will solve the multiplication part by the order of operations and then we will solve the addition part.
on solving we will get the result as 11.
So the second expression didn’t get the value as 9.
The third expression is
5 + 40 ÷ 5 – 4 = 5 + 8 – 4
= 13 – 4, here first we will solve the division part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part, and then the subtraction part.
On solving we will get the result as 9.
So the expression has the value 9.
The fourth expression is
40 – 30 ÷ 10 + 8 = 40 – 3 +8
= 40 – 11, here first we will solve the division part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part, and then the subtraction part.
On solving we will get the result as 29.
So the expression didn’t get the value as 9.
The fifth expression is
18 ÷ (8+0+18) = 18 ÷ (26), here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the division part. By seeing the solution we can say that the expression didn’t get the value 9.
The sixth expression is
5 × (10 – 4) – 21 = 5 × (6) – 21
= 30 – 21, here first we will solve the parentheses part by order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part, and then we will solve the subtraction part.
On solving we will get the result as 9.
So the expression has the value 9.
On solving all the expressions the expression 5 + 40 ÷ 5 – 4, 5 × (10 – 4) – 21 has got the value of 9.

Question 18.
Modeling Real Life
Fifth graders at a school write a paper about a historical person for a contest. There are 5 classes of 25 students and 1 class of 28 students participating in the contest. Use the expression 5 × 25 + 28 to find how many students participate in the contest.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 9
The number of students who participated in the contest is 153.

As there are 5 classes of 25 students and 1 class of 28 students participating in the contest and the given expression is 5 × 25 + 28. So, here first we will solve the multiplication part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part. So
5 × 25 + 28= 125 + 28
On solving the expression we will get the result as 153. So the number of students who participated in the contest is 153.

Review & Refresh

Divide. Then check your answer.
Question 19.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 10
On dividing 832 ÷ 8 we will get the result as 104.

On dividing 832 ÷ 8 we will get the result as 104. To check the answer we will multiply the result 104 and 8 which is 104 × 8= 832.

Question 20.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 11
On dividing 215 ÷ 7 we will get the result as 30.71.

On dividing 215 ÷ 7 we will get the result as 30.71. To check the answer we will multiply the result 30.71 and 7 which is 30.71 × 7= 214.97.

Question 21.
Big Ideas Math Answers 5th Grade Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.2 12
On dividing 5,078 ÷ 5 we will get the result as 1015.6.

On dividing 5,078 ÷ 5 we will get the result as 1015.6. To check the answer we will multiply the result 1015.6 and 5 which is 1015.6 × 7= 5,078.

Lesson 2.3 Write Numerical Expressions

Explore and Grow

Write a real-life problem that can be represented by one of the expressions below. Switch papers with your partner. Which expression represents your partner’s problem? Explain.
7 × (8 + 5)
(7 × 8) + 5
The expression represented by the partner is (7 × 8) + 5.

Given that the expressions are 7 × (8 + 5) and (7 × 8) + 5. So the solution for my problem is
7 × (8 + 5)= 7 × (12), here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. On solving we will get the result as 84. While checking my friend’s paper he solved the expression (7 × 8) + 5= 56 +5, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part. On solving we will get the result as 61. AS the parentheses are different in the expression so the answer differs.

Make Sense of Problems
How can parentheses change the meaning of an expression? Explain.
These parentheses in the expression represent that the expression or the equation should be solved first before any other calculation has done. The path between the parentheses represents as one number.

Think and Grow: Write an Interpret Expressions

Write the words as an expression.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 1
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 2
10 ÷ _______
The numerical expression is ______.

The numerical expression is 10 ÷ (9 – 4).

The numerical expression using parenthesis is 10 ÷ (9 – 4). So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the division part. So
10 ÷ (9 – 4) = 10 ÷ 5
on solving we will get the result as 5.

Write the words as an expression. Then interpret the expression.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 3
The numerical expression is _____.
The value of the expression is _______ times the sum 54 + 97.

The numerical expression is (54 + 97) × 2.
The value of the expression is 2 times the sum of 54 + 97.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (54 + 97) × 2. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
(54 + 97) × 2 = 151 × 2
on solving we will get the result as 302.
The numerical expression is (54 + 97) × 2.
The value of the expression is 2 times the sum of 54 + 97.

Show and Grow

Write the words as an expression
Question 1.
Multiply 8 and 5, then divide by 4.
The numerical expression using parenthesis is (8 × 5) ÷ 4.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (8 × 5) ÷ 4. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the division part. So
(8 × 5) ÷ 4= 40 ÷ 4
on solving we will get the result as 10.

Question 2.
Multiply the sum of 14 and 18 by 4.
The numerical expression using parenthesis is (14 + 18) × 4.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (14 + 18) × 4. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
(14 + 18) × 4= 32 × 4
on solving we will get the result as 128.

Write the words as an expression. Then interpret the expression.
Question 3.
Multiply 3 by the sum of 12 and 3.
The numerical expression using parenthesis is 3 × (12 + 3).

The numerical expression using parenthesis is 3 × (12 + 3). So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
3 × (12 + 3)= 3 × 15
on solving we will get the result as 45.

Question 4.
Subtract 30 from 50, then divide by 10.
The numerical expression using parenthesis is (50 – 30) ÷ 10.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (50 – 30) ÷ 10. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the division part. So
(50 – 30) ÷ 10= 20 ÷ 10
on solving we will get the result as 2.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Write the words as an expression. Then interpret the expression.
Question 5.
Add 238 and 12, then multiply by 3.
The numerical expression using parenthesis is (238 + 12) × 3.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (238 + 12) × 3. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
(238 + 12) × 3= 250 × 3
on solving we will get the result as 750.

Question 6.
Subtract 15 from 60, then divide by 9.
The numerical expression using parenthesis is (60 – 15) ÷ 9.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (60 – 15) ÷ 9. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the division part. So
(60 – 15) ÷ 9= 45 ÷ 9
on solving we will get the result as 5.

Write the words as an expression. Then evaluate the expression.
Question 7.
Multiply 5 by the difference of 25 and 20.
The numerical expression is 5 × (25 – 20) and on evaluating we will get the value as 25.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is 5 × (25 – 20). So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
5 × (25 – 20)= 5 × 5
on solving we will get the result as 25.

Question 8.
Add the product of 60 and 4 to the product of 5 and 4.
The numerical expression is (60 × 4) + (5 × 4) and on evaluating we will get the value as 260.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (60 × 4) + (5 × 4). So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part. So
(60 × 4) + (5 × 4)= 240 + 20
on solving we will get the result as 260.

Write the expression in words.
Question 9.
13 + (4 × 6)
Add 13 to the product of 4 and 6.

To expand the given expression 13 + (4 × 6) in words we will be written as
Add 13 to the product of 4 and 6.

Question 10.
(4 + 8) ÷ 2
Add 4 and 8 and then divide by 2.

To expand the given expression 13 + (4 × 6) in words we will be written as
add 4 and 8 and then divide by 2.

Question 11.
Newton has $20. He spends $4 on lunch and $13 at the store. Write an expression to represent the situation.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 4
The expression can be represented as
$20 – ($13 + $4)= $20 – ($17)

As Newton has $20 and he spends $4 on lunch and $13 at the store. So the expression can be represented as
$20 – ($13 + $4)= $20 – ($17)
here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the subtraction part. On solving we will get $3.

Question 12.
Explain how you know which operation to use when writing words as an expression.
The operation to use when writing words as expressions are
The sum is used as addition and the difference is used as subtraction and the product is used as the product and the quotient is used as the division.

Question 13.
Number Sense
Write the words as an expression. Then use a property of addition to write an equivalent expression.
Add 9 to the sum of 21 and 6.
The numerical expression of the given expression is 9 + (21 + 6) and the property used to solve the expression is Distributive property.

Given that the expression in words is Add 9 to the sum of 21 and 6. The numerical expression of the given expression is 9 + (21 + 6). The property we can use to solve the expression is distributive property. By Distributive Property is a property in which Multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So by the distributive property, the expression will be solved as
9 + (21 + 6)= 9 + 27, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part. On solving we will get the result as 36.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

On your turn of a word game, you draw the card shown and create the word MATH. Your word score is the sum of the points of the letters you use. How many points do you earn on your turn?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 5
Write an expression.
Think: Add _____, _____, _____, and _____, then multiply by _____. (____ + ____ + _____ + _____) × _____
Interpret the expression.
You earn ____ times as many points as the value of your word score.

Add 3 + 1 + 1 + 4, then multiply by 3. (3 + 1 + 1 + 4) × 3
You earn 3 times as many points as the value of your word score.

Given that the word M has a score of 3 and the word A has a score of 1 and the word T has a score of 1 and the word H has a score of 4. As word score is the sum of the points of the letters you use so we will add the total score which is 3 + 1 + 1 + 4= 9 and now we will multiply by 3 to triple the score. So the expression will be
(3 + 1 + 1 + 4) × 3= (9) × 3, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. On solving we will get the result as 27.

Evaluate the expression.
(3 + 1 + 1 + 4) × 3 = ______ × _____
= ____
So, you earn _____ points on your turn.

The points that I have earned in my turn is 27.

Given the expression is (3 + 1 + 1 + 4) × 3= (9) × 3, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. On solving we will get the result as 27. So the points that I have earned in my turn are 27.

Show and Grow

Question 14.
You make 2 batches of fruit salad. How many cups of fruit do you use in all?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 6
The number of cups of fruit does we use in all is 14 cups.

As there are two cups of strawberries, 1 1/2 cups blueberries, 2 1/2 cups grapes,1 cup pineapple and there are two batches of fruit salad. So the expression will be 2 × ( 2 + 1 1/2 + 2 1/2 + 1).
2 × ( 2 + 1 1/2 + 2 1/2 + 1)= 2 × ((4 + 3 + 5 + 2)/2)
= 2 × (14/2) here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. On solving we will get the result as 14. So the number of cups of fruit do we use in all is 14 cups.

Question 15.
A customer places an online order for a video game that costs $49 and 3 books that each cost $12. Shipping costs $6. What is the total cost of the order?
The numerical expression will be 49 + (3 × 12) + 6 on solving the result will be 91.

As the customer places an online order for a video game that costs $49 and 3 books and each book costs $12 and the shipping cost is $6. So the numerical expression will be 49 + (3 × 12) + 6.
49 + (3 × 12) + 6= 49 + 36 +6, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part. On solving we will get the result as 91.

Question 16.
Eight students use2 sets of 52 cards to play a game. The cards are divided equally among the players. How many cards does each player get?
The numerical expression is (2 × 52) ÷ 8 on solving the result will be 13.

As there are eight students and uses two sets of 52 cards to play a game, so the cards are equally divided among the players. So the numerical expression will be (2 × 52) ÷ 8.
(2 × 52) ÷ 8= 104 ÷ 8, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the division part. On solving we will get the result as 13.

Question 17.
How much more does it cost to rent 2 adult bikes for 4 hours than a tandem bike for 4 hours? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 7
It costs four times more than the tandem bike.

To rent a two adult bike for four hours then a tandem bike for four hours.
So the numerical expression will be (2 × 4) – 4.
(2 × 4) – 4= 8 – 4, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the subtraction part. On solving we will get the result as 4.

Write Numerical Expressions Homework & Practice 2.3

Write the words as an expression.
Question 1.
Add 10 to the quotient of 72 and 8.
The numerical expression is  (72 ÷ 8) + 10 and on evaluating we will get the value as 19.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (72 ÷ 8) + 10. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
(72 ÷ 8) + 10= 9 + 10
on solving we will get the result as 19.

Question 2.
Subtract 55 from the sum of 124 and 56.
The numerical expression is  (124 + 56) – 10 and on evaluating we will get the value as 170.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (124 + 56) – 10. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
(124 + 56) – 10= 180 – 10
on solving we will get the result as 170.

Write the words as an expression. Then interpret the expression.
Question 3.
Add 14 and 13, then divide by 3.
The numerical expression is  (14 + 13) ÷ 3 and on evaluating we will get the value as 9.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (14 + 13) ÷ 3. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
(14 + 13) ÷ 3= 27 ÷ 3
on solving we will get the result as 9.

Question 4.
Subtract 29 from 39, then multiply by \(\frac{1}{2}\).
The numerical expression is  (39 – 29) × 1/2 and on evaluating we will get the value as 5.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (39 – 29) × 1/2. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the multiplication part. So
(39 – 29) × 1/2= 10 × 1/2
on solving we will get the result as 5.

Write the words as an expression. Then evaluate the expression.
Question 5.
Subtract the product of 5 and 8 from the product of 10 and 9.
The numerical expression is (10 × 9) – (5 × 8) and on evaluating we will get the value as 50.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (10 × 9) – (5 × 8). So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the subtraction part. So
(10 × 9) – (5 × 8)= 90 – 40
on solving we will get the result as 50.

Question 6.
Add 15 to the quotient of 60 and 3.
The numerical expression is 15 + (60 ÷ 3) and on evaluating we will get the value as 35.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is 15 + (60 ÷ 3). So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part. So
15 + (60 ÷ 3)= 15 + (20)
on solving we will get the result as 35.

Write the expression in words.
Question 7.
35 – (14 + 17)
The expression in words is Subtract the sum of 14 and 17 with 35.

To expand the given expression 35 – (14 + 17) in words we will be written as
Subtract the sum of 14 and 17 with 35.

Question 8.
(30 – 20) × 10
The expression in words is Subtract 30 and 20 and then multiply by 10.

To expand the given expression (30 – 20) × 10 in words we will be written as
Subtract 30 and 20 and then multiply by 10.

Question 9.
Descartes has $9. He works 5 hours and earns $8 each hour. Write an expression to represent the situation.
The expression will be (5 × 8)+ 9 and on solving the expression we will get the result as 49.

As Descartes has $9 and he works 5 hours and earns $8 each hour, so the expression will be (5 × 8)+ 9.
(5 × 8)+ 9= 40 + 9, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part. On solving the expression we will get the result as 49.

Question 10.
Write a real-life problem that can be represented by the phrase “5 more than the sum of 15 and 7.”
The numerical expression is (15 + 7) +5.

To represent the phrase 5 more than the sum of 15 and 7 in a numerical expression is (15 + 7) +5. As given that the 5 more than the sum of 15 and 7so we will add the number 5 to the sum of 15 and 7.

Question 11.
Write two different expressions that each represent the combined area of the rectangles. Then evaluate the expressions.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 8


Question 12.
Modeling Real Life
A music teacher replaces the strings on 3 violins, 2 violas, 4 cellos, and 1 bass. There are 4 strings on each of the instruments. How many strings does the teacher replace?
The total number of strings replaced by the teacher is 37.

As music teacher replaces the strings on 3 violins, 2 violas, 4 cellos, and 1 bass and there are 4 strings on each of the instruments. So the teacher replaces 3 × 4= 12 violins and 2 × 4= 8 violas and 4 × 4= 16 cellos and 1 × 4= 1 bass. So the total number of strings replaced by the teacher is 12 + 8 + 16 + 1= 37.

Question 13.
A customer buys 2 shirts that cost $10 each and a pair of jeans that costs $14. What is the customer’s total after using the coupon?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.3 9
The customer’s total after using the coupon is $24.

As the customer buys 2 shirts that cost $10 each which is 2 × 10= 20 and a pair of jeans that costs $14 which is
2 × 14= 28. So the total purchase is 20 + 28= 48 and the coupon is 1/2 off on the entire purchase. This means
48 × 1/2= 24. So the customer’s total after using the coupon is $24.

Review & Refresh

Question 14.
9\(\frac{3}{4}\) – 5\(\frac{1}{4}\) = _____
On subtracting 9\(\frac{3}{4}\) – 5\(\frac{1}{4}\) we will get the result as

To subtract 9\(\frac{3}{4}\) – 5\(\frac{1}{4}\) first we need to convert mixed fraction into improper fraction. So the improper fraction will be \(\frac{39}{4}\) – \(\frac{21}{4}\). As the denominator is equal which is 4 so on subtracting \(\frac{39}{4}\) – \(\frac{21}{4}\) we will get the result as \(\frac{18}{4}\). So the mixed fraction of the result is 4\(\frac{2}{4}\).

Question 15.
6\(\frac{1}{3}\) – 3\(\frac{1}{3}\) = ______
On subtracting 6\(\frac{1}{3}\) – 3\(\frac{1}{3}\) we will get the result as

To subtract 6\(\frac{1}{3}\) – 3\(\frac{1}{3}\) first we need to convert mixed fraction into improper fraction. So the improper fraction will be \(\frac{19}{3}\) – \(\frac{10}{3}\). As the denominator is equal which is 3 so on subtracting \(\frac{19}{3}\) – \(\frac{10}{3}\) we will get the result as \(\frac{9}{3}\) which is \(\frac{3}\).

Question 16.
4\(\frac{7}{12}\) – 1\(\frac{11}{12}\) = ______
On subtracting 4\(\frac{7}{12}\) – 1\(\frac{11}{12}\) we will get the result as

To subtract 4\(\frac{7}{12}\) – 1\(\frac{11}{12}\) first we need to convert mixed fraction into improper fraction. So the improper fraction will be \(\frac{55}{12}\) – \(\frac{23}{12}\). As the denominator is equal which is 12 so on subtracting \(\frac{55}{12}\) – \(\frac{23}{12}\) we will get the result as \(\frac{32}{12}\) which is \(\frac{8}{3}\).

Lesson 2.4 Evaluate Expressions with Grouping Symbols

Explore and Grow

Write the words as an expression. How is the expression different from the expressions you wrote in previous lessons?

Multiply the sum of 4 and 5 by the difference of 8 and 7.
The numerical expression is ( 4 + 5 ) × (8 – 7 ) and on evaluating we will get the result as 9.

Given, Multiply the sum of 4 and 5 by the difference of 8 and 7.
the sum of 4 and 5 is ( 4 + 5 )
the difference between 8 and 7 is ( 8 – 7 )
And the Multiplication of these two is  ( 4 + 5 ) × (8 – 7 ) = 9 × 1 = 9 .
Here we used simple mathematic rules for the expression other than using any properties and methods. And here we have only one pair of grouping symbols.

How can you evaluate an expression that has more than one pair of parentheses?
Answer: The expressions having more than one parenthesis can be evaluated by performing grouping symbols and in the next step, multiply and divide from left to right, Add and subtract from left to write if there are any,
parentheses( ), brackets [ ], braces { } are very helpful in grouping the symbols and to evaluate the numerical expression by performing inside operations parentheses, inside brackets, or inside braces.

Think and Grow: Evaluate with Grouping Symbols

Key Idea
Parentheses ( ), brackets [ ], and braces { } are called grouping symbols. You can write and evaluate numerical expressions that have more than one pair of grouping symbols.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.4 1
Order of Operations (with Grouping Symbols)
1. Perform operations in grouping symbols.
2. Multiply and divide from left to right.
3. Add and subtract from left to right.
Evaluate (25 – 5) ÷ (3 + 1).
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.4 2
So, (25 – 5) ÷ (3 + 1) = ______ .

Evaluate [60 – (3 + 7)] × 5.
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Show and Grow

Evaluate the expression.
Question 1.
(18 – 12) × (8 ÷ 4)
On evaluating we will get the result as 12

Given that the numerical expression is (18 – 12) × (8 ÷ 4)
Firstly perform the operations within the parentheses,
Then we have,(8 ÷ 4) = 2,
(18 – 12) = 6, and now we will perform the multiplication part.
To evaluate the expression, multiply the resulting output from the inside parentheses operations, then 6 × 2 = 12
So , (18 – 12) × (8 ÷ 4) = 12

Question 2.
35 – [6 × (1 + 4)]
On evaluating we will get the result as 5.

Given that the numerical expression is 35 – [6 × (1 + 4)]
Firstly perform the operations within the parentheses,
we have , (1 + 4) = 5 ,
Now performing operation inside brackets we get, [6 × 5] = 30,
and now we will  perform the subtraction part
Next, apply the resulted output in the expression then we have, 35 – 30 = 5.
So,  35 – [6 × (1 + 4)] = 5.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Evaluate the expression.
Question 3.
(60 – 12) ÷ (3 + 5)
On evaluating we will get the result as 6

Given that the numerical expression is  (60 – 12) ÷ (3 + 5)
Firstly perform the operations within the parentheses,
we have , (60 – 12) = 48 ,
(3 + 5) = 8, now we will perform the subtraction part
Next, Divide the resulted outputs, we get 48 ÷ 8 = 6.
So , (60 – 12) ÷ (3 + 5) = 6

Question 4.
95 – (26 + 14) × (4 ÷ 2)
On evaluating we will get the result as 15

Given that the numerical expression is 95 – (26 + 14) × (4 ÷ 2)
Firstly perform the operations within the parentheses,
we have (26 + 14) = 40 ,
(4 ÷ 2) = 2, now we will perform the multiplication part and then we will perform the subtraction part.
Now we have the given expression as 95 – ( 40 × 2 ), And calculating the inside parentheses we get ( 40 × 2 )= 80
Then 95 – 80 = 15
So , 95 – (26 + 14) × (4 ÷ 2) = 15 .

Question 5.
(8 + 2) × (13 + 7 + 5)
On evaluating we will get the result as 250

Given that the numerical expression is (8 + 2) × (13 + 7 + 5)
Firstly perform the operations within the parentheses,
we have (8 + 2)  = 10,
(13 + 7 + 5) = 20, and now we will perform the multiplication part.
To evaluate the given expression apply the resulted output as 10 × 25= 250
So, (8 + 2) × (13 + 7 + 5) = 250.

Question 6.
2 × [(96 – 72) ÷ 8]
On evaluating the numerical expression the result is 72.

Given that the numerical expression is 2 × [(96 – 72) ÷ 8]
Firstly perform the operations within the parentheses,
we have (96 – 72)  = 24,
[24 ÷ 8]= 3, and now we will perform the multiplication part.
To evaluate the given expression apply the resulted output as 24 × 3= 72
So, 2 × [(96 – 72) ÷ 8]= 72.

Question 7.
[(4 – 9) – (30 ÷ 6)] × 4
On evaluating the expression we will get the result as 40.

Given that the numerical expression is [(4 – 9) – (30 ÷ 6)] × 4
Firstly perform the operations within the parentheses,
we have (4 – 9)  = (-5),
(30 ÷ 6) =5 which is [-5 -5]= 10 and now we will perform the multiplication part.
To evaluate the given expression apply the resulted output as 10 × 4= 40
So, [(4 – 9) – (30 ÷ 6)] × 4 = 40.

Question 8.
36 + {[(7 + 5) ÷ 6 × 9] + 24}

Write the words as an expression. Then evaluate the expression.
Question 9.
Divide the sum of 35 and 28 by the sum of 3 and 4.
The numerical expression is (35 + 28) ÷ (3 + 4) and on evaluating we will get the value as 9.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is (35 + 28) ÷ (3 + 4). So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the division part. So
(35 + 28) ÷ (3 + 4)= 63 ÷ 7
on solving we will get the result as 9.

Question 10.
Add 11 to the product of 4 and 6, then divide by 5.
The numerical expression is [(4 × 6) + 11] ÷ 5 and on evaluating we will get the value as 9.

The numerical expression using parenthesis is [(4 × 6) + 11] ÷ 5. So, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part after that we will solve the division part. So
(35 + 28) ÷ (3 + 4)= 63 ÷ 7
on solving we will get the result as 9.

Question 11.
Will the value of {3 + [(38 – 10) – 1]} ÷ 3 change when the braces are removed? Explain.
Answer: Yes, the value will be changed if we remove the braces.

Yes, the value will be changed if we remove the braces because if the expression with braces means first we will solve the part of the braces and then we will solve by the order of operations. So by that, the value of the expression will be changed when the braces are removed.

Question 12.
Use each symbol once to make the number sentence true.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.4 4
The numerical expression will be (8 + 2) × (20 ÷ 4) – 11.

The numerical expression will be (8 + 2) × (20 ÷ 4) – 11. Let’s solve the expression to check the answer.
(8 + 2) × (20 ÷ 4) – 11= (10) × (5) – 11
= 50 – 11, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part after that we will solve the subtraction part. On solving we will get the result as 39.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

A woman walks 2 miles from her house to the lake, walks 3 laps on the sidewalk around the lake, then walks2 miles back to her house. She does this each day for 3 days. How many miles does the woman walk in all?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.4 5
Think: How many laps does she walk around the lake? How far does she walk to and from her house?
Write an expression.
[____ + (_____ × _____) + _____] × _____
Evaluate the expression.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.4 6
So, the woman walks ______ miles in all.

Show and Grow

Question 13.
You collect 12 coins and 4 gems, complete 2 missions, and fail to complete 1 mission. How many points do you earn?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.4 7
The total number of points earned is 175.

The number of coins collected is 12, so the number of points earned for one coin is 5 so for 12 coins it will be
12 × 5= 60 points and the number of gems collected is 4, so the number of points earned for each gem is 10 so for 4 gems it will be 4 × 10= 40 points. The completed missions is 2, so the number of points earned for completing one mission is 50 so for 2 missions it will be 2 × 50= 100 points and the missions failed is 1, so the number of points lost for failing one mission is -25 so for 1 failed mission it will be 1× -25= -25 points. So the total number of points earned is (60 + 40 + 100) – 25= 200 -25, here first we will solve the parentheses part by the order of operations then we will solve the addition part after that we will solve the subtraction part. On solving we will get the result as 175. So the total number of points earned is 175.

Question 14.
A book has 200 pages. You read 10 pages twice each day for 1 week. What fraction of the book, in tenths, do you have left to read?
Th fraction in tenths is 3/10.

As the book has 200 pages and 10 pages were read twice a day for a week as a week means seven days and twice a day means 2 × 7= 14. So the number of pages were read is 14 × 10= 140 pages. And the number of pages left is 200 – 140= 60. So to represent this in a fraction it will be 60/200 which is 3/10.

Evaluate Expressions with Grouping Symbols Homework & Practice 2.4

Evaluate the expression.
Question 1.
15 ÷ (5 × 1) – (2 × 1)
On evaluating the given expression result will be 5.

Given the numerical expression is 15 ÷ (5 × 1) – (2 × 1). By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (5 × 1) – (2 × 1)= 5 – 2= 3 and the result will be 3. Now we will perform division which is
15 ÷ 3= 5. So the value of the expression 15 ÷ (5 × 1) – (2 × 1) is 5.

Question 2.
(7 + 9) ÷ (2 + 4 + 2)
On evaluating the given expression we will get the result as 2.

Given the numerical expression is (7 + 9) ÷ (2 + 4 + 2). By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (7 + 9) ÷ (2 + 4 + 2)= 16 ÷ 8 and the result will be 16 ÷ 8. Now we will perform division which is
16 ÷ 8= 2. So the value of the expression (7 + 9) ÷ (2 + 4 + 2) is 2.

Question 3.
(1 + 5) × (2 + 3)
On evaluating the given expression result will be 25.

Given the numerical expression is (1 + 5) × (2 + 3). By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (1 + 5) × (2 + 3)= 5 × 5 and the result will be 5 × 5. Now we will perform the multiplication part which is 5 × 5= 25. So the value of the expression
(1 + 5) × (2 + 3) is 25.

Question 4.
[(16 – 14) + (9 × 4)] ÷ 2
On evaluating the given expression result will be 9.

Given the numerical expression is [(16 – 14) + (9 × 4)] ÷ 2. By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (16 – 14) + (9 × 4)= 2 + 36 and the result will be 38. Now we will perform the division part which is 38 ÷ 2= 19. So the value of the expression
[(16 – 14) + (9 × 4)] ÷ 2 is 19.

Question 5.
70 ÷ [(463 – 443) ÷ 2]
On evaluating the given expression result will be 7.

Given the numerical expression is 70 ÷ [(463 – 443) ÷ 2]. By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (463 – 443)= 20 and the result will be 20. Now we will perform the division part which is 20 ÷ 2= 10. And there is another division part which is 70 ÷ 10= 70. So the value of the expression 70 ÷ [(463 – 443) ÷ 2] is 7.

Question 6.
9 × {[14 ÷ 2 + (4 – 1)] – 8}
On evaluating the given expression result will be 18.

Given the numerical expression is 9 × {[14 ÷ 2 + (4 – 1)] – 8}. By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Now first we will perform the parentheses part which is (4 – 1)= 3 and the result will be 3. Now we will perform the other parentheses part which is [14 ÷ 2 + (3)] = 7 + 3 and the result will be 10. Now we will perform the other parentheses part which is {10 – 8}= 2. Now we will perform the multiplication part which is 9 × 2= 18. So the value of the expression 9 × {[14 ÷ 2 + (4 – 1)] – 8} is 18.

Write the words as an expression. Then evaluate the expression.
Question 7.
Multiply the sum of 4 and 5 by the difference of 14 and 8.
The numerical expression is (4 + 5) × (14 – 8) on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 54.

Given that Multiply the sum of 4 and 5 by the difference of 14 and 8, so to represent this in an expression it will be (4 + 5) × (14 – 8). Now we will solve the numerical expression which is (4 + 5) × (14 – 8) = 9 × 6
Now first we have solved the parentheses part which is (4 + 5) × (14 – 8) and the result will be 9 × 6. And then we will perform the multiplication part which is 9 × 6= 54. So on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 54.

Question 8.
Add 23, 26, and 17, then divide by 7.
The numerical expression is (23 +26 +17) ÷ 7 on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 9.4.

Given that Add 23, 26, and 17, then divide by 7, so to represent this in an expression it will be (23 +26 +17) ÷ 7. Now we will solve the numerical expression which is (23 +26 +17) ÷ 7= 66 ÷ 7
Now first we have solved the parentheses part which is (23 +26 +17) and the result will be 66. And then we will perform the division part which is 66 ÷ 7= 9.4. So on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 9.4.

Question 9.
Explain how to evaluate the expression.
8 × [(36 – 33) × 2]
On evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 48.

Given that the numerical expression is 8 × [(36 – 33) × 2]= 8 × [3 × 2]
Now first we have solved the parentheses part which is (36 – 33) and the result will be 3 and then we will perform the other parentheses part which is [3 × 2]= 6. And then we will perform the multiplication part which is
8 × 6= 48. So on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 48.

Question 10.
Write and evaluate two equivalent numerical expressions that show the Distributive Property.
The two numerical equations are 5 × (90 + 7) and 83 × 7.

Let the equation be 5 × 97, by distributive property the equation will be
= 5 × (90 + 7)
= (5 × 90) + (5 × 7)
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the equation is
5 × 97 = 5 × (90 + 7)
= (5 × 90) + (5 × 7).

Let the equation is 83 × 7, by distributive property the equation will be
= 7 × (80 + 3)
= (7× 80) + (7 × 3)
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. So the equation is
7 × 83 = 7 × (80 + 3)
= (7 × 80) + (7 × 3)

Question 11.
Modeling Real Life
Your friend has 3 California postcards, 2 Hawaii postcards, and 4 New York postcards. He gives 1 postcard away, then divides the rest equally among 4 pages of a scrapbook. How many postcards are on each page?

Question 12.
Modeling Real Life
A nutritionist recommends that fifth graders should eat about 305 grams of fruit each day.You eat the apple shown. How many more grams of fruit should you eat today?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2.4 8

Review & Refresh

Find the product. Check whether your answer is reasonable.
Question 13.
639 × 5 = _____
The product of 639 × 5= 3195.

The product of 639 × 5 is 3,195. So to check the answer is reasonable we will divide the result by 5 which is
3195 ÷ 5= 639. So the answer is reasonable.

Question 14.
7 × 1,926 = _____
The product of 7 × 1,926 is  13,482.

The product of 7 × 1,926 is 13,482. So to check the answer is reasonable we will divide the result by 7 which is
13,482 ÷ 7= 1,926. So the answer is reasonable.

Question 15.
507 × 3 = ______
The product of 507 × 3 is 1,521.

The product of 507 × 3 is 1,521. So to check the answer is reasonable we will divide the result by 3 which is
1,521 ÷ 3= 507. So the answer is reasonable.

Numerical Expressions Performance Task

Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. When two or more atoms bond together, they form a molecule or a compound.
• The chemical formula for a water molecule is H2O because it has 2 atoms of hydrogen (H) and 1 atom of oxygen (O).
• The chemical formula for the compound sodium chloride, also known as table salt, is NaCl because it has 1 atom of sodium (Na) and 1 atom of chlorine (Cl) in a repeating pattern.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 1
Question 1.
How many atoms are in 52 molecules of water?

Question 2.
You and your friend want to make models for a science fair.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 2
a. Your friend wants to make a model of sodium chloride. The model has the same number of green and orange atoms. There are 4 × 4 × 4 atoms in all. How many orange atoms do you need?
b. You make a model of a salt-water mixture. You use 14 atoms of sodium, 14 atoms of chlorine, and 10 molecules of H2O. Write an expression that represents the number of atoms in your salt-water model. Use the Distributive Property to rewrite your expression. Find the number of atoms in your model.
c. You and your friend buy 3 boxes of foam balls to represent atoms. There are 45 foam balls in each box. How many foam balls are left after you and your friend make the models above?

Numerical Expressions Activity

Expression Boss
1. Each player rolls three dice to complete the numerical expression. Players can arrange the numbers however they choose.
2. Each player evaluates the numerical expression.
3. Players compare their values. The player with the greater value earns one point.
4. If the values are equal, each player earns one point.
5. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions 3

Numerical Expressions Chapter Practice

2.1 Number Properties

Complete the equation. Identify the property shown.
Question 1.
56 × _____ = 0
The product of 56 × 0 is 0 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of Zero.

The product of 56 × 0 is 0 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of Zero.
As Multiplication Properties of Zero is the product of any number and 0 is 0. So 56 × 0 is 0.

Question 2.
8 + (242 + 32) = (8 + 242) + _____
The sum of 8 + (242 + 32) = (8 + 242) + 32 and the property which is used is the Commutative property. And the sum of the given expression is 282.

Given the expression is 8 + (242 + 32) = (8 + 242) + 32 and the property which is used is the Commutative property. Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. And the sum of the given expression is 282.

Use the Distributive Property to find the product.
Question 3.
8 × 64
The equation is 8 × 64= 8 × (60 + 4)
= (8 × 60) + (8 × 4) and the property used is Distributive property.
And the product of the given expression is 512.

Given that 8 × 64, by distributive property the equation will be
= 8 × (60 + 4)
= (8 × 60) + (8 × 4)
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. And the product of the given expression is 512.

Question 4.
57 × 9
The equation is 57 × 9= 9 × (50 + 7)
= (9 × 50) + (9 × 7) and the property used is Distributive property.
And the product of the given expression is 513.

Given that 57 × 9, by distributive property the equation will be
= 9 × (50 + 7)
= (9 × 50) + (9 × 7)
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. And the product of the given expression is 513.

Use a property to find the sum or product. Identify the property you used.
Question 5.
3 × 92
The equation is 3 × 92= 3 × (90 + 2)
= (3 × 90) + (3 × 2) and the property used is Distributive property.
And the product of the given expression is 276.

Given that 3 × 92, by distributive property the equation will be
= 3 × (90 + 2)
= (3 × 90) + (3 × 2)
So, Distributive Property is a property that multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products. And the product of the given expression is 276.

Question 6.
41 × 6 × 0
The product of 41 × 6 × 0 is 0 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of Zero.

The product of 41 × 6 × 0 is 0 and the property used is Multiplication Properties of Zero.
As Multiplication Properties of Zero is the product of any number and 0 is 0. So 41 × 6 × 0 is 0.

Question 7.
13 + 24 + 57
The sum of 13 + 24 + 57 = 24 + 57 + 13 and the property which is used is the Commutative property. And the sum of the given expression is 94.

Given the expression is 13 + 24 + 57 = 24 + 57 + 13 and the property which is used is the Commutative property. Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. And the sum of the given expression is 94.

Question 8.
Modeling Real Life
The graph shows the number Favorite Apple of votes each apple received. How many people were surveyed? Identify the property you used.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions chp 8
The total number of people surveyed is 46. And the property which can be used is the Commutative property

As given that each apple image is equal to four votes, so to know how many people are surveyed let’s first find the count of the apples and then the count of the votes. So Fuji has four apple images and a half apple image, so the total number of votes for Fuji is 4×4= 16 and a half apple image means two votes. So the total number of votes is 16 + 2= 18 votes. So the total number of votes for Fuji is 18 votes. And Granny Smith has three apple images, so the total number of votes for Granny Smith is 3×4= 12. And Honeycrisp has four apple images, so the total number of votes for Granny Smith is 4×4= 16. So the total number of people surveyed is 18 + 12 + 16= 46.
And the property which can be used is the Commutative property, as the Commutative Properties means changing the order of addends or factors does not change the sum or product. So the expression can be written as 18 + 12 + 16= 16 + 18 +12.

2.2 Order of Operations

Evaluate the expression.
Question 9.
18 × (9 – 3) ÷ 2
The value of the expression 18 × (9 – 3) ÷ 2 is 54.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the parentheses part which is (9 – 3)= 6 and the result will be 6. Now we will solve the division part which is 6 ÷ 2= 3 and the result will be 3. And now we will solve the multiplication part which is 18 × 3= 54. So the value of the expression is 54.

Question 10.
50 – 18 ÷ 3 × 7
The value of the expression 50 – 18 ÷ 3 × 7 is 8.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the division part which is 18 ÷ 3= 6 and the result will be 6. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is 6 × 7= 42 and the result will be 42. And now we will solve the subtraction part which is 50 – 42= 8. So the value of the expression is 8.

Question 11.
(36 + 14) × 4 ÷ 5
The value of the expression (36 + 14) × 4 ÷ 5 is 40.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the parentheses part which is (36 + 14)×4= 50 × 4  and the result will be 200. Now we will solve the division part which is
200 ÷ 5 = 40 and the result will be 40. So the value of the expression is 40.

Question 12.
Number Sense
Which expressions have a value of 6?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 5 Chapter 2 Numerical Expressions chp 12

2.3 Write Numerical Expressions

Write the words as an expression. Then interpret the expression.
Question 13.
Multiply 8 by the difference of 54 and 49.
The numerical expression is (54 – 49) × 8 on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 40.

Given that Multiply 8 by the difference of 54 and 49, so to represent this in an expression it will be (54 – 49) × 8. Now we will solve the numerical expression which is (54 – 49) × 8 = 5 × 8
Now first we have solved the parentheses part which is (54 – 49) and the result will be 5. And then we will perform the multiplication part which is 5 × 8= 40. So on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 40.

Question 14.
Subtract 58 from 94, then divide by4.
The numerical expression is (94 – 58) ÷ 4 on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 9.

Given that Subtract 58 from 94, then divide by4, so to represent this in an expression it will be (94 – 58) ÷ 4. Now we will solve the numerical expression which is (94 – 58) ÷ 4= 36 ÷ 4
Now first we have solved the parentheses part which is (94 – 58) and the result will be 36. And then we will perform the division part which is 36 ÷ 4= 9. So on evaluating the numerical expression we will get the result as 9.

Question 15.
Your friend buys a bag of 24 party favors and a bag of 16 party favors. She shares them equally among 5 friends. Write an expression to represent the problem.

Write the expression in words.
Question 16.
45 + (7 × 8)
Add 45 to the product of 7 and 8

Given that the numerical expression is 45 + (7 × 8), so in words, it will be represented as add 45 to the product of 7 and 8

Question 17.
(18 ÷ 2) – 5
Divide 18 by 2 and then subtract 5.

Given that the numerical expression is (18 ÷ 2) – 5 so in words, it will be represented as divide 18 by 2 and then subtract 5.

2.4 Evaluate Expressions with Grouping Symbols

Evaluate the expression.
Question 18.
(28 – 14) × (42 ÷ 6)
The value of the expression (28 – 14) × (42 ÷ 6) is 98.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the parentheses part which is (28 – 14) × (42 ÷ 6)= 14 × 7. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is 14 × 7= 98 and the result will be 98. So the value of the expression is 98.

Question 19.
6 × [(21 – 9) ÷ 3]
The value of the expression 6 × [(21 – 9) ÷ 3] is 24.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the parentheses part which is(21 – 9)= 12. Now we will solve the other parentheses part which is [12 ÷ 3]= 4 and the result will be 4. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is 6 × 4= 24. So the value of the expression is 24.

Question 20.
[(2 × 2) + (10 ÷ 5)] × 4
The value of the expression [(2 × 2) + (10 ÷ 5)] × 4 is 32.

By the order of operations, we will perform the addition in the parentheses first and then multiply and divide from left to right. And then we will add and subtract from left to right. So this is performed by the BODMAS rule which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. So first we will solve the parentheses part which is (2 × 2) + (10 ÷ 5)= 4 + 2 and the result will be 8. Now we will solve the multiplication part which is
8 × 4= 32. So the value of the expression is 32.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data

Big Ideas Math Book 3rd Grade Answer Key Chapter 14 Represent and interpret Data answer key is useful for students who are preparing for their examinations and can download this pdf for free of cost. In this chapter, each and every question was explained in detail which helps students to understand easily. Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 explains different types of questions on Represent and interpret data.

Big Ideas Math Book 3rd Grade Answer Key Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data

This chapter contains different topics like Reading and Interpret Picture Graphs, Make Picture Graphs, Make line plots, make bar graphs, etc. Those topics were being set up by the mathematical professionals as indicated by the most recent release. Look down this page to get the answers for all the inquiries. Tap the connection to look at the subjects shrouded in this chapter Represent and Interpret Data.

Lesson 1 Read and Interpret Picture Graphs

Lesson 2 Make Picture Graphs

Lesson 3 Read and Interpret Bar Graphs

Lesson 4 Make Bar Graphs

 Lesson 5 Make Line Plots

Lesson 6 Measure Lengths: Half Inch

Lesson 7 Measure Lengths: Quarter Inch

Performance Task

Lesson 14.1 Read and Interpret Picture Graphs

Explore and Grow
You survey 14 students about their favorite type of party. The results are shown on the left picture graph. Use the key to represent the same data on the right picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 1

In left side
the bounce house has 6 students
the costume has 2 students
the pool has 4 students
and skating has 2 students.
And on the right side
the bounce house was represented with 6 students as 1×6= 6
the costume was represented with 2 students as 1×2= 2
the pool was represented with 4 students as 1×4= 4
and skating was represented with 2 students as 1×2= 2.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 1
Here, we can see that the left side was given each emoji was equal to 2 students
so bounce house has three emojis which means 3×2= 6 students
the costume has one emoji which means 1×2= 2 students
the pool has two emojis which means 2×2= 4 students
and skating has one emoji which means 1×2= 2 students.
So to represent the same data on the right picture graph
here, we can see that in the right picture graph,
one emoji is equal to 1 student, so
the bounce house has  6 students which means 6×1= 6 emojis will be placed
the costume has 2 students which means 2×1= 2 emojis will be placed
the pool has 4 students which means 4×1= 4 emojis will be placed
and skating has 2 students which means 2×1= 2 emojis will be placed.

You ask one more student to name his favorite type of party. He chooses a pool party. How can you represent this on each graph? Explain.
On the left side, we will add half emoji, and on the right side, we will add one emoji.

On the left side, we will represent the pool party by half emoji as on the left side one emoji is equal to 2 students, so to add one student we will place half emoji. And on the right side, we will represent the pool party by one emoji as on the right side one emoji is equal to 1 student, so to add one student we will place one emoji.

Think and Grow : Read and Interpret Picture Graphs
A picture graph shows data using pictures or symbols. The key of a picture graph gives the value of one picture or symbol. The value of one picture, or symbol, can be greater than 1.
Use the graph to answer the questions.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 2

There are 6 national forests in Arizona.
There are 5 national forests in Colorado.

Given that one full tree is equal to two forests, and the half tree is equal to 1 forest.
In Arizona, there are 3 full trees which means 3×2= 6 national forests
and in Colorado, there are 2 full trees which means 2×2= 4 national forests, and a half tree which means 1×1= 1 national forest. So the total number of national forests is 4+1= 5 national forests.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Use the graph to answer the questions. How many students chose dog? How many students chose fish?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 3
The number of students who chose the dog is 30 students
The number of students who chose the fish is 15 students.

Given one emoji is equal to 10 students,
as we can see three emojis for the dog
so the number of students who chose the dog is
3×10= 30 students.
And we can see one emoji and a half emoji for the fish
so the number of students who chose the fish is
1×10= 10 students and 1×5= 5 students
so the total number of the students who chose fish are
10+5= 15 students.

Question 2.
Use the graph to answer the questions. What does the symbol Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 4 represent?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 5
How many more students did not choose sledding?
The total number of students who didn’t choose sledding is 7+4+6= 17 students.

Here, each emoji represents 2 students, and to find the number of students who didn’t choose sledding
we will add all the students of the other three activities rather than sledding
so in the skiing activity, there are three emojis and half emoji
which is 3×2= 6 students and 1×1= 1 students,
so the total number of students who choose skiing is 6+1= 7 students.
and in the snowboarding activity, there are two emojis which are 2×2= 4 students.
so the total number of students who choose snowboarding is 4 students.
in the sledding activity, there are four emojis and half emoji
which is 4×2= 8 students and 1×1= 1 students,
so the total number of students who choose skiing is 8+1= 9 students.
And in the ice skating activity, there are three emojis,
which is 3×2= 6 students.
So the total number of students who choose skiing is 6 students.
And the total number of students who didn’t choose sledding are 7+4+6= 17 students.

Question 3.
Use the graph to answer the questions. How many mangoes were eaten in June?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 6
How many total mangoes were eaten in the months shown? Were more mangoes eaten in July or in June and August combined?
The number of mangoes eaten in June is 21 mangoes.
The total number of mangoes eaten is 21+42+18= 81 mangoes.
Yes in the month of July more mangoes are eaten.

Given each emoji represents 6 mangoes,
so in the month of June, there are three emojis,
which means 3×6= 18 and a half emoji means 6/2= 3.
So the total number of mangoes eaten in June is 18+3= 21 mangoes.
in the month of July, there are seven emojis
which means 7×6= 42, so the total number of mangoes eaten in July is 42 mangoes.
in the month of August, there are three emojis,
which means 3×6= 18, so the total number of mangoes eaten in august is 18 mangoes.
The total number of mangoes eaten is 21+42+18= 81 mangoes.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 7 on a picture graph, then what value does Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 8 represent? Explain.


Let the single ball be 10 and then the half ball will be 5,
so 10+10+5= 25.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

During which two weeks were a total of 52 cans recycled?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 9
During ___ and ___ 52 cans were recycled.
During week 3 and week 4 52 cans were recycled.

In week 1 the number of cans recycled is 8+8+8+4= 28 cans
In week 2 the number of cans recycled is 8+8+8+8= 32 cans
In week 3 the number of cans recycled is 8+4= 12 cans
In week 4 the number of cans recycled is 8+8+8+8+8= 40 cans
so during week 3 and week 4, 52 cans were recycled.

Show and Grow

Question 5.
Which two origami animals did a total of 32 students choose?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 10
How many more students chose a frog or penguin than swan or butterfly?
The two origami animals that did a total of 32 students are Swan and Penguin.

Given each emoji represents 4 students
The two origami animals did a total of 32 students are
Swan has three emojis and half emoji
which means 3×4= 12 and a half emoji means 4/2= 2
so the total number of students is 12+2= 14 students.
and Penguin has four emojis and half emoji
which means 4×4= 16 and a half emoji means 4/2= 2
so the total number of students is 16+2= 18 students.
The two origami animals that did a total of 32 students are Swan and Penguin.
How many more students chose frog or penguin than swan or butterfly
Butterfly has two emojis and half emoji
which means 2×4= 8 and a half emoji means 4/2= 2
so the total number of students is 8+2= 10 students.
and Frog has six emojis, which means 6×4= 24 students.
so the total number of students is 10+24= 34 students.
so there are 34-32= 2 more students who choose frog or penguin than Swan or Butterfly.

Read and Interpret Picture Graphs Homework & Practice 14.1

Question 1.
Use the graph to answer the questions. What value does the symbol Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 11 represent?
How many students chose pterodactyl?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 12
How many students chose stegosaurus or velociraptor?
How many students did choose tyrannosaur?
The value of half emoji represents 5 students.
The total number of students who choose pterodactyl is 45 students.
The total number of students who chose stegosaurus or velociraptor is 60 students.
the total number of students who choose tyrannosaur is 20 students.

Given each emoji represent 10 students, and
In pterodactyl, there are four emojis and half emoji which means
4×10= 40 and a half emoji represents 10/2= 5
the total number of students who choose pterodactyl is 40+5= 45 students.
In stegosaurus, there are two emojis and half emoji which means
2×10= 20 and a half emoji represents 10/2= 5
the total number of students who choose stegosaurus is 20+5= 25 students.
In velociraptor, there are three emojis and half emoji which means
3×10= 30 and a half emoji represents 10/2= 5
the total number of students who choose velociraptor is 30+5= 35 students.
The total number of students who chose stegosaurus or velociraptor is 60 students.
In tyrannosaur, there are five emojis which means
2×10= 20 and the total number of students who choose tyrannosaur is 20 students.

Question 2.
Use the graph to answer the questions.
How many dogs participated in the survey?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 13
Which dog treat has more votes than biscuits, but fewer votes than peanut butter? How many dogs chose this treat?
The total number of dogs that participated in the survey are 30 dogs.
Dog bone dog treat has more votes than biscuits and fewer votes than peanut butter. And 8 dogs choose this treat.

Given each emoji represent two dogs
so dog bone has four emojis which means 4×2= 8 dogs
Peanut butter has five emojis which means 5×2= 10 dogs
Cheese has two emojis and half emoji which means
2×2= 4 and a half emoji represents 1 dog
so the total number of dogs is 4+1= 5 dogs.
Biscuits have three emojis and half emoji which means
3×2= 6 and a half emoji represents 1 dog
so the total number of dogs is 6+1= 7 dogs.
So the total number of dogs who participated in the survey are
8+10+5+7= 30 dogs.
Dog bone dog treat has more votes than biscuits and fewer votes than peanut butter.
And 8 dogs choose this treat.

Why would it be difficult to use a key where the value of one symbol represents an odd number of dogs?
It would be difficult to use a key where the value of one symbol represents an odd number of dogs because if the symbol is half then the value will be in decimals and we cannot divide the dog into decimals, so it’s difficult to represent an odd number.

Newton says that one more dog likes peanut butter than dog bones. Is he correct? Explain.
Yes, Newton is correct

Yes, Newton is correct. We can see in the table that the number of dogs who likes peanut butter is more than the dogs who like a dog bone. So Newton is correct.

Question 3.
Modeling Real Life
Which creature has 3 more eyes than the squid?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 14
The creature which has 3 more eye images than the squid is the spider which has four eye images.

Given each eye image represents 2 eyes
as we can see squid contains one eye image, which means 2 eyes
the spider has four eye images, which means 4×2= 8 eyes
Praying mantis has three eye images and half eye image, which means
3×2= 6 eyes and half eye image represents 1 eye
so the total number of eyes is 6+1= 7 eyes.
Starfish has three eye images, which means
3×2= 6 eyes.
So the creature which has 3 more eye images than the squid is the spider which has four eye images
and the creature has 3 more eyes than the squid is the spid=r, praying mantis, and starfish.

Review & Refresh

Find the area of the shape.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 15
Area = ___
The area of the shape is 20 square centimeters.

To find the area of the shape, we will divide the shape into parts, and then we will find the area of the shape.
So we will divide the shape into two rectangles,
the length of rectangle 1 is 7 cm, and
the breadth of rectangle 1 is 2 cm
so the area of rectangle 1 is
area= length×breadth
= 7×2
= 14 square centimeters.
the length of rectangle 2 is 3 cm, and
the breadth of rectangle 2 is 2 cm
so the area of rectangle 2 is
area= length×breadth
= 3×2
= 6 square centimeters.
So the total area of the shape is
14+6= 20 square centimeters.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 16
Area = ___
The area of the rectangle is 15 square meters.

The length of the rectangle is 5 m, and
the breadth of the rectangle is 3 m
so the area of the rectangle is
area= length×breadth
= 5×3
= 15 square meters.
The area of the rectangle is 15 square meters.

Lesson 14.2 Make Picture Graphs

Explore and Grow

Flip a two-color counter 10 times. Record the results. Then complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 17
Why might you change the key if you flip the counter 100 times?

Think and Grow: Make Picture Graphs

A frequency table is a table that gives the number of times something occurs.
You survey students about their favorite planet. The frequency table shows the results. Use the table to complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 18
Step 1: Write the title at the top of the picture graph. Label a row for each category.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 19
Step 2: Look at the numbers Saturn in the table. Choose a value for the key.
Step 3: Use the key to decide how many symbols you need for each planet. Then draw the symbols.
Earth needs five symbols,
Mars needs three symbols,
Saturn needs six symbols, and
Jupiter needs four symbols.

The number of students who chooses Saturn is 30 students and the value for the key is six symbols.
By using the key the planet Earth needs five symbols,
Mars needs three symbols,
Saturn needs six symbols, and
Jupiter needs four symbols.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 2

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Use the frequency table to complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 20
Each circle represents three books

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 3
Each circle represents three books
To represent in a picture graph
June will be represented with two circles,
July will be represented with one circle,
August will be represented in three circles.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
Use the frequency table to complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 21
How many symbols did you draw to represent 10 inches of snowfall in March?
How many inches do you think April would receive?
Each circle represents 5 inches

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 4
Each circle represents 5 inches
To represent in a picture graph
January will be represented with six circles,
February will be represented with five circles,
March will be represented with two circles.

Question 3.
Use the frequency table to complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 22
Choose a different value for the key. How would the picture graph change?
Each emoji represents 4 students.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 5
Each emoji represents 4 students
To represent in a picture graph
Flying will be represented with eight emojis,
Time travel will be represented with eight emojis,
Super strength will be represented with three emojis,
Invisibility will be represented with six emojis,
Super speed will be represented with seven emojis.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

You survey 90 students about their favorite type of field trip. 35 students choose science center, 10 choose theater, and 20 choose zoo. The rest of the students choose museum. Complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 23
Each emoji represents 5 students.
The total number of students who choose the Museum is 25 students.

Let’s take each emoji represents 5 students,
As the Science center was chosen by 35 students, which means we can represent with 35/5= 7 emojis,
The theater was chosen by 10 students, which means we can represent with 10/5= 2 emojis,
Zoo was chosen by 20 students, which means we can represent with 20/5= 4 emojis,
so to know how many students choose Museum, we will add all the three field students and then subtract from the total number of the students, so
The number of students from the three fields is 35+10+20= 65 students
and the number of students who choose the Museum is 90-65= 25 students.
And the Museum was chosen by 25 students, which means we can represent with 25/5= 5 emojis.

Show and Grow

Question 4.
You survey 48 students about their favorite type of movie. 8 students choose cartoon, 12 choose action, and 24 choose comedy. The rest of the students choose musical. Complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 24
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 25
All of the students who chose the musical go to see a movie. Each ticket costs $9.The students use two $20 bills to pay for all of the tickets. What is the change?
Each emoji represent 4 students.
The remaining change will be $4.

Let’s take that each emoji represent 4 students.
The total number of students who participated in the survey are 48 students,
and in that eight students chooses cartoon, which means we can represent with 8/4= 2 emojis,
and 12 students choose an action, which means we can represent with 12/4= 3 emojis,
and 24 students choose comedy, which means we can represent with 24/4= 6 emojis,
so to know how many students choose Musical, we will add all the three type of movie students and then subtract from the total number of the students, so
The number of students from three types of movies is 8+12+24= 44 students
and the number of students who choose the Musical are 48-44= 4 students.
And the Musical was chosen by 4 students, which means we can represent with 4/4= 1 emoji.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 7
The total number of students who choose a musical type of movie is 4 students and each ticket costs $9. So for a total of 4 students, it will cost 4×$9= $36. As two students use $20 bills and four students, it will take $40 bill for all of the tickets. So the remaining change will be $40-$36= $4.

Make Picture Graphs Homework & Practice 14.2

Question 1.
Use the frequency table to complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 27
Which type of art has more votes than painting, but fewer votes than crafts? How many students chose that type of art?
Ceramic has more votes than painting and fewer votes than Crafts. So the total number of students who choose Ceramic is 25 students.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 8
Each emoji represents 5 students
To represent in a picture graph
Drawing will be represented with two emojis,
Ceramics will be represented with five emojis,
The painting will be represented with three emojis,
Crafts will be represented with six emojis.
Ceramic has more votes than painting and fewer votes than Crafts. So the total number of students who choose Ceramic is 25 students.

Question 2.
Use the frequency table to complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 28
Each circle represents 3 insects.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 9
Each circle represents 3 insects.
To represent in a picture graph
Ant will be represented with eight circles,
Bee will be represented with one circle,
Ladybug will be represented with four circles.
You see 1 more bee and 4 more ladybugs. How might you change the key?
We might change the key by each circle with 4 insects

In the above, we can see Bee has three insects and if we add one more bee then the number of insects will be
3+1= 4 insects.
And in the above, we can see ladybugs have 12 insects and if we add four more ladybugs then the number of insects will be 12+4= 16 insects.
So we might change the key by each circle with 4 insects,
so that bee will be represented with one circle,
and the ladybug will be represented with 16/4= 4 circles.

Question 3.
Modeling Real Life
You survey 72 students about their favorite carnival ride. 12 choose Ferris wheel, 24 choose swings, and 6 choose bumper cars. The rest of the students choose roller coaster. Complete the picture graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 29

Let’s take that each emoji represent 6 students.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 10
Let’s take that each emoji represent 6 students.
The total number of students who participated in the favorite carnival ride survey are 72 students,
and in that twelve students chooses Ferris wheel, which means we can represent with 12/6= 2 emojis,
and 24 students choose swings, which means we can represent with 24/6= 4 emojis,
and 6 students choose bumper cars, which means we can represent with 6/6= 1 emoji,
so to know how many students choose roller coaster, we will add all the three types of carnival ride students and then subtract from the total number of the students, so
The number of students from three types of carnival rides is 12+24+6= 42 students
and the number of students who choose the roller coaster is 72-42= 30 students.
And the roller coaster was chosen by 30 students, which means we can represent with 30/6= 5 emojis.

Modeling Real Life
All of the students who chose roller coaster want to ride together. Each ride ticket costs $2. The students have three $10 bills and four $5 bills. Will they have enough to ride the roller coaster together?
No. they don’t have enough money.

As there are a total number of students who choose roller coaster ride are 30 students, so ride ticket costs for 30 students is 30×$2= $60. As three students have a $10 bill which means $10×3= $30 and four students have a $5 bill which means $5×4= $20. So together the students have $30+$20= $50, and they need $60. So they don’t have enough money.

Review & Refresh

Question 4.
532 + 54 = ___
532 + 54 = 586.

On adding 532 and 54 we will get 586.

Question 5.
718 + 226 = ___
718+226= 944.

On adding 718 and 226 we will get 944.

Question 6.
81 + 647 = ___
81+647= 728.

On adding 81 and 647 we will get 728.

Lesson 14.3 Name Read and Interpret Graphs

Explore and Grow

You survey 12 students about their favorite school club. The results are shown on the picture graph. Represent the same data on the bar graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 30

The drama was chosen by 4 students,
Math was chosen by 2 students,
Robotics was chosen by 6 students.

Given each emoji represents two students,
To represent in a bar graph
Drama is represented with two emojis, which is 2×2= 4 students
Math is represented with one emoji, which is 1×2= 2 students
Robotics is represented with three emojis, which is 3×2= 6 students.
and represented in the graph as shown below.

How would you change the scale of the bar graph to match the picture graph?
The number of students will be represented with 2,4,6,8, etc., and change the scale of the bar graph to match the picture graph.

Think and Grow:
A bar graph shows data using bars. The scale of a bar graph is the group of labels that shows the values at equally spaced grid lines.
Use the graph to answer the questions.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 31
How many gold medals did Jamaica win?
Jamaica won ___ gold medals.
Which country won the fewest gold medals?
__ won the fewest gold medals.
Jamaica won 6 gold medals.
Sweden won the fewest gold medals.

In the above graph, we can see Jamaica won 6 gold medals and Sweden won the fewest gold medals.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Use the graph to answer the questions.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 32
How many students chose grapes? Which fruit is the most favorite?
Grapes were chosen by 10 students and the most favorite fruit is Apples.

In the above bar graph, we can see the number of students who chosen grapes are 10 students, and the most favorite fruit apples and the number of students who choose are 45 students.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
Use the graph to answer the questions.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 33
How many students does each grid line represent? How many students chose fall? Which season is the least favorite?
Each grid line represents four students and the fall was chosen by 18 students and the least favorite season is winter.

In the above bar graph, we can see that each grid line represents four students and we can see that the fall was chosen by 18 students. And the least favorite season is winter because winter was chosen by 10 students.

Question 3.
Use the graph to answer the questions.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 34
How many vegetable seeds did the farmer plant in all? The farmer wants to plant green bean seeds. She plants more green bean seeds than zucchini seeds, but fewer than carrot seeds. How many green bean seeds could the farmer have planted? The farmer plants 30 more potato seeds. Will the farmer have more potatoes or more corn?
The number of vegetable seeds did the farmer plant in all is four vegetables.
The number of green bean seeds that the farmer can plant is between 61 to 79 seeds.
The farmer will have more corn seeds than potato seeds.

As we can see in the bar graph the number of vegetable seeds is four. As we can see the number of zucchini seeds planted is 60 seeds and the number of carrot seeds planted is 80 seeds. As she planted more green bean seeds than zucchini seeds and fewer than carrot seeds, so the green bean seeds can be in between 61 to 79 seeds.
As we can see in the bar graph, the corn seeds are 95 seeds and the potato seeds are 45 seeds, so if 30 more seeds are added then the total potato seeds will be 45+30= 75 seeds. So farmers will have more corn seeds than potato seeds.

Question 4.
Do you think a bar graph or a picture graph is easier to read? Explain.
A picture graph is easier to read than a Bar graph.

A picture graph was represented using pictures or symbols and a bar graph was represented using bars and compares the data in each category using bars. So the picture graph is easier than a bar graph because in a picture graph we can easily calculate the values than in the bar graph.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

How many more students need to choose the strategy app so that strategy is the most favorite?
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 35
Understand the problem:
Make a plan:
___ more students need to choose the strategy app so it is the most favorite.
22 more students need to choose the strategy app so it is the most favorite.

As we can see in the above bar graph the strategy app was chosen by 20 numbers and if this strategy app needs to be the most favorite, then 22 more students needed to be chosen.

Show and Grow

Question 5.
Each grade needs to plant 20 trees. How many more trees does second grade need to plant to complete the goal?
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How many more trees did fourth-grade plant than first grade and third grade combined?
Second grade needs 6 more trees to plant to complete the goal.
The number of more trees that fourth-grade plant than first grade and third grade are 2 trees.

As we can see in the above bar graph, the second-grade students planted 14 trees and each grade needs to plant 20 trees. So second-grade needs 20-14= 6 more trees to plant to complete the goal.
The fourth grade planted 20 trees and first grade planted 8 trees and the third grade planted 10 plants,
so the total combined trees of first grade and third grade are 8+10= 18 trees. So the number of more trees that fourth-grade plant than first grade and third grade are 20-18= 2 trees.

Name Read and Interpret Graphs Homework & Practice 14.3

Question 1.
Use the graph to answer the questions.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 37
How many students does each grid line represent? Which type of exercise is the least favorite? How many fewer students chose running than swimming? How many students chose walking or biking?
Each grid line represents 10 students.
The 5 fewer students choose running than swimming.
Walking was chosen by 15 students and biking was chosen by 45 students.

As we can see in the bar graph that each grid line represents 10 students. And in the bar graph, we can see the skating contains 10 number of students which is the least favorite. The number of students who choose running is 30 students and the number of students who choose swimming is 35 students. So the 5 fewer students choose running than swimming. In the bar graph, we can see that walking was chosen by the 15 number of students, and biking was chosen by 45 students.

Question 2.
Use the graph to answer the questions.
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Which sunflowers are taller than 11 feet? Sunflower E has a height of 15 feet. How much taller is Sunflower A than Sunflower E?
Which sunflower is the shortest? Explain.
The sunflowers which are taller than 11 feet are Sunflower A and Sunflower D.
Sunflower A is 11 feet taller than Sunflower E.
Sunflower C is the shortest.

As we can see in the bar graph that the Sunflower A is 26 feet and Sunflower D is 16 feet, and Sunflower B is 10 feet, Sunflower C is 10 feet. So Sunflower A and Sunflower D are taller than 11 feet. Sunflower A is 26 feet and Sunflower E is 15 feet. So the Sunflower A is 26-15= 11 feet taller than Sunflower E. Sunflower C is the shortest, because Sunflower C has the least number of feet.

Question 3.
Modeling Real Life
Use the graph to answer the questions.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 40
How many more students need to choose chameleon so that chameleon is the most favorite? You survey 10 more students and they all choose snake. What is the new total number of students who chose snake? How many more students chose turtle than bearded dragon and lizard combined?
There must be 9 more number of students needed to choose Chameleon to be the most favorite.
The new total number of students who choose the snake is 19 students.
There are 3 students more students who choose turtle than bearded dragon and lizard.

As we can see in the bar graph that the total number of students is 30 and in that Chameleon was chosen by 21 number of students. So to choose chameleon as a most favorite then the total number should choose are 30-21=9 students. As we can see in the bar graph the total number of students who choose a snake is 9 students and if 10 more students choose a snake, then the total number of students who choose a snake will be 9+10=19 students. As we can see in the bar graph that the turtle was chosen by 27 students and the bearded dragon was chosen by 18 students and the lizard was chosen by 6 students. So the total number of students who choose bearded dragon and lizard are 18+6= 24 students and the turtle was chosen by 27 students, so there are 27-24= 3 students more students chooses turtle than bearded dragon and lizard.

Review & Refresh

Estimate the difference.

Question 4.
96 – 47 = __
96-47= 49.
The difference between 96 and 47 is 49.

Question 5.
678 – 142 = ___
678-142= 536.
The difference between 678 and 142 is 536.

Lesson 14.4 Make Bar Graphs

Explore and Grow

Spin the Color Spinner 10 times. Record the results. Then complete the bar graph.
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Explain how you would change the scale if you spin the spinner 100 times.

Think and Grow: Make Bar Graphs

You record the number of times each baseball team wins. The frequency table shows the results. Use the table to complete the bar graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 42
Step 1: Write the title at the top of the bar graph. Label a row for each category. Label the categories.
Step 2: Look at the numbers in the table. Use a scale so that most of the bars end on a grid line. Label the scale.
Step 3: Draw and shade a bar for each team.
Each grid line represents three wins.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 13
As given the values of the number of wins are the multiples of 3, so we will represent the number of wins with the multiples of 3. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents three wins.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Use the frequency table to complete the bar graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 43
Each grid line represents two number of students.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 12
In the given frequency table, we can see most of the values are multiplies of 2. So we represent the number of students by the multiplies of 2. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents two number of students.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
Use the frequency table to complete the bar graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 44
How would you use the graph to decide which type of fingerprint is the most common?
To decide which type of fingerprint is used most commonly, we will compare the heights of the bars, and then we will choose the most common fingerprint.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 14
In the given frequency table, we can see most of the values are multiplied by 25. So we represent the number of students by the multiplies of 25. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents twenty-five number of students.

Question 3.
Use the frequency table to complete the bar graph.
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Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 46
How many fewer students chose the least favorite type of food than the most favorite type of food?
The least favorite type of food chosen by vegetarians and the most favorite type of food was chosen by Mexican.
And each grid line represents four number of students.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 15

In the given frequency table, we can see most of the values are multiplies of 4. So we represent the number of students by the multiplies of 4. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents four number of students.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

You survey 27 students about their favorite subject. Nine students choose science. Six fewer students choose English than science. The rest of the students choose math. Complete the bar graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 47
Each grid line represents three number of students.
The total number of students who choose math is 15 students.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 16
In the given frequency table, we can see most of the values are multiplies of 3. So we represent the number of students by the multiplies of 3. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents three number of students.
As the total number of students for the survey is 27 students in that nine students choose science, and six fewer students choose English than Science, which means 9-6= 3. So 3 students choose Science. And the rest of the students chooses math, which means we add the two subjects and then subtract from the total number of students, then we can get the value of the students who choose math. So the total number of students who choose English and Science are 9+3= 12 and then subtract with the total number of students, which means 27-12= 15. So the total number of students who choose math is 15 students.

Show and Grow

Question 4.
You survey 22 students about their favorite camp activity. Eight students choose archery. Four more students choose swimming than archery. The rest of the students choose hiking. Complete the bar graph.
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Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 49
How many fewer students chose archery than swimming and hiking combined?
Six fewer students chose archery than swimming and hiking combined.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 17
In the given frequency table, we can see most of the values are multiplies of 2. So we represent the number of students by the multiplies of 2. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents three number of students.
The number of students who choose archery is eight students and in that four more students choose swimming than archery, which means 8+4= 12 students choose swimming. And the rest choose hiking, which means we will add the number of students who choose archery and swimming and then subtract the value with the total number of students. So the number of students who choose archery and swimming is 8+12= 20, and the number of students who choose hiking is 22-20= 2. The total number of students who choose swimming and hiking combined is 12+2= 14 students, and archery was chosen by 8 students. So 14-8= 6 fewer students choose archery than swimming and hiking combined.

Make Bar Graphs Homework & Practice 14.4

Question 1.
Use the frequency table to complete the bar graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers 3rd Grade Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 50
How many students does each grid line represent? How would you use the graph to find the most favorite type of music?
Each grid line represents five number of students. By using the graph, we will compare the heights of the graphs and pick the most favorite music.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 18

As given the values of the number of students are the multiples of 5, so we will represent the number of students with the multiples of 5. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents five number of students. By using the graph, we will compare the heights of the graphs and pick the most favorite music.

Question 2.
Use the frequency table to complete the bar graph.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 51
On the last day of school, each backpack weighs less than 5 pounds. How could the scale of the bar graph change?
We will subtract the given values by 5 pounds and then we will represent those values in a graph.

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As given the values of the number of pounds are the multiples of 4, so we will represent the number of pounds with the multiples of 4. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents four pounds. As on the last day, each backpack weighs less than 5 pounds, which means we will subtract the given values by 5, and then we will represent those values in a graph.

Question 3.
Modeling Real Life
You survey 26 teachers about their favorite vacation spot. Six teachers choose amusement park. Two more teachers choose camping than amusement park. The rest of the teachers choose beach. Complete the bar graph.
How many fewer teachers chose camping than amusement park and beach combined?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 52
The beaches were chosen by 12 teachers.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 20
As given the values of the number of teachers are most of them are multiples of 2, so we will represent the number of teachers with the multiples of 2. To represent these values in a bar graph, we will represent those data with rectangular bars with proper heights and lengths by the given values. And those bars are plotted vertically or horizontally. In the above bar graph, we can see each grid line represents five number of students. By using the graph, we will compare the heights of the graphs and pick the most favorite music. As amusement park was chosen by six teachers and two more teachers choose camping than the amusement park, so camping was chosen by 6+2= 8 teachers. And the rest of the teachers choose the beach, which means we will add both the vacation amusement park and camping and then subtract by the total number of teachers. So the total number of teachers who choose both amusement parks and camping is 6+8= 14 teachers, so the teachers who choose the beach are 26-14= 12 teachers.

Review & Refresh

Find the difference.

Question 4.
474 – 19 = ___
474 – 19 = 455.

The difference between 474 and 19 is 455.

Question 5.
615 – 204 = ___
615 – 204 = 411.

The difference between 615 and 204 is 411.

Question 6.
232 – 53 = ___
232 – 53 =179.

The difference between 232 and 53 is 179.

Lesson 14.5 Make Line Plots

Explore and Grow

A teacher asks students to line up according to the number of siblings they have. The results are shown. Create a Line Plot for the number of siblings the students in your class have.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 53

The students that have 0 siblings in the line plot 1 is 2,
The students that have 1 sibling in the line plot 1 is 11,
The students that have 2 siblings in the line plot 1 is 5,
The students that have 3 siblings in the line plot 1 is 2,
The students that have 0 siblings in the line plot 2 is 1,
The students that have 1 sibling in the line plot 2 is 6,
The students that have 2 siblings in the line plot 2 is 3,
The students that have 3 siblings in the line plot 2 is 2.
Compare the two line plots. How are the line plots the same? How are they different?
The line plots are the same in that each class has a maximum of 3 siblings and varies in the count of siblings.

Comparing the two-line plots we can see the count of siblings varies and the two number line plots are the same that the class has the maximum number of siblings is 3.

Think and Grow: Make Line Plots
A lion plot uses marks above a number line to show data values.
The table shows the weights of 15 bald eagles. Use the table to complete the line plot.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 54
Step 1: write the title at the top of the line plot.
Step 2 : Look at the numbers in the table. Use a scale that shows all of the data values. Draw a number line using the scale. Label the scale.
Step 3 : Mark an X for each data value.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 55
A line plot can be defined as a graph that displays the given data as a point above a number line.

The eagles that weigh 3kgs are 2,
The eagles that weigh 4kgs are 6,
The eagles that weigh 5kgs are 4,
The eagles that weigh 6kgs are 2.

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Use the table to complete the line plot.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 56
A line plot can be defined as a graph that displays the given data as a point above a number line.


Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 21
A line plot can be defined as a graph that displays the given data as a point above a number line. As the given values are mostly are multiples of 3, so we will represent the number of inches by multiples of 3. And now we will place the check marks on the given values.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
Use the table to complete the line plot.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 57
How many waves were 26 feet tall or taller?
There are 11 waves that were 26 feet tall or taller.


Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 28

A line plot can be defined as a graph that displays the given data as a point above a number line. As the given values are mostly a series of numbers from 25 to 30, so we will represent the number of feet by a series of numbers from 25 to 30. And now we will place the check marks on the given values.

Question 3.
Use the table to complete the line plot.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 58
Which giraffe tongue length is the most common?
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The most common giraffe tongue lengths are 20 inches.


Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data img 29

A line plot can be defined as a graph that displays the given data as a point above a number line. As the given values are mostly a series of numbers from 17 to 21, so we will represent the number of feet by a series of numbers from 17 to 21. And now we will place the check marks on the given values. The most common giraffe tongue lengths are 20 inches.

How many giraffe tongues are 19 inches long?
The 19 inches long giraffe tongues are 3.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

What is the difference in height of the tallest student and the shortest student?
Subtraction equation:
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 60
The difference in height is ___ inches.
The difference in height is 6 inches.

As we can see in the above number plot, the height of the tallest student is 56 inches, and the height of the shortest student is 50 inches. And the difference between them is 56-50= 6 inches.

Show and Grow

Question 4.
What is the difference between the greatest number of floors and the least number of floors?
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 61
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 62
How many fewer skyscrapers are there with over 50 floors than skyscrapers with under 50 floors?
The fewer skyscrapers are there with over 50 floors than skyscrapers with under 50 floors are 11.

The greatest number of floors is 8 floors and the least number of floors are 2,
so the difference between the greatest number of floors and the least number of floors is 8-2= 6.
The skyscrapers over 50 floors are 32 and the skyscrapers with under 50 floors are 21,
The fewer skyscrapers are there with over 50 floors than skyscrapers with under 50 floors are 32-21= 11.

Make Line Plots Homework & Practice 14.5

Question 1.
Use the table to complete the line plot.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 63
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 3 Chapter 14 Represent and Interpret Data 64
How many snakes are longer than 10 feet?
Which snake length is the most common?
The snakes which are longer than 10 feet are 1.

The number of snakes which are 5 feet are 1,
The number of snakes which are 6 feet are 3,
The number of snakes which are 7 feet are 3,
The number of snakes which are 8 feet are 0,
The number of snakes which are 9 feet are 2,
The number of snakes which are 10 feet are 4,
The number of snakes which are 11 feet is 1.

Question 2.
Use the table to complete the line plot.
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Are most of the students able to complete 30 sit-ups? Explain.

No, the students who completed 30 sit-ups are 1 student.

The number of students who completed 27 sit-ups is 6 students.
The number of students who completed 28 sit-ups is 1 student.
The number of students who completed 29 sit-ups is 3 students.
The number of students who completed 30 sit-ups is 1 student.
The number of students who completed 32 sit-ups is 3 students.

Student H completed more sit-ups than Student F, but fewer sit-ups than Student B. How many sit-ups could Student H have completed?


Question 3.
Modeling Real Life
What is the difference of the most number of miles biked and the least number of miles biked?
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The most number of miles biked and the least number of miles biked 5.

The most number of miles biked are 6 bikes and the least number of miles biked is 1 bike,
so the difference between the most number of miles biked and the least number of miles biked is 6-1= 5.

Review & Refresh

Find the sum or difference. Use the inverse operation to check.

Question 4.
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On adding 523 and 237 we will get 760. Here, we will subtract 237 with 760 to check the inverse operation, so 760-237= 523.

Question 5.
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The difference between 403 and 252 is 151. Here we will add 151 and 252 to check the inverse operation, so 252+151= 403.

Question 6.
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On adding 612 and 387 we will get 999. Here, we will subtract 387 with 999 to check the inverse operation, so 999-387= 612.

Lesson 14.6 Measure Lengths: Half Inch

Explore and Grow

How much longer is the green ribbon than the yellow ribbon? How do you know?
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The green ribbon is 1 inch longer than the yellow ribbon.

The green ribbon is 1 inch longer than the yellow ribbon. By measuring the ribbons using a ruler we can know that the green ribbon is longer than the yellow ribbon.

How much longer is the purple ribbon than the orange ribbon? How do you know?
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The purple ribbon is 1 inch longer than the orange ribbon.

The purple ribbon is 1 inch longer than the orange ribbon. By measuring the ribbons using a ruler we can know that the purple ribbon is longer than the orange ribbon.
How can you use a ruler to measure an object to the nearest half inch?
If the object is closer to the half-inch mark than the zero inches then it’s half-inch is measured.

We will use the ruler by marking the objects it’s starting pointing and ending point and then measure the length of that object. If the object is closer to the half-inch mark than the zero inches then it’s half-inch is measured.

Think and Grow: Measure Lengths: Half Inch

Not all objects are whole numbers of inches long. You can use a ruler to measure length to the nearest half inch. Remember to line up the end of the object with 0.
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Measure the length of each string to the nearest half inch. The string is \(\frac{3}{2}\) inches long. You can also represent the length as 1 whole inch and one \(\frac{1}{2}\) inch, or 1\(\frac{1}{2}\) inches.
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The string is between \(\frac{1}{2}\) inch and 1 inch long. The half-inch marking that is closest to end of the string is \(\frac{3}{2}\). So, the string is about \(\frac{3}{2}\) inch long.
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Measure the length of each line to the nearest half inch. Then record each length on the line plot.
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The number of strings with half-inch length is 1.

The number of strings with half-inch length is 1,
The number of strings with one and half-inch length  is 1,
The number of strings with two-inch length  is 2,

Show and Grow

Question 1.
Measure the length of each line to the nearest half-inch. Then record each length on the line plot above.
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Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
Measure the length of each line to the nearest half inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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How might the scale change if the length of the line below is recorded on the line plot?

Question 3.
Measure the length of each toy to the nearest half inch. Then record each length on the line plot.
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Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Measure the lengths of 10 crayons to the nearest half inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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Show and Grow

Question 4.
Measure the lengths of 10 shoes to the nearest half inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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What is the length of the longest shoe? What is the length of the shortest shoe?

Measure Lengths: Half Inch Homework & Practice 14.6

Question 1.
Measure the length of each ribbon to the nearest half inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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How many pretzel sticks are 1 inch?

Question 2.
Descartes says the pencil is 3\(\frac{1}{2}\) inches long. Is he correct? Explain.
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Question 3.
Your friend’s wrist measures \(\frac{13}{2}\) inches around. His friendship bracelet is 6\(\frac{1}{2}\) inches. Will the bracelet fit around his wrist?

Question 4.
Modeling Real Life
Measure the lengths of 10 plant leaves to the nearest half inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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What is the length of the longest leaf? What is the length of the shortest leaf? What leaf length is the most common?

Review & Refresh

Find the product.

Question 5.
5 × 30 = ___

The product of 5×30 is 150.

Question 6.
9 × 50 = ___

The product of 9×50 is 450.

Question 7.
6 × 70 = ___

The product of 6×70= 420.

Lesson 14.7 Measure Lengths: Quarter Inch

Explore and Grow

How much longer is the green ribbon than the yellow ribbon? How do you know?
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How much longer is the purple ribbon than the orange ribbon? How do you know?
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Measure the line to the nearest half inch and the nearest quarter inch. Which measurement is better? Why?
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Think and Grow : Measure Lengths: Quarter Inch

You know how to use a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest half inch. You can also use a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest quarter-inch.
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Measure the length of each string to the nearest quarter inch. The string is \(\frac{7}{4}\) inches long. You can also represent the length as 1 whole inch and three \(\frac{1}{4}\) inches or 1\(\frac{1}{3}\) inches.
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The string is between 1 inch and 1\(\frac{1}{4}\) inches long. The quarter-inch marking that is closest to the end of the string is 1\(\frac{1}{4}\). So, the string is about 1\(\frac{1}{4}\) inches long.
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Measure the length of each line to the nearest quarter inch. Then record each length on the line plot
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Show and Grow

Question 1.
Measure the length of each line to the nearest quarter inch. Then record each length on the line plot above.
____ ______ ______

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 2.
Measure the length of each line to the nearest quarter inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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How might the scale change if the two lines below are recorded in the line plot?

Question 3.
Measure the length of each eraser to the nearest quarter inch. Then record each length on the line plot.
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Question 4.
Draw a line that measures 5\(\frac{3}{4}\) inches long.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Measure the lengths of 10 pencils to the nearest quarter inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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Show and Grow

Question 5.
Measure the heights of 10 books to the nearest quarter inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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Write and answer a question about your line plot.

Measure Lengths: Quarter Inch Homework & Practice 14.7

Question 1.
Measure the length of each celery stick to the nearest quarter inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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Which celery stick length is the most common?

Question 2.
Which One Doesn’t Belong? Which does not belong with the other three ?
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Question 3.
Find the length of the caterpillar to the nearest quarter inch. Explain.
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Question 4.
Modeling Real Life
Measure the lengths of your 10 fingers to the nearest quarter inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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Write and answer a question about your line plot.

Review & Refresh

What fraction of the whole is shaded?

Question 5.
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5/6 is shaded.

As we can see in the above image the circle was divided into 6 parts and in that 5 parts are shaded. So the fraction of the whole shaded part is 5/6 part was shaded.

Question 6.
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2/4= 1/2 part was shaded.

As we can see in the rectangle was divided into four parts, and in that two parts are shaded. So the fraction of the whole shaded part is 2/4= 1/2 part was shaded.

Represent and Interpret Data Performance Task

Question 1.
You plant 3 bamboo seeds during the first week. You measure and record the growth of your bamboo plants for the next 3 weeks.
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a. Find the height of each plant after the fourth week. Make a bar graph of the plant heights.
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The height of each plant after the fourth week is
Plant A 4 in,
Plant B 4 in,
Plant C 5 in.
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b. Do you think any of the plants will be taller than 15 inches after 5 weeks? Explain.
No, I think that no plant will be taller than 15 inches after 5 weeks.

No plant will be taller than 15 inches after 5 weeks, because we can see that the growth of each plant takes a minimum of 1 or 2 weeks.

Question 2.
a. Measure and record the height of each bamboo plant on Bamboo Growth to the nearest quarter inch.
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b. Which height occurs the most?

Roll and Graph

1. Players take turns rolling a die.
2. Record each of your rolls on your line plot.
3. The first player to get 10 rolls of one number wins!
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Represent and Interpret Data Chapter Practice

14.1 Read and Interpret Picture Graphs

Question 1.
Use the graph to answer the questions. How many tickets were sold in August?
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How many more tickets were sold in July or August than in May, June, or September?
Which month had more ticket sales than June, but fewer ticket sales than July? How many tickets were sold this month?
The number of tickets sold in August is 80+10= 90 tickets.
50 tickets more were sold in July or August than in May, June, or September.
In the month of August the ticket sale is more than June, but fewer ticket sales than July. The total number of tickets sold in the month of August is 90 tickets.

As each ticket image represents 20 tickets and the half ticket represents 10 tickets so
The number of tickets sold in August is 4×20= 80 and one-half ticket represents 10
the number of tickets sold in August is 80+10= 90 tickets.
The tickets sold in July are 5×20= 100 and tickets sold in august are 90,
so the total number of tickets sold in July and August is 100+90= 190 tickets.
And the tickets sold in the month of May are 2×20= 40 tickets,
the tickets sold in the month of June are 3×20= 60 tickets and one half ticket image which is 10 tickets,
so the total number of tickets sold is 60+10= 70 tickets.
the tickets sold in the month of September are 1×20= 20tickets and one half ticket image which is 10 tickets,
so the total number of tickets sold is 20+10= 30 tickets.
The total tickets sold in the month of May, June, or September is 40+70+30=140,
So the tickets were sold in July or August than in May, June or September is 190-140= 50.
In the month of August the ticket sale is more than June, but fewer ticket sales than July. The total number of tickets sold in the month of August is 90 tickets.

14.2 Make Picture Graphs

Question 2.
You collect supplies for an animal shelter. You receive 4 collars, 20 tennis balls, 18 dog bones, and 12 cat toys. Complete the picture graph.
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Each circle is 2 supplies.

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Let each circle be 2 supplies,
As there are 4 collars, so we will represent them with two circles,
and 20 tennis balls, so we will represent them with ten circles,
and  18 dog bones, so we will represent them with nine circles,
and 12 cat toys we will represent them with six circles.

Question 3.
A zookeeper takes care of 30 animals. There are 6 monkeys, 12 flamingos, and 9 kangaroos. The rest of the animals are giraffes. Complete the picture graph.
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The number of giraffes is 3.

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Let each circle be 3 animals,
The total number of animals is 30,
As there are 6 monkeys, so we will represent them with two circles,
and the Flamingos is 12, so we will represent them with four circles,
the kangaroos are 9, so we will represent them with three circles,
so to find giraffes we will add all the three types of animals and then subtract them with the total number of animals, so 6+12+9= 27, and the total number of animals are 30.
So the number of giraffes is 30-27= 3 we will represent them with one circle.

14.3 Read and Interpret Bar Graphs

Question 4.
Use the graph to answer the questions. How many more fireflies does your friend catch on Thursday than on Monday?
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What do you notice about the number of fireflies caught from Monday to Thursday?

On which two days did your friend catch 10 fireflies combined?
You catch 5 fireflies on Monday, 4 fireflies on Tuesday, 8 fireflies on Wednesday, and 7 fireflies on Thursday. Who caught more fireflies at camp?
Answer: 24
The number of fireflies does my friend catch on Thursday than on Monday is 8.
We can observe that the increase in the graph from Monday to Thursday.
My friend caught more fireflies at camp than I.

The fireflies caught on Monday are 3 and the fireflies caught on Thursday are 11, so
the number of fireflies does my friend catch on Thursday than on Monday are 11-3= 8 fireflies.
We can observe that the increase in the graph from Monday to Thursday.
The fireflies caught by me are 5+4+8+7= 24 and the fireflies caught by my friend is 3+4+7+11= 25 files,
so my friend caught more fireflies at camp than I.

14.4 Make Bar Graphs

Question 5.
Use the frequency table to complete the bar graph.
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Another student, Student E, has 45 trading cards. How would the bar graph change?

The bar of student E will be the highest.

As student E has 45 trading cards, then the bar of student E will be the highest.

Modeling Real Life
Including the number of trading cards of Student E, order the numbers of cards from least to greatest.
The number of trading cards of Student E, order the numbers of cards from least to greatest are
Student C, Student B, Student D, Student A, and the student E.

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The order of the number of cards from least to greatest are
Students C who has 10 cards,
Student B who has 15 cards,
Student D who has 15 cards,
Student A who has 30 cards,
and Student E who has 45 cards.

14.5 Make Line Plots

Question 6.
Use the table to complete the line plot.
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The number of  trees with 19 meters is 4 trees,
The number of  trees with 21 meters is 3 trees,
The number of  trees with 22 meters is 1 tree,
The number of  trees with 23 meters is 1 tree,
The number of  trees with 24 meters is 3 trees,

14.6 Measure Lengths: Half Inch

Question 7.
Measure the length of each snail trail from a snail race to the nearest half inch. Record each length on the line plot.
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The lengths of each snail trail from a snail race to the nearest half-inch are

Modeling Real Life
What is the length of the longest snail trail? What is the length of the shortest snail trail?
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The longest snail trail is 6 inches and the shortest is 1/2 inch.

The length of the longest snail trail is 6 inches and the length of the shortest snail trail 1/2 inch.

14.7 Measure the Lengths: Quarter Inch

Question 8.
Measure the length of each feather to the nearest quarter inch. Then record each length on the line plot.
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To measure the feathers to the nearest quarter inch, we will label the marks and then measure the length to the nearest quarter inch.


To measure the feathers to the nearest quarter inch, we will label the marks and then measure the length to the nearest quarter inch.
The length of feather 1 is 4 1/4 inch,
The length of feather 2 is 1/4 inch,
The length of feather 3 is 2 2/4 inch,
The length of feather 4 is 1/4 inch,
The length of feather 5 is 2 3/4 inch.